Nycomed Corporate Identity

Page 1



Our Visual Identity Putting people at the heart of our brand Nycomed | Visual Identity 2008

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008


Section 1 | Who We Are


Compliment Slip


US Sizes


Our Brand Story




Our Visual Identity





Section 2 | The Basic Elements

3.10 Minutes of The Meeting 3.11

Literature Introduction



3.12 A4 Cover


The Nycomed Logo

3.13 A4 Spread


Logo Exclusion Zone and Minimum Sizes

3.14 A5 Cover


Logo Colour Versions

3.15 A5 Spread


Logo Incorrect Usage

3.16 DL Cover


Logo Positioning



The Nycomed Colour Palette


Colour Specifications


Corporate Font

DL Spread

Section 4 | Digital Applications

2.10 System Font


Digital Applications Introduction



Web Pages Look and Feel

2.12 Photography Introduction


PowerPoint Title Layout

2.13 Photography Overview


PowerPoint Text Layout

2.14 People Photography


PowerPoint Charts

Tab Device

2.15 Environments Photography 2.16 Everyday Still Life Photography 2.17

Photography Usage


Tone of Voice

Section 3 | Corporate Applications 3.1

Stationery Introduction




Continuation Sheet


Business Cards

Section 5 | Other Applications 5.1

Recruitment Introduction


Recruitment Considerations


Promotional Giveaways



Contact Details



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

1 | Who We Are

Understanding our brand is simple, you just have to understand people.

1 | Who We Are

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

Our Brand Story Our business has grown. With the acquisition of ALTANA Pharma we have tripled in size. Though our heartland is still in Europe we are now global. With operations in Asia, South America and Australia we are able to reach out to the rest of the world.

s Re

Re l i a bl


ons Resp ive

Everything we do matters to somebody

1.1 | Who We Are | Our Brand Story

Our growth has had a fundamental impact on our brand. We have grown not only in size, our ideas and beliefs have also evolved. In the past we prided ourselves on being a European healthcare company with a different approach to other pharmaceutical companies. Now we‘re looking at a bigger picture. Our new positioning puts people at the heart of Nycomed. Our business demonstrates that improving the lives of those touched by Nycomed across the world underlies everything we do, and in response to this we have arrived at the fundamental belief that ‘everything we do matters to somebody’.

Our positioning is supported by our characteristics, mission and vision: Our Positioning ‘Everything we do matters to somebody’ this is our positioning or brand platform. It is the core belief of our business and directs the way we behave and present ourselves. Our Characteristics We are responsive, we are reliable and we are driven by results. Our Mission Our mission is to develop medicines that make a real difference to both patients and healthcare providers. We believe that ‘everything we do matters to someone’ so we respond quickly to the needs of our patients, focus on results and build a reputation as a reliable business. Our Vision By doing this we can achieve our vision of being the preferred pharmaceutical company.

1 | Who We Are

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008






Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

1.2 | Who We Are | Our Visual Identity

1 | Who We Are

Our perspective has changed, therefore the way we present ourselves has also changed, in order that we express our brand properly. People are at the heart of our brand. To demonstrate this we have created an identity rich in portrait photography and the real-life stories from those touched by our business. We are focused on expressing the benefit Nycomed brings to everyone from our staff and healthcare workers to our patients.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2 | The Basic Elements

Our business is built on straightforward thinking, simple effective solutions. This is reflected in the way we look.

Section 2 | The Basic Elements

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.1 | The Basic Elements | Introduction

Our Basic Elements The basic elements of The Nycomed Identity create the ‘DNA’ of how we present ourselves. Although they may be used in different combinations and with different emphasis, they build a unique, distinctive and recognisable look and feel.

Do’s and Don’ts on Product Branding Always use the Nycomed logo. This is the only element that must be used in product branding.


Garamond Light Nycomed Sans – Bold & Regular Colour Palette


The corporate typefaces and layout system may be used in product branding but it is not a requirement. Never use the photography for product branding. The photography is of real people, including medical professionals, who cannot endorse products. Photography

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

2 | The Basic Elements

The basic elements comprise of our logo, our colour palette, typeface and photographic style. Our tone of voice – the way we write and talk to people, will also be considered in this section.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.2 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Logo

Please take care to read the following pages for guidelines on how to use our logo.

2 | The Basic Elements

The Nycomed Logo The Nycomed logo is established as a recognisable part of our identity for customers and patients. It is a key element and must therefore be treated with respect and always positioned in a strong and confident way.


Logo Exclusion Zone and Minimum Sizes To ensure that the logo is always clear and consistent, an area of clear space (exclusion zone) must always surround the logo. To ensure that the logo is always clear and legible minimum sizes are specified. 1



The exclusion zone is double the cap-height of the letters of NYCOMED on all sides. The dotted line in the diagram opposite indicates the area in which no other graphic elements or text should appear. The boundary also marks the closest that the logo can come to the edge of a page or cover. The logo should be no smaller than 15mm wide in print applications. In packaging however we allow, as an exception, a recommended minimum size of 8mm wide because of the extremely limited space available in some instances. It will also be necessary to follow local regulations and, in some extreme cases, even this recommendation will need to be overruled. In Digital applications for use on screen at 72 dpi, the minimum size is 15mm or 57 pixels.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.3 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Logo | Logo Exclusion Zone and Minimum Sizes



15mm/57 pixels


X 2



Printed logo


Digital logo

2 | The Basic Elements




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.4 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Logo | Logo Colour Versions


Single Colour Version – PANTONE 540 This version is used on all single colour applications, such as pre-printed stationery. It can also be used as an extra on top level literature such as our annual report.


Four Colour Version – CMYK This version is used on all full colour printed applications, such as literature brochures, and packaging when PANTONE 540 is not available.


Digital Version – RGB This version is used on all digital applications, such as website, PowerPoint and digitally produced stationery.


Grayscale Version This version is used where only black is available, such as black and white press advertisements and faxes.


Special Circumstances White Version This version is used reversed out of dark coloured backgrounds. It is used only when absolutely necessary.


Special Circumstances Type-Only Version This version will primarily appear in signage where the standard version is not possible. It is used only when absolutely necessary.


Single Colour Version PANTONE 540


Four Colour Version C 100 M 60 Y 0 K 65


Digital Version R 0 G 48 B 92


Grayscale Version 100% Black


White/Reversed out Version


Type-Only Version

Digital artwork versions of the Nycomed logo in a variety of different formats can be obtained from: The Portal (our intranet on http://nportal) and

2 | The Basic Elements

Logo Colour Versions The Nycomed logo is available in the following versions, suitable for both print and digital use.


