WePhoto Architecture Vol. 4

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WePhoto Architecture 2019 - Vol. 4 Dear all, This present edition of ‘The Series’ adds yet another feather to an ornate WePhoto cap. The genre this edition covers is Architecture Photography. Since February 2014, WePhoto Group, having perhaps the widest presence across Facebook, has come this far only because of our passion for photography. Over this time, thanks to the continuous help and support of my likeminded colleagues, we have worked together with equal enthusiasm to create several groups and thematic pages to represent the various styles in photography even better. Today WePhoto group stands tall with various groups and 12 thematic pages, with picture boards on Pinterest, a dedicated web portal and more than ninety ebooks published on issuu.com. These annual collections called - The Series – comprise of the eBooks, each belonging to a specific photographic theme, and include the artwork of several authors from Italy and abroad. The one in your hands is the fourth thematic book dedicated to Architecture Photography. Apart from the e-version, these publications are available in the form of coffee table books too.

Editorial Board Mario Bunčuga: Editor & Art Director Germana De Chellis: Chief Graphic Designer Pankaj Anand: Review Associate Priyanka Agrawal: Review Associate Nunzia De Feo: Chief Graphic Designer

May 2019 2

We are so excited and happy to feature these beautiful images and most of all, be able to share them with a wider viewership. You may help us spread the word across by sharing the links given ahead and recommending to others these free eBooks from our webpages. This is how you may help us grow and share our passion for photography! In this Book you can also find the links to WePhoto group on Facebook and WePhoto Group portal. You are welcome to join the group, invite your friends and enjoy some of the best images from around the world.


Gratitude Special thanks to Nunzia De Feo, Chief of WePhoto Architecture Group/Page, who has helped us select images, contact authors and collect content. Her efforts in putting things together at the back office are commendable. My thanks to Germana De Chellis for her impeccable layout and cover designs and to Pankaj Anand and Priyanka Agrawal, who are responsible for English translations, proofreading of drafts, and content development. Thanks to all the authors who have made this volume such a great collection with their valuable contributions. I owe my thanks to our administrative colleagues too, who are continuously managing and taking care of the group as well as its 12 thematic pages and the online magazines and are ardently bringing forth the best photographers from across the globe. I have no words to express my gratitude for the wonderful work they do every day with great passion and commitment. WePhoto Network the Founder Mario BunÄ?uga


The Authors

Alessandro Ragozzino

Mariateresa Marrese

Mario Ecora

Eric Chatelain

Giorgio De Luca

Mario Volpi

Mahesh Krishnamurty

Osvaldo Ghirardi

Yuval Shiboli


Disclaimer & Copyright All rights are reserved to WePhoto and Mario Bunčuga for this entire Book and to single authors for their individual photographs included in the related chapters. This book can be downloaded for free and distributed freely only as a whole. The images and text are exclusive property of the authors who might authorize their use elsewhere if they so wish, and contacted personally in advance. However any misuse or otherwise will be prosecuted through the prevalent rules on the subject of copyright. You may order a print version coffee table book from our linkage at Peecho online print service. © 2019 WePhoto

© 2019 Mario Buncuga

© 2019 Alessandro Ragozzino

© 2019 Eric Chatelain

© 2019 Mahesh Krishnamurty

© 2019 Mariateresa Marrese

© 2019 Mario Ecora

© 2019 Mario Volpi

© 2019 Osvaldo Ghirardi

© 2019 Osvaldo Ghirardi

© 2019 Yuval Shiboli



Architectural Photography Not all buildings and architectural structures are made beautiful and not all great buildings may come out good in photographs, unless we have a deep understanding of perspectives or angles; and know how to see light. Having said that, I consider architectural photography and its post processing to be an arduous job, particularly when it goes beyond merely documenting an elevation and creates an objet d’art. It is only by using the right play of light - whether in real or post production or at times both - that a photo artist can add contrast, shadows, textures and reflections to an image to make it stand out. Presented here-within is a compendium of some of the most powerful images that we are proudly able to bring under one cover. Hope you would love it as much as we did. Mario BunÄ?uga June 2019



alessandroragozzino.com/ facebook.com/AlessandroRagozzinoph/

My passion for photography was born out of love at first sight in the spring of 1986. Walking in front of the window of a photographic store I impulsively bought a Praktica MTL5B without even realizing what it could do, and being aware of my condition, the next purchase was obviously a photography book that I devoured greedily because in those days without internet, the only way to learn was to read and experiment. Several years later some events led me to set aside photography while leaving a weak link with it and so once a chance encounter with a passionate photographer rekindled the desire and passion to do photography.

