Marlborough Town and Country July 18

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Kareen Jackson Artist

Local News Litfest Splash!

Features Holiday Prep Body Talk


FREE Issue 123 . July 2018

The Avenue Day Nursery Our new Nurseries in Aldbourne and Mildenhall The Avenue Day Nursery are excited to announce the opening of our new Nurseries in Aldbourne and Mildenhall. Set in beautiful barn conversions with large outdoor spaces, offering the FULL 30hrs funded sessions. Get In Touch.... - From 0 to 4 years of age - Open 51 weeks of the year - Large Outdoor play area - Two year old funding available

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Full 30hr funded sessions available The Avenue Day Nursery

Edit or’s Letter Let’s get creative

This month sees the annual Marlborough Open Studios, where local artists throw open their doors for people to visit them in their studios and find out more about how they create their beautiful pieces of art. Our interviewee this month is one of those exhibiting artists, Kareen Jackson, who creates work in a variety of media, all equally impressive. After talking to Kareen, it got me thinking about all the different forms of creativity there are, and how things that we might not immediately consider creative or artistic actually are – this month’s Marlborough in Bloom demonstrates how gardening can be art; a beautiful meal or lovingly baked cake show culinary art; a well-designed building or home interior can be considered artistic. Even an unusual solution to a knotty problem can be considered creative (we’ll draw a veil over creative accounting though…). It just goes to show there is beauty in many things, and we can all be creative if we put our minds to it. What are you going to get creative at? Enjoy the magazine this month

Editor Contact us: Andrea Jerome Address: Ivydene, High St, Wanborough, SN4 0AD Tel: 01793 791104 Mob: 07836 580699 Email: Cover Photo: The very creative Val Compton of The Waterfront Garden (a stalwart of Marlborough in Bloom) supplied the cover pic of her courtyard (or The Waterfront Garden Back Office as she calls it) Thanks Val! All copy for August 18 issue is due by 6th July 2018.

Contents 3 Intro 6 Kareen Jackson 8 Local News 10 Holiday Organising 13 Council News 16 Body Talk

18 Motoring 20 What’s On 22 Community Info 30 Money 32 Vet’s Column

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Can’t pay, won’t pay? I wonder how many small businesses in our area realise that a High Court Enforcement Order can be granted for sums as low as £600? The small claim courts process is now an easy to do online process and many businesses who are owed money can use the service for a relatively small fee. Many people at this point do not submit the correct and suitable paperwork that an experienced solicitor would prepare and often these claims fail. Successful claims mean the person owing the money now has a CCJ (County Court Judgement) against them or their business and this can have an adverse effect on credit ratings. It is however quite shocking to realise the number of people and businesses who ignore these CCJs and refuse to pay the monies out of a sense of injustice or bury their head in the sand. This is where they go so horribly wrong. If the CCJ amount is over £600 the person owed the money can apply to the HCEA, High Court Enforcement Agency, to recover the money owed. County Court Bailiffs can be used to enforce sums under £600.

This now means that 1 or 2 nice people will arrive at your house or place of work and ask for payment of the amount in the judgement plus fees and interest which can be quite a lot extra on an initial small debt. If it is a business, they have the authority to remove goods to the value of the debt (with some exceptions). If the business has personal guarantors, then they too are liable for the debt. This means that if they personally guarantee a company debt, even if it is a limited company, they are still as liable as the company and that means that the HCEA can go to their house and take goods to cover that debt. Many of the disputes and money claims can be

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Kareen Jackson Kareen Jackson lives in Baydon with her husband Pete and son Harvey, 14. She also has two older sons, Luke, 27, studying Paramedic Science in Oxford; and Jamie, 24, studying for a PhD in Sports Science in New Zealand. Kareen is a professional artist, and will be exhibiting as part of Marlborough Open Studios during the last three weekends in July. Kareen works from home with her creative assistant Poppy the Springer Spaniel, and two friendly cats Minnie and Mango Chutney. Are you from the area? I was born in London, and lived in Aldershot until our family moved to Baydon when I was 10, so if not born and bred here, I certainly think of it as home. Have you always been creative? Absolutely, I have loved drawing and painting since I was small. I went to Art school when I was 16 and did a course. I’ve always kept up sketching and journaling, but didn’t do an Art degree until I was 39. I went to Swindon College to study on what was then a prestigious course in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University. It was fantastic, I learned a lot and made some great friends that I am still in touch with. After I completed my degree I started work as a professional artist. Tell us about your work I work with lots of different media, but I’m probably best known for my driftwood pieces. These are boats, cottages and animals made from wood and other bits and pieces I’ve found on my travels. I love making things from bits of old rubbish and driftwood. I’m quite passionate about not buying any materials for them. So much so, all my friends know they can donate any interesting bits of old metal, bent and rusty nails, or leftover emulsion paint to me and I will be thrilled! I’m currently recreating Marlborough High St, with the work so far on show at my Open Studio. I also love to do pet portraits, mostly dogs. These are completely different to my wooden pieces, as they are postcard sized watercolours in an A4 mount. They are detailed and quite delicate. I love to capture the animals’ expressions – it’s all in the eyes I think.


