OUR MISSION Mark Day School discovers and nurtures what is finest in each child in a vibrant, inclusive learning community. Innovative and full of heart, Mark Day School strives to develop well-rounded critical thinkers in a challenging program that fosters academic excellence and responsible world citizenship.
FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL The disruption does not end with the pandemic. As Californians we confront the effects of climate change in the shape of protracted and more intense fire seasons and rising tides in the Bay Area. As a nation, we are confronting the reality of persistent systemic racism—and operating in the context of political division and socio-economic stratification.
Disruption. Continuity. Those contrasting themes have been part of our thinking, our emotions, our planning, our daily reality in 2020. The familiar routines of our lives have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was difficult in early March to imagine the scale of the disruption and how it would force us to adapt our approach to things that we took for granted only days before the first shelter-in-place directive--i ncluding the need to recreate Mark Day as a Distance Learning school, where virtually every class, every assembly, every meeting occurred via Zoom.
How do we face disruption? Our students know how. Mark Day is known as a place where kids can be kids, and where we know that you do your best when someone expects something of you. Both concepts matter. A love of reading; playful curiosity; caring relationships; joke assemblies! And the power, alongside that playfulness, of the enduring habits that we build as we learn to confront challenges, finding capabilities that we may not have realized that we had before an obstacle arose--or was placed there by caring teachers who know their students so well that they may support and challenge each one. Challenge is a vote of confidence. It is a sign that someone believes in us, believes in our capacity to rise to solve a problem we have not seen before, believes in our ability to confront something difficult. Our students rise to those challenges beautifully. And when they reflect on their own learning along the way and as graduates, they speak of the growth in genuine, deeply rooted confidence that they built from exercising courage and persistence in the day-in, day-out work with their teachers and peers. One way to face disruption, then? With the continuity of a good school committed to helping our students stretch and grow. At times I find myself wishing that somehow we could run the clock backwards to stop COVID-19 from its disruptive spread around the globe. Magical thinking, to be sure. Instead, we are
called to take precautions to protect ourselves and our communities, to adapt, and to find a vaccine and get it into everyone’s hands as rapidly as possible. There is no magical thinking to do about climate change, nor the need to dismantle and create equitable alternatives to the policies and practices here in the U.S. that have institutionalized racism. Those require a determined commitment to understand, to research, and to act. I am heartened by the ways in which diversity and inclusion have been and continue to be long-term commitments of Mark Day--as is the commitment to build in our students the mindsets they need to spread equity and inclusion through their communities. I am heartened by our community’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Work in these big orbits is not for the faint of heart; fortunately, this community is full of heart. Our students learn to research, to analyze, to confront difficult issues head-on, to build SEL skills and an ethical framework that serve them well in working with others, to see how even one decision has ripple effects, and to understand their place in a networked web of community, human and natural. Disruption, taken by itself, is not necessarily good or bad. Confronting the policies and habits that have led to the climate crisis will be disruptive, and will, I hope, bend human behavior in a direction to preserve the planet for human life. Confronting the policies and habits that have led to racial inequity is disruptive--and again, I believe it will bend our society toward true equity and justice that the Constitution imagines. Seen in this light, even founding Mark Day School in 1980 was a disruptive act! It did not
exist, and then it did. It is instructive to look back at those early days. When the school name task force was at work, an alumni parent shared with us the very first newspaper advertisement for the school. That ad announced that the school had received a gift to support scholarships for families who needed financial assistance. From the first days, then, gifts to the school were supporting socio-economic diversity and inclusion. We know from research that diversity and inclusion are prerequisites for excellence. It is heartening to know that from the beginning, families and friends of the school have given generously to support a place committed to that vision and good work. The Williams Scholars gift, more than $2 million over ten years, deepened the school’s ability to increase access to Mark Day. The Teaching and Learning Endowment Campaign did the same. The giving that is highlighted in the pages that follow continues to support a school deeply rooted in an inclusive community and in building in its students the tools to face difficult challenges--including big, system-wide ones-and to know what to do next. Thank you to everyone who has supported this school--this year and back to its very founding. You have helped Mark Day to be a constant, always evolving to help our students face the challenges of their times. Disruption. Continuity. And heart.
Joe Harvey Head of School
For 40 years, Mark Day School Skylions have learned together, read together, played together, sung together, and celebrated together—in person and via Zoom—for Opening Day, Graduation, and more.
We have told hundreds of jokes at assembly, checked out thousands of library books, solved millions of math problems, and played in countless chess championships. Together, we have traveled to and welcomed global partners from South Africa, Costa Rica, and China. Together, the school community donated more than last year, a remarkable feat during a challenging spring. Highlights include: • Gifts to the 2019-20 The Mark Day Fund totaled more than $800,000 from 390 donors with 88 percent of current families participating. The second-ever Giving Day in October 2019 resulted in 157 parents, alumni, grandparents and friends making a gift or pledge by midnight, forty percent of whom increased their donations over the prior year.
• Contributions to the Eighth Grade Endowment Fund, by graduating 8th grade families, totaled $69,300. • The Parents’ Association, led by PA President Rachel Street, raised $205,000 largely through the Full of Heart spring fundraiser, which pivoted to an online format in March. Thank you to the entire school community—parents, alumni, faculty/ staff, grandparents, and friends—for your philanthropy to the school this year and for the past 40 years. Together, we have built an incredible school program. Here’s to the next 40 years. With great appreciation,
Wendy Morris Levine ‘89
$12,462,000 $431,859 2,000 raised through the annual fund since 1990
raised for the 8th grade endowment since 1990
estimated parent/guardian volunteers in the past 40 years
FINANCIAL FIGURES Unaudited Figures July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
GIFT SUMMARY 2019-20: *$1,362,238 The Mark Day Fund.........................................................................$783,198 We Create Capital Campaign (donations)............................$209,725 Special Gifts........................................................................................$50,456 Classroom and Campus...........................................................$100 Restricted Indexed Tuition..............................................$20,000 South Africa Partnerships................................................$30,356 Parents’ Association (including Fund-a-Need)....................$213,594 Endowment.......................................................................................$105,265 Damon Kerby Fund for Indexed Tuition (Restricted)............................................$26,245 Eighth Grade Endowment (Restricted)..................................................$69,300 Endowment for Indexed Tuition.......................................$9,720 *Reflects cash contributions and pledge payments received in the prior year.
