Circle of Sharing: February 2015

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Circle of Sharing Official Bulletin of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District Volume 21

Issue 8

February 2015

Winter Weekend Getaway << Pg. 10

CKIx Sneak Peak Page 5

K-Kids Page 6

CKI Leadership Academy Page 14


Table of Contents District Board Chair Positions.………………...……….Page 3-4 Kiwanis’ 100th Birthday/CKIx Sneak Peek...…………Page 5 K-Kids…………………………………………......…………….Page 6 Ahrens’ Alcove: DCON………………..…………...…….Page 7-9 Winter Weekend Getaway…………………..................Page 10 WUM Service Week……….…………………………….....Page 11 Divergent Faction Initiations………....……………..Page 12-13 CKI Leadership Academy……………….….………........Page 14 Edgewood College Highlight……………….……………..Page 15 Happygrams………………………………………………..Page 16-17 District Goal Progress...……………….…………………...Page 18 Letter from the Editor………………………………………Page 19 2014-2015 District Board Directory……………………..Page 20 The next Circle of Sharing will be published March 15th, 2015. Please contact Editor, Marissa Blackmore (, to be featured in the 2 next bulletin. 2

District Board Chair Positions By: Teasha Kirkwood, District Governor

Greetings WUM! As we near even closer to convention and the end of our Circle K year together, I hope that you begin to reflect on the impact that you’ve made on your campus and your community. I hope that you’ve seen leadership within yourself, that you’ve shared your talents and that you’ve seen where and how you can make a difference. With that being said, I sincerely hope that you have considered joining the district board and taking this district to a new level. Below is a description of each of the chair positions available that need the kind of leadership that you have! So when applications for these positions are available, don’t hesitate to apply!

Awards, Regulations, and History Chair: This position demands organization! Not only would you be responsible for policy and bylaws, but you be the master of Robert’s Rules and creator of district awards. For more information, contact Kayla Ahrens at Kiwanis Family and Outreach Chair: Love the K-Family? Then this is perfect for you! You’ll organize district wide Kiwanis Family events and create resources that connect the branch of the Kiwanis Family together. For more information, contact Monica Wang at



Our Circle K Family History District Board Chair Positions Membership, Development, and Growth Chair: Recruitment and retention are the keys to increase our district membership. Through hosting webinars to creating resources for clubs this position does a variety of tasks to grow the membership! For more information, contact Jordan Grapentine at District Convention Chair: From choosing a theme to creating programs, as convention chair you get to plan all of the ins and outs of convention! If you want to plan our district celebration then this is perfect for you! For more information, contact Samantha Robinson at Service Chair: Service its what we love to do, and being the service chair you would get to specialize in all things service! From creating service projects at district event to assisting clubs create fun and new service projects you get to do it all! For more information, contact Matthew Bowe at Special Events Chair: Our Fall and Spring membership events don’t plan themselves, it takes time, energy, and a great Pinterest board to make it all come together. If you enjoy MAC and Spring Fling and would like to plan them then this is the perfect position for you! For more information, contact either of the Co-Special Event Chairs, Lizzy Johnson at or Emily Krueger at

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Happy 100th Birthday, Kiwanis! By: Janet Degroot

Kiwanians from around the world gathered in Detroit to celebrate 100 years of Kiwanis with the anniversary celebration of the Kiwanis Club of Detroit, the first Kiwanis club. Four hundred Kiwanians and friends packed the Detroit Historical Museum on Friday night to see the Kiwanis Centennial Exhibit and to witness the unveiling of the restored Historical Marker. Saturday night was a real party! A very important message from Kiwanis International President Dr. John Button about the significance of Kiwanis today, and an inspirational address from Drew Dudley on leadership were part of the dinner program. The huge birthday cake was a big hit for photo ops, as was the Historical Marker. Kiwanians and guests also applauded the mini-documentary “A portrait of Kiwanis”, which premiered in Detroit. The Kiwanis Club of Detroit’s silent auction raised a little over US$8,000 for the Eliminate Project. To top the night off, the band was fantastic. Fifty Amp Fuse had the ballroom rocking and the dance floor was full. Kiwanis clubs around the world are holding club celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis and will be doing so throughout the year. Circle K, along with Key Club and Aktion Club, will be joining in the Kiwanis International Convention to celebrate this June in Indianapolis, IN. This is the first time that all the international conventions will be held at the same time and it is going to be a great time. Along with all the service, Circle K elections, and celebration of accomplishments that are part of the CKIx (Circle K International Convention) Circle K members will join in the Kiwanis convention opening and closing sessions, workshops, as well as what will undoubtedly be a giant pancake lunch. So take this chance to be part of what is sure to be a historic event. Convention registration information can be found at



This branch of Kiwanis encompasses elementary school children, grades 4 through 5. K-Kids strive to live by their 4 core values: character building, leadership, inclusiveness, and caring. Their motto is as follows: As a K-Kid, I promise to serve my neighborhood and my school; I will show respect toward my environment; and I will try to make the world a better place in which to live. Membership in K-Kids reaches over 33,000 worldwide. These members are spread across 1,100 clubs in 8 nations.