I like to make a real event of it, and welcome people into my home, not just my studio. I also paint on a bigger scale too, featuring various subjects and media I love the variety it keeps everything fresh, I never get bored. Apart from donations from friends, where do you find your materials? All over the place! Having a husband and three boys who are all into adventures and trekking means I’ve become pretty adventurous too over the years. We have travelled a lot as a family, and I am always on the look out for materials I can use in my art. Pete is good at finding deserted beaches in Cornwall that you can only get to by climbing down a cliff face. I get some good finds, though often it’s quite a challenge to get them back up the cliff! I also find a lot of bits and pieces in the area around the Bristol Estuary. As well as the UK I’ve found fantastic things in other countries – just recently on a trip to Italy we found a lot of glass washed up on the beach. The action of the sea wears the edges smooth and the pieces are all like little gems. Sometimes it is sad to see the amount of rubbish there is out in the natural environment – it’s nice to be able to clean some of it up and make use of it. Closer to home, I go out walking with Poppy

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People every day (I call it our Creative Meeting), and I often find useful bits and pieces on our daily adventures. I would say my wooden pieces are most enjoyable as every one has a story and involves some sort of adventure. Do you take commissions? Yes, I am happy to create people’s homes out of driftwood or paint their pets. Houses are around £50, and pet portraits around £80. Happy to discuss larger paintings of pets, where the price will be in the hundreds as these take a lot longer. Tell us about Marlborough Open Studios I’ve been exhibiting at MOS for several years now (although I missed last year, as we were rebuilding our kitchen from the ground up practically!). It gives people the opportunity to come and meet artists where they work and talk to them about their inspiration and so on. You don’t have to buy anything (although purchases are welcome), it’s a chance to showcase our work. Are you exhibiting every weekend in July? I can’t do the first weekend (July 7/8) as we have a family wedding, but I am open for the following three weekends. What can people expect at your studio? I like to make a real event of it, and welcome people into my home, not just my studio. I make a cake every morning of the open weekends, and also offer people tea/coffee or a glass of Pimm’s. They are welcome to bring children and dogs. They may find husband and sons here, though I try to keep household chaos to a minimum! I don’t try and sell to people (like many artists, I feel a bit uncomfortable doing that), rather I just like to tell stories

about my work. I love to meet the people that come along and chat about how I create my work and tell them the background to many of my pieces. People are welcome to stay a few minutes or a few hours, I like to make it an enjoyable experience. One year, one of my cats had recently had kittens – that was very popular, and didn’t have a problem finding homes for them! I’ll often make suggestions of other artists they might like to visit, all the MOS artists are very supportive of each other. Apart from Open Studios, how do you sell your work? Word of mouth is good, and I find Social Media (Facebook/ Instagram) also work well, as you can create a relationship with people that like your work, often I ask for feedback on works in progress. It’s also great for keeping in touch with other creative people all over the world. I have an etsy shop for my driftwood art. You also run art clubs for children? Yes, we have great fun. There is no need to keep to a curriculum, and definitely no right or wrong way to do something. I just try to inspire the kids to enjoy art, and realise that anyone can be artistic. I sometimes run workshops for grown-ups too! Is there anything you don’t enjoy about being an artist? Perhaps not being quite as affluent as I would be if I had a “proper” job. Also, I wish I was a bit less clumsy, as I manage to injure myself quite often using very sharp craft knives! What do you get up to in your spare time? As already mentioned, as a family we love to travel, and we tend to be away most weekends. We also enjoy going on adventurous trips

abroad – recently we spent three weeks wild camping in New Zealand. We did some incredible treks over there, although unfortunately not allowed to bring any driftwood or other finds home. There’s a great community in our village, and a group of us often raise money for local causes. Next year a large group of us are going to do the Moonwalk to raise money for Breast Cancer. We have been christened The Baydon Bap Flappers! I also love socialising with friends, and enjoy having people round. Being an artistic type some of my friends think I’m a bit bonkers – in a nice way I think! Do you enjoy reading? I do, although I don’t get much time for it at the moment. Even so I have three books on the go – one on Positive Thinking, recommended to me by a friend (I’m a positive person, but think it’s important to work at it); for lunchtime reading I have The Trouble with Goats and Sheep; and for evening I have The Harry Quebert Affair, the only drawback of which is it’s a hardback, and keeps hitting me in the face when I nod off reading it! How about music? I have an eclectic taste – I enjoy cheesy pop, disco and jazz. I always have music on when in my studio. Pete’s a great pianist, and I have an ambition to learn the ukulele during Open Studios this year, although I only know one note so far! Kareen’s Open studios are 11-5pm on 14/15, 21/22 and 28/29 July. See Marlboroughopenstudios. for full details. You can find her on Facebook (Kareen Jackson Visual Artist) and Instagram, or at her etsy shop driftwoodlittlebird

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Local News

David Walliams heads Marlborough Litfest’s Claire Perry opens children’s programme new Burbage Primary Classroom

local authors and award-winning story tellers taking part.”

Multi-talented actor, star of ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent, and hugely successful children’s author, David Walliams, has been announced as Marlborough LitFest’s children’s author for 2018. He’ll be appearing on Sunday, 30 September at 3pm at the Memorial Hall in Marlborough College. LitFest aims to bring the best of good writing to the historic market town of Marlborough, with nearly 40 events during the festival weekend. The children’s programme for 2018 includes a variety of events for all ages, to help stimulate a passion for reading amongst local younger readers. The complete LitFest programme will be available on 11 July, when the Box Office opens. As part of 10th anniversary celebrations of The Boy in the Dress, David Walliams will talk at LitFest about all his books written in the last 10 years, including Gangsta Granny and Mr Stink. The biggest selling children’s author to have started writing since 2000, Walliams has been compared to Roald Dahl and his books have been translated into over 46 languages, sold over 8 million copies worldwide as well as being made into films and audio books. Best known for his children’s novels, he has also collaborated with celebrated British illustrators, Quentin Blake and Tony Ross and his latest venture is the forthcoming stage musical show of The Boy in the Dress, with music by Robbie Williams. Tickets £5, Sunday 30 September, 3pm, Memorial Hall, Marlborough College. Louise Tinker of the Marlborough LitFest said: “We are delighted that David Walliams will be appearing this year as Marlborough will get to hear first-hand about his phenomenal success as a children’s author. LitFest, once again, has a packed programme of children’s events with


In late May, with help of Year 2 children Claire Perry MP cut the ribbon to officially open the new classroom at Burbage Primary School. Declaring the classroom open she said: “This is a really exciting day; it’s wonderful to see the results of all the fundraising.” Children in Reception and Year 1 are already being taught in the new building which their teacher described as: “a fantastic bright and open learning environment in which to nurture a love of learning from the start of school.” The classroom opens directly onto the school’s extensive outside space which includes a fantastic playing field, large playground, orchard and, in the kitchen garden, chickens hatched and cared for by the children. Funding for the new classroom came from government grants, generous donations and lots and lots of fundraising by the school community. Former Burbage School Principal Nicola Coupe was also there to celebrate the opening. She had been personally involved in much of the fundraising including completing a sponsored skydive with Reception teacher Bev Thompson. Congratulating Nicola on raising £8,500 in sponsorship Claire Perry said that: “Skydiving was something that she never had, and, never would do!”

