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Bullying will always be treated seriously and the school believes that to do nothing is to condone the bullying.

Guidance on ‘Privs’ & Parties

A separate document detailing guidance to parents on Privilege Weekends (‘Privs’) and hosting parties away from College is available in the secure Parent Portal – details of how to access the Portal can be found on page 9.

Marlborough was founded as an Anglican school, as a “place of education for the Sons of the Clergy of the Church of England” and Chapel is an important feature of school life. From the beginning Marlborough has always recruited many pupils who were not the children of clergy and they have been joined by pupils of other Christian denominations and other faiths, as well as those of no faith. It is the place where the College community can openly and freely explore matters of ‘ultimate concern’ for all people, and questions can be asked about faith, spirituality and ethics. Here, our common challenges in this 21st century can be addressed without bias or pressure from any one side.

The Chaplain today takes an inclusive approach, whereby the Christian faith, to which he is totally committed, is simply shared with no expectations or demands that anyone join, save by their own free will.

Chapel Attendance

On certain occasions the School meets as a community in Chapel; these include the first and last day of each term, the first Sunday of each term, as well as on Ash Wednesday, when it falls in term time.

Each Sunday there is a morning service at 8.30am and 10.15am and an evening talk at 6.30pm. Pupils in the Shell and Remove attend the 10.15am service. In subsequent years the range of options widens, to affirm the importance of individual choice, while still requiring some commitment. Over the years a custom has developed of parents attending the 10.15am service before taking their son or daughter out for the day and we hope very much that the parents of new pupils will consider doing so when it is appropriate.

Pupils also attend a morning service, in House groups, on one weekday morning each week. Pupils in the Shell additionally attend a year group service on Wednesday afternoons. On Monday evenings at 9.05pm, the Chaplain hosts voluntary Tai Chi sessions in The Marlburian. There are also voluntary Mindfulness and Guided Meditations from time to time in Chapel. Both are popular with a good ‘uptake’ of pupils.

Attendance at Other Churches

The only pupils excused Chapel attendance are Roman Catholics who choose to attend the service at St Thomas More Roman Catholic Church, at 11.00 am. The Priest is The Reverend John Blacker, 3 Priorsfield, Marlborough SN8 4AQ (01672 513267). Pupils of other faiths, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or Buddhist, for example, are advised to contact the Chaplain to see what special provision can be arranged.

Roman Catholic Pupils

Father John Blacker is the visiting Chaplain to Roman Catholic staff and pupils in the College and as such is available for confession, spiritual counsel and pastoral care in addition to other pastoral provision made by the College. Father Blacker provides instruction for Catholic pupils preparing to receive the Sacraments, particularly Confirmation. The College Chaplain advertises the possibility of being confirmed in the Catholic Church to pupils and parents early in the Michaelmas Term and preparation sessions run throughout the year culminating in the Confirmation Mass itself which takes place early in the Summer Term.

Weekday Services

The Boarding Houses are grouped together in order to attend one weekly Chapel Service per week at 8.20am. These services take place on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. All members of the Shell attend Chapel on Wednesday afternoons.

House Communion and Bible Study

Communion is celebrated at least once a year in each House and there is a weekly Bible study group called Christian Forum, which meets on Tuesday evenings.

Anglican Confirmation

Pupils can be prepared for Confirmation into the Churches of the Anglican Communion and there is a Service each year in the Chapel. Many pupils choose to be confirmed in the Shell and Remove, but they are welcome to be confirmed in any year of their time in the school. Candidates are prepared during the Lent Term for the Confirmation Service early in the Summer Term. Pupils who have not been baptised can be baptised at the College in a Baptism Service arranged at a convenient time for the candidate and family.

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