ENDOWMENT** M.V. Williams (Restricted).........................................................$1,985,646 Faculty Salaries (Restricted)......................................................$572,034 Financial Aid (Restricted)...........................................................$688,920 Damon Kerby Fund for Indexed Tuition (Restricted)................................................................................$1,049,140 Making Waves (Restricted)........................................................$273,426 Eighth Grade Fund (Restricted)...............................................$454,389 Behnke/Luria Family Endowment (Restricted)....................$99,547 Professional Development (Restricted)....................................$51,577 Margaret B. MacArthur Endowment Fund for Financial Aid.......................................................................................$20,385 Funding for Indexed Tuition (Unrestricted).....................$3,923,800 Faculty Salaries (Unrestricted).................................................$410,466 TOTAL....................................................................................$9,529,330 **Endowment balances reflect all money collected and earned from investments.
Interests, Transfers, Gifts 4%
Student Activities 2% Transportation 1%
Operating Fundraising 8%
Net Tuition and Fees..........................$10,852,122 2 Operating Fundraising.........................$1,016,792 Interest, Transfers, Gifts.........................$497,934 Student Activities......................................$311,334 Transportation..............................................$131,169 Net Tuition and Fees 85%
Capital Expenditures 2% Student and Instructional Auxiliary 1% 4% Administration 4%
Insurance, Fees, Debt 8%
Salaries and Benefits...........................$9,022,881 3 Plant and Maintenance........................$1,253,975 Insurance, Fees, Debt..........................$1,046,769 Administration..........................................$528,680 Instructional................................................$516,588 Capital Expenditures..................................$167,101 Student and Auxiliary..............................$138,367
Plant and Maintenance 10%
Salaries and Benefits 71%
NOTES Net tuition and fees is gross tuition and fees less funding for Indexed Tuition. Sources are: 1. Fund-a-Need...........................................$83,760 Endowment & Other Gifts.............$330,344 Indexed Tuition & Fees.....................$1,757,252 $2,171,356
2. Annual Fund...................................$783,198 Parents’ Association...................$213,594 Other Gifts......................................$20,000 $1,016,792
3. Includes Replacement Costs
OVER THE PAST 40 YEARS, WE’VE SHARED MANY COMMUNITY MOMENTS TOGETHER From our founding in 1980, community has been at the heart of the Mark Day School experience. The school’s guiding philosophy was “to provide high-quality education in an atmosphere of love and care.” Since, this atmosphere of love and care has been seen in morning assemblies, music concerts, graduations, and the establishment of the generous Williams Scholarship to make Mark Day an even more inclusive community. A large part of learning at Mark Day involves understanding our role in the greater community beyond our families and classrooms.
It starts with the community at Mark Day, where we are each responsible for looking out for one another and learning that our actions impact others. For the past 40 years, our community has shifted and changed with incoming and departing faculty, current students transitioning to alumni, and even some alumni returning to serve as faculty or staff. But there is one constant—our dedication to maintaining a community in which everyone is welcome, included, and seen. Thank you for being part of our community.
ASSEMBLY Since the school’s founding in 1980, gathering together for morning assembly remains a priority and a cherished tradition. Twice a week, we come together—students, parents and guardians, faculty and staff—to share news, greet friends, celebrate milestones, tell jokes, play music, show off talents, and practice public speaking. It’s also an important marker in a student’s journey at Mark Day; they are welcomed at a special assembly in kindergarten, and celebrated at Closing Day assembly before graduation. Assembly is a reminder that while we may learn in smaller groups during the day, we are all part of a community.
CELEBRATING MILESTONES Over the course of their Mark Day education, students experience many important life milestones— losing their first tooth, reading their first book, and running their first mile. But one event in particular—graduating from 8th grade—is a life-changing moment we are honored to experience as a community. Graduation is a remarkable ceremony during which we celebrate students’ growth and achievements and send them onto their next phase of life. With several traditions unique to Mark Day, graduation is a community moment we anticipate every year.
THE MARK DAY FUND OUR ANNUAL FUND Gifts to the annual fund comprise an essential portion of Mark Day School’s budget each year. These unrestricted contributions that come from parents/guardians, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends of the school are put to use right away to provide much of what makes Mark Day School special—hands-on learning, dedicated faculty, and a focus on our four cross-disciplinary literacies. Thank you to the 88 percent of current families who donated to the 2019-2020 annual fund.
Benefactors’ Circle ($35,000 and up) Anonymous Maureen Wilson-Hwang and Boon Hwang Kara and Charles Roell, Jr. Partners’ Circle ($25,000 to $34,999) Micky and Chris Doner The Faber Family Leadership Circle ($15,000 to $24,999) Lindsay and Tony Bartsh Amber and Ryan Brown Heather and Mark Marsella Aramie and Kevin McDonald Shawna and Peter Supino Barbara and Warren Winiarski Eighth Pillar ($10,000 to $14,999) Ramesh and Julian Allen Kristin and Andrew Dickinson* Megan and Charles Dietrich Jennifer and James Dutro Lancey and Matt Gandy Sophia and Robert Hee* Lauren and Jeffrey Osher The Rockefeller Family Katie and Brian Taylor Aimee Foreman and Kevin Vosen Founders’ Circle ($7,500 to $9,999) Pamela and Bryce Emo Beth and Adam Fliss The Fraser Family Angela and JT Herman *= 10+ Years Annual Fund Contributor **= 15+ Years Annual Fund Contributor ***= 20+ Years Annual Fund Contributor
