Filtering Water Flows

Page 1


William Bilyeu, Ashley Kopetzky



1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................01

2. MAPPING............................................................................05

3. INDEXING...........................................................................15

4. MESHING............................................................................21

5. CASE STUDY........................................................................25

6. SITE MODEL........................................................................31

7. ABSTRACTION TO MESH......................................................35

8. FOCUSED AREA...................................................................45

9. SELECTED SITE.....................................................................61

10. FINAL PROTOTYPE MODEL................................................85

11. CONCLUSION....................................................................87

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



Three cities were proposed as cities that will explode in population by 2050 and that will need drastic aid. After examining the three cities in South America, Petare, Venezuela was selected. Petare is a suburb of Caracas, the capital of Venezeula. One week was spent researching and ďŹ nding any sort of information pertaining to the city. The following is a depiction of the conditions in and around the city of Petare as well as an orientation of the city and its surroundings.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


ARRIVAL CITY/ MIGRATION Caracas is an arrival city and is going to experience a population boom in the coming decades; its top three origins of migrants are its neighboring countries Columbia, Brazil and Guyana. Not only Caracas but Petare being a neighboring region will experience more expansion in its already extremely dense urban fabric. This can cause not only problems of growth but also other extreme conditions creating an unhealthy economy, living condition and environment. Our effort is to alleviate at least one of these if not more through severe research and build an understanding as to why these conditions occurs and how they can be prevented in an un-damaging solution to their culture.

Neighboring Countries Arrival Condition


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

SITE ORIENTATION Metropolis: Caracas, Venezuela

population- 3.1 million [approx.] pop. density- 7,160 people/sq. km. [approx.]

Arrival City: Petare, Venezuela

population- 1 million [approx.] pop. density- 50,000 people/sq. km. [approx.]

As shown here Petare is a region with clear designation of regions in the residential, commercial and industrial. Based on the density each can become clearer through visualization. Understanding as to why this occurs and how they can be connected is a goal throughout this research and also proposal for design.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



One week was spent doing research and gathering as much information about Petare as possible. There was a major hindrance that was experienced. Petare is one of the most violent places in the world and experiences and average of 52 murders per day, because of this, much of the information we required was very hard to ďŹ nd. Once we found the information we could the mapping phase began. Each category of information was mapped in its own layer in rhinoceros. Much of the information was mapped with simple points with corresponding colors and layers.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


WATER SYSTEMS Throughout this mapping phase, we become uent in it region and how the environment is created through it’s landscape and building density. The mapping of the conditions of water are based off of two circumstances; one being the topography, which is has extreme conditions from steep slopes to deep valleys, in which case causes water basins and accelerated water runoffs. The second being a natural river division of Caracas and Petare named Rio Guiare. This also later dictates other forms of research found.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

WATER SYSTEMS What we can gather from this, is that there is a natural case of ooding and also river ow and runoff that can being either ignored or designed in such a way that it is helpful to the community.

River System

River Floodplains

Rainwater Runoff

Runoff Catchment Area

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


GREEN SPACE From the rivers, green spaces were mapped and researched. Two different categories became apparent. One being the ora, which was anywhere that either was undeveloped or possibly impossible to build on. Second of those were the green spaces that were either occupied for community space or other programs.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

GREEN SPACE Given the research, we began to visually recognize the main built region from developed to green. These were either areas of possible expansion or those with slopes that were too dangerous to create on. The integration of green space within the building types was minimal, this dictated later our passion to being in weaving of the landscape and built environment for a possibly healthier way to design dense living situations.


Urban Green Space

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


ARTERIAL ROAD NETWORK Transportation and road networks became a major part of research and also design proposal. As stated before, the Rio Guiare also dictates another form of the mapping research, which is Caracas and Petare’s major highway, that also divides each other. The highways runs from the west side of the division along the river, to the northern part border of Petare down to the East. This highway never actually intersects into Petare and eventually goes into another city. From the research found, it is understood that this also forms the dense creation of living regions in Petare, to live closer to the main city and gather along the highway, which then expands to the East in a very dense fashion no matter what the typography.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela







6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Beyond the highway though, there are minimal arterial roads the run through Petare, which either causes issues of trafďŹ c or inaccessibility to necessities and other small regions within Petare. The neighborhoods themselves to not have roads that are available by car and mostly have a design of alley ways, which can cause bigger issues such a safety. We chose to seek out the need for connection between the neighborhoods and understand it’s distance for not only cars but also pedestrian paths; in the ideal to create a safe environment for families and any others that reside in the community.

