Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Layered Wall System
Tozzer Anthropology Building by Kennedy & Violich - Monolithic Wall System
Wood Innovation and Design Centre by Michael Green Architecture - Curtain Wall System
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Layered Wall System
Tozzer Anthropology Building by Kennedy & Violich - Monolithic Wall System
Wood Innovation and Design Centre by Michael Green Architecture - Curtain Wall System
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Wall Assembly Detail
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Exterior Plan Detail
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Partition Plan Detail
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Elevation Detail
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - R-Value Calculations
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Floor-to-Wall Connection
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Wall-to-Roof Connection
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Footing-to-Foundation Wall Detail
Holiday Cottages by PK Arkitektar - Window Jamb Plan Detail
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Foundation & Wall System Detail
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Floor & Wall System Detail
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Wall & Roof System Detail
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Fenestration Plan Detail
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - CSI Classifications
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Foundation-to-Wall Connection
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Floor-to-Wall Connection
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Wall-to-Roof Connection
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Fenestration Plan Detail
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Ground Floor Axonometrics
Wood Innovation and Design Centre Transformed by Arran French - Top Floor Axonometrics
A0.0 A1.0 B1.0 C1.0
A2.0 B2.0 C1.1 2A1.1
A3.0 B3.0 C1.2 2A1.2
C1.3 2A1.3
C1.4 2A1.4
B0.0 C0.0 D0.0 2A0.0 2B0.0
D1.0 2B1.0
D1.1 2B1.1
D1.2 2B1.2
D1.3 2B1.3
3 4 8 14 20 22 25 31 32 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 56
19 30 37 42 48 53 58 00.2
The Vacation Cottages by PK Arkitektar were the winning designs for a 2012 competition to design a series of 20 vacation cabins located in Brekkuskógur, Iceland. The first two cabins were completed in 2015 and work seamlessly with the landscape. The cabins both have green roofs which slope down to meet the landscape below. The sloping roofs were designed to mimic the surrounding rolling plains. All vegetation that previously existed on each site, was preserved and placed on top of the cabins.
The buildings are constructed of wood with a concrete foundation. Vertically slatted, wood panels clad both the exterior and interior of the cottages. On the exterior, the wood has been charred using an ancient Japanese technique which increases its durability.
Each cabin has close to zero carbon footprint, utlilzing geothermal hydro energy. Iceland’s active volcanic climate allows for hot thermal baths just outside the cabins. Ground Floor Plan 2 1.0 1 Scale: 1/8” = 1’
North Elevation 2 1.1 1 Scale: 1/8” = 1’
South Elevation 2 1.1 2 Scale: 1/8” = 1’
The cottages utilize a layered wall system. From interior to exterior this consists of a double layer of drywall, which is useful for dampening sound. The drywall is attached to 1x1 furring strips which are attached to a stud wall. The stud wall has insulation within its cavities. A layer of plywood is attached to the outside of the stud wall which is covered with an air and water barrier. Another layer of furring strips are attched to the plywood and the exterior finish, charred wooden slats, are nailed to these furring strips (refer to drawings 1.3 - 1 & 1.3 - 2).
Wall Assembly Detail 7 1.3 1 Scale: 1” = 1’
Wall Assembly Detail w/ Window 7 1.3 2 Scale: 1” = 1’
The 35,000 square foot Tozzer Anthropology Building was designed by Kennedy & Violich Architecture and completed in 2014. It was designed for Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, USA. The building is a complete renovation of the Johnson and Hotveld’s 1971 Tozzer Library, reusing the existing building’s foundation, infrastructure connections, and steel and concrete structure.
The Tozzer anthropology Building has received a LEED Gold Certification. It features a parametric brick facade, a copper roof, and a large internal light well. The copper roof rotates to reflect the maximum amount of sunlight into the light well to daylight the building. The light well also circulates tempered air and acts as part of an energy-saving ventilation system.
North Elevation 1
2.1 1 Scale: 1/16” = 1’
South Elevation 1 2.1 2
Scale: 1/16” = 1’
The monolithic wall system of the Tozzer Anthropology Building consists mainly of courses of brick which are attached to a steel structure by means of metal clips. The clips separate the brick facade from the structure, forming a cavity wall. Within the courses of brick are horizontal and vertical expansion joints. The vertical expansion joints are staggered between floors and align with structurally-glazed windows that protrude past the facade. The horizontal expansion joints are made up of relieving angles and expandable gaskets that are hidden behind recessed soldier courses of brick. There are no control joints within the entrance facade (Drawing 2.5 - 1 below), just a loose lintel set above the entranceway.
