Maritzburg 14 august 2013

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FEVER Tel: 033 355 1111

August 14, 2013



SHOP 3, INVESCO CENTRE • TEL: 033 342 2713


Proposed spanking ban >> If the law is passed, parents would face criminal charges of assault if they use corporal punishment on their children NICOLE JOHN >>


athabile Dlamini, minister of social development, has announced a possible addition to the Children’s Act Third Amendment Bill incorporating a new Child Spanking Law, preventing parents from disciplining their children with a smack on the bottom. If the law is passed, parents would face criminal charges of assault if they use a flat hand or any form of corporal punishment on their children. Dlamini said that the spanking ban is necessary, given the high child violence rate in South Africa. “If a husband beats his wife it’s a crime, but if parents hit a child who is helpless it’s not illegal,” she said during an interview with the Sunday Times. Childline South Africa’s Joan van Niekerk, expressed the organizations support of the proposed addition. She said that there is irrefutable research which supports the law being passed. Van Niekerk said that research shows that spanking is harmful to the child and not an effective way to discipline. “It teaches nothing about desired behaviour and focuses only on the negative. We have banned all forms of physical and verbal violence between adults so why should it not be the same for children who are still in their formative years, both physically and psychologically. If it is harmful for adults, it is even more so for children,” she said.


Childline South Africa expressed their support of the proposed addition, say­ ing that there is irrefutable research which supports the law being passed.

Van Niekerk added that if passed, parents will learn to discipline using positive techniques of behavioural management. “In order to do this, parent–child communication has tobeeffectiveandthiswillbringparentsandchildrencloser together,” she said. When asked what the effects of passing a law like this would mean, van Niekerk said that children will be safer from potential harm. “If corporal punishment is reported to the authorities, parents, in theory, will be referred to positive parenting programmes. Where there is physical harm to the child, the parents will be charged with assault,” she said. Van Niekerk said Childline believes parents have the right and responsibility to discipline their children using positive, rather than harmful or potentially harmful, practices. Shewentontosaythatthemajorityofparentsarepoorly prepared for parenting, which is one of the most important jobs that the majority of adults take on. “We believe that parenting positively should be taught in life skills education. Research indicates that where and when this is well done, there is less teenage pregnancy. Once parents and children begin talking about this law rationally and not reactively, they will discover new ways of disciplining children that are more positive in their long term impact and behaviour management,” said van Niekerk.

THE FEVER TEAM ASKED THEIR FACEBOOK READERS TO SHARE THEIR THOUGHTS ON THIS ISSUE: Scott Peek “Well let’s think, did it work in the UK? And other countries? Nope. Cocky kids. This whole new standard of parenting and the “go to the corner” stuff clearly doesn’t work. I’m not saying beat the hell out of your kids but when I get to the point where I have little ones, I will be making sure they keep in line and spanks will be on the menu. Wooden spoon worked well for me….” Bennie Zwiegelaar “Going from bad to worse!” Riva Jeffrey “Surely not! Look what’s happening in other countries, it just makes children disobedient. Our government has too little to do obviously.” Carla Greyling “Ok but then it should also count when a kid hits an adult.” Sandy Fouche “So very happy my parenting days are over, but yes my kids did get a hiding on the butt and I do believe this taught them to think before getting up to nonsense. However in saying this, there is a fine line between a hiding and abuse. Is it not written in the good book, spare the rod and spoil the child, or something to this effect? As a child, I got a hiding with a riding crop. Do I hate my mother for this? No. Do my kids hate me for giving them hidings? No. In fact my eldest daughter phoned me from the USA (while she was there au pairing) and thanked me for the way she was brought up.”


August 14, 2013






White ants threaten city trees NQOBILE MTOLO >> PIETERMARITZBURG’s trees, which add aesthetic value to the city’s landscape, are under threat due to old age and a white ant infestation. As an emergency resort, the Msunduzi Municipality has budgeted more than R600 000 for the replacement of street trees within the next three years. For this financial year, R210 000 has been set aside to deal with this problem. The plan to replace the trees was also sparked by the January storm which wrecked havoc on the city’s vegetation. Addressing the Executive Committee (Exco)meeting,actingdeputymunicipalmanager for corporate services, Nomonde Mnukwa– Gwabeni, told Exco that there is an added risk of danger due to the white ant infestation. “The portfolio committee of community services resolved that we first need to explore if the required species of trees can be sourced from the department of agriculture. If we cannot source from a donor, then we can utilize that R210 000 to purchase them.” Giving a bit of light on white ant infestation, Pietermaritzburg Pest Control Specialist Ben Du Preez said that there two types of white ants; harvesters termites and subterranean termites. Commenting on the latter Du Preez said they exclusively target or are attached to sick and old trees, stumps and dead wood. “They were created for the sole purpose of recycling and the breakdown of dead wood for compost in nature. Termites can be described as one of nature’s best compost factories. They are not seasonal but are very active right through the year. Generally, if a tree is infested or attacked by termites, the core of the tree is already compromised by dry rot and age and it will just be a matter of time before it is recycled by termites and will fall over. A chemical barrier can delay or prevent an attack of termites to the trunk by injecting a termiticide around the trunk. This is just a preventative treatment for termite infestation. It does not kill or eradicate this compost factory of nature,” he said.








Bridget Siebert 033 355 1274

Nqobile Mtolo 033 355 1170

Nicole John 033 355 1358

Ronael Ramchunder 033 355 1289

Kashfi Thavarin 033 355 1231

Franco Kruger 033 355 1243

New look CBD taking longer than expected >> Project delayed by unrecorded, existing services encountered after the excavations started NQOBILE MTOLO >>


IETERMARITZBURG is abuzz with construction. One of the major projects, the construction of the Chota Motala bridge, an extensionofChurchStreettowardsthenorthernsuburbs, has just been finished, but that is just the tip of the ice berg. Currently, the Msunduzi Municipality is busy with the Public Urban Renewal Project (PURP) which will see the city pavements given new life and the old lampposts being replaced. Currently there is extensive construction along Chief Albert Luthuli (Commercial) Street down from the City Hall up to the corner of Langalibalele (Longmarket) Street and Chief Albert Luthuli Street outside of Publicity House. Although complaints have poured in on concernssurroundingthetrafficcongestionsalong Langalibalele Street during peak hours, Msunduzi Municipality spokesperson Brian Zuma said that the project will be completed in no more than four months. “The project has been delayed by a number of unrecorded, existing services that were encountered after the excavations commenced. The majority of these services was electrical and needed to be tested individually to determine the origin and supply. The services then had to be lowered in order to commence with the construction of the road layer works. Two major water pipelines that were located in the


HEARING AID ACOUSTICIANS at these Pharmacies, by appointment; Hilton • Wembley • Hayfields • Cascades Laurie Butlin 082 444 5426 Kate-Marie Butlin 082 067 7698 Tel: 033 330 3404 WE GUARANTEE YOUR HEARING WILL IMPROVE OR YOU DON’T PAY US! CAN IT GET SIMPLER?

roadwayalsohadtobereplaced.Thiswasdone under the ageing services upgrade programme. The road layer work is currently under construction. The kerbs will be installed shortly then the last layer, the upper sub–base, will be constructed before the paving is laid. The delay caused by the electrical cables and the water mains is approximately six weeks,”

Restoring dignity with proper toilets

said Zuma. He said that the full impact of the delay is being assessed. The pavements are also receiving a facelift as they are being patched with concrete slabs. The water features near Timber Street are now working and street furniture has been added for people to enjoy the scenery.