Logo Incorrect Usage Our logo has been specially created and must not be redrawn or altered in any way. The examples shown here illustrate a wide range of incorrect uses. They show how any deviation from the guidelines can weaken the impact of the brand. 1

The positive version of the logo should never appear in any colour other than the Nycomed blue or black.


Never rotate the logo.


Never distort the logo.


Never try to re-create the logo in another font.


Never place a strapline with the logo.


The positive version of the logo should only appear with white text.


Never place the positive version of the logo on a dark background.


Never place the logo on a busy area of an image that may obscure readability.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008


2.5 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Logo | Logo Incorrect Usage









NYCOMED Never place a strapline








Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

2 | The Basic Elements




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

Logo Positioning As a basic rule the logo should be positioned in the top right hand corner of most applications. This will ensure consistency across all communications and anchor the logo to the design.

2.6 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Logo | Logo Positioning


Mr James Smith Anyhouse 25 Any Street Anytown Anywhere AN1 2WQ Our Reference: Your Reference:

FDM/000/00000 AN0/1234

17 March 2008

Dear Sir Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci.

“From our heartland in Europe, we reach out around the world.”

Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue.

2 | The Basic Elements

There are rare exceptions where this rule is impractical. In these instances the logo should be positioned in the top left hand corner.

Yours Sincerely


It is important to position the logo top right of applications where possible.


Exceptions to this rule include web pages and packaging materials.

Any Other Job Title

Nycomed Our Offices Nycomed Danmark ApS

T +45 46 77 11 11

PO Box 88

F +45 46 75 69 68

CVR 21158836

Langebjerg 1 4000 Roskilde



>>Products >>Markets >>Investors >>Media >>Careers >>How we work >>Search

Governance Who owns Nycomed? Nycomed is owned by a consortium of investors with a long-term perspective. The main investors are Nordic Capital and CSFB Alternative Capital. Find out more about our ownership structure. Financial results We publish our results through quarterly and annual reports. Read the latest quarterly report.

We’re a privately owned company that aims for clear and open communications with investors

Keep up to date with Nycomed news through our email news service.

© Nycomed, 2007 Nycomed

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


The Nycomed Colour Palette The Nycomed palette is confident and bold. Rich colours contrast with the desaturated, subtle tones of our photographic style. Our colours add warmth to the identity and create a bright and friendly look and feel. The Nycomed palette consists of four key colours, each of which owns a corresponding highlight colour for use in text. Care must be taken to maintain these partnerships and avoid mixing the palette. It is likely that a given application may adopt just one of the key colours together with its highlight colour. If more than one key colour is used, for example in a corporate brochure, it is important that these colours are not seen together, on the same page. A cool grey has been chosen for use in body copy, a tint of this may also be used for tabbed blocks of colour. Cool grey acts as a neutral shade which can be used in applications with any of the key colours to add variety. The four key colours are designed to have equal emphasis over the identity however the Nycomed logo should always appear in Nycomed blue (unless it is necessary to use a negative version).

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.7 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Colour Palette

Nycomed Key Colours

Nycomed Blue

Nycomed Neutral Colours

Nycomed Cool Grey

Nycomed Maroon

Nycomed Orange

Nycomed Green

2 | The Basic Elements



Colour Specifications This table shows the colour breakdowns for PANTONE, CMYK, RGB and html. CMYK specifications have been supplied for use on coated paper stocks, where specifications for uncoated or newsprint differ from these the adjusted specifications have been supplied.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

Nycomed Key Colours

2.8 | The Basic Elements | The Nycomed Colour Palette | Colour Specifications


CMYK – coated

CMYK – uncoated

CMYK – newsprint



Nycomed Blue


C100 M060 Y000 K065

C100 M060 Y000 K065

C100 M060 Y000 K065

R000 G048 B092

html 00305C



C042 M011 Y000 K000

C042 M011 Y000 K000

C042 M011 Y000 K000

R156 G186 B214

html 9CBAD6

Nycomed Maroon


C020 M100 Y009 K042

C020 M100 Y009 K042

C020 M100 Y009 K042

R138 G000 B079

html 8A004F



C003 M096 Y003 K000

C003 M096 Y003 K000

C003 M096 Y003 K000

R222 G031 B130

html DE1F82

Nycomed Orange


C005 M062 Y100 K006

C005 M056 Y100 K006

C005 M056 Y100 K006

R201 G122 B000

html C97A00



C000 M017 Y083 K000

C000 M019 Y083 K000

C000 M019 Y083 K000

R252 G201 B023

html FCC917

Nycomed Green


C014 M002 Y100 K016

C014 M002 Y100 K016

C014 M002 Y100 K016

R191 G184 B010

html BFB80A



C085 M022 Y083 K076

C075 M022 Y073 K054

C075 M022 Y073 K054

R026 G071 B043

html 1A472B

Nycomed Neutral Colour Nycomed Grey

PANTONE Cool Grey 11

C044 M034 Y022 K078

C044 M034 Y022 K078

C044 M034 Y022 K078

R102 G099 B102

html 666366

Nycomed Grey Tint

PANTONE Cool Grey 11 40%

C000 M000 Y000 K032

C000 M000 Y000 K032

C000 M000 Y000 K032

R194 G193 B194

html C2C1C2

2 | The Basic Elements



Corporate Fonts Garamond is our emotive font. It is used to pull out statements and important headings which reflect the human focus of our brand. We have chosen a classic literary font which plays an appropriate role in telling the story of our brand. Garamond is an elegant typeface, distinctive and unusual within the pharmaceutical market.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.9 | The Basic Elements | Typefaces | Corporate Font




ITC Garamond Light 2 | The Basic Elements


We use Garamond with confidence, set large and in a prominent position across applications. Key words may be highlighted in white for emphasis. We only use ITC Garamond in the light weight. Garamond should not be set below 8pt. 1

Brochure cover example.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Corporate Fonts Our second font is Nycomed Sans. It is used for headings and body copy. This is a classic, clean and easy to read typeface that reflects the straightforward thinking of Nycomed. We use Nycomed Sans in bold, regular and regular italic. This font can be uploaded from the intranet and Nycomed Sans should not be set below 6pt. 1

Brochure spread example.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.9 | The Basic Elements | Typefaces | Corporate Font


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nycomed Sans Bold 2 | The Basic Elements



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nycomed Sans Regular


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nycomed Sans Regular Italic


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


System Font Times may be used as our emotive font in instances when Garamond is unavailable. It resembles Garamond, sharing similar characteristics, and comes as a standard system font in Microsoft Office. We use Times Regular. Times should not be set below 8pt. When used in Powerpoint速 it should not be set below 16pt, when used for web based media do not set below 11 pt. 1

Powerpoint速 example slide.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.10 | The Basic Elements | Typefaces | System Font



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Times Regular


2 | The Basic Elements



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

System Font Outside of printed applications, we use Arial frequently on a day-to-day basis. It resembles Nycomed Sans, having the same readability and openness, and comes as a standard system font in Microsoft Office. Arial is the Nycomed standard system typeface in Microsoft templates, emails, web and other digital applications.


