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NICOLA BRADY roundsupsomeofthebestandbest-value familyholidays upfor grabsthissummer,witheverything frombeaches tobicycling, andcruisesto safaris |€1,000ANDUNDERI
date. Praiada Rochain a self-catering apartment Budget Travelhasa weekfor€1,059at 10weeksbeforeyourdeparture (01)637-1699 theCastillo BeachApartments in Costa, working outatonly€652. a 10-minute walkfromthebeach. SALOU Thebeachis huge,sothere'sample Caleta, andthere'splenty Popularwithfamilies, the resorthasa MAJORCA It canbe hardto findsunshineon a spaceforsandcastles, isshedding itsimageasa party to do nearby, from the waterfront to the swimming pool on-site, complete witha Majorca budget, butyoucangeta familyholiday Thebiggest islandintheBalearics, forunder€1,000—Budget Travel hasa localwaterpark. Aboattouris a great children's section. Thetripdepartsfrom haven. it'shometoprettycoves andsandybeaches, too,whether youwantto head Dublin onAugust 12. weekintheSpanish resortofSalouin a excursion outfishingorjustexplore thelocalarea. See:BudgetTravel,(01)435-0022, withwarmtemperatures allsummer. self-catering apartment for€959,including Ifthere'sa cyclistinyourfamily, they flightsfromDublin onAugust 26. ThetripdepartsfromDublin onJune9. (01)4853835, cankeepthemselves occupiedin the Theaccommodation maybebasic,but See:LowCostHolidays, ALGARVE mountainswheretop athletesgo to it haseverything you'llneed,andthere's is a swimming poolto keepthe children TheAlgarve hascomeuptrumps,witha train.Fortherestofyou,a sunlounger entertained. Thebeachisonly100maway, holiday for four fitting comfortably under calling.BudgetTravelhas a weekin [€1,500ANDUNDER] €1, hasa weekin Aucanada,departingAugust13 for andyou'llbeableto pickupeverything Nearby istheBayofAlcudia, and youneedinthetownofSalou. There'sa Julyatthe3-starClubAlvorferias resort, €1,189. bar on-sitetoo,witha gamesroomfor FUERTEVENTURA closetothefishing village ofAlvor. theseafront Alcanada golfclub. See: Budget Travel, (01) 435-0022, The Canary Islands are a firm favourite for The beach is a short stroll away, but shooting a fewframesofpool. See:BudgetTravel,(01)435-0022, summer holidays, andwithgoodreason. there'sa good-sized swimming poolonsite. Theclimateis comfortably warmyearround,Sevennightscomesin at €1,399, butreliably sunnyinthesummer. includingflightswithAerLingusand |€2,000ANDUNDERI Fuerteventura is a popularchoice— transfers. UntiltheendofJanuary, youcan ALGARVE Ifyoucanmanage togetaway justbefore it'sa bit quieterthanthe ofonly€1perperson, with LANZAROTE the schoolholidays start,youcanfind islandsandthere'sa livelywatersports witha deposit holidays canbeagodsend for somerealbargains.LowCostHolidayssceneforthemoreadventurous families, a secondpaymentof €100ppduefour All-inclusive Choosewiselyandyouwon't hassevennightsin the 3-starresortof withactivities fromkitesurfing todiving. weekslaterandthe remainder payable families.