The 50,000 square foot Wood Innovation and Design Center by Michael Green Architecture was completed in 2014. At the time it was built, the eight-story building was the tallest modern all-timber office building in the world. The lower floors of the building function as education facilities for Integrated Wood Design. The upper floors serve as office space for government and wood-industry related organizations.
The Wood Innovation and Design Center was built as a catalyst for more buildings of its kind. Its innovative wooden structural system can support buildings up to 30 stories high with little modification. The building showcases the ability of mass timber to provide a viable alternative to steel and concrete structures.
The wood innovation and design center was constructed using a curtain wall system made completely of wood. Cross-laminated timber panels make up the floor system while Glulam columns and beams support the floors. Mass timber and glass make up the buildings facade, which is separate from the main structural portion of the building (refer to drawing 3.4 - 1 below).
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding
Double Glazed Window
Caulk w/ Backer Rods
Wood Framing
Furring Sheathing
Fiberglass Batt Insulation
2 Layer Int. Gypsum Board
Green Roof
Gravel Flashing Roofing Membrane Top Plate
Steel Plate
Double Pane Glazing
Sho Sugi Ban Slats
Fiberglass Batt Insulation
2 Layer Int. Gypsum Board
Conc. Slab
XPS Insulation
2x2 Furring Conc. Foundation Wall
Scale: 1” = 1’ Fenestration Plan Detail7
Select one case study assembly from Assignment One (B) to further explore in greater detail and understanding. Draw and annotate a wall section, an exterior wall plan detail, a partition section detail and an elevation detail. Each drawing should show enough information to convey how it’s assembled and the components relate to each other. Research your local energy code requirements to determine the R-value required for the building envelope. The R-value is also determined by the climate zone in your local jurisdiction. Calculate the total R-value of each building assmbly.
Green Roof
Gravel Flashing Roofing Membrane
Green Roof - Provides insulation, runoff control, and an aesthetically-pleasing appearance
Gravel - Directs runoff into drainage spouts
Flashing - Provides mosture protection at edge of roofimg membrane
Roofing Membrane - Protects roof structure and interior from moisture and sun-exposure damage
Top Plate Rafter Wood Finish
Double-Glazed Window
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding FrameShield
Plywood Mineral Wool Insulation in 2x6 Framing
Steel Plate - Provides forther structural support from gravity and lateral loads at top plate
Top Plate - Provides structural support from gravity and lateral loads
Rafter - Provides structural support for roof from gravity loads
Wood Finish - Encases the roof sturcture and insulation and provides a finished, aesthetically-pleasing appearance
Double Glazed Window - Acts as a moderately insulated opening through the facade
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding - Charred wooden slats that act as the exterior finish and a fastner for the FrameShield
FrameShield - A breathable, polyproptlene membrane to protect the the buiding structure from wind-driven rain, snow, and dust
Plywood - Sheathing that provides lateral strength for the structure and a nailing surface
2x2 Furring
2 Layers of Drywall, Painted Trim
Conc. Slab
XPS Insulation
Drainage Pipe
Vapor Barrier Conc. Foundation Wall
Steel Plate Wall Assembly Detail 1.0 1 Scale: 1” = 1’
Mineral Wool Insulation in 2x6 Framing - The Mineral Wool provides thermal and acoustic insulation and the framing provides structural support
Vapor Barrier - Stops the transmission of water vapor 2x2 Furring - Creates an air gap between the structure and the finishes and provides a nailing surface for them
2 Layers of Drywall - Acts as acoustic insulation and a wall finish to paint on
Trim - Cover imperfections in finishes, aesthetics
Concrete Slab - Provides a level surface for the building structure and acts as the finished floor
XPS Insulation - Subgrade thermal and frost protection
