WePhoto B&W vol 7

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WePhoto B&W 2019 - Vol 7 Dear all, I am very proud to present this collection of some of the best works in Black and White under our banner that is fondly called - The Series. Since 2014, when WePhoto Group was founded, we have come all this long out of our sheer passion for photography. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of our several likeminded colleagues - who the group draws its strengths from - that today we have created multiple platforms and thematic pages to represent the various genres in photography. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre of photography. As of date there are 12 thematic pages, with picture boards on Pinterest, a dedicated web portal and more than 90 books published on issuu.com. The volume will also be published on Apple Books store. This annual collection called - The Series - is made of eBooks each belonging to a specific photographic genre, and includes the artwork of several great authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the seventh thematic book dedicated to Black & White Photography. Apart from the e-versions these publications are available in the form of coffee table books as well. Editorial Board Mario BunÄ?uga: Editor & Art Director Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designer Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Priyanka Agrawal: Review Associate Francesco Marinaro: Editor

May 2019 2

We are very excited and happy to feature these beautiful images and most of all, to be able to share them with a wide span of people of common interests. Please spread a word around by sharing, and recommend to as many as you can to visit these eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. Do leave your positive feedback on the eStores if you care. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography In this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Group - WePhoto. Come and join the group, invite your friends to share their work in there and enjoy some of the best images from around the world


Gratitude Special thanks to Germana De Chellis, Chief of WePhoto Black & White Page and Francesco Marinaro, who helped me select the images, contact the authors and collect material from them. She is always occupied coordinating things in the back office. Thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I also wish to thank Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, who are responsible for English translations, proofreading of drafts, and content development. I owe my thanks to our admin colleagues too, who are constantly managing and taking care of the group as well as its 12 thematic pages and online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude to the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and dedication. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario BunÄ?uga


The Authors

Arnaud Bathiard

Mariateresa Marrese

Michele Cuciniello

Erminio Vanzan

Brigitte Feijen

Peter Wang

Hugo Ferreira

Radhakrishna Ganeshan

Yuval Siboli


Copyright & Disclaimer All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire eBook and to each author for their individual photographs as included in their related chapters. This book can be downloaded for free and distributed freely only as a whole. The images and text are exclusive property of the authors, the use of which is at their discretion, if being contacted beforehand personally. You may also order a print version coffee table book from our link through Peecho online print service. Any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright.

© 2019 WePhoto

© 2019 Mario Buncuga

© 2019 Arnaud Bathiard

© 2019 Brigitte Feijen

© 2019 Erminio Vanzan

© 2019 Hugo Ferreira

© 2019 Mariateresa Marrese

© 2019 Michele Cuciniello

© 2019 Yuval Siboli

© 2019 Yuval Siboli

© 2019 Peter Wang



Black & White Introduction Black and White (B&W) Photography belongs to an altogether different era and the interesting part is that the art form has not only survived all this long, it is thriving with innovations taking place every next time. Seems as if man is finding it difficult to come out of its spell. B&W comes with a rich heritage in the form of works of Ansel Adams, Henri CartierBresson, Edward Weston etc, who created masterpieces out of the constraints of equipment, tools and above all - color. But absence of the latter evidently came to their advantage and helped them see what would not be visible in a colored world. Colors dominate frame, its aspects and elements; and so a B&W photographer will rather focus on the potentials of placement, shape, pattern, texture, tonal contrast and above all flow and quality of light. B&W photography is way beyond mere conversion of a color photo to grayscale. It is about creation of fine art objects from the scene around us. B&W is inspiring, ethereal and will remain forever.

Mario BunÄ?uga June 2019




Born in 1973 in Burgundy, France, Arnaud Bathiard is a multi-awarded fine-art photographer specializing in black and white seascapes/waterscapes.

Passionate about traveling, he has a predilection for austere landscapes he often treats in a m i n i m a l i s t v e i n , u s i n g l o n g e x p o s u re technique. From the distant Azores to Scotland, via France, Switzerland, Portugal and Venice, his journey often brings him back to the places he cherishes. Composing an imaginary s p a c e b e y o n d p h y s i c a l g e o g r a p h y, h i s pictures draw the epure of a world frozen in silence. His works have been exhibited in various places, including Paris, Malta, Venice and Bangkok. 10











BRIGITTE FEIJEN Eindhoven, Netherlands facebook.com/Photography-Brigitte-793724404041820/

All my life I have had a passion for photography. In front of the camera when I was younger and now behind it. In photography I can really do my thing, put my creativity to the best use especially with my eye for detail. And then the best results follow

I love to shoot people, common people and not just beautiful models. Its not the outside that interests me, but their character, their soul. Every person has something beautiful inside... It's up to the photographer to see it and make it sparkle in the picture. I hope you will enjoy watching my work. With love, Brigitte 22











ERMINIO VANZAN Valenza, Italia


Aged 47 and living in a small town near Alessandria, Valenza, Erminio has worked in the jewelry sector since his youth, an area that continues to be his main occupation today, while in most of his free time he cultivates a passion for Landscape and Architecture photography. Of late he has discovered a genre with the essence of its ultimate expressive potential: Street Photography - from its most classical meaning to the more graphic and conceptual one. My expressive research is directed towards a visuo-spatial union of intense relationships among the human presence and the different habitats that express belonging, architectural locations and beyond.