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havetoworryaboutendlessrequestsfor ice creamsand colddrinks.Andwhile buffetsmightnotofferthemostexciting meals,they'reusuallya sure-firewayto pleasefussyeaters. Speaking ofsure-fire hits,Lanzarote is anotherfail-safeholidayresort.Sandy beaches, almostguaranteed sunshine and warmwatersmakeforhappyfamiliesall summerlong.Besureto samplesomeof thelocalwinewhileyou'rethere—vineyards ontheislandproduce someexcellent varieties thatarerarelyexported. Low CostHolidays hasa weekin the 4-starresortof PlayaBlanca for €1,768,departingfrom ShannononJune18. See:LowCostHolidays, (01)485-3835, FRANCE
There's nothing like a holidayintheFrenchcountryside for pure relaxation. Days are spent wandering througha villagein searchofbread andcheese,andevenings ona balmyterrace witha glassofthedelightful localred. Addin a holidayrentalwitha bit of characterandyou'vegota perfectfamily getaway. Oliver's Travels hasan unusual propertyin the Vendeeand Charente regionwithgoodavailability this summer. Tour St Thereseis a stunning medieval towerina prettyvillage. There's not muchin the wayof entertainment, butif you'relookingforpeaceandquiet it reallycan't be beaten.If youbook
Above,Portugal'sAlgarve,a longtime favouritewith Irishfamilies (€1,500and under);left, Sardiniais becomingan increasinglypopular choice(€3,000 and under)
before February 28 there's a 20pc discountavailable, witha week'srental (sleeping upto sixguests)inJulycosting from €1,053.Youcan fly to nearby NanteswithRyanair—at the time of writing,faresare around€900forfour peoplein July,butarelikelyto rise. See:Oliver'sTravels,Olivers vv; //
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J J GRANCANARIA GranCanariais the third-biggest islandin the Canaries,and a popular destinationfor Irish holidaymakers. Thousandsflockto the sunnybeaches everyyear,andthere'splentytokeepeven thefussiestkidsoccupied. hasa weekin Julyat the3-starCordialMoganValle,nearthe fishing village ofPuertoMogan, for€1,599. Theentireresortiscar-free, andaswellas the usualswimming poolandkids'area there'sa spathatparentscansneakaway to.It'syourholidaytoo,afterall., (01)637-1699 €2,500 ANDUNDE SICILY Nothingsayssummerholidaylikethe scentofabarbecue onawarmevening. At thebeautifulCasaRaffaele villain Sicily, there'sa secondkitchenin the garden equippedwithnot onlya barbecue, but a wood-burning ovenforyourownpizzamaking adventures. There'salsoa sheltered diningarea,idealforlazylunchesas wellas alfrescodinners.Thegood-sized swimming poolisinthemiddleofa large privategarden,idealforplaying. Bestof all?Theregionis knownfor its wineand olives,so you'llfeastlike royalty. CasaRaffaele sleepsfourandcosts between€1,453in June and €1,756in August.Ryanairfliesto nearbyComiso on Thursdaysand Sundays,withrates around€82.99oneway,bringing thetotal tojustunder€2,500. See:TheSicilianVilla Company, 0044 202207-0785, Thesicilian; FLORIDA Askchildrenwhattheir idealholiday wouldlooklike,andyou'lllikelybemet witha deafening chorusof"Disney World!" Formost,the prospectof meeting Mickey Mouse,Cinderella andthe gang is almosttoo muchto bear.There'sno escaping the factthat it's a holidayvery muchforkids(andtheyoungatheart),but youdefinitely won'thaveto worryabout keepingthementertained,withtheme parksasfarastheeyecansee. Thegoodnewsisthatit'spossible toget to Orlandowithoutbreakingthe bank. has a weekin Florida inJuneina 4-starhotelfor€2,299, including flightsandtransfers., (01)637-1699 €3,000 ANDUNDER
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MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Ifyoudon'twanttobepinneddowntoone location, a family-friendly cruisecouldbe the answer—you'llshiftlocationevery day,withtimeto headoffto explore. But onan MSCcruise,youmightfindit hard to coaxchildrenoffthe ship,withclubs, gamesroomsandpoolsonboard. Under-18s cruiseforfreewhensharing a cabinwithtwofare-paying adults.A seven-nightMediterraneancruiseon boardMSCMusicastartsfrom€949pp, including returnflightsfromDublinand transfers.Mealsareincluded, butdrinks packages areextra.Thetripdepartsfrom Civitavecchia, soyou'llneedtobookflights to Romeforthe children. AerLingushas returnflightsfor€200to€300ppinJuly, depending ondeparturedate. See:MSCCruises,1800932-499,; [€4,000 ANDUNDE CYCLINGTHECAMINO Doyouwantmorefroma holiday? Toget activeandhaveanadventure ratherthan sitbythe pool?Apilgrimage maybethe answer—cycling thebeautiful final100km ofthe CaminodeSantiago in Galicia. Covering 20kma day,you'llmakeyour waythroughthediverselandscape, from farmland toquaintvillages. Caminoways. comwilltransportyourluggage, andeach afternoonyou'llpitchup at a hotelin plentyoftimefordinner.It'sa goodidea to get goingearly—someofthe hotels havea poolandplentyofspacetorelax,so you'llwanttogettherefortheafternoon. Thepackageincludesbikerentaland