Marlborough Town and Country August 16

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Marlborough TOWN & COUNTRY


Angus from The White Horse Bookshop


First lady Club Captain




Find confidence through style


FREE Issue 100 . August 2016

Edit or’s Letter

Happy 100th, and thank you! It’s hard to believe, but this is the 100th issue of Marlborough Town and Country, and we are celebrating with a fresh new look – hope you like it! The first issue was in May 2008, not the best time to start a business maybe, as the banking crisis and worldwide recession were just starting to gather pace. There was obviously a place for us as we’re still here, bringing you our mix of interviews, features and information. It wouldn’t be possible without two sets of people – the readers and the advertisers. Without the people advertising their local businesses we wouldn’t be able to print the magazine, and without the readers we wouldn’t be able to attract the advertisers. So a big thank you to all of you, I hope you continue to find Marlborough Town and Country useful and interesting. This month we are interviewing Angus MacLennan, who has been instrumental in the updating of Marlborough’s much-loved White Horse Bookshop. You can also read about this year’s Litfest, including the Big Town Read. As always, we would love to hear from you with comments or ideas. Have a good month!

Editor Contact us: Andrea Jerome Address: Ivydene, High St, Wanborough, SN4 0AD Tel: 01793 791104, Mob: 07836 580699 Email: Cover Image: Thanks to Val Compton of Marlborough Waterfront Association for the pic of the bike planter. If you haven’t had chance to visit this lovely little stretch of riverside along Kennet Place (down past the Fire Station) it’s definitely worth a detour. Well done to Val and her neighbours for making it such a pleasant oasis. All copy for September 16 issue is due by 7 August 2016.

Contents 3 Intro 6 Angus MacLennan 10 Local News 13 Council News 14 Marlborough Golf

16 Fiona’s Column 20 Style 22 What’s On 24 Community 32 Litfest

34 Legal 36 Crofton 38 Gardening 40 Vet

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Angus MacLennan Angus MacLennan is the Manager of The White Horse Bookshop in Marlborough. He lives in Farnborough with his wife Gemma, and children Emily, 12, and Joe, 9. Tell us how you came to run The White Horse Bookshop My background in bookselling goes back many years, having worked for Hammick’s, Ottakar’s and Waterstone’s in management. I left my last post with Waterstone’s in 2013, and was doing some freelancing when I heard that Robert Hiscox and Brian Kingham, the new owners of The White Horse Bookshop were looking for someone to run it. Both very successful businessmen, they were keen to keep the bookshop in the town when the previous owner retired, but needed someone to take on the task of running it. Luckily I was that person. What appealed about running it? It is my idea of the perfect job – it is like running my own business without the financial risk. Both Robert and Brian are excellent delegators and though they are involved they leave the actual running of the business to me. Since taking over I have overseen the original refurbishment of the shop, adding an extra floor of books upstairs, and refitting to make the most of the building’s ambience. Recently we have opened the Chandler Room, which is a gallery/ function space at the back of the shop. We have refurbished the art studio, where we run our range of workshops. In


addition to all that there is the day to day management of staff, stock etc. It has been very exciting and continues to be so. I’m very proud of what we have achieved. What are the main differences you’ve experienced running an independent bookshop? The level of autonomy is amazing, I can make my own decisions and have a lot of responsibility which I enjoy. Working in a large business you have the opportunity to bounce ideas off colleagues, and have a context into which you fit – something to compare your performance to, and people to refer to if needed. It took me a while to get used to not having that. What would you say were the key reasons why people shop at the bookshop? In my opinion, The White Horse Bookshop is all about ambience and service. I want it to be a pleasure for people to shop here, a place where they can come assured of help if they need it. All the staff are

friendly and welcoming – and I hope it is a relaxed and fun place to shop. We have a very wide range of books – fiction is very important to us as that is how people tend to judge a bookshop, by their fiction range, even though nonfiction makes as least as much financial contribution. Of course we are more than just a bookshop, with one of the best ranges of art materials in the area, and our very popular art workshops. The art studio is very important to the

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People success of the shop, and has doubled in size with the recent work. You also have events at the shop? Yes, and now we have added the Chandler Room (named after the saddlers that used to work here), we will be having a more frequent and varied range of events. The Gallery space is already booked up months ahead, with a wide selection of artists. We are also a venue for the Jazz festival so will be having music performances, and of course talks and readings by authors. We also sell tickets for a lot of the arts events in the area. You could say we are developing into a cultural hub, with books very much at the core. Has the new space had a good reaction? Absolutely, we’ve had great feedback. Such a modern space attached to this historic building works extremely well. The modern wood panelling and staircase are a stunning connection to the open gallery space and art studio. The design was by architect Renshaw Hiscox, and he has done a fabulous job. Do you curate the exhibitions yourself? Yes, I have a degree in Art History, and hanging the pictures in the gallery is one of my favourite things. What else do you enjoy about working here? Absolutely it is all about the people that I work with, both staff and customers. I try and ensure that everyone has fun whilst at the shop. It makes for a great atmosphere, and people tend to return because they enjoy visiting. I like to build relationships with customers, and make recommendations according to their taste – you get to know what they would and wouldn’t enjoy. What do you find the most challenging? The most challenging part of the job is selecting the books.

Thousands of new books are published every year, but we can’t stock them all; there are always difficult decisions to be made. The interesting thing about Marlborough too is that sales can be unpredictable, so that makes it even more of a challenge. The great thing though is that overall sales have increased dramatically, so we must be doing something right! What do you enjoy reading? I like both fiction and nonfiction, although at the moment I am reading mostly non-fiction. It’s been so busy I can’t really concentrate on stories at the moment. I’m reading some modern philosophy which I find quite soothing! When I do read fiction, I tend to read eighteenth/nineteenth century authors such as Balzac and Hugo. I also enjoy Modern American fiction. I’m quite a slow reader, so have to be choosy. I have a terrible memory too, so quite often I can’t tell you what a particular book is about – I just know how much I enjoyed it. Books are special aren’t they? –We buy them without really knowing what is inside – every one is an adventure! You are quite involved in Marlborough Literature Festival? We are the designated bookseller for the event, which I think both the organisers and publishers find useful. This year we are also a venue, and the launch party is being held here. And, of course, we sell tickets to the Litfest events. You must have come across a lot of interesting people in your time as a bookseller – most notable? Having worked in London, especially when my shop was on the King’s Road, I came across a lot of well-known authors and celebrities. William Boyd used to live across the road from the shop, so I got to know him quite well. Dustin Hoffman

was very charming when he visited, and Simon le Bon was a regular. On one occasion we were visited by the Queen of Spain, with her entourage/bodyguards etc. She was sitting in the children’s department on a tiny chair, checking her texts on her phone. It was hilarious when a couple of Spanish girls who just happened to be in the shop did a major double take when they saw her. I tended to treat everyone the same, which most people appreciate – my philosophy is that no one is above me and I am above no one. The clientele in Marlborough is quite similar to that in Chelsea – without so many celebrities, and thank goodness no paparazzi lurking outside. Do you miss London? Sometimes I miss being at the centre of the world, but overall no – I have the best job in bookselling. I can’t think of anywhere else that I would get the opportunity that I have had here. What do you do in your spare time? Cooking is a passion of mine – I go home and cook every evening. I love cooking dishes from all around the world, and I’m a huge consumer of cookbooks (about 130 at the last count, although I need to do a cull) I suppose I should say Rick Stein is my favourite, as he is opening his restaurant here soon (he is very good), but my favourite food writers are Diana Henry and Simon Hopkinson. What novel would you recommend for a good read? A short but beautiful novel I am recommending at the moment is Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf. One of the most perfect pieces of writing I have ever read. The White Horse Bookshop is at 136 High St, Marlborough Tel: 01672 512071

