Wephoto asian

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WePhoto Book - Numero One 2014 - Asian style

Different Vision

WePhoto ONE It’s a great pleasure, with this first issue dedicated to Asian authors, introduce our first series of books titled “Different Vision”. The idea for this series was born looking at the myriad of wonderful images in Wephoto Group pages. Authors from all over the world, each with their own culture, traditions, a world view that, although globalization, has different colors regarding different areas So part of this series has the goal to explore every world’s Macro region, and offer a proof, a featuring, trying to figure out if and how traditions and culture can give a “Different Vision”.

This is our second eBook. The first, dedicated to those who, only six months ago started this experience, is available for download via Apple iBooks Store, Amazon Kindle Store and Lulu.com, as separately reported. I would like to thank all the authors for their cooperation, patience and enthusiasm. Almost daily we did talk about the achievement of this book, how to select photos and so on, different countries,




languages, and yet we found ourselves in the WePhoto’s chat, talking as old friends in one language, feeling as if we were sitting at a table in a pub to have a drink together. This is the most beautiful side, perhaps, of this work. Demonstrate that we are all the same, it doesn’t matter where we were born, we share the same passions, the same fears, the same hopes.

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A special thanks to my Friend and Admin Dick Visser, for the supervision of the graphics, layout and the realization of the book, and with whom we are fighting together to achieve a single version to be offered to various platforms. Thanks to my friend and Admin, Gianfranco Cosmai,





English translations, with the supervision of his friend and coAdmin Mia M Photos, Miami who verificated the accurany of translations.

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I push everyone to watch, read, spread to friends, acquaintances, sharing on Facebook and wherever else this book. Thanks to colleagues Admin, for their patience. Along this time that I have been away from the normal routine management of our network, and for the wonderful work they do every day with great passion. WePhoto Network Il Fondatore Mario BunÄ?uga

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Facebook Anita Chung anitasmchung@gmail.com

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Anita Chung Hong Kong

I love painting, graphic design, jewelry design and travelling. But I am not really in the business according to my interests. Worked for several companies all involved in Sales & Marketing field at Management levels. Now run my own company and have more spare time for me to work on my hobbies, such as photography. Hope to do much more in this area for the coming future. Photography is my eyes! See what I see, feel what I feel! 5 | WePhoto 2014 Š

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What is Photography? Through photography, we can share our feeling and make a lot of creative connections each other. I believe that for photography the most important thing to have is a pure desire, not a good camera or a object that you capture. The important thing is the pure desire to take photos.


Facebook Hisao Kusabuka

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Hisao Kusabuka Japan

Born in Japan, raised in Japan, work in Japan, fell in love in Japan, and took up photography in Japan. I started photography since the day I met one beautiful women on a poster. It was 10years ago! Since then I’ve been having the same desire that I want to take a picture of the women I love as beautiful as the women on that poster, but I haven’t so far. I will continue to take photos whether or not I accomplish my desire; I’m not sure if the day would come. 17 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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What is Photography? Photography is part of self expression that’s been translated through camera. We can get to know easily photographer personality from the way they shoot. Their photos are reflected who they are as well as what they feel.


Facebook Januar Herwanto

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Januar Herwanto Sumenep, Indonesia

I was born in Pasuruan 46 years ago and grow up in Sumenep, Madura, East Java, Indonesia. I’ve just been learning photography for 11 months and I keep my passion and spirit up to learning more and more. My main focus of photo shot are the natural beauty and human daily lives. When taking photos I’m being part of the object as sometimes either relieve or even emotional. 29 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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Facebook Mark Batulan Biwit

