Issue 93 . January 2016
People Anna Forbes ARK
Features Don’t hibernate What day is it?
News Marlborough Town Council
What’s On In and around Marlborough
Information Community groups Local Businesses
Editor’s Letter New Year resolve…
New Year resolutions, what is it that makes them so difficult to keep? In my case perhaps it’s that I always tend to make ones that are hard, involving giving something up – lose weight, drink less etc I tend to focus on what I’m missing out on, (chocolate, wine), rather than what I might gain (slim new me, healthier liver!) January is such a miserable month that it’s difficult to deprive myself of the comforts of life, so I tend to fail, making myself even more miserable. This year, I am going to leave those goals to a more favourable time, and make a resolution to learn something new instead. This shouldn’t be a problem, as there are lots of opportunities to take up new hobbies, I could start with St John’s school’s evening courses - maybe digital photography or floral art; or I could join a choir – both the Rock and community choirs have taster evenings in January; maybe I could learn to cook more nutritious and healthy food (thus helping one of my old style resolutions) with Lovefood; learn a new activity, maybe go along to Movida Zumba in Marlborough. These are just the ones that pop into my head – a quick glance in the community info throws up a few more ideas:- volunteering for Merchant’s House, line dancing, learn to play bridge, make stained glass, join the gardening association or play an instrument, learn to arrange flowers – the opportunities are endless it seems. I figure I’ll have much more chance of keeping this resolution, as it will be fun! (If anyone knows of a way to make losing weight fun, please let me know) Happy New Year to all of you, hope you make and keep some fun resolutions. See you next month,
Editor Contact us: Andrea Jerome Address: Ivydene, High St, Wanborough, SN4 0AD Tel: 01793 791104 Mob: 07836 580699 Email: All copy for February 16 issue is due by 8 January 2016 Cover Photo: Children sledging by Chris Parnell, Wanborough.
Contents 3 6 10 13 16
Intro Anna Forbes Friends of Savernake Greyhound January hibernation
18 What day is it? 20 What’s On 24 Community Info 32 Gardening 36 Legal
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Anna Forbes Anna Forbes is Project Officer and Volunteer Co-ordinator for ARK (Action for the River Kennet). She lives in Marlborough with her son Harry, 17, and a small menagerie of pets (1 rabbit, 2 guinea pigs, 2 chickens and 2 fish!) Are you from Marlborough? Yes, I was born and brought up in Marlborough, and have lived here all my life apart from a brief period in Stratford on Avon. How long have you worked for ARK? I started as a volunteer about eight years ago, but have actually worked for them since about three years ago. I started off one day a week, and will soon be going up to four days from the three I do now. What does your role involve? I co-ordinate and lead the volunteers activities. When I first started with ARK eight years ago there were very few volunteers, but now there are over a hundred who devote varying amounts of time helping ARK with a huge variety work. I organise the practical restoration and conservation tasks and projects to make the best use of everyone on, in and by the river. Be it down at Stonebridge Wild River Reserve, this year a big project there has been the wetland or elsewhere along the Kennet for instance the recent improvement work on the stretch of river behind Waitrose car park. I’m also
responsible for applying for grants to help fund the projects where relevant. I also spend time carrying out and overseeing important survey work, for example water vole surveying. Another part of my work is organising events such as the regular river walks we run, sometimes open to the public and sometimes just for members of ARK. As well as working for ARK, I organise some events on a voluntary basis, for instance our Moth and Bat nights, which are really enjoyable, and attended by a wide variety of people. What sort of people volunteer for ARK? All sorts! We have a huge variety of ages and backgrounds – from retired people who have maybe worked in an office all their lives and relish the chance to get outdoors, pull on some waders and get in the river; to students from the local school who choose to help out as part of their Duke of Edinburgh award or their enrichment activities. It’s a great opportunity to do something useful and at the
same time meet and get to know people that you wouldn’t otherwise come into contact with. What sort of work do they do? A plethora of things. Even if you’ve never set foot near a river, there are always things to help with such as restoration work, hedge planting etc and lots to learn. We have volunteers trained in riverfly monitoring, and redd spotting (redds are the nests of brown trout) - both activities give valuable data that helps monitor the health of the river, and can flag up problems that occur, such as the pollution incident we had in 2013. Others have been trained in water vole surveying – we are very lucky in Marlborough to have a good population of this endangered species. Are you looking for more volunteers? The more the merrier, this year volunteers have given us over 3000 hours of their time! Did you need any specific qualification to do your job? Lots of people assume I have a degree or other qualification, but all my knowledge has
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People been picked up through experience. I have had a lifelong passion for wildlife and have learnt a lot along the way, gaining knowledge and skills and often working with highly experienced experts. I have had training in various aspects of the work that I do, I am an accredited tutor in riverfly monitoring, various wildlife surveying etc. We regularly have university students that come to spend some time with us, and they have often commented that they learn a lot through hands on experience. What do you enjoy most about your job? That’s a very difficult question, as I love most, if not all of it! I would find it hard to choose between the practical restoration, and the activities involving engaging children. I love working with the children because it does have a real impact on their education and it is a real pleasure to see them appreciating how lucky we are to have a chalk stream running through the town. One of my favourite parts of the River is Stonebridge – it is enjoyed by a huge number of people, and is a fantastic reserve for wildlife, we are so lucky to have it. With ARK creating the wetland area recently it is possible to observe the difference between creatures that live in a still body of water versus a flowing chalk stream. Anything you dislike? Not really, if anything there is some bureaucracy dealing with some external bodies that can be tiresome. What did you do before working for ARK? Most of my time was spent home educating my son, he didn’t go to conventional school until he was 16.
That was a big undertaking, what prompted you to do that? He has always been very bright, and I felt that he would be held back and bored at school. I think I had a natural inclination towards home schooling and I felt it would suit him. What do you think the advantages were? Home schooling is very flexible – there is no set curriculum that has to be followed. This meant we could work at Harry’s own pace, using the things that interested him to learn. There are no time constraints either, so for instance when he was very young he always used to wake up very early, and there was nothing to stop us doing lessons then if we wanted to. He’s always been very motivated and driven to learn, and being able to follow what he was interested in helped. It’s certainly worked well for him as he succeeded in gaining 8 IGCSEs and 2 GCSEs (8 A*s and 2 As), four one year and six the following year. Do you think he missed out on anything by not going to school? Not really, I think it suited his personality. People often ask if he missed out on mixing with other children, but he still spent time with others. He also mixed with a wide range of ages, and is as comfortable in a room full of older people as he is his peers. If he had ever asked to go to school, then I would have been happy for him to go. He wanted to go to St John’s for sixth form, and he is having a great time there, and has fitted in really well both socially and academically. He’s off to university next year, and has ambitions to go into politics eventually.