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Local News

Tour and explore the river Action for the River Kennet (ARK) has been engaging local children with their chalk river and surrounding habitats through their popular ARK Tour & Explore sessions at Stonebridge Wild River Reserve in Marlborough. In the last month over 150 children have taken part in the fun outdoor sessions, currently branded as FAT FACE Wet Feet, after a generous donation from the Fat Face Marlborough branch. The sessions are tailored to age, ability and objectives of the group. Over a week in June, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts each had their own evening of river and pond dipping, filling up bird feeders and identifying trees. Over two mornings ARK helped ninety St Peter’s Junior School students carry out Geography field work, including nitrate and phosphate testing the water, working out the flow rate of the river, turbidity testing and riverfly monitoring. Earlier in June Hungerford Rainbows attended to compare river and pond creatures, showing you are never too young to enjoy the reserve. “It has been brilliant working with such enthusiastic children and reassuring to see how much they love the river environment and the wildlife it supports.”, said ARK Project Officer Anna Forbes.


and towns all over the world, including through the work of Marlborough’s very own Fairtrade Steering Group.

If you are a group interested in an ARK Tour & Explore session contact anna@riverkennet

For over a year, this group run by Allison Burden - has promoted Fairtrade in the Town Council, in retail stores, schools and other community groups. As a result the Council now promotes and serves Fairtrade products, the major supermarkets have successfully promoted and increased sales of Fairtrade products and St John’s School’s has carried out a Fairtrade awareness day. The town was awarded Fairtrade Status earlier this year, signifying its commitment and dedication to the cause. Not only does this mean that Marlborough is now a recognised Fairtrade town, but it opens up new benefits for readers like you.

A Fairtrade town

Allison says “Every time you buy your Fairtrade coffee, sugar, bananas or any other certified product, you contribute to ensuring a fair deal for the producer and ensure their trading rights are upheld, meaning that the world is one step closer to ethical trading. With your support Marlborough as a community becomes further involved in global issues that affect us all, and encourages other local towns in the county to step up to the mark.”

With the ultimate goal of equality, the foundation is a leading organisation in the global fight for ethical trade, by ensuring that farmers receive a fair and minimum price for the goods they provide. Today, their work continues, upheld by volunteers across countries

Other than buying Fairtrade products, you can also become directly involved with the Steering Group to help contribute to the promotion of Fairtrade and become a part of a growing, global movement.

Since its foundation in 1992, Fairtrade has strived to support and empower farmers in developing countries.

For information on joining the Steering Group or for any inquiries please contact, or or like the Facebook page for the latest updates! Article written by Robin Ward who has recently completed his 2 year IB course at St John’s, and is an active member of Marlborough Fairtrade Steering Group

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The New Greyhound

Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan South West in Bloom

and a chance to comment online at

The Open Day at the Town Hall on Saturday, 18 June was well attended with more than 150 local people coming through the doors to let the Steering Group have their views on the important issues shaping Marlborough, Mildenhall, Preshute and Savernake. This included feedback on housing, transport, the environment and employment. A quiz about the area was popular too and thanks go to The Marlborough who contributed the prize – a lunch for two.

All this information is now being compiled and analysed and will be used to form an evidence base for the Neighbourhood Plan which will be subject to a local referendum and, if voted through, will be a statutory document able to influence decisions on future planning applications. The MANP Roadshow was also at MantonFest on 25th June and will be moving to other venues over the next couple of months. More information

The Town Council wishes Marlborough in Bloom the very best of luck for the town’s entry into the RHS South West in Bloom competition. Lots of work went into this year’s entry and Judging Day on 19 July with huge efforts from community volunteers, businesses, traders, schools and both councils. The committee, headed up by Anne Crawley, has worked tremendously hard especially on its work around its theme of bees as seen in window displays throughout the High Street. There were even bees created by our schools - fabulous efforts by some talented pupils. The result will be announced at an awards ceremony in Somerset on 6 October. Fingers crossed too for all those community groups entering the It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme.

Karla at the Council We were delighted to welcome Karla Jackson, a Year

Comments and enquiries to the council are always welcome, you can contact us on:- Tel: 01672 512487 Email: Web:

10 student at St John’s Academy, who spent a week with us in July. She used a variety of skills in her short time with us working alongside our staff, learning about the way a small local authority works. She toured the town visiting the parks, play areas, cemeteries and other open spaces within the Town Council’s responsibilities. Karla also archived some historic documents, took photographs of the upper floors of the Town Hall and even took minutes at a meeting. Thank you for your help, Karla. We wish you well in your studies and future career.

Small Grant Scheme There are grants available at the Town Council for voluntary and community groups with projects to benefit the parish of Marlborough. Awards in the last year have included funds for Alzheimer’s Support, Greatwood Charity, The Bruce Trust, the Macular Society and more. Guidance and an application form are available to download at

and hard copies are available at the Town Council offices.

The deadline for the next round of awards is Friday, 9th September 2016.

Official news from Marlborough Town Council



Forward thinking and inclusive Golf can quite often be seen as stuffy, old fashioned and male dominated. The recent refusal of Muirfield Golf Club to admit women members did nothing to enhance that image. (Although interestingly, the members voted 64% to 36% in favour of women, just missing the two-thirds majority needed to carry the motion. It seems there will be another vote before the end of this year. EU referendum anybody?) Happily, Marlborough Golf Club is much more inclusive and forward thinking, illustrated by the fact that this year they have their first female Club Captain in the Club’s 128 year history. Trish King has been a member of the club for around thirty years, and follows in her father’s footsteps, as he was Club Captain in 1983. “I’m not the first female Club Captain in the country”, Trish says, “However, it is still fairly unusual, so I am honoured to have been chosen”. The Club Captain’s role is to be an Ambassador for the Club, get involved in fundraising, attend functions, and to encourage and support new members. “I’m very keen to encourage new members of all ages. We regularly hold Get into Golf weeks (usually in the Spring and Summer) to allow people to try it out. If people like it they can take a course of lessons and get a three month membership. We have also


been doing trial sessions for pupils at St John’s. Olympic medallist Shelley Rudman came along on one of our Get into Golf weeks, and is now a keen and regular player”. “Golf is one of those sports that you can start at any age. I started in my thirties, after having been a tennis player (although it’s true to say that most people who start when they are older wish they had started younger!)” “Marlborough has 720 members, around 70 of whom are women, so it still is a fairly male dominated club. Having said that, everyone gets on, and the members are from all ages and backgrounds. It’s a very friendly club – not at all snooty. I’ve found golf a great way to make friends; when people join, the club will always help them find suitable people to play a round with, and friendships grow from there. We also have a new members’ meeting every month.” Although the Clubhouse is at the top of a hill the course itself is fairly flat, and has beautiful surroundings. “Even if you’ve never played golf before it doesn’t take long to get out onto the course and play properly. We have a short course over the first nine holes which is great for beginners.