Make a Splash!

Part of Youth Action Wiltshire, Splash supports young people age 9-16 who are facing challenges in their lives. The Splash Summer Activities programme is now open for referrals. There are 31 FREE, positive activity days planned offering lots of choice for young people. Activities include outdoor pursuits, sporting days, arts and cookery to name a few. Full details at Anyone can refer a young person and free transport from Marlborough is available for some of the activities.

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Holiday Prep – heaven or hell? Does the idea of going on holiday fill you with dread? Often the preparation required leaves you exhausted before you even begin! Minimise holiday stress is using my two favourite words - planning and delegation. I plan backwards from the day I leave for holiday and the whole process starts from the day I make the first booking. Documentation – Passports, EHIC cards, driving licence, travel insurance in date. Check what visas are needed. Scan all documents for easy reference if they get lost. Money – consider a pre-paid travel card or credit card to minimise exchange rate fees. Take some small denomination cash for when you first arrive. Pets – Organise travel documents and rabies shots and identify a local vet. If they are staying at home organise your pet sitter or kennel in good time. Packing lists – invaluable so you don’t forget anything important. I have packing lists for different types of holidays and split it between checked luggage and carry-on. Packing – check your airline baggage policy so you don’t pay excess and all your carry-on items correctly packed for security. Layers of clothing gives you greater flexibility and options. If there are laundry facilities, limit the clothes you need to take. Put all the clothes


you think you want on your bed, halve it and then halve it again. Minimise wrinkles and make the best use of space by rolling your clothes. Packing aids like cubes and rolling vacuum bags save space and help security see what you have. Technology – get an international plug and pack your charging leads. Make sure your technology is charged in case it needs to be checked during travel. Call you mobile phone company and find the best add on package you can get for where you are going. Delegation – once you have written your checklist give each member of the family an area of responsibility in the holiday planning. Create a packing list for each person so they can do their own packing - I even have one for my dog, Stanley! This gets everyone in the holiday mood and shares the load. Finally, if you would like a copy of my travel checklists please email or call 01672 550657 and I will send them to you. I have always found the more I plan, the more I enjoy the whole holiday experience. Happy travels! Sammy Ryan, Strictly Organised

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The Greyhound

Marlborough in Bloom and the Beeb!

to volunteer by helping in the lead up to the Judging Day and beyond – just call into the Town Council offices and we’ll put you in contact with the MiB Committee. Good luck MIB!

Play Area Things just get better and better for Marlborough in Bloom. After winning Gold last year, our local Bloomers are working hard towards this year’s South West in Bloom competition. Driving this all forward is MiB Chairman, Steve Pascall and his committee made up of local volunteers as well as representatives from the Town Council. Judging Day takes place on Tuesday, 10 July when 2 judges from the Royal Horticultural Society will be touring the town looking at some of Marlborough’s wonderful floral, environmental and historical features. The competition also includes the RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign which is an opportunity for community groups to get involved with volunteer led gardening projects. So impressive is Marlborough’s reputation that the BBC has been filming a small selection of these for screening next year as part of its Britain in Bloom series. Watch out for featured community projects at Stonebridge Meadow, the Waterfront Garden and a splendid new one at Alma Place. Let’s all work towards making it a second Gold for Marlborough by helping out where we can, ensuring that the town looks its very best. If you would like

We have started the tendering process for the new play area at Cooper’s Meadow and later in July there will be a consultation exercise so that young users and their parents can have their say on how the finished design will look. As the play area sits in a water meadow, we have stressed to potential suppliers that the design must incorporate a suitable surface so the new look play area can be used year round. Keep an eye on our website for information about our consultation day –

English Civil War Re-enactment - 2019 The Town Council will be working with the English Civil War Society, Marlborough History Society and The Merchant’s House towards staging ‘The Battle of Marlborough.’ This will involve various exciting events and activities from the English Civil War of 1642, bringing the 17th century alive during the

weekend of 27-28 July 2019. A similar event held in 2014 brought thousands of visitors into the town, promoting Marlborough and its businesses locally and much further afield – this also promises to be as successful. If you are interested in sponsoring or being involved in the event, please contact the Town Council offices.

Your Committee Chairs

Your Chairs of committees for the municipal year are: Town Mayor and Chairman of the Council Cllr Lisa Farrell Planning Committee Cllr Andy Wilson Finance & Policy Committee Cllr Andy Ross Amenities & Open Spaces Cllr Mark Cooper Property Committee Cllr Noel Barrett-Morton Staffing Sub Committee Cllr Peggy Dow Contact details for all Councillors are at

Comments and enquiries to the council are always welcome, you can contact us on:Tel: 01672 512487 Email: Web: Official news from Marlborough Town Council



Body talk So, another series of Love Island is upon us. I am poorly qualified to comment really, having never watched a single episode. I feel as if I have though with the amount of commentary in the media and pictures of scantily clad twenty somethings. Don’t get me wrong, I am very much a fan of the human form ( more below), but they are all so blooming perfect. Being a mother of two impressionable teenagers, I do worry about how much they may feel pressure to achieve the seemingly perfect form. I accept, of course, that this is often the product of healthy living, but where are the flaws? There’s not a “spare tyre” in sight. This subliminal conditioning is not new, I know. After all, I always wanted to look like the dark-haired lady on Charlie’s Angels, or even Wonder Woman and how many boys wanted to be the Six Million Dollar Man? You know me well enough by now to know that I like to dabble in all things arty crafty. Well, I have started a new pursuit and I have fallen hook line and sinker for it. I now go to life drawing classes. So, there I am, spending two and a half hours each week staring at a nude model. It’s funny really as I am chatting and sharing stories with the model and suddenly, she gets into position and begins her first short poses which form the initial part of the lesson. So far, the models have been ladies. What has fascinated me is that whilst at times I can have serious hang ups about my own body and spare tyres, when drawing the models, all that comes to mind is just how beautiful they are. There is nothing gratuitous in the process, just the chance to study the grace and curve of the human form.