Do you think you missed out on anything? Not at all, although I suppose if he hadn’t done so well many people would have blamed the home schooling, so I did feel a certain amount of pressure to make sure he did well and was happy – but most parents feel that anyway. It was a bit strange to be going to his first parents’ evening when he was already taller than me though. Do you think it will be harder for you when he goes to university? Not really. Obviously I will miss him, but as I tell him, in some ways it will be nice to have a bit of peace! What do you get up to in your spare time? Because it’s my passion, I spend a lot of time doing ARK stuff in a voluntary capacity too! For instance last weekend I was organising the redd spotting – sorting out the volunteers and arranging for permissions from land owners. I like to go walking, we’re lucky in Marlborough that you can go off in various directions and have a great walk. I also enjoy photography – of wildlife naturally! When I can I like to catch up with family, both my brother and sister live some distance away, so it’s good when we get chance to meet up. I also like to go abroad on holidays – I’ve only recently got over a fear of flying, so I’m making up for lost time! If you would like to find out more about ARK, visit If you are interested in volunteering contact Anna at
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Grants available for groups supporting health and well-being in the community Are you a local voluntary organisation, charity or healthcare provider helping people manage ill-health or disability? Are you looking for financial support to help purchase health-related equipment, for a health-related project or ongoing costs? If so, why not consider contacting the Friends of Savernake Hospital and the Community (the Friends) for a grant? The Friends are proud of their long history of charitable giving. In the last five years alone they have given over £100,000 in the form of grants to enhance the quality of life of people in the community affected by ill-health and disability, and to support and improve the medical facilities and care of patients at Savernake Hospital and other local healthcare facilities. Recent grant beneficiaries include the Jubilee Centre in Marlborough High Street, Great Bedwyn Surgery, Cheque presentation to Brighter Futures for its Radiotherapy Swift Medics, Appeal Hope for Tomorrow’s mobile chemotherapy unit, the local Link schemes and various departments at Savernake Hospital. This is in addition to the high profile support given to Prospect Hospice for its new outpatient centre in Savernake Hospital and to Brighter Futures for its radiotherapy appeal. If your organisation would like to apply for health-related financial support from the Friends, please read the guidelines on the Grants page of our website (see below) which sets out details of what we support and how to apply.
Grant recipients – their stories The Jubilee Centre The Jubilee Centre, in Marlborough, provides both a day centre for those who might otherwise be isolated by physical
disablement, sickness and age, as well as a drop in centre for the over sixties. Last year the Friends made a grant to the Jubilee Centre to help cover transport and associated costs in taking members on social outings. Centre Manager, Carole Walker explained: “The day trips provide stimulation for members who, without the volunteers’ support, might never or only rarely leave their homes. The fear of falling means many only feel safe outside the home when accompanied. Trips contribute to mental well-being, giving the chance to notice the changing seasons, have companionship, something to look forward to and give a welcome change of environment.” Great Bedwyn Surgery Recently the Friends provided a grant to Great Bedwyn Surgery to assist with funding the operational costs Jubilee Centre out ing of an innovative piece - Millets Farm of equipment which allows GPs to determine, by way of a simple skin prick test, whether a patient should be prescribed antibiotics. As Practice Manager Keith Marshall commented, “The public will have seen much in the press recently about the over-prescribing of antibiotics. This piece of equipment with a simple finger prick test can give the GP a definitive answer as to whether the prescribing of antibiotics is likely to be effective, and in the longer term reduce prescribing costs. “We are very grateful to the Friends for their help and support with this grant.” If you are a local charity, voluntary group or other body helping to improve the lives of those suffering from health issues and disabilities and are seeking funding, the Friends would be delighted to consider your grant application.
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The New Greyhound
Citizen of the Year 2015
Christmas in the Air
This year’s successful Christmas Lights event on Friday, 20th November was brought together through real collaborative effort with the Town Council, Rotary, Lions, Wiltshire Council, the Showmen’s Guild, our Neighbourhood Policing Team and retailers all playing their part. A Christmas Market lined the centre of the High Street linking up to a children’s funfair and there was late night shopping. We were entertained with fantastic performances from the St John’s Jazz Band, Marlborough Academy of Dance and Drama and the Community Choir. It was made all the more memorably festive with special guests Scouting for Girls performing their new single – Christmas in the Air. The band helped our Mayor officiate during her presentation to our Citizen of the Year before the countdown to the Lights Switch-on. The band has used the town as the backdrop for its video for the Christmas single, now climbing the charts - Marlborough is clearly a contender for the Number 1 slot! This can be viewed on our website at
Have a look and see what and who you can recognise.
Former Mayoress, Mrs Jenny Smithers, is Marlborough’s Citizen of the Year. From a racing background, Jenny was born in Rockley and has lived in the Marlborough area all her life spending a huge amount of her time volunteering to help those less fortunate than herself. From an early age and alongside raising her family and supporting her husband, Derek, as Town Mayor, she volunteered to help those with physical and learning difficulties. Most of us will know her for the non-stop work she has done for the last 20 years supporting Mencap in the roles of both Chair and Secretary. She’s organised Christmas parties, summer events, cricket matches, skittles evenings and much more. She has fundraised endlessly to make the local branch of Mencap the thriving group it is today and one that so many rely on. Our thanks go to all those who nominated Jenny and other worthy members of the community for this award. Our runners up were Andrew Barnett, longstanding Scout Master of the 2nd Marlborough Scouts, for his commitment to young people and Anna Forbes, for her hard work and enthusiasm for Action for the River Kennet. Sadly, now
deceased, nominations were also received for Richard Miles who dedicated so much of his time to the church and will be especially remembered by the children of St Mary’s for the wonderful wood carvings he generously made for them at Christmas over the last few years.
Our Award Winning Apprentice
In November, Michael Haines, our Horticulture Apprentice, was presented with an award by Claire Perry, MP at a special Apprentice Awards Ceremony at the new Wiltshire College Campus in Chippenham. This was for outstanding commitment to his apprenticeship programme. Horticulture Apprentice 2015 - a huge achievement. A very big well done to him.
Happy New Year! The Town Mayor, Councillors and staff wish all readers a very Happy New Year!
