Evacuatr poster

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EVACUATR Res ear chQues t i ons

Pr obl em St at ement T he abi l i t yofaut hor i t i est or es pond t o anemer gency,maki ng bes tus eofs pat i al i nf or mat i onandnovel geoi nf or mat i cst echnol ogy( GI )s ol ut i ons ,hasbecome par amountasmeansofs avi ng l i vesand r es our cesand coor di nat i ng ef f or t s ,i nmoder ns oci et y. Whi l es ever alappl i cat i onsof f ers ol ut i onsf oraut hor i t i est o make bes thave ai med ataddr es s i ng t he communi cat i on gap bet weenaut hor i t i esandci t i z ensaf f ect edbyanemer gency. I nt hi spr oj ect ,weai mt oaddr es st hi st echnol ogygap,bybui l di nganappl i cat i onwhi chcanbeus edbydi s as t ermanagement agenci est o di s s emi nat e evacuat i oni ns t r uct i ons ,di r ect l yt ot he peopl eaf f ect edbyanemer gency,us i ngt hei rmobi l ephonesas amedi um.

1.Whatdat aandGIt echnol ogyr equi r ement sar eneces s ar yf or devel opi ngs uchanappl i cat i onf orevacuat i onpl anni ng? 2.How coul d a GI Sappl i cat i ons uppor taut hor i t i esi nmanagi ng evacuat i on pr ocedur es i n emer gency s cenar i os ? And how woul dt hi sal l ow aut hor i t i est o communi cat e emer gency r es pons eact i onsdi r ect l yt oci t i z ensont hegr ound? 3.Whatf unct i onal i t i ess houl ds uchanappl i cat i oni ncl ude?And how coul dt he powerofopen s our ce GIt echnol ogi esbe har nes s edt oadvancet hes ef unct i onal i t i es ?


S etup s pat i al l yenabl ed Pos t gr eS QLdat abas e

S etupwebGI Sf r amewor k us i ngHT ML ,CS SandJ avaS cr i pt



S etupPHPt oconnectt o andmani pul at edat ai nt he dat abas eus i ngaXAMPPs t ack wi t hanApachewebs er ver STEP 3

T es tandval i dat ef unct i onal r equi r ement sofappl i cat i on


3. Peopl ewi t hi nt he evacuat i onz onewi l l r ecei vei ndi vi dual evacuat i oni ns t r uct i onsori ns t r uct i onst o s t ayatt hei rcur r ent pos i t i onandavoi dt he i nci dentar ea dent i f yi nci dent 1.I l ocat i onands el ect s i z eofevacuat i on buf f er



wi t hi nbuf f er ar ea& s endevacuat i oni ns t r uct i ons

MadsChr i s t ens en,Mar i naGeor gat i ,Gi or gosKar ami t i l i osandL ukasPet er s en|Aal bor gUni ver s i t y

T heHT ML 5l ogoi sl i cens edunderCr eat i veCommonsAt t r i but i on3. 0— al l ar ef r eet ous eandr ei magi neast heys eef i t .

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