Marlborough town and country sept 16

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Marlborough TOWN & COUNTRY


Anne Crawley Marlborough in Bloom


Passion Play 2017


St Peter's last Press Club


FREE Issue 101 . September 2016

Edit or’s Letter

Lovely Marlborough I hope you like the picture of Preshute Church on the front cover, I snapped it when I was walking the Nature Trail as part of Action for the River Kennet’s Life of the River Day in August. It was a cut down version of Marlborough College’s Nature Trail, and was a delightful walk. Marlborough and surrounds is full of loveliness as evidenced by the large number of In Your Neighbourhood entries for Marlborough in Bloom, whose Chairman Anne Crawley is our interviewee this month. If you’re not in Marlborough itself it’s worth exploring off the beaten track – there are parks and green areas that are really worth a visit. One of these is The Plume of Feathers Garden which is off London Rd – almost a secret garden tucked away behind the main road. Others include Stonebridge Meadow, Marlborough Waterfront and The Merchant’s House Garden. Why not seek them out? I hope you enjoy reading the magazine,


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Anne Crawley Anne Crawley is the Chairman of Marlborough in Bloom. She lives in Marlborough, and has two grown up children, Gavin and Samantha, and three grandchildren. Are you from Marlborough originally? No, I’m a newcomer, having only lived here 4 years. I was born in Liverpool, and lived just round the corner from Penny Lane. My family moved to London after the war as my dad couldn’t find work in the North. I soon lost my accent when I went to school there – for selfpreservation! I became an English and Drama Lecturer in a Further Education College. I retired about fifteen years ago, and moved to Marlborough to be nearer my daughter who was living in Compton Bassett at the time. What appealed to you about Marlborough? I just fell in love with it. I rented for two years, as I wasn’t sure what my plans were or whether I would like living in the country. I’ve found Marlborough to be a very welcoming town, and have had no problems meeting people and making friends here. As well as the friendliness, I love the historical aspect of it, the downs, the fact there’s always something to do. I wouldn’t live anywhere else now.


How did you get involved with Marlborough in Bloom? In its first year Alison Galvin Wright was Chair, and I was secretary. She was lovely to work with – she knows everyone in Marlborough it seems and she got Marlborough in Bloom off to a great start. When Alison was approached by NADFAS (the National Association of Decorative & Fine Arts Societies) to become a trustee, she asked if I would be interested in running Marlborough in Bloom, as she wouldn’t have time to do both. I was a bit reluctant as I had not been in the town long, but said yes as she promised to hold my hand if and when I needed it! I had experience of gardens and organisation from my involvement with the NGS Garden scheme when I lived in Hampstead, so that helped. How many people are involved? There is a committee

of around 10 people all responsible for different areas of the project. Key amongst them is Richard Beale, Marlborough Town Council’s Grounds and Estates Manager (The council have been very supportive of Marlborough in Bloom). As well as the committee there are many people involved from local businesses, pubs, shops, to volunteers and community initiatives. It seems like the whole town takes part. How has this year gone? Really well! Our theme this year was bees, as we wanted to raise awareness of the decline in the bee population due to various factors. We had lots of people making knitted bees which were

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People used to decorate local shops and premises. We had some lovely big wooden cut-outs that people may have seen decorating the side of council vehicles, and the playground in Manton Village. Transition Marlborough also got involved planting bee friendly tubs in the town. And we had a lovely art competition for the children at St Peter’s, which was a marvellous way of making them aware of the issue at a young age. Judging day in July was on the hottest day of the year, but the judges were very enthusiastic and didn’t wilt too much! They visited all the main town areas, and there was an additional day’s assessment of our In Your Neighbourhood entries which recognise community initiatives – there were 12 this year, so plenty for the assessor to see (In Your Neighbourhood is not technically a competition.) We have some fabulous entries, from The Plume of Feathers garden (a lovely little hidden gem off London Road) to the fantastic Stonebridge Wild River Reserve, Marlborough Waterfront and Marlborough Community Orchard. We are waiting for October now for the results. We’ve got our fingers crossed for a Gold this year, which would be an amazing achievement so soon after getting involved, and with a limited budget. What do you enjoy most about Marlborough in Bloom? Flowers everywhere! Also working with a group of really

lovely people and seeing how everyone puts time money and effort into making it a success. We’re really grateful to sponsors who have contributed – Brewin Dolphin are our lead sponsors, but many others have contributed. What do you enjoy least? Weeding cobbles in the High St and digging out drains! Cigarette ends are also a nightmare – I couldn’t believe the number of them we picked up. It would be nice if we could have an old fashioned road sweeper to keep on top of the litter problem. What improvements do you plan to make for next year? We have lots of ideas. We’d like to develop the roundabout near Marlborough Business Park so it welcomes people with flowers. We are producing another calendar, even better than the last one. Henry George is sponsoring a best kept garden competition, and we’d like to get more children involved, hopefully including St John’s and the College next time, and also the Scouts. There’s lots to do, and we are always looking for more volunteers to help out. We’d particularly like someone to help us out with PR for next year to spread the word. What do you like to do in your spare time? I’m a keen bridge player, I go to Andy Hill’s lessons. I’ve been playing for three years, but I’m still not sure if I’ve got the hang of it! It’s an incredibly complex game. It’s

also a good way of meeting people. I have just started a Book Group at The White Horse Bookshop – our latest read is the Big Town Read for Litfest; we are reading “I Can’t Begin to Tell You” by Elizabeth Buchan, so we can meet the author at the festival. I also attend Michael Hart’s Current Affairs class run by the U3A. There are some very well informed members of the group and we discuss all sorts of fascinating topics of the day. The screening of live plays at Marlborough Town Hall are very good – ensure you take a cushion as the seats are quite hard, and some of the plays quite long. As the plays are live, there is an interval with time for something to eat and a glass of wine. I’ve seen a few plays there including Coriolanus, King Lear and Benedict Cumberbatch’s Hamlet. Of course I enjoy seeing my grandchildren. Like a friend said to me, if I’d known grandchildren were such fun I would have had them first!

