Marta Piñeiro Portfolio 2018

Page 1


Since an early stage on my architecture studies, I have always been interested in sustainability, an approach that I have tried to implement in every project. I consider Architecture not only as an opportunity to design and create emotions through shapes and spaces, but also as a commitment to the quality of design in order to achieve a more sustainable future for the building industry. By joining the Master in Sustainable Architecture at NTNU, I have had the chance to deep on this ďŹ eld and, at this point of my life, I am looking forward to put into practice what I have learned. I appreciate the time spent in this portfolio and I hope you enjoy it. Med venlig hilsen

MARTA PIÑEIRO LAGO M.Arch. | M.Sc. in Sustainable Architecture

Educational background

Nationality_ Spanish 01.02.1992_Vigo Olav Tryggvasons gata, 34, H0302 7011, Trondheim, Norway +34 618 320 059

NTNU Msc in Sustainable Architecture 2016-2018 Politechnika Lubelska Erasmus Program 2013-2014 ENSACF HIT Iacobus Program Joint Graduate Program 2012 2015 ETSAC BArch and MArch 2010-2016

2016 to 2018_

Master of Science in Sustainable Architecture. (M.Sc.) NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.

2015 to 2016_

Master Degree in Architecture. (M.Arch.) ETSAC, A Coruña, Spain.

2013 to 2014_

Erasmus at Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty. Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin, Poland.

2010 to 2015_

Bachelor Degree in Architecture. ETSAC, A Coruña, Spain.

2008 to 2010_

High school education. Scientific track. Honourable Mention. I.E.S. Santa Irene, Vigo, Spain.

International Workshops 2016 (1,5 months)_

David Chipperfield Architects. Ribeira, Spain. Research project.

2015 (5 months)_

Harbin Institute of Technology (H.I.T.) China, E.T.S.A. A Coruña. International Competition (Project Winner).

2012 (5 months)_

E.T.S.A. A Coruña, E.N.S.A. Clermont-Ferrand, F.F.A. Regensburg. IACOBUS International Competition.

Work experience 2018_

2017 to 2018_

2014 to 2015_


IDOM. Consulting, Engineering and Architecture. Spain. Junior Architect. Architectural competition. • Master plan elaboration • Landscape design • Sustainable design • Graphic design • CAD drafting NTNU. Department of Architecture and Technology. Norway. Graphic Design Student Assistant. • Graphic design of the publication “Beyond Comfort. Energy Retrofitting of an Historic House in Hou Ji village”. ISBN: 978-82-7551-204-6 Kel Arquitectos. Spain. Internship. • CAD drafting • Model maker • 3D maker María Pierres Arquitecta. Coworking Espacio Arroelo. Spain. Summer Internship. • CAD drafting • Review of regulation compliance • Interior design

Publications and conferences 05.10.2015_


Speaker at International Day of Architecture. “About a Sustainable Future” COAG (Official College of Architects in A Coruña). Other speakers: Óscar Pedrós Fernández, Myriam Goluboff Scheps, Ricardo García Mira and Manuel García Docampo. Steel structures. Academical works. “Estructuras de Acero. Ejercicios y Taller de Estructuras” _ISBN: 978-84-16294-03-9

Competences Integrated Deign LCA Process Landscape Bioclimatic design design Advanced architectural design Climate Technical comfort detailing design Integrated Structural energy calculation systems

Computer skills Autocad Revit Sketch Up Illustrator In Design Photoshop Lightroom Rhinoceros

Grasshopper Diva 3ds Max Vray Artlantis Excel Power Point Word

Language Spanish............................NS Galician...........................NS English..............................C1 Norwegian.......................B2 French..............................A2

Others violin, music, dance, ski, hiking, photography, nature


“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in tour life.”


Aiming for Zero Emissions in a High-rise Building. Master thesis.


Plug & Play.

ZEB Flexible Lab. New laboratory for NTNU and SINTEF.


Think inside the box. Miljøhus. An experimental facility for research activities


RĂ­a de Arousa Workshop David Chipperfield Architects 2016

Parliament in Braga. New parliament for the portuguese city. ETSAC_2016

The Iceberg. City pavilion for Harbin HIT+ETSAC. Joint Graduation Program_2015

Nature Interpretation Centre Intervention in Cortijo del Monje, Cabo de Gata XXV Pladur Competition_2015


A methodology for the design on Zero Emissions high-rise buildings Location: Nydalen, Oslo Subject: Master Thesis in Sustainable Architecture Year: 2018 Software for energy modelling: Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug, Honeybee, Diva, Flow Design, Cype 3D.

Urban densification has motivated the development of tall building structures as a socio-economic solution for the population growth. Large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions are associated to the construction increase of this architectural typology. Hence, designing sustainable yet functional high-rise buildings has become a major need in the last decades. Due to their minimum footprint and high compactness, high-rises are the most common architectural typology in contemporary cities. The reduction of CO2 embodied emissions due to materials in a high-rise building can be specially noticed in the case of its structure, since it represents the highest percentage of material in a building. In this master thesis, an Integrated Design Process has been applied to the design of a high-rise building, creating a methodology that may allow achieving a Zero Emission Building. The parameters addressed in this methodology has been: maximise energy efficiency, ensure an optimal production of on-site renewable energy, and minimise the embodied emissions due to materials. A balance between numerical analysis and literature review with the intuition of the educated architect has been implemented in the design process.

Integrated Design Process

Case study program analysis

Wind rose for the whole year in Nydalen

For a Zero Emissions Building

Gullhaug Torg. Snøhetta

(Each closed polyline shows frequency of 1.7% = 151 hours)




















Technical services










total m2 without basement and terrases

The Integrated Design Process (IDP) is based on the idea that every decision on the initial staes of the design will have an impact on the performance of the final architectural result. It is based on cyclic iterations and simulation-based decision making, creating an iterative design process.

total m2 with basement and terrases

In order to design an specific building based on a real location the Gullhaug Torg project is utilised as a case study building, and its boundary conditions are utilised for a new design. These boundary conditions are its location, climate conext and program.

