No.2 // septembar 2010 // Besplatan primerak
English version on page 12
Posetite nas // Visit us Headoffice Užice Banjička bb 31000 Užice t. + 381 31 560015 f. + 381 31 551373
Prolećni modni zapisi. Čini se da modna industrija pada u histeriju dva puta godišnje, u februaru i u septembru. Iako laicima deluje da zaposleni u modi miruju ostatak godine, istina je da oni tokom svih dvanaest meseci rade punom parom. Vreme između prikazivanja novih kolekcija koristimo za prikupljanje ideja, uspostavljanje kontakata i smišljanje planova kako unaprediti poslovanje i prodaju. Mi smo kompanija koje pametno koristi svaki momenat, kako bi i dalje ostali jedan od lidera u oblasti materijala u regionu. Dobro smo se pripremili za sezonu pred nama. Materijali koje smo ponudili za jesen/zimu već su uveliko uobličeni u dizajnerske kolekcije i započinju svoj život, a mi smo krenuli dalje. Kako bi ostali u trendu sa modnim tokovima, Textilov tim je posetio Bread&Butter, najveći svetski sajam pret-a-porte kolekcija. Leto smo iskoristili kako bi skupili inspiraciju za nove poslovne poduhvate. Posetili smo jug Francuske čije su boje: bela, azurnoplava i zelena podloga za prolećne kolekcije. Tu se još provlači teget, mrvica crvenog, narandžastog, žutog i pink, zlatno i sjajno za disko divu San Tropea. Sve će se to krčkati tokom jeseni, a početkom februara će se plasirati kao nova prolećna kolekcija. Nismo propustili ni šansu da posetimo Njujoršku nedelju mode i prisustvujemo jednom od najvećih modnih događaja na planeti. Dok smo sa punom pažnjom proučavali u kom smeru se kreće svet mode posebno smo se posvetili našim mladim dizajnerima. Tokom izrade drugog broja fanzina bili smo u vezi sa Tatjanom Tatalović koja je prikazivala svoju kolekciju u Vašingtonu, a editorijal slikala u prostorijama naše kompanije. Globalno popularni Marko Mitanovski nam je u pauzama sastanaka u Londonu odgovarao na pitanja za intervju i slao pozdrave. Na predstojećim stranicama pogledajte i novi brend koji je pomogao Textil. Mi u Textilu svoje aktivnosti ne svodimo samo na prodaju proizvoda, već sa klijentom gradimo partnerski odnos, kako bi obe strane bile zadovoljne saradnjom. Umesto puke primopredaje, prodajemo optimizam, rešenja, ideje za razvijanje posla. Da li znate šta će se nositi ovog proleća? Pitajte Textil. Jelena Pavlović creative director
Office Beograd Milutina Milankovića 11b zgrada GTC skvera IV sprat 11000 Beograd t. + 381 11 2691 050 f. + 381 11 2691 054
Jelena Karakaš
Fashion designer: Tatjana Tatalović TATA Photo: Marko Sovilj Make up: Ana Acimović Hair: Đuka Models: Iva Milojević, Ana Mirković, Irena Krstić
Textil. Fashion hot spot. O našoj poslovnoj zgradi u Užicu, koju potpisuje studio Neo Arhitekti Snežana Vesnić i Vladimir Miladinović, mogli ste da čitate u prošlom broju Textil funzine-a. Ovoga puta imate priliku da vidite kako naš radni prostor izgleda uz modele naše drage saradnice Tatjane Tatalović. Mala, ali odabrana ekipa realizovala je snimanje, na čelu sa modnim fotografom Markom Soviljem. Tatjanina kolekcija savršeno se uklopila sa atmosferom Textilove zgrade u Užicu. U minimalistički uređenom prostoru u beloj i boji čelika pojavljuju se haljine brenda TATA, u nežnim sivim nijansama ali i u kombinaciji jarke ružičaste i crvene. Ostatak fotografija željno isčekujemo u novom katalogu Tajane Tatalović. In the last issue of Textil funzine magazine you have read about Textil building in Užice, wich was designed by Neo architects studio, Snežana Vesnić and Vladimir Miladinović. Now you can see how our work space looks like viewed through the lens of photographer Marko Sovilj alongside with models of our dear associate Tatjana Tatalović. Tatjana’s collection fits perfectly with the atmosphere of Textil building in Užice. The minimalist space decorated in white and color of steel looks really nice with TATA dresses in delicate shades of gray and in combination of vibrant pink and red. More photo are available in the new TATA catalog.
Dezeni&Boje Kada govorimo o proleću 2011. godine evidentno je da moda izlazi iz krize, tri su vodeća trenda: bela i crna kao osnova svega, boje peska kao okosnica safari stila i jarke boje kao začin života. Looking at the spring collection of 2011, it’s obvious that the crisis is behind us, and there are three main trends dominating the runway: black and white as the basics, sand colours representing the safari style and vibrant colours as the spice of life.
Jelena Pavlović & Jelena Karakaš
Najlepša boja na celom svetu je ona koja vam dobro stoji. The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
Coco Chanel
Tufne // Dots
Pruge // Stripes
Šare // Patterns
Oslikano // Painted
Skoro nijedan dizajner nije propustio da svoju kolekciju začini tufnama, od onih krupnih, do sasvim sitnog tačkastog printa. Polka dots have been shown on the almost all spring/summer runways. Subtly small or large print.
Kao po nepisanon pravilu, kada tufnice dođu u centar pažnje i pruge nađu svoje mesto na svim svetskim pistama. There is an unwritten rule, whenever polka dots get into the spotlight stripes find their way in the world’s runways.
Kao dokaz da je sledeća sezona koloritno razigrana jeste kaleidoskop print koga su mnogi kreatori hrabro koristili kao total look. As a proof that next season will be colorful there is kaledioscop print wich designers have used as a total look.
Ipak, oni koji ne vole upadljive dezene mogu da odahnu, i dalje su tu nežni printovi, floralni, kao rukom oslikani. However, those who don’t like bold prints can be relief, there is still trend of pale floral prints that look like they are hand-painted.
Loewe / Moschino / Oscar Dela Renta
Max Mara / Prada / Prada
Jean Paul Gaultier / Christopher Kane / Missoni
Ninna Ricci / Rochas / Matthew Williamson
Scallop Shell
Pearl Gray
Light Sugar Cookie
Muted Clay
Puderasto Proleće 2011. godine obeležiće paleta nežnih puderastih nijansi, delikatne boje ušećerenih penastih bombona. Od bledožute, preko roze do svetloplave boje. Povratak u detinjstvo i doba nevinosti. I materijali prate temu, oni su delikatni, prozračni i lepršavi. Pastel colors The spring of 2011 will be marked by the delicate candy colored tones of powder: starting from the pale yellow, pink, to the light blue. Going back to childhood and the age of innocence. The fabrics are also following the main theme, they are delicate, light and soft.
