Personal Reflection Exercises... Each new day is another opportunity for me to do it better.
Each new day is another opportunity for me to do it better. I welcome each new day because it is a chance to do more and be more. By actively searching for ways to improve my life, I take responsibility for my choices and actions. There are times when I am disappointed with how I handle a situation. I am not angry with myself when this happens because I know I can grow from my flaws. This is why I incorporate thoughtful self-reflection into my life. When I identify how I could have done better, I allow myself the opportunity to be better the next time I encounter similar circumstances. Every day, I strive to improve myself and become a better person.
Learning from my mistakes and accomplishments is a great gift from my past. Receiving the possible joys and surprises of life is a gift from my future. I am so blessed that my Creator has given me so many days of opportunity. With the gift of each day, I strive to become a better person. I actively search out ways to improve myself. I am so excited to see what opportunities tomorrow brings. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. What can I learn from today's experiences? 2. What do I hope to achieve tomorrow? 3. Do I take advantage of each opportunity to become a better person?
Though each day may begin with a sunrise and end with a sunset, all that happens in between is unique. I love the possibility that each new day holds. Becoming the person I desire is always within my reach. With the end of each day, I let go of disappointments and look out for new opportunities.
Personal Reflection Exercises... I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind and soul.
I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind and soul. I am happier and more productive when I am healthier. For this reason, I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and spirit. I start by eating right. Even though it takes longer and may cost a little more, my body deserves quality foods that will help me be healthier, feel better, and even live a more prosperous life. I am a part of nature and I choose to eat as close to nature as possible, choosing whole, fresh foods whenever I can. I have let go of my craving for processed foods because I know cravings subside after a few short days of healthy eating. I also choose to exercise regularly. It doesn't have to be a formal program at the gym, but it can be something as simple as walking with my partner or children after dinner. I make a point of getting my body moving each day.
I exercise my mind. Although, there's nothing wrong with the occasional television show, I feed my mind primarily with books, programs and discussion that allow me to learn and grow. I also nourish my soul with regular communion with my Creator. No matter how busy I am, I take a few minutes each day for prayer and meditation. I meet regularly with other spiritually minded people because I know, together, we can help each other achieve greater depth and understanding. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. Am I taking the time to eat food that is good for my body? 2. Have I fed my mind anything nutritious lately? 3. Do I make time for prayer and meditation?
Personal Reflection Exercises... I like the way I handle stressful situations.
I like the way I handle stressful situations. I do not fear stressful situations because I know I handle them in a healthy and productive way. I feel good about the way I handle stressful situations because I am strong and accomplished.
Self-Reflection Questions: 1. How comfortable do I feel in handling stressful situations? 2. Who will I delegate responsibilities to during times of stress? 3. How am I able to use my strengths?
I take pride that I can rise to the top when there is a situation that is difficult to handle. I am able to remain calm and assess the problem at hand quickly and effectively. I intuitively understand what is going on and what needs to happen in order to resolve the problem quickly. I have a skilled and steady hand that can overcome any tense dilemma. Taking charge of challenging situations and delegating responsibilities to others is my specialty. My strong suit in life is how I am able to handle stressful situations with ease. Today I will take on any challenges that arise and I do so with patience and diligence. I take pride in how I handle challenging circumstances and I will take necessary measures to smooth out difficulties.
Personal Reflection Exercises... Situations do not control me.
Situations do not control me. I am actively engaged in the course of my life because I know that situations do not control me. Sometimes circumstances do occur unexpectedly and often in ways other than what I might have wished. However, how I respond to those circumstances is up to me.
If I decide that this situation is unhealthy or unsuitable for me, I move on. I let go of the need to blame my unhappiness on my circumstances or on others. Blame has never solved my problems. I am free to change my circumstances if, after mature reflection, I decide that doing so would be my best course of action. Self-Reflection Questions:
I look at the situations in my life objectively. I have outgrown the need to respond impulsively to stressful situations. Instead, I allow myself to take a step back and analyze circumstances to decide on the best course of action. While I am an adult and I make my own decisions, I am open to the insights of others. I keep myself connected to others because I am fully aware that I will always have much to learn about life. I embrace the input of those who can teach and guide me into making healthy choices.
1. Am I accepting responsibility for my own happiness? 2. Are there situations in which I have allowed myself to be a victim rather than taking charge of my own destiny? 3. Is there a situation in my life that needs to be altered? What is the first step I need to take to do so?
No one, however, makes my decisions for me. I am where I am because I choose to be here. If I stay here, it is my choice and I do so with an open mind and heart, yet I remain eager and ready to soak in everything I can from my current place in history.
Personal Reflection Exercises... Uncertainty does not sway me from my plan of action.
Uncertainty does not sway me from my plan of action. Uncertainty is a necessary part of growing and developing into the person I was intended to be. While it may feel comforting to have certainty in my environment, direction, and work, it also means that I am no longer pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. Because I want to be the best person I can possibly be, I accept uncertainty as an inevitable byproduct of risk and growth.
I may make mistakes, but I remain open to the lessons I can learn from them, knowing that I will thrive only by remaining open to uncertainty. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. Do I look at uncertainty as friend or foe? 2. How might I be a better person by accepting uncertainty? 3. How do I deal with thoughts of uncertainty?
Uncertainty does not sway me from my plans because I have used my intelligence and the counsel of wise mentors to decide which avenue is right for me. Because I avoid impulse and make decisions wisely, I am confident that uncertainty is simply a part of the journey that I need to overcome in order to discover all that is before me. I ignore thoughts that tell me that uncertainty is a sign of imminent failure. On the contrary, I view uncertainty as a sign of positive change that leads me to a more fulfilling life.