Psychrometric chart with passive strategies

Monthly diurnal averages

Nydalen, Oslo

Thermal mass + night ventilation

Internal heat gains

Frequency (%) Average wind velocity (m/s)

Nydalen, Oslo Comfort thermal neutrality

Temperatures range

Diffuse solar radiation Direct solar radiation

Mean power per exposed surface during the hot and cold seasons

Mean power per exposed surface during the hot (H) and cold (C) seasons 1.






North façade















South façade

Hot Season



Solar analysis of the final geometry






C 281










2 / Climate-based build form

100 0

Drag force on the most aerodynamic geometries for the south, north-northwest, west, and south-southeast wind directions

Drag force on the most aerodynamic geometries for the south (S), north-northwest (NNW), west (W), and south-southeast (SSE) wind directions 3.


Cold Season

Scheme of the wind flow and pressures distribution


67 /110


800 W

700 600










S 279






S 253



Comparison of the effect of modifying the S 162 162 shape in the west and south wind directions147



SSE 232

2 / Climate-based build form


Design of the final geometry

Comparison of the effect of modifying the shape for the west (W) and south (S) wind directions 1.





To diminish the wind pressure, the strategy of modifying the cross-section of the geometry along its height is implemented.

55 /110


800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0





S S 138




246 S 95


S 237


S 193

In order to enhance solar exposure on the upper part and the roof , tilted surfaces are created towards the south.

Housing 9 floors

Offices 7 floors Commercial 2 floors

The building on its context

Winter behaviour. Double-skin façade

Ventilation concept in the office area

Singlesided ventilation in the open office layout





Winter behaviour

Meeting rooms in the corners for cross ventilation


Summer behaviour. Double-skin façade

Summer behaviour




Single-sided ventilation in cell offices

o2 o2





Cross ventilation and stuck effect in the atrium




ZEB Flexible Lab. New laboratory for NTNU and SINTEF Location: Gloshaugen, Trondheim, Norway Subject: Integrated Energy Design Year: 2017 Software for energy modelling: Rhino+ Grasshopper, SIMIEN In collaboration with Irene Hutami, Juanma Cruz and Nikita Chhajer

The ZEB Flexible Lab is par t of Zero Emission Building (ZEB) researc h center by NTNU and SINTEF. This new laboratory is located in the hear t of NTNU’s Gløshaugen campus with the ZEB Test Cell Laboratory and the Advanced Materials and Component Laboratories as its immediate neighbors. The ZEB Flexible Lab will become a living laboratory whic h accommodates office and education center together in one place. The 1500 m2 facility will be used by NTNU and SINTEF Byggforsk for corporate and educational purposes. The main focus of the Flexible Lab is to complement Test Cell Laboratory, whic h is used for testing low-energy, integrated building systems under realistic operational conditions, and Advanced Materials and Component Laborato ries, whic h is used for both development and researc h on building materials, building envelope components, tec hnologies for energy supply and building tec hnical systems. The Flexible Lab will also be a researc h object and tool whic h will enable researc her to study the interconnection between users and tec hnology.

Energy Demand vs. Delivered Energy

Energy Budget

Passive strategies implemented

Energy Demand vs. Delivered Energy

[kWh] 10000 5000 0 -5000 -10000

Total energy budget: 61.8 kWh/m²

-15000 -20000













Energy demand from building El. delivered from solar panels to building El. delivered from Direct electricity

Wi n t e r M o d e

d if f u s e d d ay lig h t f rom s k y light fresh a ir to rotar y h e a t exc ha n ge r

hi gh sol ar ga in o n tec hni c a l wa ll

a i r ex t ra c t i o n a nd he a t r e c o ve r y system

atr i um roof open for ai r ci r cul ati on power generati on f rom Sol ar Panel s


s p a c e he a t i ng f ro m ra d i a t o r

d is p la ce me n t ve n tila tio n

S u mme r M o d e


i nd o o r p l a nt s to clean i nd o o r air

c i r c ul ate ai r i ns i de t e c hni c a l wal l to avoi d over heati ng

di stri ct heati ng geother mal heati ng fo r d omesti c hot war ter a n d space heatin g

ge o t he r m a l fr ee cool i ng t hro ug h he a t exhc hanger

di f f us ed dayl i ght f rom s kyl i ght

wi ndows open to al l ow natural venti l ati on wi ndows open to al l ow natural venti l ati on



i ndoor pl ants to cl ean i ndoor ai r


Miljøhus. An experimental facility for research activities Location: Charlottenlund, Trondheim, Norway Subject: Climate and Built Form Year: 2016 Software for energy modelling: Rhino+ Diva, Ecotec In collaboration with Carlos Andrés Gómez Galindo

Charlottenlund Upper Secondary School is an unusual school where both general and vocational courses are offered to the students. It is the largest school of its kind in this part of the country. However, the pedagogical staff, which comprises 300 teachers, and a total of 1200 students, continues to expand. With the intention of obtaining architectural proposals, the need for a new building where the students of the school can experiment and test different materials’ performance is transmitted to the master students of Sustainable Architecture of the NTNU. The aim of this project is to develop an integrated solution able to merge structural, functional and environmental systems to create a flexible, pedagogical and specific solution for the needs of the school. An energy modelling of the proposed building is made in this particular project in order to analyse the energy consumption and determinate the effectiveness of the passive strategies implemented. This energy modelling has been done with Rhino+Diva and Ecotec+Weather tool.

- 1. The plot -

- 2. Box in a box -

- 3. Modularity -

- 4. The thermal envelope -

In order to take maximum advantage of the space, the whole plot will be used in the design process and, to minimize costs, it will be necessary to keep the project within the limits of it.

To reduce the heating demand and consumption of energy, only a small portion of the total volume will be actively heated, this volume will be enclose in a central box in the heart of the building.

The main goal of this project will be to have as maximum flexibility as possible. In order to achieve that purpose, a modular space has been designed based on a grid.

Inside each compartment created between the structural elements of the walls will be located a test cell where the exterior envelope can be replace by the material that the students want to test.