For the second part, we complete a one-hour study and the model reclines and drifts off in peaceful repose whilst we scribble away intensely. The room is silent, but for the little gas heater, each of us lost in our own little worlds, studying the length of the arm, the leg in position against the other, or the turn of the head. The hour often runs away with itself and I get the typical “bake off” terror when we are told that there is ten minutes left. Just time for a few more last-minute highlights and a little shading. Then time is up and we all step back and breathe and inspect our offerings. It’s amazing also to look at the different interpretations of the pose drawn by the other students at the lesson. Some are abstract, some, very detailed and realistic, some in charcoal, others in pastel or paint, but each having a beauty in their own right. I have so much to learn about the anatomy as well as the light, texture and tone, but each week my tutor gently critiques my piece as I sketch and encourages me to try new methods to find my natural style. It will take time to pull the threads together, certainly but one thing that I am grateful for is the “normal” bodies that I see. How much more fascinating and full of character they are than a toned and buffed Love Islander. Fiona Kellow Fiona Kellow is a working mum of two. When she isn’t running around after her family she is a Partner at Thrings Solicitors, specialising in family law.

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Road Test

Alfa Romeo Stelvio I’ve had a few Alfas over the years; all of them have been charismatic and all have been equally frustrating, whether it’s shoddy build quality, a tragic lack of reliability or glaring design flaws. These days, Alfa is starting to get its act together by offering reasonably well built, practical cars that still retain a bit of Italian flair. Having always offered sports cars and sporty saloons, Alfa is taking it’s first stab at the SUV market with the Stelvio. Make no mistake, the Stelvio is a make or break car for Alfa Romeo. If you operate in the premium sector and want to sell cars, you have to offer an SUV. Within a year of the launch of the F-Pace, over half of Jaguar’s sales were accounted for by its first ever SUV. The Stelvio needs to be good and it needs to sell like hot cakes. What are its chances? Starting with the styling I’d say pretty good. It looks like an Alfa Romeo, retaining the iconic triangular grill, rounded rump and some attractive creases and curves along the flanks. It doesn’t look too top heavy or chunky and the wheels fill the arches nicely. It even manages to look sporty, no mean feat for an SUV. The sporty theme continues inside with a dash that looks more like something out of a roadster than a Range Rover. I like the individual cowls over the speedo and rev counter and the fact that they use real wood, leather and metal for the trim instead of plastic dressed up to look like them. Sadly, there are also some cheap and nasty plastics, but that is a minor niggle. As you’d hope with an SUV, there’s plenty of space and practicality for 5 adults and the seats are comfortable too. There were two engines offered at launch, a 2.2 litre diesel and a 276bhp 2.0 litre petrol. I tried the diesel which promises 207bhp, a mountain of torque and a 0-62 time of 6.6 seconds. It’s not the quietest diesel on the market but it does give nearly 60mpg by way of compensation. All Stelvios come with an eight-speed auto which is smooth shifting and a bit of a gem. It’s an Alfa Romeo, it looks sporty and it has a powerful engine, so you’d


expect a sporty drive, right? I’m happy to report that it delivers the goods. It really does drive like a well sorted saloon car, not surprising given that it’s based on the excellent Guilia platform. The steering is taut and precise, body roll is minimal and grip is plentiful thanks to the four wheel drive system. If you overdo it, a combination of traction control and the FWD switching power between axles will soon bring everything back into line. There is a compromise in the form of a rather firm ride, but it isn’t uncomfortable and I don’t have a problem with it, particularly in a car that purports to be a sporty drive. The Stelvio is a midsize SUV and is up against rivals like the Audi Q5, BMW X3 and Range Rover Velar but isn’t as well built. In character, it is more like a Porsche Macan, which is sportier but also a lot more expensive. Its closest rival is the newly released Jaguar E-Pace but those are thin on the ground right now. I prefer to look at what the buying public want from their SUVs. They want something chunky and imposing with the space and practicality of an estate car and a commanding driving position. They want something that is easy to drive but which also has some offroad ability. The Stelvio ticks all these boxes but offers much more besides. It is big and SUV-like but it’s also good looking and is actually fun to drive. It has a similar appeal to the Jaguar F-Pace and that is a great place to start. Kit Johnson Car as tested Alfa Romeo Stelvio Super 210hp £38,535 RRP

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What’s On

What’s On July 2018 Flower Festival

Date: daily 10am-4pm from Saturday 30 June to Friday 6 July Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough A summer festival of flowers on the theme of St Peter and St Paul to celebrate the 40th birthday of the St Peter’s Trust and to coincide with our Annual Evensong on Sunday 1st July.

Aldbourne Doggy day

Date: Sunday 1 July Venue: Woodley’s Meadow Aldbourne, SN8 2BL Fun dog show, stalls, classic vehicles, vintage teas and more! Raising funds for animal rescues and village projects., 07971 723174

Aldbourne Band Pond Concert

Date: Sunday 1 July, 6.30pm Venue: By the Pond, Aldbourne The second of Aldbourne Band’s Pond Concerts - the perfect way to while away a Summer Sunday. Attendance free, with a collection for the band. Next date 6 August.

Annual Service of Evensong

Date: Sunday 1st July at 6pm Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough All welcome at the one and only service of the year in one of Marlborough’s great churches where the preacher will be the Rev. Canon Keith Lamdin, with singing by the Avebury Vocal Ensemble.