We use Arial in bold, regular and regular italic.


2.10 | The Basic Elements | Typefaces | System Font


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Arial Bold 2 | The Basic Elements



Arial should not be set below 6pt. When used in Powerpoint速 it should not be set below 10pt, when used for web based media do not set below 10pt. 1

Web page example.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Arial Regular Italic


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.11 | The Basic Elements | Tab Device



The effect is achieved by multiplying the tab onto the photography in Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. This option is in the transparency palette, found under Window.


2 | The Basic Elements

Tab Device A simple transparent tab works across the system. This is a unique element and plays an important role in the identity, adding colour and creating an ownable look and feel. It can be applied across images or used as a holding device for blocks of text.


Details of grids can be found in section four where the positioning and size of the tab are specified. It is only the key colours that should be used for the tab, corresponding highlight colours are reserved for the text that appears within the tab. 1

Adobe InDesign transparency palette.


Adobe Illustrator transparency palette.


The dark key colours, PANTONE 540 and PANTONE 235, should be set to a 90% opacity.


The lighter key colours, PANTONE 1385 and PANTONE 397, should be set to 100% opacity.

“Adapting to change. Moving forward. Making things better. It's what being human is all about.” Nycomed Mid Year Review 2008

“We’re a privately owned company that aims for clear and frequent communications with our investors.” Namequality Job Title Improving the of life for our patients underlies everything we do.

Nycomed About Our Brand Heading Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non,

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Tab Device A photographic panel, consisting of a number of images, may be incorporated to run across the top or bottom of the tab. This acts as a useful holding device for Nycomed photography. Images within the panel run in succession to provide a visual narrative of the day-to-day activities that take place within our business. Equal space should be given to each image across the width of the panel.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.11 | The Basic Elements | Tab Device

“Adapting to change. Moving forward. Making things better. It's what being human is all about.� Nycomed Annual Review 2007

Heading consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis.

Heading Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non.

Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing.

Nycomed Annual Review 2007

Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis. Phasellus eleifend bibendum dui.

Our mission is to make life better for people. We do this by creating medicines that improve patient wellbeing, while fulfilling the needs of our healthcare providers. Heading consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque


elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis. Phasellus eleifend bibendum dui. Nunc vehicula odio eget nunc. Proin

dapibus pede nec libero. Fusce sed lorem non sem sagittis auctor. Donec hendrerit orci ut ipsum. Morbi consequat luctus neque. In lectus lectus, nonummy nec, egestas cursus, ornare sed, elit. Nullam commodo congue quam. Donec at dui. Nam vel augue viverra neque lacinia cursus. Proin scelerisque. Sed sit amet felis ac nunc ullamcorper pulvinar.


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

2 | The Basic Elements




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.12 | The Basic Elements | Photography | Introduction

2 | The Basic Elements

Photography plays a major role in the new look and feel of Nycomed so it is vital that a consistent style is maintained across the identity. Images fall into three categories which reflect the lives of patients, healthcare workers or people working within Nycomed. The human focus of Nycomed photography underpins our belief that people are at the heart of our brand.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

Nycomed People

2.13 | The Basic Elements | Photography | Overview

Nycomed Patients

Photography Overview Nycomed photography can be separated into three levels:

Each level has a human focus which addresses Nycomed people and Nycomed patients. Please note the photography examples provided in this section and throughout this version of the guidelines are for temporary, reference purposes only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral. An extensive Nycomed image library will be available in March 2008, at which point these guidelines will be updated with our own photography.

2 | The Basic Elements

• People – Portraits • Environments – Reportage • Everyday – Still Life

People – Portraits

Environments – Reportage

For more information please contact

Everyday – Still Life

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.14 | The Basic Elements | Photography | People

People – Portraits Desaturated colour portraits of Nycomed people and patients form the primary level of photography.

2 | The Basic Elements

People are upbeat and positive, they appear confident – but not arrogant. Subjects should be portrayed naturally, their expressions should feel genuine and capture a sense of their personality. This reflects Nycomed’s belief that we are all valued individuals – everybody matters. Portraits should be taken in the subject’s natural environment, for example within a hospital, at home or at the office. Composition should be simple with primary focus on the model. Background elements should be subtle and kept to a minimum in order to maintain a clean, fresh and open feel. Images should use a soft focus and depth of field to create a sense of calm. The subject may be shot in full figure or close up.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.15 | The Basic Elements | Photography | Environments

Environments – Reportage Images shot within the environments of Nycomed people and patients creates a reportage photographic style. This level reflects the everyday dynamism of the business and provides a narrative to the real life situations of those touched by Nycomed. 2 | The Basic Elements

The style of these images should feel natural with a soft focus and desaturated use of colour, helping to convey calm whilst reporting the fast paced activity of the business. As a general rule, the people in these images should not be recognisable. Images within the existing Nycomed identity may be suitable for use within this level.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.16 | The Basic Elements | Photography | Everyday Still Life

Everyday – Still Life Desaturated colour still life images of objects, which suggest a human footprint, form the third level of photography.

2 | The Basic Elements

The objects chosen reflect the day to day lives of people touched by Nycomed – for example a cup of coffee or a pair of glasses, sitting casually, as if about to be picked up. Again the style is modern and clean with a simple composition. Consideration should be given to clear space in order to maintain a fresh, open feel. A soft focus, shadow and depth of field help to make the objects appear natural within their environments.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Photography Usage Our photography has a consistent style, key to achieving this style is the use of desaturated colour, this separates us from our competitors who largely use highly saturated photography.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.17 | The Basic Elements | Photography | Usage



Saturation can be adjusted in the Hue/ Saturation palette, this is found under adjustments in the image menu.


In this instance the original image was highly saturated, colour intensity has been reduced to -60


In this instance the original image was fairly desaturated, colour intensity has been reduced to -35

2 | The Basic Elements

The photography in our library has been desaturated, this is easily achieved in Photoshop. The degree to which an image should be desaturated will depend on how much colour it already contains but as a general rule the range falls between -30 and -70.


A high saturation image desaturated to -60


A low saturation image desaturated to -35

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.18 | The Basic Elements | Tone of Voice

We communicate in two ways. The first way uses the testimonies of our people and patients and key statements about our brand to convey our message. A single customer story or an emotive statement can be far more effective and compelling than masses of carefully researched customer data. This level of our tone of voice uses Garamond. It is a classic literary font appropriate for story telling. We use Garamond with confidence, set large and in a prominent position across applications. Key words may be highlighted in white for emphasis. Visually Garamond plays an integral role in creating a distinctive identity and the emotive language it speaks provides a rich narrative to convey the purpose of our work.