D5 (detail 5)

D8 (detail 8) D6 (detail 6) D1(detail 1)

21 23 22

22 21

2 22


3 1 2




23 21





15 14 1





7 8


4 13








D1 D8 D6

D9 (detail 9)

D2(detail 2) D2





22 23 21 24


2 1


5 6

7 8







LEGEND 1- Cross laminated timber structure 200 mm thick 2- Single laminated glass (6+6) 3- Oak joinery 4- Triple laminated glass (6+6+12+6+6+12+4+4) 5- Timber rain guard 6- Metal vent grille for natural ventilation 7- Steel profile as a waterproof barrier 8- Waterproof barrier, nodule panel and geotextile sheet 9- Lightweight expanded clay aggregate 10- Drainage micro-perforated pipe 11- Reinforced concrete foundation 12- High density insulation panel

13- Neoprene layer 14- Light pre-cast concrete slab 15- Polished layer of concrete 21- Rockwool insulation panel 100 mm thick 1 23 22- Oak as finishing material 20 mm thick 23- Rockwool insulation panel 50 mm thick 24- Movable panel with superior rail system 120 mm thick 25- Light weight concrete block 26- Oak parquet 27- Builder’s paper 28- Integrated system of heating floor above MDF panel


12 25

14 15

Natural ventilation

According to the climate analysis, the passive solar heating and thermal mass effect are the most efficient strategies in this climate, allowing to improve the thermal behaviour up to a 30 % and 35 % respectively.

Passive solar heating

Solar radiation analysis

These passive strategies are implemented on the project. To avoid thermal loses, the north faรงade have been made solid, covered with sandwich panels. Some windows in theses areas remind the structural CLT mesh that is behind. The Double Skin Faรงade, aided by the massive elements inside, protects the building from the harsh and cold climate of the area.

Thermal mass effect


David Chipperfield Architects Summer Workshop Location: Galicia, Spain Year: 2016 In collaboration with all the participants in the workshop

Taking Ria de Arousa as a territorial unit, the project aims to bring together the claims, needs and plans of the whole area in order to draft an integral territory plan. The municipalities involved in the initiative are Porto do Son, Ribeira, Pobra do Caramiñal, Boiro, Rianxo, Catoira, Vilagarcia de Arousa, Vilanova de Arousa, Ribadumia, Meaño, Cambados, O Grove and Illa de Arousa. Several proposals are developed in specific locations, setting some examples for similar places in other municipalities. The purpose of this workshop is to set a basis for the research and discussion of an integral plan for the development and protection of the territory, presuming a possible adaptation of legislative framework for the “Plan Territorial Integrado” by the Xunta de Galicia. The workshop aims to be a plan and an experience that can be exemplary for other areas along the Galician coast. It is focus on the exhaustive analysis of the reality, both physical and socio-economical, and on the maximum involvement of all the stakeholders in the region, in order to create a forum of discussion and networks of collaboration. The process of mapping out the territory and the continuous dialogue with the authorities, local organisations and the rest of the society allows all the problems, demands and proposals to be brought together and seen as part of a bigger picture identifying the conflicts and potentials. Through a series of debates, the aim is to start linking the data, identifying common points and lines of research for further work.

os promover la

onstruído y cómo

B a r b a n z a p e n in s ul a . 1 9 5 8Carril

G a lic ia

B a r b a nza p e ni ns ul a . 2 0 1 5


A Coruña

idades económicas y


A Coruña

uraleza es fundamental


Original development

Or i gi nal devel opment Natural environment Economy

Natural environment

Economy Built environment

N aturalNatural e nviro nm e nt Vilagarcía environment Economy

Natural environment

Unbalanced development

lta calidad de vida. a planificación, la Ribeira Vigo

relaciones potenciales and Middle ages FirstMegalithic, SettlementsCastros and Middle son en nuestra opinión ar de nuevo un equilibrio España España Galicia Spain

Towardss.XIX the end of c.XIX

9º exportador mundial

3rd world largest importer

España, Galicia Spain, Galicia

Evolution in sect ion 300.000 T descargadas al año 300,000 T unloaded per year

Vigo 88.340 T descargadas al año Vigo 88.340T 9º exportador mundialunloaded per year 9th world largest exporter A Coruña 43.150 T descargadas al año A Coruña 43,150 T unloaded per year 3º importador mundial section 3rd world largest importer España, Galicia Spain, Galicia Ribeira 29.750 T descargadas al año 29,750 al T unloaded per year 300.000 TRibeira descargadas año 300,000 T unloaded per year

Posiciones altas sacralizadas para las tumbas High sacralized position for tombs

Tumbas en el río Tombs at the river

Natural environment Economy

Vigo Balanced development Natural environment

Economy Built environment

Built environment

Economy Built environment

Pontevedra Built environment

Eco no my


B uilt e nviro nm e nt


Balanced development

Bal anced devel opment Natural environment Economy

s.XX 1980 Natural environment

1930-40 s.XX Galicia


amente de la 9th world largest exporter a creado todo un modo Evolución 3º importador mundial Evolution in en sección

crear un contexto más bordados. Creemos, y rco proactivo para dar


B uilt e nviro nm e nt Vilagarcía Built environment

Unbalanced development

N atural e nviro nm e nt

Pontevedra Natural environment


Built environment

Eco no my

Economy Built environment

U nbal anced devel opment Natural environment Economy

Natural environment

uede ser visto como nes del medio natural, os.

endientes, sugiriendo ategias factibles de


Original development

Vigo 2000-2006 Economy Built environment s.XXI

Built environment

Economy Built environment

Built environment

N atural e nviro nm e nt Eco no my B uilt e nviro nm e nt Base cartográfica extraída de “A ría como soporte da construcción da periferia urbana”, 2013, Natural environment Economy

Vigo 88.340 T descargadas al año Vigo 88.340T unloaded per year A Coruña 43.150 T descargadas al año

A Coruña 43,150 T unloaded per year

Ria deTArousa: el mar yallaaño tierra Ria de Arousa: Ria the desea Arousa: and the el mar landy la tierra Ria de Arousa: the sea and the land Ribeira 29.750 descargadas Ribeira 29,750 T unloaded per year Ganado Marisqueo y Livestock pesca Marisqueo and fishing

Ganado / cultivos Livestock / crops

Plataforma natural Natural platform

Caminos romanos Roman routes

Banco de arena natural Natural sandbank

n económica de la zona.

otection of the natural these issues might be

a. re is fundamental to the f life.

hort sighted investment al issue. However, we nd economy can be

the Ria

to establish potential t are in our opinion not al balance.