Ahrens’ Alcove: District Convention Elections One of the most fun things about DCON (besides finding out all of the award winners) is getting to elect our new district officers. For those of you that are planning to run, here are a few basic things that you need to know. Nominations Nominations will open on Friday night during opening ceremonies. This is your first opportunity to nominate. Teasha will go through, asking for nominations position by position. When you hear the position you would like to run for (or the person you are nominating is running for), simply stand up and proceed to the microphone and recite the following (don’t worry, this will be posted by the microphone): “I (your name) of the Circle K club of (school) nominate (their name) of the Circle K Club of (school) for the position of (position). This needs to be followed by a second-er: “I (your name) of the Circle K club of (school) second the nomination of (their name) of the Circle K Club of (school) for the position of (position). The nominated individual will then be asked they he/she accepts the nomination. They need to stand and do so. Nominations will also take place on Saturday afternoon during the Kiwanis Family Luncheon. Nomination Hints: * Figure out who is going to nominate and second the nomination before Teasha asks. * Try to have members from different schools nominate and second you. * A current district board member CANNOT nominate or second. Caucusing All candidates for officer positions are allowed to speak during divisional caucus meetings. Lieutenant Governor candidates will address their respective divisions which includes a speech and talking time. Executive candidates will speak to each division – speech and question time included in both. Be prepared for anything (including dancing).



Ahrens’ District Convention Elections Campaign Material If you wish to post campaign material in the motel, they must be hung with blue painters tape and approved by Janet at the Candidates Meeting prior to the start of convention. Each candidate is only allowed 10 8 ½” x 11” posters to be displayed at the hotel. Fliers or literature that candidates plan to distribute may not exceed 8 1/2 “ x 14” in size. *The election committee (headed and chosen by yours truly – ARH Chair, Kayla Ahrens) reserves the right to disallow any campaign material they deem inappropriate. Elections LTGs will be elected by their respective divisions after the second round of caucusing on Saturday. Voting for Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor will be elected at House of Delegates on Saturday afternoon. All candidates will be allowed two minutes to address the House of Delegates before voting takes place. If you have any questions, contact: Kayla Ahrens –


Good luck! 8

’ Alcove Sergeant at Arms & Delegate Information With DCON creeping closer, there are a few things each President needs to do. Sent in an email, you should have received a Delegate form as well as a form for Sergeant at Arms. Please fill those out and bring them to District Convention. Below is a description for each position. Each club at DCON has 2 delegates which are responsible for voting on behalf of their club. They will need to check in before House of Delegates to receive their ticket during the credentials check-in. Sergeant at Arms are responsible for keeping things in order - from watching the doors during caucusing to collecting meal tickets and so on. They are assigned a task at the sergeant at arms meeting before convention starts. Each club is asked to have two people to do this job. Just ask the members you have going who wants to do what and fill out the forms Kayla sent. The member numbers can be found on the membership update center. If you have questions, contact Kayla Ahrens —



Winter Weekend Getaway By: Jordan Grapentine

The weekend of January 16th , WUM members took a trip to Escanaba, Michigan for two days of service and fellowship. On Friday, we spent the night catching up with each other and meeting new people, especially members from Bay College. On Saturday we played a game of Capture the Flag in the snow before eating lunch and starting service projects. We split up into two groups; one group volunteered at the library to read to children during their story hour. Another group went to a women’s shelter and organized a storage closet and a few of their rooms. After that, many of us went swimming in the pool and hot tub, and played water games until dinner. After that, the group went ice skating where a few of us took a few falls with pride (but continued skating!). We went back to the hotel, drank hot chocolate, and played mafia where the mafia won at least three times in a row!


Overall, it was a great weekend with a lot of time to socialize and get to know each other. If you didn’t attend this year, definitely consider attending next year. 10

WUM Service Week To celebrate service and District Convention, the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District of Circle K International is celebrating a Service Week, similar to International’s. The goal is to get SERVE (BINGO)! Now, it does not matter which bingo that you get. It can be five across, five down, five diagonally, four corners, alphabet letters, postage stamp, blackout, or any other type. When you complete one of these squares, sign (preferably an advisor) and date. Then, bring your completed bingo sheet to District Convention. This task will be counted toward your club’s engagement for the Spirit Award. If you have any questions, please email the WUM Service Chair, Matt, at



DISTRICT CONVENTION: DIVERGENT FACTIONS If you are interested in taking your aptitude test today, email DCON Chair Samantha Robinson at and she will go over the aptitude test with you as well as your results!