The great thing about golf is you can go out at any time – especially during the Summer when the days are so long. You can go out on your own if you really want to, but most people go in groups up to a max of 4.” The Club also has a thriving social scene. “We have a great bar and restaurant, which are open to the public, not just members. The Sunday Lunch has been getting more and more popular, and Yvonne our chef has been putting on themed nights every month which have been a great success – so far we’ve had Spanish, Greek, Indian and British evenings – the food has been amazing!” Trish also runs fund raising events. “The biggest one is the Captain’s Day in August. We have a competition in a set format, people make a donation on the day, and we also have a big raffle. We give out prizes at the end and then have a barbecue. This year monies raised will go to the Prospect Hospice and Club good causes” Trish’s Captaincy runs until March 2017, no doubt it will be an interesting and enjoyable year for the whole club. If you would like to find out more about Marlborough Golf Club see their website or call 01672 512147

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28-30 Calne Business Centre, Harris Road, Portemarsh Industrial Estate, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 9PT

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Middle Aged Spread Many of us approaching (or refusing to admit that we have reached) middle age carry a spare tyre or two and we are often reminded by news reports that if we do nothing about it, then terrible things may happen. I blame my spare tyres on baby weight. The only problem is that my last “baby” was born nearly thirteen years ago. He was quite large but it really shouldn’t take me that long to shed the pounds. So, what to do about it? I realised that diet alone was not the answer so, in an effort to get fit, I agreed to enter the Cancer Research Pretty Muddy. I thought that I had done well but, after having seen photos, I realised that I had a lot more hard work to do. The Pretty Muddy itself was my version of a full on Tough Mudder. Having watched colleagues do the Tough Mudder last year, I realised pretty quickly that I should stick within my limits. The Pretty Muddy, instead of being 12 miles over, quite frankly what looked like 20 foot walls and icy cold water, was 5k over and under inflatable obstacles including, much to my delight, a space hopper race. Although I didn’t run the whole way, I had huge fun. There were women of all shapes and sizes taking part, many wearing signs saying who they were running for. This always humbles me immensely and brings a tear to the eye, but it spurs me on. Whilst exercising, I am doing my bit for Cancer Research,


something which, sadly, impacts all of us. In my effort to stay fit and healthy since then, my friend and I have paired up to carry on running. Running is somewhat of a loose term, but, “softly softly catchy monkey” in the words of David Brent. We have gone from running a minute to jogging and even managing to talk a little with each other for around two miles. At the time of writing this, I am about to do the 10k Savernake Fun Run, having been pestered to enter by my son. For me, the word “fun” might not cross my thoughts until afterwards, but I am going to do it. I may not be able to run all of the way, but I am going to give it my best shot and then look for the next challenge. The last word however must go to my running partner, Sarah. She and I started this mission on equal terms, relatively unfit and with weight to shed. When I don’t want to run, she is right there

gently urging me on. Before and during the run she might not be my favourite person, but I truly value having that partnership and the amazing feeling when we have achieved something new. I realise too just how lucky we are to have such wonderful scenery and, even if Sarah drags me out in the rain and cold, the landscape across Wiltshire is truly stunning. So, on we plod, step by step. Don’t bother looking for me in the London Marathon any time soon, but maybe, just maybe, I might shed that baby weight before it hits thirteen. Fiona Kellow Fiona Kellow is a working mum of two. When she isn’t running around after her family she is a Partner at Thrings Solicitors, specialising in family law.

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Confidence through Style When Rebecca Ray decided to use her lifelong interest in fashion and style to become an Image and Style Consultant her main objective was to help others find their confidence. “Obviously, life is not all about how you look, but it’s amazing the difference that feeling confident about your look can make to feeling confident full stop. I find that many women (and men) can find themselves unsure about their own personal look – for many reasons. Perhaps you’ve just had a baby, or gained a bit of weight, or lost it – maybe you’ve never been confident in choosing the right colours and styles for you. I’m here to help”. I’ve known Rebecca for a long time, and always been an admirer of her easy, elegant style, so was really happy to go along to her studio to see what she offers. Colour analysis is a key part of image consultancy, but as I had previously had this done we concentrated on a style consultation, which helps you identify the right styles for your body shape. It takes about two hours, and gives you a really good insight into how to dress in the right style for you. “It’s not really about fashion,” says Rebecca, “It’s about identifying your strong points and enhancing them, whilst playing down the parts you may not be keen on. I find a lot of women tend to focus on what they see as their “ugly bits” without noticing what strengths they have. I’m here to help them recognise their best features”.


We decided that my strengths were my eyes, my cleavage (!), and my legs. My fondness for food means that my least favourite part is my belly – being an apple shape means that this is where excess weight tends to settle. Rebecca talked me through face shape and ideas for jewellery and hair styles to make the most of mine. If you wear specs she will also advise on the best style of frames for you. Next we looked at body shape and scale – interestingly although I am quite heavy, I have fine scale (shown by slim wrists and ankles), and although the dominant silhouette is Apple, my shoulders are slightly broader than my hips, meaning I have some features of an Inverted Triangle. “It’s quite rare that someone is completely one silhouette, most people are a combination” says Rebecca Having identified strengths and weaknesses we went on to discuss how best to deal with them. I’m a fairly confident dresser (though like everyone, I have made some spectacular mistakes in the past), but I still found a lot of what Rebecca told me really useful – down to little tips such as avoiding pockets, buttons etc around the stomach area, and avoiding

sleeves that end at my widest point. We discussed all types of clothing, from tops to skirts, dresses to trousers, not forgetting shoes and accessories. The time flew by, and I found it both relaxing and enjoyable. You talk a lot in a couple of hours, and you’re not expected to remember everything – after the consultation Rebecca prepares a personalised report detailing all the things discussed and agreed. Rebecca offers a range of services, with wardrobe makeovers and personal shopping in addition to colour and style consultations. She’s happy to work with a group, as well as individuals, and whilst based in Royal Wotton Bassett, works throughout Wiltshire. “It’s an absolute pleasure to be able to boost people’s confidence by helping them to look their best. I have had wonderful feedback from clients who have really felt that I have helped them find their confidence again”. If you’d like to find out more about what Rebecca has to offer, visit her website www., give her a call on 07981 158625 or email

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What’s On

What’s On August 2016 Bella Hardy Date: Tuesday 2 August, 8pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College Bella Hardy grew up in Edale in the Peak District but now lives in Edinburgh. Although the Hardy family sang in the local choir, it was a combination of her childhood love for ballad books and visits to local folk festivals that decided her future. At 13, she began performing at Cambridge and Sidmouth festivals and in 2004 reached the final of the BBC Young Folk Award, having taught herself to ‘fiddle sing’. Bella was named BBC Radio 2 Folk Singer of the Year 2014. Tickets £15 from, 01672 892388 or Sound Knowledge, Marlborough.

character or out, as people just cannot believe the natural resemblance to the King himself. Add the looks to his speaking and singing voice and Lee Jackson is the ultimate of Elvis impersonators. Tickets £20 from, 01672 892388 or Sound Knowledge, Marlborough.

