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Table of Contents 1. Welcome message

2. SCOPH Structure

3. History, Mission &Vision of SCOPH

4. SCOPH Structure

5. The AM-Agenda

6. The SCOPH Sessions

7. Abbreviations

8. Theme Event

9. Contact information


Welcome message Dear fellow SCOPHians around the World, On behalf of the SCOPH International (Dream) Team, it is with great pleasure to welcome you to the 63rd August Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association to be held in Taipei, Taiwan from August 5 to 11, 2014. The IFMSA General Assembly is an important meeting related to Public and Global Health, bringing together the world’s medical students with an interest (and expertise) in the field of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. We shall create a forum to make meaningful strides in the effort of to reduce the burden of Non-Communicable and Communicable Diseases, of Emergencies, to work on Health Policy all the while voicing the thoughts of medical students worldwide as well as to share new knowledge, develop collaborations and learn from each. The SCOPH International Team brings together an international group of student and external experts working to deliver the highest quality scientific and work-related program and the best SCOPH Sessions yet. We aim to build on the successes and learnings of the past meetings with a dedication above all to the highest quality scientific content offered in formats that are dedicated to discussing results, questioning each other, and sharing ideas. For this edition of the SCOPH Sessions we shall dive into topics such as Trade and Health, Climate Change, Tropical Diseases, Mental Health, Disaster Management, Alcohol Abuse and Antimicrobial drug resistance to name a few. It is a meeting about the very latest achievements, emerging projects and premiering policies in the pathway to preventing diseases through health promotion for individuals and communities. Along with our fellow SCOPHians from Taiwan, we are delighted and honoured to welcome you, the delegates of the 117 National Member Organizations of the Federation, to Taipei – an amazing city located in the Asian-Pacific Region. It is with great honour and anticipation that we welcome you to “Incredible Taiwan”. Warmest (Orange) Regards, Petar Velikov SCOPH Director, International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations Standing Committee On Public Health


SCOPH Structure


SCOPH D coordinates the work that is done by national officers, project coordinators

and other SCOPHians. He/She is responsible of the SCOPH meetings at the biannual IFMSA General Assemblies. The SCOPH D and the Liaison to Public Health collaborate to a high degree in order to coordinate the world related to the committee Liaison Officer to Public Health issues

LPH represents IFMSA and SCOPH towards international associations in the field of Public Health( e.g. World Heart Federation ( WHF), the Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance(NCDA), the Alcohol Policy Youth Network(APYN) to name few. The SCOPH D and LPH work closely together during the year and all the GAs General Assistant

Helps out with administrative tasks and related tasks in the background so that the Standing Committee runs as smoothly as possible Regional Assistant

Encouraging communication and share of ideas and know-hows within the region, supporting specific regional public health initiatives in need of structuring Development Assistant on Publications and Marketing of SCOPH

Empowerment of SCOPH projects through regular updates in SCOPH Newsletter and letter to LPOs. In addition to collaborating with IFMSA Publications Team to work on MSI and IFMSA Newsletter


What's SCOPH History

Back in 1952, medical students of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) formed the Standing Committee on Students’ Health (SCOSH), driven by a strong will to take an active part in preventing and making policies concerning health problems. During the following years, the wide variety of activities led to the change of the name to the Standing Committee on Health (SCOH) in 1963. Afterwards in 1983 the name of the committee changed once more to the name we use to this day, the Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH). Since these six decades have past, SCOPH members are implementing, maintaining and improving a wide variety of community- based projects on a local, national, regional and international level. Through these activities we reach our united vision for a healthier society and further development


our own potential to become competent and talented health professionals.


The Standing Committee on Public Health works towards ensuring a healthy global society that is empowered through its knowledge,

In order to work towards our vision, we promote community based outreach

skills and opportunities to live a life of

activities at

complete physical, mental and social well-being.”

a local level, which are inspired by the best practice within our federation and through the development of our own skills and potentials, as medical students and future health professionals, we voice our actions together through the powers of advocacy.

All New represents the core purpose and values of SCOPH. Below

- Disease prevention within our society promotion and education within our society SCOPH - Health Agenda

- Raising awareness about Global Public Health issues within medical students and our society

Advocating for health policies as the voice of worldwide medical students SCOPH -in the regions - Developing skills and knowledge of medical students as the future health professionals - Working as an international team and collaborating with external public health organizations to use the potential of over one million worldwide medical students