Christmas and New Year Opening The Town Council offices will be closed from 12.30pm on Thursday, 24th December 2015 and re-open on Monday, 4th January 2016. Comments and enquiries to the council are always welcome, you can contact us on:Tel: 01672 512487 Email: Web: Official news from Marlborough Town Council
13 13
Local News
Popular dog trainer hands over the lead Lez Graham, who over the past nine years has built up a very successful dog training business in the Marlborough area, is off to pastures new. She is moving to Scotland with her husband at the end of January to start a new chapter in her life. Over the years, Lez has helped countless local dog owners train their new puppies, sort out their dogs naughty behaviour (and often their own bad habits), and train their gundogs, working or not. In that time she has also written three books on dog
training, studied for a Masters degree in Professional Practice in Canine Behaviour and Psychology, worked with wolves and even designed dog leads and accessories to help train your dog. Lez, originally from Tyneside says “I have had such a wonderful time whilst in Marlborough, and met many fantastic dog owners that have allowed me to help them get the best out of their gorgeous dogs. The move to Scotland will almost be like returning home – I haven’t lived ‘up North’ since I was 18 so I’m really looking forward to discovering the beauty of the Clyde Valley and revisiting the castles and attractions that I grew up with, plus I will be closer to my family. I’m excited about the move, but also sad to be leaving behind so many great friends and clients. I’d like to thank them all for their support over the last decade or so”
Lez is not leaving everyone in the lurch, over the past couple of years she has been working with Jill Thorpe, who has trained on a 2 year apprenticeship with Lez , and is also a Member of the Guild of Dog Trainers. “I am confident that I am leaving everyone in good hands, Jill has a well-established business, and works in a similar way to me” Anyone who would like to find out more about what Jill offers should give her a call on 07901 651 663 or visit her website at
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January Joys
Hibernate: to spend the winter in a dormant state January is a funny month really. My usual approach, as I pull the duvet further over my head, is one of a resigned shrug of the shoulders. I try to convince myself that it’s a new year, so it won’t be too long until Spring, it’s warmer or it’s lighter or, indeed, all of the above. Excitement levels are at an all-time low. We feel deflated after the Christmas break and then face the challenge of unobtainable New Year’s resolutions. The weather is often at its most challenging and we head off in the dark and come home in the dark. Hang on though. There is hope. Come out from under the duvet and look around. Look down, no, really look down and if you stare for long enough, in the garden or even in the wild, you may see the pale green shoots of spring. It’s an absolute joy where we live to see first the snow drops and then the spring flowers which pave the way to Easter. Look up and you will start to see the tiny green buds of the new year’s leaves on our trees, curled tightly at first then ready to burst open before we notice and above them, the soaring kites and buzzards, such a frequent and beautiful sight in our skies now. Whatever time of year it is, the ancient Savernake forest is a truly beautiful place and we are blessed to have it on
our doorstep. As well as the Big Belly Oak which many of us see on the drive from Marlborough to Burbage, and the Grand Avenue with a canopy of trees, there are many other surprises within. Who knew for example, that there were so many ponds in the forest (even with small fish in) and such beautiful deer which, if you take a path from the main drag, will quietly follow you as you take your walk? Whatever the season, I marvel at how beautiful the forest is and I truly find it difficult to decide which season is more stunning. I have happy memories of walks with my family through the forest in every season including the post-Christmas yomp through the crunchy white snow under the trees, the children being pulled along behind on their sleds in search of a slope to slide down. The snow produced a bright, glistening light, and apart from the occasional bird song and the crunch of the snow, it was blissfully quiet with cool clean air to breathe. Then there were the heady days of family friends’ walks with various dogs, children and bags packed with games
and picnics. We would find a little clearing in the woods and set up camp for the day in our chosen forest home. The birds competing with the children to see how much noise that they could make, with the woodland, softened by the brightest green foliage. The children are growing now and the memories could easily fade. It’s for all of us to make our memories and my challenge this year is to get out from that duvet and start right now. January isn’t just a stepping stone to the rest of the year, it’s thirty one days of opportunities there for the taking. I am going to embrace January and all it holds for me, get out there and make some more wonderful memories. Why don’t you? Fiona Kellow Fiona Kellow is a working mum of two. When she isn’t running around after her family she is a Partner at Thrings Solicitors, specialising in family law.
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What day is it? I recently received an email from the local fundraising manager for the British Heart Foundation, about Wear It. Beat it., which takes place on 5 February this year. It is essentially “Wear red day”, to raise money for a fantastic cause. It got me thinking about how many “days” there are in a year – from well-known ones like Jeans for Genes day (23 September 16), to more obscure and strange ones like Polar Bear Swim Day (1 February) and Two Different Coloured Shoes Day (3 May). It seems that anyone can make anything up and turn it into a “day”, as long as they manage to generate enough publicity about it. They vary in purpose – from fundraising for charities (Comic Relief, Children in Need), to more profit or business driven (Whipped Cream Day(!), or Roast Leg of Lamb Day); awareness raising (World Blood Donor Day, Human Rights Day) to the simply bonkers (Speak Like A Pirate Day, Hug Your Cat Day). There is literally a celebration on every day of the year – here are some favourites: January Static Electricity Day (9th) – Rub a balloon on your jumper, and make your hair stand on end! Dress Up Your Pet Day (14th) – no doubt invented by the Pet Fashion Council (is there one of those?) February World Nutella Day (5th) – Surprisingly not started by Nutella, but by a blogger and fan through social media, who got a great response from thousands of other fans.
Wear It. Beat It. (Wear red day)
March True Confessions Day (15th) – get that guilty secret off your chest, or declare your hidden love. International Day of Happiness (20th) – but don’t worry, you are allowed to be happy on other days too! April Fish Fingers and Custard Day (3rd) – Invented by the BBC to celebrate Dr Who (fans will know why), my son probably would like this as he has a habit of dipping his chicken nuggets in chocolate milk shake if we go to McDonalds (yes, I know, I’m a bad mother) May Blame Someone Else Day (13th) – plenty of people don’t need a special day for this…. June World Blood Donor Day (14th) – OK, this is a serious one, but worth mentioning as the Blood Donor Service is always in need of more of your red stuff. July Rain Day (29th) – Those of us who originate from Manchester are not inclined to celebrate this. August Wiggle your toes day (6th) – must have been invented by a podiatrist, as obviously you need to make your feet pretty before wiggling them in public. September Talk like a pirate day (19th) –
this is quite a famous event these days, but no less silly for it. Dress up and talk like a pirate just for the fun of it (or to raise money for charity if you are so inclined) October World Smile Day (2nd) – not as you may think created by dentists, but by the man who drew the iconic smiley face. It’s intended to encourage people to consciously try and make others smile. ☺ November Christmas Shopping Reminder Day (25th) – pretty sure this one is completely unnecessary! December Letter Writing Day (7th) – ditch the keyboard, and write a letter to someone you care about (Christmas Cards don’t count) If you’re interested in finding out what other days you can celebrate, check out Going back to what started this all off, Wear It. Beat It. is on 5 February. It’s easy to take part – all you have to do is wear red, and donate to the British Heart Foundation. You’ll be helping lifesaving research into heart disease, which kills over 400 people every day. For a fundraising pack visit
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Put your best foot forward this New Year Looking after your feet is as important as going to the dentist or taking your car for an MOT, but for many of us it's still at the bottom of the to do list. In the winter months dry skin and cracked heels are a common problem, often caused by skin on the feet becoming dehydrated. These, and many other foot conditions can be prevented with regular foot care and routine visits to your Podiatrist. Encarna, our registered Podiatrist recommends a few simple tips for healthy feet in winter.