Kate and Chris Hobbs The Okman Family Cathy and Scott Parkes Jill and Alain Rothstein Houda and Ray Silcock Kearsley Higgins and Todd Vaziri Jennifer and Eddie Zalayet Sponsors’ Circle ($4,100 to $7,499) Anonymous Jasmine and Walter Bachtiger Sharina and Jay Belani Nicolle Henneuse and Peter Billington Mary Clare Bly ‘87 and Colin Bly Joann and Scot Brew Courtney and Shale Butler Elisabeth and James Carville IV Archie and Vijay Chattha The Clifton Family The Crapo Family Lucy and Anton Dawson The Gantus Family Reetika and Sajot Grewal Erin and Brian Hansen* The Harris Family Joseph M. Harvey and Amanda Cashman Harvey Christy and Andrew Hinkelman Chelsea and Marc Ialeggio Lynne Miyamoto and Andrew Kawahara Julie Mirocha and Clayton Kunz Meghen and Ken Kurtzig The Lehman Family Mac McConnell Bibi and Eric Moore The Palm Family Stephanie and Sam Parker* Lene and Esben Pedersen Kirsten and Steve Polsky* Anna and Jonathan Rothbart* Melissa and Timothy Ryan Laura Kritchever and Edmondo Sarti Katherine and Patrick Shannon
Melissa and Rick Silvers Jessica and John Stein, in memory of Sherry and Rich Stein Jennifer Swett Chrisman Mandy and Scott Tachiki* Challenge Circle ($1,000 to $4,099) Ananya and Sudip Banerjee* Nurite Regev and Robert Blechman Paul and Ann Schuyler Brenner** Wendy and Patrick Broderick*** Ann S. Buckner Philip Buckner Lori and John Butler* Stacy and Richard Byrne Mercy and Donny Chiu Brooke and Matt Conway Ms. Julia Croom Leyla Mirzazadeh and Prathap Dendi The Meshorer Dessen Family Stephanie and Ethan Dornhelm Heather Kessinger and Jon Eberly Stacey and Mark Egide Sara and Nicholas Egide Sarah and Nils Erdmann Megan and John Esrey Denise and Luke Esterkyn Jill Witty and Graham Evarts Abby and Jeff French Virginia Yang and Walt French Michelle and Jodi Goodman Helen and David Greenberg Tiffany and Ed Greenfield Anna Semenova and Hayk Grigoryan Kira and Bradley J. Haas Fund Cynthia and Rocky Ho Mayme and Jay Hubert** Laurie Hunt ‘85 and Jay Little Donna Dolislager and Alan Johnson Deborah and Mark Johnson
Emily and Bill Johnstone Deana Morrow Kay ‘92 and Nicholas Kay Mary and Andrew Kayser Melenie Keeffe* Vira and David Klinetobe Genevieve and Dave Kreter Johanna and Jim La Fleur Soo-Ah and Dave Landa Jennifer Lao, in memory of Binneg Lao Tracy and Jaison Layney* Patricia Lopez Elizabeth and Christopher Losa Diane Lowenstein Diana Maier ‘84 and Ethan Kaplan Paul and Megan Mariani Nicole and David Martin Sara von Schilling and William Martin Chris and Richard Mazzola The Mello Family Ritu and Alex Metzger Heather and Stewart Mitchell Roxana and Manuel Morales Nilou and Nader Nadershahi Stacy and Mark Nelson* Patti Park and Thomas Paterson Mrs. Anne Pearl Kathryn and Sean ‘90 Peisert Anne Wara and Jason Perko Jodi and Ben Rabb Stacey and Mitch Rabin Wendy and Carl Reichardt* Ellen Hufbaur and Jack Resneck Ms. Carolyn Revelle Erin Heath and Jim Rivera Heather and Jason Rosenbaum Stephanie and Darin Sadow Jessie and Bjorn Schroeder Lisa Savage and Ethan Schwartz* Laura and David Shapiro Wenqian Dou and Xunyang Shen Liz and Roger Silloway Kristen and Robert Sperling
Jesse and Mark Strassman* Rachel and Jeff Street Ashley Beech and Michael Tatum Marimar Torres Caroline and Alexander Towery Diane and William Wara, in honor of Anya and Jacob Perko Melissa and Jonathan Weinberg Toney and Kathryn Whittley Trellis Circle ($500 to $999) Anonymous (3) Nick Allen Rona Gomel Ashe and Neil Ashe** Karena and Jeff Bacciocco** Joan and Nick Boodrookas*** Alexandra and Randy Boysen Monica Rosenberg and Michael Brook Dana and Paul Butler Amy Carlson McConnell Theresa and George Eisenberg*** Roni and Ira M. Elegant Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eliot Katy and Tim Evans*** Tatiana and Bjorn Fruchtman Stef Tousignant and Matthew Gamble Megan and Jed Greene Rika and Balaji Gopinath Nanette and Donald Henneuse Caroline Heredia Lauren Howard Nicole and Andrew Johnson Janet and Damon Kerby*** Ursula and Richard Klier Kovler Family Foundation* Ms. Lennis Lyon Debbie and Philip Marsella Angela Espinal de Fernandez and Felipe Martinez Cindy and Craig Morris* Anna Quintero and Christopher Murdick
Carol and David Nishihara Liza and Cenk Ozkay, in memory of Alex Quanbeck Quynh and Russell Pearson Sue and Bob Peisert* Lourdes Razo Daniel and Ashley Reid Andrea Urda-Rijo and Ori Rijo Katherine and Gustavo Rincon Ellen Lee and Lou Romano Anne and Zeke Rutman-Allen Ellyn Santos Rosa and Denis Savage Karin Gornick and Miles Smith Betty and David Street Catherine and Michael Taylor Lydia Tuveson Jennifer and Tobey Van Santvoord Jennifer and Nathan Winslow Grace and James Yu Lacy and Lucas Zehner Blue and Gold Circle (up to $499) Anonymous (5) Elizabeth Adams ‘01 Prisila and Luis Almengor The Balakier Family Jackie Bango** The Barad Family*** Marci and David Barnhart Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt*** Krista Bendinelli Genevieve and Andrew Biggs Sara Bingaman and Jasper Smith Jacquie and Tom Bly Sandy and Dennis Bohm** Ally and Alexis Bondaz Beth and Kirk Bonzell* Bev and Rolly Boorman*** Trenton Boorman ‘03 Marilyn and Marvin Brenner Chris Broderick ‘06 John Broderick ‘10 Annette Brown Carol and Joe Brum
Silvia Buckley Nish Budhraja ‘06 Scott and Kristina Buer Jessica and Darragh Caffrey Kelly Campagna Tracy Caton and Howard Cummings* Thomas and Bella Chang Joyce Chen Helen Kennedy and Adrian Cheong Laika and Colin Chow Courtney and Jack Coghlan Angie and Jon Cohen* Helen Collins Geneva and Jack Conway*** Maria Coronado Lawrence Crapo Donna and Dick Creighton*** Sue Crowther Drs. Edmund and Barbara Czerwinski Kim Danforth Paul, Kristin and Dustin Decker* Sally DePiro and Ian Berman ‘11* Amie and Ramona Dewane* Alex Dobbs Marilyn and Richard Dornhelm Michael Duffy ‘93 Rebecca and Adam Elegant* Katia Escobar Valenzo Dana and Jerry Evans Robin and Duncan Fallat* Ronnie and William Feldman*** Yolanda Ferguson Barbara Filippini Diana and Timothy Fitzpatrick** Thrisha and Jairo Francia Eleanor and Duncan Fraser Meghan ‘88 and Jonas Fraser Pierce Freeman ‘10 Elizabeth Frohlich Claire Galla ‘14 Tracy and Len Galla* Taylor Galla ‘10 Amy Garber Leslie Garber Bobbie and Tom Garber Michelle Mulkey and Nathaniel Garrett