If you are interested in finding out more about Marlborough in Bloom contact Anne on 01672 512317 or email

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St Peter’s Press Club

The End of an Era By the time you read this, St. Peter’s Junior School will be a thing of the past. Of course the building is still there and some of us will have lessons in it for a few more months, but the name and the uniform are gone. We are now a part of St. Mary’s Primary school. We have been promised a new school for years. We know it makes more sense to have one management and one school plan. We know it makes sense to move out of our building which costs a lot to heat and keep in good condition. But - and it is a big “but” – we will miss St. Peter’s. When we asked last year’s St. Peter’s pupils what they felt about putting the two schools together, the answers were very mixed. Many from years 5 and 6, who had time to become used to the old building, were very sad. Somehow they felt abandoned. They were not only losing their building, their uniform and their name, they felt that their memories would be lost too. Years 3 and 4 were looking forward to the changes. They were generally pleased with the new red uniforms and the new logo. They looked forward to moving into a brand new building on the St, Mary’s site which they still remembered fondly.


New buildings or old; new red uniforms or old green and blue ones? These don’t really matter too much. You have only to look at the new school logo to see what is really important. The church, the river and the forest are surrounded by children holding hands. This idea is taken from suggestions made by the winners of the logo competition: Rosie Tunmore (year 5) and Ellie Neathey (year3). As Ellie wrote on her entry “I thought it would be nice to have friends on our school logo, so it shows that we are best friends in our school.” That is what we all hope for. No matter how splendid the building, how bright the uniform, they are only as good as the people in them. We all hope that our new combined school will be as interesting, friendly and fun as the two old ones and that all children and grown-ups will enjoy their time in it.

This is also the end of St. Peter’s Press Club. We want to thank the editor of this magazine for giving us the opportunity to tell you what St. Peter’s was really like. We hope you have enjoyed what we have written. Press Club Members 201516: Emma Blunden, Adam Blundy, Ellen Greenbank, Elise Haines, Oscar Hiscock, Jenna McKay, Lily Moir, Ruby Pike, Max Pratt, Callum Quinn, Meenashi Seenaj, and Ella Steele. Note from the editor: Thanks to St Peter’s Press Club for their contributions. Thanks also to Gillian Clarkson who ran the club and helped the children with their articles. I am sure the new St Mary’s will be a big success.

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The New Greyhound

South West in Bloom Our two judges, Tim Elley and Kim Parish, came to Marlborough on a very hot 19th July and went away clearly impressed by what they had seen.

The focus of their visit was our magnificent High Street which showed off floral displays and bee-themed artwork. They also saw how conservation and sustainability can work well in town centres with imaginative planting of vegetables and flowers in specially made tubs as well as bee hives and sheep grazing at Cooper’s Meadow. Time was also spent in the award winning Wye Gardens. On 28th July, there was a return visit when It’s Your Neighbourhood judge, Andy Cole, was in town to tour the 10 entries in this scheme. Enormous efforts were made towards this year’s In Bloom campaign from the community, businesses and schools and a significant increase in the number of sponsors and supporters. All will be revealed at an award ceremony in Taunton on 6th October.

Top Town Cryer! After only a few months in the role, our Town Cryer, Mike

Tupman, has scooped the award for Champion Town Cryer of Wiltshire. This all happened at the annual competition staged by Calne Town Council on Saturday, 8th August at Bowood House. The sun shone and Mike stunned the crowd and the judges with his ‘shouts’ about Marlborough and Bowood itself. His win means that next year the competition will be hosted by Marlborough Town Council.

Berlin. Fundraising was organised by St Mary’s Curate, the Revd. Dr Janneke Blokland.

Public Toilets – Have Your Say!

Mayor’s Annual Cricket Match A warm August evening and our Mayor, Councillor Noel Barrett-Morton, gathered his players from fellow Councillors, their families, soldiers from the 4th Military Intelligence Battalion and included too our Rector, Revd. Canon Andrew Studdert-Kennedy. The Mayoral team played against Marlborough Cricket Club. The result of this friendly match was a very close second place. The real success of the evening was the £615 raised to help buy cricket equipment for keen young Afghan refugees living in

Comments and enquiries to the council are always welcome, you can contact us on:- Tel: 01672 512487 Email: Web:

The toilets at George Lane were closed in April by Wiltshire Council. Town Councillors felt that these were an important facility for Marlborough’s visitors and residents and agreed to take them on and make improvements. Most of the funding towards refurbishment will be raised by the sale of the toilets at Chantry Lane. Disappointingly, there has been a delay around the legalities for this sale and the Town Council is keen to move ahead with the project and have work start as soon as possible. It has already met with the British Toilet Association to identify facilities best matched to Marlborough. In order for things to progress, it is proposing to apply for a public works loan so that the toilets can be installed first followed by other facilities for this building. (Hopefully a coach driver’s rest room, small Tourist Information Point and Personal Care Room – all subject to any necessary agreements and planning permissions). These loans are offered to town and parish councils at very preferential rates. Look out for further details on our website and let us know what you think.

Official news from Marlborough Town Council



It’s a Dog’s Life! Six years ago, after one of our cats sadly died, my husband found us a puppy. We had decided to think about having a dog, but, appreciating that this was a whole different ball game to an independent cat, I suggested that we had a long think about it before leaping in. That was until a beautiful chocolate Labrador puppy arrived in the office seeking a new home. The rest is history. Coco came to live with us the day after we returned from our summer holiday, a wonderful surprise for the children and a new adventure for us. She was an ungainly ball of brown fur with the most adorable brown eyes imaginable and the softest ears ever. It seemed that it would take years for her to grow into her huge paws, but, grow she did. When she was ten weeks old we took puppy training lessons where she learnt to sit, stay and come on demand. Since then, I have taught her to roll over but most other discipline has gone out of the window. She is a true, greedy Labrador and we struggle to look at those brown eyes and not give her a tit-bit of our dinner. Walkies as a puppy were funny. We had naively assumed that Coco would walk for miles. Instead, she often got as far as our hedge and refused to go further, on occasion, actually being carried home. Nowadays she will walk for miles, and loves nothing more than a run through the Savernake forest or a walk along a beach with a dip in the sea to chase stones. My lovely neighbour, Christine, who often has Coco to stay or