half-board accommodation for€666per adultand€601perchild(aged10to 17). Flightsarenotincluded,andwouldcost around€800forfourpeopleinJunewith AerLingus,whichfliesto Santiago three timesa weekin the summer,bringing thetotalcostto around€3,334. See:CaminoWays,(01)525-2886,; TURKEY If youwantthe freedomof all-inclusive withoutbeingstuckin a smallresort,the 5-starGoldCityHotelandVillaComplex nearAlanya isperfect.Taking upmuchof a hillside,theresorthasnumerous pools (including itsveryownwaterpark),a private beachanda sportscentrewitha football pitchandtenniscourtsnearby. There's evena bowlingalleyandminigolf. DirectHolidays hasa weekall-inclusive in a luxurytwo-bedroom villa,departing fromDublinonAugust3 for€3,879.But bequickaboutit becausethefamilysale endsonJanuary31. See:DirectHolidays, (01)514-0341, directhoiidays. ie
SARDINIA Sardiniais a dreamin the summer— balmytemperatures,blue skies and delicious seafoodfromcountlesspretty restaurantsalongthe waterfront.The beautifulcoastlineflitsbetweenwide, openbeachesandtinyhiddencovesthat areperfectforsnorkelling. SOUTHAFRICANSAFARI Alghero isanidealdestination, witha AnAfricansafariisoneofthoseonce-ina-lifetime long,cleanbeachandabeautiful oldtown Top,TourSt Therese,Vendee,France(€2,000 and under);above,South holidays thata family willnever withplentyto explore. JustSardiniahas AfricanSafari(Blowthe Budget);top right,Chiesadel Carmine(Blowthe forget.Buta safarion horseback? Well, a weekin a two-bedroom apartmentat Budget);bottomright,CoconutBay,St Lucia(Blowthe Budget) that'sevenbetter. the seafrontBuganvillea Apartments, Imaginetrottingthroughthe South departingDublinon July13.It's onlya Africancountryside as giraffepeekfrom shortwalkto the towncentre,andthe froma waterpark, onlytohavethembegging idayshasa familysalerunningthroughout thetreesandzebragrazenearby.Guides priceis€2,811 fora familyoffive. togobackthenextday?Well,thisholiday January, withdiscounts ofupto€500 leadyouthroughthereserve, sothere'sno See:Just Sardinia,00441202484858, maybeforyou.The4-starAquashow on holidaysor freechildren'splaces.A needto worryaboutsafety.Andwhen uk ParkHotelin Quarteira ontheAlgarveis week'sB&Bat the Aquashow, departing you'retiredofriding,youcanrelaxinthe locatednexttotheAquashow Themeand fromDublinonAugust24,costs€2,899. plungepooloverlooking thegorgeorrest PORTUGAL Waterpark, andguestsgetunlimited access See:DirectHolidays,(01)514-0341, on the verandaand seewhatcreatures Haveyouevertriedtodragchildren away totheslides, flumesandmore.DirectHol¬ directhoiidays. ie youcanspotfromafar.InTheSaddlehas
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friendly,with pristine beaches and a fun atmosphere.Apopularchoicefor families is CoconutBay,which has a familywing with a waterparkand an ocean-frontpool. TropicalSkyhas an all-inclusiveweekin a deluxegarden-viewroom starting from €5,296(a savingof €1,700),availablefrom July1until August23.BookbyJanuary28 to take advantageof the saving. See: Tropical Sky, (01) 664-9999,
chiesa del carmine
For those looking a holiday for a larger group,a largervillais yourbestbet. Chiesa del Carmine is an Umbrian villa set amongolivegrovesand vineyards. It is technicallytwo properties — an 11th Century church with an adjoining18thCentury farmhouse,both beautifully converted. There's no shortage of bedrooms either, with this break at Ant's eight sleeping 14 guests. Lodgesfor €9,204 for Weeklyrates are €6,000 for the last week of June, most of June, going up to including flights via €8,000 in July and August. London, all meals and all You'llneed to book flights —the activities. For the first week in villa is a two-hour drive from Pisa, July,the price rises to €10,248. served by Ryanairfrom Dublin. See: In The Saddle, 0044 1299272997, See:;
st lucia
Nothing saysluxury like the Caribbean, and St Luciais a great choicefor families. The volcanic island is small, safe and
NB: Unlessotherwise stated, packages are for two adults and two children, with flights from Dublin. Prices correct at time of going to press.
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5 TIPS 1
Double-checkeverything that'sincludedinyourpackage —the lessyouneedto bring,the better. Find a babyfriendly hotelorresortwithsufficient cotsandsupplies intheroom. Wantto avoidscreaming duringtake-offand landing? Thisis a goodtimeto feedyourbaby,asthe swallowing helpsto equalisethe pressurein theirears. Buya full-body, UV-protective swimsuitsoyoudon't haveto worryaboutconstantly re-applyingsunscreen (thoughyou'llneeda strongsunblock foranyexposedskin).
possible,try to book suiteswitha separatebedroom so youcan put the babyto sleepwithoutwhispering forthe restofthe evening. 5Buy a cheap portable pushchair beforedeparture —you won't want to get yoursruinedintransit,andthey're invaluable fordaytimenaps.