Barbury Horse Trials

Barbury International Eventing

Date: 5-8 July Venue: Barbury Castle Estate, Marlborough Top class eventing plus many more attractions at this stunning venue. Full details and to book at, 07597 954600

Operaluna presents Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky Venue: Ellis Theatre, Marlborough College Date: Saturday 7 July, 6.30pm start

Following their criticallyacclaimed and hugely popular five-week run in London last year, Olivier Award-winning OperaUpClose tour the UK with their new English Version of Tchaikovsky’s sweeping Eugene Onegin Tickets from £15 - £30

Axford Beer Festival

Date: Saturday 7 July, 1-10pm Venue: Jubilee Field, Axford The first Axford Beer Fest will have a fine selection of beers and ciders, plus a standard cash bar. Hog Roast and Barbecue. Live music throughout the event. Shuttle service between Ramsbury, Axford Minal and Marlborough. For more info see Tickets online or from White Horse Bookshop or Ramsbury Post Office. Advance purchase recommended.

Marlborough Open Studios

Date: 7/8, 14/15, 21/22, 28/29 July Venue: Various

Visit artists in their studios to see how they work and view their art. Over 50 artists participating in Marlborough and surrounding area

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What’s On Chris Packham

Date: Tues 10 July, 8-10pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College Expect tales from the frontline and the full-frontal truth about how we get it wrong and get it right.Funny, inspiring, irreverent and packed with information it’s not a lecture, it’s a romp through the wild mind of Chris Packham. Tickets on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge or on the door (subject to availability).

Miracle Theatre Company presents The Cherry Orchard Date: Thursday 12 July, 7.30pm (gates open at 6pm for picnics) Venue: Ogbourne Maizey near Marlborough SN8 1RY

This summer, Miracle unpacks Chekhov’s bittersweet comedy about a oncewealthy family, whose idleness and extravagance have brought them to the brink of bankruptcy. The annual Miracle Theatre performance at Ogbourne Maizey has become a fixture on the summer calendar. This special charity performance is raising money

for Home Start Kennet. Bar/ WC/Coffee & Sweetie bar Tickets: Adults £14.00 Children (under 16) £7.00 Family £38.00 (2A 2C) Tickets in advance only 01672 – 512125 or email:

banter, this Classical Brit Award winning group have won legions of avid fans all over the world. Tickets £20, on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge or on the door (subject to availability).

Lisa Pulman Sings Streisand

The Rainer Hersch Orchestra

Singer and comedienne, Liza Pulman is one third of the satirical and much loved comedy trio Fascinating Aida. In her acclaimed show, Liza Pulman Sings Streisand, she will be accompanied by her six piece band with musical director Joseph Atkins. Tickets £20, on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge or on the door (subject to availability).

One of Rainer Hersch’s most exciting musical adventures features him as conductor of his own nine piece orchestra with a zany offering of musical comedy and wit guaranteed to have the audience rolling in the aisles. Tickets £15, on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge or on the door (subject to availability).

Date: Friday 13 July, 8-10pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College

Illyria: The adventures of Dr Dolittle Date: Tuesday 17 July, 7.30 – 9.30 pm Venue: Leaf Block Lawn, Marlborough College

This funny, much-loved and exciting adventure has a strong message about responsibility towards animals and the environment. Suitable for cheeky monkeys aged 5+. Tickets £15, on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge or on the door (subject to availability). Free for under 18s accompanied by an adult.


Date: Friday 20 July, 8-10pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College With their stunning vocal harmonies, charismatic stage presence and engaging

Date: Tuesday 24 July, 8-10pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College

The Pasadena Roof Orchestra

Date: Friday 27 July, 8-10pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College The Pasadena Roof Orchestra are “pure champagne” as one critic put it. Tickets £20, on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge or on the door (subject to availability).

An evening with Lord Robert Winston Date: Tuesday 31 July, 8-10 pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough College

An evening with the well known scientist and Labour Peer. Tickets on sale at, the Summer School office, Sound Knowledge, or on the door (subject to availability).

Marlborough Open Studios

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Community Information

Community Information These pages detail useful local numbers and community groups. If you have a group or society you would like featured here please telephone 01793 791104 or email

Local Societies and Groups Air Cadets (2293 Marlborough Squadron) Marlborough Air cadets welcome all young people aged 13-18 who are interested in Aviation and Adventure: Parade nights Tues and Fri 1900-2130 Follow us on Facebook 2293MarlboroughAirCadets Email 01672 516811 Dance Classes in Marlborough Ballroom and Latin American dance classes, and for those with no partner Dancersize sessions. Please contact Amanda on 07882-882030 or email for more info Depression Alliance The Marlborough and District SELF-HELP GROUP meets the first Tuesday of every month. If you’ve got depression, or know someone who might benefit from being part of our group, please get in touch. Call 0845 123 23 20 for location details. Stained Glass Lessons. Wed.& Thurs morning 9.30-11.30. Mon.Tues.& Wed evening 7-9. Suitable for all, learn stained glass or kiln-formed glass. Held at; Ogbourne St. George. Contact jeannette 07977 053363 or Girl Guides Meet Tuesdays during term times at Manton Village Hall 1st Marlborough Rainbows, 4.45-5.45pm, Contact 1st Marlborough Guides, 5.45-7.15pm Contact Jubilee Centre Day Centre (Mon, Tues and Fri) and Drop-in Centre (Wed and Thurs - Lunch served 12.30pm £5.00) for over sixties. For more information phone Carole Walkeron 01672 513087 Kennet Accordion Orchestra Meets on Monday night from 7.30pm, in Froxfield and has a wide playing base of players from Swindon through Marlborough to Newbury and encourage accordion players of all standards to join and enjoy a varied selection of music from pop through to classics. The current Southern Area Champions and established throughout the region for its diverse repertoire. Contact Nigel Pasby A.B.C.A.(t.d.) L.B.C.A. on 07894032757 or email For more information go to