Hub should be finished in time for tourism month NQOBILE MTOLO >>




The construction of the red brick road along Commercial Road is expected to be finished soon. This construction plan is part of the Msunduzi Municipality’s Public Urban Renewal Programme (PURP) which is expected to breathe a new life to the city’s infrastructure.

THE Msunduzi municipality is working on improving basic sanitation by getting rid of thebucketsanitationsystem. According to Census 2011, there were 1589 bucket toilets in Msunduzi municipal areas. The bucket toilets will be replaced by the Ventilated Improved Pits (VIP). About 14 829 toilets will be built in the Msunduzi area at a cost of R145 million. This ablution system has come as a demand due to community housing needs and the local population growth. In order to care for the environment, and keep local water resources hygienic, these VIP toilets will not be built within 200m of rivers or streams. Addressing the Executive Committee (Exco), municipal manager Mxolisi Nkosi said that this plan will offer

job opportunities to local residents. Right after different design options have been offered to affected households, the households will be required to contribute to the project by digging pits and providing water for construction for their respective toilets. “We were not confronted by residents like it happened in Cape Town. This is all about the dignity of people and to eradicate the bucket system,” said mayor, Chris Ndlela. According to Census 2011, out of the 163994 households there are 84674 flush toilets connected to a sewerage system, 8539 flush toilets with septic tanks, 28345 pit toilets, 27607 pit toilets without ventilation, 5487 chemical toilets and 3317 households had no ablution facilities in all the wards under the Msunduzi municipality.

THE Msunduzi Tourism Hub is expected to be finished by next month, which coincides with national tourism month. Msunduzi Pietermaritzburg Tourism Association (MPTA) director Dumisani Mhlongo, said that applications have been opened for tenants who would like to position their businesses inside the tourism hub. “We are looking at car rental companies, events management and accommodation businesses. Although we are not limited to those services, we basically want convenience and centrality of services as most of these services are not in the CBD. This will assist inbringingpeoplebackintothecity.By next week, we will look at the administrative issues of tenants,” explained Mhlongo. The tourism hub is located at the corner of Pietermaritzburg’s busiest street, Langalibalele Street (Longmarket) and Henrietta Street. The hub will have 22 offices, a restaurant, an underground parking garage and a piazza.Thefiveshopswhichwillbeaccommodated will face Langalibalele Street. The building will cost more than R25 million and it is expected to


Msunduzi Pietermaritzburg Tourism Association (MPTA) director Dumisa­ ni Mhlongo (pictured) is excited that construction at the Msunduzi Tour­ ism Hub will be done next month. boost local tourism. The hub was launched in 2011 at the City Hall and was s funded by the KwaZulu–Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta).

In case there’s an



Ambulance: 10 177 Fire Brigade: 080 003 3911 Traffic Mpimpa Hotline: 086 221 1011 911 Control Centre, PMB: 033 391 1911 Lifeline (24hrs): 033 394 4444 Rape Crisis: 033 394 4444



Water: 080 000 1868/033 392 2128 Electricity: 033 392 5098/5096/5029 Afterhours number: 033 392 5098 Traffic lights: 033 392 2205 Roads (drains, damage): 033 392 2047 or 033 392 2059

Crime Stop: 086 001 0111


Aids Help: 033 394 4444 Aids Hotline (tollfree): 080 001 2322 Gift of the Givers Careline: 033 342 2239/080 078 6786 Alcoholics Anon: 086 143 5722 or 033 345 6795 Famsa: 033 342 4945 Childline: 080 005 5555 Forest Fires: 033 330 8421 Safe City report crime via SMS: 083 767 7233 SPCA: 033 386 9267

EMERGENCY CHEMISTS: Scottsville: Central: Northdale:

033 386 1029 033 342 1200/(a/h) 033 346 0550 033 387 1681

Maritzburg FEVER hotline:

August 14, 2013





Distribution complaints or compliments, contact OTD distributors on 033­346 2156. This number is available from Mo­Fri 8:00­16:30






The sale of pirated disks is a national dilemma which musicians and actors representative unions have been fighting against for a very long time.

Illegal disk sellers litter CBD >> The sellers contribute towards an estimated R500 million loss by artists and recording companies each year due to piracy NQOBILE MTOLO >>


NE of Pietermaritzburg’s busiest streets, Church Street, has transformed into a one–stop shop for pirated music CDs and movie DVDs. From this week’s box office mega films such as World War Z, The Smurfs 2, The Wolverine and Despicable Me 2, to local music by KwaZulu–Natal gospel duo Sgwili and Babo, a single pirated movie or music disk is sold for a standard price of R10. These disks are sold in multi–coloured, soft disk pouches which carry one or two disks. The local illegal disk sellers contribute towards an estimated R500 million which is lost by artistsandrecordingcompanieseach year due to piracy. The Recording Industry of South Africa (Risa) has also stated that piracy is one of the main reasons why local artists do not suc-

ceed further in the South African music industry. Risa has also dealt with online piracy and it has closed a number of unlicensed websites whichallowedthepublictodownload the latest music by Big Nuz, Rihanna, Maroon 5 and Mariah Carey. Msunduzi Municipality spokesperson,BrianZuma,saidthatthesale of pirated disks is a national dilemma which musicians and actors representative unions have been fighting against for a very long time. “Ourmunicipalsecurity,fromtime to time, organize a blitz and round up the culprits. When found, the CDs and DVDs are confiscated. But they [sellers] are all over and they are always on the alert for municipal security. As soon as they see them, they vanish into the crowds,” said Zuma Police spokesperson Lieutenant Joey Jeevan said that the police in Pietermaritzburg have had numerous successes in the last year where,

working in partnership with Risa, they arrested several suspects in the CBD for contravention of the Copyright Act. “Focus is not only placed on the person selling counterfeit DVDs or CDs on the street, but also the manufacturer, who is regarded as the source of this escalating problem. Risa has appointed persons who work closely with the police in a bid to combat piracy. These persons are trained by Risa to be able to identify manufacturing equipment and fake CDs and DVDs,” she said. Jeevan said that the manufacturing, possession, sale or distribution of counterfeit CDs and DVDs is penalised under the Copyright Act 98 of 1978. Elaborating further about the Copyright Act, she said: “Original CDs and DVDs are protected by copyright [laws]. The Act makes it clear that any person, other than the owner of the copyright item, who sells, exposes or

exhibits for sale any article, DVD or CD, protected by copyright shall be guilty of an offence if it is proved that he or she was aware that the CD or DVD found in his or her possession is an infringing copy of the original,” said Jeevan. Shouldthepersonbeconvicted,he or she will be liable for the payment of a fine between R5000 and R10 000, or spend three years to five years in

jail. “The fact of the matter is for as long as there is a market, the problem will persist,” said Zuma. In 2010, about 90 000 pirated DVDs and CDs were destroyed at Wayne’s Scrap Metal. These were valued at R9 million. This came after a seven–month operation conducted by Msunduzi Municipality, Safe City, the South African Police Force and Risa.


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August 14, 2013




Write to the Maritzburg Fever editor, at P. O. Box 362, or send an e­mail to or fax the letter to 033 355 1164.

Write to the


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Readers are invited to share their views, news and issues with the Pietermaritzburg community. Only letters with an address will be considered for publication. This week’s winning letter is from SARAH PENNINGTON, who has won a R100 shopping voucher from Jonathan’s Spar. Winners of the best letter must take their ID book, as well as this letters’ page, to Krish Naidoo, at Jonathan’s Spar at City Square, Langalibalele Street, in order to claim their prize.