TOP TIPS FOR HEALTHY FEET IN WINTER: The single best thing you can do for your feet is to moisturise them daily with a cream intended for feet. The skin on your feet is much thicker than other parts of your body, so a normal body moisturiser just won't cut it. A urea based foot cream is perfect, replacing any lost moisture. Wear a fleece lined insole, easily purchased from any regular chemist, to prevent against chilblains and cold feet. Always wear appropriate footwear for the weather conditions – ensuring your feet are kept warm and dry.
Encarna prides herself on offering a 'total foot care' approach. "When you come in with a particular condition such as a corn, you won't just have your corn treated, rather you'll have all of your foot care needs taken care of", says Encarna. A typical treatment consists of a cleansing foot bath, followed by a thorough foot assessment, a vascular and sensory test, your toenails cut and filed, any verrucas, corns, callouses or nail issues will be treated, and to finish, an indulgent and nourishing foot massage leaving you with happy, healthy feet. If you're suffering from foot pain or dry and cracked heels, don't just put up with it. Let Encarna take care of you and you'll feel like you have a new pair of feet.
Encarna Menaya, HCPC registered Podiatrist
SPECIAL OFFER: Book before the end of January and get your first appointment for £27 (£10 saving). To book an appointment call us on 01672 516580
Hughenden Yard | SN8 1LT
What’s On
What’s On January 2016 Marlborough Community Choir Free Taster Evening Date: Weds 13 Jan, 7.30pm Venue: St Mary’s Church, Marlborough
Come try Marlborough’s only acapella singing group! We have an eclectic repertoire of pop/folk/rock/jazz/blues/ World/gospel, all taught by ear. There’s no need to read music and no auditions. Everyone is welcome! For more information including feeswww. Tel. V Lafaye 07967985046.
Far From The Madding Crowd (12A)
Date: Friday 15 January, 7.30 for 8pm Venue: Ramsbury Memorial Hall
Based on the literary classic by Thomas Hardy. In Victorian England, the independent and headstrong Bathsheba Everdene attracts three very different suitors: Gabriel Oak, a sheep farmer; Frank Troy, a reckless Sergeant; and William Boldwood, a prosperous and mature bachelor Tickets £4 from Ramsbury Post Office until 1pm on film day or £4.50 on the door
Far from the Madding Crowd
Marlborough College Concert Series presents Tasmin Little and Martin Roscoe in cocert
Date: Sunday 17 January, 3pm Venue: emorial Hall,Marlborough College
The world famous violinist Tasmin Little and the pianist Martin Roscoe will give a performance of works by Schubert, Faure and Beethoven. Both artists have an international reputation for interpretation. Individually and
together they have appeared many times at BBC Promenade concerts and at concert halls worldwide. Tickets are available from the Box Office on 01672 892566 or on-line at tickets@ “
WWI Exhibition
Date: Monday 18 to Saturday 30 January: 10am-4pm daily Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough
The Marlborough History Society
Adult Education Classes Date: From January 16 Venue: St John ’s Academy, Marlborough
Take your pick from a large choice of courses, from art to computers, business to photography, there’s something for everyone. Please contact Davina Nicholls on either 01672-519537 or, or see and click on Community for full details of courses. 45 Years
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What’s On with Wiltshire Council present a photographic exhibition entitle: “The First World War: Marlborough, the Wiltshire Regiment, and the home front across Wiltshire.” Free entry.
Marlborough History Society
Date: Thursday 21 January, 7.30pm Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough Christopher Rogers lectures on “James Wyatt - Genius or Charlatan?”
45 YEARS (12A)
Date: Thursday, 21 January, 7.30pm Venue: Marlborough Town Hall In the week leading up to their 45th wedding anniversary, a couple receive an unexpected letter which contains potentially life changing news. Starring Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtney. Tickets £5 in advance or £6 on door, box office or available from White Horse Bookshop or Sound Knowledge telephone 07771704253
Crofton Winter Work Open Day
Date: Saturday 23 January, 11am - 3pm Venue: Crofton Pumping Station, Crofton, Marlborough, SN8 3DN Come and see behind the scenes at the Historic Crofton Pumping Station this winter, when our teams of dedicated volunteers cosset and maintain the two historic beam engines. This winter we are giving visitors a rare chance to see maintenance works in progress, when we dismantle parts of the engines normally hidden from view. It’s cold inside the Pumping Station during the winter as the boiler is not in steam and drained down, but tea, coffee and biscuits will be available for a small charge. Entry free. Contact: or Crofton Pumping Station, Marlborough, SN8 3DW. Tel: 01672 870300
St Peter’s Quiz Night
A Most Wanted Man (15)
An evening of fun and frivolity for this annual brain-teaser: table teams of 6-10 persons at £5 per person. Light snacks and cash bar. Book places by phone to David Du Croz 01672 511725
Based on John le Carré’s celebrated spy thriller. A Chechen Muslim illegally immigrates to Hamburg, where he gets caught in the international war on terror. Tickets £4 from Ramsbury Post Office until 1pm on film day or £4.50 on the door Bar and doors open at 7.30pm, film starts at 8pm
Date: Saturday 23 January, 8pm Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough
Marlborough Onscreen Events - Les Liaisons Dangereuses : LIVE
Date: Thursday, 28 January, 7pm Venue: Marlborough Town Hall
Former lovers, the Marquise de Merteuil and Vicomte de Valmont now compete in games of seduction and revenge. Merteuil incites Valmont to corrupt the innocent Cecile de Volanges before her wedding night but Valmont has targeted the peerlessly virtuous and beautiful Madame de Tourvel. While these merciless aristocrats toy with others’ hearts and reputations, their own may prove more fragile than they supposed. Broadcast Live from The Donmar Warehouse. Running time: 3 hrs. 30 mins. Tickets £15 in advance or £17.50 on door, box office or available from White Horse Bookshop or Sound Knowledge telephone 07771704253
Date: Friday 29 January, 7.30 for 8pm
Marlborough FolkRoots presents Megson in concert