Adapting to change. Moving forward. Making things better. It's what being human is all about. Nycomed Report to Bondholders 2008

Our mission is to make life better for people. We do this by creating medicines that improve patient wellbeing, while fulfilling the needs of healthcare providers.

In terms of what we do, a company report can never tell the whole story.

Nycomed Annual Review 2008

Nycomed Annual Review 2008

2 | The Basic Elements

Our Tone of Voice Our Brand language is a vital part of our identity. The words we choose directly influence whether people understand our message and how they will react to it. It also has a big impact on how they react to us.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

2.18 | The Basic Elements | Tone of Voice

These points provide a checklist for our everyday tone of voice... Natural: We talk directly to the reader and never down to them. Our writing style is respectful but open and friendly. Compelling: We write in a lively, interesting way to keep the reader engaged, and will use expressive language if it helps to get our point across. Honest: Our writing is truthful, balanced and believable. We don’t exaggerate or make outrageous claims. This level of our tone of voice uses Nycomed Sans, a classic, clean and easy to read typeface.

2 | The Basic Elements

Our Tone of Voice We also communicate, on an everyday level, in a direct language. We are results focused and so the way we talk should be straightforward but we do this in a natural, compelling and honest way in order to retain the personality and human focus of our brand.


Our Tone of Voice Thorough guidelines on Tone of Voice are available through our Corporate Communications team. Here are just a couple of extracts from the messages section and the style dictionary which provides useful points on the correct use of grammar and punctuation.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

Messages Approved Messages These are the agreed messages to use when discussing Nycomed. • Our mission is to bring medicines that matter to patients and healthcare providers. • Our vision is to become the preferred pharmaceutical company by being responsive, reliable and focusing on results. • Everything we do matters to somebody. No matter where we work each of us contributes to making a better quality of life for patients. • We are 12,000 people from more than 50 countries providing medicines for hospitals, specialists and general practitioners, as well as over-the-counter medicines in selected markets. • From our heartland in Europe, we reach out around the world and in fast-growing markets such as Latin America, Russia/CIS and Asia-Pacific. • Readiness for change is what we are all about. We have a duty to stay open-minded and always be looking for new opportunities. • Established 1874 in Norway, we are privately-owned and now headquartered in Switzerland.

2.18 | The Basic Elements | Tone of Voice

Style Dictionary English The company language is British English. American English can be used in documents aimed solely at American readers. Europe Europe is geographical. EU is political. Never confuse the two. Foreign words Foreign words and Latin words should be in Italics. This is a wonderful help for the eyes, like in vitro testing, and the Danish health office Sundhedsstyrelsen. Healthcare Healthcare not health care. We are a healthcare company that provides medicines. We do not provide healthcare. Numbers In normal text, we write one, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 99, 1001. Never start a sentence with a numeral. Date & time. 2 April 2003 is the preferred form for writing dates.

2 | The Basic Elements




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3 | Corporate Applications

Our focus on people comes across in corporate applications by keeping their design direct and purposeful.

Section 3 | Corporate Applications

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Our corporate stationery represents our company to the outside world in everyday correspondence of all kinds. Specifications which follow have been developed to ensure a clear, consistent visual style and professional image.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.1 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Introduction

Mr James Smith Anyhouse 25 Any Street Anytown Anywhere AN1 2WQ Our Reference: Your Reference:

FDM/000/00000 AN0/1234

17 March 2008

Dear Sir Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. Nycomed Danmark ApS PO Box 88, Langebjerg 1 4000 mi Roskilde, Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, quisDanmark condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue.

Yours Sincerely

T +45 46 77 11 11 F +45 46 75 69 68

We provide products that support people in their efforts to live full and active lives

Any Other Job Title Title/Example of a long name Job Title Department

Nycomed Danmark ApS

T +45 46 77 11 11

PO Box 88

F +45 46 75 69 68

CVR 21158836

Langebjerg 1 4000 Roskilde

Nycomed Deutschland GmbH Address line one Long address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.2 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Letterhead



12 1

Letterhead This letterhead typing guide helps to present a clear, consistent image. The example shown here is pre-printed for digital overprinting of the letter. The letter itself uses the system font Arial, whilst the pre-printed part uses Nycomed Sans.


Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

The Nycomed logo is pre-printed.


Letter text: Arial 9.5/14pt Please follow the date format example.


The Nycomed address information is pre-printed.


Company name: Nycomed Sans bold 7/11pt Address: Nycomed Sans Regular 7/11pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


Telephone, fax and web: Nycomed Sans Regular 7/11pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


Organisation Number: Nycomed Sans Regular 7/11pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


3 | Corporate Applications

Mr James Smith Anyhouse 25 Any Street Anytown Anywhere AN1 2WQ X Our Reference: FDM/000/00000 Your Reference: AN0/1234 X 17 March 2008 X X Dear Sir X Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue. X X Yours Sincerely X X X X Any Other Job Title

4 50



Nycomed Danmark ApS

T +45 46 77 11 11

PO Box 88

F +45 46 75 69 68

6 CVR 21158836

Langebjerg 1 4000 Roskilde






Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.3 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Continuation Sheet



12 1

Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

The Nycomed logo is pre-printed.


Letter text: Arial 9.5/14pt


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci.


Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue. Aenean convallis enim nec justo. Donec et sem nec mauris faucibus eleifend. Cras malesuada. Aliquam pellentesque. Sed iaculis convallis turpis. Nullam eleifend molestie neque. Cras fringilla tortor eu purus. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque enim neque, dictum id, egestas quis, lobortis sed, pede. Integer tempus augue quis erat. Vestibulum viverra, magna nec bibendum commodo, mauris lectus porttitor ipsum, a cursus mi dolor sed felis. Nulla ultricies dictum ligula. Cras ullamcorper. Aliquam pellentesque, pede eu adipiscing ultrices, turpis nisl aliquet mauris, non venenatis tortor urna in pede.

3 | Corporate Applications

Continuation Sheet The continuation sheet follows the same principles as the letterhead.