Well done to all those involved in the Northdale drug bust T

Patricia Glyn Latest Eco-adventure 22nd August 2013 TIME: 5.30 for 6 pm VENUE: Mountain View Entertainment Centre Price: R80 pp Includes a light Dinner, Fire Dancing, Lucky Draw Prizes and Dance

HE story in the August 7 edition of the Fever regarding the ‘Huge Northdale drug bust’ was inspirational. Eightmonthsofundercoverinvestigation and 10 people have been arrest-

WE are woman. What? Yes, we have been oppressed, beaten to a pulp, had our innocence taken away, blamed and cursed, stolen and sold. We have been disgraced and humiliated because we can’t keep standards. We let our guards down, let you in and we pay for it. Sometimes with our lives. We are punished for your mistakes and left lower than the floor, cov-

ered in blood. Then you need us and we must just forget. We must just be strong. Stop being drama queens. Drama is all you’ve given, yet I give love because its all I am made of. But I am a woman. We are strong and no matter what you try, we will never be put down or shut up. We can smile when you spit. We can walk when you stand in our

way. We move things for ourselves. For the doors you keep shutting, we will create our own. We are power, intellect, beautiful. And we are the nation builders. Every foundation is built and conceived by woman. Women. We run this world. CALISA CHETTY Woodlands Secondary

‘Desperate canvassing of the poor’ THE desperation of the Democratic Alliance (DA) to grab any opportunity to capture black votes is revealed in Aba Thembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo being their latest catch. The controversial Dalindyebo called joining the opposition “a wonderful present to Madiba”. A strange gift and whether Madiba accepts it is left entirely to the discretion of South Africans.


Angela Hodgson SPCA PMB Fund Raiser Office: 033 386 9267 Mobile: 074 136 6385

well, and usually to a greater degree. Well done to the Crime Intelligence Unit, the Drug Team and the Hawks. SARAH PENNINGTON Hilton

Women run the world



ed. Lets pray they go to jail for life. The police were extremely brave as they could easily have been shot. I have had experience of a family member using drugs and not only does the addict suffer, but the other family members as

PLEASE, dear readers, give me a moment to introduce myself. My name is Moira and I am a grumpy old bag. Having the beginnings of arthritis in one thumb, the inability to sleep through the night without visiting the loo at least twice and having to inspect one’s face each morning, with tweezers at the ready, to despatch what can only be described as stray whiskers, tends to encourage grumpi­ ness. Oh, and not being able to have a glass of dry red any more without suffering raging indigestion. And that’s without all the daily incidenc­ es of bad service, annoying old people, ill

At local level, the DA has created a false impression in the city’s northern areas. Some desperate canvassing amongst the poorest of the poor by the selfish DA is challenged. All the cheap publicity, some of it gained by wearing DA shirts, was shameful and a disrespect for official guidelines. They misled the indigent under the

guiseofofferinghelp,butinrealitythey made a list of the poor for their votes. The assistance offered will be used to make the elderly feel obligated to the DA. Thosewithinthispartywhoseepolitics as a career should bury their heads as they are disgraceful. R Narrine Northdale

I am a grumpy old bag mannered young people, litter bugs, selfish drivers, social injustices, crime, anti–social behaviour, political correctness, health and safety, corruption, inefficiency, inaccurate use of the English language, DSTV, cell phones, text speak, service non–delivery, impenetrable packaging and many more thingsobviouslydesignedpurelytoinfuriate me! Once a month I am going to vent my irri­ tation on a different aspect of daily life, on behalf of you all. I will, without doubt, of­ fend people each time. I do intend to be an equal opportunity causer of offence; no one or nothing that irritates me will be sacro­

sanct.Iwillevenhaveagoatpetdogs,hade­ das, tree huggers and charity collection tin shakers! I do hope, however, that before jumping on your high horse and sending let­ ters to the editor (her name’s Bridget, by the way) signed “Disgusted of Montrose”, you take the time to wonder if I am correct, and if it would be a better world if just one per­ son, instead of taking offence, modified or changed their behaviour. Mind you, it has been said that having so much to be grumpy about is what keeps me motivated. Pleasefeelfreetoletmeknowwhatreal­ ly gets your hackles up about life. I will be happy to take up the cudgels on your behalf.

UMasipala waseMsunduzi uzofaka ugesi ngo–R38 million emijondolo NQOBILE MTOLO >> UMKHANDLU kamasipala waseMsunduzi eMgungundlovu maphakathi nesifundazwe saKwaZulu-Natal, usuqalile ukufaka ugesi emijondolo eyehlukene ukuze unqande ukuntshontshwa kukagesi. Lolu hlelo luzobiza u–R38 million. Lokhu kuvele ngoLwesine olwedlule emhlanganweni wesigungu

esiphakeme obungo–9 ekuseni eCouncil Chamber, eCity Hall. ICity Hallimaphakathinedolobhaekhoneni likaChurch Street noChief Albert Luthuli Street phambili obuwaziwa ngoCommercial Street. UMnuz Mxolisi Nkosi ongumphathi womkhandlu utshele umhlangano ukuthi umkhandlu ulahlekelwa izigidi zamarandi minyaka yonkengenxayokuntshontshwakuk-

agesi. Uthe: “Ngenxa yokuntshontshwa kukagesi silahlekelwa isamba esilinganiselwa ku–R90 million ngonyaka. Ngokufaka ugesi emijondolo, sibona kuzolehlisa izinga lokuntshontshwa kukagesi. ”Ziningi izindawo ezinemijondolo ezizohlomula kuloluhlelo lokufakwa kukagesi. Phakathi kwezindawo ezizohlom-

ula kubalwa iCopesville, iSwapo eyakhelene neCopesville kanye neyaseJika Joe eyakhelene nerenki yamatekisi iMasukwana,” kusho uMnuz Nkosi. Uphawule nokuthi izinga lokuntshontshwa kukagesi linyuka kakhulu ebusika ngoba amazinga okubanda asuke ephansi kakhulu, okuyikhona okuphoqa abantu ukuthi bafune ukufudumala. Phambilini uthe kwake kwavela

August 14, 2013





ukuthi namabhizinisi endawo nawo ayawuntshontsha ugesi. Ngonyaka owedlule babengama – 1 965 abantu abavalelwa ugesi ngenyanga ka–August (uNcwaba) kanti ngenyanga elandelawo uSeptember (uMandulo) babengama – 2 496 abavalelwa ugesi ngenxa yokuwuntshont- sha.

Sethulela abesifazane abaqotho isigqoko U

NCWABA (August) yinyanga ebaluleke kakhulu ezweni lonke, ikakhulukazi kubantu besimame njengoba kuyinyanga yabantu besifazane eyaziwa ngeNational Women’s Month. Ngale nyanga kuhlonishwa ukubaluleka komuntu wesifazane, ikakhulu labo abalwa nomthetho wokuphathwa kwamapasi ayebizwa ngo ‘dompas’ ngo-1956, bebhikisha belibhekise ePitoli. Ngiyacabanga ukuthi babengalweli amalungelo abo kuphela kepha babelwela nama lungelo ezingane zabo, abazukulu nesizukulwane sabo. Yingakho nje namhlanje sekukho-

na abesifazane abaphethe izinkampani ezinkulu, amayunivesithi nezibhedlela. Kunjalo nje, sebengene bagamanxa kwezombusazwe baze baba ngabaholi imbala. Engikholwa ukuthi akujabulisi mina ngedwa, ukubona abesifazane balapha KwaZulu-Natal beseqhulwini kwezobuholi ezwenikazi lase-Afrika nasemhlabeni wonke jikelele. Abafika kuqala emqondweni nguDkt Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma oholwa i-African Union noNkk Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka osanda kuqokelwa esikhundleni sokuba ngumqondisi osebenza ngokuphelele (executive director) ophikweni lwabesifazane enhlanganweni yezizwe ezihlangene emhlabeni, i-United Nations. Namhlanje akusethusi ukubona owesimame esekwazi ukuvuka ekuseni aye emsebenzini, kanti uku-