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Mark Batulan Biwit Baguio, Philippines I was born in 1988, in the Northern part of the Philippines, Lagawe, Ifugao. I am the 3rd among the four siblings. My father is a lawyer and my mother is a teacher graduate but never had a chance to practice her profession. She preferred to watch for us as we grow up. I graduated nursing in 2009 and was able to passed my licensure exam on the same year. Now, the question is, how did I start in photography? Honestly, I never once thought of becoming a photographer. Although I grew up loving arts. I did some paintings and was an editorial cartoonist. Guess I was just astonished by those beautiful photos, posters on the internet, magazines, news papers and more. The reason I never thought of doing photography was, I though I wont be able to capture or create a photo as beautiful as those. But things have changed when I first grab a hold of a camera. I did not have the luxury and patience to go to photography school and learn how to do it the right way. So I just read the tutorial book. Okay, I just read a few stuff like the shutter, aperture and ISO. After reading few details, I took my camera, went out and shoot anything. Experimenting while analyzing the menus and settings of my camera. Little by little, I am finally realizing the real beauty of photography. I tried different styles and genres of photography: macro, still life, landscape, street, portraiture, and travel. I realized street and travel is a great thing for me, since I travel from time to time. It was just about 4 months ago when I tried conceptual fine-arts photography. It involves processing in the photoshop which makes it difficult since lots of photographers, think photography should not involve processing. Some people I met in fine arts photography told me that I just have to do what ever that makes me feel comfortable. And so I came to this idea that, whenever I will create a fine arts photo, it should contain an inspiring story behind hey They say photography is painting using lights. Perhaps they are right, and to add to that idea, photographs are not a mere illustration. With that idea, photographs should not contain an explanation. Photographs should be interpreted in different ways depending on the viewer. It will not only make the viewer more artistic in their own ways, but also reflects their personality the manner they interpreted the photographs. 41 | WePhoto 2014 Š

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What is Photography? The world is rapidly changing, but history and culture are slowly fading away. I hope that through my lens I can share with you some historical and cultural moments. This series of photographs captures the traditional lives of the Cham people in Vietnam. I hope you enjoy it.

現在世界正在急速變動, 但文化歷史都在褪色中. 我希望透過我的鏡頭, 將文化和歷史的片段留下, 與你們分享. 這輯照片是我在越南拍攝一個歷史悠久的占族, 將他們以前的生活片段重現, 希望你們喜歡.


Facebook Elle Lin etlin25@gmail.com

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Elle Lin Hong Kong I am Elle Lin from Hong Kong. Two years ago, I fell in love with photography. For me, the world of photography is profound, endless variations and a never-ending world of art. I really enjoy the photography which gives me the freedom of creation. Through the lens, I learn more about the world. I hope to record down these beautiful images through my own interpretation and sharing with all of you. Thanks to the Internet technology nowadays, it links the people all over the world together. I feel the world is changing amazingly! 我是Elle Lin, 來自香港, 兩年前愛上了攝影。 對於我來說, 攝影的世界博大精深,變化無窮,是一個沒有盡頭的藝術世 界。 我非常享受攝影帶給我自由創作的樂趣。透過鏡頭, 讓 我更清楚了解這個世界。 我希望將這些美麗的片段,以我的 演繹方式與你們分享。 感謝互聯網的技術, 它把分隔各地 的人聯在一起, 世界正在奇妙地轉變中! 53 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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Facebook Mahesh Krishnamurthy maheshjakarta@yahoo.com

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Mahesh Krishnamurthy Jakarta, Indonesia

I’m an Indian citizen, working and residing in Jakarta, Indonesia. I took up photography 6 years ago to keep a record of the places I visited during my vacations. Slowly I started becoming more and more interested. I don’t have any artistic background or formal education or training in photography. My focus is Black & White Photography, with a preference for street portraits, historical places and landscapes. For me photography is an avenue for artistic expression and intellectual pursuit. 65 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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What is Photography? Photography is a subjective and personal matter. Surely it is not only about mastering the techniques nor the latest gears. Advanced gears with a good technique can only take me so far to build my craftsmanships. It is by adding “Me” (you, us, in that matter), the soul and spirit, that it will take that craftsmanship into works of art. We don’t need to try too hard to impress other with our works. It always helps to read books, see the movies, and learn other art branches. I believe it is through going deeper inside our self that we would find our own photography identity and soul.