Kelly Giddings* Sarah and Dirk Godsey*** Gaelle and Brian Gordon Tamara and Tatian Greenleaf** Cheryl and Robert Greer Sasha Grewal ‘19 Adrienne Low and Robin Grindley Katherine Gutierrez ‘16 Robbie and Phil Gutierrez Deborah Hamon and Chris Jannes* Jed Harvey ‘18 Teri and Brian Hauswirth*** Rita Hayes Charlotte Hee ‘16 Jennifer Anuhea Hewett Melisa and David Hickman*** Joseph Hohl Julia Huo-Kuramoto and Ben Kuramoto Ronell and Leonard Ialeggio Ivan Ivanets Olivia and Alfredo Jiménez*** Susan Johnson Chris Johnston ‘02** Lara Johnston ‘04** Marina Juarez de Silva Joy and John Kabage** Molly and Jeffrey Kaban Barbara and Len Kaban Ray Karter Fay and Ron Kelly*** Katie Kelso Michelle Clark and Ji-Hoon Kim Dana Kirk Todd Klempan Karen Klier and James Leventhal* Carolyn and Caleb Krasnor Susan and Mark Lachtman Ms. Barbara Lambert Derek Michael Lawson ‘01 Drew A. Lawson ‘03 Nancy McCarthy Lawson** Minna Leigh Wendy ‘89 and Marc Levine** Judy and Jack Lief Donna and Tom Lifland Kylee Lin ‘05*
BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2019-2020 Robert Hee, President Julian Allen, Treasurer Lindsay Bartsh Sharina Belani Nishant Budhraja ‘06, Alumni Trustee Ethan Dornhelm Aimee Foreman, Vice President Alexander Fraser Kelly Giddings, Faculty Trustee Reetika Grewal Joe Harvey, Head of School Dan Kalafatas Andrew Kawahara, Assistant Treasurer Chris Mazzola Michelle Mulkey Sam Parker Steve Polsky Carl Reichardt David Shapiro Nicole Stanton Rachel Street, PA President Peter Supino Ending their terms in 2020 Kelly Giddings, Faculty Trustee Dan Kalafatas Sam Parker Nicole Stanton Beginning their terms in 2020 Ryan Brown Prathap Dendi Scott Faber Chelsea Ialeggio Ashley Ransom, Trustee Emerita David St. Martin, Faculty Trustee Shalu Saluja, Trustee Emerita
The Lorenz Family Lorraine and Gene Losa Elissa Lozier*** Chisoo and Norm Lyons** John and Carolyn Madison*** Christine and Jim Maguire** Amy Leung and Alan Mainwaring Devon and Hunter Marvel Camilla and Hunter Marvel, Sr. Ellen McLaughlin* Beth Michaelsen Andrea and Evan Nadel Ms. Renee Nadel Kris and David Nelson Jessica Ngo ‘01 Elizabeth and Devan Nielsen Bonnie Nishihara and Chad Forrester ‘86*** Jong Sook Noh Eileen O’Hare* Barb Osher Evelyn and Manuel Paniagua Deb and Jim Pannell Elda and Andrew Parise Fernanda Pernambuco and Zachary Partin Erica and Christopher Pflueger Terry and Chris Powers* Kathleen and Che Prasad Judith and Kedar Prasad Jennifer and Walter Pritchard Janice Richey and Ashley Ransom Mary Ann and Steve Reichley Leigh and Thaddeus Reichley Vicki and Joe Reisinger Mary Laughton and Brad Rodrigues Karen and Phil Rosenberg Jeniffer and Luis Rossi Andrea and Semi Salmi*** Wendy and Alan Schaevitz*** Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schafer Samantha and Noel Scher Susan and David Schwartz, in honor of Geneva Conway** Dara Serber Arlyn and Hector Serber Jenny Seyranian
Sophie Shulman ‘02 Molly and Stuart Silloway Susan and Joel Sklar*** Lea Smith Jennifer Southern David St. Martin Nicole Stanton Honorable and Mrs. John A. Sutro, Jr.* Yoshie and Norman Tachiki Elif Talegon Evelyn Wynne Tauchert*** The Sports Basement Andrea Ferrance and Dara Thompson Jon Tolson, in memory of Barbara Heil Tori Truss Yevgeniya and Volodymyr Valchuk Marty and Buzz Van Santvoord Eileen Varin and Joshua Dimondstein* Al and Eileen Varner, in honor of Geneva Conway*** Rita and Steve Voss Kathleen and Gary Vote Ecco Wang Jane and David Williams Keren Johnson and Luis Yac Cristin Yang The Zarate Family Rebecca Li and David Zeng Tobey Hiller and Phil Ziegler Corporate Matching Gifts Adobe Systems Apple, Inc. Autodesk Bank of the West Capital Group Cisco Systems Dropbox FICO Gartner Genentech Google, Inc. Houghton Mifflin LogMeIn, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation PG&E Salesforce Sephora Visa The Walt Disney Company Waymo Wells Fargo Bank Workday, Inc.
THE EIGHTH PILLAR The members of the Eighth Pillar have given either $100,000 or more to Mark Day School since joining the community or $10,000 in the last year. They are exemplars of the unofficial Eighth Pillar of Mark Day School: Philanthropy Anonymous (4) Ramesh and Julian Allen David Anderman Rona Gomel Ashe and Neil Ashe Toby Atterbury Karena and Jeff Bacciocco The Barad Family Lindsay and Tony Bartsh Kyle and Margot Biehle Joan and Nick Boodrookas Winkie Bresler Tim Brisbois Wendy and Patrick Broderick Jean and Stuart Brown Amber and Ryan Brown Cameron and Bruce Brugler David, Olivia & Quentin Carrel Helen and Victor Castillo Patricia Callahan and David Dee The Dewane Family Kristin and Andrew Dickinson Megan and Charles Dietrich Gigi and Scott Dixon Micky and Chris Doner Kate and Bill Duhamel Jennifer and James Dutro
The Faber Family Judy and Jay Ferguson Diana and Timothy Fitzpatrick Wendy and Alexander Fraser Lancey and Matt Gandy Lisa and John Geisse Marcy Charap Ginsburg ’85 and Don Ginsburg Sarah and Dirk Godsey Mary Walsh-Gorski and Steve Gorski Kira and Bradley J. Haas Fund Linda W. Hart and Milledge A. Hart III Sophia and Robert Hee Marje and Tony Helfet Angela and JT Herman Francesca and James Hetfield Kate and Chris Hobbs Maureen Wilson-Hwang and Boon Hwang Valerie and Gregg Jacobs Jennifer and John Knoll Meghen and Ken Kurtzig David LaHorgue Elsa Leung Leswing and Kurt Leswing Yujing Han and David Liu Karen Behnke Luria and Howard Luria Heather and Mark Marsella Jim Martin Tracy and Andrew Matthes Alison and Michael Mauzé Aramie and Kevin McDonald Betsy and John McKinney Monica and Andrew Midler Bibi and Eric Moore Anne and Dean Ornish Lauren and Jeffrey Osher Stephanie and Sam Parker Eda and Joseph Pell Kirsten and Steve Polsky Wendy and Carl Reichardt Alicia and Michael Rockefeller Kara and Charles Roell, Jr.