ba kwaku sekuqala, ngabe owesifazane usagcina ngemisebenzi yasekhaya. Yebo, angiphiki ukuthi umuntu wesifazane kumele akhuthalele imisebenzi yasekhaya, kodwa lokhu akusho ukuthi akavumelekile ukuba ayo sebenza. Sesaphela isikhathi sokuthi kube yindoda kuphela okufanele isebenze, yondle ekhaya. Izikhathi sezashintsha ngoba manje sekuphilwa ngokubambisana. Umuntu wesifazane ngimbona njengomuntu okumele abe nothando, abemnene, abe yitshe elikwazi ukumelana nobunzima empilweni. Ngisho uNkulunkulu ngenkathi ethi umuntu wesifazane uyothwala umntwana esiswini izinyanga eziyi-9, wayesebonile ukuthi nguyena kuphela owesimame oyokwazi ukumelana nalobo bunzima. Futhi

umuntu wesifazane unamandla amangalisayongobauyakwaziukuhlakaza aphinde alungise izinto, ukwazi ngisho ukuthobisa indoda. Ngivele ngidumale uma ngifunda amaphephandaba noma ngilalelele izindaba emsakazweni, ngihlangabezane nodaba ngomuntu wesimame owenze into ephambene nomthetho. Ngiyaye ngizibuze ukuthi kusuke sekwenze njani uma umama eselahla usana lwakhe esitamkokweni noma emgqonyeni kadoti. Umuntu onjani ongafuni ukubona ikusasa lengane yakhe? Angisayiphathi-ke eyalaba okuhlale kubikwa ukuthi babulala amadoda abo ngenxa yezizumbulu zomshuwalense. Angishoukuthibonkeabantubesimame bangcolile ngoba basekhona

abanesimilo nozwelo, nothando, nenhliziyo emnene. Uma ungowesifazane ufunda lolu daba, ake uzifune wena ukuthi ungakuluphi uhlangothi kulawa esengiwavezile. Ngabe ungowesifazane ononya noma onobubele? Ngiyabahlonipha ogogo, omama, nezintombi abasakwazi ukubamba iqhaza lokuba umuntu wesifazane emindenini nasemphakathini. Ngakho nginxusa wonke amadoda akuqhakambise ukubaluleka kwabesimame ezimpilweni zawo ngoba ngaphandle kwabo, kufana nokuthi impilo yabo ayiphelele. Masiyibungaze le nyanga yabantu besimame ngendlela efanelekile, siphinde sibathulele izigqoko omame abalwela amalungelo ethu (ngizibala nami), ngoba ngabe asikho lapho esikhona namhlanje.




Sunripe Round Tomatoes

Jungle Oats 1kg

39.99per kg

49.99per kg

Bulk Chicken Braai Packs

5.99per kg

White & Red Globe Grapes


26.99per kg


Spekko & Americano Rice 2kg


Assorted Chicken & Beef Kebabs

49.99per kg


400g Mushroom Punnet


Half Lamb Packs



59.99per kg

A Grade Rump & Sirloin Steak




Farm Fresh Cabbages


79.99 per 800g nett


Prawn Meat Large



R59.99 ONE 7kg Pocket of Potatoes and ONE Pocket of Onions

Yellow Cheddar or Yellow Gouda

59.99per kg

Freshers Spaghetti & Macaroni 500g


Freshers Briquettes 4kg




Milk Tarts

16.99 each




August 14, 2013




? UP


WARD 30 PUBLIC MEETING to be held on August 14 at 6.30pm at the Truro Hall. Officials of the municipality will be present to address service delivery issues. Ward councillor J Singh requests all rate payers and residents to attend. MACRORIE House Museum will be hosting Ghosts & Time on August 17 at 6 for 6.30pm. Join us for an evening of family fun with our storytellers who will entertain you around our bonfires. With complimen­ tary hot drinks for the adults to enjoy and marshmallowsforthekids.TicketsareR50 for adults and R25 for children. Inquiries: Roxie at 033 394 2161 or info@macrorie­ Ask about our picnic hampers CIRCLE OF LIGHT Togethery, a gath­ ering of like­minded people who meet fortnightly in order to to increase knowl­ edge and raise consciousness, will be meeting on August 18 at the Masonic Hall, Assegai Road, Hayfields at 9.30am. Hayley Rautenbach will be presenting the topic, ‘Thoughts and Energy ­ How you can change your destiny’. All welcome. Inquir­ ies: 033 344 3648 or 082 569 6861. THE HILTON GARDEN CLUB will meet on August 20 at “Wychwood” ­ Mur­ raefield Farm, the protea farm and home of the Godbolds, at 26 Denis Shepstone

Drive, Hilton at 9.30 for 10am. Take Denis Shepstone road towards Sweetwaters, 4.2 kms from the Crossways robot, “Wych­ wood”isontheright.Onenteringthewhite gate,takethelefthandforktoMurraefield. Inquiries: Janice Shipway at 082 574 7879. THE NEXT ALEX Upmarket will be held on August 25 at Alexandra Park. In­ quiries: 033 396 2807. MSUNDUZI HOSPICE Secretary’s Day lunch to be held on September 4 from 12.45pm at Hospice Conference Centre, 200 Zwartkop road, Prestbury. The cost is R160 per person, tables of 12. The guest speaker is Deborah Don, a self esteem

counsellor and body work therapist. Three course meal and lucky draw prizes. Inquir­ ies: Sonya at 033 344 1560 or sonya@hos­ HOWICK HOSPICE ladies night with Damon Beard and The Guys on September 6 at Fern Hill Hotel. Tickets are R150 per person and are on sale now. Inquiries: Mel at 033 330 5257. THE RAISETHORPE Arya Samaj Senior Citizens Group, based at the Aryan Hall at 137 Khan Road in Raisethorpe, meets on Wednesdays from 10am to 1pm. Inquiries: Mrs Sabitha at 033 391 2633 or 084 879 3875.


Surrounded by love at 90 Your community update

>> Local lady spends her 90th birthday with family and friends at a special birthday party to celebrate her milestone NQOBILE MTOLO >>


HENMollyLawsonturned90recently, her family made sure that they spent the day with her to celebrate her milestone. Lawson, who lives at the Victoria Memorial home along Retief Street, has four children, 10 grandchildren, three great–grandchildren and one more great–grandchild due this November. LawsonwasoriginallyborninKemptonPark in the Transvaal and later moved down to KwaZulu-Natal, then known as Natal, to settle down with her late husband Lang. Molly’s son Ian (65), who has two children, said that it was imperative that he took time off to spend the day with his mother. Although Ian said that he didn’t get to spend much time with his mother growing up as he was in boarding school during his schooling



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years, one thing that he still treasures is her heartfelt generosity. “She was never a disciplinarian. My mother taught me to be generous with everybody because she had always helped other people who were in need. I am pleased to have her around. Unfortunately my brother and sister were not able to visit as they are overseas, but I am grateful that we are all here for her. Anyone that has reached 90 years in age has achieved something. We came here to appreciate the love for one another and to thank her for everything she has done for us,” said Ian. Ian’s younger brother David (50), described his mother as a loving and caring person. “Without her I wouldn’t be where I am today. Turning90isamilestone.Celebratingherbirthday today with everyone is recognition for what she did for us when we were children. She was also always a great cook. When we were younger she would always prepare fish and chips eve-





Molly Lawson’s family spent the day with her on her 90th birthday at the Victoria Memorial home. Molly (front row, middle) is pictured surrounded by (back L­R) David, Martinette, Kayla and Ian Lawson with (front) Erin (L) and Mathew Geldenhuys. ry Friday night and on Sunday we would have bacon and eggs for breakfast and a Sunday roast for lunch. She would tell us a lot of stories about her upbringing and that when she was younger, she would go to school on a horse– drawn carriage with her younger brother seated right next to her. There were no cars at that time and it’s amazing how so many things have changed

since then,” said David. Granddaughter Kayla (15) said she used to love visiting her grandmother on weekends at her flat at Leinster Court in Birket Road in Pietermaritzburg. “We would visit her on weekends and we would cook together and make peanut butter biscuits. She has always been a very special person in our hearts,” said Kayla.