Cadmium Orange
Acid Lemon
Little Sugar Cookie
Azalea Pink
Heather Rose
Vetriver Green
Charcoal Grey
Warm Taupe
Soft Gray
Gray Grreen
Boje zemlje Iz zemlje sve nastaje i rađa se, a upravo ona će obeležiti proleće 2011. godine. Zemlja simboliše početak i kraj života, a boje koje je karakterišu su žuta, smeđa i boja gline. Oblačenje će postati poput vajanja umetničkog dela od krem oker nijansi do zeleno sive boje. Kao predvodnica ovog trenda ističe se boja peska. Earth tones Earth - all comes from it and returns to it, earthy colors will mark the next spring: yellow, brown and clay. Dressing up will become a sculptors masterpiece, using creamy beige shades, green, grey and color of sand.
Jet Brown
Citrine Yellow
Muted Clay
Agean Blue
Jarke boje Jarke boje nam se vraćaju u punom sjaju! Savršene boje za hrabre modne izjave. Prava eksplozija energije. Povratak boja označava da moda izlazi iz krize koju su simbolizovale tamne i tmurne boje u zimskim kolekcijama. Vodeća u ovoj paleti je boja mandarine koja je bila sveprisutna na revijama mode za proleće/leto 2011. godine. Vibrant colors Vibrant colors are definitely comming back! Perfect colors for the brave fashion statements: energetic yellow, orange, green and cold shades of purple. Leading color is tangerine. A true explosion o energy. Be careful about mixing colors: wear them alone or mix it up with stripes. The comeback of these colours, means the end of the fashion crisis, when the the dark and gloomy colours dominated.
Boje povrća Moda je i ove sezone inspiraciju pokupila iz prirode, na modnom meniju biće boje povrća. Možete se poslužiti patlidžanom, asparagusom, brokolijem ili ljubičastim kupusom iz modne bašte. Boje koje su do sada, tradicionalno bile rezervisane za make-up prešle su na odeću, najčešće u formi dezena: tribal, karo ili kao geometrijske šare. Colors of the vegetable Once again fashion got it’s inspiration from the nature, so now you can pick color, from the variaty of vegetables like eggplant, asparagus, broccoli or purple cabbage. The colors that were mainly reserved for make up, now have found their place in wardrobe, usually in the form of designs: tribal, diamond or geometric patterns.
Ice White
Bright White
White Asparagus
Wind Chime
Cool Grey
Belo Prolećni i letnji dani ne mogu da prođu bez bele boje, ni sledeća sezona nije izuzetak, bela će suvereno vladati! Kreč i mlečno bela osnova su mnogih prolećnih kolekcija, na neutralnom terenu kreatori su se igrali krojevima i konstrukcijom. Najčešće je bela predstavljena kao total look, ali i u kombinaciji sa crnom i plavom bojom. White The spring and summer days can’t go without white, so the next season is no exception. Lime and milky white are the basis of many spring collections, on neutral territory designers are playing with cuts and construction. White is mostly represented as the total look, but it can also be combined with black and blue.
Ballad Blue
Paradise Lost
Pyrenees Morn
Navy Blue
Rockey Mountain Sky
Plavo Još na početku njujorške nedelje mode bilo je jasno da će plava boja u svim svojim nijansama vladati prolećnom paletom. Od boja okeanskih dubina, preko boje neba po sunčanom letnjem danu, do ponoćnoplave boje, nametnula se kao trend. Izdvajaju se nijanse oplemenjene belom i zelenom bojom. Blue At the very begininning of the New York fashion week, it became obvious that blue is main color in the spring collections. Ocean depths, color of the sky on the sunny summer day, midnight blue… It become clear that blue set herself as the new trend.
Textil preporučuje
Jelena Pavlović & Jelena Karakaš // Illustrator: Dimitar Vuksanov
Sir Paul Smith
Phillip Lim 3.1
Kolekcija Paul Smitha za proleće/leto 2011. godine u najkraćem se može opisati rečima „Boy meets girl, girl meets boy“. Paul se igrao elementima preuzetim iz muškog odevanja oplemenivši ih motivima tradicionalno rezervisanim za ženske kolekcije. Ukrojena odela ukrašena su ukombinovinim miksom dezena, tufnice uz prugice, prugice uz floral, floral uz životinjski uzorak. Paul je priču zaokružio torbama čvrste forme koje neodoljivo podsećaju na ozbiljne akten tašne. Paul Smith spring/summer 2011 collection can be summed up with a phrase “Boy meets girl, girl meets boy“. Paul has been playing with elements borrowed from menswear, enriched with motives traditionally found in women`s collections. Sleek, taylored suits are decorated with perfectly combined mix of prints, dots with stripes, stripes with floral, floral with animal print. Paul has given this story a final touch with bags that have a hard shape, reminding of ever so serious briefcases.
Dizajner Phillip Lim se u novoj kolekciji izrazio kroz slojeve materijala. Na reviji u Njujorku prikazao je modele čija je prednja strana izrađena od kože, dok je zadnja strana načinjena od nežne organze. Slojeve tila u boji kože uklopio je sa nekoliko vrsta crne čipke, a pružio je i svoju verziju klasičnog balonera, koji je u njegovoj verziji napravljen od nežne, prozirne svile uokvirene crnim porubima. Modna kritika se jednoglasno složila da je kolekcija za proleće/leto 2011. jedna od najboljih i najzrelijih Limovih kolekcija do sada. In his new collection fashion designer Phillip Lim has been mixing and matching structured layers of fabric. Over at his show in New York models wore garments with front side made of leather, and back side made of tender organza. Nude tulle layers are combined with several types of black lace, and the designer has also presented his version of a classical trench coat, which is in his vision made of soft, transparent silk with black hem. Fashion critics all agreed that spring/summer 2011 collection is one of the best and most mature Lim`s collections by now.
Marc Jacobs
Marc je u kolekciji za jesen/zimu 2010/11. istraživao modu pedesetih i šezdesetih godina, a inspiraciju za sezonu proleće/leto 2011. pronašao je u veselim sedamdesetim. Marcova muza bila je zgodna disko devojka, koja se ne plaši jarkih boja i upadljivih detalja. Modeli su razigrani, cvetni, tropski… Cvetovi u kosi, maksi haljine, pantalone visokog struka, šeširi širokog oboda, kockaste naočare za sunce, sve je prštalo od retro vibracija! Marc se posebno osvrnuo na Missoni cik-cak šaru koju je provukao kroz većinu modela. In his fall/winter 2010/11 collection Marc has done a research on the fashion of the fifties and the sixties, and inspiration for spring/summer 2011 collection comes from the merry seventies. Marc`s muse was a good-looking disco girl who is not afraid to use bright colours and striking details. His creations are vivid, floral, tropical… Flowers in the hair, maxi dresses, high-waist pants, wide brim hats, square sunglasses, everything was glowing with vintage vibrations! Marc payed special attention to Missoni zig-zag pattern, which found it`s place at most of the pieces of this collection.