Kennet Badminton Club We are a friendly club fielding six teams in the Swindon and District Badminton League. We have accredited coaches, a competitive player base and a friendly social aspect. Club nights are held on Mondays from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm throughout the winter at St. John’s Academy, Marlborough. New members are welcome. For more information please visit or contact Kennet Badminton Club Secretary on 01672 515526 Kennet Community Transport KTC runs a minibus with tail lift for people for whom normal transport is impractical. Contact the driver on 07850 356572 or Alexander Kirk Wilson on 01672 513861 Kennet Valley Driving Group RDA carriage driving for adults (16+) with physical disabilities. New volunteers and participants welcome. Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Rockley. For more info call the Secretary, Maggie Lewis, on 0846 241 5396 or email Kennet Valley National Trust Association Monthly meetings with speakers on a variety of subjects, summer outings to interesting places and social events. For more information please call Ann King (Chair) on 01380 727130 or Rhona Wilkinson (Membership Secretary) 01380 726433 Learn To Play Bridge Lessons for Absolute Beginners & Improvers Friendly club sessions also available Marlborough Area, No Partner needed Friendly relaxed atmosphere Please contact Andy Hill for further details and availability 01380 724725 Line dancing Meet every Tuesday (except August) at St John’s School, Marlborough Class runs 7-10 pm and covers beginners through to advanced Contact Natasha on 07917 806019 or natasha67@hotmail.couk Marlborough Accordion Orchestra Rehearsals on Monday in Wesley Hall Marlborough. Training Orchestra 6.30p.m. / Main Orchestra 7.30 p.m. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. M.D. David Watson. Contact 01672 512634 Marlborough and District Link Scheme Marlborough Link is a charity dedicated to assisting the disadvantaged members of our community, whether because of age, physical or mental disability, poverty or absence of public transport.If you need us, or if you would like to help please telephone 01672 288007. Marlborough Brandt Group MBG is best known for its 30 year link with and support for the Muslim community of Gunjur in The Gambia, West Africa. If you are interested in becoming a friend, volunteering or visiting Gunjur for an extraordinary experience please contact us 01672861116, or or visit

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Community Information Marlborough Choral Society Rehearses on Monday 7.45 to 9.30pm in Christchurch, New Rd, Marlborough. New members welcome, for more information Tel 01793 812175. Marlborough Concert Orchestra Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evening at Christ Church, New Road, Marlborough, 7.30 pm Anyone wishing to join is invited to make contact with the orchestra through the website Marlborough Gardening Association Welcomes anyone with an interest in gardening. Meetings or visits most months throughout the year. For more information call Tricia Hayllar on 01672 512435, Marlborough & District Farming Club Meets every third Thursday of the month, September through to June, with a Ploughman’s Supper and a varied programme of interest to members. Meetings in Oare Village Hall 7.30 pm and four times in the winter at All Cannings. Open to anyone interested in country life Secretary Diane Strong 01672 563371 email Marlborough and District Concert Club Marlborough and District Concert Club was founded in 1980 in order to take advantage of some of the many first-class professional musical events available within coach distance of Marlborough. We arrange visits to concerts in Basingstoke, Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Southampton and Reading and occasionally London and Birmingham. We normally go to 11 concerts each year: orchestral, chamber music, recitals and opera. For more information call Tom Massey, 01672 516610. Marlborough and District Dyslexia Association The MDDA is a small, independent charity which has for the last 22 years supported local schools, hundreds of dyslexics and their families. Helpline 07729452143, website Marlborough and District Rotary Club Rotary is an International Organisation of professional and business people who meet every week for fellowship and service. Meetings every Monday evening at Marlborough Golf Club. For more information visit Marlborough Big Band Rehearsals on Fridays 7pm to 9pm at Mildenhall Village Hall. We play a wide range of popular, swing and jazz music and have members aged 16 to 80+. New members of all ages welcome. For more information contact David on 07500 635870 or email: Marlborough Bowls Club Tel: 07747 833436 Secretary Mrs A. Watts 01672 511335 Outdoor season April - October. New members always welcome, coaching and advice available Monthly networking breakfasts, see for more info.


Marlborough & District Lions Lions serve the local community by organising events to raise funds for local and national deserving causes. If you would like to join or need support please ring John Edmunds 01672 512650 or Karen Hilditch 01672 513282 Marlborough Floral Club. Please come and join us....we meet at 2pm the first Thursday of each month at Mildenhall Village Hall. Guest demonstrators, and the arrangements are raffled at the end of the meeting. For more info please call Mary Throup - 01672 861279. Marlborough Freemasons Meet once a month in the Masonic Hall in Oxford Street. Far from the myth of being a “secret” organisation, members are openly proud of their membership, and of the work that the Lodge does to support local organisations and charities. More details from Secretary Steve Aubertin on 01672 513316 or e-mail him Marlborough History Society Founded in 2001 the Society celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2011. Meetings are held at St. Peter’s at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of most months. New members are always welcome. For more information call 01672 519338. Web site: Marlborough Penguins Amateur Swimming Club. Swimming teaching/training for ages 5years to Masters. Tues/Thurs/Sun at Marlborough Leisure Centre. Please contact Alan Crook 01672 512757 for details. Marlborough Police Station Enquiry Office is now only open Tues 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315), Weds 0900 - 1230 and Thurs 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315). Please call in to check if your lost property has been handed in, as well as report crime, traffic collisions, produce driving documents, and much more. Marlborough Tennis Club Based at Preshute Tennis Courts.New members welcome for social and league play. Coaching for children and adults. Contact Barbara Jones 516635 Marlborough WI Meetings take place on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Wesley Hall, Oxford St from 7.30-9.30. New members very welcome. For further details call 01672 514177 Mildenhall Gardening Club - New, very informal and friendly group, currently meeting at the Horsehoe in Mildenhall on the 3rd Wednesday every month at 7.30pm. For more information contact Milly on 07876 230 540 or