Drainage Pipe - Directs water away from the structure and foundation
Concrete Foundation Wall - Anchors the structure into the ground past the frost line to mitigate both lateral and vertical movement within the structure
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding
Double Glazed Window
Caulk w/ Backer Rods
Vapor Barrier
2x2 Furring
Mineral Wool Insulation
2 Layers of Drywall
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding - Charred wooden slats that act as the exterior finish and a fastner for the FrameShield
FrameShield - A breathable, polyproptlene membrane to protect the the buiding structure from wind-driven rain, snow, and dust
Double Glazed Window - Acts as a moderately insulated opening through the facade
Caulk With Backer Rods - Seals the window into the structure, privind air and moisture protection
2x6 Framing - Provides Structural Support for walls
Plywood - Sheathing that provides lateral strength for the structure and a nailing surface
Mineral Wool Insulation - Provides thermal and acoustic insulation and the framing provides structural support
Vapor Barrier - Stops the transmission of water vapor
2x2 Furring - Creates an air gap between the structure and the finishes and provides a nailing surface for them
2 Layers of Drywall - Acts as acoustic insulation and a wall finish to paint on
Mineral Wool Insulation
2x4 Framing
2 Layers of Drywall, Painted 2x2 Furring Air & Water Barrier
Mineral Wool Insulation - Provides thermal and acoustic insulation
2x4 Framing - Provides structural support
2 Layers of Drywall - Acts as acoustic insulation and a wall finish to paint on
2x2 Furring, Tapered - Creates an air gap between the structure and the finishes and provides a nailing surface for them, tapered to allow for water runoff
Vapor Barrier - Stops the transmission of water vapor
Green Roof - Provides insulation, runoff control, and an aesthetically-pleasing appearance
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding - Charred wooden slats that act as the exterior finish and a fastner for the FrameShield
Black Aluminum Cladding - Acts as an exterior finish
FrameShield - A breathable, polyproptlene membrane to protect the the buiding structure from wind-driven rain, snow, and dust
Double Glazed Window - Acts as a moderately insulated opening through the facade
Screw - Secures the cladding to the furring
Exterior Walls (ft2·°F·h/BTU) Roofs (ft2·°F·h/BTU) 28.41 18.94
Metric Units Imperial Units 28.41
Floor (ft2·°F·h/BTU)
Windows (ft2·°F·h/BTU) 3.16
Sho Sugi Ban Slatts R = 0.61 FrameSheild R = 0.5
Ext. Air Gap R = 0.17 3/8” Plywood R = 0.47 Total Wall R-Value = 27.33
6” Mineral Wool Insulation R = 24 2 x 1/2” Drywall R = 0.9 Int Air Gap R = 0.68
R-Value Wall Calculations 1.4 2 Scale: 2” = 1’
1.5 1
Total Roof R-Value = 40.15
3.5” Green Roof Assembly R= 1.75
Polymeric Roofing Membrane R = 0.9
3/8” Plywood R = 0.47
Int Air Gap R = 0.68
8” Mineral Wool Insulation R = 32 1 3/8” Sound Insulation R = 3.1
Air & Water Barrier R =
1x1 Wooden Slatts R = 1.25
R-Value Roof Calculations
Scale: 2” = 1’
Compacted Dirt R = 0.25 Aluminum Cladding R = 0.01 8” Concrete Foundation Wall R = 4.16
2” XPS Insulation R = 9.4
4” XPS Insulation R = 18.8 Compacted Fill R = 0.25
5” Concrete Slab R = 2.6
Bold - path of least resistance
Total Foundation R-Value (through path of least resistance) = 12.01
R-Value Foundation Calculations 1.5 2
Scale: 2” = 1’
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding
Mineral Wool Insulation in 2x6 Framing
Vapor Barrier
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding - Charred wooden slats that act as the exterior finish and a fastner for the FrameShield
FrameShield - A breathable, polypropylene membrane to protect the the buiding structure from wind-driven rain, snow, and dust
1/2” Plywood - Sheathing that provides lateral strength for the structure and a nailing surface
Mineral Wool Insulation in 2x6 Framing - The Mineral Wool provides thermal and acoustic insulation and the framing provides structural support
Vapor Barrier - Stops the transmission of water vapor
Alum. Flashing
2x2 Furring Anchor Bolt
2 Layers of Drywall, Painted Trim Wire Mesh
Polished Conc.