Fábrica salazón Salting factory

on the nature and where fe, a culture. ues, suggesting realistic


Desarrollo tecnológico Technological developement

Mercado temporal Temporary market

Desarrollo portuario Harbour developement

Boom de los 60 60’s boom

Autovia Highway

Propiedad de Portos Portos district

uture actions. We which apparently small hat there needs to be

structure and economic

y agua Territory blación deTerritorio 2,7 ñola, el número de sett l ements F irst ción sobre el territorio

and water

Towa r d s th e e n d o f c . X I X






2000- 2006

e 50.000 habitantes y la ene una fuerte relación s primarios como pesca


diversos paisajes formación geográfica


mados por la sumersión Evolución histórica de los puertos: 1946-1956-1980-2015 morfológicas Historical evolution of the ports: 1946-1956-1980-2015 a y fauna.

on of 2,7 million 1946 settlements represent 30,000 towns. Only Porto do Son d is Vigo, with almost h their productive griculture. ndscapes compose most characteristic and Middle ages FirstMegalithic, SettlementsCastros and Middle d by the partial





Vilagarcía 1980’s




1930-40 s.XX



Vigo Towardss.XIX the end of c.XIX


Carril Vilagarcía

s.XX 1980

Vigo 2000-2006 s.XXI

Base cartográfica extraída de “A ría como soporte da construcción da periferia urbana”, 2013,

Pesca de cerco Seine fishing

Parcelas para el cultivo de almeja Clam culture parks

Pesca de cerco Seine fishing

Parcelas para el cultivo de almeja Clam culture parks

G l o b al fish ing stoc k si tuati o n Fragmentación Situación global de los bancos pesqueros Global fishing stocks situation



uos g

198 artes menores

Consumo de pescado por persona y año Fish consumption per person and year

Regenerando....................... 3% Recovering


kg/persona/año kg/person/year

130 acuicultura / aux


130 acuicultura / aux 1 cerco (Nacional) 1 cerco (Nacional) 96

artes menores

41 artes menores

96 menores 77 artes acuicultura / aux

59 acuicultura / aux 41 artes menores

77 acuicultura / aux


Acuicultura ............ Acuaculture Pesca .................... Fishing


Acuicultura ............ Acuaculture

artes menores

Pesca .................... Fishing

Sector pesquero Fishing sector España mussel farms owners 9º exportador mundial España 3º importador mundial 9º exportador mundial 300.000 T descargadas al año 3ºMonocultivo importador mundial 300.000 T descargadas al año


Spain 9th world largest exporter Spain 3th world largest importer 9th world largest exporter 300,000 T unloaded per year 3th world largest importer 300,000 T unloaded per year


artes menores


artes menores

do Mexillón de Galicia Galicia Bateas 35% Fuente:certificadas Consello Regulador 54% de las descargas en España 54% of the whole unloads in Spain Fuente: Consello Regulador Galicia do Mexillón de Galicia Puerto de Vigo 88.340detoneladas Port of Vigo 88.340 tonnes do Mexillón Galicia 54% de las descargas en España 54% of the whole unloads in Spain Puerto de A Coruña 88.340Fuente: toneladas Port ofRegulador A Coruña 88.340 tonnes Puerto de Vigo 88.340 toneladas Consello Port of Vigo 88.340 tonnes Puerto de Ribeira 29.750 toneladas of Ribeira 29.750 tonnes MexillónPort de Galicia Puerto de A Coruña 88.340do toneladas Port of A Coruña 88.340 tonnes Puerto de Ribeira 29.750 toneladas Port 198 of Ribeira 29.750 tonnes artes menores Mejillón fresco no certificado 86% 198 artes menores

S e a sec tor empl oyement at R ía d e A r u o s a

Mejillón fresco no certificado 86%

130certificado acuicultura / aux Mejillón fresco no 86% Mejillón fresco certificado 14%fresco certificado 14% Mejillón 130 acuicultura / aux 1 cerco (Nacional)14% Mejillón fresco certificado Fuente: ANFACO Mejillón fresco no certificado 86% 2.077 Fuente: ANFACO 1 cerco (Nacional)

2.559 Pesca marina Marine fishing asociación mariscadoras Pesca marina collectors shellfish Acuicultura marina Marine fishing Marine acuaculture detrito marina Acuicultura Procesado de pescados Marine acuaculture detritus Fish processing de pescados Producción conservera CultivoProcesado intensivo Fish processing Canned fish production Intensive farming Producción conservera Comercio al por mayor Canned fish production Wholesale fish suppliers Comercio al por mayor Comercio al por menor Wholesale fish suppliers Retail fish suppliers Comercio al por menor Retail fish suppliers


asociación de bateeiros 96 artesowners menores mussel farms

fragmentación fragmentation



semillas 25 196 44 15


25 do Son 44 15Porto



artes menores

200 artes menores 3 cerco (Nacional) 869 3 palangre fondo (Nac) cerco (Nacional) 3 acuicultura / aux 869 palangre(Nacional) fondo (Nac) 293 arrastre 3 acuicultura / aux palangre fondo (NEAFC) 295 arrastre (Nacional) 5 palangre superficie (Inter) 5 palangre fondo (NEAFC) 2 cerco (Internacional) 52 palangre superficie (Inter) arrastre congeladores (Inter) 239 2 cerco (Internacional) 2 arrastre congeladores (Inter) 239 65 42 65

Mejillón enlatado no certificado 96% Fuente: ANFACO

77 acuicultura / aux

59 acuicultura / aux 41 artes menores

Mejillón enlatado certificado 24 artes4% menores


Mejillón enlatado no certificado 96% 59 acuicultura / aux 24

42 Ribeira

fragmentación 105 fragmentation 1051 artes menores

artes menores Palangre fondo (Nac)

algas32 algae


3 cerco (Nacional) 1 Palangre fondo (Nac) 136 3 cerco117 (Nacional) 117

475 475


151acuicultura / aux


151acuicultura / aux 1cerco (Nacional)