Aldbourne Band Proms on the Green Date: Sunday 7 August, 4pm Venue: The Green, Aldbourne The perfect way to while away a Summer Sunday. Attendance free, with a collection for the band. Next date 4 September.

Lee Jackson as Elvis Date: Friday 5 August, 8pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College

Life of the River Day Date: Sunday 7 August, 2-5pm Venue: Marlborough College

Lee Jackson causes a stir wherever he goes in

Come along to the Science Department for an afternoon

of indoor and outdoor fun, see up close the fascinating wildlife of the River Kennet and find out more. River dipping, join and become an ARK member, children’s quiz, chalk stream wildlife on display. FREE More info contact, 07780 381709

Crop Circles - The Unknown Facts Date: until Sunday 14 August daily 10-4.30. Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough. Back for a second year after rave reviews last year, this exhibition which launched in 2014 at the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes returns with its display of amazing photographs and fascinating facts and theories. Discard your scepticism and prepare to be enlightened!

Aldbourne Artists Annual Exhibition Venue: Memorial Hall Aldbourne Dates: Saturday 20 August, 9am - 4pm Sunday 21 August, 11am - 4pm Twenty local artists will be exhibiting in excess of 100 framed works, and a selection of mounted paintings and cards. Entry £2

Harp Recital Date: Thursday 25 August, 7pm Venue: Merchant’s House, High St, Marlborough Join us in a celebration of the harp, in the magical setting of our 17th century Panelled Harp Recital


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What’s On between Great Bedwyn and Marlborough. The Engines are next ‘in steam’ on the dates above and, with the ‘Engineman’s Rest Café, will be open from 10.30 to 4.30 each day. We also offer ‘Steam Experience’ days. Please see our web site for opening times during non-steaming periods.

101st Aldbourne Carnival Date: 27 August - 4 September Venue: Various, Aldbourne Aldbourne’s annual carnival with events including Carnival Crowning, Car Treasure Hunt, Live Music, 5-a-side football, Bingo, Quiz leading up to Aldbourne Carnival Parade Day on 3rd September. See for more details

Summer River Walk

cChamber. Fiona Katie Roberts has been making and playing harps for more than 20 years and will be sharing her talent in what is sure to be both a memorable and unique performance. Tickets £15 (£12 MH Friends) from the Merchant’s House Shop. 01672 511491

Giffords Circus Dates: 25 August – 5 September Venue: Marlborough Common This year’s show “The Painted Wagon” has a western theme. All your usual favourites including Tweedy the Clown., 0845 4597469

Summer River Walk Date: Saturday 27 August Venue: Start from Elcot Mill Join this beautiful walk along the river from Marlborough to Axford along privately owned

reaches of the River Kennet. The walk is approximately 4.5 miles, and you can start any time between 2 and 3pm. Marshalls will be on hand to guide you, sturdy footwear essential, stiles to be negotiated. sorry no dogs. Bring a blanket for tea and homemade cakes by the river, for sale from the Shepherd’s hut opposite The Bothy, Minal. The Kennet Community Bus will be running trips back to Marlborough for those wishing to only walk one way.More info contact, 07780 381709

Crofton Beam Engines Dates: August 27-29 Venue: Crofton Pumping Station, Marlborough, SN8 3DW Come and visit the oldest working steam engines in the world still performing the job they were built to do! 200 years of history on your doorstep, situated in unspoiled countryside

Charlie’s Charity Concert Date: Saturday 3 September evening (time tbc) Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough Great music in a great cause - get the date in your diary now - details to follow.

Further Afield:Wanborough Summer Show Date: Saturday 20 August, from 12pm Venue: Church Meadow, Upper Wanborough, SN4 0BZ Children’s Show, stalls and games, Pig Roast, Horse and Dog Show, Flower and Produce Show, Beer Tent and Bar, Arena Events

Please mention Marlborough Town & Country when responding to advertisements


Community Information

Community Information These pages detail useful local numbers and community groups. If you have a group or society you would like featured here please telephone 01793 791104 or email

Local Societies and Groups Air Cadets (2293 Marlborough Squadron) Marlborough Air cadets welcome all young people aged 13-18 who are interested in Aviation and Adventure: Parade nights Tues and Fri 1900-2130 Follow us on Facebook 2293MarlboroughAirCadets Email 01672 516811 Dance Classes in Marlborough Ballroom and Latin American dance classes, and for those with no partner Dancersize sessions. Please contact Amanda on 07882-882030 or email for more info Depression Alliance The Marlborough and District SELF-HELP GROUP meets the first Tuesday of every month. If you’ve got depression, or know someone who might benefit from being part of our group, please get in touch. Call 0845 123 23 20 for location details. Stained Glass Lessons. Wed.& Thurs morning 9.30-11.30. Mon.Tues.& Wed evening 7-9. Suitable for all, learn stained glass or kiln-formed glass. Held at; Ogbourne St. George. Contact jeannette 07977 053363 or Girl Guides Meet Tuesdays during term times at Manton Village Hall 1st Marlborough Rainbows, 4.45-5.45pm, Contact 1st Marlborough Guides, 5.45-7.15pm Contact Inner Wheel Club of Marlborough and District Evening meetings on 4th Monday of every month at the Crown Hotel, The Parade Marlborough. Secretary Nita Martin 01380 730974 Jubilee Centre Day Centre (Mon, Tues and Fri) and Drop-in Centre (Wed and Thurs - Lunch served 12.30pm £5.00) for over sixties. For more information phone Carole Walkeron 01672 513087 Kennet Accordion Orchestra Meets on Monday night from 7.30pm, in Froxfield and has a wide playing base of players from Swindon through Marlborough to Newbury and encourage accordion players of all standards to join and enjoy a