takes her for walks, suggested that we should try dog agility. I wasn’t too sure that she would enjoy it until Carrie of Astute Canine held a taster session for her new agility classes. Coco, Christine and I went along and I swear that, by the end of the session, all of the dogs were actually smiling! It was lovely to see, doggies and owners of all shapes and sizes and all abilities having great fun. I sussed quite quickly that those in need of training were more the owners than the dogs, who picked it up very quickly. Knowing my left from my right would be a help and, having previously trained Coco to roll over became a hindrance as, when she needed to wait at the class, she did me a little roll as well. I am sure that in a competition we would get extra points for freestyling! Coco’s class is made up of six other dogs of a mixture of breeds, from retrievers to Jack Russells, some picking it up quicker than others. Coco and I might be remedial level but it is such fun. After just two classes she has learnt the art of getting into a cardboard box - all treat led of course, for spatial awareness and how to stand front feet on an overturned box.

It is rather funny when there is only a small box available for a big dog though. However, I must remember to find a strong enough box at home as, when proudly demonstrating the trick back home, Coco fell straight through the taped bottom of my cat food box in her haste for her treat. The dogs are now most proficient at running up see-saws and through tubes. It is a delight to watch, and whilst you might not ever see us at Crufts, Carrie’s sessions have been such fun and a lovely time to spend time with my pet. Funnily enough though, other than sitting in a cardboard box, my three legged cat is not quite so keen..! If you are interested in Carrie’s classes, do call her on 07546 941709, I may see you there. Fiona Kellow Fiona Kellow is a working mum of two. When she isn’t running around after her family she is a Partner at Thrings Solicitors, specialising in family law.

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Are we listening to teenagers enough? Our teens these days are under a lot of pressure: school and exams, ceaseless social media and internet engagement, and worries about the future regarding money and jobs. Recently I’ve seen more and more kids in this age group coming for therapy with issues such as depression, anxiety and self-harm. Our teenagers definitely benefit from being listened to and that made me wonder – are we listening to teenagers enough? As well as a practising therapist, I am a parent of two girls aged 16 and 12 who are both at St John’s, and I know from my personal experience how challenging it can be to parent teens! Many parents feel ill-equipped during this time, when conflicts and arguments at home can arise at an alarming rate. Additionally, the subject of mental health in our young people has had much media exposure of late. As a parent it is helpful to understand two main things about your teenage child. Firstly, the adolescent needs to find their own autonomy. This is a vital stage of healthy psychological development. The teenager needs to learn to do things for themselves and in their own way, to be separate and different (and better!) from mum and dad, and to push boundaries. A parent needs to hold boundaries whilst gradually transferring power and control back to their child who is now learning to become an adult. Secondly, the teenage brain


is particularly plastic and is undergoing huge change. The pre-frontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that regulates emotion and impulsivity, does not fully mature until the mid twenties. This means that your teen may literally be unable to control their emotions or impulses. Because of all this, conflict and frustration is an inevitable and, indeed, a normal and healthy part of parenting a teenager! So how can parents help their kids be mentally resilient? What can we do practically? The good news is that our teens still do need us as parents whilst they are learning to eventually live without us, and we still have a huge influence to bring to bear and much to offer. In my experience the key factor in helping young people manage the transition into adulthood and to build resilience is being listened to. As therapists we listen. And as parents we can listen too. This is harder than it sounds. Teens often make parents feel frustrated, angry and depressed, yet it’s helpful to avoid reacting with punishments, unreasonable boundary-setting or rejection. We may want to “fix it” to make the problem go away and make ourselves feel better. But if we can stay with gentle, non-judgemental listening

then we will be doing our kids a huge favour. Additionally, as parents we can also look at ourselves. What is it about us or our behaviour that might be contributing to the problem? Maybe we need some help and support too. So – managing adolescent mental health issues is a big ask for us adults. And in response to this we at Wendy Bramham Therapy are hosting a public talk with parenting guru, broadcaster and journalist, Suzie Hayman, on Saturday 22 October at St John’s Marlborough. Please join us and bring your questions! Tickets from just £12.50 pp are on sale now via our website: Enquiries about the talk: or 07468 573866. [If you are facing issues right now we have therapists in Marlborough and Newbury who are experienced in working with this age group. Some offer low-cost therapy and some are recognised by health insurers. Call us on 01635 226880. There are also local charities and onsite secondary school counsellors that offer free help to teens.] Wendy Bramham @WendyBramham

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What’s On

What’s On September 2016 Giffords Circus Dates: Until 5 September Venue: Marlborough Common This year’s show “The Painted Wagon” has a western theme. All your usual favourites including Tweedy the Clown., 0845 4597469

101st Aldbourne Carnival Date: 27 August - 4 September Venue: Various, Aldbourne Aldbourne’s annual carnival with events including Carnival Crowning, Car Treasure Hunt, Live Music, 5-a-side football, Bingo, Quiz leading up to Aldbourne Carnival Parade Day on 3rd September. See for more details

Transition Marlborough Date: Thursday 8 September, 7.30pm Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough Following the official business of Transition Marlborough’s AGM, which will be kept as short as possible, there will be a presentation by Peter Smith, chief executive of the Wildwood Trust in Kent on the subject of re wilding. He will cover the pros and cons of re wilding as well as the effect of the current land ownership pattern in the UK. This talk is open to all and is free, although donations to help

cover costs would be gratefully received.

Do you enjoy singing? Date: Mondays starting 12 September, 7.45-9.30pm Venue: Christchurch Marlborough Perhaps you have sung in a choir in the past and would like to start again or maybe singing in a group is something you would like to have a go at. Marlborough Choral Society restarts after the summer break 12 September and we are looking for new members. If you would like to try singing with us, come along for a couple of free sessions. Call Kathy Leach on 01793 812175 or email to find out more. No audition is required to join the choir but it helps if you have a little musical knowledge.