Kada su kreatorke brenda Marchesa, Georgina Chapman i Keren Craig prikazale modele za proleće/leto 2011. godine modna publika je ostala bez daha. Radi se o neverovatnim kreacijama koje ćemo, sasvim sigurno, gledati na crvenim tepisima širom planete. U paleti nežnih, puderastih boja uz samo nekoliko modela u crnoj boji Georgina i Karen pokazale su sve mogućnosti čipke i svile uz bajkovite aplikacije. Rezultat su haljine za koje se prilika jednostavno mora izmisliti! When fashion designers of Marchesa, Georgina Chapman and Karen Craig, presented looks for spring/summer 2011, fashion audience was left breathless. We are positive that their incredible creations will be a hit for red carpets all around the world. Using soft, powdery nuances, with only a few creations in black, Georgina and Karen have demonstrated all the possibilities of lace and silk, combined with fairy-tale-like applications. Resulting with dresses to which an occasion simply must be invented!
Burberry Prorsum
Frida Giannini je u nekoliko navrata jdokazala da je dorasla zadatku prvog dizajnera kuće Gucci. Njen senzibilitet sjajno se uklopio uz Gucci imidž. Ni nova sezona nije izuzetak, Frida je pripremila kolekciju koja se sastoji od tri celine. Prvom dominiraju jarke boje, drugi deo karakterišu neutralne boje gde je Frida istraživala formu uz dodatke koji razbijaju kolornu monotoniju, a treći deo kolekcije je crne boje, radi se o seksi modelima koji vraćaju glamur na scenu i poručuju da sa Gucci devojkom stvarno nema šale. Frida Giannini has several times successfully fulfilled a task of being the main designer for Gucci, and her sensibility greatly matches Gucci image. New season is no exeption, for Frida has prepared a collection consisting of three parts. First dominated by bright colours (orange, purple and green bravely matched with gold), the second part in neutral colours, giving Frida an opportunity for a research on shape, using accessories to break monotony of colours. Third part of the collection is in black, and those sexy pieces bring back glamour and speak out loud that you just don`t mess around with a Gucci girl.
Kreator modne kuće Burberry Christopher Bailey je u potrazi za inspiracijom posegao za kreacijama Thomasa Burberrya sa početka dvadesetog veka. Bailey se u novoj kolekciji pozva na Thomasovu kolekciju iz 1900. godine namenjenu motociklistima. Romantične Burberry devojke od prošlog proleća sada postaju opasnice utegnute u svilu i kožu. Devojka za koju kreira Bailey je i dalje elegantna dama, ali je ove sezone hrabrija, ne plaši se rizika i ne libi se da nosi sjajne srebrne pantalone, svetlucave metalik materijale i mini dužine. Looking for inspiration, Burberry`s fashion designer Christopher Bailey reached for creations of Thomas Burberry from the beginning of 20th century. In new Burberry Prorsum collection, Bailey recalls Thomas collection for motorcycle drivers for the year of 1900. Last spring`s romantic Burberry girls are becoming dangerous women in tight leather and silk. A girl that Bailey designs for is still an elegant lady, but much bolder this season, she dares to take risks, and she does not hesitate to wear shiny silver pants, glittery metallic fabrics and mini lengths.
Marko Mitanovski designer: marko mitanovski // photo: anne marie-michel // hair: nina butkovich-budden // make up: issidora // model: angie ng // styling: marko mitanovski & ronitt bourmad
Jelena Karakaš
Skulpturalna moda.
English version on page 12
Happy birthday Vogue.
Kreator Marko Mitanovski je široj javnosti postao poznat posle saradnje sa Lady Gagom, ipak kompanija Textil je Markov potencijal primetila mnogo pre toga. Podržala ga je na samom početku karijere i pomogla mu je pri realizaciji kolekcije Lady Macbeth koja ga je i proslavila. Reci nam nešto o saradnji sa kompanjom Textil? Izuzetno mi je zadovoljstvo i čast što su baš ljudu iz kompanije Textil prepoznali potencijal u meni i podržali me na samom početku kada mi je pomoć bila najpotrebnija. Velika je sreća naći materijale koji pomažu u vizuelizaciji ideje kolekcije. Jedino je kompanija Textil imala eko kožu kakva je meni bila neophodna zbog tehnike plisiranja i koliranja koja je bila prilično zastupljena u kolekciji Lady Macbeth. Pored eko kože koristio sam saten, taft i čipku. Kolekciju koju sam realizovao u saradnji sa Textilom prikazao sam u pet različitih zemalja, a nebrojeno puta sam je koristio i za potrebe editorijala. Od tada je prošlo više od dve godine, a kostimi su i dalje u odličnom stanju. Mislim da to dovoljno govori o kvalitetu tih materijala. Trenutno se nalaziš u Londonu, na čemu trenutno radiš? Trenutno radim na novim kostimima za Immodesty Blaize, pripremam novu kolekciju za Februarski London Fashion Week i sredinom Oktobra izlažem kostime u Parizu. U pitanju je izložba kostima koje je Lady Gaga nosila u svojim spotovima i na javnim nastupima. Pored mene svoje modele na toj izložbi će priikazati i kreatori: Viktor&Rolf, Thierry Mugler, JeanCharles de Castelbajac....