Highways Main Arterial Road Network Caracas Sub Arterial Road Network Petare Sub Arterial Road Network Bridges Metro Line

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


PROGRAMS Programs spaces were the next to discover. Within Patare it became very clear that the ratio of other essential programs to the residential was not equal. The needs for the community needed to be greater and provide more of an ease for these programs spread throughout all of Petare. The programs themselves, created natural groupings, from the industrial on either side of Petare, new construction developing on the southern tip and civic services as well and education being scattered through the north and central areas of Petare.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

PROGRAMS For out growth in the city, we centered out programs to not only have a area for living in a community centered building but also a design for the community aspect, whether that be education, health and safety or market space. Through the research we knew that implementing these needs as into one building or those that are neighboring was necessary for a cultural environment. 1.





6. 1. Urban Nuclei 2. Residential 3. Industrial / Production 4. Civic Services 5. Education / Play ďŹ elds 6. New Construction / Development 7. Buildings Outside Barrio Boundaries 8. Barrio Favelas



Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



Indexing consists of taking the mapped information and comparing them with other layers of information. This is beneďŹ cial because it depicts how two different types of information interact with each other. This information can greatly help in leading us to our ďŹ nal intervention site.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


DANGEROUS SLOPES VS. BUILT ENVIRONMENT Dangerous slopes severely needed to be taken into consideration especially since it has be dictating a lot of the other mapping phases previously mentioned. This researched allowed for us to understand and gather what might not be possible to build on for our design, and also those areas that were so dangerous that those living there currently especially were brought into a difďŹ cult case. As shown, most of the residential has avoided the areas that have extreme slope characteristics. Much of the slopes are within the surrounding areas, which gives more reason are to why there is such a dense population in the existing area.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

DANGEROUS SLOPES VS. BUILT ENVIRONMENT For the design aspect, this is what narrowed down the possible sites that we could even build on. Anything that was dangerous, automatically became ďŹ xed, seeing that it would be much easier to create a safe and accessible environment that connects to neighborhoods in an area without a slope that caused either damage or danger.

Dangerous Slope Grade Area

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


DEVELOPED DENSITY WEB This density web backs up and illustrates and of the earlier understandings within the mapping. As shown, the residential is the most dense and so much show that porosity is almost nonexistent. From there is become very porous in either areas that are not developed or those that have different major programs, from commercial to industrial. Overlaid are the rivers and also green spaces to show the tie between density and how they neighbor each other,which dictates its shape and size. This begins to clearly show us and others how they have developed this space so far as living and work conditions go.

Density Web of Route Network and Built Development


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

ROAD NETWORK CONNECTIVITY The existing road network allows the research to clearly deďŹ ne what is already existing and based off of it’s distance how accessible one region is to another. Many of the neighborhood as shown either are all blurred together or are so far that they become unaccessible to each other. A over arching goal for our proposal later was to realize the connections between two neighborhood and bring them together with road connections as well as canals. To create a small neighborhood between the two and create a central node for development, economy and living.

Existing Route Network System

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



The meshing phase was conducted in an effort to aid in our selection of an intervention site. All of our conclusions and indexes were meshed on top of one another which allowed us to logically pick out a site. In many cases the information was not helpful so certain indexes have been discarded in an effort to make our mesh clearer

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


SUBTRACTIVE LAYERS From all of the intensive research done and created, becoming fluent in Petare’s culture and living conditions, this allowed us to narrow down areas that were not a possibility for further development as well reach the goal to find a site that is build able. Those that were subtracted began with areas that were already developed, since demolishing buildings was not in our ideals. Then sloped landscapes that were too dangerous to reside on. From there floodplains were taken into consideration and subtracted the possible areas for building, because of obviously reasons in flooding and erosion.


Non Build-able Slopes

Developed Land

Existing Landscape


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

PROPOSED EXPANSION Within plan an understand of the three considerations became clear for subtracting areas that were undesirable to build on. The results grew to be regions in the east side of Petare.

Removal of the Existing Developed Land

Removal of the Non Build-able Slopes

Removal of the Water Drainage Flood Plains

Proposed Expansion Layer Left Over After Removal Layers

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


Arrival City: Petare, Venezuela

population- 1 million [approx.] pop. density- 50,000 people/sq. km. [approx.]

Neighborhood: Barrio La Cruz

population- 22,250 [approx.] pop. density- 37,000 people/sq. km. [approx.]