Adult Education Open Evening Date: Tuesday 13 Setember, 4.30-5.0 Venue: St John’s School, Granham Hill, Marlborough Find out more about the range of courses on offer.

Marlborough Community Choir Taster Session Date: Wed 14 September, 7:30PM Venue: St Peter’s church, High St All are welcome to come try Marlborough’s only acapella

singing group. No auditions, no musical experience needed. All parts are taught by ear. We sing an eclectic repertoire of pop, folk, gospel, and World music. More information on

Marlborough History Society Date: Thursday 15 September, 7.30pm Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough A talk by local historian and author David Chandler on “The Horse in History”

Marlborough Onscreen Events ‘Florence Foster Jenkins’ (PG) Date: Thursday 15th September Venue: Marlborough Town Hall The story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice. Starring Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant and Rebecca Ferguson 7.30pm (doors 7pm) tickets £5 in advance & £6 on door.

Ramsbury Roxy Bridge of Spies (12A) Date: Friday 16 September, 7.15pm for 8pm Venue: Ramsbury Memorial Hall In the cold war, a lawyer, James B. Donovan is recruited by the CIA and involved in an intense negotiation mission to release and exchange a CIA U-2 spyplane pilot. Stars Mark Rylance and Tom Hanks. Tickets £4 from Ramsbury Post Office until 1pm on film night or £4.50 on the door Contact us at

Marlborough College Concert Series Wolf Hall Live Date: Sunday 18 September, 7.30pm Venue: Memorial Hall, Marlborough Florence Foster Jenkins


The Locrian Ensemble will

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What’s On mandolin, harmonica and accordion while Chris plays guitar, bodhran, banjo, dulcimer and percussion. Tickets £14 from 01672 512465, Sound Knowledge at Hughenden Yard, Marlborough, or online at

Marlborough Onscreen Events ‘Cymbeline’ LIVE from the RSC Date: Thursday 28 September 7pm (doors 6.30) Venue: Marlborough Town Hall

Mr and Mrs Bayly

perform the music composed for them by Debbie Wiseman to accompany the TV series while Anton Lesser (Sir Thomas More) reads passages from the episodes. tickets can be obtained from the Box Office on 01672 892566 or online at tickets@

An Evening with Mr and Mrs Bayly Date: Tuesday 20 September, 7pm (doors open 6.30pm) Where: The Merchant’s House, 132 High Street, Marlborough Join us for an evening of fashionable entertainment with none other than Mr and Mrs Bayly of The Merchant’s House. Step back in time as the property’s original owners take you on a journey through their changing wardrobe during the 17th century. Light refreshments will be provided. This event is free to Friends of the Merchant’s House; £5 for non-friends. Tickets can be purchased through the shop and office; call 01672 511491.

Marlborough Onscreen Events The Threepenny Opera (15) LIVE from the National Theatre Date: Thursday 22 September 7pm (doors 6.30) Venue: Marlborough Town Hall Mack the Knife is back in town. A darkly comic new take on Brecht and Weill’s raucous musical.

London scrubs up for the Coronation. Tickets £15 in advance £17.50 on door. Box office

or available from White Horse Bookshop or Sound Knowledge, or telephone 07771704253

The Mayor’s Charity Concert Date: Friday 23rd September at 8.00pm Venue: St Peter’s Church Marlborough Musicians from the Marlborough Concert Orchestra perform a programme to include Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet and Schubert’s Piano Quintet “The Trout” in aid on the Mayor’s chosen charities, The Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Swift Medics. Tickets at £10 in advance from The White Horse Bookshop and Sound Knowledge.

Marlborough Folk-Roots presents While and Matthews Date: Saturday 24 September, 8pm Venue: St Mary’s Church Hall, Silverless Street, Marlborough Chris While and Julie Matthews won the Best Duo category at the 2009 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and since 2001 have been nominated nine times in the Best Duo, Best Song and Best Live Act categories. Their songs have been covered by a range of artists including Mary Black, Barbara Dickson, Christine Collister and Fairport Convention. Julie plays guitar, piano, ukulele, bouzouki,

Cymbeline is a ruler of a divided Britain. When Innogen, the only living heir, marries her sweetheart in secret, an enraged Cymbeline banishes him. But a powerful figure behind the throne is plotting to seize power and murder them both Tickets £15 in advance & £17.50 on door. Box office www.marlboroughonscreen. events or available from White Horse Bookshop or Sound Knowledge, or telephone 07771704253

Marlborough Literature Festival Date: Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October Venue: Various A feast of literary events including authors Lionel Shriver, Michael Morpurgo, Simon Russell Beale, Peter James, Jessie Burton and many more. Box office : 01249 701628

Ramsbury Roxy Dad’s Army (PG) Date: Friday 30 September, 7.15pm for 8pm Venue: Ramsbury Memorial Hall Reworked for the big screen, all your favourite characters are here. The evening will start with a short film from 1941 about the Home Guard. Brought to you in Partnership with the BFI’s Britain on Film Project. Tickets £4 from Ramsbury Post Office until 1pm on film night or £4.50 on the door Contact us at

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Community Information

Community Information These pages detail useful local numbers and community groups. If you have a group or society you would like featured here please telephone 01793 791104 or email

Local Societies and Groups Air Cadets (2293 Marlborough Squadron) Marlborough Air cadets welcome all young people aged 13-18 who are interested in Aviation and Adventure: Parade nights Tues and Fri 1900-2130 Follow us on Facebook 2293MarlboroughAirCadets Email 01672 516811 Dance Classes in Marlborough Ballroom and Latin American dance classes, and for those with no partner Dancersize sessions. Please contact Amanda on 07882-882030 or email for more info Depression Alliance The Marlborough and District SELF-HELP GROUP meets the first Tuesday of every month. If you’ve got depression, or know someone who might benefit from being part of our group, please get in touch. Call 0845 123 23 20 for location details. Stained Glass Lessons. Wed.& Thurs morning 9.30-11.30. Mon.Tues.& Wed evening 7-9. Suitable for all, learn stained glass or kiln-formed glass. Held at; Ogbourne St. George. Contact jeannette 07977 053363 or Girl Guides Meet Tuesdays during term times at Manton Village Hall 1st Marlborough Rainbows, 4.45-5.45pm, Contact 1st Marlborough Guides, 5.45-7.15pm Contact Inner Wheel Club of Marlborough and District Evening meetings on 4th Monday of every month at the Crown Hotel, The Parade Marlborough. Secretary Nita Martin 01380 730974 Jubilee Centre Day Centre (Mon, Tues and Fri) and Drop-in Centre (Wed and Thurs - Lunch served 12.30pm £5.00) for over sixties. For more information phone Carole Walkeron 01672 513087 Kennet Accordion Orchestra Meets on Monday night from 7.30pm, in Froxfield and has a wide playing base of players from Swindon through Marlborough to Newbury and encourage accordion players of all standards to join and enjoy a