varied selection of music from pop through to classics. The current Southern Area Champions and established throughout the region for its diverse repertoire. Contact Nigel Pasby A.B.C.A.(t.d.) L.B.C.A. on 07894032757 or email For more information go to Kennet Community Transport KTC runs a minibus with tail lift for people for whom normal transport is impractical. Contact the driver on 07850 356572 or Alexander Kirk Wilson on 01672 513861 Kennet Valley Driving Group RDA carriage driving for adults (16+) with physical disabilities. New volunteers and participants welcome. Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Rockley. For more info call the Secretary, Maggie Lewis, on 0846 241 5396 or email Kennet Valley National Trust Association Monthly meetings with speakers on a variety of subjects, summer outings to interesting places and social events. For more information please call Ann King (Chair) on 01380 727130 or Rhona Wilkinson (Membership Secretary) 01380 726433 Learn To Play Bridge Lessons for Absolute Beginners & Improvers Friendly club sessions also available Marlborough Area, No Partner needed Friendly relaxed atmosphere Please contact Andy Hill for further details and availability 01380 724725 Line dancing Meet every Tuesday (except August) at St John’s School, Marlborough Class runs 7-10 pm and covers beginners through to advanced Contact Tessa on 01672 520336 or Marlborough Accordion Orchestra Rehearsals on Monday in Wesley Hall Marlborough. Training Orchestra 6.30p.m. / Main Orchestra 7.30 p.m. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. M.D. David Watson. Contact 01672 512634 Marlborough and District Link Scheme Marlborough Link is a charity dedicated to assisting the disadvantaged members of our community, whether because of age, physical or mental disability, poverty or absence of public transport.If you need us, or if you would like to help please telephone 01672 288007. Marlborough Brandt Group MBG is best known for its 30 year link with and support for the Muslim community of Gunjur in The Gambia, West Africa. If you are interested in becoming a friend, volunteering or visiting Gunjur for an extraordinary experience please contact us 01672861116, or or visit

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w society wanborough sho ts presen

Saturday 20th August Church Meadow, Upper Wanborough

Family Day Full of Fun & Games Children’s Show // Stalls & Games // Pig Roast Horse & Dog Show // Flower & Produce Show Beer Tent & Bar // Interesting Vehicles Arena Events // Carnival “For Community & Local Heritage”

Community Information Marlborough Choral Society Rehearses every Monday 7.45 to 9.30pm in Christchurch, New Rd, Marlborough. New members welcome, for more information Tel 01672 870765 Marlborough Concert Orchestra Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evening at Christ Church, New Road, Marlborough, 7.30 pm Anyone wishing to join is invited to make contact with the orchestra through the website Marlborough Gardening Association Welcomes anyone with an interest in gardening. Meetings or visits most months throughout the year. For more information call Tricia Hayllar on 01672 512435, Marlborough & District Farming Club Meets every third Thursday of the month, September through to June, with a Ploughman’s Supper and a varied programme of interest to members. Meetings in Oare Village Hall 7.30 pm and four times in the winter at All Cannings. Open to anyone interested in country life Secretary Richard Strong 01672 563371 email Marlborough and District Concert Club Marlborough and District Concert Club was founded in 1980 in order to take advantage of some of the many first-class professional musical events available within coach distance of Marlborough. We arrange visits to concerts in Basingstoke, Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Southampton and Reading and occasionally London and Birmingham. We normally go to 11 concerts each year: orchestral, chamber music, recitals and opera. For more information call Tom Massey, 01672 516610. Marlborough and District Dyslexia Association The MDDA is a small, independent charity which has for the last 22 years supported local schools, hundreds of dyslexics and their families. Helpline 07729452143, website Marlborough and District Rotary Club Rotary is an International Organisation of professional and business people who meet every week for fellowship and service. Meetings every Monday evening at Marlborough Golf Club. For more information visit Marlborough Bowls Club Tel: 07747 833436 Secretary Mrs A. Watts 01672 511335 Outdoor season April - October. New members always welcome, coaching and advice available Monthly networking breakfasts, see for more info. Marlborough & District Lions Lions serve the local community by organising events to raise funds for local and national deserving causes. If you would like to join or need support please ring John Edmunds 01672 512650 or Karen Hilditch 01672 513282


Marlborough Floral Club. Please come and join us....we meet at 2pm the first Thursday of each month at Mildenhall Village Hall. Guest demonstrators, and the arrangements are raffled at the end of the meeting. For more info please call Wendy Jordan on 01672 520129. Marlborough Freemasons Meet once a month in the Masonic Hall in Oxford Street. Far from the myth of being a “secret” organisation, members are openly proud of their membership, and of the work that the Lodge does to support local organisations and charities. More details from Secretary Steve Aubertin on 01672 513316 or e-mail him Marlborough History Society Founded in 2001 the Society celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2011. Meetings are held at St. Peter’s at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of most months. New members are always welcome. For more information call 01672 519338. Web site: Marlborough Macular Support Group Meet on the last Thursday of every month from 1.30 to 3.30 pm in the Wesley Hall, Oxford Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AP. The meetings are open to anyone with impaired vision. Carers are welcome too. For further details please contact Linda Chapman 01672 512471 Marlborough Penguins Amateur Swimming Club. Swimming teaching/training for ages 5years to Masters. Tues/Thurs/Sun at Marlborough Leisure Centre. Please contact Alan Crook 01672 512757 for details. Marlborough Police Station Enquiry Office is now only open Tues 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315), Weds 0900 - 1230 and Thurs 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315). Please call in to check if your lost property has been handed in, as well as report crime, traffic collisions, produce driving documents, and much more. Marlborough Tennis Club Based at Preshute Tennis Courts.New members welcome for social and league play. Coaching for children and adults. Contact Barbara Jones 516635 Marlborough WI Meetings take place on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Wesley Hall, Oxford St from 7.30-9.30. New members very welcome. For further details call 01672 514177 Mildenhall Gardening Club - New, very informal and friendly group, currently meeting at the Horsehoe in Mildenhall on the 3rd Wednesday every month at 7.30pm. For more information contact Milly on 07876 230 540 or

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Opening officially in August 2016, Savernake View enjoys an elevated position in the delightful and vibrant market town of Marlborough. An empathetic and compassionate care home where residents can enjoy life as their need for care increases, we offer 24-hour short and long-term nursing and residential care for the elderly, as well as those living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. We are proud to be described as running the best care homes in the country. If you are seeking care for yourself or a parent, friend or relative, you can be confident in our experience and expertise.