Conc. Slab Rebar
Drainage Pipe
Conc. Foundation Wall
Compacted Fill
2x2 Furring - Creates an air gap between the structure and the finishes and provides a nailing surface for them
Aluminum Flashing - Provides moisture protection for wall cavity at ground level
Anchor Bolt - Secures sill plate to the foundation
2 Layers of Drywall - Acts as acoustic insulation and a wall finish to paint on
Wire Mesh - Provides tensile strength for concrete slab
Polished Concrete - A means of finishing the concrete slab
Trim - Cover imperfections in finishes, aesthetics
Concrete Slab - Provides a level surface for the building structure and acts as the finished floor
Rebar - Provides tensile strength for concrete slab
Drainage Pipe - Perforated pipe that directs water away from the structure and foundation
XPS Insulation - Subgrade thermal and frost protection
Concrete Foundation Wall - Anchors the structure into the ground past the frost line to mitigate both lateral and vertical movement within the structure
Compacted Fill - Foundation backfill made up of rock and gravel that has been hydronically compacted to ensure the foundation sits soundly in the ground and that there are no settlement issues
Green Roof Gravel
Cap Flashing Roofing Membrane
1/2” Plywood
Vent. Pipe w/ Insect Net
Steel Plate
Green Roof - Provides insulation, runoff control, and an aesthetically-pleasing appearance, drainage felt fabric below earth
Gravel - Directs runoff into drainage spouts
Cap Flashing - Provides mosture protection at edge of roofing membrane on parapet
2 Layer Sika Trockal SGmA Roofing Membrane - Protects roof structure and interior from moisture and sun-exposure damage
1/2” Plywood - Sheathing that provides lateral strength for the structure and a nailing surface
Ventilation Pipe with Insect Net - allows for moisture escape from within the walls. Insec net ensures debris and insects do not enter wall cavity
Steel Plate - Provides forther structural support from gravity and lateral loads at top plate
Strapping Grid - Provides a framework to nail roof sheathing to rafters, separrating the frame to allow for moisture escape
Double-Glazed Window
Soundproofing Fabric & Ins.
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding
Strapping Grid FrameShield
Top Plate - Provides structural support from gravity and lateral loads
Roller Blind - operable, provides privacy and shade Rafter - Provides structural support for roof from gravity loads
Wood Finish - Encases the roof sturcture and insulation and provides a finished, aesthetically-pleasing appearance
Double Glazed Window - Acts as a moderately insulated opening through the facade
Soundproofing Fabric & Insulation - Increases sound absorbtion of ceiling
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding - Charred wooden slats that act as the exterior finish and a fastner for the FrameShield
FrameShield - A breathable, polypropylene membrane to protect the the buiding structure from wind-driven rain, snow, and dust
Drainage Pipe
Drainage Pipe - Perforated pipe that directs water away from the structure and foundation
XPS Insulation - Subgrade thermal and frost protection Rebar - Provides tensile strength for concrete slab
XPS Insulation Conc. Foundation Wall Compacted Fill
Conc. Footing
Concrete Foundation Wall - Anchors the structure into the ground past the frost line to mitigate both lateral and vertical movement within the structure
Compacted Fill - Foundation backfill made up of rock and gravel that has been hydronically compacted to ensure the foundation sits soundly in the ground and that there are no settlement issues
Concrete Footing - The base of the foundation wall, anchors foundation into ground
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding
Sho Sugi Ban Cladding - Charred wooden slats that act as the exterior finish and a fastner for the FrameShield
1/2” Plywood
Thermally Broken Alum. Wndw. Frame
Double Glazed Window
FrameSheild Caulk w/ Backer Rods & Insulation
Vapor Barrier
2x2 Furring
Mineral Wool Insulation
2 Layers of Drywall
FrameShield - A breathable, polypropylene membrane to protect the the buiding structure from wind-driven rain, snow, and dust
1/2” Plywood - Sheathing that provides lateral strength for the structure and a nailing surface
Thermally Broken Aluminum Window Frame - Anodized aluminum frame to support window and hold glass in place, made water and air-tight with gaskets and the thermal break decreases heat transfer to interior
Double Glazed Window - Acts as a moderately insulated opening through the facade
Caulk With Backer Rods & Insulation - Seals the window into the structure, provides air and moisture protection
2x6 Framing - Provides Structural Support for walls. 16”o.c.