varied selection of music from pop through to classics. The current Southern Area Champions and established throughout the region for its diverse repertoire. Contact Nigel Pasby A.B.C.A.(t.d.) L.B.C.A. on 07894032757 or email For more information go to Kennet Community Transport KTC runs a minibus with tail lift for people for whom normal transport is impractical. Contact the driver on 07850 356572 or Alexander Kirk Wilson on 01672 513861 Kennet Valley Driving Group RDA carriage driving for adults (16+) with physical disabilities. New volunteers and participants welcome. Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Rockley. For more info call the Secretary, Maggie Lewis, on 0846 241 5396 or email Kennet Valley National Trust Association Monthly meetings with speakers on a variety of subjects, summer outings to interesting places and social events. For more information please call Ann King (Chair) on 01380 727130 or Rhona Wilkinson (Membership Secretary) 01380 726433 Learn To Play Bridge Lessons for Absolute Beginners & Improvers Friendly club sessions also available Marlborough Area, No Partner needed Friendly relaxed atmosphere Please contact Andy Hill for further details and availability 01380 724725 Line dancing Meet every Tuesday (except August) at St John’s School, Marlborough Class runs 7-10 pm and covers beginners through to advanced Contact Tessa on 01672 520336 or Marlborough Accordion Orchestra Rehearsals on Monday in Wesley Hall Marlborough. Training Orchestra 6.30p.m. / Main Orchestra 7.30 p.m. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. M.D. David Watson. Contact 01672 512634 Marlborough and District Link Scheme Marlborough Link is a charity dedicated to assisting the disadvantaged members of our community, whether because of age, physical or mental disability, poverty or absence of public transport.If you need us, or if you would like to help please telephone 01672 288007. Marlborough Brandt Group MBG is best known for its 30 year link with and support for the Muslim community of Gunjur in The Gambia, West Africa. If you are interested in becoming a friend, volunteering or visiting Gunjur for an extraordinary experience please contact us 01672861116, or or visit

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Community Information Marlborough Choral Society Rehearses on Monday 7.45 to 9.30pm in Christchurch, New Rd, Marlborough. New members welcome, for more information Tel 01793 812175. Marlborough Concert Orchestra Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evening at Christ Church, New Road, Marlborough, 7.30 pm Anyone wishing to join is invited to make contact with the orchestra through the website Marlborough Gardening Association Welcomes anyone with an interest in gardening. Meetings or visits most months throughout the year. For more information call Tricia Hayllar on 01672 512435, Marlborough & District Farming Club Meets every third Thursday of the month, September through to June, with a Ploughman’s Supper and a varied programme of interest to members. Meetings in Oare Village Hall 7.30 pm and four times in the winter at All Cannings. Open to anyone interested in country life Secretary Richard Strong 01672 563371 email Marlborough and District Concert Club Marlborough and District Concert Club was founded in 1980 in order to take advantage of some of the many first-class professional musical events available within coach distance of Marlborough. We arrange visits to concerts in Basingstoke, Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Southampton and Reading and occasionally London and Birmingham. We normally go to 11 concerts each year: orchestral, chamber music, recitals and opera. For more information call Tom Massey, 01672 516610. Marlborough and District Dyslexia Association The MDDA is a small, independent charity which has for the last 22 years supported local schools, hundreds of dyslexics and their families. Helpline 07729452143, website Marlborough and District Rotary Club Rotary is an International Organisation of professional and business people who meet every week for fellowship and service. Meetings every Monday evening at Marlborough Golf Club. For more information visit Marlborough Bowls Club Tel: 07747 833436 Secretary Mrs A. Watts 01672 511335 Outdoor season April - October. New members always welcome, coaching and advice available Monthly networking breakfasts, see for more info. Marlborough & District Lions Lions serve the local community by organising events to raise funds for local and national deserving causes. If you would like to join or need support please ring John Edmunds 01672 512650 or Karen Hilditch 01672 513282


Marlborough Floral Club. Please come and join us....we meet at 2pm the first Thursday of each month at Mildenhall Village Hall. Guest demonstrators, and the arrangements are raffled at the end of the meeting. For more info please call Wendy Jordan on 01672 520129. Marlborough Freemasons Meet once a month in the Masonic Hall in Oxford Street. Far from the myth of being a “secret” organisation, members are openly proud of their membership, and of the work that the Lodge does to support local organisations and charities. More details from Secretary Steve Aubertin on 01672 513316 or e-mail him Marlborough History Society Founded in 2001 the Society celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2011. Meetings are held at St. Peter’s at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of most months. New members are always welcome. For more information call 01672 519338. Web site: Marlborough Macular Support Group Meet on the last Thursday of every month from 1.30 to 3.30 pm in the Wesley Hall, Oxford Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AP. The meetings are open to anyone with impaired vision. Carers are welcome too. For further details please contact Linda Chapman 01672 512471 Marlborough Penguins Amateur Swimming Club. Swimming teaching/training for ages 5years to Masters. Tues/Thurs/Sun at Marlborough Leisure Centre. Please contact Alan Crook 01672 512757 for details. Marlborough Police Station Enquiry Office is now only open Tues 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315), Weds 0900 - 1230 and Thurs 0900 - 1700 (closed 1245 - 1315). Please call in to check if your lost property has been handed in, as well as report crime, traffic collisions, produce driving documents, and much more. Marlborough Tennis Club Based at Preshute Tennis Courts.New members welcome for social and league play. Coaching for children and adults. Contact Barbara Jones 516635 Marlborough WI Meetings take place on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Wesley Hall, Oxford St from 7.30-9.30. New members very welcome. For further details call 01672 514177 Mildenhall Gardening Club - New, very informal and friendly group, currently meeting at the Horsehoe in Mildenhall on the 3rd Wednesday every month at 7.30pm. For more information contact Milly on 07876 230 540 or

