Welcome to the second issue of SCOPH E-Newsletter or E-SCOPHians, the monthly publication that aims to promote population health as the classic goal of public health practice and policy, as well as to share the pleasure of learning together in this inspiring field. After all “Knowledge comes from inspiration- one bit at a time” First off, exponential rise in the number of overweight and obese adults especially in developed nations. It has almost quadrupled to around one billion since 1980 with a total of 904 million. It could be attributed to an increase in calorie intake coupled with lack of adequate physical activity: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-25576400 In fact, millions of dollars are invested each year into sustaining "100 percent pure" image of foods. We make sure it looks fancy delicious and hard to resist. This over efficient food industry must do everything possible to persuade people to eat more, more often, and in larger portions—no matter what it does to waistlines or well-being. Clearly Food is a Global Health issue. And http://blogs.plos.org/globalhealth/2013/12/food_is_global_health/
We went from tropical medicine to international Health to Global Health 3.0 to 4.0 which is about research and other activities being led by researchers from low and middle income countries. It promotes synergy between the policy spheres of public health, foreign policy, development and research for health. Find out more in here: http://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2013/10/08/richard-smith-moving-from-global-heath-3-0-toglobal-health-4-0/ It’s obvious how media and marketing are having a huge impact on Public Health. For instance, the most accessed online resources for health related information are: 56% searched WebMD, 31% on Wikipedia, 29% on health magazine websites, 17% used Facebook, 15% used YouTube, 13% used a blog or multiple blogs, 12% used patient communities, 6% used Twitter and 27% used none of the above.
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The mass media is a matter that touches all our lives. Despite trust issues, 40% of people polled said information found on social media affects how someone coped with a chronic condition, their view of diet and exercise and their selection of a physician. For more prĂŠcised information, read this: http://getreferralmd.com/2013/09/healthcaresocial-mediastatistics/?utm_content=bufferd156a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_ca mpaign=buffer Finally, I would love to update you about an interesting discussion about cancer: What does cancer mean? Do you agree on the name or shall we just change? If yes, what would you pick? Join the discussion right here: http://theconversation.com/whats-in-a-name-why-we-need-to-reconsider-the-wordcancer-16606 Thank you for your dedication and your attention. Till we meet again, keep shining in your NMOs Marwa Daly Development assistant on Publications and Marketing of SCOPH for the term 2013-2014
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