Travelling withchildrenneedn't be stressful,particularlyifyou finda place that loveshavinglittleones around. At the MartinhalBeachResortand Hotel on the Algarve,the ([ accommodationisadapted for families, and particularlyfor babies.There's even a baby conciergeservicewhere you can pre-bookalmosteverythingyou'llneed to saveon suitcasespace. Martinhal's 'Baby'sFirstBeach Holiday' includesa 'FirstWaterExperience',spa treatmentfor mum and two hours of childcareeveryday.
BOOK:The package costs €2,445 for sevennights B&Bduring June, excluding flights.
Ifyourbaby makesup onlypart of a largergroup,then a villacouldbe the answer.Scott Dunn( has a great selectionof villasthat include Toddlersneed constant entertaining,and a nannyand privatechef,so you'llreally there's no better placethan the be able to relax. Sensatori SharmElSheikh.As wellas Trythe super-luxeCanderosen the Playhousefor olderchildren,there'sa overlookingthe FormentorPeninsulain northwest Majorca—there'sa fully supervisednurserywhere babiescan stocked playroomand an impressive playand even spend the nightifyou want a littletime alone. infinitypoolwitha safety fenceavailable. BOOK:Ratesstart at €1,806pp for a BOOK:Thomson ( havea week in August for a week, based on full occupancyof 12,full-board, excluding flights. family of four starting at €3,904.
They're justhittingtheagewhentheywanttobreakfree frommumanddad,butyouwantto keepthemclose at hand.Soa holidaywithplentyofactivitieson-site is idealfor the tweenies.At the 4-starApartHotel ParadiseIslandin Lanzarote therearefiveswimming pools,an on-sitewaterpark(dinosaur-themed, natch) andevengo-karts. BOOK:ThomasCook ( week in Mayfrom €2,362, all-inclusive.
Ifthere'sonethingthat Francedoesreallywell,it'sa campsite, andtheYelloh!Villagela PetiteCamargue is a perfectoption.You'llstayin fullyequippedtents, andthere'splentyto keepeveryoneoccupiedon-site, includinga largeswimmingpool,a spot of horseriding anda nightlydisco. BOOK:CanvasHolidays( has MaxiTentsstarting from €618from June 28, sleeping up to five, if booked before January31.Takethe ferry to Cherbourgwith Irish Ferries(
There'sanexcellent selection ofswimming poolsatthe HolidayVillageRhodes,butforthosewhowantto stay on dry land there'sa hugearrayof activitiesfrom archeryto an aerialadventureground. BOOK;Thomson( week in August for €3,350.
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If youreallywantto impressa teenager, youshould takethemto NewYork.They'llbesowonoverwith the hustleandbustleof theBigApplethatthey'llforget thatthey'restuckwiththeirparents. Explore the HighLine,or takeina showat Shakespeare in the Parkwhileyou'rethere. BOOK:Clickandgo.comhas a four-night family break for €3,999 in July, staying in Midtown, with flights from Dublin (note that the €1 deposit offer does not apply to this trip). Here'ssomethingreallyinteresting —inthewildsof Sweden, youandyourfamilycanhand-build a timber raftandpilotyourwaydownthe KlaralvenRiver,a historicloggingroute,for fivedays.Therewillbeno timefor iPadsasyoumakeyourwayon a family adventure thatwillbehardto forget.You'llfinishin a hotelfor threenights,witha canoeat yourdisposal andaneveningelk-safari tour. BOOK:The trip costs from €835pp with Adventure Holidays(, excluding flights to Stockholm which start from €155ppwith SAS(
If yourteensarelookingfor moreof a beachflop break, theDreamVillaTagoroApartHotelinTenerife couldfit thebill.There's eveningentertainment anddiscos,or theycanchilloutat thepooltables. BOOK:Direct Holidays( hasa week from €2,637 for a family of four, all-inclusive,departing July 6.
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Left: Youngscientists will love the Club Abami at the Abama Golf and Spa Resortin Tenerife
If you'rea bigfamily,it canbetricky findinga holidayto suityouall.Your bestoptionisfindinga resortthat hasplentyto offeron-site,from clubsfor the littleonesto activities for theteens.Adjoiningroomscan bea lifesaver too,givingolder childrena feelingof independence. The3-starApartmentsCasaLuisin SantaEulaliain Ibizahavetwo bedroomsandtwo sofabeds,so youcansleepupto six. BOOK.ThomasCook(.Thomas week departing July 11from Dublin.Thestart priceof €2,248is basedon a familyof four. CincoPlazasLanzarotehas apartments that sleepup to eight, aswellasthreepools,daily activities, a children's cluband eveningentertainment. BOOK:Thomson (.Thomson has family breaks that start from €2,042 for four in August. If youwanta big broodunderone roof,a villarentalisyourbestbet. JamesVillas( has a selectionlocatedin holiday hotspotsaroundthe world,both privateandpartof resorts.Try CasaGrandein Tenerife,inthe hillsideresortof RoquedelConde. Therearefour bedroomsandthree bathrooms, a privatepoolandan outdoorterracethat evencomes completewith sofas. BOOK:A week in July starts from €1,920,excluding flights.
