Wuhan China - M. Luo, Y. Ding

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2016 MA Sustainability Design



1_1_Location 1_2_Climate Diagram
Annual Climate Summary 2_1_ Hardiness Zone Map 3_1_Psychrometric Chart 3_2_Comfort Zone 4_1_Map with Locations 4_2_Map with Water Info Diagramed 5_1_Location 5_2_Ventilation Of Site Plan 5_3_Ventilation Of Site Plan (Improved orientation) 6_1_Sun Path Diagram From Ecotect 6_2_Sun Path Diagram 6_3_Diagrammatic Elevation 0_INDEX 1_TASK 01 CLIMATE & CONTEXT DIAGRAM 2_TASK 02 HARDINESS ZONE MAP 3_TASK 03 PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 4_TASK 04 WATER MAP 5_TASK 05 ORIENTATION FOR WINDS & PASSIVE COOLING 6_TASK 06 MASSING STRATEGIES FOR PASSIVE HEATING 7_1_LuoMiao :Carbon Foot Print Calculator 7_2_LuoMiao :Slavery Foot Print 7_3_LuoMiao :Documentation Of Clothing 7_4_DingYi :Carbon Foot
Calculator 7_5_DingYi :Slavery Foot Print 7_6_DingYi :Documentation Of Clothing 8_1_Whole Systems Map 8_2_Life Cycle Assessment 8_3_LCA


Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province,China, and is the most populous city in Central China.It lies in the eastern Jianghan Plain at the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han rivers. Arising out of the conglomeration of three cities, Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, Wuhan is known as “Jiusheng Tongqu (the nine provinces’ leading thoroughfare)”; it is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city and connecting to major cities in Mainland China. Because of its key role in domestic transportation, Wuhan was sometimes referred to as the “Chicago of China” by foreign sources.

Transportation Junction Lake Main Attractions

01 // Climate & Context Diagram // WuHan
Task 1 Climate & Context Diagram Wuchang Railway Station University City Wuhan Sports Center Wuchangnan Railway Station East
Wuhan Railway Station 20min 26min 26 min 14min
Source Cited:Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuhan Image Source: http://map.baidu.com/?newmap=1&ie=utf-8&s=s%26w d%3D%E6%AD%A6%E6%B1%898&s=s%26wd%3D %E6%AD%A6%E6%B1%89
Lake Tianxing Sandbar HanKou Railway Station

Climate Diagram

Subtropical monsoon humid climate

Summer: High temperature, very hot and rainy. Winter: chilly and cool, with occasional snow. Average annual rainfall:1315mm. The annual peak in June with an average of 209mm/year.

Wuhan’s climate is humid subtropical (Köppen Cfa) with abundant rainfall and four distinctive seasons. Wuhan is known for its oppressively humid summers, when dewpoints can often reach 26 °C (79 °F) or more. Because of its hot summer weather, Wuhan is commonly known as one of the Three Furnaces of China, along with Nanjing and Chongqing.

Image Source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1332808179

WuHan // Climate & Context Diagram // 02
Task 1 Climate & Context Diagram

Town Annual Climate Summary

Spring and autumn are generally mild, while winter is cool with occasional snow. The monthly 24-hour average temperature ranges from 4.0 °C (39.2 °F) in January to 29.1 °C (84.4 °F) in July. Annual precipitation totals 1,315 millimetres (51.8 in), mainly from May to July; the annual mean temperature is 17.13 °C (62.8 °F), the frost-free period lasts 211 to 272 days. With monthly possible sunshine percentage ranging from 31 percent in March to 59 percent in August, the city proper receives 1,865 hours of bright sunshine annually.

Source: Ecotect Analysis 2011 Weather Tool 2011

03 // Climate & Context Diagram // WuHan
Task 1 Climate & Context Diagram

Hardiness Zone Map

Plant hardiness zone map can be used as a good practice guide for plant introduction. Wuhan belongs to zone 9a. The main annual minimum temperature in Wuhan is from -6.7 to -3.9 Celsius degree.

