Αrchitectural portfolio

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Architectural Portfolio Marina Georgati



Education 2017-present

Geoinformatics, Aalborg University Copenhagen


Master Degree in Architecture, National Technical University of Athens


Undergraduate Degree from 1st Lyceum of Ioannina

Working Experience 2014-2016

Independent assignments, supported a freelance architect on small scale projects and graphic design


Intern at orca INTERIORS on office renovation (Oct ‘13- Dec ’13)


| Intern at NTUA based on ‘Analysis of Traditional Buildings and Complexes’ (Oct ‘12- Mar ‘13)

Workshops, Exhibitions 2017


Diploma project exhibited at European Researchers’ Night, NTUA Diploma project exhibited at Horizons, Ioannina

Marina Georgati

“How do we democratize cities?”, Workshop by Exploring Experimental Cities Conference

T: 0030. 69 47 138535

Work exhibited at [OUT] TOPIAS, Benaki Museum & Prague Quadrennial Work exhibited at European Researchers’ Night, NTUA


“Re- Vamping Paramythias” upcycling Workshop by TransforDesign Col, Remap 4, Athens, Greece

Continuing education 2014

Future Trends in Building Envelopes at Megaron, Athens Concert Hall, by ELVIAL COLOUR- ETEM


60 hours seminar about the building energy consumption software (Technical Chamber of Greece)

A: Terrasserne 8, Bronshoj, CPH E: geo_marina@hotmail.com S: marina.georgati linkedin: Marina Georgati Behance: marina georgati

Additional Information 2015

Volunteer in Open House Athens, welcoming the public and touring


Volunteer in non- governmental environmental organisation


About me I am currently enrolled in the Geoinformatics MSc programme at the University of Aalborg, Copenhagen Campus, after graduating with a Masters diploma in Architecture from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Studying at the NTUA gave me competencies in the fields of architecture, urban and spatial planning, and in buildings engineering. I was initially overwhelmed by completing work in multiple scales at a time, but I now believe it to be the most effective way of deeply understanding a situation and dynamically addressing and solving the challenges posed by each case. During my studies, I set high standards and ambitiously worked towards my goals. Working in teams over extended periods of time, completing both field and desktop work, was an integral part of my degree; nurturing my ability to work on multiple tasks and to meet deadlines while at the same time enjoying groupwork. Throughout my studies and team collaborations, punctuality, adaptability, and effectiveness have proven to be my characteristic strengths.


C o n t e n t s






Τhe art of the silversmith as a reference for an architectural design in the city of Ioannina, Greece

‘Hilling’ Over Shenzhen China

Urban Interventions through Knosou St. Patissia, Athens

Public Library Ilioupoli, Athens


p. 4-13

p. 14-19

p. 20-25

p. 26-33

p. 34-38


01 Τhe art of the silversmith as a reference for an architectural design in the city of Ioannina Diploma Project Architectural Design Ioannina, Greece 2016 - 2017 Coworking _ E. Adamidi Supervisors _ I. Zachariadis, M. Kafritsa



Urban Interventions The overarching subject of the diploma project is the connection of silversmithing and the city of Ioannina. In the project’s first section the concurrent evolution of silversmithing and the development of the city are explored, revealing the relationship between the two and underlining the importance of this connection. The project’s main theme is the development of a new silversmithing school along with supporting facilities in the city of Ioannina. The city’s evolution over the years, the role of silversmithing in the city’s growth, and the selection of the specific land parcel to be developed have dictated the need for a broader urban development approach in this proposal. With the introduction of the school, a non-developed part of the city becomes alive and interacts with the existing urban structure acting as the connecting piece between the historical city centre and the city’s more modern part. The concept’s placement creates interactions on the city-nature antithesis and acts as a cultural cell, while facilitating the reintroduction of silversmithing in the urban network of Ioannina’s historical centre. 8

Intervening on the Urban Tissue 1. Reclaim traditional stoas as passages 2. No-use Building Development 3. New educational | cultural center 4. Reorganize a residential control area

Architectural Design The proposed structure is considered to evolve linkages among various values the new and the old, the technical and the natural, the small and the big scale. It is not only a new educational building, but also a large public space devoted both to local people and to tourists. Visitors move around the complex and pass by from city’ s built environment to the natural space of the lake.

Public Library | Reading Hall


Administation Entrance | Reception Secretariat

The complex includes two buildings: the School and the Exhibition Center. City’ s expansion and lake’ s shape are the main inspiration points. The Exhibition Center is considered to be a border to the natural spaces in the north, while the School and the Library become parts of the existant urban tissue, developing a new facade on the Papandreou Street. The outer casing is mainly made of solid heavy elements that hide and at the same time highlight the operation of the interior. The rooftop is passable, as another continuation of the route to the lake. The library is located on the top floor of the building, in front of the complex, aiming on the creation of a visible from various points in the city feature.