11 11

gestión de residuos waste managing1

enmalle volantas


51 mariscadoras 28

asociación 95 shellfish collectors 51 Boiro


210 artes menores


210 artes menores 269 249


59 acuicultura / aux 24 artes menores 59

acuicultura / aux

19 acuicultura / aux

139 acuicultura / aux

19 acuicultura / aux


artes menores

200 artes menores 3 cerco (Nacional) 3 palangre fondo (Nac) cerco (Nacional) 3 acuicultura / aux Vilagarcía palangre fondo (Nac) 293 arrastre (Nacional) 3 acuicultura / aux 5 palangre fondo (NEAFC) 29 arrastre (Nacional) 5 palangre superficie (Inter) 5 palangre fondo (NEAFC) 2 cerco (Internacional) 52 palangre superficie (Inter) arrastre congeladores (Inter) 2 cerco (Internacional) 2 arrastre congeladores (Inter)

417artes menores 417artes menores

1743 1743

151acuicultura / aux 1cerco (Nacional)

1051 Palangre artes menores fondo (Nac) 3 cerco (Nacional) 1 Palangre fondo (Nac) 3 cerco (Nacional)

1cerco (Nacional)

85 acuicultura artes menores 86 / aux acuicultura / aux

210 artes menores







Cambados O Grove

acuicultura / aux

21 cerco (Nacional) 52 acuicultura / aux

O Grove Portonovo Sanxenxo Portonovo Sanxenxo

153 artes menores 153 artes menores 151 acuicultura / aux


151 acuicultura / aux 1 enmalle volantas

Ribeira O Grove Palmeira 136

1 enmalle volantas

A Pobra Palmeira Cabo de Cruz A Pobra


15 artes menores 1 acuicultura / aux 15 artes menores 1 acuicultura / aux

Cabo deRianxo Cruz Rianxo

Bateas MusselVilagarcía farms

P ro pe r te m pe rature. Eno ugh nutrie nt

Vilaxoán Vilagarcía Vilanova Vilaxoán Illa de Arousa Vilanova

28 artes menores 2 acuicultura / aux 286 artes cerco menores (Nacional) 2 acuicultura / aux 6 cerco (Nacional)


C hange in clim ate. C o astal po llutio n

O Grove Portonovo Sanxenxo Portonovo Sanxenxo

Sellfish p u rifica tion p la n t s

Embarcaciones pesqueras Fishing boats

U nfavo rable co nditio ns

U nfavo rable co nditio ns

Embarcaciones pesqueras Fishing boats asociación asociación de bateeiros asociación asociación de bateeiros de de bateeiros bateeiros mussel mussel farms owners farms mussel mussel owners farms farms owners owners asociación asociación de bateeiros asociación asociación de bateeiros de de bateeiros bateeiros mussel mussel farms owners farms mussel mussel owners farms farms owners owners

fragmentación fragmentation

15 artes menores 1 acuicultura / aux 15 artes menores 1 acuicultura / aux


artes menores

2 acuicultura /mariscadoras aux algas algas algas asociación asociación mariscadoras asociación asociación mariscadoras mariscadoras 286 artes cerco menores (Nacional) algae algae algae shellfishshellfish collectors shellfish collectors shellfish collectors collectors 2 acuicultura /mariscadoras aux algas Gestión algas algas asociación asociación mariscadoras asociación asociación mariscadoras mariscadoras de residuos Fragmentación 6 cerco (Nacional) algae algae algae shellfishshellfish collectors shellfish collectors shellfish collectors collectors Waste managing Fragmentation Gestión de residuos Fragmentación Algas Asociaciones de mariscadoras Waste managing Fragmentation Algae Shellfish collectors associations Algas Asociaciones de mariscadoras gestión gestión de residuos gestión gestión de residuos dede residuos residuos fragmentación fragmentación fragmentación fragmentación Algae Shellfish collectors associations Parcelas paramanaging el managing cultivo de almeja Clam culture parks wastewaste managing waste managing waste fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation

algas algae algas algae

especie ieespecie cultivocultivo intensivo cultivo intensivo cultivo intensivo intensivo monocultivo monocultivo monocultivo monocultivo Mariscadores Shellfish collectors Seine fishing Pesca S e idenintensive ecerco fish infarming gintensive C la m cu ltive p a r ks es species intensive farming farming farming monoculture monoculture monoculture monoculture especie iespecies especie cultivointensive cultivo intensivo cultivo intensivo cultivo intensivo intensivo monocultivo monocultivo monocultivo monocultivo gestión gestión de residuos gestión gestión de residuos dede residuos residuos fragmentación fragmentación fragmentación fragmentación Mariscadores Shellfish collectors

Ribeira Palmeira A Pobra Palmeira Cabo de Cruz A Pobra


210 artes menores

Cambados O Grove

21 cerco (Nacional) Rianxo 21

Portosín embarcacións Porto do Son Aguiño Portosín Porto do Son Ribeira Aguiño

Illa de Arousa

21 cerco (Nacional)

Artes Menores Artes embarcacións Menores

Artes Menores Artes Menores


Rianxo Vilagarcía Vilaxoán Vilagarcía Vilanova Vilaxoán Illa de Arousa Vilanova

artes menores

151acuicultura / aux 105 artes menores

Portosín embarcacións Porto do Son Aguiño Portosín Cambados Porto do Son Ribeira Aguiño

Ria de Arousa




1743 1743

Cabo deRianxo Cruz

15 artes menores


52 acuicultura / aux 269 249 21 cerco (Nacional) 52 acuicultura / aux 21


1 enmalle volantas

semillassemillassemillas semillas seeds seeds seeds seeds semillassemillassemillas semillas Monocultivo seeds seeds seeds seeds Monoculture Monocultivo Monoculture

acuicultura / aux

Illa de Arousa

1cerco (Nacional)238

34 Pobra 43 do Caramiñal


acuicultura / aux



artes menores

15 artes menores

Mejillón enlatado no certificado 59 acuicultura / aux Mejillón enlatado certificado 4%96%



