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A F T E R A Y E A R O F V I R T U A L L E A R N I N G , M A R S H A L L S T U D E N T S W O U L D P R E F E R A L I M I T E D S E T O F T O O L S T O L E A R N I N O R D E R T O P A R T I C I P A T E I N V I R T U A L C L A S S E S .

Use of the Blackboard Collaborate tool ended with


Summer 2021 courses. After a year of virtual learning, Marshall students would prefer a limited set of tools to learn in order to participate in virtual classes.

The elimination of Collaborate does not affect

any other tool in Blackboard, and we will still have functionality of the array of other tools. Starting with the Fall 2022 semester, Teams and other Office 365 tools will be embedded directly into your Blackboard Ultra Courses. This will give instructors and students the ability to sync graded activities in Teams with the grade center, access course Teams from within the Blackboard course, and experience more options with OneNote and other student activities. Until that time, you can activate your course Team on the Teams app. (Don ’t have the Teams app downloaded on your device? Head to our Teams site for links to download the app on your desktop, laptop, or download it on a mobile device.) Teams courses sync with your course roster, and when you activate a course Team, an email is sent to students to notify them that they have been added to a course Team. Students can click the email link to join the course Team.

For instructions on using Team tools, visit our Teams site:


To view a listing of Teams training, visit our Events site:


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