The case study was conducted in an attempt to zoom into the urban fabric of Petare. Part of the purpose of this was to be able to make mapping every little thing better which was much easier to do on a more intimate scale.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


NEIGHBORHOOD CASE STUDY Given the extreme density that is create being the residential region. Further looking into research of a speciďŹ c neighborhood allowed a greater understanding within the ability to seek out why this may happen and what the variable are within a small existing neighborhood such as this one. The research backed up marring for the larger scale and provided a solid foundation for density growth and how it occurs.

Barrio La Cruz with Contours Colored to Elevation


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


High building density at the bottom of the hill

High building density mid-way up the hill

Total Area:

105,000 sq. meters

Total Area:

156,250 sq. meters

Building Area:

52,500 sq. meters

Building Area:

83,750 sq. meters





Medium-low building density moving up the hill

Low building density high on hill

Total Area:

194,375 sq. meters

Total Area:

171,250 sq. meters

Building Area:

53,125 sq. meters

Building Area:

41,875 sq. meters





Each of these samples gives an approximate population, suggesting that each household is about four people, two children and two guardians. Moving from the west to east, it is noticeable that it become less dense, given not only the topography but also the possibility that it is moving further away from a major mode of transportation and the highway towards the industrial. This clearly deďŹ nes the delicate condition of living and how it is dictated by several conditions, from roads, to programs and from runoffs to slopes. The regions that Petare resides in is truly remarkable and unique, this allows for an interesting density and also clear understanding within the forming of a neighborhood.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


WATER CATCHMENT From the beginning of the research it was important to not only look at the runoffs but also the possible catchment within the roof themselves, since they are dense and close together. The reason for this research was to possibly understand and provide a reason for design in the future. Our desire was to seek out information and implement roof gardens so that the community and also residences could be provided with food since there has been in the past a shortage. As much as we grasped onto this research and really dug for it, the process could not be continued given the time constraints as it was a big undertaking. Hopefully this will be a possibility further down the road as the project is developed beyond the class.

Water catchment on rooftops

Light Blue: Dark Blue:

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

Greater Roof Catchment Area

Annual Rainfall:


Rooftop Area:

231,250 sq.m

Annual Collection:


Lesser Roof Catchment Area

55,591,700 gallons

AGRICULTURE POSSIBILITIES Coffee: 130-260gallons per acre per year 4 gallons per plant 500-700 plants per acre Each acre can produce 900-1300kg of coffee beans per year

The introduction of urban agriculture will not only provide food to the communities in Petare, but because these crops are in high demand a possibility of export is highly valuable. It will not only give the community an optional source of food but also create a new diversity of jobs. Unfortunately, due to time constraints these possibilities were abandoned.

Cocoa: 110-250 gallons per acre per year 320-800 plants per acre 3 gallons of water per plant Each acre can produce 360-900kg of cocoa beans per year

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



The site model was created to depict several layers all in one. The ďŹ rst layer is the gray depicting the sub arterial layers, the next being the white depicts the main arterial roads. The top layer shows our proposed intervention area and connections.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


IN PROGRESS The process was as follows: 1.

Laser cut contours/spacers and assembled


Cut piano wire to 3” pieces


Placed rods in place using a map from rhino


Trimmed rods to 1”above contour and glued them in


Strung gray layer with a single strand and discovered you couldn’t see it


Re strung gray layer with 3-4 more strands


Strung white


Placed intervention rods


Strung red

Laying Down Glue for Topography Strips

Metal Dowels Before Strings are Added


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

Applying Topography Strip to Base

COMPLETED Final model showing road network arterial connections along with proposed intervention connections.

Major and Sub-arterial Roads Completed

Proposed Connectivity

Plan View of Completed Model

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



In this step, our goal was to apply an abstracted geometry into our mesh layer for ease of future population within the mesh. Our basis for our abstraction was based on the objective to: refine the movement and collection of rainfall runoff flows by filtering out pollutants with green-walls and directing the runoff paths into catchment locations. To accomplish this objective a rule set was developed.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


RULES OF GEOMETRY The rule set created for the abstraction to our mesh is as follows:

RULE 1: GEOMETRY DEPTH The depth of the abstracted geometry is controlled by the closeness of the contours.

RULE 2: GEOMETRY WIDTH The width of the abstracted geometry is controlled by the curvature of the contours.