Tvoj stil mnogi pokušavaju da opišu, kako bi ga ti sam definisao? Volim teatralnost u modnom izražaju. Dok osmišljam kolekciju ne oslanjam se na trendove već se trudim da materijalima i formom opravdam priču koju sam želeo da ispričam. Volim skulpturalne kostime i površine bogate u teksturi, te vrlo obraćam pažnju na detalje i poigravanje materijalima. Recimo da je moj stil spoj pozorišta, arhitekture i mode. Koliko si zadovoljan interpretacijom tvojih modela u editorijalima, stajlingu, ali i stvarnom životu? Da li planiraš da se u budućnosti pozabaviš dizajnom nosivije odeće? U 98% slučajeva mi se dopalo kako su stilisti interpretirali moj rad. U narednoj kolekciji imaću daleko više modela, samim tim i kostime koji su uslovno rečeno nosivi. Neće biti komercijalni, ali će moći da se ponesu u specijalnim prilikama. Šta za tebe znači crna boja koju često koristiš? Crna dozvoljava poigravanje u formi i strukturi. Ostavlja daleko više prostora za eksperiment. Crnu koristim kako bih zaokružio atmosferu kolekcije, vrlo mi je inspirativna. Lady Gaga je neizbežna u priči o tebi, koga bi ti voleo sledećeg da vidiš u svojim kreacijama? Saradnja sa javnim ličnostima je
odličan PR potez. To je i mogućnost da sarađuješ sa prestižnim imenima iz modnog sveta koji čine kreativni tim javnih ličnosti. Sve mimo toga nije u domenu mojih interesovanja. Voleo bih da radim sa Bjork i Tori Amos. Mislim da bismo se konceptualno dobro uklopili. Šta se trenutno nalazi na tvom mood boardu i šta nam pripremaš za proleće/leto 2011. godine? Jedno je sigurno nastavljam saradnju sa Textilom i kreativnim timom sa kojim sam do sada radio uz par novih saradnika. Za sad ne bih još otkrivao detalje o kolekciji.
Nepisano je pravilo da kada neki modni magazin slavi rođendan, svi kreatori koji su imali priliku i čast da sarađuju sa njim pošalju čestitku i izraze svoje najlepše želje. Kada francusko izdanje, najboljeg modnog časopisa na svetu, Vogue, puni 90 godina može se očekivati samo najbolje. Svi veliki svetski dizajneri pohitali su da čestitaju. Svako se držao svog stila i onoga što ga čini jedinstvenim. Joyeux anniversaire cher Vogue!
ILI? ILI? Krzno ili koža? Koža Svila ili viskoza? Svila Organski ili obični pamuk? Zavisi od modela Somot ili pliš? Somot Til ili lan? Til
There is an unwritten rule that, whenever a fashion magazine celebrates its birthday, all designers who had the opportunity and honor to cooperate with it send greeting cards to express their best wishes. When the French edition of Vogue – the best fashion magazine in the world – celebrates the 90th birthday, you can expect only the best. All great world designers rushed to congratulate them, everyone stuck to their style and what makes them unique. Joyeux anniversaire cher Vogue!
10 PRAVILA PROMENE Ivanka Novaković direktorka i glavni konsultant agencije ProConsulting i Biljana Ždrale, direktorka i Sales Development Expert konsultantske firme Egg, unapredile su poslovanje kompanije Textil u oblasti menadžmenta i komercijalnih procesa. Svoje bogato višegodišnje iskustvo uobličile su u deset jednostavnih saveta kako dugoročno poboljšati poslovanje. Od uspešnih treba učiti. Ukoliko želite
Hotel u boji. Pantone hotel. Kompanija Pantone svoje iskustvo sa bojama pretočila je u jedan sasvim poseban hotel u Briselu. Radi se o hotelu Pantone koji ima sedam spratova, a svaki je dekorisan drugačijom paletom boja. Lobi hotela, baš kao i terase na krovu, estetski je povezan sa okolinom, dok su sobe prava mala umetnička dela. Beli zidovi su u funkciji slikarskog platna i na njih su aplicirani elementi živih i kompatibilnih boja. U svakoj sobi je postavljena fotografska instalacija, renomiranog fotografa Victora Levya koja uključuje spektar jarkih boja. Kako je Pantone jedan od svetskih lidera u području kolorita, jasno je da se radi o vrhunskom proizvodu, koji koncept putovanja diže na jedan viši nivo.
Pantone company has turned its experience with colors into a special hotel in Brussells. Every floor is decorated with a different color palette. The hotel foyer, just like the balconies on the top, is aesthetically connected with the surroundings, while the rooms themselves are small masterpieces. White walls function as canvas where elements of vivid and compatible colors are applicated. There is a photographic installation in each room, the work of a renowned photographer Victor Levy, including the spectre of lurid colors. As Pantone is one of the world leaders when
it comes to colors design, this is unambiguously a high-end product, which elevates the concept of travelling on a higher level.
da i vaša kompanija postane uspešna i moderna poput Textila, sledite ove savete: 10 RULES OF CHANGE Ivanka Novakovic, general manager and main consultant for Proconsulting Agency, and Biljana Zdrale, general manager and Sales Development Expert for Egg Consulting Company, promoted the bussiness of Textil
company in the field of management and commercial processes. They shaped their rich year-long experience into ten simple bits of advice which can help you to promote your business in the long run. One should learn from the successful. If you wish your company to become as successful and modern as Textil, you should follow these rules:
Vizija željenog budućeg stanja The vision of the desired future state
Svest o trenutnom stanju Awareness about the current state
Vrednosna definisanost Defining values
Kako želite da vaša kompanija izgleda u budućnosti? Što je ta vizija preciznija lakše je naći put do njenog ostvarenja. Prilikom “maštanja” sopstvene vizije važno je da se ne ograničavate trenutnom situacijom niti u jednom njenom aspektu. Textil je započeo ostvarivanje svoje vizije u prvim mesecima svetske ekonomske krize. What do you want your company to look like in the future? The more precise your vision is, the easier it is to find the way to its fulfillment. While you “fantasize” about your vision, you should not restrict yourself by the current situation in any of its aspects. Textil started with the fulfillment of its vision in the first months of the world economic crisis.
Svest o svim aspektima trenutnog stanja je neophodna da bi se napravio realan plan ostvarenja vizije. Bez tog realnog susreta „oči u oči“ sa svim aspektima situacije iz koje polazimo sapleli bismo se već iza prvog ćoška. Balans onoga čemu težimo i svesti o svakom trenutku u kome se nalazimo je neophodan da bismo svakog dana kanalisali svoje aktivnosti. The awareness about the aspects of the current state is essential in order to make a realistic plan of vision fulfillment. Without this realistic encounter “eye to eye” with all aspects of the initial situation, we would come into problems after the first couple of steps. The balance between what we strive for and awareness about each moment we are at is necessary for us to channel our activities every day.
Ostvarenje ciljeva promene velikim delom zavisi od vrednosti koje boje tu promenu i svakodnevni rad na njoj. Prave vrednosti rezultiraju dugoročnim rezultatima i zadovoljstvom svih strana u procesu. Pogrešne vrednosti mogu da obezbede brze i kratkotrajne rezultate od kojih se posle teško „oporavljamo“ i nikad ne postignemo ničije zadovoljstvo. Achieving the aim of change greatly depends on the values which color this change and our daily work on it. The real values result in long-term effects and the satisfaction of all parts in the process. Wrong values can only provide quick and short-term results which are difficult to recover from and which don’t lead to anyone’s satisfaction.