Hirsch’s scoops two awards Hirsch’s were the winner of two major awards at the recently held 10th annual Top Women Awards. The awards recognize outstanding leadership from or­ ganizations that have shaped women's roles within the private and public sector in South Africa. Hirsch's were the proud recipients of two of these awards – Best Women Empowered Community Programme and the Entrepreneur of 2013 Award which was won by Margaret Hirsch. Over six hun­ dred guests attended the gala dinner and awards evening, and were entertained royally by the choir from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy and the Dia­ mond Divas as well as MC Anele Mdoda. The key note speaker was Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka, executive director of the UN enti­ ty for Gender equality and Wom­ en’s empowerment, who gave an impassioned address about the role of women as leaders in to­ day's society. Pictured are Alan (L) and Margaret Hirsch. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Working together towards a safer South Africa NICOLE JOHN >> THE South African National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders (NICRO) Pietermaritzburg will be hosting an Open Day on August 16 at their offices at Atlas House, 171 Jabu Ndlo­ vu Street. NICRO, established in 1910 as the Pris­ oner’s Aid Association, focuses on provid­ ing therapeutic services to both adult and child offenders, to help them turn their

lives around and become contributing members of society. It was the first organisation providing assistance and aftercare support services for prisoners. Employing the first trained socialworkerinCapeTown,NICROsoonex­ tended its programmes, in terms of crime prevention and community service, as an alternative to imprisonment, incorporat­ ing a service for victims and witnesses of crime and violence. Today, NICRO is based in all nine provinces in the country with 50 service points, and its head office in Cape

Town. NICROhopethatthisopendaywilledu­ cate and create awareness among various groups in Pietermaritzburg in order to gain

their support in further initiatives to work towards its goal of a safe and secure South Africa. With crime being an escalating problem, and it becoming a cycle for indi­ vidualswhofeeltheyhavenootheroption, NICRO seeks to break the cycle. By doing so, it aims to make a contribution towards ending the trend of crime by offering indi­ viduals alternatives, from investigating services to rehabilitation programmes. NICRO’s goal is to be more than a nor­ mal NGO by offering a helping hand to eve­ ryone affected by crime in South Africa. Its

August 14, 2013





volunteers provide administrative help, mentoring and fundraising assistance, af­ tercare and tracking of clients. These vol­ unteers include certain lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists who offer free services for NICRO clients, as many of them cannot afford it. For more information visit the website

Ticking off 40 great years >> An interest in a neighbours cuckoo clock started off a career in the dying art of watchmaking NICOLE JOHN >>


OUGLAS Watt (72) recently celebrated 40 years as Steiner Schwartz’s watchmaker. Watt, who was born deaf, has been a watchmaker from a very young age and started working at a shop in Zambia where he lived with his family. He worked there for ten years, moved and worked in New Castle for three years before finally settling down in Pietermaritzburg at Steiner Schwartz in 1973. Speaking to The Maritzburg Fever, with the help of his sister Peggy Wood, Watt said he developed a love for watches when he saw a cuckoo clock at a friend’s house when he was still a child. Although completely deaf in the left ear, and partially deaf in the right, Watt is now able to communicatebylipreading.Hiscommunication was enhanced when he was sponsored his first digital hearing aid, which gave him the ability to hear sounds like birds chirping and, of course, clocks ticking.

Wood said that it was a challenge for others to understand him while he was growing up, but ithasbecomemucheasiernowthathereadslips. Watt taught himself everything he knows and keeps up to date by ordering books and course material to keep with the times in the new digital age. Although he officially retired a few years ago, Watt still works part time at Steiner Schwartz to keephismindworkingandhandsbusy.Wattsaid thatwatchmakingisadyingcraftwhichsaddens him. Shop owner, Carl Steiner, said that he hired Watt on the request of Watt’s father, who was his good friend. He said he tried him out on that basis and “the rest is history.” Steiner, a fellow watch maker, said that the craft requires a lot of patience which is one of Watt’s qualities. “This way he is able to contribute to society regardless of his disability in a way that is satisfactory for him.”


Douglas Watt celebrated 40 years as a watchmaker at Steiner Schwartz at Liberty Midlands Mall recently.

Recognising women as pillars of society



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The annual Love to Live campaign recently took place at the Protea Sports Grounds. This year’s theme was Women – Pillars of Society. The crowd was addressed by Lieutenant Geen­ ral Betty Mmamonnye Ngobeni about the important role of the police and community in the fight against crime. She spoke to the pupils who attended about drugs and sexual offences and encouraged them to interact with members of the police who were present. Pictured are Berg Street Primary School pupils with Weziwe Thusi (centre), MEC for Social Development, and their teacher Tracy Khandram (R). Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06, VAT Reg No 4320116074. Nedbank 135 Rivonia Campus, 135 Rivonia Road, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, South Africa. We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution through the Ombudsman for Banking Services. We are an authorised financial services provider. We are a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act (NCR Reg No NCRCP16).


August 14, 2013





Celebrating the foundation of Grace College

Send your event invitation to Maritzburg Fever for coverage or email photos of your event to PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Grace College held their Founders’ Day recently, celebrating God’s rich provision and guidance over the past fifteen years. A service, led by headmaster Vincent Luksich, was held in the Dümmer Hall and the audience was entertained with various musical items by two pupils and a member of staff. Dr Reg Codrington, headmaster at Grace from 2003 to 2007, took the audience down memory lane as he spoke of humble beginnings and miraculous provision which provided the foun­ dation on which the school can now successfully build into the future. The day was ended off with the annual inter–house boys’ and girls’ soccer festival. Pictured at the event were (L–R) Dr Reg Codrington, Frances Stimson (Grace College founder) and Vincent Luksich.

Carter takes on Hip2b² >> The competition consisted of word puzzles, research, building a pipe line reservoir and more


ARTER High School, in conjunction with 50 other schools, took part in the Hip2b² I Think Competition, hosted at Epworth High School recently. The competition consisted of five main challenges – against each other and against time. The competition consisted of word puzzles, research, smsing, building a pipe line reservoir, and making a chocolate milkshake using cocoa powder, chocolate powder and Pronutro. They had to make a water tight vessel out of origami whilesolvingriddlesatthesametime. Carters’ first team, consisting of Kaghan Padayachee, Kandice Naidoo, Caylan Reddy, Saira Moodley, Adam Butler and Kiara Singh, moved on to the fifth and final position. The last stage comprised of a 10 question show–down with no assistance from peers or teachers. Carter was the only team to get ten questions right. However, this challenge only eliminated the bottom two teams which left Carter High School and Hilton College in the five question show–down. The question asked was “Who invented the cat flap?” Hilton College was just a little quicker answering Sir IsaacNewton.CarterHightookSilver. – Supplied.