These are the elements that structure the ex p re s s i v e p a t h s w h e re t h e co l l e c t i v e unconsciousness evokes moods and sensations of profound existential intimacy, preferring almost exclusively the b & n, as a calligraphic form more adherent to my sensitivity. Erminio participates actively in various photographic, national and international interest forums on the web. Opportunities have allowed him in several contests to stand out and win in terms of the jury’s liking for style and originality of the subjects portrayed from time to time; publications in magazines and online acknowledgements that continually stimulate him to move on with his interest in the visual poetics that represents his soul and true creative nature. The present project is titled "Contemporary Identity�. 34











HUGO FERREIRA Coimbra, Portugal


I was born in Coimbra, Portugal in 1978. My passion for photography began about three and a half years ago when I could successfully contribute some of my photos to one of the biggest photographic albums across the globe.

Since then, that passion and the will to learn more about photography has grown bigger. As the son of a self-taught amateur painter, I had never lost touch with visual arts. At a certain time, I started feeling the need to express myself in a creative way and then I found in photography my form of creative expression. 46











MARIATERESA MARRESE Calvi Risorta, Italia facebook.com/Mariateresa-Marrese-ph-1546999335538842/


I was born in Capua (CE) in 1962. After obtaining my diploma, I graduated in Law at the Federico II University of Naples. Currently, I am passionately involved in the teaching of legal and economic disciplines at the ISISS "UGO FOSCOLO" in Teano. I live in Calvi Risorta, a small town in the Caserta area, with my husband, three children, five dogs, two cats, six hens, a rooster and a turtle.

Since 2014 I have seriously dedicated myself to what has always been my passion: photography. I attended a course and have not stopped shooting since. My photographic ideal is inspired by simplicity; I work instinctively, perhaps unconsciously, following my intuition. I like to capture those moments in which people and things reveal themselves. I have participated in various exhibitions and competitions with satisfactory results and, in 2016, I published "SOLO PER AMORE", a collection of my photos accompanied by the verses of Lucia Pellino. This collection was also presented at the MMMF 2017 MIA MARTINI MANTOVA FESTIVAL 2017 58











MICHELE CUCINIELLO Latina, Italia 500px.com/mcuciniello flickr.com/photos/micuci

Having an avid passion for photography since my teenage years I started taking photographs with my father's old camera. Later on I moved over to an analogue camera and found my passion in developing films to suit my tastes. My initial shots represented my huge desire to capture everything that would fall before my camera. In my life I passed through a long period of darkness when I had locked the camera in a drawer, but that did not make me abandon the world of photography. Looking across the web for works of the great masters, I continued studying and improving my creativity.

Since past few years, thanks to my purchase of a digital camera, I have begun to take pictures again and now I live in the magical world of photography, which gives a sense of meaning to my life. I focus mainly on black and white images, unique expressions and capturing true emotions. From the initial days of my experiments with photography, I think I have matured with experience and age. My ever increasing passion for this wonderful art has enabled me to discover the world from different points of view, strengthening my belief that a good photograph may be hidden anywhere; you just need to notice it. 70











PETER WANG Taipei Taiwan

gallery.1x.com/member/peter1020tw/photos/all facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000103806780

I’m a photography lover, Peter Wang, coming from Taipei Taiwan. Starting from 2012, I became addicted to photography, mainly concentrated on panorama from the very beginning.

Once for a while, I

would take a trip island wide, to capture sceneries, and further explore their diversified views in different seasons.

Afterwards, I observed and learned from the masterpieces by various photographers, I tried to spread out the scope to every corner of the lanes and streets I feel fascinating and with stylish features. I would outline the stories from angle to angle, and building to building, or even utilize a variety of color, light, shade, line and shape‌to touch and move people’s hearts. Imagination is a tremendous asset to everyone. It always strengthens me to face the difficulties, depressions or sorrows of the Real World. Of course, it keeps my heart young, and by means of it, I would keep creating more work to the World too! 82











RADHAKRISHNA GANESHAN Varanasi, India chitrakart24@gmail.com

Native of Varanasi (India), Visual Artist by profession, Masters in Fine Arts with gold medal and Ph D

from Visual Arts , Banaras Hindu

University, Varanasi. In recogonisation to

my good photographic

skills, was assigned as a special faculty for 10 years (1997-2005) by Banaras Hindu University for training students who were keen to learn photography as a hobby. Authored more than seven books on Art and Culture in Hindi. Three books of them have been awarded by various reputed Institutions. As a writer many of my articles have been published in various renowned magazines and Newspapers.

As Visualiser, I have designed many book covers, logos for the advertising and publishing agencies. Honored for outstanding contribution towards using Hindi as a language in work areas by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Editor of a Refereed Journal titled “Shashwat”(Hindi) on Fine Arts, Performing Art, Culture & Heritage. My photographs are frequently selected and honored in various online photo websites groups like “The World wide street Photography”, “World in B & W”, “Hitit Professional Photography” “Klik”, We Photo, etc.. I am a passionate photographer & Writer, like to sing, play keyboard at leisure time. 94











YUVAL SIBOLI Kefar Saba, Israel

yuvalshiboli.com facebook.com/urban.envisioned/

Concrete. Steel. Glass. Shine. Rust. Decay. Our urban surrounding fascinates me and draws my attention endlessly. The ever-growing city is a mix of proud shiny towers with worn aged buildings. In this blend of shapes and textures we live, work and interact. The city affects us and we affect it in an on-going circle of symbiosis

My work reflects my visions and envisions of our urban surroundings- glamorous and sad, shiny and rusty. I am fascinated by the textures and rhythms hidden in the buildings people build. The same people who live in the city surrounded by their urban creations. Photography has been my passion for many years- a way to express myself and interact with my world. I started my journey with street photography focusing on the people of the city, the way they interact with each other, the way they interact with the city. Step by step I've learned to notice more and more of the symbiotic connection that the people have with their urban environment- its density, colors, lines, geometries and lights. My latest works, featured here are impressions of the way I envision this symbiotic connection between man and city. 106











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WePhoto B&V Vol. 7 - June 2019


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