RULE 3: APPLICATIONS TO GEOMETRY The resulting geometry will be the basis for applications of water canals, roads, and building blocks.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

INITIAL MESH AREA To begin applying the rule set to the mesh, we need to refresh ourselves of the subtracted layers that we are not including. These are the already developed area, natural ood plains of runoffs, and slopes which are to steep to build on.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


MESH AREA + EXISTING FLOWS Next we looked at the ows of how the existing road network is used, where we noticed major sections of the mesh are were completely disconnected. We especially took note to the southern most area where two existing ows were disconnected as well.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

CONTOURED MESH In order to apply the rule sets we needed to contour out the mesh due to rules 1 and 2 needing contours for the bases of their reasoning. The size of the contours used were 5 meters.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


ABSTRACTED GEOMETRY Here the abstracted geometry is applied to the mesh areas using rules one and two. The base geometry we used for this abstraction was a diamond due to its shape allowing movement downhill in a non-direct way when applied to the contours. This would allow for the applications to the geometry such as roads and canals to move along the hills with a more manageable slope.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

NATURAL WATER RUNOFF Once we had the geometry we needed to look at the natural water runoffs to decide the locations for the new water runoff canals.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


FOCUSED AREA LOCATION A decision was made to move towards a smaller scale for further development, where the determined focus area location was chosen to me in the south. This area was decided on because of its non-existent connection to the current road network and the neighboring barrios on either side; as well as its greater potential for water runoff canals.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



For this step, a focus area was selected so that further development for the project could be made at a higher level of detail. This area was chosen because of its lack of existing infrastructure, the possibilities of connecting two existing barrios on either side by linking them in the center, and by the potential for runoff canals determined from the natural water runoff of the site.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


ABSTRACTED GEOMETRY We began this step by taking an additional look at the abstracted geometry of just the focused area and its surrounding context. This is where we will begin applying rule 3, application to the geometry.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

RUNOFF CANAL TYPOLOGIES For the placement of runoff canals within the geometry, we quickly discovered a need for a canal typology list. These are the three basic types of canals which will be placed in our site: Covered canal The positive intention for having a covered canal, allows for the ability of a still existing runoff to the catchment and watershed. Not only this, but a covered canal allows for mobility in the form of personal transportation of vehicles. Open canal along roadway Having an open canal, not only is aesthetic and causes less damage to the concrete above moving water, but this also creates a cooling atmosphere for the hot environment. Within later research of water management and sun access to the water, it is a desire that buildings will be dictated by their height by solar radiation and needing to cover open canals for cooling.

Open canal along walkway The third introduction to possible intervention for pairing is for pedestrian roads, taking into consideration that many in Petare do not actually own vehicles. This recognizes safety and the simple pleasures of getting one destination to the other still in the same pedestrian fashion as those roads in Barrio La Cruz.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


RUNOFF CANALS + WATERSHEDS The runoff canals continuously feed into each other growing in size until they reach the end of the geometry. This is when there needed to be a location downhill where the water would then be directed to and collected. This area was decided to be within the already existing oodplains of the site, these locations were transformed into watersheds with permanent green space on either side to ensure that during ood periods no buildings would be damaged.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

ROAD NETWORK ADDITION After the runoff canals were developed, the next issue to solve was the connectivity to the existing road network. This is where the roadways were placed in order to develop cross connections between the two existing barrios on either side of the site.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


BUILDING BLOCKS With the widths of the implemented road network and runoff canals decided, the remaining abstracted geometry was offset inwards making room for walkways and developing the ďŹ nal building block areas. The resulting building blocks determined the overall size constraints for each individual building on the site.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

SOLAR RADIATION STUDY To determine the allowable height for the buildings, a solar radiation study was done to ensure that the spaces between the buildings would be fully shaded allowing for comfortable walkways within the city. With the information from the study, the possible building heights were split into 4 variations, ranging form 2 stories with the least intense radiation, rising up to ďŹ ve stories with the most radiation.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


EXISTING BUILDING TYPOLOGIES Looking into possibilities for building types to be placed within the blocks determined previously, three locations were decided based upon their vast differences within building types and sizes, as well as construction methods. But after looking through the possibilities, the historic courtyard building type was decided upon as the best solution.