During ten years the world of photography as I knew had completely changed: the much beloved film was no longer used and the almost disappeared the photo labs imposed a strong adaptation to the new technology made up of sensors and editing programs. I began rediscover this boundless and fascinating world by way of reading, attending workshops and watching tutorials in both photography and post production. Slowly the first small awards arrived on social networks and through participation in the competitions and several group exhibitions. One of the most beautiful experiences was my participation in the traveling collective exhibition ‘Come Look at My Town’ organized by the Archiminimal group and exhibited throughout Italy. Because of a feline-like curiosity I find myself trying hands on everything that may involve new experiments. I have collaborated with the CFC (Cavese Photo Club) where I conduct lectures on basic shooting and editing techniques. I love knowing and meeting people, sharing doubts and curiosities, I love nature and technology, beauty in all its forms, my family, good food, and I love life. 10











ERIC CHATELAIN Geneva, Switzerland www.eric-chatelain.ch camerapixo.com/photographers/eric-chatelain 1x.com/member/Rico57

I am a 61 year old amateur photographer living in the suburbs of Geneva (Switzerland). I only started to use a "real" camera, which my father lent to me, at the beginning of 2016. Before this I had been using a simple smartphone for taking photographs. I later acquired a Canon 5D MarkIV to be able to use all the lenses that my father bequeathed to me.

As an architect, I am particularly attracted to buildings or bridges with strong contrasts, colors and interesting details, but I also like to focus on small objects that may range from a flower to a mere piece of electrical wire. I created a special tool of my own with PhotoShop to crop and to frame any kind of picture in a pinpoint accurate way. If you are interested to learn about my method, please send me an e-mail to : echatelain36@yahoo.com and I will send you the manual in PDF format. Overall I may describe myself in three simple words : passionate, curious and eclectic! 22












delugiorgio@gmail.com fotoarkitettura.com

Presentation by: Antonella Vincenzi Editorial Manager Franco Cosimo, Panini Editore Spa

Born in 1954, I try to bring the memory of my native land, the Salento with its wide olive groves and sunny stone, in my heart and eyes. In my shots, the luminous games and the breakthroughs are recurrent. I search for a light that warms and I prefer black and white colors and give them unexpected and unusual shades.

In my photographs, a constant is also my clear intuition as an architect, my ability to pursue s y m m e t r i e s a n d p e r s p e c t i v e s , t h re e dimensionality and movements. I search for balance in closed or open spaces with an insatiable hunger for knowledge. In fact, I think you can feel emotion, enchantment, play, curiosity in all my shots. It is a very slight flapping of the wings towards the essence of the object taken up. 34











MAHESH KRISHNAMURTY Jakarta, Indonesia facebook.com/mahesh.krishnamurthy.980 nstagram.com/slices_of_the_street/

My name is Mahesh Krishnamurthy, and I was born in Hyderabad, India, and now live and work as a consultant in Jakarta, Indonesia.

My passion for photography began 10 years ago when I started traveling. In the early years, it was all about capturing landscapes, cityscapes, and historical objects, but now my passion is Street Photography, Social Documentary, Natural Light Street Portraits and some Architecture. 46











MARIATERESA MARRESE Calvi Risorta, Italia facebook.com/Mariateresa-Marrese-ph-1546999335538842/


Mariateresa Marrese was born in Capua (CE) in 1962. After obtaining her diploma, she graduated in Law at the Federico II University of Naples. Currently, she is passionately involved in the teaching of legal and economic disciplines at the ISISS "UGO FOSCOLO" in Teano. She lives in Calvi Risorta, a small town in the Caserta area, with a husband, three children, five dogs, two cats, six hens, a rooster and a turtle.

