Houston Maranatha
Community Center
Enhancig our community’s lifestyle through a variety of programs taylored to meet the needs of Houston’s challenged.
Community Services Classes ESL - English as a Second Language
16-week INTENSIVE ENGLISH course Martín Gondra
Computer Classes
Luis Castro
Sewing Classes
Classes on Sewing. Patricia Avila
Citizenship Classes
Classes preparing people to become citizens.
Healthy Cooking Classes
Classes on very healthy cooking.
Tutoring for Teens
Afterhours help teenagers with problems in school.
Services Food and Clothing Services
Give and Receive donations for low-income registered families. Ruth Silva
Senior Citizens Help Service
Help the elderly with their shopping, rides to the doctor, etc.
Health Consultations
Monthly service - Carlos Carrillo
“I’m My Hero” (or “I’d Rather Live”) A Drug-Free / Alcohol Free Awareness Day
Schedule a day once a year to produce a program against drugs, gangs and crime.
Concierge Service
Help people with particular needs by directing them to the right office / service.
“Christmas Joy”
Donation of gift baskets with toys and food for regis tered low-income families.
“Let’s Be Grateful and Find Someone to Share”
A Thanksgiving day special event to share a beautiful hot dinner with registered low-income families.
Annual Parenting Seminar
A 2-day course intensive seminar to teach parents the ABC’s of successful parenting for Successful Children. To be followed with individual counseling where needed.
Immigration Services
Help people legalize their immigration status Attny. Samuel Beale
Financial Aid
Special help for families in special needs.
Children Pathfinders Club
Neighbor Appreciation Committee
Adventurers Club
Help neighbors paint and repair their homes.
Club de Conquistadores
Police / Fire and Medics Friends Fair
Children’s Vacation Bible School
Schedule an annual fair about Community Safety with the participation of law enforcement, fire depart ment and paramedics, etc.
Clud de Aventureros
Our classic annual vacation program.