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The August Meeting Agenda The GA is a one week lasting event that will offer you unforgettable experiences – you will meet a lot of people from different nations and cultures, will learn a lot about different topics and will get a lot of motivation. Few tips for packing:  Gala dress – for the opening and closing ceremony  “national stuff” – flag, dress (great for national food & drinking party-nfdp), souvenirs (AF market, gifts), food & drinks (nfdp)  NMO T-shirt with your name  Dress in color of your SC - scoph-orange, scora-red, scorp-green, scome-white, scope-blue, score-dark blue, presidents-yellow, nmo management-pink  Money  Computer & camera – time to time it looks like meeting of IT people, but to stay connected with your country, read mails, get electronic materials or survive plenary also to capture memories! Don’t forget to check if you need a converter for plug!  Passport, visa, vaccination  Personal things General tips and tricks: Talk to as many people as you can, you might make some awesome new friends! And don’t forget to exchange contact information! Be active during the sessions, this will make your General Assembly experience so much better! Never be afraid to ask questions, everybody will love to help you. Use your NMO hours wisely, preparing the plenaries well will make them go much smoother! Keep hydrated; bring a bottle of water with you everywhere! Stash some snacks in your bag in case you need a bit of an energy boost. Compliment people! Everybody loves hearing nice things, so let’s spread positivity! Love your OC! But most importantly: Don’t forget to enjoy yourself! Going to this August Meeting should be one of the best experiences of your life! Don’t let anything get in the way of making this one amazing week to remember en cherish forever! Below, you will find the agenda for the August Meeting



Additional information about the general AM Agenda: The first day: short but unique session at the beginning of GA, with short presentation about IFMSA and its team of officials and some great ice-breaking games. After general part we are divided into groups of standing committees, where you can meet all newcomers from your SC (and also some experienced participants, who love this session and play even more ice-breaking games. there is a program organized by the hosting NMO and speeches of important guests and people from the team of officials. Then we enjoy our first dinner and first party.


NMO hours: Each NMO uses this time differently. You can update each other on things that happened during the different sessions, discuss upcoming votes and the position your NMO will take or just have a powernap together. Regional meeting: lead by the regional coordinator. There you discuss and work on specific issues related to your region. Theme Event: Each GA has a theme. Externals that are specialist in this field are giving lectures and there are some different activities about the theme of GA. Social Program: Color party: in colours of your SC (scoph-orange, scora-red, scorp-green, scome-white, scope-blue, score-dark blue, presidents-yellow, nmo management-pink) National food & drinking party (NFDP): you can taste drinks and food of different nations Also there is possibility to see some traditions at the cultural night, where some NMOs are presenting themselves.


August Meeting 2014 August 5th – 11th 2014 | Taipei, Taiwan

SCOPH Sessions Preliminary Agenda

c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE

Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59

Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

Arrival Day – August 5th Time





16:00 – 16:30 16:30 – 17:00


IFMSA Welcome Session

General Introduction to the Why, How IFMSA Team of and What of IFMSA. Officials


SCOPH Welcome Session

Introduction to SCOPH Getting to know each other

SCOPH Dream Team (DT)



Day 1 – August 6th Time



08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 10:00


10:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30


Welcome to the Orange Wake up, introduction to SCOPH and Family taking a minute to get to know each other. Regional Time and Intro Getting to know your Region and your to Public and Global respective International representatives Health while getting a better understanding of what Public and Global Health deal with. Break Would you fancy some tea? Why not chat with somebody you just me?


Trade and Health

10:30– 11:45


Working Groups

11:45 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00




Policy Discussion


Interested in Macroeconomics and its’ effect on Health? This introductory session will give you an overview of TTP/TTIP negotiations. You will be introduced to a set of Working Group Topics. Depending on your interest you can join any of them and work with a number of motivated people in order to exchange experiences and develop ideas. Quick break and finding the room for your session of Interest.


SCOPH Regional Assistants (RAs)

Think Global Initiative Coordinators Working Group Coordinators

Statement For the first time ever, all participants Team of Officials of the GA, including SCOPHians, and PS SCOMEdians, Presidents, etc will Proposers gather and discuss the Policy Statements (PSs) proposed for

c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE

Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59

Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

adoption during the August Meeting 2014. Make sure to go through the PSs before the session and mark the ones you would like to focus on! Day 2 – March 7th Time



08:30 – 09:30


Workshop A

09:30 – 09:45


09:45 – 10:00 10:00 – 11:15


11:15 – 11:30


11:30 – 13:00





A workshop to be determined at a later TBA date will take place in this early session. To be announced in the Survival Kit Climate, Sustainability The session will be the link between Think Global and Health your knowledge of Climate Change and Coordinators the Theme Event of the 64th August Meeting. Break Quick break before we move on to some serious business. SCOPH Administration

The session will focus on adoption of the first ever Standing Committee Regulations while also discussing upcoming proposed changes of the Federation as part of the IFMSA Reform and the finalization of the SCOPH Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Break Another short break where you will have to find the room of the Standing Committee Joint Session of your choice! Standing Committees For another edition of the SC JSs you Joint Sessions will have the chance to choose among interesting topic transcending the limits of any individual Standing Committee.

SCOPH Dream Team

SC JS Coordinators

Day 4 – August 8th Time


Time Free Morning

c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE

Description Facilitator(s) This morning is your chance to either join your Head of Delegation in the President Sessions, to help your fellow NOREs and NEOs in preparing for the Contract Fair or simply take a leisurely walk in Taipei!

Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59

Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

13:00 – 15:00

120’ (not final)

Contract Fair

Time for the annual event of signing all SCOPE Exchange Contracts for the upcoming SCORE year – don’t miss the opportunity to Directors taste cultures from around the World!