Since 2014 she has dedicated herself seriously to what has always been her passion: photography. She attended a course initially and has not stopped shooting since. Her photographic ideal is inspired by simplicity a n d s h e w o r k s i n s t i n c t i v e l y, p e r h a p s unconsciously, following intuition. She likes to capture those moments in which people and things reveal themselves. She has participated in various exhibitions and competitions with gratifying results and, in 2016, she published "SOLO PER AMORE", a collection of her photos accompanied by the verses of Lucia Pellino. This collection was also presented at the MMMF 2017 MIA MARTINI MANTOVA FESTIVAL 2017. 58











MARIO ECORA Roma, Italia

marioecora.wixsite.com/foto vogue.it/photovogue/portfolio/?id=149150#gallery-1-path


Born in Rome in 1971, I have been passionate about photography since I was 20. Unfortunately, it's not my full-time job, but it's no less. It’s an integral part of my life. First a Yashica Fx3 Super 2000 had been the companion of my travels, and then I switched to digital with a Nikon D3100, and later a Nikon D7100.

I am a self-taught person and I like to take pictures of everything - portraits, landscapes, macros, in color or in black and white - but the kind of photography that best represents me is that of modern architecture, being able to capture the most sinuous shapes which they are according to my point of view. I love experimenting with different techniques for my photographs, hoping to be able to convey certain sensations and emotions by simply writing with my eyes. Among the various accomplishments are, a photographic exhibition on my city - Rome, with one of my photos chosen among the many and exhibited at the Stadium of Domitian in Piazza Navona, various publications on a sector magazine and a portfolio on Vogue Italia. 70











MARIO VOLPI La Plata, Argentina

facebook.com/mariovolpi.124 instagram.com/mariovolpiphoto/ flickr.com/photos/mariovolpi/

I was born in 1958 in La Plata, near Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I am an Industrial Designer, university professor, and an amateur photographer where my interests converge for architecture, perspective and the study of projections. Interested in broad and unusual visions, my one of the most used tools is the sum of several photographic shots, which form both panoramic and so-called omni-visions, flat projections of spherical photos. My other interests in photography are portraits in artistic situations and travel photography. 82











OSVALDO GHIRARDI Bobbio Pellice, Italia

facebook.com/osvaldo.ghirardi.5 osviotto@dag.it

I was born in the province of Turin in the middle of the last century. I am a family doctor in two mountain countries bordering France. I have always had photography in my mind and heart, but it was two events, rather two people who contributed to my turn and photographic characterization. The first person who taught me to look in black and white - Augusto Cantamessa, Master of Italian Photography, opened my eyes to architectural photography.

Second, the photography of Julia Anna Gospodarou has been like a stroke of lightning to me, as she is able to combine the forms of architecture with the magic of black and white. A kind of image formulation that I wanted to understand in depth and, somehow, always try to interpret. I love to photograph iconic buildings of contemporary architecture style, but I also like churches, historic buildings and large squares. Mine is a black and white thought studied in the smallest details, where post production is the means to share my vision. I love the shades of gray but also the large negative spaces I use to detach and highlight the main subject. With new technologies, a photograph has become possible where the subject photographed becomes the beginning of the creative process where mind and heart meet. 94











YUVAL SHIBOLI Kefar Saba, Israel

yuvalshiboli.com facebook.com/urban.envisioned/

Urban. Envisioned

Concrete. Steel. Glass. Shine. Rust. Decay. Our urban surrounding fascinates me and draws my attention endlessly. The ever-growing city is mixing proud shiny towers with worn aged buildings. In this blend of shapes and textures we live, work and interact. The city affects us and we affect it in an on-going circle of symbiosi

My work reflects my visions and envisions of our urban surroundings- glamour and sad, shiny and rusty. I am fascinated by the textures and rhythms hidden in the buildings people build. The same people who live in the city surrounded by their urban creations. Photography has been my passion for many years- a way to express myself and interact with my world. I started my journey with street photography focusing on the people of the city, the way they interact with each other, the way they interact with the city. Step by step I've learned to notice more and more of the symbiotic connection that the people have with their urban environment- its density, colors, lines, geometries and lights. My latest works, featured here are impressions of the way I envision this symbiotic connection between man and city. 106











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Architecture vol 4 - May 2019


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