Savernake View Care Home Priory Court, Salisbury Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4FE (Sat Navs: SN8 4AB)



Community Information Phoenix Brass Band Rehearsals twice weekly in Froxfield. Training Band on Saturday mornings. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. Contact Musical Director David Watson 01672 515176 Pilates classes Pilates classes for all levels around the Marlborough area. Please contact Caroline McCord on 01672 511360 or 07817503546 or Angie Sanders - Classes are held in Aldbourne. 1:1 tuition available, or 01672 540176 Pottery Lessons Adults:Mon.7-9pm, or Thurs.7-9pm Children’s: Wed. 3.45-5.15. Beginners and more experienced welcome. At Wagon Yard Artists, off London Rd, Marlb. Contact Jacqui 07773 271572 or Sarsen Songmen A small male voice choir rehearsing in Aldbourne (1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays 7.30 pm), wide repertoire including Barbershop, occasional performances in the local area. New members welcome: contact MichaelReynolds on 01672-511199. Savernake Badminton Club Savernake Badminton Club is a small friendly club that is long established and affiliated to Badminton England. We meet on Tuesday evenings between 7.00 and 9.00pm at the Sports Hall at St John’s School, Granham Hill, Marlborough. For further details telephone Roy Turner on 01672 810208 or Barbara Jones on 01672 516635 School of Tae Kwon Do (P.U.M.A.) Classes are held at Marlborough Leisure Centre on Tuesday evening (7 - 8 pm), and Friday evening (6 -7 pm), and are suitable for all ages from 7 years upward. Please phone John or Carol on 01793 850410 / 07799 566805 for further information. Scottish Country Dancing Manton Village Hall - Wednesday evenings Beginner session followed by more experienced dancers.Contact Jennifer Parker 01672 515151 St Peter’s Church Marlborough A redundant church now managed by a Trust, featuring a Coffee Shop and a Craft Shop. The church is open daily 10 am - 5 pm, except Saturdays when it opens at 9 am, and on Sundays from March to December 11 am - 4pm The church is available for hire for exhibitions, meetings, lectures and concerts. For bookings please contact David Du Croz on 01672511725 or email at T’ai Chi at Burbage Tai Chi is an excellent exercise designed to strengthen the back and improve the general well-being of the practitioner. In particular it is of great benefit to older people. Open to men and women aged 55 and over. New members and beginners are most welcome.


Sessions every Thursday, 10-11 am in Burbage Village Hall More details 01672 811711. The Friends of Savernake Hospital and the Community – A local charity helping people with health-related issues both at Savernake Hospital and in the Marlborough Community Area by providing grants of up to GBP10,000. For information on applying for a grant or on becoming a volunteer at the Friends’ Shop at Savernake Hospital, visit the Friends’ website at or contact the Friends’ Chairman, Janet Louth, on 01672 513868. The Merchant’s House This historic 17th century silk-merchant’s house at 132 High Street is being refurbished by a charitable trust. Regular lectures and concerts are held and there are opportunities for local people to work as volunteers or house guides. The House and garden are open to visitors from 1st of April to the end of October on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10.30am-3pm and by appointment at other times. Become a ‘Friend’ and enjoy enhanced membership benefits. For more information contact Sophie Costard 01672 511491 Web site: Transition Marlborough aims to inspire and motivate people to work together, and support each other, in reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, building a stronger sense of community and so increasing our communities’ resilience. This will strengthen the local economy to create livelihoods for local people and provide a greater level of wellbeing for all. Our Hub group meets on the second Thursday of the month, usually at the Green Dragon, at 7:30pm. Do join us. For more information, contact Alexandra on 07771 347 379 email, University of the Third Age U3A provides learning and leisure opportunities in the Marlborough Area for those who are retired or semi-retired. For information on interest groups and membership call Sarah Foxall on 01264 850316 or visit Watercolour Painting Classes Classes on Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm and Tuesdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm With professional artist Colin Palmer at his studio in central Marlborough. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. Call Colin on 07835 039 812 or for more details. Yoga classes for all abilities. Enjoyable Yoga classes in and around the Marlborough area. Please contact Lizzy Hawnt on 01672 841553, 07821 396 430 or e-mail Yoga for Men Tuesday evenings 7.30pm -9.15pm for all abilities including beginners at Minal Village Hall,

To advertise please call 01793 791104 or email:

Community Information Mildenhall Please contact Jonathan Heath on 01672 513738 e.mail:

call 07855 026083. Alternatively do look at our website at

Aldbourne Village Green A voluntary organisation managing a community orchard and running a twice yearly market for local bakers, makers and growers on the Green. New volunteers and traders welcome. For details contact Lesley on 01672 540180

Manton Preschool. Based in the heart of the beautiful village of Manton - our well-established friendly Preschool provides exemplary education for 2-5 year olds. We are a “Good” Ofsted setting providing Rising Fives sessions as well as healthy snacks, crafts, singing, story time, French, outdoor play and much more. For more details, please ring 01672 516675.

Parents & Toddlers

Chilton Chicks Toddler Group Join us for a variety of crafts, toys, snacks, a cuppa and a chat. New faces are always welcome. Mondays 9.30-11.30am in the Chilton Foliat Village Hall (Next to the Wheatsheaf pub). Adults £1, Toddlers £1 & under 6 months are free. Call Liz on 01488 684526 for further details. Creepy Crawlers meet Fridays 10 – 11.30am at the Scout Hut, Marlborough Tel: 01672 811495 The Corner House Children’s Centre offering information, support, advice and activity sessions to families with children 0-5 in Marlborough and the community area. George Lane Car Park Tel 01672 513010 Great Bedwyn Playgroup Ofsted Outstanding Playgroup for 2 to five year olds, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during term-time. Toddler group for 0 - 5 years olds, every Wednesday during term-time. Sessions include crafts, snack, story and music time, and outside play area. Great Bedwyn Village Hall, Frog Lane, Great Bedwyn, near Marlborough SN8 3PB Tel. 01672 870 179 or visit Home-Start Calling all volunteer parents....Could you help make a difference for young families? Many parents need help, friendship, advice or support during those early years when children are young. Your experience as a parent can help others. For more details contact Home-Start Kennet 01672 569457 Junipers Creative and sensory play for babies to preschoolers. 01672 890829, Little Dabchicks Parent and Under 4’s group, meets Thursday mornings 9.30 - 11.30 Term time.In the Aldbourne Methodist Hall, Lottage Road Zoe - 01672 540439 Little Dragons Pre School Ogbourne St George Village Hall All children aged 2 - 5 years welcome at our well established pre-school held in a quiet village setting in Ogbourne St George. It is a warm, friendly environment where we are open Monday to Friday for mornings 9.05am to 12.05pm or 1.05pm (if staying for lunch) and all day Wednesdays until 3.05pm.For more information email or


Marlborough and District NCT We have an active group in Marlborough, with courses, events and ‘Bumps and Babes’ cafes. The cafes are an opportunity to meet other parents, grandparents and parents-to-be for a coffee and a chat. For more information contact or go to Ramsbury Parent and Toddlers meets Wednesdays 10 – 12 in the Memorial Hall Tel: 01672 520961 Sunflowers at Grafton is a Nursery & Pre school for children aged 0-5 situated in beautiful East Grafton. Open from 8am-6pm, 51 weeks each year, morning & afternoon sessions are available. Sunflowers is community run on a not-for-profit basis. For more information see or call 01672 810478


Ramsbury Surgery Tel:01672 520366 The Marlborough Surgery Tel: 01672 512187 Wiltshire Out of Hours Service Tel: 0300 111 5717