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Ian Barnes Electrical Services & Testing

Electrician Mob: 07747 414493 Tel: 01672 520147 Sockets and Lighting Extensions and Rewires Fuseboard replacement Inspection, Testing and Certification Lighting design

Marlborough Hungerford Ramsbury Aldbourne Please mention Marlborough Town & Country when responding to advertisements


Community Information Phoenix Brass Band Rehearsals twice weekly in Froxfield. Training Band on Saturday mornings. New and experienced players of all ages welcome. Contact Musical Director David Watson 01672 515176 Pilates classes Pilates classes for all levels around the Marlborough area. Please contact Caroline McCord on 01672 511360 or 07817503546 or Angie Sanders - Classes are held in Aldbourne. 1:1 tuition available, or 01672 540176 Pottery Lessons Adults:Mon.7-9pm, or Thurs.7-9pm Children’s: Wed. 3.45-5.15. Beginners and more experienced welcome. At Wagon Yard Artists, off London Rd, Marlb. Contact Jacqui 07773 271572 or Sarsen Songmen A small male voice choir rehearsing in Aldbourne (1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays 7.30 pm), wide repertoire including Barbershop, occasional performances in the local area. New members welcome: contact MichaelReynolds on 01672-511199. Savernake Badminton Club Savernake Badminton Club is a small friendly club that is long established and affiliated to Badminton England. We meet on Tuesday evenings between 7.00 and 9.00pm at the Sports Hall at St John’s School, Granham Hill, Marlborough. For further details telephone Roy Turner on 01672 810208 or Barbara Jones on 01672 516635 School of Tae Kwon Do (P.U.M.A.) Classes are held at Marlborough Leisure Centre on Tuesday evening (7 - 8 pm), and Friday evening (6 -7 pm), and are suitable for all ages from 7 years upward. Please phone John or Carol on 01793 850410 / 07799 566805 for further information. Scottish Country Dancing Manton Village Hall - Wednesday evenings Beginner session followed by more experienced dancers.Contact Jennifer Parker 01672 515151 St Peter’s Church Marlborough A redundant church now managed by a Trust, featuring a Coffee Shop and a Craft Shop. The church is open daily 10 am - 5 pm, except Saturdays when it opens at 9 am, and on Sundays from March to December 11 am - 4pm The church is available for hire for exhibitions, meetings, lectures and concerts. For bookings please contact David Du Croz on 01672511725 or email at T’ai Chi at Burbage Tai Chi is an excellent exercise designed to strengthen the back and improve the general well-being of the practitioner. In particular it is of great benefit to older people. Open to men and women aged 55 and over. New members and beginners are most welcome.


Sessions every Thursday, 10-11 am in Burbage Village Hall More details 01672 811711. The Friends of Savernake Hospital and the Community – A local charity helping people with health-related issues both at Savernake Hospital and in the Marlborough Community Area by providing grants of up to GBP10,000. For information on applying for a grant or on becoming a volunteer at the Friends’ Shop at Savernake Hospital, visit the Friends’ website at or contact the Friends’ Chairman, Janet Louth, on 01672 513868. The Merchant’s House This historic 17th century silk-merchant’s house at 132 High Street is being refurbished by a charitable trust. Regular lectures and concerts are held and there are opportunities for local people to work as volunteers or house guides. The House and garden are open to visitors from 1st of April to the end of October on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10.30am-3pm and by appointment at other times. Become a ‘Friend’ and enjoy enhanced membership benefits. For more information contact Sophie Costard 01672 511491 Web site: Transition Marlborough aims to inspire and motivate people to work together, and support each other, in reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, building a stronger sense of community and so increasing our communities’ resilience. This will strengthen the local economy to create livelihoods for local people and provide a greater level of wellbeing for all. Our Hub group meets on the second Thursday of the month, usually at the Green Dragon, at 7:30pm. Do join us. For more information, contact Alexandra on 07771 347 379 email, University of the Third Age U3A provides learning and leisure opportunities in the Marlborough Area for those who are retired or semi-retired. For information on interest groups and membership call Sarah Foxall on 01264 850316 or visit Watercolour Painting Classes Classes on Wednesdays 10.30am – 12.30pm and Tuesdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm With professional artist Colin Palmer at his studio in central Marlborough. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. Call Colin on 07835 039 812 or for more details. Yoga classes for all abilities. Enjoyable Yoga classes in and around the Marlborough area. Please contact Lizzy Hawnt on 01672 841553, 07821 396 430 or e-mail Yoga for Men Tuesday evenings 7.30pm -9.15pm for all abilities including beginners at Minal Village Hall,

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Do you live in a hard water area? you could benefit from a water softener. for a free home survey or quote please call 01672 521 123 or visit

We love... caring for your home Service | SaleS | repairS | filterS | purification | free Salt Delivery

Beautifully Hand Sewn Made to Measure Upholstery Service Telephone / Fax: 01672 541 263 Upham Farm, Upper Upham Aldbourne, Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 2LG Email:

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Community Information Mildenhall Please contact Jonathan Heath on 01672 513738 e.mail:

call 07855 026083. Alternatively do look at our website at

Aldbourne Village Green A voluntary organisation managing a community orchard and running a twice yearly market for local bakers, makers and growers on the Green. New volunteers and traders welcome. For details contact Lesley on 01672 540180

Manton Preschool. Based in the heart of the beautiful village of Manton our well-established friendly Preschool provides exemplary education for 2-5 year olds. We are a “Good” Ofsted setting providing Rising Fives sessions as well as healthy snacks, crafts, singing, story time, French, outdoor play and much more. For more details, please ring 01672 516675.