Mineral Wool Insulation - Provides thermal and acoustic insulation and the framing provides structural support
Vapor Barrier - Stops the transmission of water vapor
2x2 Furring - Creates an air gap between the structure and the finishes and provides a nailing surface for them
2 Layers of Drywall - Acts as acoustic insulation and a wall finish to paint on
Using Assignment One as a launching point, choose one case study to transform into a different assembly system. For example, if your case study was a load-bearing brick wall system, consider changing it to a curtain wall system with brick panels. Draw a plan detail, and wall sections to depict each major building assembly at a scale of 3/4” = 1’-0”. List the major components of each system, and include brief annotations describing the materials, purpose/function and performance.
Polished Concrete Finish Floor Finish
Raft Slab
Thickened edge concrete foundation, rebar reinforced
2” Rigid XPS Insulation Thermal barrier
Earth Mother nature
Structural Silicone Glazed Window Daylighting & views
3x6 White Oak Sill
2x8 Studs 16” O.C, Fire Treated Structural support for wall
Mineral Wool Insulation
Thermal barrier
5/8” Plywood, Fire Treated
Lateral support and nailing surface
1/2” Plywood Backing for exterior finish
Flat Seam Copper Cladding
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
2x8 Pressure Treated Sill
Structural support for walls
Stone Tiles
Exterior floor finish, set in mortar
Concrete Pad Support for pavers
River Rock Aesthetic perimeter drainage
Gravel Perimeter drainage
Drainage Mat Perimeter drainage
Filter Fabric Blocks dirt from entering pipe
Perforated Pipe Perimeter drainage
Floor finish, acoustic dampening
Acoustic Subfloor
Acoustic underlayment & mat for noise reduction
Acoustic Insulation
Noise reduction
PILLAR Column to Floor Connection
Transfer loads through floor from column to column
2x2 Wooden Slatts Creates air gap for drainage
11-1/2 x12 Glulam Column
1/8” Plaster Skimcoat
Interior wall finish over gyp.
5/8” Blueboard Sheathing
Lateral support for walls
2x8 Framing 16” O.C, Fire Treated
Structural support for walls
Mineral Wool Insulation
Z Shadow Bead
Point of termination for gypsum sheathing
Felt Underlayment
Backup waterproof membrane under metal cladding
Flat Seam Copper Cladding
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
2” Rigid XPS Insulation
Thermal barrier
Air & Water Barrier
Air & water-tight building envelope
Copper Window Flashing
Shields building perforations from moisture
Thermal barrier Vapor Barrier Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
Insulated Header
Transfers structural load around window opening
2x12 Window Buck Framing for rough opening
Structural Silicone Glazed
Double glazed, provides daylighting & views
3x3 White Oak Casing
Fenestration trim
1/8” Plaster Skimcoat
Interior wall finish
5/8” Blueboard Sheathing
Lateral support for walls
Floor finish, acoustic dampening
Acoustic Subfloor
Acoustic underlayment & mat for noise reduction
2x4 Strapping
Primary structural support for floors
Acoustic Insulation Noise reduction
PVC Pipe Plumbing & HVAC
2 x 1/2” Plywood Subfloor
Vapor Barrier
Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
2x8 Rafters Structural support for roof
Flat Seam Copper Cladding
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
Felt Underlayment
Backup waterproof membrane
Air Gap
Space for drying of wall cavity
Copper Gutter Flashing Water and moisure protection in gutter, 24 gauge
Conduit Channel Electrical wire concealment and organization M24 Bolts Fasteners between coumns and girders
VGS 11x400 Screw Fastener
8-1/2x20 Glulam Girder Primary structural support for floors
Steel Connection Plate Beam to Column Connection
11-1/2” x12” Glulam Column
Primary structural support for floors
1/2” Plywood w/ White Oak Veneer Finish for ‘floating’ column
2x8 Framing 16” O.C., FIre Treated Structural support for walls Z Shadow Bead Point of termination for gypsum sheathing
2x8 Blocking
Structural Backing for exterior finish
1x6 White Oak Baseboard Termination for floor finishes, notched to accept z shadow bead Double Top Plate Structural support for walls
3-Layer CLT Panel Structural Support
5-Layer CLT Panel Structural Support
Mineral Wool Insulation Thermal barrier 2x2 Wooden Slatts Aesthetic ceiling finish
Flat Seam Copper
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
Felt Underlayment
Backup waterproof membrane
1/2” Plywood
Backing for exterior finish
Thermally Broken Z Clip
Create air gap beween exterior finish and exterior sheathing, 16” O.C.