Brzina prelaska sa starog na novo stanje Quick transition from the old to a new state
Istrajnost Perseverance
Spremnost na gubitke The readiness to lose
Što pre završimo sa starom praksom i pređemo na novu praksu promena se lakše sprovodi. I to bukvalno. Danas je važio stari način rada od sutra važi novi. I nema repova. The sooner we finish with the old and start implementing new practices, the easier it is to introduce changes. Literally. Today we do it the old way, but we start with new ways tomorrow. There is no turning back.
Ne prođu svi sve faze promene. Ne dođu svi do ostvarenja svoje vizije. Ono što razlikuje jedne od drugih je istrajnost. Svaki dan, korak po korak, rad ka onome što želimo da postignemo. Nemaju svi snage za to. Ne dođu svi do svog cilja. Not everyone undergoes all phases of change. Not everyone sees their vision come true. Perseverance is what makes a difference. Every day, step by step, work to achieve what you want. Not everyone has the strength for this. Not everyone achieves their aims.
Ni jedan ulazak u promenu nije posut ružama. Ko nije spreman na trnje bolje da se ne upušta u ovu avanturu. Gubici su očekivani, najčešće u ljudstvu. Nisu svi vaši zaposleni spremni da prate promenu. I za vas i za njih je bolje da što pre napuste vašu posadu. There is no road to changes that is covered with roses. Those who are not ready to see thorns should not embark on this adventure. Losses are expected. Most frequently in staff. Not all your employees are ready to follow this change. If this is the case, it is better for them to leave, as well as for you to let them.
Biljana Ždrale & Ivanka Novaković
14 Illustrator: Dimitar Vuksanov
Kada duvaju vetrovi promene neki ljudi zidaju zidove, a drugi grade vetrenjače. When the wind of change blows, some build walls, other build windmills.
Promena isključivo odozgo na dole Beginning the change from subordinates
Vreme Time
Prvi koji treba da se „menjaju“ su čelni ljudi kompanije. Svaki pokušaj „sređivanja ostalih“ bez suštinske, prave i prve promene osobe na vrhu je pokušaj osuđen na propast. Dragi direktori i vlasnici, vi prvi morate da menjate svoje navike, ponašanje i praksu da biste to mogli da očekuje od svojih zaposlenih. The first ones who should change are heads of companies. Every attempt to change others without a true, real and initial change of the person in charge is an attempt doomed to failure. Dear managers and owners, you are the first who should change habits, behavior and practice if you want to expect the same from your employees.
Promptni prelazak na nove načine rada ne znači i promptne rezultate. Za prve rezultate potrebno je minimum 3-6 meseci, a za prave rezultate 9-12 meseci. Ko nije spreman da prihvati vreme kao nužnu kategoriju uspeha i da „istrpi“ do prvih rezultata onda nije siguran u sopstvenu viziju i treba da preispita potrebu za promenom. A prompt transition to new practices does not necessarily imply prompt results. It takes at least 3 to 6 months for the first results, and 9 to 12 months for real results. Those who are not ready to accept time as an inevitable condition of success and wait until the first results show up are not sure in their own vision and they should reconsider the need for a change.
19 Komunikacija Communication
Najbolje osmišljen put ostvarenja nečije vizije pada bez adekvatne komunikacije na tom putu. Svih sa svima, u svim pravcima i o svakom važnom pitanju. Ljudi koji znaju šta ih očekuje i ljudi koji znaju kakvi su efekti onoga što su do sad uradili daju više od onih koji to ne znaju. Even a perfectly conceived road to the realization of someone’s vision fails without adequate communication on the road. Everyone should communicate among themselves, in all directions and about every important issue.
110 Poverenje Trust
Jedni u druge unutar kompanije, u konsultante, konsultanti u lidere... Ovaj proces nas upućuje jedne na druge, težak je i zahtevan za sve uključene, potrebno je da ne razmišljamo bar o tome da li možemo da verujemo jedni drugima. In one another within the company, in consultants, consultants in leaders... This process directs us to one another. It is difficult and demanding for all who are included, but it is essential at least not to think whether we can trust one another.
Politika kompanije Textil podrazumeva ulaganje u najsavremeniju opremu, konstantnu brigu o zasposlenima, ali i pomaganje talenata, kako kad je u pitanju moda, tako kada se radi i o sportu i kulturi. Ognjen Šunjevarić je državni prvak i osvajač kupa u uzrastu do četrnaest godina. Rangiran je među sto najboljih igrača u Evropi, a na poslenjem pojedinačnom evropskom prvenstvu izborio je plasman među 32 najbolja igrača. Na upravo završenom Nike Masters Junior turniru osvojio je prvo mesto. Posle zapaženih rezultata u zemlji i regionu dobio je pozive za učestvovanje na više internacionalnih turnira u SAD (Prince Cup, Edi-Her, Orange Ball), a upravo se priprema za Nike Junior Tour na Bahamima koji će se održati krajem novembra gde će učestvovati četrdeset najboljih igrača sveta u kategoriji do četrnaest godina. Nema sumnje, pred Ognjenom je duga i uspešna karijera, a kompanija Textil nastavlja da ga bori u teškom putu ka uspehu. Pored Ognjena kompanija Textil podržava i Ski klub Art iz Užica, Mariju i Nevenu Trmčić. Marija Trmčić je jedna od naših najboljih slalomašica. Učestvovala je na zimskim olimpijskim igrama u Vankuveru i Torinu, a pred njom se nalaze Olimpijske igre u Rusiji 2011. godine. Pred Marijom su velika iskušenja, a kompanija Textil je tu da joj pruži podršku. Textil company policy includes investing in the newest equipment, a constant care for employees, but also supporting talented people, not only in fashion industry, but in
sports and culture as well. Textil company policy includes investing in the newest equipment, a constant care for employees, but also supporting talented people, not only in fashion industry, but in sports and culture as well. One of the people Textil invests in is a young, promising Serbian tennis player, Ognjen Šunjevarić. Ognjen is a state champion and winner of championship for seniors under the age of fourteen. He is ranked among hundred best European players, and at the last individual European championship he has succeded to be among the first 32 players. At recently ended Nike Masters Junior Tour he took the first place. After excellent results in country and region, he was invited to take part in several international tournaments in the USA (Prince Cup, Edi-Her, Orange Ball), and at the moment he is preparing for Nike Junior Tour at the Bahamas, which takes place at the end of November, and where 40 best players in the world aged under fourteen will compete for the prize. There is no doubt that Ognjen has a long and prosperous career ahead of him, and Textil will continue to encourage him at his journey towards success. Beside Ognjen, Textil company also support skiers Marija and Nevena Trmčić from Užice ski club Art. Marija is one of the best Serbian slalom skiers. She has parcipated in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancuver and Torino. She is now preparing for the Olympics in Russia 2011. Marija faces great trials, but Textil company is there to show her support.
