WePhoto Minimal vol 8

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WePhoto Minimal 2019 - Vol. 8 Dear all, I am very proud to present this collection of some of the best works in minimalistic photography under our banner that is fondly called - The Series. Since 2014 when WePhoto Group was founded, we have come all this long out of our sheer passion for photography. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of our likeminded colleagues, who the group draws strength from, that today we have created multiple platforms and thematic pages to represent the various genres in photography. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre in photography. As of date there are 12 thematic pages, with picture boards on Pinterest, a dedicated web portal and more than 90 books published on issuu.com and Apple Books. This annual collection called - The Series - is made of eBooks each belonging to a specific photographic genre, and includes the artwork of several great authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the eighth thematic book dedicated to Minimal Photography, Apart from the e-versions these publications are available in the form of coffee table books as well.

Editorial Board Mario BunÄ?uga: Editor & Art Director Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Priyanka Agrawal: Review Associate Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designer Nunzia De Feo: Team Leader - Minimal Photography

June 2019 2

We are very excited and happy to feature these fabulous images and most of all, be able to share them with a wide span of people of common interests. Please spread a word around by sharing, and recommend to as many as you can to visit these eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. Do leave your positive feedback on the eStores if you care. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! In this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Group - WePhoto. Come and join the group, invite your friends to share their work in there and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


Gratitude Special thanks to Nunzia De Feo, Chief of WePhoto Minimal Page, who helped me select images, contact authors and collect material from them. They are always available coordinating in the back office. Big thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I also wish to thank Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, who are responsible for immaculate translations to English, proofreading of drafts, and content development. I owe my thanks to our admin colleagues too, who are constantly managing and taking care of the group as well as its thematic pages and online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude to the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and dedication. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario BunÄ?uga


The Authors

Alessandro Ragozzino

Luigi Curti

Franco Papaianni

Mariuccia Preziuso

Germana De Chellis

Pietro Forti

Leila Hichri

Pino Di Giacomo


Copyrights All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire eBook and to individual authors for their work included in the related chapters. This book can be downloaded for free and distributed freely only as a whole. The images and text are exclusive property of the authors who might authorize their use elsewhere at their own discretion, if contacted personally in advance. You may also order a print version coffee table book from our link through Peecho online print service. Any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright. © 2019 WePhoto

© 2019 Mario Buncuga

© 2019 Franco Papaianni

© 2019 Germana De Chellis

© 2019 Leila Hichri

© 2019 Luigi Curti

© 2019 Mariuccia Preziuso

© 2019 Pietro Forti

© 2019 Pino Di Giacomo

© 2019 Alessandro Ragozzino



Minimal Introduction

In today’s overly photographed world the simplistic style of minimal photography brings a big relief to the eye. Artistically speaking, minimalism depends on a single fundamental principle of keeping it simple every time using minimum amount of compositional elements, separated by shape, color, and line. Minimalism being a very subjective style is open to interpretations. It may convey a concept or an idea, provoke an emotional response, or provide a unique visual experience. You need an eye to create a minimalistic image so as to decide what all to include and what not to. This art compels you to view the world differently through the lens and challenges you to look beyond the obvious for hidden photographic opportunities.

Mario BunÄ?uga WePhoto Network June 2019



alessandroragozzino.com/ facebook.com/AlessandroRagozzinoph/

My passion for photography was born out of love at first sight in the spring of 1986. Walking in front of the window of a photographic store I impulsively bought a Praktica MTL5B without even realizing what it could do, and being aware of my condition, the next purchase was obviously a photography book that I devoured greedily because in those days without internet, the only way to learn was to read and experiment. Several years later some events led me to set aside photography while leaving a weak link with it and so once a chance encounter with a passionate photographer rekindled the desire and passion to do photography.

During ten years the world of photography as I knew had completely changed: the much beloved film was no longer used and the almost disappeared the photo labs imposed a strong adaptation to the new technology made up of sensors and editing programs. I began rediscover this boundless and fascinating world by way of reading, attending workshops and watching tutorials in both photography and post production. Slowly the first small awards arrived on social networks and through participation in the competitions and several group exhibitions. One of the most beautiful experiences was my participation in the traveling collective exhibition ‘Come Look at My Town’ organized by the Archiminimal group and exhibited throughout Italy. Because of a feline-like curiosity I find myself trying hands on everything that may involve new experiments. I have collaborated with the CFC (Cavese Photo Club) where I conduct lectures on basic shooting and editing techniques. I love knowing and meeting people, sharing doubts and curiosities, I love nature and technology, beauty in all its forms, my family, good food, and I love life. 10













Like any other creative person I am passionate about photographic art. I live and work in Luzzi in the province of Cosenza, and as a profession I am an automotive consultant. I was born in the "analog" era and with the advent of digital I made a clear refusal. I wasn't photographing for over twenty years but only in 2013, thanks to the insistence of some amateur photographers, I returned to photography. I bought an Olympus Camedia C4040 to fit my needs.

I signed up for Facebook and found a new world there. I started attending various groups that for me were and are important where the administrators are generous with advice. In these groups I met several minimalists (in the analogue years, I called it "particulars") with whom I have started a serious journey, clicking, sharing, and achieving, I feel, good results. During this period I have participated in these groups not as enthusiastically as I wanted because of my work, but whatever it is I have maintained the spirit of a beginner. As a motto I have brought into practice the title of a middle school book that helps me a lot: "observe, experiment and learn". My thoughts and thanks go to two great friends, even if virtual, who unfortunately are no more today: Franco Sondrio and Mario Stagni, who were for me my first teachers of this fabulous art. 22












facebook.com/gdechellis1 facebook.com/dechellisph

The minimal has always fascinated me; I confess though that it was not really my kind and it is very recently that I have tended towards it with great perseverance and commitment.