2” Rigid XPS Insulation
Thermal barrier
Air & Water Barrier
Air & water-tight building envelope
5/8” Plywood, Fire Treated
Lateral support and nailing surface
2x8 Framing 16” O.C.
Structural support for walls, fire treated
Mineral Wool Insulation
Thermal barrier
Aluminum Window Frame
Structural frame for window lites
2x12 Window Buck
Framing for rough opening
Vapor Barrier
Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
Z Shadow Bead
Point of termination for gypsum sheathing
3x3 White Oak Casing
Fenestration trim
Structural Silicone
Glazed Window
Double glazed, provides daylighting & views
Fenestration Plan Detail 1.3 1
Scale: 1-1/2” = 1’
Construction Specifications
CSI Divisions
Division 02 - Site Construction
Gravel - Used for drainage and runoff control
Division 03 - Concrete
Concrete Raft Slab - Anchors the structure into the ground to mitigate both lateral and vertical movement of the structure, thickened edges provide support at point loads
Division 04 - Masonry
Brick Pavers - Provides a level, aesthetically-pleasing surface to walk upon
Mortar - Secures the brick pavers in place
River Rock - Aesthetic perimeter drainage
Division 05 - Metals
PILLAR Column to Floor Connection - Transfer loads through floor from column to column
Anchor Tie - Secures structureal elements to the building foundation
Standing Seam Copper Cladding - Provides an aesthetically pleasing, waterproof, building finish
Copper Gutter Flashing - Water and moisure protection in gutter, 24 gauge
Z Shadow Bead - Provides a clean finish for edges of gypsum boards, plasters over
Steel Connection Plate - Beam to Column Connection
Thermally Broken Z Clip - Creates air gap beween exterior finish and exterior sheathing, 16” O.C.
Division 06 - Wood & Plastics
3-Layer CLT Panel - Structural flooring made of engineered lumber
5-Layer CLT Panel - Structural flooring made of engineered lumber
Glulam Beam - Structural building support underneath floors
Glulam Column - Structural building support between floors
2x8 Framing - Structural support for walls and finishes
1x6 Baseboard - Covers imperfections where wall finishes meet the floor
Perforated Drainage Pipe - Collects and dIrects water away from the foundation
Plywood - Provides lateral support for walls and a nailing surface for nisualtion and
Strapping - Creates an air gap between structural elements and finishes to allow for moisture escape
Acoustic Subfloor - Acoustic underlayment & mat for noise reduction
2x12 WIndow Buck - Framing for rough openings
Division 07 - Thermal & Moisture Protection
8” Mineral Wool Insualtion - Provides thermal and acoustic protection for the conditioned building space
Rigid Insulation - Provides thermal protection for the conditioned building space
Felt Underlayment - Backup waterproof membrane uner metal cladding
Air & Water Barrier - Air & water-tight building envelope taped at seams
Division 09 - Windows & Doors
Structural Silicone Glazed Window - Double glazed, provides daylighting & views
Division 09 - Finishes
Polished Concrete Finish - Provides an aestheically- pleasing, smooth finish for the concrete slab
Acoustic Insualtion - Provides sound dampening and control
Carpet - Provides sound damening and a soft floor finish
Blueboard Sheathing - Provides lateral support and a finished surface for walls
Flat Seam Copper Cladding - Exterior finish, 26 gauge
1/8” Plaster Skimcoat - Interior wall finish over Blueboard
3x White Oak Trim - Interior fenestration & wall trim
Division 15 - Plumbing
PVC Pipe- Conveys water to areas around the building
Division 16 - Electrical
Conduit Channel - Provides a hidden path for electiral wires to pass through
PVC Pipe - Provides a hidden path for electiral wires to pass through
11-1/2 x12 Glulam Column
Primary structural support for floors
1/2” Plywood w/ White Oak Veneer
Finish for ‘floating’ column
PILLAR Column to Slab Connection
Transfer loads to slab
Anchor Bolts Embedded 8” or more into slab, fastens column to slab
Polished Concrete Finish
Floor Finish
Raft Slab
Concrete foundation thickened at structural supports, rebar reinforced
2” Rigid XPS Insulation
Thermal barrier
Vapor Barrier
Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
Structural Silicone Adhesive
Fastens glass to window frame
Extruded Aluminum Frame
Structural support for window
2x12 Window Buck Framing for rough opening
3x6 White Oak Sill
Fenestration trim, acts as window seat
5/8” Blueboard Sheathing
Lateral support for walls
1/8” Plaster Skimcoat
Interior wall finish over gyp.