ABNEGATION FACTION INITIATION: The initiates, who will spend thirty days performing community service before they can become full members, sit side by side on a bench while one of the older members reads the Abnegation manifesto. Then all of the older members wash the initiates feet. They all share a meal, each person serving food to the person on his left.

ERUDITE FACTION INITIATION: Mostly unknown, but they most likely study, and take rigorous tests. It is also stated by Therese that there is an initiation intelligence test that, if not passed, results in one becoming factionless. Each of the initiates selects and is trained in a certain subject of expertise in Erudite.

AMITY FACTION INITIATION: Like Erudite, very little knowledge of Amity's initiation process is given away in the books. From what we can gather, though, it involves fruit-picking and singing songs.



CANDOR FACTION INITIATION: initiates must take lie detector tests all day, every day. During the final test initiates get "truth serum" and must sit in front of everyone as they ask questions. They believe if you reveal all of your secrets, you'll have no desire to lie about anything, ever again because the worst is already in the open.

DAUNTLESS FACTION INITIATION: Taken very seriously. Transfer initiates have to jump out of the moving train that is transporting them to Dauntless HQ, & onto the roof of a building. They must then jump off a seven-story building without knowing what lies at the bottom. The initiates are separated during the first stage of initiation. The Dauntless born are trained by Lauren, and the transfers are trained by Four and Eric. Initiates all sleep in one room (girls & boys). 3 stages of initiation: 1. Physical- initiates learn how to fight and are pitted against each other to prove what they have learned. Scored based on their victories and losses. 2. Emotional- initiates are put into a simulation where they face their fears. They are not aware it is only a simulation, and have to calm themselves to get out. (The Divergent seem to have a knack for this stage, as they are aware it is not real.) 3. Mental- initiates are put into their fear landscapes, which reaches for every fear within the person subjected to it and creates a simulation in which they must face each one. This time, they are aware that it is not real. Those not in the top 5 of each initiation class typically end up as guards. Those not in the top 10 end up factionless.



CKI Leadership Academy July 26th through July 31st, 2015 Waycross Camp & Conference Center in Morgantown, Indiana

This is a six day event that focuses on servant based leadership. Members will develop leadership skills in a way beyond any other leadership conference or camp you have ever attended! This is an amazing opportunity for the WUM district to create driven club presidents and emerging leaders for our organization of Circle K. Attendees will experience exploration, engagement, and evolvement all in the short time period of 6 days. All members from any Circle K club are welcome and encouraged to attend. There is a $195 registration fee. Transportation to Indianapolis is an additional cost. CKI will provide transportation for the Indianapolis airport to Morgantown. Don’t let this deter you, however! Speak with your sponsoring Kiwanis club or College Student Government for financial assistance. Applications for Leadership Academy will be accepted through July 6th. You may find the online application HERE.



EDGEWOOD COLLEGE 14-15 Executive Board President: Mandy Gallo Year in school: Sophomore Major: Art Therapy “I chose to join Circle K because, I believe that helping out those in need is extremely important. There was a time in my life when I was on the other side of the spectrum and I remember how grateful I was for receiving help. I felt that it was time for me to start giving back by helping others.”

Vice President: Megan Kneiser Year in school: Sophomore Major: Nursing “I have always loved to serve and give back to others, I was Vice President of my high school Key Club and think that Circle K is one of the best ways to get involved!!”

Secretary: Megan Meffert Year in school: Sophomore Major: Nursing “I love to volunteer and want to help people.”

Treasurer: Kelly Moran Year in school: Sophomore Major: Nursing “Volunteering is a passion of mine.”

Club Bulletin Editor: Katie Rickert Year in school: Freshman Major: Spanish Education and Teaching ESL “I decided to join Circle K because I had a very positive experience with Key Club in high school. I love service, I have learned so much from it, and I think volunteering in one's community is extremely important. Circle K offered a great way to both get involved with service in Madison, and meet new people.”



HAPPYGRAMS New 2015-2016 UW-Madison Board I am so excited for the newly elected UW-Madison board! Looking forward to seeing what great things you all are going to accomplish this coming year!

Lizzy Johnson & Emily Krueger, UW-Oshkosh and UW-Whitewater Thanks to Lizzy and Emily for all of their help and support as I've been getting acquainted with my new position! You guys rock!