153 artes menores Empleo sector marítimo en la Ría de Arousa Sea sector employment at Ria de Arousa mejillón mejillón mar mar marmar cuerdascuerdascuerdas cuerdas detrito detrito detrito detrito 153 artes menores mussel mussel sea sea seasea ropes ropes ropes ropes detritus detritus detritus 151 acuicultura / auxdetritus mejillón mejillón mar mar marmar cuerdascuerdascuerdas cuerdas detrito detrito detrito detrito mussel mussel sea sea seasea ropes ropes ropes ropes detritus detritus detritus 151 acuicultura / auxdetritus

playa playa playa playa beach beach beach beach playa playa playa playa Cultivo intensivo beach beach beach beach Intensive farming Cultivo intensivo Intensive farming

A Pobra

artes menores


Portomarítimo do Son en la Ría de Arousa Sea Ribeira Pobra do Caramiñal Empleo sector sector employment at Ria de Arousa

monocultivo monoculture

acuicultura / aux

Mejillón enlatado certificado 4%19 acuicultura / aux Mejillón enlatado no certificado 96% 1069 19 acuicultura / aux Fuente: ANFACO 15 artes menores 1069 Mejillón enlatado certificado 4% asociación mariscadoras 15 artes menores Fuente: ANFACO detrito asociación de bateeiros 969 shellfish collectors 417Galicia artes menores Mejillón mussel statistics mussel farms owners 85 artes menores detritus de Galicia estadísticas 969 Fuente: ANFACO 85 acuicultura artes menores 86 / aux 417artes menores

650 gestión de residuos waste managing


41 artes menores

96 menores 77 artes acuicultura / aux

90 acuicultura artes menores 139 / aux

139 acuicultura / aux



Fuente: ANFACO

90 artes menores Fuente: ANFACO 90 acuicultura artes menores 139 / aux



2.077 Mejillón fresco certificado 14%

Mus s el f ar ms

198 artes menores

kg/persona/año kg/person/year

Regenerando....................... 3% 17kg Acuicultura ............ Acuaculture 15 Recovering 17kg Empobrecido........................ 9% Regenerando....................... 3% Acuicultura 15 Regenerando....................... 3% 0,43............ €/kg Acuaculture Depleted Recovering Recovering 10 Sobreexplotado.................. 16% Empobrecido........................ 9% Pesca .................... Fishing Empobrecido........................ 9% 8kg Over exploited Depleted Depleted Altamente explotado.......... 44% Empobrecido........................ 9% 10 Sobreexplotado.................. 16% Pesca .................... Fishing 8kg Full-heavily exploited Over exploited Depleted 5 Moderadamente explotado 23% Sobreexplotado.................. 16% Altamente explotado.......... 44% Mexillón de Galicia evolución precio Galicia mussel price evolution 2002-2015 Moderately exploited Over exploited Full-heavily exploited Infraexplotado...................... 9% Sobreexplotado.................. 16% 5 Moderadamente explotado 23% Under exploited Gestión de residuos Moderately exploited Over exploited 0 Altamente explotado.......... 44% Infraexplotado...................... 9% 1970 1979 1988 1997 2004 Waste managing Under exploited Full-heavily exploited 1970 2004 0 Altamente explotado.......... 44% 1970 1979 1988 1997 2004 Full-heavily exploited Moderadamente explotado 23% 1970 2004 Bateas sin certificar 65% Moderately exploited Moderadamente explotado 23% Bateas certificadas sin certificar35% 65% Moderately exploited Bateas Infraexplotado...................... 9% 31 artes menores Under exploited Infraexplotado...................... 9% 23 cerco (Nacional)Bateas sin certificarBateas 65% certificadas 35% Sector pesquero Fishing sector Bateas sin certificar 65% 31 artes menores Under exploited Consello Regulador asociación de bateeiros 23 cerco (Nacional)Bateas certificadasFuente: 35%

he Ria

almeja almeja clam clam almeja almeja clam clam

artes menores

F is h co n s u m p t i o n p e r p e r s o n a nd ye a r

Situación global de los bancos pesqueros Global fishing stocks 0,53 €/kgsituation

algas cuerdas algae Mussel aquaculture ropes

o g

artes menores


Consumo de pescado por persona y año Fish consumption per person and year


Asociacións de bateeiros Mussel farms owners


31 artes menores 23 cerco (Nacional)

C o r r ub e d o B e a c h

Mus s el f ar mi ng 38

artes menores

Ria de Arousa

Usual touri sti c route

Alter nati ve touri sti c ro u te

Forest ry surface i n Gal i ci a

Vi ew from C orr ubedo

La c k o f ce n tral i s a t i o n i n t o ur i s t i c f a c i l i t i e s

Fo r e s t r y s ur f a c e i n B a r b a nza

I ndus tr y and protected ar eas i n Bar banza


A parliament for the North region of Portugal Location: Braga, Portugal Subject: Master Thesis in Architecture Year: 2015-2016

The proposal for a new parliament is addressed taking into account Braga’s Master Plan, which aims to improve the quality of life in the city. For this reason, the creation of seven new large natural parks is proposed, increasing the environmental value of the city and its recreational potential. This proposal is planned for the near future established in the horizon of 2025. Following the purpose of the current master plan, it is proposed to maintain, as far as possible, the conversion of the intervention area as a green space open to the public. Health benefits of green spaces are numerous, such as helping to release daily stress or acting as air purifiers. Moreover, it has been recently proven their effect on workers performance and the direct relation with an incrementation of creativity and productivity. For this reason, the solution designed for the new parliament of the northern region of Portugal is based on a relaxed work environment in direct contact with nature. The idea of a parliament as an architectural object combined with the greenery as representative element, the concept of an “enclosed forest” is obtained, a greenhouse in the middle of nature. In order to determine the best bioclimatic strategies to be used in the design and reduce the building’s energy demand, a detailed climate analysis has been carried out in advance, analysing several parameters such as the annual average temperature range, prevailing winds, annual rainfall distribution or ambient moisture range.

- 1. The plot The architectural piece is located following the natural longitudinal direction of the plot. Due to accessibility reasons, the whole program is placed on a single ground floor, except the plenary hall.