Resource: Geopolitical Maps http://www.plantmaps.com/interactive-china -plant-hardliness-zone-map-celsius.php

WuHan// Hardiness Zone Map // 01
Task 2 / Hardiness Zone Map

Psychrometric Chart

Dry bulb temperature: These lines are drawn straight, not always parallel to each other, and slightly inclined from the vertical position. This is the t–axis, the abscissa (horizontal) axis. Each line represents a constant temperature.

Dew point temperature: From the state point follow the horizontal line of constant humidity ratio to the intercept of 100% RH, also known as the saturation curve. The dew point temperature is equal to the fully saturated dry bulb or wet bulb temperatures.

Wet bulb temperature: These lines are oblique lines that differ slightly from the enthalpy lines. They are identically straight but are not exactly parallel to each other. These intersect the saturation curve at DBT point.

Relative humidity: These hyperbolic lines are shown in intervals of 10%. The saturation curve is at 100% RH, while dry air is at 0% RH.

Citation: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Psychrometrics#Psychrometric_charts

Source: Climate Consultant 6.0

01 // Psychrometric Chart // WuHan
Task 3 / Psychrometric Chart

Comfort Zone

Comfort zone means you just feel comfortable about the environment without any other measures that changes the temperature or relative humidity.

Dry bulb temprature : 24°C

Relative Humidity : 64%

Dew Point : 17°C

Wet bulb temprature : 22°C

Source: Ecotect Analysis 2011 Weather Tool 2011

WuHan // Psychrometric Chart // 02
Task 3 Psychrometric Chart


01 // Water Map // D&I 1. D&I 2. Parking Lot 3. China Bohai Bank 4. TJAD 5. Tongji United Plaza Tower B 6. Tongji United Plaza Tower A
SiPing Road FuXing Road The road outside the Industrial park The road side the Industrial park Map With Locations Task 4 / Water Map
D&I // Water Map // 02 Map With Water Info Diagramed 雨水井 rain 污水井 waste water 上水 potable water 消防栓 fire hydrant 进水口 drop inlet 停车位 parking lot (non source point) 工地 Construction site (non source point) Task 4 / Water Map


The site we choose is near to the HanKou Railway Station ,on the corner of two road which cross to each other, are HongQiQu Road and the JinDun Street.

01 // Orientation For Winds & Passive Cooling // WuHan
No.1 Middle School YangGuangHuaYuan Residential Area HaoHai Residential Area ChinaPostDormitory
Site Main Entrance Road Building Green Belt
Task 5 Orientation For Winds & Passive Cooling Jin Dun Street

Task 5 Orientation For Winds &

Ventilation Of Site Plan In Its Current Orientation

The season I choosed is summer,because in summer WuHan is very hot ,thus it need good ventilation .The main wind direction in summer is northeast according to datas from climate consultant.

According to the wind rose ,we have draw some lines of flow on our site plan in its current orientation.It is easy to find that the ventilation of the South-West corner is not very well. And some of space such as bedroom and livingroom almost have no ventilation.

WuHan // Orientation For Winds & Passive Cooling // 02
Passive Cooling

Ventilation Of Site Plan After Changed Orientation

After we change the orientation of our buiding to fit better within the context of the wind,we can see that the ventilantion of special space such as livingroom and bedroom have great improved and the South-West corner of building also have changed.

03 // Orientation For Winds & Passive Cooling // WuHan
1. Bedroom 2. Livingroom 3. Kitchen 4. Bathroom Task 5 Orientation For Winds & Passive
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 4 4 4

Task 6 Massing Strategies For Passive Heating

Sun Path Diagram From Ecotect

Autodesk Ecotect Analysis is an environmental analysis tool that allows designers to simulate building performance from the earliest stages of conceptual design. Weather tool is a software that operate through the Ecotect to get some weather informations of one city.Run the weather tool we will get a more accurate stereographic diagram of Wuhan in October.