Tsumori Chisato & Petit Bateau Sve istinske ljubitelje mode obradovala je vest o sardanji japanske kreatorke Tsumori Chisato i francuskog brenda Petit Bateau. Obe strane dale su sve od sebe i sada je pred nama mini kolekcija za jesen/zimu 2010. godinu, radi se o trinaest odevnih predmeta za žene, muškarce i decu. Modeli odišu ljupkošću po čemu je Tsumori poznata, a provukla je i mornarsku temu koja je nezaobilazna u svim modelima modne kuće Petit Bateau. All true fashion lovers were glad to hear the news about the cooperation of Japanese designer Tsumori Chisato and the French brand Petit Bateau. Both sides gave their best, resulting in a mini collection for fall/winter 2010, featuring thirteen garments for women, men and children. Models possess the charm that Tsumori is known for, but there is a skilled touch of naval theme, unavoidable for all garments of Petit Bateau fashion house.
TOM IS BACK. AND HE’S BLACK. MIMIMASO. Modni svet je kao udarac groma pogodila vest da se veliki majstor mode Tom Ford, posle pauze od šest godina, vraća kreiranju ženskih modela! Na upravo završenoj nedelji mode u Njujorku prikazao je kolekciju za proleće/leto 2011. godine. Ipak, kako bi zadržao reputaciju uvek drugačijeg, svoje modele je prikazao samo odabranoj publici, dok će ostali morati da se strpe do januara sledeće godine. Po Tomovim rečima inspiracija mu je bila Tilda Swinton, dok je modele nosila zgodna Beyonce, zbilja interesantna kombinacija. Još jednom je Tomu pošlo za rukom da modnu javnost natera da sa neskrivenom pažnjom i nestrpljenjem iščekuje njegov sledeći korak.
The news that Tom Ford, the great fashion master, has returned to womens wear after a six-year break struck the fashion world like a bolt of lightning. The recent New York Fashion Week featured his spring/summer 2011 collection. However, in order to keep up with his reputation of being always different, he showed his models only to a selected audience, while the others will have to wait until the next January. In Tom’s words, he found his inspiration in Tilda Swinton, while his models were worn by well-built Beyonce. This is really an interesting combination. Yet another time Tom has succesfully made fashion public wait for his next move with unhidden attention and impatience.
Paralelno sa Mercedes-Benz nedeljom mode u Njujorku odvijala se i eko nedelja mode. Na ovoj nedelji mode modele je predstavilo deset kreatora koji su u svom radu koristili isključivo organske i reciklirane materijale. Ekološki osvešćeni kreatori pokazali su da se i uz brigu o planeti može izgledati i više nego šik. Tu je bilo modela inspirisanih holivudskim glamurom, pank rok kulturom, ali i boho stilom koji se i najčešće vezuje uz ekološki pokret.
Parallelly with New York Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Eco Fashion Week took place. This fashion week presented ten designers who use exclusively organic and recycled materials in their work. Ecologically aware designers showed that caring about the planet and looking chique can go hand in hand. There were models inspired by Hollywood glamor, punk rock culture, but also by boho style which is most frequently connected with ecological movement.
Mimimaso je novi brend na srpskom tržištu, radi se o muškoj kolekciji iza koje stoje fotograf Marko Sovilj i arhitekta Miloš Milojević. Miloš i Marko su u modu uneli svoj pogled na svet i stvorili su modele u kojima se jasno ocrtava njihovo predhodno iskustvo u arhtekturi, odnosno modnoj fotografiji. Kolekcija je jasno koncpirana i izvedena u neutralnim bojama, koje su oplemenjene neočekivanim detaljima poput predimenzioniranih kragni i naramenica izrađenih od dlake.
Reci nam nešto o kolekciji Mimimaso, odakle vam ideja? Da li se radi o one time projektu ili o budućem brendu? Mimimaso je pre svega naziv za autorski tim koji smo formirali, a ime je nastalo po našim inicijalima. Projekat Mimimaso smo započeli ove godine, sa idejom da naša razmišljanja i razgovore na temu odevanja prenesemo u fizičku realnost. Iako je započet kao one time projekat, cilj nam je da vremenom Mimimaso preraste u modni brend. Kome je vaša kolekcija namenjena? Koga zamišljate u vašim kreacijama? Kolekcija je namenjena njima, vama, nama i svima onima koji u njoj vide način da izraze svoj karakter. Kada kreiramo garderobu, ne mislimo ni na koga lično, ali negde ipak imamo predstavu karaktera osobe koja bi tu garderobu nosila. Koliko razmišljate o trendovima? Da li želite da budete u toku? Pratite li boje i materijale koji su u modi? Prilikom kreiranja garderobe ne razmišljamo o trendu. Trend se sa svojom glavnom karekteristikom trenutnosti kosi sa našim shvatanjima problematike odevanja. Naš cilj je da stvaramo odevne predmete koji će danas kao i za deset godina nostiti istu energiju kada je uzmete iz plakara i obučete.