- 2. Longitudinality -

- 3. Nature on the inside -

To facilitate orientation within a building of such large dimensions, large longitudinal corridors are created throughout the entire building.

Building on the concept of an enclosed forest, vegetation is integrated inside the parliament, generating an interiorexterior continuum.

- 4. F Fragmentation ragmentation -

- 5. Connecting Connecting realities -

The new parliament of Braga arises from a educed energy consumption point of view. To achieve that, the program is divided into small independently heated boxes.

For a better integration of the building on its surroundings, large gardens are created around it. These semi-public spaces will serve for the enjoyment of the citizens, where democracy materializes.


A city pavilion for Harbin Location: Harbin, China Subject: Joint Graduation Program (HIT+ETSAC) Size: 10000 m2 Year: 2015 Software for climate form: Rhino+Grasshopper In collaboration with Aitor Almaraz

Conceived as a flagship building and meeting point that condenses activity, the city pavilion is a complex program building and interchange station. In order to create activity, the pavilion aims to be used by people travelling from the financial district to the city centre, encouraging them to spend some time at its cultural and sport activities. Serving as a transition element between the CBD and the river, the building is been designed from a climate-built form approach that supports the harsh winter conditions. Emerging like an Iceberg, the language of the building creates a powerful image that is the expression of the different functions: auditorium, library, swimming pool, restaurants and leisure areas... All these spaces gather around a big central plaza, a covered space that guarantees it will be used all year round. The project was awarded with the first prize at the HIT UDC Joint Graduate Program 2015.


railway + bus city pavilion

ferries terminal + marina

Necessity of transition Built environment-Nature

Expansive solution


Instead of extreme solution, working with the site, negative planning. Create a new border that provides a smooth transition yet dealing with flooded area

Strategy of gathering to: deal with cold climate, more sustainable and flexible transition. Free space outside: natural spaces to be enjoyed achieve critical mass, many happen, high density.

Create activity If there is nothing to do here, nobody will come. Make people cross the building




(Solution that meets a powerful image and that makes sense) REPETITION: A HUGE AMOUNT OF ELEMENTS UNITARY IMAGE, RECOGNIZABLE FORM


Envelope Capable volume of spaces Lighting conditions Convection Streams + Ventilation Thermal mass + Form factor

Central space Buffer space as a cave inside of an iceberg, making the people involved to take care of this space -it would be their space-, to be used along the year

Capable volume Entrances: sheltering spaces, before releasing you to a big buffer space where things happen. Old and young can gather as well as people coming and going

The water element Water plane that changes with seasons Total transition between cbd and nature Snow collecting and melting areas

Topography + vegetation Least maintenance species Earth from dredging Smooth topography

exibility. bidirectional spaces Comfortable spaces: you have control over what’s happening around you yet feeling sheltered underneath the ramp


Nature interpretation and researcher centre Location: Cabo de Gata, Spain Size: 2300 m2 Year: 2015 Software for climate form: Rhino+ Grasshopper National competition (XXV Concurso de Soluciones Constructivas PladurÂŽ) In collaboration with Aitor Almaraz

This fruit and vegetables’ research centre is located inside of an old monastery in the Spanish desert. After studying the dry and hot climates passive strategies, we propose a new roof that covers the old construction and the new research areas. Light and translucent, it is like a silk sheet that unifies the intervention permitting to perceive the building as a whole. Inspired in the Arabic Malqaf-type constructions, the roof is designed to generate self-ventilating spaces through stack-effect. Besides this, the roof produces electric energy, and the height is calculated not only to avoid shades, but also to cultivate different plant species.


The proposal UNA PIEL PROTECTORAis a roof that, in addition to serve as protection,will be the unifying element between the historical building and its new addition El Centro de Interpretación del Cabo de Gata, más vinculado a los espacios Restaurant and

exteriores y con unos condicionantesCAFETERÍA menores, recuperará los espacios coffeelosshop interiores de la ruina. Conservando muros existentes, se diseña las salas e 480m de exposición y cafetería en el edificio principal, y los apartamentos para científicos en las zahúrdas, estado, y sobre las que se interviene ÁREAenDEbuen EXPOSICIONES area para adaptarlas. Exhibition La intervención en la ruina seráemínima, completando 770m cerramientos y realizando trasdosados con materiales como PLADUR, que permitan diferenciar lo existente de lo nuevo, adaptando además térmica y acústicamente. (DETALLE TIPO A)

se propone una cubierta que, ADEMÁS DE PROTEGER, unifique la intervención en la ruina y el edificio de nueva planta


Research e Nueva Planta. 1710mcenter El Centro de Investigación Hortofrutícola, con necesidades específicas como dimensiones mayores, gran humedad, instalaciones especiales, peligro de incendio... tales como los laboratorios o los invernaderos se planifican en un edificio de nueva planta. Se trata de unos volúmenes independientes bajo APARTAMENTOS la gran cubierta, con una estructura de cables muy ligera y desmontable. Apartments e 190m (DETALLE TIPO B)

UN OASIS EN EL DESIERTO se propone una cubierta que, ADEMÁS DE PROTEGER, unifique la intervención en la ruina y el edificio de nueva planta

El Centro de Interpretación del Cabo de Gata, más vinculado a los espacios El Centro de Investigación Hortofrutícola, con necesidades específicas como exteriores y con unos condicionantes menores, recuperará los espacios dimensiones mayores, gran humedad, instalaciones especiales, peligro de interiores de la ruina. Conservando los muros existentes, se diseña las salas incendio... tales como los laboratorios o los invernaderos se planifican en un de exposición y cafetería en el edificio principal, y los apartamentos para edificio de nueva planta. Se trata de unos volúmenes independientes bajo paneles fotovoltaicos científicos en las zahúrdas, en buen estado, y sobre las que se interviene la gran cubierta, con una estructura de cables muy ligera y desmontable. para adaptarlas. La intervención en la ruina será mínima, completando (DETALLE TIPO B) cerramientos y realizando trasdosados con materiales como PLADUR, que permitan diferenciar lo existente de lo nuevo, adaptando además térmica y acústicamente. (DETALLE TIPO A) invernaderos laboratorios

