eTwinning a.s. 2011-2012
Lesson plan Teaching materials Students’ products
RULES AND ME eTwinning Project 2011 2012 OBJECTIVE: The aim of this project is to make students aware that rules are needed to live together. And school is the first social environment they have experience of, so school rules are very important. These rules shall be shared between the participating classes and experiences shall be compared in order to identify similarities and differences with the aim also to increase the feeling of being ‘European Citizens”. PROCEDURE: I planned this project using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats ® and Bloom’s Revised Digital Taxonomy. STEP
1 Rules around you
There are rules in many contexts of which our students have experience (games, home, maths, grammar, etc.). They will build together a mindmap trying to group all these ‘places”
MINDMAP online tool so that each class can add to the same map or simply modify it.
WHITE HAT (knowledge)
2 Advantages / Disadvantages of having rules BLACK HAT + YELLOW HAT (analyze)
3 Why are there rules? BLUE HAT (understand) What is your
Students will identify Surveymonkey or key advantages and Google forms disadvantages to propose in a poll the other classes. The results of the poll shall be analysed and made into graphs and percentages to identify two or three key advantages and disadvantages. Students will be asked to say why they think there are rules and to express their feelings about rules. Students will be encouraged to
TodaysMeet or Blog The first is an online text chat with the possibility of comments and the other is a blog
experience of rules? RED HAT (evaluate) 4 Rules in my school
comment in reply to what other students say. Students identify the rules in their school as the first social context in which they act. They will share the rules of their school with the students of the other classes in the project. They can also think of possibile icons to put on the walls of the school which illustrate the rules students need to respect.
WIKI to share the rules in each school
Students will be asked to think what would happen if there GREEN HAT (create) weren’t rules in the school. They can do it in a play, a song, comics, etc.
ANY tool we believe suitable to sharing and commenting on the experience
WHITE HAT (knowledge)
5 A school without rules
Image gallery with photos taken in the school with the icons of the rules
6 Thinking Hats By Marilina Lonigro from the idea of Edward De Bono
What is it? Colours have an effect on feelings. In many languages there are phrases linking colours to a feelings: IT verde …… dalla rabbia rosso ……. per la vergogna vedere ……. nero = essere pessimista EN: to be …… blue = to be depressed to be …… green = to be immature to see …… red = to be very angry
Thinking Hats If there is a problem situation you need to look at it from different viewpoints, that is why you need HATS of DIFFERENT COLOURS
When you wear hats of different colours, the colours can control and direct your thoughts………
White HAT Bloom’s Knowledge level
It is for facts, data, figures.
What do you know? What do you need to know?
Where can you find the information?
Blue Hat
Bloom’s Comprehension level
It is for reflection, thinking
What have we learnt? How can we take action? What can we do next?
Red Hat Bloom’s Evalutation level
It is for feelings, emotions
How do I feel when‌? How do I react to a situation?
Green Hat Bloom’s Synthesis level
It is for creativity, new ideas, imagination What if…….? What new ideas can you think of? Can you create/Are there other ways of doing it?
Yellow Hat Bloom’s Analysis level
It is for advantages, optimism, opportunities What are the benefits? What is good of….? What did you like of…?
Black Hat Bloom’s Analysis level
It is for risks, dangers, weaknesses, judgement
What are the consequences? What should you be cautious of?
What is your advice on this?
Color in the hats of the right colour for the question next to it. Keep this card to help you remember the HATS.
What are the facts?
How do you feel about this?
What problems might happen?
What are the good things?
What are other ways?
- What are the benefits?
- What are some new ideas?
How did you come up with your idea? .....-......What will you do next? Created by Kristyn M. Case, Pottville Area School District
What are the advantages of rules? - brainstorming and voting | tricider
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What are the advantages of rules? This is a brainstorming about the advantages of rules. Add new ideas on why rules are important by clicking on the blue button at the bottom. Or add an argument in favour or against one of the ideas. Vote the best ideas!