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Community Information Pewsey Tennis Club A friendly club with first class facilities and coaching groups for all ages and abilities. Private coaching available. For more info please see our website or contact Martin Wright Head Coach 07855 887 568 Phoenix Brass Band Rehearsals twice weekly in Froxfield. Training Band on Saturday mornings. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. Contact Musical Director David Watson 01672 515176 Pilates classes Pilates classes for all levels around the Marlborough area. Please contact Caroline McCord on 01672 511360 or 07817503546 or Angie Sanders - Classes are held in Aldbourne. 1:1 tuition available, or 01672 540176 Pottery Lessons Adults:Mon.7-9pm, or Thurs.7-9pm Children’s: Wed. 3.45-5.15. Beginners and more experienced welcome. At Wagon Yard Artists, off London Rd, Marlb. Contact Jacqui 07773 271572 or Sarsen Songmen A small male voice choir rehearsing in Aldbourne (1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays 7.30 pm), wide repertoire including Barbershop, occasional performances in the local area. New members welcome: contact MichaelReynolds on 01672-511199. Savernake Badminton Club Savernake Badminton Club is a small friendly club that is long established and affiliated to Badminton England. We meet on Tuesday evenings between 7.00 and 9.00pm at the Sports Hall at St John’s School, Granham Hill, Marlborough. For further details telephone Roy Turner on 01672 810208 or Barbara Jones on 01672 516635 School of Tae Kwon Do (P.U.M.A.) Classes are held at Marlborough Leisure Centre on Tuesday evening (7 - 8 pm), and Friday evening (6 -7 pm), and are suitable for all ages from 7 years upward. Please phone John or Carol on 01793 850410 / 07799 566805 for further information. Scottish Country Dancing Manton Village Hall - Wednesday evenings Beginner session followed by more experienced dancers.Contact Jennifer Parker 01672 515151 St Peter’s Church Marlborough A redundant church now managed by a Trust, featuring a Coffee Shop and a Craft Shop. The church is open daily 10 am - 5 pm, except Saturdays when it opens at 9 am, and on Sundays from March to December 11 am - 4pm The church is available for hire for exhibitions, meetings, lectures and concerts. For bookings please contact David Du Croz on 01672511725 or email at T’ai Chi at Burbage Tai Chi is an excellent exercise designed to strengthen the back and improve general well-being. Open to


men and women. New members and beginners are most welcome. Sessions every Thursday, 10-11am and 11.30-12.30 in Burbage Village Hall More details contact Louise on 01672 810421 or email The Friends of Savernake Hospital and the Community – A local charity helping people with health-related issues both at Savernake Hospital and in the Marlborough Community Area by providing grants of up to GBP10,000. For information on applying for a grant or on becoming a volunteer at the Friends’ Shop at Savernake Hospital, visit the Friends’ website at or contact the Friends’ Chairman, Janet Louth, on 01672 513868. The Merchant’s House This historic 17th century silk-merchant’s house at 132 High Street is being refurbished by a charitable trust. Regular lectures and concerts are held and there are opportunities for local people to work as volunteers or house guides. The House and garden are open to visitors from 1st of April to the end of October on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10.30am-3pm and by appointment at other times. Become a ‘Friend’ and enjoy enhanced membership benefits. For more information contact Sophie Costard 01672 511491 Web site: Transition Marlborough aims to inspire and motivate people to work together, and support each other, in reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, building a stronger sense of community and so increasing our communities’ resilience. This will strengthen the local economy to create livelihoods for local people and provide a greater level of wellbeing for all. Our Hub group meets on the second Thursday of the month, usually at the Green Dragon, at 7:30pm. Do join us. For more information, contact Alexandra on 07771 347 379 email, University of the Third Age U3A provides learning and leisure opportunities in the Marlborough Area for those who are retired or semi-retired. For information on interest groups and membership please visit or email or call the Membership Secretary, Nick Swan, on 01672 519331. Watercolour Painting Classes Classes on Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm and Tuesdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm With professional artist Colin Palmer at his studio in central Marlborough. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. Call Colin on 07835 039 812 or for more details. Yoga classes for all abilities. Enjoyable Yoga classes in and around the Marlborough area. Please contact Lizzy Hawnt on 01672 841553, 07821 396 430 or e-mail Yoga for Men Tuesday evenings 7.30pm -9.15pm for all abilities including beginners at Minal Village Hall,

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Community Information Mildenhall Please contact Jonathan Heath on 01672 513738 e.mail: Aldbourne Village Green A voluntary organisation managing a community orchard and running a twice yearly market for local bakers, makers and growers on the Green. New volunteers and traders welcome. For details contact Lesley on 01672 540180

Parents & Toddlers

Chilton Chicks Toddler Group Join us for a variety of crafts, toys, snacks, a cuppa and a chat. New faces are always welcome. Mondays 9.30-11.30am in the Chilton Foliat Village Hall (Next to the Wheatsheaf pub). Adults £1, Toddlers £1 & under 6 months are free. Call Liz on 01488 684526 for further details. Creepy Crawlers meet Fridays 10 – 11.30am at the Scout Hut, Marlborough Tel: 01672 811495 The Corner House Children’s Centre offering information, support, advice and activity sessions to families with children 0-5 in Marlborough and the community area. George Lane Car Park Tel 01672 513010 Great Bedwyn Playgroup Ofsted Outstanding Playgroup for 2 to five year olds, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during term-time. Toddler group for 0 - 5 years olds, every Wednesday during term-time. Sessions include crafts, snack, story and music time, and outside play area. Great Bedwyn Village Hall, Frog Lane, Great Bedwyn, near Marlborough SN8 3PB Tel. 01672 870 179 or visit

Manton Preschool. Based in the heart of the beautiful village of Manton our well-established friendly Preschool provides exemplary education for 2-5 year olds. We are a “Good” Ofsted setting providing Rising Fives sessions as well as healthy snacks, crafts, singing, story time, French, outdoor play and much more. For more details, please ring 01672 516675. Marlborough and District NCT We have an active group in Marlborough, with courses, events and ‘Bumps and Babes’ cafes. The cafes are an opportunity to meet other parents, grandparents and parents-to-be for a coffee and a chat. For more information contact or go to Ramsbury Parent and Toddlers meets Wednesdays 10 – 12 in the Memorial Hall Tel: 01672 520961 Sunflowers at Grafton is a Nursery & Pre school for children aged 0-5 situated in beautiful East Grafton. Open from 8am-6pm, 51 weeks each year, morning & afternoon sessions are available. Sunflowers is community run on a not-for-profit basis. For more information see or call 01672 810478


