WePhoto Reportage Vol. 13

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WePhoto Reportage 2020 - Vol. 13 Dear all, Here is yet another proud moment to be releasing the next edition of Reportage Photography under our broader banner, namely -The Series. Since 2014 when WePhoto Group was founded we have come this far out of sheer passion for this art. Over the time, thanks to the continuous help and support of many likeminded colleagues, who have been equally enthusiastic in supporting this cause, that today we have created many platforms and thematic pages to represent the various genres in photography. Today WePhoto group has the widest presence across Facebook representing almost every possible genre of photography. As of date we represent various groups, thematic pages, Pinterest picture boards, a dedicated web portal and more than 100 books published on issuu.com. This annual collection called - The Series - is made of eBooks each belonging to a specific photographic genre, and includes the artwork of best authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the thirteenth thematic book dedicated to Reportage Photography. Apart from the e-version all these publications are available in the form of coffee table books as well.

Editorial Board Mario BunÄ?uga: Editor, Art Director and Group Leader (Reportage) Pankaj Anand: Assistant Editor Priyanka Agrawal: Assistant Editor Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designe

December 2020 2

We are very excited and happy to feature these beautiful images and most of all, be able to share them with a wide range of viewers. Please spread a word around by sharing, and recommend to visit these eBooks from our webpages and links given ahead. Do leave your positive feedback on the eStores if you care. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! In this Book you can also find the links to our Facebook Group - WePhoto. Do come and join the group, invite your friends to share their work in there and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


Gratitude My special thanks to the entire WePhoto team that has helped me select images, contact authors and collect materials and put things together at the back office. Thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I also wish to thank Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, for their editorial assistance, meticulous translations to English, proofreading of drafts, and content development. I owe my thanks to our admin colleagues too, who are constantly managing and taking care of the group as well as its 12 thematic pages and online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude to the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and dedication. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario BunÄ?uga


The Authors

Bob Matkodak

Sergio Volani

Laura Facchini

Vincent Lecolley

Ruth Chudaska-Clemenz

Sandra Zagolin

Vineet Sharma


Copyrights All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire eBook and to individual authors for their work included in the related chapters. This book can be viewed for free and shared as a whole. The images and text are exclusive property of the authors who might authorize their use elsewhere at their own discretion, if contacted personally in advance. You may also order a print version coffee table book through Peecho online print service by contacting mario.buncuga@gmail.com. Any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright. © 2020 WePhoto

© 2020 Mario Buncuga

© 2020 Bob Maatkodak

© 2020 Ruth Chudaska-Clemenz

© 2020 Sandra Zagolin

© 2020 Sergio Volani

© 2020 Vincent Lecolley

© 2020 Vineet Sharma




Since the time Photography started, a significant, if not the most important, use of this form of communication has been the documentation of events. From sports to war, from political events and trade to the narration of common life events, in the streets, in cities, in villages or in the fields, it is all about the depiction of life and instances in their numerous forms. Sometimes it makes a story or a news that help us create awareness; while at others it creates a basis for a protest or an action. Nothing has ever made a greater impact on the mind of its viewers than a pictorial coverage of a real-life instance. Such is the purpose of this eBook and we sincerely hope that you will have the same feelings by the time you are done flipping through the last page.

Mario BunÄ?uga December 2020


BOB MATKODAK Tembilahan, Indonesia

facebook.com/bobmatkodak66 bob.dian1212@gmail.com

I live in a small town in Tembilahan, Indragiri Hilir, Riau, Indonesia. I became interested in photography during the year 1986, particularly in black and white, capturing people’s portraits and moments.

As time went by, I began to recognize the potential of SLR cameras in the ‘90s. I believe that the eyes are windows to the soul and I have tried to apply this in my natural light photographs. I don’t believe in conceptual photography and I instead take photographs of humans in their daily life and in their surroundings. 10












facebook.com/laura.facchini.5 instagram.com/laly569 flickr.com/photos/laurafacchini/sets

I was born in Milan in 1969 and as a growing girl I soon realized I had a predisposition for photography. Over the years, this passion has increasingly become an important aspect of my life. Traveling and exploring the world is another great passion of mine that combines perfectly with photography. I believe that both are complementary because taking pictures while traveling is a bit like traveling to the same place a multiple times.

I especially love visiting eastern countries where I enjoy using natural light to capture the expressions, attitudes and experiences on the faces of the inhabitants. Seizing the depth of a look, the beauty of a smile or the spontaneity of a gesture makes me come into contact with the soul of the person in front of me. The strong emotion that I have experienced in photographing people over the years has led me to prefer portrait photography. I think that my personality is truly represented through the expressive medium of photography. It’s a trait that identifies my style, an emotion that I experience when I come into contact with places, people, cultures and traditions so different from ours; and I try to convey all this through the pictures I make. 22











RUTH CHUDASKA-CLEMENZ Finsterwalde, Germany

facebook.com/ruth.chudaskaclemenz 500px.com/shadows

I got fascinated by photography very early in life when my father gave me the first camera at an age of 8. During my high school time I met a professional photographer who showed me the essentials of photography and lended me his Nikon. He published my photos also when I was 18. Soon it became a dream for me to own a Nikon for myself. Since then it has been more than 30 years with this hobby.

