WePhoto Minimal vol. 9

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WePhoto Minimal Vol. 9 - May 2020 Dear all, I am very proud to present this collection of some of the best works in minimalistic photography under our banner that is fondly called - The Series. Since 2014 when WePhoto Group was founded, we have come all this long out of our sheer passion for photography. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of our likeminded colleagues, who the group draws strength from, today we have created multiple platforms and thematic pages to represent the various genres in photography. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre in photography. As of date there are 12 thematic pages, with picture boards on Pinterest, a dedicated web portal and almost 100 books published on issuu.com and Apple Books. This annual collection called - The Series - is made of eBooks each belonging to a specific photographic genre, and includes the artwork of several great authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the ninth thematic book dedicated to Minimal Photography. Apart from the e-versions these publications are available in the form of coffee table books as well.

Editorial Team Mario Bun!uga: Editor & Art Director Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designer Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Priyanka Agrawal: Review Associate Nunzia De Feo: Team Leader Minimal Photography

May 2020 2

We are very excited and happy to feature these fabulous images and most of all, be able to share them with a wide span of people of common interests. Please spread a word around by sharing, and recommend to as many as you can to visit these eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. Do leave your positive feedback on the eStores if you care. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! In this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Group - WePhoto. Come and join the group, invite your friends to share their work in there and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


Gratitude Special thanks to Nunzia De Feo, Chief of WePhoto Minimal Page, who helped me select images, contact authors and collect material from them. They are always available coordinating in the back office. Big thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I also wish to thank Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, who ensure immaculate translations to English, proofreading of drafts, and content editing. I owe my thanks to our admin colleagues too, who are constantly managing and taking care of the group as well as its thematic pages and online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude to the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and dedication. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario BunÄ?uga


The Authors

Chris Fraikin

Estela Canaveira

Lorenzo Zucchi

Mariateresa Marrese

Federico Leffe

Marinella Cor

Franco Papaianni

Pino Di Giacomo


Copyright & Disclaimer All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire eBook and to each author for their individual photographs as included in their related chapters. This book link can be shared or distributed freely as a whole. The images and text are, however, exclusive property of the authors, the use of which is at their discretion. You may also order a print version coffee table book from our link through Peecho online print service. Any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright.

© 2020 WePhoto

© 2020 Mario Buncuga

© 2020 Chris Fraikin

© 2020 Estela Canaveira

© 2020 Federico Leffe

© 2020 Franco Papaianni

© 2020 Lorenzo Zucchi

© 2020 Mariateresa Marrese

© 2020 Marinella Cor

© 2020 Pino Di Giacomo



Minimal Introduction

In today’s overly photographed world the simplistic style of minimal photography brings a big relief to the eye. Artistically speaking, minimalism depends on a single fundamental principle of keeping it simple every time using minimum amount of compositional elements, separated by shape, color, and line. Minimalism being a very subjective style is open to interpretations. It may convey a concept or an idea, provoke an emotional response, or provide a unique visual experience. You need an eye to create a minimalistic image so as to decide what all to include and what not to. This art compels you to view the world differently through the lens and challenges you to look beyond the obvious for hidden photographic opportunities.

Mario BunÄ?uga WePhoto Network May 2020


CHRIS FRAIKIN Leerdam, Netherlands www.chrisfraikin.com facebook.com/chrisfraikinfotografie instagram.com/chrisfraikin

Chris Fraikin (1958) is a minimalist photographer from The Netherlands. He calls his works ‘archtracts’: minimalistic extracts from architectural, urban and industrial objects. Most of his compositions are free-standing and mainly shot at industrial estates or during short city tours at home and abroad. In addition to such self-contained architecture he has also worked on series like ‘A Touch Of White’ and ‘Station To Station’ that you may find on his website.

For the commercial publication of his work Chris has chosen to sell them through his own website where his work can be purchased in a limited edition of 8 pieces. He was also invited in 2015 for a solo exhibition in Gouda, The Netherlands, besides having participated in group exhibitions in Amsterdam, Italy and Portland, Oregon, he was represented at the Miami and New York Art Weeks. His works are published in three coffee table books the details of which can be obtained from his website. 10











ESTELA CANAVEIRA Castelo Branco, Portugal facebook.com/estelacanaveira instagram.com/estela.fidalgo.canaveira

Two of my great passions have been traveling and taking pictures. With time, I developed a special love and interest for doors and windows.

I also like colors and am always in search of them; I have very few photos in black and white, because my eyes are constantly looking for bright colors. My photos are now a kind of mixture of my passion for colorful doors and windows, with a keen eye for minimal details. It's a pleasure to have the chance to share with you some of my minimalistic photos. Thanks to WePhoto team and I’m happy to be sharing space with several great minimalist photographers. Thanks for the invitation; this group is really an inspiration to me. 22












www.facebook.com/federico.leffe .instagram.co/fericoleffe/?hl=it federicoleffe.jimdofree.com

For years I have been collecting images of lamps, chandeliers, wall lights and lampshades. These elements transform into suggestive opportunities for photography. Oftentimes they are conceptual, at others they are more abstract in nature and always transport me to a parallel world.

