2 minute read


• Junior Ski Trip to France • Rugby Tour to Dubai • OA Dept Norway Expedition • OA Dept Pakistan Expedition (K2 Base Camp) • Rugby (Shell) Tour to Paris • Scholars’ Trip to Venice • Spanish Dept Trip to Tenerife

Society Meetings

These take place at a variety of times during the week. A full list of the College’s societies together with those responsible for activities is to be found in the Almanac.

Music at Marlborough

Large numbers of pupils have the opportunity to play musical instruments at the College and details of music lessons are given below. There are a number of orchestral groups, choirs, bands and chamber music groups, all of which will have the opportunity to perform during the year as well as a weekly lunchtime recital series, when we hope that parents and friends will come to listen. In addition, Choral Evensongs, chapel services, the Confirmation services and the annual choral concert towards the end of the Lent term are all opportunities to hear Marlborough’s music.

Instrumental Lessons

A pupil will receive a maximum of 30 lessons of 35 minutes’ duration during an academic year. The current fees for music lessons are given on a separate sheet. Lessons are available in all orchestral instruments, including the harp, as well as the guitar, recorder, bagpipes and singing.

Termination of Lessons

Six school weeks’ notice must be given in writing to the Artistic Director if music lessons are to be terminated.

Hire of Instruments

Instruments can sometimes be hired for individual or shared use and the costs of this are included with this booklet. Hire charges for the following instruments do not increase because they are too large/expensive for parents to buy after their child has had one year’s tuition: horn, bassoon, tuba, double bass, euphonium.


From time to time a number of trips to concerts, musicals, operas etc. are organised throughout the year and particularly those pupils studying Music at GCSE and A level are invited to attend.

Marlborough College Concert Series

These concerts are given by artists of international recognition and are outstanding in value. It is very much hoped that parents will encourage their son or daughter to attend and will come themselves. The Concert Season runs in the Michaelmas and Lent terms and tickets are available to purchase online at marlboroughconcertseries.org or from the Marlborough College Concert Series Box Office (01672 892566 or email: mccstickets@marlboroughcollege.org).

Details of all musical events can be found in the Music Calendar which is sent out before the start of each term.

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