Herongate Leisure 01488 682000 Marlborough Leisure Centre 01672 513161

Local Government

Marlborough Town Council 01672 512487. See for full details of council meetings Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100


Ogbourne St. George & St. Andrew C of E Controlled Primary School Tel: 01672 841318 St Michael’s CE Aided School, Back Lane, Tel: 01672 540434 Ramsbury Primary School Back Lane, Tel: 01672 520244 St Mary’s Infant School Tel: 01672 513101 St Peter’s Junior School Tel: 01672 513158 Preshute Primary School Tel: 01672 512754 St John’s School and Community College Tel: 01672 516156 Stepping Stones Pre-Prep School Tel: 01488 681 067

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The Avenue Day Nurseries 3 Months - 5 Years 58 Places 08:00 - 18:00 Ofsted Registered Holiday Club Breakfast Club After-School Club

Marlborough - Town Centre


2 - 5 Years 16 Places 08:00 - 18:00 Ofsted Registered

Savernake 01672 870790 Marlborough 01672 519009

Local News

Join in the Big Town Read

The seventh annual Marlborough LitFest aims to celebrate the best in good writing, whether from established best-selling authors or new emerging writers.

Back by popular demand for another year, Marlborough LitFest in partnership with The Reading Agency is challenging local book groups to another ‘Big Town Read’ over the summer months. Following in the successful footsteps of previous LitFest Big Town Read authors, Sathnam Sanghera, Jackie Kay and Rachel Joyce, this year local book groups were asked for their input into choosing the 2016 author. Elizabeth Buchan was eventually chosen from a shortlist as her latest novel I Can’t Begin to Tell You also appears on this year’s World Book Night list (an annual event run by The Reading Agency in April). Marlborough LitFest and The Reading Agency with the support of local libraries are encouraging local book groups and individuals to read Elizabeth’s book in advance of her appearance at the LitFest in October so that the audience can discuss it in a Q&A session with her. Elizabeth will be appearing at the LitFest on Sunday 2 October at 4.15pm. Free copies of the novel will be available from Marlborough Library during the summer; in previous years, readers have returned their copies to the Library for others to read after them. I Can’t Begin to Tell You, the latest novel by Elizabeth Buchan, is set in wartime Europe involving a heroine


drawn into I Can’t Begin to Tell You, the latest novel a covert world of by Elizabeth Buchan, is set in wartime resistance Europe involving a heroine drawn into a with the covert world of resistance with the British British Intelligence Intelligence and London’s code breakers. and London’s code breakers. As well as novels, Elizabeth’s short stories have been broadcast on Radio 4; she regularly reviews for the Sunday Times and Daily Mail, has chaired literary prizes as well as being a judge on the Costa Book Awards. The 2016 programme has something for everyone, with over 30 events during the festival weekend offering fiction and non-fiction authors, as well as children’s and poetry events, creative writing workshops and a special Shakespeare celebration, all taking place in the historic market town of Marlborough. Marlborough LitFest runs from 30 September to 2 October 2016. Tickets and programme catalogues are available from The White Horse Bookshop, Marlborough High Street, or Pound Arts Tel: 01249 701628 / 01249 712618 ( For further festival information, visit The Marlborough LitFest committee would like to

thank its Founder Sponsor ALCS Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society, lead sponsor Brewin Dolphin and events sponsors Hiscox Insurance, and Duncan Morris Solicitors for their continued support.

To advertise please call 01793 791104 or email:

marlborough literature festival 30 september – 2 october 2016

Registered Charity No. 1149252


Lionel Shriver Michael Morpurgo Simon Russell Beale Peter James Jessie Burton + many more

box office 01249 701628



Brexit and Employment By any measure it has been an interesting last few weeks in the UK. This article is apolitical, but irrespective of any political stance it is a fact that many rights at work we currently benefit from stem, in some form or other, from the EU, with compliance being ensured by the European Court of Justice. The trade arrangement the UK negotiates with the EU will dictate what legal ‘harmonisation’ between the parties shall remain as of necessity, and the below merely illustrates some of the more important and vulnerable employment rights.

a bête noire and under a constant trickle of criticism. Following exit from the EU it will likely be ‘watered down’ in some form, if not repealed.

The notable rights which now face an uncertain future include: health and safety, working time, discrimination, and agency workers. In recent years the protection afforded by Health and Safety legislation has already been eroded under the banner of ‘cutting red tape’ and stifling business. Without the EU acting as a back stop it seems highly likely that this process will continue, the limits to which this will occur probably being driven by the economic environment in which the UK government finds itself, or expects to find itself, in the coming months and years. The Agency Worker regulations were bitterly opposed by many businesses when they came into force in 2011. They were implementing the EU Agency


Workers Directive 2008/104/ EC. In essence they gave agency workers similar employment rights to other workers, something that had been notably lacking before. Given the acrimonious and recent birth of these rights it is questionable if they shall remain in their current form. The Working Time Regulations stipulate minimum for rest breaks, daily rest, weekly rest and the maximum average working week for workers. Again, they were heavily opposed at the time (by the then Opposition Conservative Party) and were implemented two years late. It remains

Notionally the EU could affect discrimination laws, however, the UK has a history of legislating in this area that predates relevant EU directives. Also, a rolling back of discrimination laws would be completely unacceptable to the majority of us. It should be pointed out that the UK government has often gold plated EU directives, for example the EU required 20 days’ paid holiday be given but the UK gave 28 days entitlement. That said, Mr Cameron’s government had been driving to reduce ‘red tape’ from businesses over the last 6 years and in many cases ‘red tape’ has meant employment rights. This trend seems not only likely to continue but to be accelerated by the move towards Brexit, what guise this shall take remains speculative. Alex Atkins, DGR Law

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Local News

Industrial history in the depths of the countryside Looking for something to do with the kids over the Summer Holidays? A trip to Crofton Beam Engines and the surrounding area makes for a fantastic day out. A top rated attraction on Trip Advisor, the engines still do the job that they were built for 200 years ago. Designed to supply water to the highest point of the Kennet & Avon canal, where it runs through Savernake Forest, Crofton Beam Engines represent an installation which has major, international significance for industrial archaeology. They illustrate directly the development of motive power and canal transport, both important elements of the industrial revolution which laid the foundation stone of the developed world we know today. The whole site is run by a team of dedicated volunteers, keen to preserve this wonderful part of our industrial heritage for present and future generations. The team work hard to maintain the pumping station and engines in the condition that existed when first in use. Both engines and the engine house have Grade 1 Listed status in recognition of their historical significance. Although fascinating to visit at any time, perhaps the best time is during the weekends when the engines are in steam, working to pump the water up to the top of the canal. The place really comes to life with the hand-stoked Lancashire boiler in operation, 6 and 4 tonne oscillating beams and tonnes of water cascading into the canal. In September there is a Steam Gala, with even more activities going on. Once you’ve explored the pumping station, why not pop in to the Engineman’s Rest Café on site. Reviewers on Trip Advisor rave about the delicious food and the warm welcome. Whether you want to indulge in one of their selection of home-made cakes, or have something more substantial for lunch you’ll find something to enjoy. All are served either indoors or out in a lovely historical setting. During

steaming weekends there is a BBQ (weather permitting) alongside a pop up Pub in the Old Smithy serving locally brewed ales, stouts and ciders, served by our resident Landlord. If you are looking for even more to do, there are wonderful scenic walks in the area, and Wilton Windmill is also close by. The site is open every day (except Wednesday) from 10.30am – 4.30pm. Standard tickets on steaming days allow you unlimited entry to the pumping station, static or in-steam, for 12 months. Accompanied children under 16 are always free.