Anna and Jonathan Rothbart Andrea and Semi Salmi Shalu and Hersh Saluja Barbara and Tom Sargent Christine Schantz Eileen and Christopher Sheldon Houda and Ray Silcock Melissa and Rick Silvers Katie Smith and Andrew Spiegel Shawna and Peter Supino Katie and Brian Taylor Waneska and Chris Torto Mr. and Mrs. Denis Twomey Aimee Foreman and Kevin Vosen Kelley and Eric Warner Tracey Warson Caryn and Noah Weiss Barbara and Warren Winiarski Dana Oliver and Adam Wolfson The Woodbury Foundation, Louisa Ransom Gloger ’92 and Andrew Gloger Rene Zakhour
From the left: John, Lauren, Leah, Fay
Mrs. Howell’s kindergarten classroom is one of the earliest memories that alumni parents Fay and Ron Kelly have of Mark Day School. They fondly recall how much life and love Mrs. Howell brought into the classroom for their daughters Lauren ’05 and Leah ’09. When reflecting back on their children’s K-8 education, Fay remarks, “Little did we know what a wonderful journey we were embarking on.” They noted how “each successful year builds upon the previous year and the lessons learned.” It was this foundation that instilled in their children their sense of wonder and love of learning. In particular, the Kellys valued how the school taught students self-advocacy and public speaking. These skills proved incredibly valuable for Lauren and Leah in high school, college, and beyond. The school was a “spring board” for their daughters—Lauren is a Marketing Manager at a security and software firm and does voice over work while Leah works in e-commerce at a Napa winery and is a volunteer for the Rutherford Fire Department. According to Fay and Ron, Mark Day School “laid the foundation for how their children approach being citizens of the world.” Even though it has been 11 years since their youngest daughter graduated, the Kellys have continued to donate to the annual fund. As Fay explains, “Our family was at the school for a total of 13 years. Even after our children graduated, it has always held a special place in our hearts. We are so grateful for how much the school enriched their lives. We intend to support the school, always.”
FACULTY VS. 8TH GRADE GAMES When students reach 8th grade, they have the chance to go head-to-head with their teachers in a variety of sports games like soccer, volleyball, and basketball. These moments are lightheartedly competitive, often resulting in close, unpredictable scores. Keeping up with the 8th graders is tough, but faculty and staff rise to the challenge every year, committed to creating wonderful entertainment for younger spectators.
BREAKING GROUND On April 1, 2016, we gathered to kick off construction of our new amphitheater, quad, Learning Commons, and Creativity Lab. The campaign, named We Create, raised over $6.5 million to build new learning spaces for students. We held a final assembly in our old amphitheater, then relocated to the quad, where several students, Board President Shalu Saluja, and Head of School Joe Harvey ceremoniously broke ground on the new project.
ENDOWMENTS, FUNDS, & OTHER GIFTS Endowment gifts create a legacy that provides an exceptional education for future generations of Mark Day School students. Endowment funds provide for the school’s long-term financial sustainability. Gifts to the endowment are perpetual; the monies received are invested with a portion of the growth and interest each year spent on the designated programs, such as faculty salaries, academic program, and funding for Indexed Tuition while moderating tuition increases.
Eighth Grade Endowment This endowment fund was established in 2007, and parents whose youngest or only child is graduating from the school are asked to consider making a donation to the Eighth Grade Endowment Fund in lieu of the Mark Day Fund for that school year. This unrestricted endowment fund supports Mark Day School students in perpetuity. In the past 13 years, this endowment has grown to more than $450,000. Shawna Callahan Cynthia and Doug Erickson Marcy Charap Ginsburg ‘85 and Don Ginsburg Kristin and Brian Keeffe Karen Klier and James Leventhal Nancy and Scott Larson Carol and Doug Lee Kristine and Craig Maretzki Carolyn Carrere and Philip Nittenberg Lisa and David Parker Laura McCormick and David Pretl Mylinh Huynh and Desmond Raitt Bruce and Terri Reed Jennifer and Kevin Rees Wendy and Carl Reichardt Shalu and Hersh Saluja Susan and Jeff Spurr Waneska and Chris Torto Michelle and Wayne Wolfe Victoria Peet and Steven Zimmerman
Damon Kerby Fund for Indexed Tuition This endowment fund was established in 2011 to honor Damon Kerby’s 24 years as Head of School and his belief in enrolling a diverse community of students and families and offering a quality education for all students. In the past nine years, this endowment fund has grown to more than $1 million. The Tally Foundation, with Amanda Atterbury Ryan ‘93 and Elizabeth G. Atterbury Eve S. Zamora and Ken Goudey Lori and Eric Greenleaf Nancy H. Haugen, PhD Joseph Hauswirth ‘05 Jammie Kuramoto ‘16 Louise and Lawson Owen Lecie and Jack Resneck Endowment for Indexed Tuition, in honor of Ray Orwig’s Retirement In the spring of 2019, alumni and alumni families donated to the Endowment for Indexed Tuition in Mr. Orwig’s honor to salute his 39 years as P.E. Teacher and Athletic Director. Donations to this fund enable students to participate on sports teams and to afford uniforms and individual equipment they need, regardless of the associated costs. Lyn and Jim Adams Sharina and Jay Belani Sharon and Ted Block Bev and Rolly Boorman Miriam and Jonathan Brown ‘89
