Weaving the Urban Fabric

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Weaving the Urban Fabric

Moscow Farmer’s Market

SDC_WSU_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Introduction This course provide an exercise in associative and tectonic design through the material property and structural abilities of wood. Physical testing to explore the geometric logic of modular system patterns in terms of both the local and global aggregation. The system, as it adapts to environmental conditions, will concern three spatial arrangements. These include a Pavilion, Canopy and Landscape. Based on a single component began an design exploration that is informed accordingly to the social implications of the site in addition to physical conditions of the Farmers Market, Moscow, Idaho.

WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp


Overview: 02 Early Exploration 03 Local Aggregation 04 Global Aggregation 05 Site Logistics and Constraints 06 Site Analysis 07 Proposed Site: Market Transition 08 Component and System Logic 09 Component Force Analysis 10 Material Behavior and Testing 11 Unit Bending Test 12 Zoning Teeth Connections 13 Interlocking Connection 14 Component Variations 15 Systems of Aggregation 16 Precedence Study 01 17 Precedence Study 02 18 Optimization of System 19 A and B Global Assembly 20 Structural System Study 23 Variation of Transparency 24 Footing to Ground Connection 27

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp




Early Exploration: The original aim of the initial case studies was to explore Kinetic Architecture. This developed quickly from physical motion to creating visual effects to portray a sense of motion. This was achieved through weaving the material of a single component. The way in which the material was woven was explored through a series of different paper layout. This exploration included a Positive+Positive weave, a Positive+Negative weave in addition to Perpendicular aggregation and Parallel aggregation. It concluded that the most effective aggregation was a single component with a Positive+Negative and Parallel aggregation. This was because it allow the most forgiveness within the joints and the smaller/simplified component was the most visually Kinetic.


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Early Exploration

Local Aggregation Different methods of model construction was explored to understand how various methods will help strengthen or weaken the component structural integrity.

Contour Method (stacking)

Scoring Method

Using the contouring technique does not allow the material properties to flex and offers no mobility or forgiveness. The Curve with scoring offers mobility but develops structural inefficiencies and points of weakness. Therefore does not transfer force’s completely to the ground. The Waffle construction decreases the dead weight, however increases moments around the base. This ultimately increases the structural inefficiencies. Scoring and Teeth was developed in order to achieve connection and curvature to test out component global aggregations.

Waffle Technique

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Scoring and Teeth

Local Aggregation 03

Global Aggregation: The Waffle construction decreases the dead weight, however increases moments around the base. This ultimately increases the structural inefficiencies. The Scoring Curve is still weak, however the teething holds the aggregation in unity in a single direction. It fails to hold the system in unity side by side, therefore this teething system will need further developments to hold the Global aggregation together in all directions. The Global abstraction expands along both the x and y axis.

First phase


Component Aggregation

Axis of manipulation

WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Axis of aggregation

Global Aggregation

Moscow Farmer’s Market Logistics Located in downtown on Main Street and in Friendship Square, Moscow Farmer’s Market runs from May to October on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Friendship Square

E 4th St

E 5th St

S Washington ST

S Main St

S Jackson St

The market is known for its strong sense of community. It encourages local businesses and organic products. Vendors consist of fresh produce, baked goods, and arts and craft as well as live performances by the local.

W 3rd St

Moscow Farmer’s Market is a place of vibrant culture where a community of diverse population are encouraged to weave with the urban fabric of downtown Moscow, ID.

Block Site Plan (NTS)

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Market Logistics 05

Site Context Analysis: During site visits, there was a strong sense of axis along the corridor of the Main Street where the main market is located . It was also noted that during the site visit, a lot of activity was centered in the central spine and there was minimal engagement along the neighboring streets that bisect Main Street. There was a sense of disconnection that needed to be addressed. Market Area

Market Access

Parking Area

Proposed Site

Market Vendor

Primary Pedestrian

N Solar Analysis of Proposed Site (midAugust from 7am-noon)


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Site Analysis

Proposed Site: Based on the information obtained from site visits, explorations, and analysis, it became evident that the southwest corner of friendship square became the chosen location that would allow an engaging transition beteween market area and Friendship Square.