WuHan //
Strategies For Passive Heating // 01

Massing Strategies For Passive Heating

Sun Path Diagram

Sun path refers to the apparent significant seasonal-and-hourly positional changes of the sun (and length of daylight) as the Earth rotates, and orbits around the sun. The relative position of the sun is a major factor in the heat gain of buildings and in the performance of solar energy systems.

From the picture,it is easy to find that the most solar gain comes from south orientation and the least is from the north orientation.

02 // Massing Strategies For Passive Heating // WuHan

Task 6 Massing Strategies For Passive Heating

Diagrammatic Elevation

The building we choosed is a residental of six stories about 20 metres hign,4 family use one staircase without elevator.Thus the solar gain can be well relatively.About 24 families live in there and every house type have 4 windows toward to outside at least.Therefore the nature ventilation of the building is very good.

Solar gains Nature Ventilation

WuHan //
For Passive Heating // 03
Massing Strategies

LuoMiao :

Carbon Foot Print Calculator

Compared with these two calculation result,I find that if I reduce daily imtake,using non-carbon emission vehicle such as bicycle or by foot,spend much less money on clothing,using renewable energy,the re-calculation result will drop to a lower level.

Resource http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/ GFN/page/calculators/

01 // Society Tasks // Carbon Foot Print
Task 7 /
Society Tasks

LuoMiao : Slavery Foot Print

Resource http://slaveryfootprint.org/

Slavery Foot Print // Society Tasks// 02
Task 7 / Society Tasks

Society Tasks

LuoMiao : Documentation Of Clothing: Fashion Revolution

03// Society Tasks // Fashion Revolution
Task 7 /

DingYi : Carbon Foot Print Calculator

The result is collapsing fisheries, diminishing forest cover, depletion of fresh water systems, and the build up of carbon dioxide emissions, which creates problems like global climate change. These are just a few of the most noticeable effects of overshoot.

Resource http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/ GFN/page/calculators/

Carbon Foot Print // Society Tasks// 04
Task 7 / Society Tasks

DingYi : Slavery Foot Print

Resource http://slaveryfootprint.org/

Task 7 / Society Tasks 05 // Society Tasks// Slavery Foot Print

DingYi: Documentation Of Clothing: Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution // Society Tasks// 6 Task 7 / Society Tasks

Whole Systems Map

Reduce Impacts from Energy Use

·Avoid cold air escaping when air conditioner on.(Use Auto systems to close the window or door when the conditioner working.)

·More energy efficient configuration. (Using the heat emission from out unit to support greenhouse.)

·Renewable energy source.(pv system or wind power electricity)

Source: Drawn by LuoMiao

01 //Whole Systems + Lifecycle Thinking For Sustainable Design // Whole Systems map
Task 8 / Whole Systems + Lifecycle Thinking
Sustainable Design

Take an Inventory to Determine Baseline Impacts

To sum up all the impacts of your product's life cycle, you must create an inventory of everything within your chosen boundaries that causes an environmental impact. This is done after you’ve spent some time understanding the product and the system(s) that it’s a part of. Be sure to document your assumptions and sources.


conditioner Data1:

Material kg lbs % Where used

Steel, primary 10.9 24.1 14% Fan motor,out door unit structural

Iron 14.7 32.3 19% Compressor

Aluminum, primary 11.9 26.2 15% Coil assembly


Copper, primary 28.4 62.5 37% Compressor,Coil assembly,fan motor,relay switch.

Rubber, synthetic 0.5 1.1 0.6% Pipeline

Polystyrene, primary 9.9 21.8 13% Fan blade, outdoor surfaces.

Other materials 1.1 2.4 1.4% Misc.

