A Krasinskaya

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My aim was to create a component that will not use a lot of material through folding steps, increases rigidity and that is able to withstand the application of compression force in multiple directions, and become structurally stable. I begin with a symmetrical cross shape by curving two legs inwards across each other, while the other two outwards. The legs are interlocked in the center of the plane using the technique of intersecting. Further, the component was simplified as shown in illustration 2.3, using the same intersecting method as in the first component.

2.0 Component Folding. Equal legs size that intersect in the center of the plane of each side.

2.2 Simplified design

2.1 Top view

2.3 Top view


COMPONENT CONSTRUCTION The component begins with a square of paper, cut into the strip with two legs. I curved the legs inward where they intersected in the plane. After exploring with the legs and changing the shape, I realized that the center plane was not offering support. To increase rigidity, I compined two components together on top of each other. Thus, I was able to create a more rigid component, allowing this final component to distribute force.

MATERIAL PASS AND FAIL In the first exploration, I used paper, which was flexable and easy to work with, but it was very weak. In the second exploration, I used chipboard, it was rigid, bur it wasn’t flexable enough to create the curves in the legs. In the third method, I created my component using bristol paper. It was strong and flexable.

Leg 1a Leg 2b

Leg 3c Leg 4d Leg 1a

3.3 Second step, combine.

Leg 2b 3.1 Component template.

Leg 4d

Leg 2b top

Leg 2b

Leg 1a Leg 3c

3.2 First step, Leg 2b and Leg 1a fold and intersect in the center.

Leg 1a

3.4 Final step. 03


The force applied would be on from the top of the component while standing on all four legs. The forces would be displaced through the legs and the center.

4.1 Compression force applied.

4.2 Deformation in the leg joints.

4.3 Force displacement.



The abstract geometry of the component results in triangle, which are combined to create a square. Local pattering is connected by several components. The pattering continues into a regional pattering.

5.1 Triangle.

5.2 Triangles combined into local pattern.

5.3 Regional pattern. 05


The first local pattering of the component begins with the bottom leg intersecting with the top leg of the two components . Two other components are connected perpendicularly with the other legs. This local pattering can be connected horizontally or vertically.

6.1 Top edge intersecting connection.

6.2 Perpendicular intersecting connection.

6.3 Local pattering. 06


The second local pattering of the component is connected with the corner of each leg with the leg of another components . Other components are connected with the other corners of the legs. This local pattering can be connected diagonally,

7.1 Diagonal connection.

7.2 Local patterning.


REGIONAL PATTERING The regional patterning is constructed from the local pattern with diagonal connections of the legs on each side. As in a single component, the compression forces are distributed through the assembly.

8.1 Diagonal regional patterning leg connections.




Leg 1a



SECOND COMPONENT CONSTRUCTION The component begins with a rectangular strip of paper, cut into one strip with one leg. I folded the leg inward where the end meets with the plane. To increase rigidity, I combined leg 1a, 2b, 3c and 4d by intersecting in the center.

MATERIAL PASS AND FAIL In the first exploration, I used paper, which was flexable and easy to work with. In the second exploration, I used chipboard, it was rigid. In the third method, I created my component using bristol paper. It was strong and flexable.






Leg 2b 2. 45 30

8.3 Leg fold.


Leg 2b Leg 1a


Leg 3c

Leg 3c

Leg 4d 4.

Leg 4d

8.2 Leg 1a, 2b, 3c, and 4d combine and intersect in the center

8.4 Combine together.



The second local pattering of the component begins with each leg combined with the top, bottom, right and left leg of the components . The other components are connected horizonatally and vertically with the other legs shown in blue in Figure 8.5. By removing the legs plane, we result with multiple single strips. 8.5 Each leg rotated 90 degrees.

8.6 Horizontal plane connection.

8.7 Local pattering. Horizontal and vertical leg connection.

THIRD COMPONENT CONSTRUCTION The component begins with a square of paper, cut into multiple strips. I folded the single strips inward where they intersected in the center. To increase rigidity, I intersected the two strips together on top of each other. Thus, I was able to create a more flexible local pattering, allowing it to stretch and compress in horizontal and vertical directions. MATERIAL PASS AND FAIL In this exploration, I used chipboard, which was flexable and easy to work with. In the second exploration, I used vynal, it was flexible, but it was to flimsy, which created slipping between the intersecting points.

8.8 Component template.

Strip 1a

Strip 1a

Strip 2b

9.0 Strip intersection

8.9 Local pattering.


The vertical component strips intersects in the center with the other horizontal strips. To increase flexibility, I intersected the two strips together on top of each other in the center.

9.2 Midpoint intersection.

9.1 Horizontal and vertical strips intersect at the midpoints


CONNECTION AT SIDE The connection at the side of the local pattering of the component begins with each leg intersected with the rod vertically on each side. Vertical movement of the rod, creates vertical compression and expansion in between the component strips.

9.4 Holes punched through for the rod to pass through each leg,

Rod Plan

9.3 Rof passes through on both sides through each leg.

9.5 Vertical compression and decompression when rods are moved vertically.

GLOBAL PATTERING The components are intersected from large to small horizontally.

CONCLUSION MATERIALS: Polypropylene Chipboard Vynal AMOUNT OF MATERIAL: 2’ x 2’ sheet of vynal 32’’ x 18’’ chipboard FABRICATION METHOD: Laser cutter Connections: Pins ESTIMATED BUDGET: (3) 32’’ x 18’’ chipboard $1.85 each (1) 2’ x 2’ sheet of vynal $8.00 APPLICATIONS: Interior Screen Walls Ceiling Window Screen

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