Parents & Toddlers

Chilton Chicks Toddler Group Join us for a variety of crafts, toys, snacks, a cuppa and a chat. New faces are always welcome. Mondays 9.30-11.30am in the Chilton Foliat Village Hall (Next to the Wheatsheaf pub). Adults £1, Toddlers £1 & under 6 months are free. Call Liz on 01488 684526 for further details. Creepy Crawlers meet Fridays 10 – 11.30am at the Scout Hut, Marlborough Tel: 01672 811495 The Corner House Children’s Centre offering information, support, advice and activity sessions to families with children 0-5 in Marlborough and the community area. George Lane Car Park Tel 01672 513010 Great Bedwyn Playgroup Ofsted Outstanding Playgroup for 2 to five year olds, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during term-time. Toddler group for 0 - 5 years olds, every Wednesday during term-time. Sessions include crafts, snack, story and music time, and outside play area. Great Bedwyn Village Hall, Frog Lane, Great Bedwyn, near Marlborough SN8 3PB Tel. 01672 870 179 or visit Home-Start Calling all volunteer parents....Could you help make a difference for young families? Many parents need help, friendship, advice or support during those early years when children are young. Your experience as a parent can help others. For more details contact Home-Start Kennet 01672 569457 Junipers Creative and sensory play for babies to preschoolers. 01672 890829, Little Dabchicks Parent and Under 4’s group, meets Thursday mornings 9.30 - 11.30 Term time.In the Aldbourne Methodist Hall, Lottage Road Zoe - 01672 540439 Little Dragons Pre School Ogbourne St George Village Hall All children aged 2 - 5 years welcome at our well established pre-school held in a quiet village setting in Ogbourne St George. It is a warm, friendly environment where we are open Monday to Friday for mornings 9.05am to 12.05pm or 1.05pm (if staying for lunch) and all day Wednesdays until 3.05pm.For more information email or


Marlborough and District NCT We have an active group in Marlborough, with courses, events and ‘Bumps and Babes’ cafes. The cafes are an opportunity to meet other parents, grandparents and parents-to-be for a coffee and a chat. For more information contact or go to Ramsbury Parent and Toddlers meets Wednesdays 10 – 12 in the Memorial Hall Tel: 01672 520961 Sunflowers at Grafton is a Nursery & Pre school for children aged 0-5 situated in beautiful East Grafton. Open from 8am-6pm, 51 weeks each year, morning & afternoon sessions are available. Sunflowers is community run on a not-for-profit basis. For more information see or call 01672 810478


Ramsbury Surgery Tel:01672 520366 The Marlborough Surgery Tel: 01672 512187 Wiltshire Out of Hours Service Tel: 0300 111 5717


Herongate Leisure 01488 682000 Marlborough Leisure Centre 01672 513161

Local Government

Marlborough Town Council 01672 512487. See for full details of council meetings Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100


Ogbourne St. George & St. Andrew C of E Controlled Primary School Tel: 01672 841318 St Michael’s CE Aided School, Back Lane, Tel: 01672 540434 Ramsbury Primary School Back Lane, Tel: 01672 520244 St Mary’s Infant School Tel: 01672 513101 St Peter’s Junior School Tel: 01672 513158 Preshute Primary School Tel: 01672 512754 St John’s School and Community College Tel: 01672 516156 Stepping Stones Pre-Prep School Tel: 01488 681 067

To advertise please call 01793 791104 or email:

The Avenue Day Nurseries 3 Months - 5 Years 58 Places 08:00 - 18:00 Ofsted Registered Holiday Club Breakfast Club After-School Club

Marlborough - Town Centre


2 - 5 Years 16 Places 08:00 - 18:00 Ofsted Registered

Savernake 01672 870790 Marlborough 01672 519009


Passion P lay 2017 – become involved! The Community Passion Play to be enacted in Marlborough next Easter on Saturday 15 April 2017 is the inspiration of Drama teacher Helen Stokes and her Art teacher husband Vincent. They have now been joined by an enthusiastic and committed team of local people. Helen says: “I have been keen to do this for a few years, since I retired from classroom teaching. We have had conversations with several people and the idea of a Passion Play, a hub around which the community could come together and get involved in a variety of ways has grown and grown.” What will Marlborough Community Passion Play 2017 be like? “Above all we want the play to be an inclusive project, accessible to the whole community. For that reason we are looking for simplicity over

sophistication. Yes, Jesus will be played by a professional actor; yes, the technology will be high quality, but the props and costumes will largely be simple, the sort of thing anyone could find or make. Indeed, we hope that many of the people who come to watch will join in by dressing up: maybe a tea towel and a sheet with a hole in it – as basic as that. The idea is to create this event together.” The team are keen for people to help in all aspects of the play, both “on stage” and behind the scenes. The cast and crew will be drawn from local schools, organisations and individuals - which means YOU! For more information see or Facebook: marlboroughpassion 2017 (up and running by September). Or you can email The Team at:

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Opened officially in August 2016, Savernake View enjoys an elevated position in the delightful and vibrant market town of Marlborough. An empathetic and compassionate care home where residents can enjoy life as their need for care increases, we offer 24-hour short and long-term nursing and residential care for the elderly, as well as those living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. We are proud to be described as running the best care homes in the country. If you are seeking care for yourself or a parent, friend or relative, you can be confident in our experience and expertise.