UN OASIS EN EL DESIERTO Climate built form MALQAF Estudiando las construcciones con estrategias de ventilación pasiva de climas cálidos y secos, se adaptan estas estrategias al cortijo del monje

MALQAF Estudiando las construcciones con estrategias de ventilación pasiva de climas cálidos y secos, se adaptan estas estrategias al cortijo del monje

Second floor


an acoustic and thermal isolation and other spaces, contributing to these emplean enallows The large roof risessenot only to generate La gran cubierta levanta no sólo para generar los espacios de invernadero Los materiales PLADUR los volúmenes bajo la cubierta para paneles fotovoltaicos -espacios acotados y controlables necesarios para la investigación delimitar usos como los laboratorios,of las the aulasspaces o las salasensuring de investigación. an independent the spaces of greenhouses, necessary decrease of its temperature. sinóbut que además, por efecto chimeneaFinally, se crea una Estosinto materiales permiten y térmicamente de forma and deferred behaviour of the different it iscorriente also have account its aislar acústicamente for the hortofrutícolainvestigation, to create de convección queby hacechimney que estos effect espacios ventilen deinclination forma natural.toAlplaceque se asegura un correcto independiente y en offer diferidoprotection de photovoltaic panelsfuncionamiento volumes. They also convection currents levantarse, provocan la sombra sobre los elementos como laboratorios u los distintos volumenes. Además, ofrecen protección frente al fuego, al alto against fire, shock and high humidity or solar collectors on the skin of this roof. that allow these spaces to ventilate in a otros espacios, contribuyendo al descenso de su temperatura. Por último, su grado de humedad y protección contra los golpes. invernaderos levels. naturalinclinación way. se tiene en cuenta para colocar placas fotovoltaicas Pladur partitions o colectores are used under cover laboratorios to delimit uses such as laboratories, When itsolares rises,integradas it causes en laovershadowing piel de cubierta. classes or research rooms. This material effect on the rooms for laboratories

CLIMATIC BUILT FORM La gran cubierta se levanta no sólo para generar los espacios de invernadero -espacios acotados y controlables necesarios para la investigación hortofrutícola- sinó que además, por efecto chimenea se crea una corriente de convección que hace que estos espacios ventilen de forma natural. Al levantarse, provocan la sombra sobre los elementos como laboratorios u otros espacios, contribuyendo al descenso de su temperatura. Por último, su inclinación se tiene en cuenta para colocar placas fotovoltaicas o colectores solares integradas en la piel de cubierta.

Los materiales PLADUR se emplean en los volúmenes bajo la cubierta para delimitar usos como los laboratorios, las aulas o las salas de investigación. Estos materiales permiten aislar acústicamente y térmicamente de forma que se asegura un correcto funcionamiento independiente y en diferido de los distintos volumenes. Además, ofrecen protección frente al fuego, al alto grado de humedad y protección contra los golpes.


The materials used in the intervention iatlovotof selenap will be lightsocand removable, respecting the historical building soredanrevni soirotarobal

arap atreibuc al ojab senemúlov sol ne naelpme es RUDALP selairetam soL .nóicagitsevni ed salas sal o salua sal ,soirotarobal sol omoc sosu ratimiled amrof ed etnemacimrét y etnemacitsúca ralsia netimrep selairetam sotsE ed odirefid ne y etneidnepedni otneimanoicnuf otcerroc nu arugesa es euq otla la ,ogeuf la etnerf nóiccetorp necerfo ,sámedA .senemulov sotnitsid sol .seplog sol artnoc nóiccetorp y dademuh ed odarg


Since it is a construction so light, with a roof structure that allows to adopt the desired shape, a structure of tensioned cables


MROF TLIUB CITAMILC oredanrevni ed soicapse sol rareneg arap olós on atnavel es atreibuc narg aL nóicagitsevni al arap soirasecen selbalortnoc y sodatoca soicapseetneirroc anu aerc es aenemihc otcefe rop ,sámeda euq ónis -alocíturfotroh lA .larutan amrof ed nelitnev soicapse sotse euq ecah euq nóiccevnoc ed u soirotarobal omoc sotnemele sol erbos arbmos al nacovorp ,esratnavel us ,omitlú roP .arutarepmet us ed osnecsed la odneyubirtnoc ,soicapse sorto serotceloc o saciatlovotof sacalp racoloc arap atneuc ne eneit es nóicanilcni .atreibuc ed leip al ne sadargetni seralos


FAQLAM sodilác samilc ed avisap nóicalitnev ed saigetartse noc senoiccurtsnoc sal odnaidutsE ejnom led ojitroc la saigetartse satse natpada es ,soces y

Strategies of traditional constructions with passive ventilation in hot and dry climates are adapted to the project


The interior partitions are made with walls composed of Pladur laminated plasterboard. Detailed joint between these partitions and the ceiling on detail B


They are a key piece of the project, allowing the hortofruticulture research of this centre

The ruin


Is intervened with delicacy, using materials that offer a different finishing to the original stone


Energetic calif.

RESOURCE CONSUMPTION The resource consumption for each zone was calculated using SIMIEN. Each zone was calculated seperately and then added all together in the end.

Irradiation study

Study of inclinations, overshadowing effect and irradiation using Parametric design tools and climate analysis programs to determine the estudio de inclinaciones empleando herramientas de diseño paramétrico y programas de análisis correct shape of the roof. Estudio de asoleo e irradiación para determinar la correcta colocación de los paneles solares

The existing barn accounts for approximately 1/3 of the total resource consumption. This is expected since very few improvement could be made since it is a protected building. Space heating accounts for approximately 50% of our total resource consumption laods.

TOTAL RESOURCE CONSUMPTION 51 kWh/m2/yr The amount of solar energy produced was calculated using PVSyst. The panels were placed on the south to maximize their solar availability. The Campus Kalvskinnet site is ideal of PV

A Journey through my academical background

NTNU Msc in Sustainable Architecture 2016-2018

Politechnika Lubelska Erasmus Program 2013-2014

ENSACF Iacobus Program 2012

HIT Joint Graduate Program 2015

ETSAC BArch and MArch 2010-2016

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”


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