TOTALS 77.4 170.4 100%

Manufacturing Use

Cold Roll Steel Lifetime 8-15 years

Plastic Injection molding Hours / Day Use 12.0

Aluminum extrusion Power Required (heating) 1530.0 watts

Iron casting (compressor) Power Required (cooling) 1390.0 watts

Copper drawing

Yearly Power Use 4380 kWh / year

Transport Disposal

Truck 1580 miles Landfill

onmental Impacts

Us e Da ta to Est im ate En vir

Life Cycle Assessment

After reading “ Life Cycle Optimization for Residential Air Conditioning Replacement.” by De Kleine, Robert.I assume the quality of each part.

“A section of the coil assembly was further deconstructed to determine that the coil assembly was composed of approximately 50% copper tubing and 50% aluminum fins. Materials for other components had to be estimated. The fan motor was assumed to have a composition of 25% copper wire, 72% steel, and 3% polyamide based on values in the literature (Klausner, Grimm, & Hendrickson, 1998).”

There are many ways to measure environmental impacts; none are perfect. Some measure only a single kind of impact (such as greenhouse gas emissions), while others are more comprehensive. Beginners to LCA may want to use datasets that consider several key impacts, but have already been normalized and weighted. This prevents getting bogged down

1 SOURCE: Horie, Yuhta Alan. “Life Cycle Optimization of Household Refrigerator-Freezer Replacement.” Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. August 14, 2004. http://css.snre.umich.edu/css doc/CSS04-13.pdf (+ other assumptions on lifetime and transport methods)

Source: De Kleine, Robert. “ Life Cycle Optimization for Residential Air Conditioning Replacement.” Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. December 14, 2009. http://css.snre.umich.edu/sites/ default/files/css_doc/CSS09-12.pdf

Life Cycle Assessment // Whole Systems + Lifecycle Thinking For Sustainable Design // 02
Task 8 / Whole Systems + Lifecycle
for Sustainable Design

LCA Chart For Air Conditioner

Based on my calculations, I think the most important impact to reduce is the energy use when the air conditioner works. I’d like to set a goal for one third to reduce this figure.Because I think we can try to reduce the times of using the air conditioner while the indoor space have been better designed for well ventilation in summer and good insulation in winter.

Source: De Kleine, Robert. “ Life Cycle Optimization for Residential Air Conditioning Replacement.” Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. December 14, 2009. http://css.snre.umich.edu/sites/default/files/ css_doc/CSS09-12.pdf

Okala millipoints

03 //Whole Systems + Lifecycle Thinking For Sustainable Design // LCA Chart For Air Conditioner
Task 8 / Whole Systems + Lifecycle Thinking
Sustainable Design


The lizard’s skin is covered with scales, which can protect the body and prevent moisture from evaporating. Image Source: http://huaban.com/pins/158178881/

With Life`s Principals // 01
Lizard// Designing
Task 9 / Designing With Life`s Principals

Skin Of Lizard

02 //Designing With Life`s Principals // Lizard
Task 9 / Designing With Life`s Principals
Source:Mazzoleni 2003

Task 9 / Designing With Life`s Principals

Use In Life

The wall is composed of rhomboidal panels mounted on hardware that allows for a small range of movement.The universal joints allow for the panel to tilt horizontally,and the gas springs move oppsite to one another and allow for vertical tilt.

Lizard// Designing With Life`s Principals // 03
Image Source:Mazzoleni 2003

01. ENERGY FOUNDATION CHINA http://www.efchina.org/

06. World Wild-life Fundation (WWF) China http://www.wwfchina.org/

02. World Resource Institude http://www.wri.org.cn/

07. The Learning Network on Sustainability.China http://www.lens-china.org/

03. Chinese Academy For Environmental Planning http://www.caep.org.cn/

08. Laboratory for Climate Studies (LCS) http://ncclcs.cma.gov.cn/cn/

04. International Institute for Sustainable Development http://www.iisd.org/

09. TNC, The Nature Conservancy http://www.tnc.org.cn/

05. Environmental Defense Fund https://www.edf.org/

10. NPO-Greenlife http://www.npo-greenlife.org/

01 //Environmental Organizations // Website Website
Task 10 / Environmental Organizations

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