Date:Saturday 30th January, 8.00pm Venue: St Mary’s Church Hall, Silverless Street, Marlborough SN8 1JQ Three times nominated in the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and double winners of the Spiral Earth Awards, Megson draw heavily on their Teesside heritage to create a truly unique brand of folk music. The husband and wife duo are Debs Hanna (Vocals, Whistle, Piano Accordion) and Stu Hanna (Guitar, Mandola, Banjo) and have gained fame on the British folk scenefor their songwriting, exquisite musicianship and northern humour. Tickets £14 from 01672 512465, Sound Knowledge at Hughenden Yard, Marlborough, or online at
Further Afield Wessex Places
Date: Until 2 January Venue: Wiltshire Museum, 41 Long Street, Devizes. SN10 1NS
An exhibition featuring drawings and prints inspired by the captivating landscape of Wessex. Works by David Inshaw, Dave Gunning, Rob Pountney and Ray Ward. Silbury Hill, Marlborough Mount, Stonehenge, Avebury, Dorset. A truly beautiful and varied ‘window on Wessex’. More information on Telephone: 01380 727369
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Community Information These pages detail useful local numbers and community groups. If you have a group or society you would like featured here please telephone 01793 791104 or email
Local Societies and Groups Air Cadets (2293 Marlborough Squadron) Marlborough Air cadets welcome all young people aged 13-18 who are interested in Aviation and Adventure: Parade nights Tues and Fri 1900-2130 Follow us on Facebook www.facebook. com/2293MarlboroughAirCadets Email 01672 516811 Dance Classes in Marlborough Ballroom and Latin American dance classes, and for those with no partner Dancersize sessions. Please contact Amanda on 07882-882030 or email for more info Depression Alliance The Marlborough and District SELF-HELP GROUP meets the first Tuesday of every month. If you’ve got depression, or know someone who might benefit from being part of our group, please get in touch. Call 0845 123 23 20 for location details. Stained Glass Lessons. Wed.& Thurs morning 9.30-11.30. Mon.Tues.& Wed evening 7-9. Suitable for all, learn stained glass or kiln-formed glass. Held at; Ogbourne St. George. Contact jeannette 07977 053363 or Inner Wheel Club of Marlborough and District Evening meetings on 4th Monday of every month at the Crown Hotel, The Parade Marlborough. Secretary Nita Martin 01380 730974 Jubilee Centre Day Centre (Mon, Tues and Fri) and Drop-in Centre (Wed and Thurs - Lunch served 12.30pm £5.00) for over sixties. For more information phone Carole Walkeron 01672 513087 Kennet Accordion Orchestra Meets on Monday night from 7.30pm, in Froxfield and has a wide playing base of players from Swindon through Marlborough to Newbury and encourage accordion players of all standards to join and enjoy a varied selection of music from pop through to classics. The current Southern Area Champions and established throughout the region for its diverse repertoire. Contact Nigel Pasby A.B.C.A.(t.d.) L.B.C.A. on 07894032757 or email For more information go to Kennet Community Transport KTC runs a minibus with tail lift for people for whom normal transport is impractical. Contact the driver on 07850 356572 or Alexander Kirk Wilson on 01672 513861 Kennet Valley Driving Group RDA carriage driving for adults (16+) with physical disabilities. New volunteers and participants welcome. Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Rockley. For more info call the Secretary, Maggie Lewis, on 0846 241 5396
or email Kennet Valley National Trust Association Monthly meetings with speakers on a variety of subjects, summer outings to interesting places and social events. For more information please call Ann King (Chair) on 01380 727130 or Rhona Wilkinson (Membership Secretary) 01380 726433 Learn To Play Bridge Lessons for Absolute Beginners & Improvers Friendly club sessions also available Marlborough Area, No Partner needed Friendly relaxed atmosphere Please contact Andy Hill for further details and availability 01380 724725 Line dancing Meet every Tuesday (except August) at St John’s School, Marlborough Class runs 7-10 pm and covers beginners through to advanced Contact Tessa on 01672 520336 or Marlborough Accordion Orchestra Rehearsals on Monday in Wesley Hall Marlborough. Training Orchestra 6.30p.m. / Main Orchestra 7.30 p.m. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. M.D. David Watson. Contact 01672 512634 Marlborough and District Link Scheme Marlborough Link is a charity dedicated to assisting the disadvantaged members of our community, whether because of age, physical or mental disability, poverty or absence of public transport.If you need us, or if you would like to help please telephone 01672 288007. Marlborough Big Band Rehearsals every Friday evening at the Bear Hotel, Marlborough 6:30 – 8:30pm New players always welcome the only qualification needed is to be able to read music and play your instrument. We are a group of like-minded musicians aged 15 to 75+ who enjoy playing swing and jazz music from 1930’s up to the present day. For more information please Tel: 07973 213271 or 07580 237398 Marlborough Brandt Group MBG is best known for its 30 year link with and support for the Muslim community of Gunjur in The Gambia, West Africa. If you are interested in becoming a friend, volunteering or visiting Gunjur for an extraordinary experience please contact us 01672861116, or or visit Marlborough Choral Society Rehearses every Monday 7.45 to 9.30pm in Christchurch, New Rd, Marlborough. New members welcome, for more information Tel 01672 870765 Marlborough Concert Orchestra Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evening at Christ Church, New Road, Marlborough, 7.30 pm Anyone wishing to join is invited to make contact with the orchestra through the website Marlborough Gardening Association Welcomes anyone with an interest in gardening. Meetings or visits most months throughout the year. For more information call Tricia Hayllar on 01672 512435, Marlborough & District Farming Club Meets every third Thursday of the month, September through to June, with a Ploughman’s Supper and a varied programme of interest to members. Meetings in Oare Village Hall 7.30 pm and four times in the winter at All Cannings. Open to anyone interested in country life
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The Skin and Beauty Clinic If you are female and over 30, then chances are that in your teens, you spent long lazy days in the sun, desperate to cul�vate the ul�mate tan. Back then, we were unaware of the una�rac�ve long-term effects for our skin, including age spots, fine lines, wrinkles and ul�mately, sagging. Now that we know this fact, is it really too late to make amends ?