All WUM Club Presidents Thank you club presidents for getting your awards in on time! Also a huge shout out to those that helped complete the award forms! Can't wait for DCON!

Emily Zeman, UW-Milwaukee I am so happy that you're the UWM club president! I am so proud of everything you have done for your club. Thank you for everything that you do!

Travis Ibinger, Edgewood College It's always great working with you. You're a great guy and a valuable member to your club, division, and district.

Ashley Defazio Thank you for being a friend.

Megan Laufenberg, Edgewood College You're always so support and nice, thanks for everything that you do! 16

HAPPYGRAMS Bay College Circle K Congrats to turning in your paperwork!!! Can't wait to see you at DCON #BayVasion WUM Club Presidents Thank you for all of your hard work! BeyoncĂŠ loves you all dearly and appreciate everything that you do. Mandy Gallo, Edgewood College Congratulations on your re-election!! I am so lucky and excited to work with you again this year!!! I know you'll take our club to new heights and continue to lead with example!! Our club is so lucky to have you!! -Megan K Sean Nauss, Bay College As the club president, Sean works extremely hard to make his club thrive. He is so kind, compassionate, and caring. We love you Sean! Fi

UW-LaCrosse Executive Board It is great that you are attending district convention! Hope you are ready for a WUMderful Circle K weekend.

Tina Ignasiak, UW-Madison I'm SOOO happy that you ran for club secretary and got elected! I've seen so much leadership potential in you as long as I have known you. You and the other board members are going to rock it!

Members of WUM Can't wait to see all of your beautiful faces at District Convention and to dance to some Beyonce of course! Love, Teasha



District Goal Progress Goal: 725 Members

Goal: 14,500 Service Hours

Goal: 50 Winter Weekend Getaway Attendees

Progress: 470 Members 65% of Goal

Progress: 8,649 Hours 60% of Goal Goal:










$5,968.51 49% of Goal


Progress: $1,016.23 13% of Goal


Attendance: 20 Attendees 40% of Goal

Goal: 1,200 Kiwanis Family Hours

Progress: 580 Hours 48% of Goal

Letter from the Editor

Dearest WUM Members, DCON is only two weeks away! If you have not yet registered for District Convention, please do so VERY soon! As you may have noticed from the past several bulletins, our theme is Divergent. I think this can be seen as a very meaningful theme for Circle K. While we all have our strengths in certain areas, in the end, we ultimately hold a divergent array of strengths. We can use these strengths to donate our time and talent to others by volunteering. Together as clubs, divisions, and as a district, we present the world with such a wide variety skills to use for the greater good. At this year’s District Convention, members and clubs all over Wisconsin-Upper Michigan will be recognized for these talents and hard work. I highly encourage everyone to attend! I will keep this month’s message short—I certainly have much to do in very little time (as do you, I’m sure). I will leave you with this quote: “The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” --Martin Luther King, Jr. Always remember to take a moment to help others. Have a great week! Yours in Service, Marissa Blackmore



District board Directory District Governor Metro-Southeast Lieutenant Governor Teasha Kirkwood Jim21 Tammen Issue 1 Volume April 2014 Alverno College Marquette University 815-501-1746 815-601-6032

Service Chair Matthew Bowe UW-Eau Claire 715-933-2404

District Secretary Megan Laufenberg Edgewood College 608-438-8136

Superior Lieutenant Governor Sean Kenny Northern Michigan University 906-399-7819

Special Events Co-Chair Emily Krueger UW-Whitewater 414-213-6860

District Treasurer Sara Hujar Northern Michigan University 607-242-1744

Awards, Regulation, and History Chair Kayla Ahrens UW-Platteville 920-810-3772

Special Events Co-Chair Lizzy Johnson UW-Oshkosh 608-354-5584

District Bulletin Editor Marissa Blackmore Edgewood College 920-904-5703

District Convention Chair Samantha Robinson Alverno College 262-945-4832

Assistant Special Events Chair Stephanie Van Kampen UW-Madison 262-510-9257

Capital Lieutenant Governor Five Yang UW-Madison 920-277-0904

Eliminate Project Coordinator Casey Scheibengraber Alverno College 414-520-0103

Webmaster Connor Sawyers UW-Madison 608-228-8597

Chippewa Lieutenant Governor Kirstie Polzin UW-Eau Claire 715-212-5871

Kiwanis Family & Outreach Chair Monica Wang UW-Madison 608-239-5707

Lakes Lieutenant Governor Taylor Moret UW-Oshkosh 608-412-3518

Membership Development & Growth Chair Jordan Grapentine UW-Green Bay 920-209-5090


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