Pri stvaranju kolekcije, da li razmišljate prvo o materijalima ili o samoj formi kojoj kasnije prilagođavate materijale? U ovom slučaju razmišljali smo pre svega o formi, pošto je koncept kolekcije nastao pre bilo kakvog kontakta sa materijalima. Tako smo tek kasnije, na osnovu skica, vršili odabir materijala koji bi na adekvatan način koncept preneli u fizičku realnost. Možete li mi reći nešto o saradnji sa Textilom? Čelni ljudi kompanije Textil izašli su nam u susret i pružili su nam priliku da u mnoštvu materijala, kojima raspolažu, izaberemo one koji će na adekvatan način fizički konkretizovati naše ideje. Koji materijal najviše volite? Volimo prirodne materijale. Na šta ciljate? Gde ste krenuli? Težnja nam je da kreiramo stvarnu garderobu za stvarne ljude. Po našim shvatinjama dizajnirana garderoba bi trebalo da predstavlja materijalizaciju procesa rešavanja problema koje dizajneri pred sebe postavljaju. Upravo to postavljanje problema koji zapravo i ne postoje i njihovo rešavanje ogleda se na odevnim predmetima. Stoga se nadamo da će garderoba koju stvaramo, imati jednu drugačiju dimenziju, obzirom da oslikava procese rešavanja problema od strane
Photo: Marko Sovilj // Fashion Make up: Ana Acimovic // Hair: Đuka // Models: Luka Zikic, Stefan Zivaljević, Momcilo Plavsic, Jorge Luis Garmendia
SOKACHE. Fashion District. drugih profesija, u našem slučaju od strane arhitekte i fotografa. Mimimaso is a new brand in the Serbian market – men`s fashion collection created by photographer Marko Sovilj and architect Miloš Milojević. Miloš and Marko have brought their view of the world into their fashion, creating clothes which clearly outline their former experience in architecture, and fashion photography respectively. The collection is distinctive by its clear and concise concept, and neutral colours, refined by unexpected details, such as oversized collars and short sleeves made of hair. Please tell us something about Mimimaso collection, where did the idea for it come from? Is it a onetime project or a future brand? Mimimaso is, above all, name of the creative team that we have formed, and the name comes from our initials. Project Mimimaso started in 2010, with a plan to transmit our thoughts on fashion and conversations about it into physical reality. Even though it started as one-time project, our aim is for Mimimaso to become a fashion brand. Who is your collection for? What kind of people do you see wearing your creations? The collection is for them, you, us, and everyone who can express their character through it. When we make clothes, we don`t have anyone in particular in mind, but however, we do have a notion of the character of the person that would wear these clothes. To what extent do you take trends into consideration? How well do you like to be informed? Are you constantly aware which colours and
fabrics are trendy? While making clothes, we don`t think about trends. Trend, along with it`s main characteristics, which is some kind of instantness, is opposite to our concept of clothing. Our goal is to create garments that will not only now, but in ten years as well, have the same energy when you take them out of the closet and put them on. While making a collection, do you think of fabrics first, or do you think of shape, and then adjust fabrics according to it? In this case, we thought of the shape above all, since the concept of the collection was made before any contact with fabrics. Therefore, not until later on have we chosen, based on our sketches, the fabric that would transmit this concept into physical reality in the adequate manner.
Čumićevo sokače, tržni centar koji već godinama zvrji prazan ove jeseni osvanuće u novom ruhu, od sredine oktobra promeniće namenu i postaće svojevrsni modni dizajn centar. Domaći kreatori, etablirani, dokazani, mladi i oni željni dokazivanja udružili su se kako bi i Beograd dobio svoju modnu zonu. Za sada je potvrđeno da će svoje butike otvoriti Ana Ljubinković, Tijana Pavlov, Punkuffer, Dejan Despotović, Remake, Verica Rakočević, Dejana Momčilović... This year in the fall Cumicevo sokace, a mole which has been standing empty for years, is scheduled to show up in a new light. From mid-October, it will change its purpose and become a fashion design center. Serbian designers, the established and distinguished, the young and those ready to show what they can do have gathered to give Belgrade its fashion zone. Up to now it has been confirmed that Ana Ljubinkovic, Tijana Pavlov, Punkuffer, Dejan Despotovic, Remake, Verica Rakocevic and Dejana Momcilovic... will open their boutiques here.
Modni rođendani. Ovo je godina slavlja za mnoge brendove. Donna Karan i duo Dolce&Gabbana obeležavaju četvrt veka prisutnosti na modnoj mapi, dok Roberto Cavalli i Kenzo Takada slave čak četiri decenije rada! Ipak ako je suditi po modelima prikazanim na upravo završenim nedeljama mode od ovih kreatora se tek očekuje ono najbolje! This is a year of celebrations for many brands. Donna Karan and Dolce&Gabbana celebrate a quarter-century long presence on world fashion map, while Roberto Cavalli and Kenzo Takada celebrate four decades of their work! Judging by the models shown on recently over fashion weeks these creators are yet to show their best!
Could you please tell us something about your cooperation with Textil company? Leaders in Textil company have given us an opportunity to choose, among all the fabrics they have, those that can concretise our ideas in the right manner. Which fabric do you like the best? We love natural fabrics more than anything else. Where do you aim at? Where are you heading to? Our goal is to create real clothes for real people. In our opinion, designer`s clothing should be a materialisation of a process of solving different problems that designers set to themselves. The very same setting of problems that actually do not even exist, and their solving, is reflected in garments. Thus we hope that the clothes we create will have a distinctive dimension, because they reflect processes of problem-solving by people from other professions, in our case, by an architect and a photographer.
MUST HAVE. Kreatori koji su svoje modele prikazali na nedelji mode u Njujorku otkrivaju koji je to must have komad kada govorimo o proleću 2011. godine. Designers who have presented their work on New York fashion week reveal their must have piece for spring 2011.
Betsey Johnson: maleni kombinezon u maslačak žutoj boji. Badgley Mischka: svetlucava ružičasta koktel haljina. Tommy Hilfiger: slatka tensika suknjica biće začin stila za proleće 2011. godine. Monique Lhuillier: sjajna koktel haljina Betsey Johson: Kiddie romper in Butter-cup Yellow Badgley Mischka: A Sparkly Rose dress Tommy Hilfiger: The teniss skirt is a fresh quirky take on spring 2011. style. Monique Lhuillier: A shimmery cocktail dress.
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Sculptural fashion.
Denim 21. mart – 20. april Vi ste omiljeni, pouzdani i istrajni. Teško prihvatate promene i trudite se da se tokom godina ne menjate mnogo. // You are popular, reliable and persistent. Difficult to accept change and trying not to change at all.
Marko Mitanovski has become popular with a wider audience as a fashion designer after his cooperation with Lady Gaga. However, Textil Company noticed Marko’s potential long before that. It supported him in the very beginning of his career, and it helped the realization of Lady Macbeth collection which made him famous.