Initially I was attracted to street photography, but soon I realized that this was not my cup of tea. I continue to appreciate this but I don’t indulge in it anymore. I began to look for what I could be better recognized with and minimal photography sure caught my immediate fancy. I like to reveal details by way of exploration into the everyday objects. I express my point of view through the shots I take which also help me rediscover myself. 34













Like any other creative person I am passionate about photographic art. I live and work in Luzzi in the province of Cosenza, and for profession I am an automotive consultant. I was born in the "analog" era but with the advent of digital technology I made a clear refusal to the latter. I wasn't photographing for over twenty years but only in 2013, thanks to the insistence of some a m a te u r p h o to g ra p h e rs , I re t u r n e d to photography.

I bought an Olympus Camedia C4040 to fit my needs. I signed up for Facebook and found a new world around there. I started attending various groups that for me were and still are important, where the administrators are generous with advice. In these groups I met several minimalists with whom I have started a serious journey of clicking, sharing, and achieving, and I feel I am getting good results. During this period I have participated in these groups not as enthusiastically as I wanted to because of my work, but whatever it is I have maintained the spirit of a beginner. As a motto I have brought into practice the title of a middle school book that helps me a lot: "observe, experiment and learn". My thoughts and thanks go to two great friends, even if virtual, who unfortunately are no more today: Franco Sondrio and Mario Stagni, who were for me my first teachers of this fabulous art, 46













I am an amateur and was born as a photographer by chance while moving around the Milanese suburbs on weekends, and soon I developed a particular eye for details during the recurring trips around the world.

Stylistically, I try to describe places through brush strokes of abstract color and curious details, with an attention to geometry. My favorite subject is windows. I often go barefoot, and call myself a shy photographer in the honor to a Beat Generation paper that awakened my dormant interests in the art. 58











MARIATERESA MARRESE Calvi Risorta, Italia facebook.com/Mariateresa-Marrese-ph-1546999335538842/

facebook.com/mariateresa.marrese instagram.com/mariateresamarrese/

Maria was born in Capua (CE) in 1962. After graduating, she graduated in Law from the Federico II University of Naples. Currently, she passionately carries out the activity of teaching legal and economic disciplines at the ISISS UGO FOSCOLO in Teano - Sparanise. She lives in Calvi Risorta, a small town in the Caserta area, with her husband and three children. Since 2014 she has dedicated herself seriously to her forever passion - photography. She attended a course and has never stopped shooting since.

Her photographic ideas are inspired by simplicity. She works instinctively, perhaps unconsciously, following intuition. She likes to capture those moments in which people and things unveil their character. She participated in several exhibitions and competitions with satisfactory results and, for two consecutive years, she has been among the winners of the National photographic competition PHOTOGRAPHING HISTORY.. A Week in SESSA AURUNCA; some of her photos also have been published in PHOTOVOGUE and Photo Professional. She published SOLO PER AMORE, a collection of her photos accompanied by the verses of Lucia Pellino in 2017. This collection was also presented as part of the MMMF 2017 MIA MARTINI MANTOVA FESTIVAL 2017 and, on June 30, 2019, at the REAL SITE OF CARDITELLO. 70











MARINELLA COR Trapani, Italia

facebook.com/marinella.cor instagram.com/marinella_cor/?hl=it

Marico, pseudonym of Marinella Corridori, was born and raised in Lombardy and now lives in Sicily.

She loves photography since school, and had pursued the studies in graphic design and advertising photography. Her works majorly encompass detailing and are strongly influenced by architecture, graphics and color. She loves the essentials in photography as much as in life. She may conclude by saying: you don't need words to tell me something just like you don't need words to tell a photograph. 82











PINO DI GIACOMO Chieti, Italia

facebook.com/pino.digiacomo.1 instagram.com/u/pino.digiacomo.1

Pino Di Giacomo is a doctor by profession, and has been photographing for the past 35 years out of passion. Being interested in exploring the region, in the recent years he has dedicated himself to minimalist photography in its various aspects. On the concept of Less is More, minimalism represents the reality in its most essential and schematic aspect, driven by Anne Geddes’s concept that ‘The hardest thing in photography is to remain simple’.

He has participated in numerous collective exhibitions and national competitions bringing him several awards. Italian art critic Gioia Cativa says of him ‘Choosing to grasp and capture the simplest aspect of things, the author undertakes a photographic research based on the minimalism of forms, lines, points of contact and creates a sensory link with the observer. The spatial research and simplicity of the complex allows both the photographer and the observer to freely imagine forms and sensations in a continuous association of ideas. In minimal environments the space comes into contact with rare human presence, such as in dualism that compares the essential with the complexity of man. But also the meeting of different forms betrays the nature of an eclectic world, constantly changing and at the mercy of human upheavals. All is an encounter that the artist seeks to capture at the point of contact, whether it is visible or less, but anyway perceptible.’ 94











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Minimal Vol 9 - May 2020


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