Thinking, and even more difficult, is seeing minimal, especially for me who lives in a large and chaotic metropolis, with a myriad of visual stimuli. It is, therefore, a continuous training of mind and eye to un-clutter the vision and figure a particular frame that would make the perfect minimalistic image. 34











LEILA HICHRI Bamberg, Germany

leilahichri.com instagram.com/leilahichriphotography facebook.com/leilahichriphotography

I believe that imagination is the only key that can truly illustrate my vision of life, as I wander through a path paved by open minds and trusting eyes‌ with a desire to take you along

My pursuit for the new experiences pushes me to continually evolve my vision, while reminding me of the importance of carrying my camera with compassion and curiosity. My efforts have paid off well as I bagged the prestigious nomination in Photography Grant 2018 of International Photography Magazine & Grant - in the Architecture category and also in FAPA 2018 - Fine Art Photography Awards 2018 in Architecture. I happened to be a Finalist at HIPA awards 2018 in the category "the Moment�. A detailed portfolio of my works is on display in PhotoVogue Italy. 46











LUIGI CURTI Luzzi, Italia

facebook.com./luigi.curti.5 facebook.com/groups/246728809221393

I'm Luigi Curti, born in 1951 and currently living in Luzzi, province of Cosenza. I am a photography enthusiast and from every shot I try to extrapolate the emotions to be transmitted to anyone watching it. Since 1980 I have participated in numerous national photographic projects and competitions and receiving honors, such as M.F.O. - Photo and Organizational Merits for 2015; B.F.A. Meritorious of Artistic Photography 2016; Certification of merit UIF (Unione Italia Fotoamatori) year 2017 etc.

I would want to quote what Anna Macri, Vice President and actress at the Teatro dei XXIII of Catanzaro said about me: “Luigi Curti makes the color of the moments that captures a true pictorial work, pierces the appearance of the place and of the people, revealing the beyond, the profound and hidden meaning of things. His works become writing, a love story of a warrior land, of people as strong as his nature. An artist who has made photography a poetry, which has given vivid colors to the breathtaking villages of this land so unique for their natural beauty, culture and heritage. It exudes history and simple daily life, in which color is made the joy of living, genuine happiness of existing, and overwhelming acquisition of being. And I let myself be conquered by an artist who smiles in portraying his art with passion, of an exquisite kindness like only a Calabrese can be, from the elegance of his nature, I let myself be infected by his impetuous passion, I get lost in the warm palette of his images". 58












vogue.it/photovogue/Portfolio/Archive?photogra instagram.com/preziusin/ facebook.com/mariuccia.preziuso.1

I am Pugliese by birth and I carry with me the sun, the warmth and the wind of my native land. In my region Federico II built the magnificent and mysterious Castel del Monte, but today I live in a small Calabrian town, so ancient that it was given to the Benedictine monks by a Lombard princess.

Photographing architecture, for me, is a way to mix shapes, numbers and lives. The purity of the lines and the resulting volumes lead me directly into people's stories. And framing, measuring and calculating, I do nothing but tell my story, about myself, because even while taking pictures, I continue to be a math teacher, my profession in everyday life. And since I like to imagine that extremes can meet, I love taking care of photography, as well as Classical Architecture, with its rigorous magnificence, even of the Minimalist and Abstract, in which everyone can feel free to give vent to his imagination. 70












flickr.com/photos/94318151@N05/ facebook.com/forti.pietro

Born in 1955, and living in Nave in the province of Brescia, I had approached photography since past few years, thanks to my post-retirement goal.

I am immediately bewitched by this little "magic box" that captures emotions. I love looking for the beauty of small things, and just a detail to unleash my imagination in minimal compositions. Geometry, color and the maniacal search for harmony are the ingredients of my images, and free compositions bring me new emotions for the pleasure of my mind. 82











PINO DI GIACOMO Chieti, Italia


I am a medical practitioner, who takes photographs for his passion since almost past 35 years. I believe in getting the minutest details of the subject in hand, and therefore, in the recent years I have committed myself to study my newfound passion for minimalist photography in its various aspects. Minimalism is based on the concept of "Less is more� and it represents the reality in its most essential yet basic concept, faithful to the idea of Anne Geddes, that is "The hardest thing in photography is to remain simple".

I have participated in numerous collective exhibitions and national competitions and obtained several awards. Italian art critic Gioia Cativa words about me are -“Choosing to grasp and capture the simplest aspect of things, the author undertakes a photographic research based on the minimalism of forms, lines, points of contact and creates a sensory link with the observer. The spatial research and simplicity of the complex allows both the photographer and the observer to freely imagine forms and sensations in a continuous association of ideas. In minimal environments the space comes into contact with rare human presences, in a dualism that compares the essential with the complexity of man. But also the meeting of different forms betrays the nature of an eclectic world, constantly changing and at the mercy of human upheavals.All is an encounter that the artist seeks to capture at the point of contact, whether it is visible or less, but anyway perceptible. 94











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Minimal Vol 8 - 2019


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