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Marlborough Communications

Contact with the College during the holidays and half terms

Parents may reach HMs when the College is closed either by telephone (including voicemail) or email, using the details at the end of this booklet; however, response times are likely to vary. The College Switchboard (01672 892200) is able to take messages and will usually be aware of the whereabouts of HMs and other key members of staff.

We keep you in touch with school news and events at the College through a mixture of print and digital communications.

Our Twitter accounts are a good way to follow the activities of the school, a boarding house, a sport or an academic department. You will find them all listed in the Social Media Directory on our website. The official Marlborough College Twitter account is @Marlborough_Col.

An e-newsletter is sent to all parents each half-term. It contains a round-up of the news, events, sport, drama, music, trips, academic and other achievements of pupils and staff at the College.

The Almanac is available to parents before the start of each term and a copy is given to each pupil. It contains the calendar of activities and events for the term and you will find information about the staff and the routine of the College in its front pages, including dates of terms and travel information.

Other Publications include The Marlburian, the annual school magazine, a copy of which is given to every pupil to be taken home at Christmas and The Marlburian Club Magazine which is mailed to parents once a year in November which includes feature articles and news from alumni all over the world.

A copy of The Shell Handbook is issued to all Shell pupils when they arrive in the school. Other academic handbooks are available as pupils make curriculum choices for GCSE and A level.

We also publish an annual Social Impact Report, called Together, which communicates how our whole community makes a difference through outreach, partnerships, bursaries and charitable activities. This is mailed to parents and is also available in the publications area on our website.

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