23’ - 0”

33’ - 0”


Block Site Plan 1/16” = 1’ - 0”

Craft Stalls


Friendship Square

Food Stalls

East Section 1/16” = 1’ - 0”

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Proposed Site: Market Transition 07

Component Material Logic: Wood was chosen for its unique material properties. Unlike isotropic material like most metals, which respond the same way in all directions, wood is an anisotropic material and it is directionally dependent based on its specific fiber direction. There are three principle axes that would, strength is related to longitudinal axis (parallel-to-grain). These directional properties of wood such as tension, compression, and bending properties to achieve the desired curvature while maintaining the structural integrity.

Fiber Direction


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Example material template on 4’ x 8’ sheet “ plywood Thickness: 1/8” (5’ x 5’) and 1/4” (4’ x 8’) Unit Size: 6” x 48” Material: Plywood Material Property: Renewable Building Material High Strength to Weight ratio 50% less compressive strength with perpendicular fibers Lightweight material Combustible Fabrication Method: Lasorcutting Jigsaw Connection: Interlocking teeth

Component Logic

Component Analysis

Forces: With a point load, the forces travel through tension to the neighboring connection.

Point Force

Compressive Force from neighboring component



Lateral Forces

The individual components is experienced by shear forces. Neighboring tension forces hold the consecutive component in compression. As these forces are translated to the ground, the three strips eliminates torque – enhancing the systems ability to hold together in equilibrium.


Scan n Solve:

Forces of Point Load

Deflection due to Point

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Stress Load

With a -20lb point load, high stress points are as indicated at the apex of the arc, consequently creating the most displacement. Forces transfer from one strip to another, creating high stress points at the moment of intersection.

Component Force Analysis 09

Material Strength Testing/ Methods: Material testing informed design decisions to consider the materials limitations. More specifically at what point the curvature would induce failure of the material. With multiple teeth, if one tooth was non-symmetrical or displaced, it would increase the rate of failure of the overall system. Multiple teeth created confusion when physically aggregating the system, therefore slowed down this process and increased human error. Infinite teeth lead to structural failures, in addition to arbitrary design through its infinite possibilities of aggregation. This Arbitrary quality increased the complexity and confusion of the system. This consequently forced the design out of a scale that was manageable and understood by the people who inhabit the Pavilion. Therefore this infinite teething system was to be refined into a system of zoning and equation that respected the computer force analysis in addition to the material properties.


Connection joint in the middle of the strip is vulnerable to breakage

Physical bending test of the varied component units

WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Misplaced interlocking connections led to torsion, bending, and failure at the connection points

Material Behavior and Testing

Material testing: 1:1 Scale Units 1/4” Plywood Failure: 19” Breakage: Splits parallel to fiber teeth zones remained intact

1/8” Plywood Failure: n/a Breakage: n/a

1:1 scale tested the real life characteristics of Ply-wood and how it interacted with the physical environment. • 1/4” failed at 19” concavity at the apex. o Supported computer estimation in terms of points of weakness o Useful at the Base of the Barrel Vault where less displacement and a heavier material is required to sustain forces transferring to the ground • 1/8” did not fail o Useful for lighter structures that require more bending o Ideal placement at the apex of the Barrel Vault

Material testing: 1/4” Plywood Failure: 7” Breakage: Splits parallel to fiber, teeth zones remained intact

1/8” Plywood Failure: 12” Breakage: Splits parallel to fiber teeth zones remained intact

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

1:1 Scale Units

1:2 scale, with the application of the new teeth system, tested whether these incisions on the sides would drastically decrease the materials properties of strength and split in alternate problem areas suggested by computer analysis. Our hypothesis was that these teeth incision would be the location of failure. However through the following results, our conclusion did not support out hypothesis and the zones and were successful.• ¼” failed at 7” concavity at the apex • 1/8” failed at 12” concavity at the apex Like the 1:1 scale, the thinner sheet of ply wood has greater flexibility when the component is tested with the Timber fibres running perpendicular to the direction of flexion

Unit Bending Test 11

Zoning Connections:

The Maximum curvature of the wood creates maximum stress throughout the strips. Therefore by exponentially increasing gaps away from the edges, it creates more material between the teeth – increasing the ply woods capacity to withstand these more extreme forces. There is more material where the components interlock when aggregated both globally and locally. Therefore by subtracting material (positiong the teeth in this area), it decreases the visual and physical weight of the points of connection. This ensures light penetrates the Pavilion to create intricate light and shadow effects.