Barrio La Cruz: Dimension: 1. 47x25 20 feet tall 2. 35x22 30 feet tall 3. 39x15 20 feet tall

Industrial: Dimension: 1. 239x78 25 feet tall 2. 188x63 20 feet tall 3. 10x112 40 feet tall

Historical District: Dimension: 1. 74x91 25 foot offset to courtyard 20 feet tall 2. 59x70 31x24 inside also, 20 feet 3. 57x45 30 feet tall 20 foot offset


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

BUILDING PLACEMENTS: SITE Switching into perspective, the building type decided upon, the courtyard typology will begin to populate the surface of the focused area.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


BUILDING PLACEMENTS: PARK + MARKET SPACES First, any building block which was less than 30ft in any dimension was excluded from being populated with a building and transformed into a park and market location.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

BUILDING PLACEMENTS: 2 STORY The next step was to populate the lowest radiation locations with two story buildings.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


BUILDING PLACEMENTS: 3 STORY The population for medium radiation locations were three story buildings.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

BUILDING PLACEMENT: 4 STORY The population for high radiation locations were four story buildings.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


BUILDING PLACEMENT: 5 STORY The population for very high radiation locations were ďŹ ve story buildings, which completed the population of the building blocks.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

SELECTED SITE LOCATION With the placements of the buildings completed, a selection of a site was decided so that further development could be completed at a higher level of detail yet. The location selected was decided upon because of its complex relationship with the buildings, park and market spaces, canals, roadways, and watersheds.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



This site was selected because of it’s close relation between all pieces of the applications to the geometry and being located along a new cross road connecting two existing barrios. It was selected for further development of all parts of the project, canals, park spaces, buildings, and there relations. Although due to time constraints not all aspects were developed to the extent originally intended.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


SELECTED SITE Due to the limited time for development, a decision was made to halt the development of the canals and landscape to make room for building design.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

CONSTRUCTION: INTERNAL CORE This building chosen is to be seen as an example of how all the buildings on the site could be constructed and developed to work alongside the canals and park/ market spaces. To begin the construction process, an internal core made from reinforced concrete is built in the center of the structure.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


CONSTRUCTION: FLOOR PLATES Built off of the internal core is a series of floor plates spanning out to the building block extents. The floor plate are also to be constructed of reinforced concrete.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

CONSTRUCTION: EXTERIOR COLUMNS To support the exterior of the building, a series of columns are built, either constructed from reinforced concrete or steel.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


CONSTRUCTION: ROOF Next the roof can be applied, being constructed of reinforced concrete. It is to be built with a slope directing runoff towards one side of the building, closest to a runoff canal.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

CONSTRUCTION: EXTERIOR WALLS The exterior walls are then to be applied, the materials these are constructed of is not as important and could range from concrete to brick to wood framing.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


MATERIALS: UPPER WINDOWS The upper oor windows can then be applied with their maximum width being the distance between the columns. The frames would be able to be made from either concrete or steel.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

MATERIALS: WATER COLLECTION As mentioned previously the roof is to be constructed with a slope directing the water to the closest runoff canal. With there being a parapet to ensure the water ows in the intended direction.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


MATERIALS: WALL FILTRATION Once the water flows to the intended direction, it is to be directed down the side of the building through a green wall filtration system which will clean the first set of containments out of the water and allow it be further filtered while moving down the runoff canals.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

MATERIALS: FACADE SYSTEM For this example, the facade features the green wall ďŹ ltration system on the large portions of the exterior. In between the green wall segments there will be metal panels applied to the exterior, as seen in many other examples near by.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


MATERIALS: PUBLIC SPACES The space located underneath the building shall be devoted for public use as a gathering space.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

MATERIALS: PUBLIC OPENING This space is recognized by the glazing at the base of the building opening up towards the park and market area trying to unify the two.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


PARK + MARKET: BEGINNING TERRACING As a beginning step towards making the park and market spaces more usable a large twelve foot set of terraces were applied to create at gathering areas.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

PARK + MARKET: SECONDARY TERRACING To allow for movement between these large terraces a central circulation path was added. To soften the edges of the large elevation differences a smaller set of terraces were added for seating of plant beds.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


SITE PLAN Looking at the selected area in plan, you can see the full connections and relationships had between the different applied elements of the abstraction.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

SITE SECTION: PROGRAMS With a section of the site it is a little easier to break down the relationships between each of the abstracted programs.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


SECTION: CANALS To begin, the runoff canals and the watersheds are a major contributer towards developing these neighborhoods into communities which are ourishing. This is because these areas can be seen as gathering spaces to cool the people from the hot weather.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

SECTION: ROADS The roads are important due to their ability to easily transport people. With the road network that was applied, public transit through this site will be of ease.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