BESTKIDS'CLUBS ood children'sclub is a lifesaver on a amilyholiday.Find a goodone, and your s will be off playing happily from rise to sunset, making new friends having a ball. Sands Beach Resort CostaTeguise,Lanzarote,has a great ledule of activities every day, from cano-makingto Quidditch.What kid uldn't lovethat? OK: Clickandgo.comhas a ek in July from €1,949 per mily, with flights from Dublin.
The ApartHotel Alcudia Pins in Majorca takes place in a brand new facility,with has a livelykids' club, with activities eight zones designed to nurture young during the day as well as eveningentertainment minds.There'sa scientificarea and planetarium, such as magic shows. as well as a library and Wii. BOOK: Thomson ( Goodluck trying to get them home. has a week during August BOOK: Nightly rates start from for €2,143. €270, half-board, with one child up to the age of 12 included free In Tenerife,the Abama Golf and Spa of charge. A second room for Resort ( is a children up to the age of 12 swishhotelin the hills,with a pristineprivatereceives a 30pc discount, with beach. The daily Abami kids' club a maximum of three per room.
STAYCATIONS 3 FAMILYHOLIDAYIDEASIN IRELAND If thethoughtof restrictedluggage,airportcheck-in queuesandturbulenceleavesyoucold,whynot stick aroundin Irelandthissummer?Childrenwillgo crazy for FotaIslandResort(, andduringthe summertherearedailykids'camps(€10perresident child,€8 for the secondand€5 for thethird),with manyactivities.Of course,you'llalsohaveto paya visit to theWildlifeParkandthe impressive FotaHouse, ArboretumandGardens. BOOK Midweek rates start from €275 per room per night, with an interconnecting room for children an extra €160 B&B per night. Kelly'sResortHotelandSpa( in Rosslare repeatedly comesout on top for familyholidaysat home.Whileyou'rerelaxinginthe poolor spa,children arerunningwild in the Pirates' Club.Theyevenoffer complimentary childcarefrom6.30pmto 9pmsoyou canenjoyyourmealin peace.Therearelargefamily roomsavailable, or interconnecting ones,whichcan sleeptwo adultsandup to fourchildren. BOO Ratesstart from €253 in low season,and bookings get very busy during the summer. sightsrighton our doorstep.Youllfind registered accommodations at, where youcansearchthroughanincrediblyextensive Thereareplentyof fantasticself-catering options database. Why not headfor the coastof CoSligo, throughoutthe countrythatshowcase theamazing for example,and taketo a surfboardwiththe kids
whileyou'reat?Or howaboutbasingyourholiday arounda summerfestival? BOO> Organise a staycation during the fabulous Galway Arts Festival, for example, which takes place from July 14 to 27.
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3 BEST ALL-INCLUSIVE At theCorcyraBeachHotelin Corfu,youcan choosefromtheMediterranean buffetand dinealfrescoor moseyupto theshowcooking stationto watchthefoodpreparedbeforeyour eyes.There's a Greeknightoncea week,andan Asianrestaurant on-sitetoo,soyouhaveplenty of grubto choosefrom. BOOK:Thomson( hasan ail-inclusiveweek in August from €3,233. Beaches by Sandalspridethemselves on an extensive andchild-pleasing all-inclusive plan. TheirresortsinJamaica andTurksandCaicos haveswim-uppoolbarsfor children, pizzamaking classes andself-serve ice-cream kiosks. There's a hugevarietyof restaurants too —as manyas16perresort. It'sice-cream centralat theSandosPapagayo BeachResortin Lanzarote. Theonlytimeof dayit'snotavailable isat breakfast, whichsaves youfrombeingthebadguy.Setontheborder of the Papagayo NatureReserve, thehotelisin a beautifullocationandtherearetwo freshwater swimmingpoolsjustfor thechildren. BOOK:Falcon Holidays(.Falconholidays. /e) hasa week from June 23, departing from Shannon,for €2,622 including one free child place.
Right:TheSandalsallinclusive resortsin the Caribbeanprovide day-longfun for children
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Theparentingand pregnancywebsite Ro/ flagsup goodvalueon February midtermschoolbreaks in their'FamilyBreaks'