The Carter High Hip2b² I Think team (L­R) Saira Moodley, Calyn Reddy, Kaghan Padayachee, Adam Butler, Kandice Naidoo and Kiara Singh.

Weird and wonderful pets at St Charles

Final call for Re*think entries IT is the final call for entries for this year’s Liberty Midlands Mall Re*think “Let’s Conserve Water” school art competition. Schools are encouraged to submit their entry formsnolaterthanAugust15to stand the chance of winning a share of R30 000. The Re*think Campaign focuses on informing and educating the community about environmental issues such as global warming, climate change and the effects of the human footprint on the environment. The campaign further encourages action and support for the future by re–ducing, re–using and re–cycling other words re*thinking in order to take better care of the earth. Schools are invited to submit sculptures,paintingsanddrawingsof artworks using recycled materials. The submission of all artwork is due by October 14. Entry forms are available on the Liberty Midlands Mall website,, or can be collected from the information counter at the centre. Once completed, they can be faxed to 086 514 7333 or emailed to For more information, contact Gail Samuels at 082 614 6063 or or alternatively, Minoli Chetty at 033 341 9570 or – Supplied.

Slippers for a worthy cause

The Junior Primary boys from St Charles College were recently able to bring their unusual pets to school. The invitation made way for a variety of weird and wonderful creatures to make their way into the classroom which made it quite challeng­ ing for some of the teachers to concentrate. Seen here are Andy van Deventer (back left) with his pet spangled rooster, Matthew Diemont (back right) with his ball python and Josh Cruwagen (front left) and James Truter (front right) with their pet rats. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Russell girls go green PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Russell High girls enthusiastically supported Miss Earth SA finalist, Ju­ lia Gramkow's fundraising initiative. The girls who donated money were allowed to wear their own clothing as long as it included some green. Seen with Gramkow (middle), and wearing their green attire, are (L­R) Asanda Ndlovu, Londeka Ndlovu, Lulekwa Lembethe, Zinhle Gcabasha, Nonkululeko Khumalo, Nomonde Majola and Nomvuselelo Dladla.


Scottsville Primary School celebrated National Slippers Day recently. The schools motto, ‘The school that cares’ is acted out on this day by chil­ dren from Grade R to Grade 7 donating to a charity called CHOC (Chil­ dren’s Haematology Oncology Clinic). Pictured in their slippers and sup­ porting the cause are pupils (L­R) Lesedi Mosiea, Sibusisiwe Mkhwanazi, Chelsea Roux, Georgia Mannikam and Yashir Orri.

Mountaineer gives talk in aid of Singakwenza Sibusiso Vilane will be the guest speaker at Singakwenza's Rainbow of Hope evening.

SINGAKWENZA Rainbow of Hope will be hosting a fundraising evening on August 30 at the Protea Hilton Hotel. Singakwenza, meaning “we can do it”, aims to provide low cost, high impact health and early education through empowerment programmes to economically disadvantaged communities, particularly in rural areas of KwaZulu–Natal. The evening will include a presen-


tation from guest speaker, Sibusiso Vilane, and a silent auction of items, including art, wine and holidays. Vilane is a mountaineer who was the first black African to summit the seven highest peaks in the world. His talk, ‘Against All Odds We Can’, en-

August 14, 2013





courages those in Africa to dream big, which is what Singakwenza believes is possible through their empowerment programmes. For more information, or to book tickets at R190 per person, contact Linda Hill by August 20 at 082 3211 283 or – Supplied

A FEAST of Maritzburg College stars

>> A number of old boys will feature in a concert celebrating the school’s 150th anniversary year


The 2013 Mr and Ms Pietermaritz­ burg are Pierre Buckley (L) and Siphesihle Ngcongo.

Mr and Ms Pietermaritzburg announced


Richard Cock will conduct the KZN­ PO at this year's Concert in the Park at Maritzburg College.


NUMBER of Maritzburg College old boys are set to perform at this year’s FNB Concert in the Park, which takes place on the Goldstone’s field at the school on August 18. Presented by First National Bank and Parklane SuperSpar, in association with the KwaZulu–Natal Philharmonic Orchestra, and with the support of The Witness, CPW Printers and SPAR, the concert gets underway at 11am and runs through to 5pm. The day begins with a performance from celebrated old boy, Mario Ogle, who has enjoyed chart and commercial success. He will be performing a selection of songs from his gold–selling album Can’t stop loving you and his current album Superman. To–date, he has sold over 30 000 albums. Ogle, who matriculated in 1996, and his friend, Richard Nischk, who were Bay Window dorm mates and Clark House prefects, wrote a song

Cellist, Nigel Fish, is one of the so­ loists. called Test of Time on the eve of their 2006 matric finals. The song deals with the mixed emotions felt by boys as they come to the end of their time at Maritzburg College. As part of the school’s 150th anniversary celebrations, Ogle compiled a College! commemorative CD, featuring Test of Time, and this year’s fifth and sixth Form College boys performing the school war cry Jimelayo-Ji and a stirring rendition of College Our Mighty School. At 12 noon, current Maritzburg College boys and old boys — includingthepopularCollegeVocalEnsemble and the head boys of 2011 and 2012, Ryan Hosking and Jesse Filaferro, and guitar virtuoso Luke Wyngaard — will take to the stage to present a collaborative programme. The headline act, the KZNPO, will take to the stage at 1pm. Conducted by South African musical icon Richard Cock, their programme includes a salute to both the historic and cultural aspects of the school and KZN

Pietermaritzburg RnB star, and Coll­ lege old boy, Mario Ogle. over the last 150 years. Joining the KZNPO for the first time is Pietermaritzburg-born soprano,BongiweMadlala,whowillbe performing arias by Johan Strauss and the magnificent Ebben from La Wally. The second half of the concert sees Rory Eliot and guitarist Carl Wegelin, of Plush, joining the KZNPO onstage in renditions of Plush songs including My Baby. Later, singing sensation Joseph Clarke, who has become synonymous internationally with his powerful renditions of Queen songs, turns up the volume with songs from the super group including Don’t Stop Me Now and Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Madlala will join him in performing the showstopper Barcelona. Those who want to extend the afternoon’s musical extravaganza, can enjoy music from Cathy ‘Hot Lips’ Peacock on trumpet and PlatformJazz,aftertheorchestrahasdeparted.

Russell High School old girl, Bongiwe Madlala. This 10-piece band, includes Melvin Peters on piano, Bruce Baker on drums and Jonathan Judge on sax. They will take you on a whirlwind tour of classic jazz numbers and standards like Basin St Blues, Take Five, Sway and many more. The band will be joined by vocalists Shelley Maclean and Clark. Concert-goers are invited to bring their own food and drinks, chairs and blankets and enjoy the day together. Tickets for the FNB Concert in the Park on Sunday, August 18, are R100 for adults, R90 for pensioners and R50 for scholars. Children under six years are free. Tickets can be bought at the Dulce Coffee Shop at Parklane SuperSpar on the corner of Greyling and Chief Albert Luthuli Streets. Patrons can also phone 033 342 3487. Tickets will also be available at MaritzburgCollegebeforeandonthe day. — Arts Editor

Those who want to extend the afternoon’s musical extravaganza, can enjoy music from Cathy ‘Hot Lips’ Peacock on trumpet and Platform Jazz, after the orchestra has departed.