Lizzy Eisenberg Casso-Gomez ‘98 Kristin and Andrew Dickinson Theresa Hall and Jeffrey Palladini Scotty Jacobs ‘08 Elsa Leung Leswing and Kurt Leswing Ben Simmonds Designated Gifts Classroom and Campus Kassia Vote ‘92 Restricted Indexed Tuition Rona Gomel Ashe and Neil Ashe Elsa Leung Leswing and Kurt Leswing Alison and Michael Mauzé South African Partnerships ePop Jasmine and Walter Bachtiger Lindsay and Tony Bartsh Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt Nicolle Henneuse and Peter Billington Joann and Scot Brew Wendy and Patrick Broderick Lori and John Butler Courtney and Shale Butler Stacy and Richard Byrne Geneva and Jack Conway Sue Crowther Kim Danforth Lucy and Anton Dawson Leyla Mirzazadeh and Prathap Dendi Micky and Chris Doner Stephanie and Ethan Dornhelm Heather Kessinger and Jon Eberly Beth and Adam Fliss Elizabeth Frohlich Tatiana and Bjorn Fruchtman Stef Tousignant and Matthew Gamble
Tiffany and Brandon Gantus Tiffany Greenfield Veronica and Robert Harris Sophia and Robert Hee Stefanie and Andrew Hetherington Chris Jannes and Deborah Hamon Deborah and Mark Johnson Lynne Miyamoto and Andrew Kawahara Kristin and Brian Keeffe Meghen and Ken Kurtzig Leestma Family Foundation with Johanna and Jim La Fleur Ines Gonzalez Lehman and Christopher Lehman Elizabeth and Christopher Losa Chisoo and Norm Lyons Diana Maier ‘84 and Ethan Kaplan Paul and Megan Mariani Angela Espinal de Fernandez and Felipe Martinez Aramie and Kevin McDonald Hadley Mullin ‘88 and Dan Kalafatas Lene and Esben Pedersen Janice Richey and Ashley Ransom Ellen Hufbaur and Jack Resneck Katherine and Gustavo Rincon Laura Kritchever and Edmondo Sarti Jessie and Bjorn Schroeder Liz and Roger Silloway Melissa and Rick Silvers Karin Gornick and Miles Smith Waneska and Chris Torto Molly Tuveson Toney and Kathryn Whittley Alison and Duncan Williams Kansha Foundation with Victoria Peet and Steven Zimmerman
Girls Scholarship Program Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt Courtney and Shale Butler Mercy and Donny Chiu Geneva and Jack Conway Lucy and Anton Dawson Danielle Meshorer and Gregg Dessen Stephanie and Ethan Dornhelm Zoe Faber Tiffany and Brandon Gantus Tiffany Greenfield Stefanie and Andrew Hetherington Julia Huo-Kuramoto and Ben Kuramoto Deborah and Mark Johnson Julie Mirocha and Clayton Kunz Ines Gonzalez Lehman and Christopher Lehman Diana Maier ‘84 and Ethan Kaplan Aramie and Kevin McDonald Lene and Esben Pedersen Katherine and Gustavo Rincon Dara Serber Liz and Roger Silloway Molly Tuveson Aimee Foreman and Kevin Vosen Kliptown Youth Program Joseph M. Harvey and Amanda Cashman Harvey Gifts in Kind Veronica and Robert Harris Kate and Chris Hobbs Lisa Savage and Ethan Schwartz Melissa and Rick Silvers
We Create Campaign Pledge Payments made between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 are included. Sara Schwartz and Kenneth Blum Atashi Chakravarty and Jon Janzen Archie and Vijay Chattha Susan and Alastair Cumming Michelle Mulkey and Nathaniel Garrett Tamara and Tatian Greenleaf Sophia and Robert Hee Marje and Tony Helfet Lynne Miyamoto and Andrew Kawahara Mary and Andrew Kayser Diana Maier ‘84 and Ethan Kaplan Hadley Mullin ‘88 and Dan Kalafatas Anne and Dean Ornish Kirsten and Steve Polsky Ellen Hufbaur and Jack Resneck Anna and Jonathan Rothbart Houda and Ray Silcock Jennifer Swett Chrisman
LEGACY SOCIETY The Mark Day School Legacy Society recognizes and honors those who have included the school in their estate plans through either their will, trust, retirement, or life insurance plans. The Legacy Society is at an early stage, and we invite you to join us as a member and look forward to working with you to ensure that the school’s legacy endures. We thank the following Legacy Society members as of August 2020: Ann and Paul Brenner Bev and Rolly Boorman Janet and Damon Kerby Lek Suvanasarn Hadley Mullin ‘88 and Dan Kalafatas
The following types of commitments qualify you for membership in the Legacy Society: Including us with a gift in your will or revocable trust; A life-income gift that names Mark Day School as a remainder beneficiary, such as a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity; A gift or assignment of qualified retirement plan assets, such as an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b); A gift of life insurance; And as a beneficiary of a bank account.
ROCKING OUT Music has always been a central part of our community gatherings. From holiday concerts with the Doobie Brothers in the ‘90s to waving our hands up above our heads with new music teachers Brian Wilkerson and Rachel Allen to singing our school song at Closing Day assembly, music brings collective joy and wonderful memories our community will remember for years to come.
A SPIRITED BATTLE Originally celebrated three times a year in the mid-90s, Spirit Day began as an opportunity for cross-grade community building. Students in different grades came together each semester to participate in fun games, activities, and arts and crafts. Once additional cross-grade community building opportunities were implemented, like Passport Day and Lower School Families, Spirit Day became a tradition tied to Halloween. Today, students in all grades look forward to a day of friendly competition as they split into two teams—gold and blue—to play games, show school spirit, and make whole-school connections, which are integral to sustaining our caring community.
FULL OF HEART A DIFFERENT KIND OF COMMUNITY BENEFIT This year, we came together online to support our students. Thank you to all who joined us virtually for this event, volunteered to help make it happen, and donated to raise money for Mark Day School.