Muslin 21. april – 20. maj Profinjeni ste i imate osećaj za lepo, laki ste za saradnju ali vam problem predstavlja što se lako gužvate, ipak udobni ste i prozračni pa vam se može progledati kroz prste. // You are sophisticated and you have great sense of style, and you’r easy to work with. The problem is that you wrinkle easily, but then you are very comfortable and light, so your friends turn a blind eye. Veštačka svila // Art silk 21. may – 21. jun Delujete baš kao prava svila, ali ste zapravo izrađeni od celuloze drveta. Mnogi vas vole jer ste prozračni i antistatistični, ali i laki za održavanje. // You look like a real silk, but are actually made from wood pulp. You are twofaced. People love you because of you’re antistatic and ligh and of course, for your low maintenance. Lan // Linen 22. jun – 22. jul Vi ste nežni i prirodni, ali i svojeglavi. Iako delujete mekano zbog svog svilenkastog sjaja, zapravo ste vrlo čvrsti // You are gentle and natural, but also rebellious. Although it seams that you are soft because of your silky glow, you’re actually very strong. Saten svila // Satin silk 23. jul – 23. avgust Vi ste luksuzni i sjajni i zbog tih svojstava otporni ste na fleke. Vaša mana je što ste ubedljivo najskuplji i vrlo ste zahtevni. // You are luxurious and shiny, and because of that you are more resistant to stains. Your downside is that you are very expensive and demanding. Somot // Velvet 24. avgust – 22. septembar Vi ste perfekcionista koji mnogo zahteva od drugih, ali ste zato pouzdan prijatelj i partner. // You are a perfectionist who demands a lot from others, because of that you are a reliable friend and partner. Pliš // Plush 23. septembar – 22. oktobar Vi ste vrlo mekani i uvek ste u potrazi za najboljim rešenjem koje će zadovoljiti sve. Moderni ste i zanimljivi, ali s druge strane tradicionalni. // You are really soft and you always looking for the best solution that will satisfy anyone. You are modern, but on the other hand truly traditional. Baršun // Velveteen 23. oktobar – 22. novembar Dok se pomerate misteriozno šuštite, imate svilenkasti sjaj, mekani ste i vrlo ugodni na dodir. While you move it sounds like mysterious rustling. You have a silky sheen, and you are soft to the touch. Flanel // Flannel 23. novembar – 21. decembar Vrlo ste dragi, dobar ste prijatelj osetljivima i laki ste za saradnju. // You are very dear friend, you’re sensitive and easy to cooperate with. Pamuk // Cotton 22. decembar – 20. januar Prirodni ste i svoji, ali zato postavljate visoke standarde, kako za sebe tako i za druge. // Natural and true to yourself, you have set high standards for others. Til // Tulle 21. januar – 19. februar Iako ste rođeni u zimskim mesecima vi ste lagani i nežni, pravi zanesenjak. Umete da budete lepršavi, zbog čega ste omiljeni u društvu. // Although you were born in the winter you are light and delicate, a real enthusiast. You have breezy nature and you are popular amoung friends. Vuna // Wool 20. februar – 20. mart Iako ostalima delujete krhko vi se posle svih rastezanja ili gužvanja lako vraćate u prvobitno stanje. Umete i da bockate kada vam se neko ne dopada, ipak, kada ste u prijateljskom društvu dragi ste i topli. // While other see you as fragile, you have the ability to return to original condition after the stretching or crumpling. If you don’t like someone you can be spiky, but usually you are lovely and worm.
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Tell us something about the cooperation with Textil Company. It is my pleasure and exceptional honor that it was precisely the people from Textil Company who recognized my potential and supported me in the beginning, when I most needed help. It was a stroke of luck for me to find materials which help to visualize the idea of the collection. At that time, only Textil Company had the eco leather that I needed for the technique of pleating and processing which prevailed in Lady Macbeth collection. Besides the eco leather, I also used satin, tafetta and lace. I created the collection in cooperation with Textil and I presented it in five different countries. I also used it for innumerable number of times for the purpose of editorials. More than two years have passed, and the costumes are still in excellent condition. I think it speaks enough about the quality of these materials. You are currently located in London, what are you working on at the moment? I am currently working on new costumes for Immodesty Blaze. I’m also preparing a new collection for London Fashion Week in February, and an exhibition of new costumes in Paris in mid-October.
It is an exhibition of costumes which Lady Gaga wore in her videos and at public performances. The exhibition also features models of other creators, such as Viktor&Rolf, Thierry Mugler and JeanCharles de Castelbajac. Many people are trying to describe your style. How would you describe it? I like theatrical style in fashion expression. I don’t rely on trends in the process of creation, but I try to substantiate the story that I wanted to tell with materials and form. I like sculptural costumes and surfaces with rich texture, so I pay attention on details and playing with materials. My style is a blend of theatre, architecture and fashion. How satisfied are you with the interpretation of your models in editorials, styling and real life? Do you plan to design more wearable clothes in the future? In 98% of cases, I liked how stylists interpreted my work. I will have far more models in the next collection and, consequently, more costumes which are wearable, if I can use this tentative expression. They won’t be commercial, but people can wear them on special occasions.
You use black color very often. What does it mean to you? Black allows you to play with forms and textures. It leaves far more space for experiments. I use black as a final touch to the atmosphere of the collection, it is very inspiring to me. Lady Gaga is inevitable in the story about you. Who is the next person you would like to see in your creations? Cooperation with celebrities is an excellent PR move. It is also a possibility for cooperation with great names from fashion world who are members of celebrities creative teams. Everything else is out of my field of interest. I would like to work with Bjork and Tori Amos. I think we would fit well conceptually. What is currently on you mood board and what are you preparing for us for spring/summer 2011? One thing is for sure – I will continue to cooperate with Textil and the creative team I have worked with so far, with a couple of new associates. For the time being, I’d rather not reveal any details about the collection.
Spring Fashion records. It seems the fashion industry falls into hysteria twice a year, in February and September. Although to the ignorant it may seem that fashion employees stand still for the rest of the year, the truth is that they work full steam during the whole twelve months. We use the time between presentations of new collections to collect ideas, establish contacts and devise plans to improve operations and sales. We are the company that uses each moment wisely, so we can remain one of the leaders in the field of materials in the region. We are well prepared for the season ahead of us. Materials that we offer for the fall/winter are largely shaped into Design Collections and starting a life of their own, as we move on. To keep up with the fashion trends, Textil’s team visited Bread&Butter, the world’s largest fair of pret-a-porte collections. We used Summer to gather inspiration for new business ventures; we visited the south of France whose colors: white, azure blue and green are background for the spring collections. There are also runs of navy, crumbs of red, orange, yellow and pink, golden and shiny for the disco diva of San Tropez. All this will be cooking in the fall and in early February will be presented as a new spring collection.
We did not miss a chance to visit New York Fashion week and attend one of the biggest fashion events on the planet. While we have studied the direction of the world of fashion with full attention, we have particularily dedicated ourselves to our young designers. During the making of the second number of Fanzine magazine we were in touch with Tatjana Tatalovic who showed her collection in Washington, and photo shooted the editorial in the building of our company. Also, globally popular designer Marko Mitanovski was answering our questions and sending greetings during the meeting breaks in London. On the upcoming pages you can have a look of a new brand that Textil has helped. We at Textil do not reduce our activities only to product sales, instead we build a partnership with the client, so the both sides can be pleased with the cooperation. Instead of mere delivery, we sell optimism, solutions, ideas for business development. Do you know what are people going to wear this spring? Ask Textil. Jelena Pavlovic Creative Director
Creative director: Jelena Pavlović Concept & Art director: Marko Stojaković Trend reader: Jelena Karakaš Illustrator: Dimitar Vuksanov Translators: Jelena Dimitrijević Marija Marković Production: Block&Roll General manager: Davor Bošnjaković