Children’s Conceptions About the Pollution Water
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Educação
“Our globalised society urges to excessive consume that is to bring on increase the exploration of naturals resources and a high production and waste that causing high environment damage. In this context, the environment education creates opportunities for developing capacities and critical comprehension capacity of world.� Braga, Santos & Silva (2010)
Inquiring children between 9 – 10 years old of a primary school in the city; Analysing their answers and took conclusions; 4 drawings followed by a description;
“The dice was collected by a draw. The drawing is for child the method more effected to transmit your thinking because the children can represent over what they know about thy objet, reflecting the meaning for them.” Barbosa-Lima & Carvalho, 2008; Pereira, s.d
First question: Which cause water pollution? Second question: What problems can create water pollution? Third question: What you can do for help to reduce water pollution? Fourth question: Do you know any problem related with water pollution in area of Santarem? If you answer yes, indicates and describes.
Answers Which cause water pollution?
Throwing waster on the water Depositing objects and fuels like oil on the water
Source 120% 100%
Answers (%)
80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Human Action
Provenance nonspecific
120% - Human Action 20% - Provenance nonspecific
What problems can create water pollution?
Death of life beings Death of some animals that living in water
Consequences / Problems 80% 70%
Answers (%)
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Death of living beings
Health and wellness
Other - unresponsive
79% - Death of living beings 33% - Health and wellness 8% - Other - unresponsive
What you can do for help to reduce water pollution? Removing the waste form the seas, rivers and beaches
Suggestions 70% 60%
Answers (%)
50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% vigilance
Behavior Intervention
Behaviour Change
4% - Vigilance 63% - Behavior Intervention 17% - Behavior Change 17% - Sensitization 8% - Other - unresponsive
Other unresponsive
Do you know any problem related with water pollution in area of Santarem? If you answer yes, indicates and describes.
don´t answer to the question and other don´t
kwon any case of pollution
that the river is polluted because most
people depositing waste, the factories, the sewer and the oil shed by motor booths
Although, we can conclude that the class regards some important categories, saying the aspects like the change of water’s colour, human’s health and the living beings and the awareness, saying the alert and incentive for environment preservation.
Bacci, D. C., & Pataca, E. M. (2008). Educação para a água. Estudos Avançados, 22 (63), 211-226. Barbosa-Lima, M. C., Carvalho, A. M. P. de (2008). O desenho infantil como instrumento de um estudo de caso. Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias ,7(2), 337-348. Braga, A. L, Santos, S., & Silva, G. N. (2010). Poluição ambiental local e o papel da educação ambiental. Revista Paidéia, Unimes Virtual, 2(4), 1-12. Retirado de http://revistapaideia.unimesvirtual.com.br/index.php?journal=p aideia&page=article&op=viewFile&path[]=187&path[]=155 Pereira, L. (s.d.) O desenho infantil e a construção da significação: um estudo de caso. Retirado de: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/files/29712/11376608891lai s-krucken-pereira.pdf/lais-krucken-pereira.pdf