Dr Des Fernandes, the world renowned South Afri can plas�c surgeon has discovered that Vitamin A, along with B3 and C and pep�des can all play a role in reversing pigmenta�on, lines, dehydra�on and even sagging skin. A�er
At Idoleyes Beauty, facial treatments are specific to the individual client’s concerns. There are serums aimed at tackling all of the above signs of ageing, along with advice on home care. It is important to follow any Environ treatment with The Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup and The Advanced Nutri�on Pro gramme. This is the secret to healthy skin and the full range of products are available for you in salon. Other treatments on offer are High Defini�on Brows, Semi-Permanent Eyelash Extensions, Manicures and Pedicures using CND Shellac and CND Vinylux.
15% discount for any treatments taken in January Gift vouchers available
07748 905292
Community Secretary Richard Strong 01672 563371 email Marlborough and District Concert Club Marlborough and District Concert Club was founded in 1980 in order to take advantage of some of the many first-class professional musical events available within coach distance of Marlborough. We arrange visits to concerts in Basingstoke, Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Southampton and Reading and occasionally London and Birmingham. We normally go to 11 concerts each year: orchestral, chamber music, recitals and opera. For more information call Tom Massey, 01672 516610. Marlborough and District Dyslexia Association The MDDA is a small, independent charity which has for the last 22 years supported local schools, hundreds of dyslexics and their families. Helpline 07729452143, website Marlborough and District Rotary Club Rotary is an International Organisation of professional and business people who meet every week for fellowship and service. Meetings every Monday evening at Marlborough Golf Club. For more information visit Marlborough Bowls Club Tel: 07747 833436 Secretary Mrs A. Watts 01672 511335 Outdoor season April - October. New members always welcome, coaching and advice available Monthly networking breakfasts, see for more info. Marlborough & District Lions Lions serve the local community by organising events to raise funds for local and national deserving causes. If you would like to join or need support please ring John Edmunds 01672 512650 or Karen Hilditch 01672 513282 Marlborough Floral Club. Please come and join us....we meet at 2pm the first Thursday of each month at Mildenhall Village Hall. Guest demonstrators, and the arrangements are raffled at the end of the meeting. For more info please call Wendy Jordan on 01672 520129. Marlborough Freemasons Meet once a month in the Masonic Hall in Oxford Street. Far from the myth of being a “secret” organisation, members are openly proud of their membership, and of the work that the Lodge does to support local organisations and charities. More details from Secretary Steve Aubertin on 01672 513316 or e-mail him Marlborough History Society Founded in 2001 the Society celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2011. Meetings are held at St. Peter’s at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of most months. New members are always welcome. For more information call 01672 519338. Web site: Marlborough Macular Support Group Meet on the last Thursday of every month from 1.30 to 3.30 pm in the Wesley Hall, Oxford Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AP. The meetings are open to anyone with impaired vision. Carers are welcome too. For further details please contact Linda Chapman 01672 512471 Marlborough Penguins Amateur Swimming Club. Swimming teaching/training for ages 5years to Masters. Tues/Thurs/Sun at Marlborough Leisure Centre. Please contact Alan Crook 01672 512757 for details.
Marlborough Police Station Enquiry Office is now only open Tues 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 1315), Weds 0900 - 1230 and Thurs 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315). Please call in to check if your lost property has been handed in, as well as report crime, traffic collisions, produce driving documents, and much more. Marlborough Tennis Club Based at Preshute Tennis Courts.New members welcome for social and league play. Coaching for children and adults. Contact Barbara Jones 516635 Marlborough WI Meetings take place on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Wesley Hall, Oxford St from 7.30-9.30. New members very welcome. For further details call 01672 514177 Mildenhall Gardening Club - New, very informal and friendly group, currently meeting at the Horsehoe in Mildenhall on the 3rd Wednesday every month at 7.30pm. For more information contact Milly on 07876 230 540 or Phoenix Brass Band Rehearsals twice weekly in Froxfield. Training Band on Saturday mornings. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. Contact Musical Director David Watson 01672 515176 Pilates classes Pilates classes for all levels around the Marlborough area. Please contact Caroline McCord on 01672 511360 or 07817503546 or Angie Sanders - Classes are held in Aldbourne. 1:1 tuition available, or 01672 540176 Pottery Lessons Adults:Mon.7-9pm, or Thurs.7-9pm Children’s: Wed. 3.45-5.15. Beginners and more experienced welcome. At Wagon Yard Artists, off London Rd, Marlb. Contact Jacqui 07773 271572 or Sarsen Songmen A small male voice choir rehearsing in Aldbourne (1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays 7.30 pm), wide repertoire including Barbershop, occasional performances in the local area. New members welcome: contact MichaelReynolds on 01672-511199. Savernake Badminton Club Savernake Badminton Club is a small friendly club that is long established and affiliated to Badminton England. We meet on Tuesday evenings between 7.30 and 9.30pm at the Sports Hall at St John’s School, Granham Hill, Marlborough. For further details telephone Roy Turner on 01672 810208 or Barbara Jones on 01672 516635 School of Tae Kwon Do (P.U.M.A.) Classes are held at Marlborough Leisure Centre on Tuesday evening (7 - 8 pm), and Friday evening (6 -7 pm), and are suitable for all ages from 7 years upward. Please phone John or Carol on 01793 850410 / 07799 566805 for further information. Scottish Country Dancing Manton Village Hall, 7.45 – 10pm. Tuesdays beginners, Wednesdays experienced dancers. Contact Jennifer Parker 01672 515151 St Peter’s Church Marlborough A redundant church now managed by a Trust, featuring a Coffee Shop and a Craft Shop. The church is open daily 10 am - 5 pm, except
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Do you live in a hard water area? you could benefit from a water softener. for a free home survey or quote please call 01672 521 123 or visit
We love... caring for your home Service | SaleS | repairS | filterS | purification | free Salt Delivery
MIKE WHALE CARPETS CARPET & FLOORCOVERING SPECIALISTS Quality flooring supplied and fitted from all leading manufacturers. We specialise in Natural Flooring, Wool Textured Carpet and Bespoke Rugs and Runners Mike is an award-winning NICF Master Fitter with over 25 years experience Call 01672 541100 or 07836 230313 for your free estimate and sample service
