1 minute read
Since Fall 2020, we have been keeping previously live course sections on Blackboard for 18 months. Due to the drastically rising cost of storage space,
and to keep our storage under our stated allotment, we must
archive old courses. If you utilize Blackboard for any aspect of your course, you should have a Development course for that section. You can have multiple Development courses, to serve as the main course template, for courses that you teach face-toface, online, or virtually. You may also have a Development course for summer terms, since those courses run on a different schedule (maybe only 4 weeks), which may change the layout of the way the course is taught. We retain archived course files for 24 months. After this time, archived course files will be deleted.
All course materials should be copied from a Development course instead of a previously live course. If you need assistance with updating your Development course, contact the Design Center: www.marshall.edu/designcenter/about/design-centercontact/ To request a Development course (one that will not be developed as a new distance education course, and is not going through the approval process) use this form, found on the Faculty Resources page of our Design Center website: https://marshall.libwizard.com/f/ CourseDev
To see the Course Archiving schedule, visit our site: https://www.marshall.edu/design -center/course-archiving/.