Sed lobortis pede vel lacus. Etiam eget purus. In accumsan lacus eu ipsum. Donec mauris lectus, cursus nec, vulputate imperdiet, posuere sed, nisl. Cras gravida cursus dolor. Quisque faucibus interdum velit. Sed mi felis, tristique nec, vehicula id, facilisis nec, mauris. Vestibulum ipsum. Morbi velit nunc, volutpat sed, vestibulum nec, euismod consequat, ligula. Nunc mi. Praesent interdum massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean at leo in enim mattis blandit. In semper viverra magna. Sed iaculis quam eu felis. Aliquam ante metus, lacinia eu, cursus vitae, cursus in, pede. Donec congue suscipit purus. Nulla quis urna. Mauris consectetuer dui vitae eros bibendum imperdiet. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse id massa quis urna luctus ullamcorper. Donec egestas, erat ac aliquam lacinia, nibh neque hendrerit elit, eget interdum risus orci et justo. Nunc ac elit non ligula faucibus fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget nulla sed felis lacinia volutpat. Proin vitae erat. Nulla nunc tellus, sollicitudin eu, rutrum gravida, aliquam in, massa. Mauris vitae urna. Maecenas vestibulum. Curabitur ornare gravida arcu. Ut vitae leo.




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

Business Cards Business cards put our brand directly in the hands of potential customers, suppliers and other stake holders.


3.4 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Business Cards



Measurements are given in millimetres. Standard 55mm by 85mm dimensions are used.



Title/Example of a long name

Title/Example of a long name


Job Title Department X Nycomed Deutschland GmbH Address line one Long address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000

Job Title Department X Nycomed Deutschland GmbH Address line one Long address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000

3 4





Name: Nycomed Sans Bold 8pt PANTONE 540


Position/Department: Nycomed Sans 7pt/9pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


Company Name: Nycomed Sans Bold 7pt/9pt PANTONE 540


Address: Nycomed Sans 7pt/9pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


Two column version for extensive information.


Example of back using tone of voice.




Our tone of voice or photography can be used on the back of business cards. However it is important that the portrait level of our photography is not used, only the reportage and still life levels . The back can alternatively be used for a local language version of the information on the front, or be left blank.



Privat: Long address line one Address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 M +00 (0) 0000 00–0000





5 6

Adapting to change. Moving forward. Making things better. It's what being human is all about.


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.5 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Compliment Slip

Compliment slip Compliment slips follow the same design system as the letterhead.



12 1


The back can alternatively be used for a local language version of the information on the front, or be left blank.



Nycomed Danmark ApS

T +45 46 77 11 11

PO Box 88, Langebjerg 1

F +45 46 75 69 68

4000 Roskilde, Danmark



3 | Corporate Applications

As with the business cards our tone of voice or photography can be used on the back of compliment slips. However it is important that the portrait level of our photography is not used, only the reportage and still life levels of photography are used.


Measurements are given in millimetres. Standard 99mm by 210mm dimensions are used. 1

The Nycomed logo is pre-printed.


Company name: Nycomed Sans bold 7/11pt Address: Nycomed Sans Regular 7/11pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


Telephone, fax and web: Nycomed Sans Regular 7/11pt PANTONE Cool Grey 11


Example of photography use on back.

Nycomed Danmark ApS

T +45 46 77 11 11

PO Box 88, Langebjerg 1

F +45 46 75 69 68

4000 Roskilde, Danmark


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

US Business Cards and Compliment Slips The dimensions for US business cards and compliment slips differ slightly from European standard formats.

3.6 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | US Business Cards and Compliment Slips





All design principles and measurements remain the same as with the standard formats, it is simply the dimensions which change. Measurements are given in millimetres (although American sizes are traditionally given in inches). The dimensions are as follows – Business card: 88.9mm by 50.8mm Compliment slip: 215.9mm by 93.97mm





Title/Example of a long name

Title/Example of a long name

Job Title Department X Nycomed Deutschland GmbH Address line one Long address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000

Job Title Department X Nycomed Deutschland GmbH Address line one Long address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000


Privat: Long address line one Address line two T +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 F +00 (0) 0000 00-0000 M +00 (0) 0000 00–0000







Nycomed Danmark ApS

T +45 46 77 11 11

PO Box 88, Langebjerg 1

F +45 46 75 69 68

4000 Roskilde, Danmark




Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.7 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Fax




Fax Faxes are produced digitally.

Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

Fax title: Arial Bold Caps 12/14pt


Headings: Arial Bold 12/14pt


Text: Arial Regular 10/14pt





Attn: At: Fax: CC:

AN Other Company Name +00 00 00 00 00 00 A N Other, A N Other

Date: Pages:

00/00/00 00


From Sender: At: Fax: Tel: Direct: Mobile: Email: Web: Company: Company Name,

AN Other Company Name +00 00 00 00 00 00 +00 00 00 00 00 00 +00 00 00 00 00 00 +00 00 00 00 00 00 Full Legal Organisation No.

and other legally required details Date: 00/00/00 Pages: 00 Subject Title X Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. X Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue. X Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. X Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus.

3 | Corporate Applications

A consistent style has been developed for use across fax headers, memos and contact reports. Fax headers have been designed for both internal and external usage. When sending a fax it is helpful to include all contact details of the sender. The type size on faxes is larger than other documents in our basic stationery suite in order to help legibility because of the low resolution reproduction quality.

28 1





Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.8 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Disclaimer




Disclaimer The same disclaimer can be used across all confidential documents such as faxes and emails. Here we can see an example of disclaimer applied to a fax. The disclaimer reads – The contents of this document are confidential and are intended for use of the addressee(s) only. Any other reading, use or copying is prohibited.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. X Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue. X Yours Sincerely X X X X Any Other Job title X X X


The contents of this document are confidential and are intended for use of the addressee(s) only. Any other reading, use or copying is prohibited.

Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

Rule 0.4pt


Fax disclaimer: Arial Bold 8/12pt

3 | Corporate Applications






Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.9 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Memo




28 1 2

Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

Memo title: Arial Bold Caps 12/14pt


Headings: Arial Bold 12/14pt


Text: Arial Regular 10/14pt



To Attn: CC: From; Date:

AN Other A N Other, A N Other AN Other 00/00/00



Some News


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. X Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue. X Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque sollicitudin varius. Curabitur eu orci. X Sed vitae magna. Suspendisse quis mi nec erat hendrerit laoreet. Phasellus volutpat, mi quis condimentum blandit, urna libero malesuada orci, et condimentum nisl sapien non purus. Phasellus scelerisque, sapien vel ultricies ornare, nisl quam vestibulum ipsum, eu aliquet leo velit eget orci. Vestibulum sit amet mi. Donec ultricies ultricies est. Nam eget dolor eget neque adipiscing euismod. Mauris porttitor risus blandit sem. Donec molestie. Nunc quis metus sed dolor consectetuer imperdiet. Ut condimentum elementum risus. Phasellus aliquet imperdiet pede. Sed ut libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nam vitae augue.

3 | Corporate Applications

Memo Memos are produced digitally. Memos follow the same style and grid as faxes.





Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.10 | Corporate Applications | Stationery | Minutes of the Meeting




28 1



Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

Minutes of the meeting title: Arial Caps Bold 12/14pt


Minutes of the meeting text: Arial Regular 10/14pt


Table: 0.4pt

MINUTES OF THE MEETING Meeting: Date: Time: Location: Apologies: Circulation: Participants:

Nycomed 00/00/00 00.00 Denmark As below A N Other etc





Due date

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla mollis, orci a interdum eleifend, sapien nunc nonummy libero, eu dapibus nulla elit eget justo. Nunc hendrerit quam. Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius.



Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius.



Sed a eros. Vivamus convallis egestas dui. Nam rutrum dui vel sem. Donec tincidunt tincidunt diam. Vivamus pretium sollicitudin tortor. Nulla volutpat nisl ornare nisl mattis varius. Nulla gravida erat id neque.



3 | Corporate Applications

Minutes of the Meeting Minutes of the Meeting are produced digitally. Minutes of the Meeting follow the same style and grid as the faxes and memos.





Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.11 | Corporate Applications | Literature | Introduction

3 | Corporate Applications

Our literature system demonstrates the balance of all the elements of our identity. The grid structure, corporate typefaces, colours and photography come together to produce a cohesive, user friendly system that constantly reinforces our positioning. The following pages provide a guide to creating a consistent but flexible system for our literature. Grids and typesetting guidelines are provided for A4, A5 and DL collateral.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.12 | Corporate Applications | Literature | A4 Cover



5 5

A4 Cover An eight column grid forms the basis for A4 cover and spread layouts. The grid can be used to create different column combinations for text or align photography and charts. Using the grid will ensure that all brochure spreads have a consistent structure and style.


The Nycomed logo always appears in the top right hand corner of a cover, 25mm in width.


The Nycomed tab has a 10mm inset border.


Garamond can be set at the following pt sizes: 18/21pt, 22/25pt, 26/30pt, 30/34pt, 34/38pt





Emotive statement: Garamond Light 34/38pt


Title: Nycomed Gill Bold/Regular 12pt

The document title is set in Nycomed Sans 12pt

10 5 5 5


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications

Measurements are given in millimetres.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.13 | Corporate Applications | Literature | A4 Spread

1 5 5

Nycomed Annual Review 2007

Nycomed Annual Review 2007



Nycomed Sans is used for body copy set at 8.5/10pt


The Nycomed tab has a 10mm border.


Garamond can be set at the following pt sizes: 18/21pt, 22/25pt, 26/30pt, 30/34pt, 34/38pt


A photographic panel has been incorporated, running across the top or bottom of the tab.

Heading Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis.

Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis. Phasellus eleifend bibendum dui.

Our mission is to make life better for people. We do this by creating medicines that improve patient wellbeing, while fulfilling the needs of our healthcare providers. Heading Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque

elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis. Phasellus eleifend bibendum dui. Nunc vehicula odio eget nunc. Proin



dapibus pede nec libero. Fusce sed lorem non sem sagittis auctor. Donec hendrerit orci ut ipsum. Morbi consequat luctus neque. In lectus lectus, nonummy nec, egestas cursus, ornare sed, elit. Nullam commodo congue quam. Donec at dui. Nam vel augue viverra neque lacinia cursus. Proin scelerisque. Sed sit amet felis ac nunc ullamcorper pulvinar.



10 5 5 5



Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications

A4 Spread Measurements are given in millimetres.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.14 | Corporate Applications | Literature | A5 Cover



5 5

A5 Cover A six column grid forms the basis for A5 cover and spread layouts. The grid can be used to create different column combinations for text or align photography and charts. Using the grid will ensure that all brochure spreads have a consistent structure and style.


The Nycomed logo always appears in the top right hand corner of covers, 22mm in width.


The Nycomed tab has a 7mm border.


Garamond can be set at the following pt sizes: 18/21pt, 22/25pt, 26/30pt, 30/34pt, 34/38pt



Emotive statement: Garamond Light 26/30pt

The document title is set in Nycomed Sans 10pt



Title: Nycomed Gill Bold/Regular 10pt 4

10 5




Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications

Measurements are given in millimetres.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008


A5 Spread Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

The Nycomed tab has a 7mm border.


Garamond can be set at the following pt sizes: 18/21pt, 22/25pt, 26/30pt, 30/34pt, 34/38pt


The quotation reference is set in Nycomed Gill 10pt


Nycomed Sans is used for body copy set at 8.5/10pt

3.15 | Corporate Applications | Literature | A5 Spread

5 5




“Our mission is to bring medicines that matter to patients and healthcare providers�


Name Job Title


Heading Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis.

Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa. Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non, pharetra accumsan, purus. Morbi et risus vitae erat posuere adipiscing. Praesent in mauris non eros tempor convallis. Phasellus eleifend bibendum dui.

10 5 5 5


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.16 | Corporate Applications | Literature | DL Cover

22 1 2.5 5

DL Cover A six column grid forms the basis for DL brochure layouts. The grid can be used to create different column combinations for text or align photography and charts.Using the grid will ensure that all brochure spreads have a consistent structure and style.


The Nycomed logo always appears in the top right hand corner, 22mm in width.


The Nycomed tab has a 7mm inset border.


Garamond can be set at the following pt sizes: 18/21pt, 22/25pt, 26/30pt, 30/34pt, 34/38pt


The document title is set in Nycomed Sans 10pt



Emotive statement: Garamond Light 18/21pt



Title: Nycomed Gill Bold/Regular 10pt

10 2.5 2.5 5


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications

Measurements are given in millimetres.


DL Spread Measurements are given in millimetres. 1

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

3.17 | Corporate Applications | Literature | DL Spread

2.5 5

Garamond can be set at the following pt sizes: 18/21pt, 22/25pt, 26/30pt, 30/34pt, 34/38pt


The quotation reference is set in Nycomed Sans 10pt


The Nycomed tab has a 7mm inset border.


Nycomed Sans is used for body copy set at 8.5/10pt

Heading Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris nisl arcu, adipiscing sit amet, imperdiet vitae, blandit sit amet, eros. Ut lacinia. Pellentesque ultricies dolor at sapien. Proin mollis tincidunt orci. Aliquam vehicula velit in nibh. Morbi turpis sapien, laoreet non, pharetra a, viverra mattis, mi. Sed faucibus gravida urna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris arcu eros, molestie eu, consectetuer in, pellentesque elementum, nunc. Fusce varius molestie turpis. Aenean massa.




Fusce bibendum. Phasellus dolor nisl, semper a, scelerisque sed, egestas quis, dolor. Vivamus quam nisl, convallis in, laoreet non,


“We’re a privately owned company that aims for clear and frequent communications with our investors.”