1/4” Component Template

1/8” Component Template


The teeth are developed so they interconnected with the neighbouring strip. The ply wood naturally compresses when held in an arc, the tabs use this force to lock into the neighbouring strip to maintain the arc and not ‘unjoin’ when pulled in both the x and y direction. Therefore this aggregation can be held together tightly once in place in all directions.




4’-0” Template Equation: y=(x^2)/60

The strip is Split into three zones: o Centre zone with no incision, this was the stress point that needed to maintain maximum strength o Using parabolic formula, the two end zones accommodate the teeth. - Eliminates room for error when constructing - Increasing aggregation efficiencies - Creates a finite design strategy - Reduces scale and complexity

WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Zoning Teeth Connections

Interlocking Connection: The changes in the zoned teeth allowed for each single component to be interlocked at a specific location to achieve desired bending. At this stage, the component have derived from being 2 double curved strips to adding an additional curved strip to minimize torsion from shear force of the neighboring unit.

Interlocking Technique

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Interlocking Complete

Interlocking Connection 13

Component Variation: Thinking in terms of aggregation locally, three variations of the component are developed to create an arch system. To also prevent the torsion resulted in breakage at the connection joint occurred in the previous design, specific a numeric system is established to not only prevent error in assembly but the offset would allow

Offset a:

Offset b:

Offset c:

Each offset would allow the next sequence of variation to be connected at a greater degree. Offset a:

Long Elevation







Offset b:

Long Elevation

Offset c:

Long Elevation


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Component Variations

Local Unit Assembly Process: To achieve the arch, each strip is interlocked following the illustration below. Each unit will share 4 connection joints together to reduce torsion where this type of rigid connection can withstand its own dead load and other elements.

Step 1

Step 2

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Local Aggregation Assembly 15

Precedence Study 02: Local Aggregation Based on the precedence studies, the connection between the strips allowed The ICD/ITKE pavilion’s geometry was based on the bending behavior of birch plywood which governs the patterning of individual component and structural system. It is evident that through incorporating the elastic behavior into a global form.

ICD/ITKE Pavilion, Achim Menges Double Curve units created by interlocking Strips held by Tension

Like ICD/ITKE 2010 Pavilion, the strips are interlocked in sequenc. The opposite bent curve equalize the bending that would occur from applied force. Once force is applied, the locally stored is maintained by the corresponding tensioned region of the neighboring strip.

Farmers Market: Double Curve Global Aggregation creates Barrel Vault


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Precedence Study 01

Precedence Study 02: Global Aggregation Like Dunescape by SHoP Architects, the global form have translated the local Aggregation laterally. This has been achieved by offsetting each replication to manoeuvre the global aggregation around varying degrees of curvature to accommodate variations of programs.

Farmers Market: Local Aggregation Sectional Component

Dunescape, SHoP Architects Aggregating and offsetting sets of sectional components to create varying degrees of curvature

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Dunescape’s design process was heavily influenced on the physical behavior of the wood member, which through aggregating the sectional units require strong lateral connection between the pavilion’s sectional components to provide structural stability.

Farmers Market: Global Aggregation Offset of Sectional Component

Precedence Study 02


Sectional Connections: A and B Units A system of A and B units have been established to uniformly interlock with the neighbouring Local aggregation. This strip pattern needs to invert every other Local aggregation to aggregate Globally. Therefore with this A and B unit system, the ability to Interlock to neighbouring strips have unified the structure allowing forces to directly translate through the structure and to the ground.



Exploded view of A+B Assembly









Units exploded Unit Plan


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Sectional Connections

A and B assembly Locally Aggregated A and B units are prefabricated before access the on site location. Therefore constructing the Pavilion on the Morning before the Farmers market simply requires the A and B units to connect together as directed.



C SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

A and B Global Assembly


Structural System Study The Pavilion Structure works like the Barrel Vault in terms of its visual similiarities and the way the forces act throughout the structure. For instance, the global aggregation ties the vault laterally therefore the dead weight is the primary focus of the system which allows the forces to be transferred from the apex towards the vertical components through Tension. Here, the forces are translated through compression to the Ground. It is here that the Ground connection and the forces behaviours become the main focus.