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Community Saturdays when it opens at 9 am, and on Sundays from March to December 11 am - 4pm The church is available for hire for exhibitions, meetings, lectures and concerts. For bookings please contact David Du Croz on 01672511725 or email at T’ai Chi at Burbage Tai Chi is an excellent exercise designed to strengthen the back and improve the general well-being of the practitioner. In particular it is of great benefit to older people. Open to men and women aged 55 and over. New members and beginners are most welcome. Sessions every Thursday, 10-11 am in Burbage Village Hall More details 01672 811711. The Merchant’s House This historic 17th century silk-merchant’s house at 132 High Street is being refurbished by a charitable trust. Regular lectures and concerts are held and there are opportunities for local people to work as volunteers or house guides. The House and garden are open to visitors from 1st of April to the end of October on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10.30am-3pm and by appointment at other times. Become a ‘Friend’ and enjoy enhanced membership benefits. For more information contact Sophie Costard 01672 511491 Web site: Transition Marlborough aims to inspire and motivate people to work together, and support each other, in reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, building a stronger sense of community and so increasing our communities’ resilience. This will strengthen the local economy to create livelihoods for local people and provide a greater level of wellbeing for all. Our Hub group meets on the second Thursday of the month, usually at the Green Dragon, at 7:30pm. Do join us. For more information, contact Alexandra on 07771 347 379 email, University of the Third Age U3A provides learning and leisure opportunities in the Marlborough Area for those who are retired or semi-retired. For information on interest groups and membership call Sarah Foxall on 01264 850316 or visit Watercolour Painting Classes Classes on Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm and Tuesdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm With professional artist Colin Palmer at his studio in central Marlborough. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. Call Colin on 07835 039 812 or for more details. Wheelie Fit - Outdoor Post Natal Workout. Bring along your baby in their buggy and get back into shape. Slim down, tone up, feel great. All fitness levels welcome. Mon and Thurs 10am, College Fields, Marlborough. Contact Nicki 07988991165. Yoga classes for all abilities. Enjoyable Yoga classes in and around the Marlborough area. Please contact Lizzy Hawnt on 01672 841553, 07821 396 430 or e-mail Yoga for Men Tuesday evenings 7.30pm -9.15pm for all abilities including beginners at Minal Village Hall, Mildenhall Please contact Jonathan Heath on 01672 513738 e.mail:
Parents & Toddlers Chilton Chicks Toddler Group Join us for a variety of crafts, toys, snacks, a cuppa and a chat. New faces are always welcome. Mondays 9.30-11.30am in the Chilton Foliat Village Hall (Next to the Wheatsheaf pub). Adults £1, Toddlers £1 & under 6 months are free. Call Liz on 01488 684526 for further details. Creepy Crawlers meet Fridays 10 – 11.30am at the Scout Hut, Marlborough Tel: 01672 811495 The Corner House Children’s Centre offering information, support, advice and activity sessions to families with children 0-5 in Marlborough and the community area. George Lane Car Park Tel 01672 513010 Great Bedwyn Playgroup Ofsted Outstanding Playgroup for 2 to five year olds, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during term-time. Toddler group for 0 - 5 years olds, every Wednesday during term-time. Sessions include crafts, snack, story and music time, and outside play area. Great Bedwyn Village Hall, Frog Lane, Great Bedwyn, near Marlborough SN8 3PB Tel. 01672 870 179 or visit Home-Start Calling all volunteer parents....Could you help make a difference for young families? Many parents need help, friendship, advice or support during those early years when children are young. Your experience as a parent can help others. For more details contact Home-Start Kennet 01672 569457 Junipers Creative and sensory play for babies to preschoolers. 01672 890829, Little Dabchicks Parent and Under 4’s group, meets Thursday mornings 9.30 - 11.30 Term time.In the Aldbourne Methodist Hall, Lottage Road Zoe - 01672 540439 Little Dragons Pre School Ogbourne St George Village Hall All children aged 2 - 5 years welcome at our well established pre-school held in a quiet village setting in Ogbourne St George. It is a warm, friendly environment where we are open Monday to Friday for mornings 9.05am to 12.05pm or 1.05pm (if staying for lunch) and all day Wednesdays until 3.05pm.For more information email or call 07855 026083. Alternatively do look at our website at Manton Preschool. Based in the heart of the beautiful village of Manton - our well-established friendly Preschool provides exemplary education for 2-5 year olds. We are a “Good” Ofsted setting providing Rising Fives sessions as well as healthy snacks, crafts, singing, story time, French, outdoor play and much more. For more details, please ring 01672 516675. Manton Toddlers. Join Manton Preschool staff for a Toddler session for 2-4 year olds, providing crafts, singing, introduction to new languages, healthy snacks and a large range of toys. Based at Manton Village Hall every Wednesday during June & July 10am - Noon. First two sessions free then £2 per child. For more details, please ring 01672 516675.
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The Avenue Day Nurseries 3 Months - 5 Years 58 Places 08:00 - 18:00 Ofsted Registered Holiday Club Breakfast Club After-School Club
Marlborough - Town Centre
2 - 5 Years 16 Places 08:00 - 18:00 Ofsted Registered
Savernake 01672 870790 Marlborough 01672 519009
Community Information Marlborough and District NCT We have an active group in Marlborough, with courses, events and ‘Bumps and Babes’ cafes. The cafes are an opportunity to meet other parents, grandparents and parents-to-be for a coffee and a chat. For more information contact or go to Ramsbury Parent and Toddlers meets Wednesdays 10 – 12 in the Memorial Hall Tel: 01672 520961 Sunflowers at Grafton is a Nursery & Pre school for children aged 0-5 situated in beautiful East Grafton. Open from 8am-6pm, 51 weeks each year, morning & afternoon sessions are available. Sunflowers is community run on a not-for-profit basis. For more information see or call 01672 810478
Doctors Ramsbury Surgery Tel:01672 520366 The Marlborough Surgery Tel: 01672 512187 Wiltshire Out of Hours Service Tel: 0300 111 5717
Marlborough Town Council 01672 512487 See for full details of council meetings Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100
Schools Ogbourne St. George & St. Andrew C of E Controlled Primary School Tel: 01672 841318 St Michael’s CE Aided School, Back Lane, Tel: 01672 540434 Ramsbury Primary School Back Lane, Tel: 01672 520244 St Mary’s Infant School Tel: 01672 513101 St Peter’s Junior School Tel: 01672 513158 Preshute Primary School Tel: 01672 512754 St John’s School and Community College Tel: 01672 516156 Stepping Stones Pre-Prep School Tel: 01488 681 067
yo T ur he % so cle ft an O fu in FF rn g is of hi ng s
Herongate Leisure 01488 682000 Marlborough Leisure Centre 01672 513161
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Issue 91 . November 2015 People Justin Cook Living Art
Features Christmas is Coming St Peter’s Press Club Ark Photo Comp
What’s On In and around Marlborough
Information Community groups Local Businesses
Further Information Telephone: 01793 791104 Email:
Beautifully Hand Sewn Made to Measure Upholstery Service Telephone / Fax: 01672 541 263 Upham Farm, Upper Upham Aldbourne, Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 2LG Email:
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January In The Garden Once Christmas and New Year have passed by and the decorations are packed away for another year January can be a cold, dark month when we can experience the worst of the year’s weather. Dormancy will continue in the garden for a few weeks yet but there are some jobs to do in the garden that can help to work off some of the festive excess with some fresh air and exercise. When the weather allows take a walk round your garden taking a hoe with you so you can get rid of any weeds that have managed to germinate and deadhead winter bedding to prolong and improve flowering. Trim faded flowers from winter flowering heathers and start to cut back to ground level any grasses and other perennials that have been left for winter interest. Clear any rotting leaves from the crowns of perennials so they have as much light as possible. Cut any scruffy looking leaves from Hellebores that produce flowers at ground level to highlight the flowers and prevent disease. Deciduous hedges, trees and shrubs can be pruned to shape, its easier to see where trimming is needed whilst the branches are bare. Shorten shoots on Wisteria by to or three buds from the main stem. Climbing hydrangea can also be pruned now. Bare-rooted hedges, trees and shrubs can
be planted when the weather allows and overgrown perennials can be dug up and split before replanting or potting to increase plant stocks. Sweet peas can be sown. Soak the seeds overnight before sowing in long sweet pea tubes, sweet peas like to have a long root run. Keep under cover and moist with plenty of light in a greenhouse or cold frame. If you have areas of your lawn with water logging improve drainage by using a garden fork to pierce holes about 10cm deep very 20cm, at the same time rake off any worm casts. Avoid walking on your lawn in frosty weather when snow is laying as it can damage the grass. After heavy, prolonged snowfall the lawn may turn yellow but don’t worry it will soon recover in the spring. After a frost it is a good idea to check any newly planted shrubs, trees and perennials as the frost can lift them, firm down the soil around plants as necessary. Check tree ties and stakes, tightening or replacing them as if needed to ensure that they can withstand any strong winds. Also check any wooden structures such trellis, fences, sheds, pergolas and archways and repair and strengthen them as necessary, any wooden furniture that remains outdoors can be given a fresh coat of preservative. If there is snow fall gently shake it from evergreens and other delicate trees and shrubs as soon as possible to prevent damage Apply salt to paths that are needed for access so they don’t freeze and become dangerous.
In the vegetable garden when conditions allow, continue to dig over any bare areas of soil and add organic matter in preparation for planting in spring. Bare root fruit trees and shrubs can still be planted and continue to prune and train existing fruit. If the weather is adverse start planning for the year ahead in the flower and vegetable garden. Think about ordering perennials, flower and vegetable seeds or plug plants and summer flowering bulbs ready for planting in the spring. Stock up on stakes, canes, garden string, seed trays, pots and compost ready for the growing season. When it is freezing outside remember to gently melt a hole in ponds and bird baths to ensure birds can drink, leave any berries on plants to provide food for wildlife and keep bird feeders topped up to provide extra food. By Jill Blackwood
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Garden Machinery Specialist • All makes of new machines • Trade-ins taken • Collection and Delivery • Spare Parts • Servicing & Repairs Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm; Saturday 9am-1pm Easy to find us, Large car park, workshop and showroom
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Divorce – some things to think about It is a sad fact that at this time of year, many relationships break down. Christmas is a wonderful time for many families, but it also can create stress and pressure for others, particularly of a financial nature. Getting a divorce isn’t always just about getting the legal document that says you aren’t married anymore. There is often a house to think about, shared finances, or children. Your life is possibly going to be very different once the divorce goes through, and you have to have a clear idea before you enter into the divorce process what you want to try and achieve. In deciding what your objectives are for your divorce settlement, you have to be realistic. Courts try to be fair to both sides and are usually unwilling to give one party much more than another unless there is a very good reason to do so. What they will do is look at what each of you needs to live on, and if there are children involved, to put the interests of those children first. Nor are courts interested in debates about how and why the relationship broke down, who was right and who was wrong. You may think that you deserve more from the divorce because your partner cheated on you or because you feel their behaviour was unreasonable. If a court is involved, they will take an
objective view, especially if children are involved. Any settlement the court considers will be designed to be fair, taking into account current and future need. So think clearly about what result you are looking for. The clearer that is in your mind, the simpler it is for your lawyer to understand what you want and the less room there is for misunderstanding. Divorces are much quicker, cheaper and less destructive if both parties behave in a sensible, co-operative manner. It is not easy – and sometimes simply not possible – to agree before you begin how you will both approach the process. But remember: if you fall out and the divorce process becomes a prolonged and bitter battle, the only ones who end up better off are your legal team. (A good lawyer will want to help you minimise costs). So if it is possible, it is sensible to discuss how you will approach the process with your ex-partner. Simple things like who petitions for the divorce and what grounds they use – infidelity, unreasonable behaviour, or separation – can cause major upset if they come as a shock. The more you have a clear idea about what you are going to do and what you can expect your ex to do, the easier it will be for you to control your case and keep your costs down.
Mediation is now a standard option within the divorce process. This is for a very good reason. If you and your ex can agree on the key issues (with or without a mediator) all the lawyers really have to do is draw up the agreements and the need for a full court hearing (with all the expense and risk of disappointment involved) is avoided. You may want to make sure you understand your legal position before you consider mediation. It can also help to be clear about your financial and other matters as well, to help agree a settlement. Again, if you have a mediated settlement, you may reduce your legal costs. However, it is important to note that mediation is not always free and you should be clear about the costs and how it could link to any legal advice before you start. Even if you do not reach a mediated settlement, you will at least have a clearer idea to give to your lawyer about what to expect from your ex. In any situation, the first thing you should do is speak to a lawyer for advice, many offer an initial consultation free and without obligation. Information taken from
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Useful Telephone Numbers BT Fault Line Citizen’s Advice Bureau Electricity Emergencies Environment Agency Pollution Hotline Gas Emergencies Marlborough College Marlborough Leisure Centre Marlborough Parking Office Marlborough Town Hall Marlborough & District HA National Rail Enquiries NHS Direct Parentline Quitline Samaritans Water (Thames) Water (Wessex) Wiltshire Police
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0800 80 70 60 0800 111999 01672 892200 01672 513161 01672 511818 01672 512487 01672 512163 08457 484950 0845 46 47 0808 800 2222 0800 002200 08457 90 90 90 0845 920 0800 0845 600 4600 101
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