E-SCOPHians SCOPH Newsletter
E d i t o ri a l Dear SCOPHians, It’s always a pleasure sharing your projects and achievements thanks to publications. So, welcome to E-SCOPHians for this month, the 5th issue. May has witnessed one of the most important causes not all for our committee, but worldwide: World No tobacco Day under the theme of raise taxes on Tobacco. To continue our movement to fight this killing tool, SCOPHians have launched several campaigns, organized competitions and lectures. Some events were coverd up in this newsletter. For more information, you can check out our facebook group.DominicianRepublic has celebrated world
21.06.2014 Issue 5 health day on April the 7th and worked on raising awareness to Endemic diseases. More details are provided below. MSAI SCOPH organized an amazing campaign called: Eradicating the bug menacean Integrated Approach. It took place at Girls Senior school and made a huge success. Last but not least, IFMSA Egypt has dealt with Nosocomial diseases and published concrete results during the annual Conference of Faculty of MedicineMenofiaUniversit I have never been more proud of you SCOPHeroes. You have shown diversity and hard work.Please keep up the motivational spirit. Orange Hugs M a r w a Da l y D e v e l op m e n t A s s i s t a n t on P u b l i c a t i on s of S C O P H
Inside raising awareness to endemic diseases 1 Infection control 2 Eradicating the bug 2 WHD 3 No tobacco day, Scophians in action 4
Briefing • Issue 1 http://issuu.com/marwadaly /docs/scoph_december_enewsletter • Issue 2 http://issuu.com/marwadaly /docs/february_e-scophians • Issue 3 http://issuu.com/marwadaly /docs/escophians_final_final • Issue 4 http://issuu.com/marwadaly /docs/newsletter_1
Raising Awareness to Endemic Diseases in the Dominican Republic On February 20 and 21, 2014, ten SCOPH members of ODEM-Dominican Republic, representing the institutions Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Universidad Central del Este (UCE), and Universidad Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU), implemented the “Beware of endemic
diseases” campaign in the Dominican Republic (DR). Entering two rural southeastern DR communities, ODEM members collaborated with doctors, nurses and health promoters, visiting every house, school and business in the area. They educated approximately 800 community members about five major endemic diseases
that affect our environment, including cholera, dengue fever, leptospirosis, malaria and tuberculosis. They used descriptive boards and disseminated informative brochures to describe each disease, including clinical presentation, mode of transmission and prevention methods. With close, personal interactions between health professionals (cont.page 2)