Savernake View Care Home Priory Court, Salisbury Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4FE (Sat Navs: SN8 4AB)




Things to Consider before going to Court regarding Child Contact Many parents that come to visit me are often under the impression that in order to sort out Contact with children it is a day trip to Swindon Family Court, the Judge tells everyone what to do and they all live happily ever after. There is also the misconception that Mothers are given residence, formerly called custody, and that fathers allowed Contact every second weekend and one day during the week. I am putting pen to paper to explain the harsh reality of making an application to Court for a Child Arrangements Programme (CAP). At DGR Law we always work with our Clients first to negotiate with the other parent via letter or email or encourage communication with our guidance. This often works in the short term however if the relationship between parents is particularly bad or aggressive then arrangements soon break down. This is the point where the Family Court is invited to intervene. The process begins with an Application to the Court for a Contact Order (CAP) based on the breakdown of communication regarding where the children should live, how much time they should spend with which parent during school time and holidays, and sometimes the sharing of decisions such as education, development and medical matters. This costs ÂŁ215 just for the Court to process the Application. There is the opportunity to voice any concerns regarding any harm that the children may be under such as emotional, physical or


psychological abuse. This can include a parent continually shouting and being stressed or the Children becoming quiet and withdrawn due to the tension between parents. When the Court receives the Application the Courts Social Work team (CAFCASS) are notified and a case number is allocated. The First Appointment is given a date and all parties are notified. This can take about 6-8 weeks given the amount of applications going through the Family Court at the moment. During that period the Family Team here at DGR Law make preparations for the Appointment by writing statements including issues that are important, background details and possibly school reports. All this can take between 10 and 15 hours of time. Parents also have a telephone interview with the CAFCASS officer who then writes a report detailing any welfare concerns for the Children she may feel there is. The report also contains both parents concerns about the other which can be quite distressing to read. The First Appointment allows the legal teams and the Judge to narrow down the key issues on which there can be no agreement. If there are too many issues he will give his directions i.e. instructions of what needs to

happen before another Hearing. This can take another 4-6 weeks to receive another date. In the meantime any level of communication there may have been between the parents often reaches an all -time low and there is no co-operation. The Second Hearing lasts 1 day and a lot of the time is spent outside the Court Room by the legal teams again trying to come to some agreement to present to the Judge. The Family Judge is there to guide the parents into a workable solution that can be made into a legal document. The current Court guidelines are that cases should only be allowed 4 Hearings before the Judge makes a decision on the Contact however DGR Law has been involved in cases lasting over a year and 6-8 hearings which is very stressful and expensive for those concerned. This has been a very brief outline of the process and illustrates why we at DGR Law encourage Clients to try the non-court route first and open the lines of communication before it becomes too late. If you find yourself currently in this position and perhaps don’t know how to begin the negotiations please contact me for a free ½ hour consultation. Karen Salmon

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Please mention Marlborough Town & Country when responding to advertisements


Vet’s Column

Benefits of Pet Insurance If we become ill we are lucky to have the National Health Service which we all pay for regularly through our taxes so if we need medical or surgical treatment the cost has already been covered in most cases. But what about our pets if they are ill? Like people animals are living longer and this is partly due to improvements in the medical and surgical care we can give them. Examples include specialist services such as MRI scans available to animals which can help diagnose among other things conditions of the spine or brain, artificial hip replacement in dogs or chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer patients .As well as specialist care where costs can run into thousands, most vets now use up to date medicines including safer anaesthetic drugs (often the same as those used in humans) which minimise the risk of problems but also unfortunately cost more money. The cost of common chronic problems such as arthritis or sugar diabetes can also mount as daily medication and frequent check-ups are often required. One way of spreading the costs of your pet’s health care is insurance.Health insurance for pets does not cover routine visits such as vaccination and

neutering or worming and flea treatment products. But if your pet has an accident or serious illness then the funds can be found to pay for their care. The choice of insurance options available for cats and dogs is huge, and there are even some companies who will insure rabbits or other small rodents and exotic pets such as birds or reptiles. Like anything it’s worth researching a few options before you make your decision but it is always worth checking the small print. Ideally for all pets if possible you should try to find a policy that provides ongoing cover (i.e. there is no time limit for any one condition, some companies will only pay for each condition for up to one year), this is particularly important if your pet develops a chronic condition where they may need lifelong treatment. Also in the case of dogs in particular it’s worth checking if the policy has a third party cover in case your pet causes accidental damage to someone else’s property. Of course no company will

If your pet has an accident or serious illness then the funds can be found to pay for their care.


insure your pet retrospectively once they have had a medical problem, any policy taken out after this will exclude a preexisting or previous problem. As vets, if an insurance company requests a pet’s history, we are obliged to send it to them so any pre-existing problems will be discovered. Likewise if you decide to change your insurance company at any point exclusions could apply An example of the benefits of insurance is ‘Fluffy’ who was rushed into our hospital in Swindon as a stray cat after a road traffic accident. He was micro-chipped so we were able to find his owner who was abroad on holiday at the time. After several days in intensive care to treat kidney damage he had surgery on his fractured jaw and leg. During his recovery the stress of the accident caused him to develop severe anaemia for which he needed treatment with blood products and medication and a further stay in the hospital. ’Fluffy’ is currently doing well. Luckily he was insured so his owner had the peace of mind that the medical bills would be covered. Always remember if you have any concerns about your pet, please contact your vet.

To advertise please call 01793 791104 or email:

Drove, Your Very Local Vet

Trusted care for your pet here in Marlborough

Meet the ! Team Why Choose Us?

 Local care in Marlborough with back up from 24/7 Drove Hospital in Swindon  Full hospital care for more detailed investigations  Pet Health Club scheme that rewards your loyalty and spreads the cost  Lab and surgical facilities on site

Marlborough Veterinary Surgery 51 London Road | Marlborough | Wiltshire | SN8 2AJ Tel: 01672 512043 Fax: 01672 514746 Email:

Useful Telephone Numbers

BT Fault Line 0800 800151 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0844 375 2775 Electricity Emergencies 0800 072 7282 Environment Agency Pollution Hotline 0800 80 70 60 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999 Marlborough College 01672 892200 Marlborough Leisure Centre 01672 513161 Marlborough Parking Office 01672 511818 Marlborough Town Hall 01672 512487 Marlborough & District HA 01672 512163 National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Parentline 0808 800 2222 Quitline 0800 002200 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Water (Thames) 0845 920 0800 Water (Wessex) 0845 600 4600 Wiltshire Police 101


Disclaimer Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of material in this publication, the editor can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors in either editorial or advertising content. Errors and omissions excepted. Copyright All text, images and design are subject to copyright. Any unauthorised duplication is strictly prohibited.

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