Name Job Title

10 2.5 2.5 5


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

3 | Corporate Applications 3 | Corporate Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4 | Digital Applications

Our website reaches out to people all over the world. That’s why it’s so important that it reflects our personality.

Section 4 | Digital Applications

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Nycomed Visual Identity 2008


4.1 | Digital Applications | Introduction

The following pages demonstrate how the Nycomed identity can be used to maintain a coherent visual style across PowerPoint presentations and our website.

4 | Digital Applications



Website These examples demonstrate the look and feel of the Nycomed website. A coherent and straightforward visual style has been created to make navigation as quick and user-friendly as possible. Where possible Nycomed Sans and Garamond should be used but if this is not practical our system fonts, Arial and Times, may be used.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4.2 | Digital Applications | Web | Look and Feel






Example of a long named item





Home About us Products

The notional example to the right demonstrates how the homepage may look. Key points regarding website design have been highlighted.



Media Example of a long name Careers How we work

The Logo is positioned in the top left hand corner.


Audience and search menu is positioned at the top of the page.When items are selected they become bold to signal which audience you are looking at.


Main menu – when items are rolled over they are highlighted.


The homepage should use the Nycomed Portrait photography and tone of voice, conveying our people focused brand.


Images are tabbed to the right of the page.

Sarah Williams Travel writer

Contact | Sitemap | Download

4 | Digital Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4.2 | Digital Applications | Web | Look and Feel

Website The notional example to the right demonstrates how menu item title pages may look. 1

Once the menu item is selected the menu changes to the item’s designated colour,


The highlighted item becomes bold.


A secondary navigation level appears.




Item title pages should use the Nycomed photography and tone of voice. This should relate in some way to the subject





Example of a long named item



About Us Products Markets

2 3

Media Example of a long named item Example of a long named item Backgrounders Example of a long named item

Images are tabbed to the right of the page.

Example of a long name Careers How we work

Contact | Sitemap | Download


4 | Digital Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4.2 | Digital Applications | Web | Look and Feel

Website The notional example to the right demonstrates how menu item pages may look. ‘Marketing’ has been selected from the secondary level menu.


A third level menu may be necessary.


The menu path.


Information is contained within the specified area. Text should sit on white and be set in a simple, straightforward way.




Example of a long named item


3 How we work> Marketing

About us

Marketing Once a product has been developed, we create the best launch platform for it, and then carefully nurture it through its entire lifecycle. We give doctors the information they need when they evaluate a product and listen to the feedback we receive from them. And we also share our experiences across borders and functions, so we grow and learn as an organisation everyday.

Markets Media

5 Financials Read our financial reports


Backgrounders Get background facts and figures about Nycomed, including company milestones

Example of a long name Careers How we work

Language option menu. Related links to the right.






Example of a long named item


Marketing Third level navigation item Third level navigation item


Third level navigation item Third level navigation item Example of a long named item Example of a long named item

Contact | Sitemap | Download

Understanding hospitals Hospital Account Management proved so successful in Scandinavia that it’s spreading to other offices around the world. Our account managers work with all stakeholders at a hospital to introduce treatments properly, without disrupting care. We provide training and tailor solutions to different hospitals and departments to give the hospital the best possible chance to quickly make the most of our products. Open source improvement We are always searching for new products and novel applications that will benefit patients. So we listen carefully to medical professionals, paying particular attention to how they use our products in clinical settings and adapting our products to meet their needs. It’s this curiosity that ensures patients get the most value from what we do.


Products Take a look at our products

Nycomed Employee login

Pipeline Take a look at our products currently in development

Clinical trials disclosure We continually test our key products to evaluate safety and efficacy

4 | Digital Applications




Website Further web page example pages.




4.2 | Digital Applications | Web | Look and Feel





Example of a long named item





‘What we do’ page.

About Us

About us

Example of a long named item


What we do


Example of a long named item Example of a long named item



Example of a long name





How we work

‘Backgrounders’ page.


Example of a long name Careers How we work

Sarah Williams Travel writer





Example of a long named item


About us> What we do What we do We believe that everything we do matters to someone. So we focus on results and respond quickly to the needs of patients and healthcare providers. In this, we can achieve our vision to be the preferred pharmaceutical company. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas non odio. Sed nisl nisl, dapibus sit amet, porttitor eu, fermentum sit amet, dui. Sed erat sapien, pharetra nec, viverra ut, lobortis eu, est. Ut dapibus feugiat leo. Vivamus erat nunc, adipiscing in, viverra sed, auctor non, justo. Etiam interdum. Etiam sed enim sed sem ultricies vulputate. Aenean quis orci eu leo aliquam viverra. Sed ultrices nunc pharetra nibh. Phasellus iaculis. Etiam sed nibh sit amet urna nonummy molestie. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aenean nisl. Nam consequat magna quis dui. Cras posuere. Pellentesque iaculis, purus sed molestie placerat, metus leo venenatis risus, eget semper sem lectus nec nibh. Nulla vel nunc. Pellentesque vehicula tincidunt ipsum.

News 07.12.07 Nycomed files marketing authorisation application for an intranasal fentanyl spray in Europe 19.11.07 Nycomed significantly increases profitability 30.10.07 Nycomed signs definitive agreement to acquire Bradley Pharmaceuticals, Inc., strengthening US specialty business

Latest news Annual Review 2006 Read more about Nycomed in the Annual Review 2006

‘How we work’ title page. Contact | Sitemap | Download

Contact | Sitemap | Download






Example of a long named item


Media> Backgrounders

About Us

Find background information and resources on Nycomed.

Products Markets Media Example of a long named item Example of a long named item Backgrounders Example of a long named item

Example of a long name

Nycomed profile Including general information and facts and figures. Company profile (.pdf) Company milestones Short history of Nycomed and ALTANA Pharma Company milestones (.pdf) ALTANA Pharma press releases ALTANA Pharma is now part of the Nycomed Group. Read the latest press releases.


Contact | Sitemap | Download


Home Contact us Walter Vaterlaus Senior Vice President Corporate Communications Tobias Cottmann Director External Communications T: +41 44 55 51 510 Email us

Financials Read our financial reports

About us Products Markets Media Example of a long name Careers How we work Example of a long named item

Careers How we work


Subscribe Keep up to date with Nycomed news through our email news service

Marketing Example of a long named item Example of a long named item

Contact | Sitemap | Download




Example of a long named item


4 | Digital Applications


Nycomed Visual Identity 2008



PowerPoint We use a 16:9 format for our powerpoint presentations. This is a great format for displaying large amounts of information clearly and has been used more and more frequently within our business.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4.3 | Digital Applications | PowerPoint | Title Layout


2 3

The title slides to the right demonstrate how an emotive statement or heading should be formatted in the tab device, this may be supported by an image from our photographic library or stand alone. The Nycomed logo should be sized and positioned as indicated.


