Letter to LPOs- February issue Dear Local Public Health Officers, I'd like to welcome you to the second edition of Letter to LPOs. It has come to the attention of SCOPH Dream Team that translating this letter to several languages is highly required in order to lighten the burden of English and to enhance communication. Therefore, from now the translated paper will be in Arabic, French, German and Spanish. If you have more languages to suggest, please let us know. February is traditionally a very active month within SCOPH and the IFMSA. As MM 2014 Tunisia approaching, we are making a really long straw. Preparation is everything. We would love the thank SCOPHians, who have always shown dedication and passion towards Public Health. Proof is we have the highest number of participants at the session. We are really honored and excited. I trust that you mutually are. Do you know that 1 in 5 people aged 65 or older have chronic kidney disease 1. So yes, you guessed it right. This letter is about raising awareness of the importance to life of your kidneys, how you can look after yourself and the risk factors for kidney disease The power to reduce kidney disease is in your hands. World Kidney Day (WKD) is an annual global awareness event, held on 13 March 2014. Since there is no treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD), other than dialysis and transplantation, prevention and early detection are the only keys we can work on to maintain kidney function And to prevent further kidney damage. Just by a simple urine test, things can be found and we can actually talk
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Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59
Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37
That’s how our job starts. Every year, the campaign highlights a particular theme. This year it will be: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and aging. As 1 in 3 adults is at risk of kidney disease. The campaign aims to increase awareness of the need of detection programs for CKD and to improve prevention and treatment of CKD 2.
Your task dear LPOs is to get involved. Below all the materials you need: Mission and Vision: http://www.worldkidneyday.org/about/day/ http://www.worldkidneyday.org/about/ campaign materials: http://www.worldkidneyday.org/materials/ learn about your kidneys: http://www.worldkidneyday.org/faqs/take-care-your-kidneys/ Logo: http://www.worldkidneyday.com/materials/2014-campaign-material/d/ Posters: http://www.kidney.org.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=7Po14IUO0Z4%3d&tabid=655&mid= 1597 Education resources: http://kidney.org.au/ForPatients/HealthFactSheets/tabid/609/Default.aspx
Marwa Daly Development Assistant on Publications and Marketing of SCOPH for the term 2013-2014
c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE
Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59
Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37
1: http://www.worldkidneyday.co.uk/
Africa: Dearest local officers, As you may know, February is one of most awaited months in the orange world as we usually invade our local and national communities to celebrate the world cancer day. It's also the heart health month and we encourage you to engage with scoph internationally and always share us your thoughts , ideas and achievements. Keep your orange spirit high and stay awesome Mohamed Taber
SCOPH RA of Africa Asia Pacific: Beloved LPOs, February is the month of heart for its world most celebrated pop culture day, Valentine’s Day, as well as CDC’s health month heart campaign. These days whether in the young or the old, heart has became the most victimized organ resulted from our sedentary unhealthy lifestyle. While I will not have hands to reach out everyone in Asia Pacific, as LPOs you are the true voice of change. You are the heartbeat of Asia who will touch people’s heart so that it synchronizes with ours to the sound of conquering heart diseases. Keep fighting, keep inspiring Shela Putri Sundawa SCOPH RA of Asia Pacific EMR Hello EMR SCOPHeroes, for those who have following the incredible EMR 10 SCOPH sessions, here is more to come: the MM2014 ! Hopefully we are going to take advantage of the EMR proximity (as it's happening in Tunisia! ) to get to know more your region and to shine orange all along the meeting ,raising the most adapted topics and promoting your projects! Looking forward to seeing you This month, we are going to celebrate world tb day on the 24th of march, so I will be waiting to get to know what
c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE
Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59
Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37
have you been doing so far, and of course my help is also on the table if needed Orange hugs! Skander Essafi SCOPH RA of EMR Europe
As MM2014 draws ever closer, I would like to remind you all about the importance of your work as local officers – IFMSA’s long-standing de facto motto (think global, act local) stands truest in your work as LPOs bringing public health awareness to members of the community. It is important not to lose sight of this in our work, and that as you dive into the world of SCOPH this General Assembly, remember to focus not on the quantity of your work, but relish in quality awareness and the drive to bring equity to healthcare and prevention in the community. Keep your orange hearts glowing and continue to inspire both members of the community and the medical student body with your work! Orange hugs from Malta Matthew Baldacchino SCOPH RA of Europe PAMSA: Dear SCOPHians, in February we have two important world health days that need the motivation of all SCOPHians to guarantee an effective promotion, the World Cancer Day (February 4th) and the International Childhood Cancer Day (February 15th), both of them with the purpose of raise awareness about cancer risk factors and early diagnosis. It’s important to reduce stigma and dispel myths about cancer not only on those days but during all our medical practice and the SCOPHians must take the lead of this important task. Let’s prevent, promote and advocate for Public Healh Arthur Mello SCOPH RA of Americas
c/o WMA B.P, 63,01212 Ferney-Voltaire CDEX –FRANCE
Tel. +33 (450) 04 47 59
Fax. +33 (450) 40 59 37