Although I did not follow his way of being a professional photographer because I wanted to be free in my decisions about what to shoot and what not. For me pressure brings your creativity to a dead-end. But the fascination for photography never completely left me. After having long experience with analog Nikons I switched to the digital a few years ago, and with all its features I now feel like getting my dreams fulfilled. I own professional gear and try constantly to improve my skills and every day learn something new and interesting about photography and post processing. In my usual profession I work as a psychiatrist, an expert in testimonies for legal authorities in Germany. 34











SANDRA ZAGOLIN Piove di Sacco, Italia

www.sandrazagolin.it vimeo.com/185556428 youtube.com/watch?v=Q3YimyakxkI&t=3s

Sandra Zagolin was born in Piove di Sacco (PD) where she still lives. She has been a part of the Chiaroscuro Fotoclub since 1996 and been at the President’s position since 2008. An avid traveler, she loves reportage but is equally passionate about portraits and landscapes. Her work has been exhibited throughout Italy, as well as in various countries across the world. Some of her journalistic work has been published in magazines such as Touring Club, Dove, Oasis, Fotonotiziario, Fotografia Reflex etc.

Since 2010, she has been participating in many national and international competitions and has been a finalist among thousands of participants i n t h e L e i c a a n d N a t i o n a l G e o g ra p h i c competitions in 2012 and 2013, besides winning numerous other awards over the years. Since 2012 she has received 6 AFI (National) BFI (National) honors for acquired merits, which include AFIAP, EFIAP, EFIAP/b and EFIAP/s (International). She was also been a member of the Italian team that won the 2014 ‘Friendship and Solidarity’ World Cup and the 2015 ‘Women in Society’ Gold Medal. Passionate about audiovisuals, she has received worldwide recognition and her works have been screened during the prestigious international event ‘Dia sotto le stelle’ in Busto Arsizio (VA). This series MONGOLIA is a journey to discover places and people such as the Tsaatan (reindeer men), the Kazakhs, hunters with eagles and the inhabitants of the Gobi desert, who are living in the remotest areas of the world. 46












500px.com/SergioVolani sergiovolani.tumblr.com/

I was born in Como where I still live. In the summer of 1971, during the school holidays, I found a job at the age of 17 to get enough money to be able to buy a camera. This is when my journey into the world of photography bagan that continues even today and has evolved with the passage of time. I continued with black and white for many years, also involving their development and printing, or sometimes the color slides, until in 2005 when the transition to digital took place.

I had tried many genres, but had zeroed in on portraits glorifying the human figure, but in the recent years I have also been inclined towards nature, travel and reportage photography. I don't know how to use Photoshop but I also dislike the extreme elaborations that distort reality. I think the downside of digital is the absence of compulsion for printing of photos. We are bombarded with millions of photos of which only an ephemeral trace remains in our memory. I still like to read, study, visit exhibitions, follow great photographers, besides everything that revolves around the magical world of photography. For me there is always something to learn. 58











VINCENT LECOLLEY Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Philippines

facebook.com/Vincent.Lecolley.Photography flickr.com/photos/vlecolley/ instagram.com/vincent_lecolley/

I am Vincent, French photographer based in the Philippines, more exactly in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental. I totally fell in love with this country and its habitants since my first step here. This place also made me start with photography, wanting to transcribe what I was seeing with eyes or the emotions my heart felt.

One of my main photography projects is to photograph the manual workers in the Philippines to be able to pay tribute to those who are often not respected enough in their society. My method is simple: I would ride my motorbike, always with my fiancée (who is also my translator), and keep wandering on the road to be looking for encounters, landscapes culminating into beautiful photos. The authenticity of a situation by creating a real relationship with the people I photograph is very important to me... I always take time to talk to them and know them more. It culminates often into some moving stories and other times to a lasting friendship! 70











VINEET SHARMA Varanasi, India

facebook.com/shrmvnt instagram.com/clickvineet

I always feel privileged for having been born and brought up in Varanasi - the holiest city of India. Varanasi is revered amongst Hindus and Buddhists as a seat of spiritual consciousness, being situated on the banks of sacred river Ganges. A world heritage site as per UNESCO, it is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. I am fond of photography, traveling and off-road adventures but most of my works are proudly confined to my own city.

My images have won a lot of competitions in India and abroad, and have earned me accolades. One of them has appeared on the covers of Street Photography in World, India Street, published in Italy. My 5-page detailed article based on Varanasi’s Ghats and Streets was published along with the cover photo in Az Utazo Magazine, a premium publication of Europe published from Budapest, Hungary. My detailed photo coverage of Prayag Kumbh -2019 was also published in Az Utazo and in TRIP & Travel Magazine published from Budapest, Hungary. A similar photo coverage with an article is about to be published in SISRA Magazine, Hong Kong. A detailed interview has also been published in WordPress portraying me among the top Street Photographers of India. 82











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Reportage Vol. 13 - December 2020


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