is now open

EVERY DAY (but Wednesday) 10.30am - 4.30pm




in the beautiful historical grounds OF CROFTON BEAM ENGINES overlooking the kennet and avon canal

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23/03/2016 09:28

Beautifully Hand Sewn Made to Measure Upholstery Service Telephone / Fax: 01672 541 263 Upham Farm, Upper Upham Aldbourne, Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 2LG Email:

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P lanted! So, you go to the garden centre, get wooed by the sight of a row of Delphiniums (substitute for any other plant as appropriate…), empty your wallet at the till on the way out, carefully manouevre their six feet of magnificence into your car boot and then proudly carry them into your garden. What follows next is either the beginning of the end of your grand investment or the start of an enduring relationship with this jewel of the herbaceous border. Your Delphiniums’ destiny rests entirely on what happens in the pot-to-ground transfer, normally referred to as PLANTING… I only mention this as I have recently had to carry out some on the job training with my father-in-law, who I’ve caught on numerous occasions just PLONKING plants in the ground (I can’t think of a better word to describe it) as opposed to planting! This only came to light after I discovered some of his previous ‘plonkings’ had started to exhibit signs of stress and were on the verge of giving up the ghost, until I gave them the gardening kiss of life. Now, don’t get me wrong here – this is a man who loves his garden dearly and would never knowingly harm any plant (squirrels are a different matter!)

I actually still get a cheap thrill when asked for advice and I’m sure other seasoned gardeners feel the same way, so (as long as I’m not off-duty on the golf course) ask away…


but, unfortunately, the letters RHS are not amongst the other immensely worthy letters that appear after his name. He is a master of the arts of weeding, pruning and preening, so if I can wean him off the plonking then maybe he will be able to graduate from the Wild Academy of Gardening and he can add the all important letters WAG to his CV. Creating the right environment for any new plant is a must (time for a new EU directive if we’re still in?!) and is dead easy as long as you follow a few basic rules. Firstly, make sure you are choosing the right plant for the right place – all plants are labelled now but, if you are still unsure, ASK someone. I actually still get a cheap thrill when asked for advice and I’m sure other seasoned gardeners feel the same way, so (as long as I’m not off-duty on the golf course) ask away… Next, the more technical and critical bit - planting as opposed to plonking. The easiest option is to grab a spade, scrape a shallow depression in the ground, tip the plant out of the pot and plonk it in said depression - with a cursory mounding of soil around the doomed plant to cover up the

crime! Correct planting actually needs a bit of forethought – in fact, if you can do most of this BEFORE you go and spend next month’s mortgage at the garden centre, it might save you a lot of cash and stress. So, identify where you are going to put any new plants and EXCAVATE the planting pits; aim for at least twice the size of the root ball. Break up the soil in the hole and add some balanced fertliser to help it settle in. Water the hole before you start planting, tip the plant out of its pot and tease the roots out a tad, then place the plant in the hole. The plant should sit slightly lower in the hole than it did in its pot; do not plant it so it is proud of the soil surface; that, without meaning to be rude, is what plonkers do! Finally, finish off with another good soaking and, if necessary, stake it. This is another of my bugbears; there’s nothing worse than a flopper – but that’s another story! Disclaimer: Any connection between any person living or dead (and related to me!) and the terminology in this article is entirely unintentional and a damned lie!

Jonathan Wild

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Vet’s Column

Should you have a pet? We have been asked recently what makes a responsible owner, and though the full answer is beyond the scope of this column, and open to much debate, I thought I would highlight a few areas. Owning any animal, from a stick insect to a horse, takes some degree of responsibility, and thus should never be under taken lightly. Owning a pet means you are responsible for their welfare for their entire lives. Do you have the time, space and the finances to care for a new member of the family who is completely dependent on you for their needs? Have you researched what their needs will be as they get older, and how long they will be around for? Cats and dogs like us live longer than they used to, we have several cats on our books that are in their late teens and early twenties. Clearly there is a huge difference between being responsible for a mouse versus a dog, but the same thought process must apply to both. Broadly speaking this means that both the physical health and mental wellbeing of each pet needs to be thought through carefully. The Animal Welfare act of 2007 means that the owner of a pet is legally responsible for the welfare needs of their animal. This briefly includes the need for a suitable place to live


A bored or stressed animal often manifests in destructive behaviour, either of their surroundings or themselves. with a suitable diet where they can exhibit normal behaviours, also the right for animals to be housed with or without others as appropriate and to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease. The physical health is usually straightforward in a young animal. Are they bright and happy, eating and playful? There are preventative treatments that can be carried out, in the form of vaccination, worming, teeth cleaning and grooming which can stop diseases from occurring. These combined with prompt veterinary attention when your animal becomes unwell, all display a responsible level of care for their physical health.

Touching on mental welfare briefly, are your pet’s needs being met? Are they being mentally stimulated on a daily basis, either on their daily walks, in their feeding methods or at times of play? A bored or stressed animal often manifests in destructive behaviour, either of their surroundings or themselves. The RSPCA website has some good basic tips on many animals’ needs if you are thinking about getting a pet. Owning any pet can be extremely rewarding but like anything that is worth having can involve a lot of time and effort. Always remember if you have any concerns about your pet, please contact your vet.

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Drove, Your Very Local Vet

Trusted care for your pet here in Marlborough

Meet the ! Team Why Choose Us?

 Local care in Marlborough with back up from 24/7 Drove Hospital in Swindon  Full hospital care for more detailed investigations  Pet Health Club scheme that rewards your loyalty and spreads the cost  Lab and surgical facilities on site

Marlborough Veterinary Surgery 51 London Road | Marlborough | Wiltshire | SN8 2AJ Tel: 01672 512043 Fax: 01672 514746 Email:

Useful Telephone Numbers

BT Fault Line 0800 800151 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0844 375 2775 Electricity Emergencies 0800 072 7282 Environment Agency Pollution Hotline 0800 80 70 60 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999 Marlborough College 01672 892200 Marlborough Leisure Centre 01672 513161 Marlborough Parking Office 01672 511818 Marlborough Town Hall 01672 512487 Marlborough & District HA 01672 512163 National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Parentline 0808 800 2222 Quitline 0800 002200 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Water (Thames) 0845 920 0800 Water (Wessex) 0845 600 4600 Wiltshire Police 101


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