Title information is contained within a tab.


Emotive statements or headings are set in Times ranging between 28pt to 48pt


Arial is used for a supporting title/date set at 18pt


Images may be used for title slides.



4 | Digital Applications




PowerPoint The text slides to the right demonstrate the size and position of headings and body copy. Text can run across one column or be divided into two.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4.4 | Digital Applications | PowerPoint | Text Layout

1 2 3

The position of the logo remains consistent with title slides though its size is reduced. The Nycomed logo should be sized and positioned as indicated.


Title information is in Arial Bold set at 24pt


Body copy is in Arial, cool gray 11, set at 18pt


Footer information is in Arial set at 12pt


Text may be contained within one or two columns.



4 | Digital Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

4.5 | Digital Applications | PowerPoint | Chart Slides

PowerPoint The slides to the right demonstrate how to format charts for graphs and pie charts.

1 2

The Nycomed logo should be sized and positioned as indicated.


Title information is in Arial Bold set at 24pt


Example of a bar chart.


Footer information is in Arial set at 12pt


Example of a pie chart.




4 | Digital Applications




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

5 | Other Applications

Sometimes you’ll need to use our brand in a situation not covered by these guidelines. Don’t worry, just follow a few simple rules and you’ll be fine.

Section 5 | Other Applications

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

5.1 | Other Applications | Recruitment | Introduction

Recruitment advertising is an important area for us to communicate our values with consistency and to attract the people who’s experience, skills and personality are matched to the jobs we are offering.

5 | Advertising

We need to achieve simplicity and clarity. Our advertisements should reflect our straightforward nature and convey our commitment to the lives of our people and patients.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

5.2 | Other Applications | Recruitment | Considerations

Recruitment Formats and print specifications will vary but there are key points to consider.


Are you a people person?

A typical sequence to consider will comprise: • Logo top right • Emotive Garamond Heading • An introduction to the company • A description of the job/salary/benefit •A description of the ideal applicant

We create medicines that improve patient wellbeing, in doing so are committed to developing the careers of our people


The Nycomed logo always appears in the top right hand corner of the advertisement.


Nycomed Garamond should be used for engaging headings which communicate our human focus.

Our Company Nycomed is a well-established Global company, which sources, develops and markets specialist prescription medicines and healthcare products.


Nycomed Gill is used for body copy.

As part of our UK-based Marketing and Sales organisation we are poised to build a specialist team to promote a unique tissue management product.


Where possible our portrait level of photography should be used to reflect our commitment to people.


‘Sign-off’ information should be contained within a tab.


We are looking for the very best people, who would relish the opportunity to join a forward thinking company. At Nycomed results are recognised and rewarded, we make it our mission to help you grow. The Role Your primary focus will be the promotion of our innovative tissue management product to surgeons within a theatre environment. You will develop Key Opinion Leaders

to champion your products and have full responsibility for account management within your territory, including negotiating with key budget holders and decision makers at a local level.


Our Company Nycomed is a well-established Global company, which sources, develops and markets specialist prescription medicines and healthcare products.



As part of our UK-based Marketing and Sales organisation we are poised to build a specialist hospital team to promote a unique tissue management product. We are looking for the very best people, who would relish the opportunity to join a forward thinking company. At Nycomed results are recognised and rewarded, we make it our mission to help you grow.


The Role Your primary focus will be the promotion of our innovative tissue management product to surgeons within a theatre environment. You will develop Key Opinion Leaders to champion your products and have full responsibility for account management within your territory, including negotiating with key budget holders and decision makers at a local level. Hospital Sales Specialists Salary – c£35K

Hospital Sales Specialists Salary – c£35K

• Scotland • North West/Northern Ireland • North East/Yorkshire • West Midlands/North & Mid Wales

• Scotland • North West/Northern Ireland • North East/Yorkshire • West Midlands/North & Mid Wales For more information and to arrange an interview contact our retained agency

For more information and to arrange an interview contact our retained agency

Fit for Business: Tel 01635 860491 Fax 01635 863264 E mail

Fit for Business: Tel 01635 860491 Fax 01635 863264 E mail

5 4

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

5 | Advertising



Merchandise Our merchandise provides a great opportunity to express our brand freely. Promotional items tell the stories of our people and patients. They are designed to reflect our human focus and express the importance of every individual. 1

Concertina leaflet The personal stories of those touched by Nycomed are showcased within this promotional giveaway.


Nycomed calendar Each month reports the personal benefit Nycomed has had on someones life.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

“Working in the medical profession, I see, first hand, the direct benefits of new drugs on the market. The tremendous difference brought to peoples lives brings with it a great sense of optimism, it's what I love about my job.”

Paul Harris Nycomed Client Director

5.3 | Other Applications | Promotional Giveaways

“Nycomed enables me to live the life I've always wanted. The threat of falling ill use to prevent me from doing the things I enjoy, now I can relax and be myself. Peace of mind has made a massive difference.”

“The doctor has given me a new kind of drug that makes me feel much better. Since taking it I've been really happy and do all the things I never thought I would do again”

Ian Jenkins Architect

Our mission is to make life better for people. We do this by creating medicines that improve patient wellbeing, while fulfilling the needs of healthcare providers.

Paula Harris Social Worker




5 | Advertising


Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.


Merchandise Our merchandise is practical, it has purpose in peoples lives, it can be used and enjoyed on an everyday basis. 1

Nycomed Mugs We are proud of our photographic library. It is stylish enough to stand alone and convey our people focused philosophy.


Yoga Mat Our merchandise is both relevant and imaginative. We convey our brand message across unexpected but useful applications.

Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

5.3 | Other Applications | Promotional Giveaways



Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

5 | Advertising




Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

5.4 | Other Applications | Posters

Posters Our posters follow the same style as our literature. Posters may showcase our photography or present information. They should reflect the essence of our brand, our people focused attitude. Perhaps most importantly, they should fulfil the practical purpose of brightening up an environment.

5 | Advertising

The notional example shown here is a fold-out poster advertising the new Nycomed visual identity.

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.



Nycomed Visual Identity 2008

Contact us Your feedback is welcomed. To make suggestions for improvements, please email: Updating The guidelines provide a flexible platform that will be expanded and updated. New photography and graphic examples will be added in March 2008. Specifications may also be amended as needs develop and change. To ensure that you have the latest copy, please view the guidelines on either: • The Portal (our intranet) •

Disclaimer: All images within this document are for temporary reference only. Nycomed does not own the rights to these images, they must not be copied or used in any Nycomed collateral.

Contact details

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