Axonometric diagram & building program


S c h o o l

S i l v e r o s f m i t h



3 4

5 6 7

First Floor Plan 1. Entrance, 2. Secretaries, 3. Auditorium, 4. Freehand drawing, 5. PC lab, 6. Digital Αrt, 7. Foundry


South Elevation Sections A, B, Γ North Elevation

Individual work spaces

Central corridor and staircases

Ground Floor Plan


Care for the design of the building was the creation of a spatial experience that approaches that of the city but it is also mentioned in the scale of the surrounding buildings. On the ground floor and on the floor there is a clear projection of the main building slab, while the organization of functions is divided into small volumes. In particular, the lab places in which laboratory classes are made ďƒ organizing in m for centralization and unification is the flagship. As a spatial group, the foundry in which the heavy machinery necessary for casting the metal is found is read. On the other side of the building, the individual workspaces are in a linear arrangement. The space can be read as a single but separated from light furniture that acts as a toolbox and as workbench, while in each workshop there are two soldier stalls 11


South Elevation Sections Δ, E, ΣΤ West Elevation




3rd Floor Plan 1. Library- Reseption, 2. Conference Room, 3. Reading Hall,

Model 1:200


02 Competition Entry 2014 Shenzhen, China Coworking _ C. Giannarou, A. Lambropoulou



Hilling Over S Q, Shenzhen


preserving remaining landscape

new urban structures

landscape destruction

new mobility


mixed use in time

in 3 Steps

leftover in time

i n t i m e

new cityscape

city as a resource

city as a resource

In this case the concept of designing the city as a resource is based on natural laws. A city uses what it needs and disposes of what’s no longer profitable. But in nature nothing is regarded as waste. It’s the key to sustainability and continuous flow of material and energy. If a city identified its impending waste, in the sense of the unwanted leftovers of structures or uses, before they occurred, it would be able to transform them in time and re-integrate them in its dynamic. The unprecedented growth pace in Shenzhen imposes an extremely short life circle on structures and uses and an extremely rapid rise of new leftovers. Predicting the next left-over and incorporating this prediction in urban design transforms the city into a resource of new uses, levels and interactions. It reuses, reforms and evolves infinitely. 16

m u l t i l e v e l



Mobility is a term that can be applied in various contexts. Interesting enough, if we examine urban change under the lens of mobility, not as in mobility infrastructure but as the ability to be moved freely and easily, mixed-use city takes on a whole new meaning.



green space

In other words, if we refer to mixed-use not only in space but in time as well, and try to predict and determine the succession of prevailing uses, we can identify the ones that need boosting and the ones that must be “retired� from a specific area. As the city changes and adapts to new conditions, so does the use of land and buildings.

extroversion i n t r o

residence version extroversion



n sp











New levels of city life, both higher and lower than ground level, and their connection with the previous ones is a matter of both use and mobility. Function determines flow and vice versa. Strategically placing uses on new public levels can stimulate a flow of people who will activate the new level, while a new flow of people may nourish a use and establish it. But most importantly, a multi-level city time wise is one that creates new active levels, or transforms older ones, and interweaves them with the older structures so as to revive them.


Identifing leftovers A potential chain of events 3rd sector boost

high density residence

1st leftover_

2nd leftover_




urban hill

3rd leftover_

urban villages

metro network activated encircling ground level direction of flow commerce-service boost

landscape activated new levels introduced surpassing boundaries residence boost

new landscape shaped alternative high-density core spaces of social interaction renventing urban viillage




r e s i d e n c e

City’ s Leftovers in time


s e r v i c e

c o m m e r c e





3 19

03 Urban Interventions through Knosou St. Urban Design Patisia, Athens, Greece 2013 Coworking _ G. Boussios, A. Giannaki Supervisors _ D. Vaiou



Patison Avenue to Ano Patisia

Agios Andreas Square

1. Commercial revitalization of the area 2. Transformation (vibrancy) of the empty public spaces into vibrant recreational hubs 3. Cultural regeneration

new commercial and recreational enterprises

entrepreneur- inhabitants as owners or employees ship support office

educational and training spaces for new employees

successful commercial activity

public cultural spaces

promoting region and inhabitants communication

no use

configuration activation

Cyprus and Patision Park


unoccupied stores and open spaces

Athens city center

3 axis

The intervention area is a densely built neighborhood at Patisia, where the signs of sustained decline because of the financial crisis are obvious. Even though the area is highly populated both by Greeks and migrants, the majority of the stores on the ground floor remain empty with no use, while it is quite difficult for the citizens to get familiar with each other and with public space. Considering the circumstances nowadays, our concept is based on three axis, aiming to highlight the multiculturalism and the special character of the area:




Acharnon intersection


But how is the goal accomplished? | Supporting gentle interventions through the main commercial street (Knosos St), such as lighting, plantation, more pedestrian areas, kiosks, | Promoting re- use the empty shops as recreational spots and leisure | Getting open space on the back of built environment as cultivation unit, providing fresh products to local restaurants

Street Markets

Cultural Plazas

| Re- thinking and re- designing 3 central public spaces as cultural and recreational hubs of the region

Activation of un-used stores


Design tools


Masterplan Cultural container Projection screen plaza Events spaces Cycleway Pedestrian signals Planting zone





Street market

Education and training spaces

Tree planting

Cyprus and Patision Park

Agios Andreas Square

Acharnon intersection

Plans & Sections Market sheds Wooden board level Cultural container Projection Screens Tee soft traffic Cycleway

lemon tree Judas tree Cultivations Wooden station Bike stations Lighting pillars

Focus on core points 25

04 Public Library & Educational Center Architectural Design Ilioupoli, Athens, Greece 2013 Coworking _ E. Adamidi Supervisors _ M. Kafritsa, P. Vasilatos





Ground Floor Plan 1. Entrance, 2. Auditorium, 3. Cafe/ Bookstrore 28


Section Α Section B West Elevation

Main Considerations The main concept of this project is the creation of a large public area where people from all over the area can gather and share knowledge. The public library project also houses laboratories, and a tutoring center for young students in a single building. The concept allows for the project’s ability to accommodate other cultural activities. For this reason, the building is split in 2 volumes. The first is dedicated to students - this is where classrooms, laboratories, playing grounds, and a youth library are to be found. The second volume - the project’s focal point - is located at the north part of the plot and has 5 floors. The main purpose was to create a building featuring a sense of “ascending privacy”. The multipurpose hall and the cafeteria/ bookstore are on the ground floor, with direct access to exterior spaces. Stacks and reading halls are located on the next floors, where silence is achieved through proper placement of reading areas, desks, and use of sound-insulating materials and techniques.

Open Spaces

Ground Mobility

Upward Mobility

Structural System


Grid 29

Reading Hall

The Library Approaching the complex, a visitor can have a walk or enjoy his stay in the central, prominent yard. Afterwards, he can either enter to the ground floor to the cafeteria and the bookstore or take the outdoor stairs in order to get to the departments of the library.

Pc Lab


The concept of the outdoor stairs in the center of the complex is one of the main concerns aiming at a continuous move among the floors and enhancing human interaction. Furthermore, keeping in mind that a public library should be a landmark in the city, we decided that the configuration of a sharp corner and of a unique faรงade could attract the attention of more people impelling them visit the cultural center and the library. Yet, the question about the proper insolation is solved taking into consideration the orientation of the building and the use of long and narrow, metal sheds.

Cafe | Bookstore




Detail Section_ Atrium 1:20

Detail Section 1:20 32

Section 1:50



ηχοανακλασ φωτισμός

αγωγοί εξαε

ξύλινα καδρόνια 5x5

μεταλλικές κοιλοδοκοί 10x10

Detail Section_ Auditorium 1:20 33

05 Leviath//arm Building Technology Athens, Greece 2015 Coworking _ G. Boussios, C. Giannarou, T. Kanakopoulos, A. Lambropoulou, S. Plytas Supervisors _ D. Papalexopoulos



Leviath//arm A mechanical monster coming to life with the help of two “crutches” placed in an unorthodox way, leviath//arm emerges from the waves to attack constantly reappearing red balloons. The installation began as a speculation on the connection between mechanical and digital, highlighting the human subject as the one triggering the arm’s movement and its destructive force.

Servo II Servo I

The arm

The video

The installation

The “awakening”, as well as the attack of the machine, are multiplied by the projected shadows and transformed into the threatening movement of a biblical monster. The projector, the light and the shadows, the video and the mechanical arm are all integral to the interaction process, posing a question on the blurred lines between illusion and reality. A useful machine with a phenomenally useless task, the eternal popping of red balloons, reminds us of the ‘’useless’’ machines invented by Jean Tinguely nearly 50 years ago. The fear of their domination has been fading out since, as we humans keep(?) the utter control. We have eventually eluded danger! όψη κατασκευής

The only task remaining is inventing more needs they can satisfy.

//α 1 //α 1


όψη κατασκευής

//α 2 //α 2

//α 3 //α 3

//α 4 //α 4


//α 5 //α 5

//α6 //α6

//α 7


//α8 Details

//α 7

όψη κατασκευής


//α 1


//α 2

//α 3

//α 4

//α 5


//α 7


//α9 //α9







03 37

More in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q70sVxuy9rE


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