Pros and cons
You always know what to do
pro: you are ok at school and at home
by Marilina
by mariano ferraro
pro: gli svantaggi sono che si deve venire per
forza a scuola invece se non c'erano le regole noi nn p... more by chiara gazzillo 1°D
arianna . Boban Vostrovsky fabiola daddato Felice felice carbone 1D felice petrignani Francesca francesca scoccimarro 1D francesco francesco di perna gianpaolo mariangela cellammare 1d mariangela cellammare 1D mariano ferraro mariano ferraro 1d Marketa Divisova Miriana di bari Monika KerblovĂĄ ondra sabino 1 d Sarka Horvathova vincenzo viviana nenna Hide
feel peace whit the other by felice carbone 1D
pro: i think that we could not live without rules by mariangela cellammare 1D
annalisa musicco 1d Boban Vostrovsky claudio fabiola daddato Francesca francesco francesco di perna mariagela cellammare 1D mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova miriana e angela Monika KerblovĂĄ ondra Sarka Horvathova viviana nenna Zaneta.Sulikova Hide
The rules are importants becouse with the rules live in perfect harmony by Sabino e Giuseppe 1D
30/03/2012 19.48
What are the advantages of rules? - brainstorming and voting | tricider
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andrea annalisa musicco 1d Boban Vostrovsky fabiola daddato 1D felice carboe Francesca francesca scoccimarro 1D mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova miriana e angela Monika Kerblová sabino Sarka Horvathova viviana nenna Zaneta Sulikova žaneta Hide annalisa musicco 1d Boban Vostrovsky fabiola daddato 1D felice carbone francesca Francesca Francesca Niccoli mariangela e fabiola 1d mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblová Sarka Horvathova
you are ok at school and at home and at gym by Felice
Zaneta Sulikova žaneta Hide andrea Angela e Miriana
without the rules the word is caos by felice carbone 1D
annalisa musicco 1 d Boban Vostrovsky claudiok fabiola daddato mariangela cellammare 1D mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblová ondra Sarka Horvathova viviana nenna pietro pascuadibisceglie Zaneta Sulikova Hide
The vantage of rules is live better by angelica trinchillo 1d
pro: The vantage of rules is the respect by by francesco di perna 1d
andrea annalisa musicco 1D fabiola daddato 1D francesca scoccimarro 1D mariano ferraro marketa Divisova Miriana e Angela Monika Kerblová Sarka Horvathova viviana nenna Zaneta Sulikova žaneta Hide
30/03/2012 19.48
What are the advantages of rules? - brainstorming and voting | tricider
3 di 4
The rules are important because are foundamental for one democratic society by francesco di perna 1d
annalisa musicco annalisa musicco 1 D claudio minetti fabiola daddato 1D felice carbone francesca scoccimarro 1D francesco di perna Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblová Sarka Horvathova žaneta Hide
must be educated with respect to all school teachers by fabiola daddato 1D
fabiola daddato mariangela cellammare1D Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblová ondra Sarka Horvathova Zaneta Sulikova Hide
senza le regole si potrebbe distruggere la scuola by felice carbone 1D
angelica trinchillo 1d annalisa musicco 1 d fabiola daddato felice Francesca Niccoli Francesco di perna mariangela cellammare 1D žaneta Hide
The rules are importants becouse without rules create chaus
Felice Francesca Niccoli mariangela0 cellammare 1D mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblová Sarka Horvathova žaneta Hide
dobbiamo essere educati nei confronti degli insegnanti e venire puntuali a scuola. Molti di noi nn se ne importano nnt ma se nn ci fossero queste regole che ci impediscono di fare quello che vogliamo i nostri timpani si saranno rotti ^_^
annalisa musicco 1 d Boban Vostrovsky fabiola daddato 1D francesca scoccimarro 1D kuba mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblova Sarka Horvathova Zaneta SULIKOVA Hide
by by aurora rizzi 1°a -ita
essere educati rispettare l'ambiente by fabiana mango 1d
annalisa musicco 1 D annalisa musicco 1 d Boban Vostrovsky fabiola daddato 1D felice carbone francesco di perna mariano ferrar
30/03/2012 19.48
What are the advantages of rules? - brainstorming and voting | tricider
4 di 4
Sarka Horvathova žaneta Hide
The vantage of rules is friend ship by viviana nenna
annalisa musicco 1d Boban Vostrovsky mariano ferraro Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblová ondra Zaneta Sulikova Hide
you don't argue
annalisa musicco 1 d antonio mariano ferraro Monika Kerblová Sarka Horvathova Zaneta Sulikovqa žaneta Hide
senza regole, ora non saremmo qui a scuola ma a divertirci!!
mariano ferraroù Marketa Divisova Monika Kerblova ondra Sarka Horvathova Hide
Those who say that "I live without rules", while they were saying this sentence, actually they would put rules in their own life. by Kutlukent 80. Yıl Primary School 4/B
annalisa musicco 1 d mariano ferraro Monika Kerblova ondra Hide
30/03/2012 19.48
Voki Classroom Management System
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Red Hat Activity — Class 1D Wear your red hat and tell us how you feel when there are a lot of rules and when there are no rules. Write your feelings and then record it.
Student Voki
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29/12/2012 8.52
Road signs for the school
A YouTube video