Ramsbury Surgery Tel:01672 520366 The Marlborough Surgery Tel: 01672 512187 Wiltshire Out of Hours Service Tel: 0300 111 5717


Home-Start Calling all volunteer parents....Could you help make a difference for young families? Many parents need help, friendship, advice or support during those early years when children are young. Your experience as a parent can help others. For more details contact Home-Start Kennet 01672 569457

Local Government

Junipers Creative and sensory play for babies to preschoolers. 01672 890829,


Little Dabchicks Parent and Under 4’s group, meets Thursday mornings 9.30 - 11.30 Term time.In the Aldbourne Methodist Hall, Lottage Road Zoe - 01672 540439 Little Dragons Pre School Ogbourne St George Village Hall All children aged 2 - 5 years welcome at our well established pre-school held in a quiet village setting in Ogbourne St George. It is a warm, friendly environment where we are open Monday to Friday for mornings 9.05am to 12.05pm or 1.05pm (if staying for lunch) and all day Wednesdays until 3.05pm. For


more information email or call 07855 026083. Alternatively do look at our website at

Herongate Leisure 01488 682000 Marlborough Leisure Centre 01672 513161 Marlborough Town Council 01672 512487. See for full details of council meetings Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100 Marlborough St Mary’s Tel: 01672 513101 Ogbourne St. George & St. Andrew C of E Controlled Primary School Tel: 01672 841318 St Michael’s CE Aided School, Back Lane, Tel: 01672 540434 Ramsbury Primary School Back Lane, Tel: 01672 520244 Preshute Primary School Tel: 01672 512754 St John’s School and Community College Tel: 01672 516156 Stepping Stones Pre-Prep School Tel: 01488 681 067

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Who pays for long term care – understanding the rules The last thing that most people want to prepare for is the cost of funding their long term care in later life. The reality though is that this can be a major expense which can decimate savings and a little forward planning can really benefit those needing care and their wider family. The basic rules are that most people with more than £23,500 in capital will have to pay for their own care costs. Those with less than this figure may get some financial help from the local authority. If nursing care is needed rather than residential, it may be that the NHS will contribute towards the costs and, in some instances, will cover all the care related costs. The value of the home falls outside the means test for home-based care and for the first twelve weeks of residential care. After this twelve-week period it is likely the value of the house will be taken into account unless a spouse is still living there. Whilst in many cases the house may need to be sold to cover fees, the local authority does provide a facility to cover the care costs in the short term so the house can be properly marketed and sold as necessary without rushing the process. There are some other assets which fall outside the means test and we can provide guidance on this for you. Great care needs to be made to ensure that assets are not deliberately moved to avoid the means test and the local authority have powers to recover these if this is the case. If assets are gifted away within 6 months prior to needing care, it is highly likely that the local authority will try to include any unjustified gifts, if over 6 months prior to care, the local authority will need to demonstrate that the gift was made, at least in part, to avoid the means test. With residential care often costing in the region of £1,000 per week and sometimes more, savings can be depleted quite fast. Not all care homes charge at this level so it may pay to research your local homes to be sure that you are comfortable before moving in but do remember that their care propositions will not all be the same.


I am often asked how best to avoid paying for care but I tend to take the stance that it may be better to be in control of the quality of one’s own care package rather than have the local authority making the decisions as to where they can afford to place you or your loved one. Local authority funding can pare care to the barest minimum but families do have the ability to top up the local authority funding to improve the quality of care for their loved one should they wish. Chilvester Financial have published a booklet that provides a little more information on matters surrounding care and care fee funding. If you would like a copy of this or would like to speak to me about care fees planning for yourself or a family member please do contact Chilvester on 01672 500 600. By Simon Foreman DipPFS Simon Foreman is a financial planner with local independent financial advisers Chilvester Financial. He holds accreditation from the Society of Later Life Advisers and is the care fee specialist for Chilvester.

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Vet’s Column

How to keep dogs safe when temperatures soar. We often complain about the sweltering temperatures as humans, but often forget that our pets also feel the heat. At Drove we often get asked how best to keep your dog safe when temperatures are high. Here are a few hints and tips; • Walk in the early mornings and evenings when it’s slightly cooler. Keep to shaded walks as much as possible. Pavements can become extremely hot and may burn a pad; if you can’t walk on it in bare feet it is unlikely that your dog will be able to. • Carry plenty of water. A collapsible water bowl is a very useful tool to carry with you. As is plenty of water for your pet. • Dogs can only lose heat by panting, which increases water loss and can expose them to being dehydrated. Avoid intense exercise as much as possible. Try to avoid throwing toys for them to fetch. • Do not leave them in a car, even in the shade with the windows open. If you are in the car and want the air conditioning on....there is your answer. Even if it is only


for 5 minutes and with the windows open, the temperatures soar like an oven. If you do have a shorter nosed breed (brachycephalic) their coping mechanisms are much reduced, and are more likely to be affected by increased temperatures. Likewise, breeds with double coats need regular undercoat grooming or shaving to ensure they don’t overheat. Tips to try at home can include; • Offering water with ice cubes in. • A wet towel to lie on and rigging up shade if none is to hand. • If your pet is one that delights in lying in the sunshine, try to limit how long they stay out in it. Also trying to ensure air movement, either by opening windows or by using a fan can also help. Drove Vets

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Useful Telephone Numbers BT Fault Line Citizen’s Advice Bureau Electricity Emergencies Environment Agency Pollution Hotline Gas Emergencies Marlborough College Marlborough Leisure Centre Marlborough Town Council Marlborough & District HA National Rail Enquiries NHS Helpline Parentline Quitline Samaritans Water (Thames)

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