PIERRE Buckley and Siphesihle Ngcongo were crowned Mr and Ms Pietermaritzburg respectively, at the pageant which was hosted by the Gay and Lesbian Network (GLN) at the Golden Horse casino recently. The ground breaking pageant was unique in that it was open to all, regardless of one’s sexual orientation and who identify as a Mr or Ms. The event included heterosexual, gay and lesbian contestants who were vying for the title. A total of 20 contestants participated in the pageant, and came from all parts of KwaZulu–Natal, including Newcastle, Durban, Pinetown and Pietermaritzburg. For the first time, the top five from both sections were selected and then posedquestionsfromthejudgesinorder to identify the winners and runners up. Thefirstandsecondrunnersupfor the Mr PMB were Durban’s Justin WelgemoedandLisaRawlinsfromPinetown. Pietermaritzburg’s Nontu Ngwenya and Hammarsdale’s Mellisa Mbambo were first and second princess. “The pageant was a major success and it was great to see that all the contestants participating in the pageant came from diverse backgrounds, regardless of their sexual orientation,” said GLN’s director Anthony Waldhausen. He said that the major achievement of the pageant was witnessing the breaking down of stereotypes. “The highlight for me was the talent section where all the contestants gave of their best and we really saw them shine on this special occasion,” he said. Waldhausen said that the network will be looking to host the Mr and Ms KwaZulu–Natal as part of the Pink Myanh festival in December this year. – Supplied


August 14, 2013






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197 Town Planning THE MSUNDUZI MUNICIPALITY KWAZULU­NATAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2008 INVITATION TO COMMENT The Msunduzi Municipality has received an application in terms of item 1(1) of Schedule 1 of the KwaZulu­ Natal Planning and Development Act (No. 6 of 2008) for an amendment to the Pietermaritzburg Town Planning Scheme to allow a Junior Primary School as a free entry use in the "Special Business Area 7" Zone in respect of Erf 2536 Pieterma­ ritzburg being 385 Langalibalele Street. A copy of the application is available for inspection during office hours (08h00 and 16h00) at the Corporate Asset Management Public Enquiry Counter, 5th Floor, Professor Nyembezi Building, 341 Church Street, Pieterma­ ritzburg. Comments on the application may be submitted to the Town Planning Administrator; Msunduzi Municipality (Tel:033 392 2180), by e­mail ( Z i p h e l e l e ., hand delivered to (Municipal offices, 5th floor 341 Church Street, Professor Nyembezi Building) or post (Private Bag X 1393, Pietermaritzburg, 3200) by 16 September 2013. The Msunduzi Municipality may refuse to accept comments submitted after the closing date People who failed to lodge comments by the closing date will not have the right to appeal against the decision of the Municipality — Mr. M A Nkosi, Municipal Manager, City Hall. Pieterma­ ritzburg UMASIPALA WASEMSUNDUZI KWAZULU­NATAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT (NO. 6 OF 2008) ISIMEMO SOKUNIKEZELA NGEMIBONO UMasipala waseMsunduzi uthole isicelo ngokweSimiso sesiGaba 1(1)uSikajula 1 somthetho waKwaZulu Natal Planning and Development Act (No. 6 of 2008) sokuchitshiyelwa kwe Pieter­ maritzburg Town Planning Scheme ngokuvumela 1 "Junior Primary School" u k u b a i n g e n e ngokuvumelekile kwi "Special Business Area 7", mayelana neSiza 2538 Pietermaritzburg okuwu 385 Langalibalele Street. Incwadi yesicelo iyatholakala ukuze uyihlaziye, phakathi kwezikhathi zokusebenza (08h00 ­ 16h00) ehhovisi le Cor porate Asset Management efasiteleni l e m i bu z o, 5 t h F l o o r, Professor Nyembezi Centre, 341 Church Street, Pieterma­ ritzburg. Imibono mayelana nesicelo ingethulwa kwiTown Planning Administrator yakwaMasipala waseMsunduzi ngocingo (033 392 2180), nge e­mail (Ziphelele.Shinga@msunduzi, ngesikhahlamezi (033 392 2576), yethulwe ngesandla emahhovisi noma iposelwe ku (Private Bag X 1393, Pieter mar itzburg, 3200) ungakashayi umhlaka 16 September 2013. UMasipala waseMsunduzi angeke uyamukela imibono efika emuva kwesikhathi sokuvalwa esinqunyiwe. Abantu abahlulekile ukuveza imibono yabo ngesikhathi ngeke bakwazi ukuphikisana nesinqumo sikaMasipala. — Mr. M A Nkosi. Municipal Manager, City Hall. Pieterma­ ritzburg.

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NITE MOUNTAIN BIKING EVERY Wednesday and Thursday night at Bushview Bike Park from 5.30pm. Inquiries : Gill at 072 665 7442. CANOE POLO PRACTICES are held every Monday and Wednesdayfrom6pmto8pmattheUKZN swimming pool. All men, women and chil­ dren 14 years and older are welcome. In­ quiries: Kevin Meier at 033 341 1281 or 082 454 5686. MARTIAL ARTS WING Chun Kung Fu, Self defence and Es­ krima (stick fighting) classes for men and women every Monday and Thursday at

6pm at Eddels Sports and Social Club, Dartnell Road, Mountain Rise. No charge. Inquiries: Sifu Gus Hornsby at 083 638 0801 or Shaun at 076 648 6168. CROQUET THE Maritzburg Croquet Club welcomes visitors and new members on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 2pm. The club is in Alexandra Park near the Oval and the club provides equipment. Inquiries: Tim at 033 344 3368) or Richard at 033 396 6204. ATHLETICS HERMAN’SDelighttimetrialsareheldeve­ ry Tuesday by Collegians Harriers at Colle­

gians Club, 381 Boshoff Street, at 5.30 pm. All runners and walkers are welcome. Choice of distances, 2,8 km, 4,4 km or 7,3 km. ORION Athletic Club time trials every Wednesday at 5.30pm from the Protea Sports grounds, Raisethorpe. Choice of ei­ ther a 2,7km or 5,4km. NATAL Carbineers AC members gather every Wednesday at 5.30pm at the Car­ bineers’ Drill Hall, Geere Street. All wel­ come. There are training groups from nov­ ice to speedsters in running and walking. Inquiries: John at 082 491 7679 or Eileen at 082 495 1118.

RUGBY YOUNG Lions Lions Rugby Club trains at the Woodlands Rugby Stadium on Mon­ days to Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm. All welcome. Inquiries: Joe at 078 799 8386 or Edwin at 074 465 5172. FOOTBALL SHAMROCKS FC at the Golden Horse Casi­ no community fields. Juniors training on Friday from 5 to 6pm, seniors U17 and U15 training on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 6.30pm. Inquiries: Daniel Haswell at 083 792 3668. NATALCarbineersFootballClubinvitesyou to enroll your child into its football club.

August 14, 2013





Players aged four to 12, both experienced and potential are welcome. Training ses­ sions take place on a Friday evening from 5.30 to 6.45pm at the Natal Carbineers grounds (Geere Street). Inquiries: Justin Tocknell at 079 870 0455 or Dawn Tock­ nell at 082 553 9716.

Epworth squash players make SA teams PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The following Epworth pupils were selected for the U16 and U19 South African squash teams (L­R) U19 players: Tayla Victor, Nadia Ram­ chandra, U16 players: Nöel Lee and Anele Ngubane.