Barrel vault: Braced by lateral ties


Barrel vault: Forces

Barrel vault forces: B and C


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp


Barrel vault: Braced by lateral unity

Barrel vault forces: A

Structural System Study

Programmatic Plans: Pavilion: shelters pedestrians filtering between Friendship Square and Main Street Canopy: Funnels thoroughfare from Friendship Square and North Main Street to South Main Street and vice versa Landscape: not landscape, but a pedestrians to transition through Square






an interactive visual aid for complete the to Friendship






SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Programmatic Plan


Sectional Studies Similar to programmatic plans, each sections reflects a direct relationship between the form and the program within. As mentioned that each local strip unit is angled at 30 degree to create a smooth transition from the strong axiality of the main street. The programmatic transition allows the structure to spill over to Friendship square. The sequence of these programs are determined based on responding to the street conditions. The arch represents the strong linear sense that the stalls of the market place evokes, while the canopy opens up to the intersection between two streets to open up the corner and the landscape form slowly translates to the ground.

1C 11

Section 1A: Pavilion 1/8” = 1’ - 0”

Section 1B: Canopy 1/8” = 1’ - 0”



Friendship Square

Friendship Square

1B 10

1A 9




WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Friendship Square

Section 1C: Landscape 1/8” = 1’ - 0”

Sectional Studies

Transparency Perspective A

Perspective B

Based on each local strips being tilted 30 degree angle, the structure creates a visual interaction that is not. As one would walk along the main street towards Friendship Square, the pavilion structure would slowly appear. The transition between the transparency of the pavilion allows a visual engagement that would invite one to enter Friendship Square. Based on the location, one either first perceive the skeletal structure or the planar elements of. This transparency also plays a great deal with sunlight and how solar radiation varies throughout the day based on the orientation, angle, and movement of the sun path.




SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Variation of Transparency 23

Footing Development: The footing was designed to hold the pavilion in place while also allowing for a lightweight construction. The footing allows for the pavilion to be put together and taken down quickly with parts that fit together locking the strips of the pavilion in place. The footing uses a rubber padding at the bottom of the 2’x4’ base to create a friction connection between the base and the ground that it sits on.

Footing sliding into Base



Footing A: External

Wedge being placed behind

Footing B: Internal

Component being placed on


Footing C: Complete

Full assembly

Component Steps of assembly:

1/4”Cotter pin 3/8” Rubber matting Wedge


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

2-1/2” Plywood sheets laminated together 1/2” Plywood sheet base

1. Slide footing piece into base 2. Place wedge behind footing, locking the footing in place 3. Slide pins through wedge and footing creating a solid connection, not allowing it to fall apart 4. Place component over footing 5. Lock component in place by sliding cotter pins through holes

Footing to Ground Connection

Model Studies: Transition of Transparency Each local Aggregation is rotated 30 degrees. This decreases the arbitrary scale and complexity of the Pavilions overall composition. This also eliminates confusion of the ‘inbetween’. However, creates a ‘kineitc’ visual transition that considers the initial aim of the Case Studies.


South View: Main Street

North View: Friendship Square

As the pedestrians approach the Pavilion from the South, the pavilion is viewed as a transparent structure. However, when the structure is approached from the North, the pavilion is viewed as a Solid structure

Transition between planar and sectional faces

SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Model Studies: Transparency


Model Studies: Interior Effects Day lighting interacts with the undulating transparency of the Pavilion. Therefore enhances the play between Solid and void. These light features act as a dynamic environment that is experience by pedestrians passing through the interior of the Pavilion. This dynamism translates to the dynamic environment of the Farmers Market. In addition to this visual dynamism, the use of Plywood for this organic shape compliments the organic nature of Moscow, as so it fitting to the streets context. These features create an inviting environment that demands pedestrians to experience its qualities.


WSU_SDC_ARCH301_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp

Interior Environment Effects

Conclusion: For the system to speak explicitly to the contexual restrain, it is crucial to pay attention be sensitive to the preexisting fabric of the Main Street and design a structure that speaks clearly to its chosen site . The main barrel vault was chosen for structural system for its stability but the closed wall members create a barrier that turns its back to the street and the vendors. Rather than creating a global form that would restrict the flow of the pedestrians to only A and B, the form can allow more variation between voids and solids. Creating more offsets between each local arch that would filter the pedestrian through the sidewalk would allow engagement between the market visitors from different street conditions. Connections between each local units also needs to be revisted. In order to create variation between To provide transitional space that is is conscious and responsive to the diversity of the market conditions. It is noted the structure should not force people to explore but rather “seduce� which this seduction has to be reflected in the overall design. SDC_Fall 2013 Jannita Bolin | Kevin Hall | Charlotte Muschamp



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