Volunteers Courtney Butler Archana Chattha Leyla Dendi Pamela Emo Aimee Foreman Hilary Harris Heather Kessinger Ellen Moon Lee Wendy Levine ‘89 Adrienne Low Christine Maguire Megan Mariani Nicole Martin Anne Ornish Ashley Ransom Katherine Rincon Alicia Rockefeller Laura Shapiro Sophie Shulman ‘02 LiShan Sung Rachel Street Brian Wilkerson Jennifer Zalayet Underwriters Anonymous Tony and Lindsay Bartsh Eric Bava and Suji Pathi Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt Jay and Sharina Belani Andrew and Genevieve Biggs Patrick and Wendy Broderick Nish Budhraja John and Lori Butler Payless Self Storage and Shale and Courtney Butler Shawna Callahan Vijay and Archana Chattha Colin and Laika Chow Michael and Jessica Clifton Geneva Conway Matt and Brooke Conway Howard Cummings and Tracy Caton Anton and Lucy Dawson Gregg Dessen and Danielle Meshorer
Andrew and Kristin Dickinson Chris and Micky Doner Ethan and Stephanie Dornhelm James and Jennifer Dutro Bryce and Pamela Emo Doug and Cynthia Erickson The Faber Family Zoe Clark Faber First Republic Bank and Dirk ten Grotenhuis Alexander and Wendy Fraser Elizabeth Frohlich and Mike Whitfield Matthew Gamble and Stef Tousignant Matt and Lancey Gandy Brandon and Tiffany Gantus Christopher and Ines Lehman David and Helen Greenberg Tiffany Greenfield Sajot and Reetika Grewal Otto and Katherine Halboth Brian and Erin Hansen Mark and Christina Hanson Robert and Veronica Harris Joseph and Amanda Harvey JT and Angela Herman Andrew and Stefanie Hetherington Andrew and Christy Hinkelman Chris and Kate Hobbs Peter Ibershof and LiShan Sung Mark and Deborah Johnson Dan Kalafatas and Hadley Mullin Ethan Kaplan and Diana Maier Jeff Katz and Melineh Zohrabian Andrew Kawahara and Lynne Miyamoto Andrew and Mary Kayser Kristin and Brian Keeffe Helen Kennedy and AJ Cheong Clayton Kunz and Julie Mirocha Ken and Meghen Kurtzig Wendy and Marc Levine Christopher and Elizabeth Losa Diane Lowenstein and James Graves Kristine and Craig Maretzki
Mark and Heather Marsella Bill Martin and Sara von Schilling Amy Carlson McConnell Kevin and Aramie McDonald John and Gila Millar Eric and Bibi Moore Jonathan and Sara Okman Dean and Anne Ornish Jeff and Lauren Osher Cenk and Liza Ozkay Eric and Samantha Palm Shawndra Parise and Keith Breinlinger Sam and Stephanie Parker Esben and Lene Pedersen Sean and Kathryn Peisert Emmet and Christina Peppers Fernanda Pernambuco and Zachary Partin Steve and Kirsten Polsky Chris and Terry Powers Ben Rabb and Jodi Klugman Rabb Ashley Ransom and Janice Richey Thad and Leigh Reichley Dan and Ashley Reid Jack Resneck and Ellen Hufbaer Ori Rijo and Andrea Urda Gustavo and Katherine Rincon Jim Rivera and Erin Heath Michael and Alicia Rockefeller Alain and Jill Rothstein Tim and Melissa Ryan Hersh and Shalu Saluja Edmondo Sarti and Laura Kritchever Bjorn and Jessie Schroeder Ethan Schwartz and Lisa Savage Dara Serber Jenny Seyranian Patrick and Katie Shannon Susie Shapira Cartelligent and David and Laura Shapiro Roger and Liz Silloway Miles Smith and Karin Gornick
Robert and Kristen Sperling Jeff and Susie Spurr Mark and Jesse Strassman Jeff and Rachel Street Peter and Shawna Supino Scott and Mandy Tachiki Brian and Katie Taylor Alex and Caroline Towery Chris and Waneska Torto Molly Tuveson Todd Vaziri and Kearsley Higgins Kevin Vosen and Aimee Foreman Anthony Whittley and Kathryn Jordan Nathan and Jennifer Winslow Jordan Young Eddie and Jennifer Zalayet Steven Zimmerman and Vicki Peet Fund a Need Lindsay and Tony Bartsh Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt Sharina and Jay Belani Wendy and Patrick Broderick Courtney and Shale Butler Shawna Callahan Amy Carlson McConnell Archie and Vijay Chattha Helen Kennedy and Adrian Cheong Geneva and Jack Conway Kristin and Andrew Dickinson Stephanie and Ethan Dornhelm The Faber Family Wendy and Alexander Fraser Tiffany and Brandon Gantus Tiffany Greenfield Reetika and Sajot Grewal Erin and Brian Hansen Christina and Mark Hanson Joseph M. Harvey and Amanda Cashman Harvey Angela and JT Herman Stefanie and Andrew Hetherington Kate and Chris Hobbs
Lynne Miyamoto and Andrew Kawahara Meghen and Ken Kurtzig Ines Gonzalez Lehman and Christopher Lehman Wendy ‘89 and Marc Levine Diana Maier ‘84 and Ethan Kaplan Aramie and Kevin McDonald Bibi and Eric Moore Hadley Mullin ‘88 and Dan Kalafatas Lauren and Jeffrey Osher Steph and Phil Owen Lene and Esben Pedersen Fernanda Pernambuco and Zachary Partin Terry and Chris Powers Janice Richey and Ashley Ransom Leigh and Thaddeus Reichley Melissa and Timothy Ryan Shalu and Hersh Saluja Susie Shapira Liz and Roger Silloway Karin Gornick and Miles Smith Jesse and Mark Strassman Rachel and Jeff Street Mandy and Scott Tachiki Waneska and Chris Torto Kearsley Higgins and Todd Vaziri Aimee Foreman and Kevin Vosen Online Auction Donors 101 Surf Sports Arch Rival Atelier Marin Tony and Lindsay Bartsh Ben Shermano Jewelry Steven and Tina Betz Bodega Bay Lodge Scot and Joann Brew Ashleigh Brody Ryan and Amber Brown Chambers and Chambers Wine Merchants Amrik Chattha ‘21
Vijay and Archana Chattha Chris and Micky Doner Cline Cellars Comforts Compass Education Group Corner 103 Tracy Caton Dave Fromer Soccer Camp Delicious! Catering Jessica Davies Metalworks Prathap and Leyla Dendi Gregg Dessen and Danielle Meshorer Charlie Dietrich and Megan Flippini-Dietrich Alex Dobbs Chris and Micky Doner James and Jennifer Dutro Jon Eberly and Heather Kessinger Nick and Sara Egide Bryce and Pamela Emo Epic Bakery, Elizabeth Love The Billington Family FarmShop Yolanda Ferguson FourCore Fitness Alexander and Wendy Fraser Matt and Lancey Gandy Kelly Giddings glassybaby berkeley Gloss Beauty Jodi and Michelle Goodman Cole Greene ‘21 Tatian Greenleaf Robin Grindley and Adrienne Low Charlie Hansen ‘21 Kay Hendricks Hero Shop Hog Island Oyster Company Insalata’s Restaurant Dan Kalafatas and Hadley Mullin Andrew Kawahara and Lynne Miyamoto Jammie Kuramoto ‘16 Dave and Soo-Ah Landa Jessica Brandi Lifland LiveNation
LoCoco’s Pizzeria Norm Lyons Alan Mainwaring and Amy Leung Mantra Wines Paul and Megan Mariani Marin Beverage Outlet Marin Boxing Marin Country Club Mary Small Photography Meadowcroft Wines Mega Gymnastics John and Gila Millar Eric and Bibi Moore Mountain Play Association Mark and Stacy Nelson Oakland Athletics Cenk and Liza Ozkay Eric and Samantha Palm Deb Pannell Papapietro Perry Winery Angus Parker ‘20 Patxi’s Pizza Play-Well TEKnologies Poise Ballet Pond Farm Brewing Co. Ben Rabb and Jodi Klugman Rabb Bodie Ransom ‘21 Gabby Reichley ‘21 Thad and Leigh Reichley Gustavo and Katherine Rincon Ristorante La Toscana Robert Meyer’s Mangia/Nosh Catering Ellen Moon Lee Sage Educators San Francisco Giants San Francisco Symphony San Francisco Helicopter Tours, LLC Edmondo Sarti and Laura Kritchever Noel and Samantha Scher Bjorn and Jessie Schroeder Ethan Schwartz and Lisa Savage Shannon Chiminiello Photography Silbermann’s Ice Cream
Rick and Melissa Silvers Jennifer Southern Robert and Kristen Sperling David St. Martin Steve and Kate’s Camp Jeff and Rachel Street Brian and Katie Taylor Terrapin Crossroads The Backyard Farm Company The Dailey Method Novato the girl and the fig Tutor Corps Todd Vaziri and Kearsley Higgins Kevin Vosen and Aimee Foreman Duncan and Alison Williams Wine and Design Yoga Works James and Grace Yu Eddie and Jennifer Zalayet Malcolm Zalayet ‘20 Lacy Zehner
CHESS Since January 1981, chess has been a memorable part of the school. It began when former P.E. Teacher and Athletic Director Ray Orwig started the school chess team, and has since evolved into an annual chess championship that attracts, on average, almost half of the students in grades K-8. At Mark Day, chess is a celebrated game that teaches strategy and patience, and adds to the quirky and authentic attributes of the school’s culture.