VGS 11x400 Screw
Fastens glulam column to steel plate
Z Shadow Bead
Point of termination for gypsum sheathing
1x6 White Oak Baseboard
Double-Paned Low-e Glass
Argon filled cavity, provides daylighting & views
1/2” Plywood
Backing for exterior finish
Felt Underlayment
Backup waterproof membrane, backing for copper cladding
Flat Seam Copper Cladding
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
Air & Water Barrier
Air & water-tight building envelope
5/8” Plywood, Fire Treated Lateral support and nailing surface 2x8 Pressure Treated Sill Structural support for walls
River Rock Aesthetic perimeter drainage
Stone Tiles
Exterior floor finish, set in mortar
Mortar Scures stone tiles in place
2x8 Framing 16” O.C
Structural support for wall, fire treated
Mineral Wool Insulation
Thermal barrier
Termination for floor finishes, notched to accept z shadow bead Gravel
Perimeter drainage
Drainage Mat
Perimeter drainage
Foundation-to-Wall Connection 1.0 1 Scale: 1-1/2” = 1’
Earth Mother nature
Concrete Pad Support for pavers Filter Fabric Blocks dirt from entering pipe
Perforated Pipe
Perimeter drainage
Floor finish, acoustic dampening
3-Layer CLT Panel
2 x 1/2” Plywood Subfloor
PVC Pipe Plumbing & HVAC
Acoustic Insulation
Noise reduction
HBS Plate Screw Fastener
5-Layer CLT Panel
Structural Support
PILLAR Column to Floor Connection
Transfer loads through floor from column to column
VGS 11x400 Screw Fastener
11-1/2 x12 Glulam Column
Primary structural support for floors
1/2” Plywood w/ White Oak Veneer
Finish for ‘floating’ column
2x8 Framing 16” O.C
Structural support for walls, fire treated
1/8” Plaster Skimcoat Interior wall finish over gyp.
5/8” Blueboard Sheathing Lateral support for walls
Z Shadow Bead Point of termination for gypsum sheathing
Mineral Wool Insulation Thermal barrier
M12 Bolt Fastener
Acoustic Subfloor Acoustic underlayment & mat for noise reduction
Conduit Channel
Electrical wire concealment and organization
16d Nails, 6” O.C. 3-1/2” fastners for wall framing
Insulated Header
Transfers structural load around window opening
2x12 Window Buck
Framing for rough opening
3x3 White Oak Casing Fenestration trim
5/8” Plywood, Fire Treated
Lateral support and nailing surface
1/2” Plywood Backing for exterior finish
Felt Underlayment
Backup waterproof membrane
Air Cavity Allows for ventilation and moisture escape
Flat Seam Copper Cladding
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
2” Rigid XPS Insulation Thermal barrier
Air & Water Barrier
Air & water-tight building envelope
Copper Window Flashing
Shields building perforations from moisture
Vapor Barrier
Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
Structural Silicone Adhesive Fastens glass to window frame
Extruded Aluminum Frame
Structural support for window
Double-Paned Low-e Glass
Argon filled cavity, provides daylighting & views
Floor finish, acoustic dampening
Acoustic Subfloor
Acoustic underlayment & mat for noise reduction
2 x 1/2” Plywood
Conduit Channel Electrical wire concealment and organization
PVC Pipe
Plumbing & HVAC
Acoustic Insulation
Noise reduction
VGS 11x400 Screw
M24 Bolts
Fasteners between coumns and girders
8-1/2x20 Glulam Girder
Primary structural support for floors
Steel Connection Plate Girder to Column Connection
11-1/2” x12” Glulam Column
Primary structural support for floors
1/2” Plywood w/ White
Oak Veneer
Finish for ‘floating’ column
1x6 White Oak Baseboard
Termination for floor finishes, notched to accept z shadow bead
Mineral Wool Insulation
Thermal barrier
2x8 Blocking
Structural Backing for exterior finish
Vapor Barrier
Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
16d Nails, 6” O.C. 3-1/2” fastners for wall framing
5-Layer CLT Panel Structural Support
3-Layer CLT Panel
Structural Support
2x4 Strapping
Primary structural support for floors
Steel Connection Plate Girder to Beam Connection
8-1/2x20 Glulam Beam
Structural support for floors cantilevered floors
2x2 Wooden Slatts
Aesthetic ceiling finish
Flat Seam Copper
Exterior finish, 26 gauge
Felt Underlayment
Backup waterproof membrane
1/2” Plywood
Backing for exterior finish
Air Gap
Space for drying of Wall Cavity
2” Rigid XPS Insulation
Thermal barrier
Air & Water Barrier
Air & water-tight building envelope
5/8” Plywood, Fire Treated
Lateral support and nailing surface
2x8 Framing 16” O.C.