SECTION: PARK + MARKET The park and market spaces are the single most contributing factor to creating and keeping a community within these neighborhoods. This is because these spaces can be used for many different functions such as park green spaces, playgrounds, market places, or a number of other things which can be applied as needed throughout the terraces.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

SECTION: PUBLIC SPACE The covered public space is a great linkage between the outdoor park and market spaces and the residences above. These spaces can be seen as a gathering location or a prime spot for the sale of goods.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


SECTION: RESIDENTIAL UNITS Finally, the residential units within the example building allow for multiple families to live under the same roof minimizing living expenses and strengthening the local economy as a result.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela

FINAL VIEW When looking at the programs altogether, you are able to see the interlacing layers of the geometry working together as a whole. Through the implementation of the water catchment and ďŹ ltration system, a clarity of more than just the drinking water is developed. It allows for the possibility of much greater living conditions in Petare compared to the governments ideas of large apartment towers with no surrounding.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



Through the development of the project, a need for a selected site location was necessary for further development. This prototype model is a result of the selected site, where the development of the two red buildings and spaces linking them in between was the goal. The model depicts the building prototypes applied with their heights determined from the solar radiation study. The model also calls out the runoff canals, water sheds, and road network. The model was constructed from a hollow matte board base, with the applications painted onto the contours. The buildings were 3D printed with plastic in two colors to call out the two buildings in the center.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



After analyzing the resulting product of the semesters work, a step back would be needed for further development. This development could begin with a more in depth analysis of the runoff system. Such as how the water is ďŹ ltered in the green wall and how that water gets to the canals. Once the water gets to the canals, how do the people of Petare use the clean water. Once this system is developed further, that’s when the buildings themselves should be developed, and they should do so along side with the park and market spaces to create an even stronger connection linking the two together.

Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela



First off, thank you all for the constructive comments and ideas of where this project can move to with further development. We tried to provide a better understanding of the project as a whole with a more in depth description within this booklet then what was presented to you during the presentation. Although we tried to provide the best layout to understand the project in its entirety, reviewing through your comments while preparing this booklet we understand where some of your confusions came from. With the further development of this project we aim to answer any of the remaining questions that were placed out in the air during the review.


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


Filtering Water Flows | Petare, Venezuela


Page 4 (Intro) “One day in Petare”. Photograph. DS World’s. Lands.ds-lands. Web. 11 May 2014. Page 02 and 03 Google earth image. Edited in Photoshop and Illustrator Page 04 “In the 1950s…”. Photograph. Squatter City. VQR. Web. 11 May 2014. Page 06 “It is the main waterway of Caracas”. Photograph. Main Environment Spaces in Venezuela. Tuambientelibre. Web. 11 May 2014. AM Noticias360. Photograph. Shocking images of landslides caused by the flooding of the river Guiare. Noticias24. Web. 11 May 2014. http:// “Rio Guiare”. Photograph. Panoramio. Web. 11 May 2014. Page 08 “Sector Maca Petare”. Photograph. Wahrzeichen. Web. 11 May 2014. “Maca Petare”. Photograph. Wahrzeichen. Web. 11 May 2014. “Vista de Petare desde La Guairit.” Photograph. Wahrzeichen. Web. 11 May 2014. Page 10 Photograph. Utah Ether. Web. 11 May 2014. Dumont, William. “Continuing the construction of the play “CableTren Bolivarian”. Photograph. Gran Caracas. Web. 11 May 2014. http://www. Gonzalez, Sergio. “Zona histórica de petare, Caracas, Venezuela”. Photograph. Flickr. Web. 11 May 2014.

Page 12 Photograph. Sucre Por buen camino. Web. 11 May 2014. “Hospital Pereze de leon-Petare”. Photograph. Panoramio. Web. 11 May 2014. Res Mariela. Photograph. Panoramio. Web. 11 may 2014. Page 14 Cypriano, Andre. “Caracas Shantytown”. Photograph. Andrew Cypriano. Web. 11 may 2014. pt=1&pi=10000&s=24&p=2&a=0&at=0 Page 16 “Viviendas del barrio Petare”. Photograph. Wikimedia. Web. 11 May 2014. t “Panoramica de Pater”. Photograph. Panoramia. Web. 11 May 2014. “Barrio Jose Felix Ribas. Photograph. Wahrzeichen. Web. 11 May 2014. Page 24 Google earth images. Edited in Photoshop and Illustrator Page 86 “Patare is considered to be the largest barrio in Latin America”. Photograph. Venezuelan Government. Web. 11 May 2014.

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