In Roads - April 17, 2015

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In Roads

Inside information for the employees of Mercy Medical Center

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week will take place April 19-25, 2015 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week provides the profession with a unique opportunity to increase public understanding of and appreciation for clinical laboratory personnel. There are approximately 300,000 practitioners of clinical laboratory science in the United States. Since the development of this career group in the 1920s, the clinical laboratory science professional has played an increasingly vital role in the diagnosis and prevention of disease. Today, the clinical laboratorian is a key member of a health care team. As team members of one of the largest industries in the United States, the dedicated efforts of laboratory professionals often go unnoticed by the general public, as well as by the very institutions employing their services. With the public now demanding the assurance of quality health care and professional accountability, organizations representing practitioners of this critical science have a responsibility to ensure that the public is well informed about clinical laboratory competency.

courses and have training through an approved CLS training program to qualify for the ASCP national board exam. In addition, a CLS needs to have good laboratory technique, strong critical thinking skills, the ability to work under stressful conditions, a professional attitude and well developed communication skills. Clinical laboratory scientists use specialized procedures and equipment to determine the causes and cures of diseases. These experts use reagents, chemicals, and laboratory equipment to test body fluids and tissues. The evaluation of blood and tissue samples, and the precision and insight involved in diagnosing and analyzing medical findings, are vital to treating injury and disease.

CLS stands for Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Currently in California, all highly complex blood tests, urinalysis, toxicology, and microbiology ordered by health care providers must be performed by a licensed CLS. Sixty-six percent of the health care decisions are made on the basis of lab test results generated by a licensed CLS. In California, you must have a bachelor’s degree, complete certain prerequisite

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Princess Diana

April Performance Excellence Boards

From left: Rosie Godoy, RN 7th Floor , Gian Arocena, RN 7th Floor, and Sandy Andrews, RN, MSN 7th Floor Clinical Manager.

The laboratory at Mercy Medical Center is staffed with Clinical Laboratory Scientists, Certified Phlebotomy Technicians and clerks.

What is a CLS?

APRIL 17, 2015

By Sandy Andrews, RN, MSN 7th Floor Clinical Manager

What is a Phlebotomist?

Phlebotomists are medical professionals who draw blood from patients for various lab tests and procedures. A high school graduate or college student could take a course at a local technical or vocational school to learn phlebotomy. The state of California requires all phlebotomists to obtain phlebotomy certification.

Performance Excellence (PE) Team Lead from the 7th Floor, Gian Arocena, completed the theme “April Showers” for floors 4 through 7. If the floor meets the PE Lag Time Goal, the staff will put a rainbow sticker on the corresponding blue rain drop. However, if the goal is not met, then the time is placed into that date. Great job Gian on making our April Showers Boards look so great!

Thank You Mercy Medical Center Lab Staff!

Values in Action Awards 2015 By Janice Wilkerson Director of Mission Integration

Please nominate an employee, physician or volunteer for the Values in Action Award. All nominations are due by Monday, May 4, 2015. If you need a nomination form contact Janice Wilkerson at 564-5007 or Nominees will be recognized at the Service Awards luncheon on May 22, 2015. The VIA award is way to honor those who live our values of Dignity, Collaboration, Justice, Stewardship and Excellence in our everyday work lives. Our values stay alive through our seeing them in the actions of each other.

Living Spirituality by Sister Lucille Carreau, DHS Spiritual Services Supervisor


“It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” What or who is the spark in your life? What gives you energy, purpose and meaning? As you reflect on the morning, was there someone who lifted your spirit, who brought a little joy or serenity to your life? When I was a child, we played a game called “cooties”. The person who was “it” would try to catch another who would then also have the “cooties” and they too tried to pass them on until all had been caught. What do you pass on to co-workers and patients?


Take time to pass on what is good, wholesome, joyous, uplifting.

Rhythm Rummy By Vera Rocco, RN, BSN and Syd Ayotte, RN, BSN Clinical Educators

Answer to the Last Rhythm:

Winner of the last rhythm: Judy Townsend

Sinus Arrythmia

Rhythm: Regularly irregular. The R to R intervals vary. Rate: Atrial and ventricular rates are equal. Usually 60100 beats per minute, but can be slower. The rate usually changes with patient’s respiration. P Wave: Uniform in front of every QRS complex PRI: The PRI is constant across the strip and measures between 0.12 and 0.20 sec. QRS: Measures <0.12sec

Rules of the Game: The first staff to email Lindsey Wine at with the correct answer will receive a prize (must be an email, phone calls won’t count).

Interpret the Rhythm below:

Gift Shop News Employee Discount Week 20% off* April 19th-25th *Except for: candy, flowers/plants, used books, and newspapers


As of April 1st, the Gift Shop will no longer be taking out “payments” in increments from your payroll checks. We will be taking out the “full amount” that you charge within the two week pay period. It will be your responsibility to keep track of your balance. Charge accordingly to your personal budget and save your receipts. The first payment done this way will come out of your April 24th payroll check (charge period 4-1-15 to 4-1415). Plus any March balances brought forward. We want to remind you that only you can use your badge to charge, and it must be worn at the time of purchase for identification.

Relay For Life Raffle Tickets Available until 4/25 Adelia Simental’s aunt made and donated a hand crocheted blanket for Mercy’s Relay for Life team to raffle off at the Relay for Life event in Merced on April 25th. If you would like to purchase raffle tickets to support our team and have a chance at winning this awesome blanket, contact Lindsey Wine at Lindsey.Wine@dignityhealth. org or 209.564.5077. You don’t have to be at the Relay event to win!

Raffle Ticket Prices: 1 for $2 3 for $5 7 for $10

Mercy Volunteers Offer Funding By Janice Wilkerson Director of Mission Integration

If your department has an equipment need that is not currently budgeted for, you may submit a request for funding to the Mercy Volunteer Program. All departments and programs of MMCM are eligible to submit requests. For a request form or for more information please contact Janice Wilkerson at 564-5007 or email


Mercy Hospital Cafeteria 4/13/15 10a-3p, Mercy Hospital Cafeteria 4/14/15 3-7p, Mercy Clinic 4/15/15 11a-1p & Mercy Outpatient Center Cafeteria 4/16/15 11a-1p

Call Erin Brennan @ (209) 549-0200 for details.

4/30/15 MERCY MEDICAL CENTER 4/30/2015

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