Cross Pelham pony riders win rosettes country champ Merchiston Prepara­ tory School pupil, Dreyer Botma, was placed third in the recent South Afri­ can cross country championships in Port Elizabeth. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Pelham Primary pupils (L­R) Cara–Anne Long, Shannon Bromehead and Amy Johnson show the collection of rosettes they earned during the KwaZulu–Natal Pony Club inter–branch competition. The competition is the highlight of the Po­ ny Club year. Two teams from Ireland and one team from Gauteng also took part, bringing the total number of riders to over 150. Riders compete over four days in four disciplines – show jumping, equitation, dressage and cross country. Bromehead also competed in the inter–regionals and was awarded half colours for dressage.

MOIRA SMITH Are wireless networks safe? Thereisplentyof(mis)informationonthewebtoscarewirelessrouter users into believing that there are harmful radio waves bouncing off the walls of their homes, ready to invade their brains and fry their blood vessels. I thought (just in case, can never be too careful) that I should look for a definitive answer to this question. This is what I found on the Princeton University Health and Safety site: Position Statement on WiFi Radiation Concerns “It is the general consensus of the scientific community that the level of Radio Frequency (RF) exposure due to wireless networks is so low compared to the many other RF sources in the modern environment that health concerns from WiFi exposure are not an issue.” So that’s good. As long as their brains have not been invaded and little green aliens are not forcing them to say that, so that they can take over the world through the radio waves from our wireless routers.

St Johns Umgungundlovu hockey selections


The following U14 St John’s DSG hockey players were selected for Umgungundlovu teams to participate in district tournaments (L­R) Amy Karlsen, Kelly­Ann Fjellvik, Emma Dick, Amanda Khumalo, Kelly Pearson, Kirsty Hay and Lise le Roux.

August 14, 2013



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Copa Coca–Cola finals a success JERRY BARNES THE South African School Football Association’s (Sasfa) uMgungundlovu District must be congratulated for putting together a good show during the Copa Coca–Cola provincial finals last weekend at the local University of KwaZulu–Natal grounds. Altogether, 11 KZN high schools took part. The local representatives, and hot favourites, were Sukuma Secondary School from Imbali. Although the local lads did not disappoint at all during the two

day under 15 event, they eventually lost in the final – 3–0 in penalties – against the Durban school, Qhilika High School. The KZN Champions Qhilika will now represent the province in the national finals in few months time. The 2013 KwaZulu–Natal champions head coach, Ndoda Ngcobo, said the only secret that took his team far in the event was hard work and having leaders in the side. “We were well prepared and our players are hard workers. Also our

goalkeeper, Thokozani Mthembu and captain Sanele Gaxa are quality leaders, on and off the field. They are fighters and strongly believe in team work,” said Ngcobo. Local coach, Nhlanhla Ngema said Sukum were well prepared for the event. “I am proud of my players. We we unlucky that we reached the finals where the full time score was 2–2 and bowed out at 3–0 after the penalty shootout. That alone speaks volumes,” said Ngema.

Martial arts fighters looking for home support


Repairs to starters, alternators, distributors and all wiring on light and heavy duty vehicles 5 North Park, North Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201 Tel: 033 345 7151, Fax: 033 394 1352 E-mail: We also offer diagnostic testing and have a wide selection of service exchange units available

Call for registration for the Save Supermarkets Orion run and fun walk ORION Athletic Club’s annual race, sponsored by the Save Supermarkets Group, will take place on September 1. The race will start at Save Super­ market, Truro Plaza and finish at the Protea Sports Grounds in Khan Road, Raisethorpe. There will be a 21.1 km run and walk which starts at 7am, as well as a 5km family fun run and walk which starts at 7.45am. There are lucky draw prizes on offer and the entry fee is R60 for the 21km – R50 if entered before August 24. The fun run is R10 for scholars and R20 for adults. Temporary licences at a cost of R25 will be available upon registration for those wanting to participateinthe21kmlicencedeventbutwhodonotbelongtoanathletic club. There will be 500 quality designed t–shirts in the 21km run and 60 in the walk. The first 50 fun runners will get t–shirts with the rest getting newly designed medals. There will also be 200 goodie bags as lucky draw prizes. Athletes will be well taken care off with seven well stocked refresh­ ment tables along the route. For more information, contact Ajith at 083 659 2732 or Tymara at 076 523 7302. Entry forms/tickets are available at Poobie Naidoo Sports, Save Hyper, Victoria Road and Save Supermar­ kets, Truro Plaza. – Supplied.

>> For development fighters to be competitive, they are in need of sponsorships PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Some of the mem­ bers of the Faito Mixed Martial Arts Club in Pietermaritz­ burg (back L­R) Claude Bizaare, Matt Halderman, Keegan Rice, Matunga Mira­ di, Amanu Ossoko, Jono Smith, Xola Hlophe and (front) Jon Hanekom (L) and Chantelle Pace.



N an effort to increase exposure of Pietermaritzburg’s Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) club Faito Kurabu, the Amateur Fight League will take place in the city on October 26. Faito was established in 2008 by Jon Hanekom and Marlene Lessing. The idea behind the club was to help teach people self defence and discipline through martial arts. MMAisavariationofdifferentstyles combined into one, and used for either enjoyment or at a competitive level. It is also known as cage fighting. According to Hanekom, Faito team head coach, MMA is a growing interest in Pietermaritzburg and in the world, with serious talks of it becoming an Olympic sport. However there are people who are skeptical about the sport, given its

physicality. “Many people have the wrong impression and see it as a blood sport when the level of care taken is very high. It is a hard form of sport and not for everybody, but is still a form of martial arts which means there needs to be disciplineandrespectandthiscanhelp you in everyday life, as well as on our mat or in the cage,” said Hanekom. Faito is one of the smaller clubs in the country with 10 committed members varying in race, religion and nationality. The team currently competes in the Amateur Fight League at various events throughout the province. “Faito MMA has a group of development fighters who are prepared to train even with life working against them. Our club isn’t just a club, we are a big family with everyone involved and looking out for each other. Often the guys have to walk far distances late at night, as the taxis don’t operate

when we close and they don’t live in the safest of areas either. But this shows the level of commitment they are prepared to show,” he added. In order for the fighters to become nationally competitive, they are in need of sponsorships as it is a costly sport. “We would love to see more home support at the AFL events as it is a Durban dominated field at the moment. All I want is my fighters going out there, having a good time and knowing that Pietermaritzburg is in their corner supporting them, win or lose,” he said. Hanekom is appealing to the community to donate any old fighting equipment, punching bags, focus mits, gloves or anything to do with fighting or fitness. For more information contact Hanekom on or visit the website

Steel Radials: 155/70 13 TR 155/80 13 TR 165/80 13 TR 175/70 13 TR 175/65 14 TR 175/70 14 TR

Ultra Hi Performance R419 R368 R428 R428 R463 R527

Performance Radials: 185/60 14 HR 185/65 14 HR 185/60 15 HR 185/65 15 HR

R499 R513 R620 R620

Hi Performance Radials: 195/50 15 VR 195/55 15 VR 195/60 15 VR 195/65 15 VR 205/60 15 VR 205/65 15 VR 205/55 16 VR

R560 R627 R620 R638 R627 R627 R698

205/45 16 WR 205/40 17 WR 225/45 17 WR 235/45 17 WR 225/40 18 WR

COMMERCIAL 155/80 12C 195/80 14C 195/70 15C 195/80 15C 215/80 15C 245/75 15C 255/70 15C 245/70 16C

TYRE ’N TUBE 171 GREYLING STREET PHONE: 033 394 6988 Hi-Q Bird Sanctuary 9 Armitage Road Bird Sanctuary Tel: 033 342 5036


R783 R676 R912 R961 R948

R436 R699 R738 R848 R999 R1 277 R1 201 R1 282

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