Day 5 – August 9th Time





08:30 – 10:00


Joint Sessions with SCORP: Parallel 1. Mental Health 2. Palliative Care and End-of-life Care

This morning we shall explore common fields of work between members of SCOPH and SCORP. For the first pair of sessions you will have the chance to choose between the following: 1. Mental Health The session aims to raise awareness on the importance of mental health and to become familiar with the definitions of relevant terms, and the difficulties inherent in these as well as to how Medical Students can become actiontakers. 2. Palliative Care The goal of this session is to raise awareness about the importance of palliative care, provide insights in the different actors and remove certain prejudices.

PSWG on Mental Health and Sacha Mignon (BeMSABelgium)

10:00 – 10:15 10:15 – 11:45




Joint Sessions SCORP: Parallel 1. Do No Harm 2. Disaster Simulation

c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE

Short break to get some coffee and choose a topic for your next 90 minutes. with Another row of Joint Sessions with our fellow SCORPions: 1. Do No Harm How activities of students from highincome countries, going to low-income countries effect said countries. While this type of internship might be beneficial for the outgoing student, what are the ethical issues related to the exchange, are they harmed psychologically. This Training Session will discuss the ethical dilemmas for

Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59

Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37

Monica Kujabi and Marie Houerslev (IMCC Denmark) and Dr. Luca Ragazzoni from CRIDEM

students and how to minimize the negative effects. 2. Disaster Simulation Have you ever wondered how you would reach in a Disaster Situation such as an earthquake or a road accident? This Simulation will enable you to get first-hand experience and develop your skills in Disaster Risk Management.

11:45 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00




SCOPH Debate

Oh no, tomorrow is the last day already?! Go and collect those business cards! Candidates The next Generation of IFMSA Leaders SCOPH DT working for the benefit of the Standing Committee On Public Health, will present for you! This is the time for your questions to the Candidates for the position of SCOPH Director, Liaison Officer to Public Health Issues, LO to the World Health Organizations, to name a few.

Day 5 – August 10th Time




08:30 – 10:30


SCOPH Session

10:30 – 10:45 10:45







c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE


Event In accordance with the Call for Input, To we concluded that the topic of the announced Theme Event for AM14 is: Disease Prevention and Youth Involvement. You will have the chance to find way of getting involved with upcoming Public Health Interventions taking place in different countries around the World. Some time to reflect on what we just learnt the Let’s go through the outcomes of each WG Teams

Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59

Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37


– 11:15 11:15 12:00

12:00 13:00

Working Groups 45’


WG from the 1st Day

Overview Session

Where SCOPH was one year ago and SCOPH DT where is it today – find out about our biggest achievements and some of our downfalls from the past 12 months. Let’s start preparing for the upcoming term! A Very Special SCOPH As a conclusion of the SCOPH Everyone Session Sessions of the 64th August Meeting, your SCOPH Dream Team is preparing a very special hour long session in order to showcase our Orange Spirit and how it has changed, continues to change and will change in the future the lives of people it touches!

We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Taiwan! Your SCOPH Dream Team  Arthur, Ivana, Manon, Mohamed, Skander, Marwa, Wonyun, Pauline Altagracia and Petar

Important Notes: Because a lot of effort is being put into this GA by both the participants and the trainers, we want to highlight that we would like to ask you all to take them very seriously The sessions will start on time, and the doors will close after the start of the sessions, to ensure the participants who were on time and the presenters to not be interrupted. Those who only wish to participate in a specific part of the sessions will of course still be very much welcomed to join during that time between the breaks Make sure to: Bring a lot of – lot of enthusiasm! Bring an Orange T-shirt for the group picture and Stay Active and become Pro-Active! Below all the documents you need:

c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE

Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59

Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37



August Meeting Constitution Credential Committee Executive Board Executive Board Meeting


Financial Committee


General Assembly


General Secretariat


Honorary Life Member Local Committee Local Exchange Officer Liaison Officer


Local Officer for Medical Education


Local Officer of Reproductive Health & AIDS


Local Officer on Research Exchange


Local Officer on human Rights and Peace


Local Public Health Officer


Millenium Development Goal


March Meeting


Medecins sans Frontieres


National Exchange Officer


Non-Governmental Organisation


National Member Organisation


National Officer on Medical Education


National Officer on Reproductive Health & AIDS


National Officer on Research Exchange


National Officer on human Rights and Peace


National Public Health Officer


Organising Committee


Project Coordinator


Regional Coordinator


Regional Meeting


Standing Committee


SCOME Standing Committee on Medical Education SCOPE Standing Committee on Professional Exchange SCOPH Standing Committee on Public Health SCORA Standing Committee on Reproductive Health and AIDS SCORE Standing Committee on Research Exchange SCORP Standing Committee on human Rights and Peace SG

Secretary General


Small Working Group


Team of Officials Meeting


United Nations


Vice-President for External Affairs


Vice-President for Internal Affairs

WFPHA World Federation of Public Health Associations WHO

World Health Organisation


World Medical Association


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