VOLUNTEERS THANK YOU, PARENTS & GUARDIANS We salute the many volunteers who support teaching and learning in every way. The leadership of the fundraising and event volunteers supports a culture of giving, allowing philanthropy to thrive and make a significant difference in the lives of Mark Day School students now and for generations to come.
The Mark Day Fund Parent Co-Chairs Lindsay Bartsh Ryan Brown Amy Carlson McConnell Faculty Chairs for Alumni Families Geneva Conway Tatian Greenleaf
Treasurer: Houda Silcock VP Communication & Information Technology: Nurite Regev VP Programs: Bibi Moore, Jennifer Winslow VP Fundraising: Laura Shapiro, Jennifer Zalayet VP Events: Amber Brown, Pam Emo Events & Fundraising Chairs
Faculty/Staff Chair Kelly Giddings Parent and Trustee Volunteers Joann Brew Chris Doner Micky Doner Stephanie Dornhelm Bryce Emo Nat Garrett Sophia Hee Andrew Kawahara Mary Kayser Roxana Morales Michelle Mulkey Stacy Nelson Sean Peisert Steve Polsky Terry Powers Melissa Silvers Robert Sperling Peter Supino Todd Vaziri Maureen Wilson-Hwang Endowment Eighth Grade Endowment Chairs Kristin Keeffe Vicki Peet Carl Reichardt Parents’ Association Executive Board President: Rachel Street Executive VP: Tiffany Greenfield
We are grateful to all of the parents and guardians who volunteer for programs and events at Mark Day School. While not all of the events below were able to take place this spring, we thank everyone who volunteered to lead these initiatives. Amazon Smile & Merchant Cash Back Programs Jeffica Lifland Annual Spring Fundraiser Archie Chattha Art Show Houda Silcock Back to School Night Liza Ozkay Bocce Tournament Erin Heath Ashley Ransom Charles Roell Book Exchange Veronica Harris Nicole Martin Lauren Osher Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch Houda Silcock
Family Fun Run Tatiana Fruchtman Johanna La Fleur Lisa Savage Grandparents & Special Friends’ Day Nicole Johnson Ashley Reid Greening Day David St. Marin, Garden Council Kindergarten and New Student Picnic Semira Habis Mark Day Made: Handcrafted Gifts With Heart Courtney Butler Lucy Dawson New Parent Welcome Reception (Spring) Nurite Regev Parents’ Association Get Togethers Gila Millar Rachel Street Parent Outreach Hikes Beth Fliss Kristen Sperling Passport Day Stephanie Parker Lisa Savage Track and Field Day Kristin Dickinson Welcome Coffee and Volunteer Fair Tiffany Greenfield Gila Millar Nurite Regev Programs Adventures After School
Kim Danforth
Christina Peppers Andrea Urda Rijo
Buddy Family Coordination Laura Shapiro (K-4) Ashley Ransom (5-8) Community Engagement Holiday Giving: Maureen Wilson-Hwang 7th Grade Engagement & Bizjack Week: Kirsten Polsky Eco Paper Goods Jane Williams Emergency Preparedness Charles Roell Family Sunshine Deborah Johnson Hospitality Chair Gila Millar HOST Fund Ashley Ransom Lice Check Brigade Kristen Sperling Lost and Found Angela Fernandez Lunch Program Volunteer Manager Lindsay Bartsh Message Board Monica Rosenberg Organic Garden Genny Biggs Maureen Wilson-Hwang PA Storage Coordination PA Exec Board Room Parents Coordination Pam Emo School Store & Spirit Wear
Third grade parents chaperone the outdoor ed trip to Walker Creek Ranch.
EMBRACING A NEW NAME In June 2014, a new name was revealed: Mark Day School. The School Name Task Force, comprised of faculty/staff, parents/guardians, and Board members, along with Lexicon Branding, led the months-long process to uncover a new name that better reflected our mission and culture. The name creates a strong foundation for continued growth and success in our core mission.
COMING TOGETHER, ONLINE In March 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we closed campus and transitioned to distance learning. Though physically apart, it was important to preserve community moments like morning assembly—even joke and talent assembly!—to share news, see each other’s faces, and begin a day of learning. These moments became a respite from the physical distance and shelter-in-place directives.
WAYS TO GIVE THANK YOU! The cost of education each child at Mark Day stretches beyond what is covered by tuition, and we rely on philanthropy from the community to fill that gap. From donating your time to naming Mark Day School as a beneficiary in your will, there are many ways to give, and all of them are greatly appreciated. No gift is too small. Every hour of time and every dollar matters. Thank you for helping to give our students an education that will propel them forward with the skills to succeed in the 21st century.
Visit markdayschool.org/giving to fill out the online donation form.
Visit markdayschool.org/giving to fill out the online pledge form.
Come to the Development Office and ask for Wendy Levine or Christine Maguire.
Mail a check to Mark Day School, attention Christine Maguire in the Development Office.
Make purchases at smile.amazon.com and register your debit/credit card with eScrip to donate a percentage of your purchases.
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ATTEND EVENTS (IN PERSON OR VIRTUALLY) Come to the Spring Fundraiser, Bingo Night, and more to help our school; visit markdayschool.org/events for more info.
We welcome classroom supplies, office equipment, books, and other items related to the educational program.
Name Mark Day School as a beneficiary or partial beneficiary or make a life income gift.
39 Trellis Drive San Rafael, CA 94903