https://www.facebook.com/roe.photowork ruben.hardjanto@yahoo.com

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Roe Jakarta, Indonesia

I encountered the world of photography about four years ago and started my journey as a cityscape photographer. Being an architect I saw cities as a massive clusters of buildings, mostly racing to be built with the latest technologies. One day, I discovered amidst the gigantic buildings and towers, there are micro livings that contain many stories. That marked a new leap in my photojournalism, social documentary and street photography journey. With an aesthetic eye, I’d like to present the reality of people living at the depth of the city, portraying the marginal community that is far from being glamorous. I want to show the beauty of their simplistic and ordinary life, by capturing their real story, their emotion and passion. I’d like to capture the mementos on people being grateful in hardships, about their extraordinary adaptability, and the spirit that’s not easily discouraged. So far the journey has blessed me with a widen horizon of human existence and life. 77 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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Facebook Caloy Llamas II

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Caloy Llamas II Manila, Philippines My full name is Carlos Alfonso S. Llamas II, but everyone calls me Caloy. I was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. I started dabbling in photography almost six years ago, when I bought my very first DSLR camera, a Canon EOS 50D. But it was not until 2012 when I started getting serious after taking up several photography workshops, and gaining photographer friends with whom I would go out to shoot with and learn together in the process. I mainly enjoy shooting landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes. I also engage in travel photography, events and portraiture, where I have gone semi-professional by engaging in photography jobs with various groups and individuals. I have also recently developed an interest in long-exposure black and white and minimalist photography, and I am currently seeking to learn, and, further develop my skills in this area. There is still so much for me to learn in the field of photography, and this makes me feel very excited. 89 | WePhoto 2014 Š

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What is Photography? Photography is record and self-expression of beauty with fact besically,in the sense black&white picture available chenging tone is the best fun for me.

私にとって、写真は、事実を基本にした日々の記録であり自己表現です。その意味では、階調を変えられる白 黒写真は、最高の楽しみです。


Facebook Tadahiko Shimazu

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Tadahiko Shimazu Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan

I graduated from a university in 1984. then noe OFFICE WORKER My experience as amateur -photographer with a single‐lens reflex camera,is about 30 years then changed dejital in 2007. 一眼レフカメラの写真歴は約30年で、2007年からデジタルカ メラに変えました。 101 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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Facebook Boy Jeconiah boyjeconiah@yahoo.co.id

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Boy Jeconiah Putranto Jakarta, Indonesia

I am teacher at elementary school Jakarta. 113 | WePhoto 2014 Š

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Facebook Neeta Kiran neetampk@gmail.com

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Neeta Kiran Bangalore, India

An Interior Designer by Profession, Photography became a hobby I developed over the last four years. While travelling alongside my husband who is a Passionate and Excellent Bird Photographer, I developed an interest of my own towards Landscape and Travel Photography. Born and brought up in this magical land of India where the landscapes are varied and so are the lives of the people who live in the different regions .I Hope to intrigue people with my Images and draw them in… as India has always been open to visitors. There has been an old famous saying in India which says: “Atithi Devo Bhava” which literally translates to say that “ guest is god” Thanks to the power of the Internet I am able to share some of these images with you… Still Loads to learn and many Roads to be travelled… 125 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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Facebook Rully Salahudin

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Rully Salahudin Jakarta, Indonesia

A mother from 3 children, and I just a house mom, and photography’s my new hobby. I love photography since 8 months ago and the first time I loved photography since having an Iphone. 137 | WePhoto 2014 Š

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Facebook Dika Yudha Dikastreet89@gmail.com

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Dika Yudha Kediri, Indonesia

Dika Yudha Rio Pamungkas is a freelancer photographer living in Kediri, Indonesia. He has been loving photography since 3 years ago, and he has received many awards for photography contests in Indonesia. He is interested in landscape; black and white; and exploring any new places. Moreover, some of his photos have been published in various website like: fineartamerica.com - viewbug.com - youpic.com - kujaja.com - votoart.com - flipboard.com - photopixelbest.altervista.org - instagram.com and bnw magazine’s photo’s. For him, photography is an art of observation, and it is about finding interesting place in life. 149 | WePhoto 2014 ©

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