Structural support for walls, fire treated
Mineral Wool Insulation
Thermal barrier
Extruded Aluminum Frame
Structural frame for window lites
2x12 Window Buck
Framing for rough opening
Vapor Barrier
Prevents mold & vapor transfer towards interior
Z Shadow Bead
Point of termination for gypsum sheathing
Structural Silicone Glazed Window Double glazed, provides daylighting & views
Caulk with Backer Rod
Seals any gaps between rough opening and window frame
Thermally Broken Z Clip
Create air gap beween exterior finish and exterior sheathing, 16” O.C
3x3 White Oak Casing Fenestration trim
Window Seat Window sill doubles as a seat
Using Assignment Two (A and B) as a launching point, develop 2 axonometric wall sections, one showing the interior plane and the other showing the exterior. These should illustrate the various materials, components, and connections, as well as their relationships from interior to exterior. Each axon should include an entire bay or a minimum 8ft of floor/wall/roof depth. Use annotated leaders to locate and identify all materials and components within each axonometric wall section.
1. ArchDaily. “Tozzer Anthropology Building / Kennedy & Violich Architecture,” August 28, 2015.
2. ArchDaily. “Vacation Cottages / PK Arkitektar,” January 18, 2020.
3. ArchDaily. “Wood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture,” July 19, 2020.
4. Dezeen. “PK Arkitektar’s Icelandic Cottages Have Burnt Timber Cladding,” December 17, 2015. holiday-cottages-rural-iceland-turf-roofs-burnt-timber-association-of-academics/.
5. Emily Hooper. “Innovative Detail: Wood Innovation and Design Centre.” Architect, March 24, 2015. detail/innovative-detail-wood-innovation-and-design-centre_o.
6. Michael Green Architecture. “WOOD INNOVATION AND DESIGN CENTRE.” MICHAEL GREEN ARCHITECTURE (blog). Accessed September 1, 2021.
7. The Plan. “PK Arkitektar - BHM.” Accessed September 7, 2021.
8. “Spaces, People and Nature - Wood Innovation and Design Centre: Case Study 1.” Accessed September 21, 2021. wood-innovation-and-design-centre-case-study-1.
9. Divisare. “PKdM, Rafael Pinho · Vacation Cottages.” Accessed October 1, 2021.
10. Nordic Innovation. “Nordic Innovation report 2021.” June 2012. Accessed October 1, 2021. FULLTEXT01.pdf
11. Lomholt, Isabelle. “Vacation Cottages Brekkuskogur.” e-architect, April 18, 2016.
12. “LEVER » Research » Precision Fabrication.” Accessed November 5, 2021.
13. World Architects . “Tozzer Anthropology Building - U.S. Building of the Week.” World Architects Magazine, 8 May 2017.
14. Architectural Cladding Australia - ARCHCLADTM. “Standing Seam Antique Copper Wall Cladding.” Accessed December 8, 2021. http://www.
15. “Cross-Laminated Timber Panels (CLT Panels).” Accessed November 8, 2021. php.