Adaptive Sedimentation

Page 1




L o u i s

Alyx Robinson C o d y J o n e s Dillon Gogarty L i

T i a n z e

T i m G o h e e n


This book was only possible with the diligent work of our teammates; of Alyx Robinson and her detail oriented approach, of Dillion Gogerty and his amazing graphical mind, Tim Goheen and his analytical drive to seek the finest grain of truth, of Tianze Li and his never tiring work ethic, and of my partner Cody Jones for his drive to keep me focused. This book is the product of much love, hate, and stress over the past Five months. I wish a fulfilling future and a prosporus life, I know you all have the talents. Thank you and with out further ado, Adaptive Sedimentation, An Urban Intervention of Lagos Nigeria.

Adam Louis


Introduction Pages 4 - 7 Mapping Phase Pages 8 - 24 Indexing Phase Pages 26 - 47 Meshing Phase Pages 48 - 57 Final Mesh Pages 56 - 57 Model Work Pages 58 - 59 Conclusion Pages 60 - 61 Urban Project Pages 70 - 73 Generating Form Pages 75 - 81 Building Typology Pages 83 - 86 Urban Interventions Pages 87 - 92 Environmental Interventions Pages 95 - 99 Bridges Pages 101 - 103 Conclusion Pages 105 - 110I


The country of Nigeria lies in the crook of Africa, and is home to many different regions and climates. This project specifically focuses on the coastal city of Lagos, found in the state of Lagos. It is the second largest city in Africa, both in size and population. As a coastal nation and city, Lagos thrives in a symbiosis between the water, the people and the landscape. The city of Lagos is faced by several major issues: a lack of infrastructure, constant flooding, and a serious issue with pollution. These issues all have a different cause and effect relationship with each other, and the study of these things eventually will lead to the suggestion of a prototype to “solve” some of the problems. The lack of infrastructure affects several aspects of the city and the population in Lagos, from the inefficient waste management system that exists to the lack of quality road ways. Though the State is tasked with the pick-up and disposal of waste and sanitation, the system does not work outside of the “planned” areas of the city, and sometimes not even there. When it is picked up, the waste is taken to the main sanitation site in the northern portion of the mainland or the smaller secondary sites found around the mainland and on the eastern portion of Lagos Island. Due to the proximity of these waste sites, residents of undeveloped areas are often forced to dispose of their waste in the rivers, Lagoon or the surrounding landscape, damaging the environment, the water sources and their settlements. Due to the nature in which the informal settlements often crop up in, they lack the infrastructure that is found within the city itself, though this is not an issue only in these areas. They lack paved roads, electricity, sewage systems, plumbed water, and the like.

The flooding that happens along the coast is a constant threat to the settlements that have developed there, and the informal roadways and settlements are often damaged or completely destroyed. The flooding also causes the polluted water to rise into the landscape and settlements, further polluting the groundwater and in-land water sources. It can also cause sickness amongst the population, as the water has been known to sit for weeks at a time, due to the lack of topography. Based on these things and other sources, the development of a concept of these informal settlements as “sediment� evolved, for they are much like the sediment which is forced to settle on the shores of the rivers which run through the city.


There does remain a portion of the state and city where these conditions are not as extreme, and where infrastructure does indeed coexist with the people. These locations exist primarily in the planned areas of the city, normally found in proximity to where the business and industry districts, hospitals, police stations, sanitation routes and jobs exist. In between these “planned” locations is where the informal villages would settle, furthering the concept of the “sediment village”. As these “New Arrivals” move from the rural regions of Nigeria and into the city center of Lagos, they often end up settling in these impromptu areas because they are available, due to the conditions found there.

In the lands surrounding Lagos, there are three main soil types: gleysols, psamment and nitisols. These soils, aided by the topography and constant flooding cause constant changes to the landscape. Though this results in good farming conditions in some areas, when combined with other existing factors this often leads to areas that become completely “unusable” by normal standards. The final soil types from the area can be found in the Rafia and Mangrove swamps that form the areas surrounding Lagos city. All these factors affect the people of Lagos by forming a kind of social hierarchy, which becomes based on area. This means that the New Arrivals are often forced into these “unusable” areas to try and create their homes and neighborhoods, which leads to the construction of unstable housing foundations and a lack of quality roadways. All the things that have been discussed, from the dominating presence of the water in the area to the soil types which dictate usable lands, led the study to focus on the things which will be introduced in the Mapping Phase. The concept of “sediment villages” will be predominant throughout the study, and lends a certain correlation between the city and state of Lagos, as well as the inhabitants and the informal villages that they create.


To begin, the research was focused on information and data from the city of Lagos and the surrounding areas that was predominant and easily accessible. Early information was often taken from satellite images of the area, which allowed for the identification and mapping of things considered important – like the informal settlements which dot the landscape. Also considered was what a “buildable slope” might be considered, and though it was decided that <15* was acceptable, it was also discovered that this does not apply to Lagos and the flat topography found in the area (where the majority of slopes in the area were <6*). The next point of emphasis was the water that surrounds the city and general area, found in the Lagoon and its two main rivers, the Obo and Obun. The Lagoon is subject to tides, the rivers which empty into it, as well as the rain run off that reaches it. The constant flooding in the area is a direct result of these factors, combined with the flatness of the topography. It is also important to discuss the pollution levels of the Lagoon and rivers, due to the lack of infrastructure found in many areas of the city, as well as the heavy industrial areas that are located there. Other preliminary concepts and directions that will also be studied during this phase include: surrounding land use, road types, the flora and fauna found in the area, construction types and the like.


This map of Nigeria shows the city of Lagos as the “Arrival City”, a concept that explains the sudden and extreme boom in population that is happening in numerous cities across the world. Here, it shows the city of Lagos as the migratory destination for numerous villages scattered across the state of Nigeria. These people move out of their villages and travel towards the city in hopes of finding better lives for themselves and their families. They are often forced to seek out work in the city due to conditions in their home villages, which limits their ability to raise and support families.



Osun Ekati Anambria





Delta Abia

image 1 A map of Lagos, as the “Arrival City” for the greater area of Nigeria. image 1


These images show the reference maps that will be used to call out specific areas being discussed throughout the research, but will also be used to introduce the area itself.

image 1

image 2

image 1 A map view of Nigeria, with the state of Lagos highlighted in the bottom corner. image 2 A zoomed in view of Lagos as an area, with the city of Lagos highlighted. image 3 The city of Lagos, wih the area of interest (Ilado Island) highlgihted. image 4 A zoomed view of Ilado Island.

image 3

image 4


The rivers in the area of Makoko are notorious for their tendency to swell with water and flood over the banks, due to the lack of slope found in the topography. This combined with the lack of water run off and road maintenaince allows the water to run rampant, and use road ways as channels to run further in-land.

image 1

image 1 A real world example of river flooding through the streets of Lagos. image 2 A mapping diagram that shows the raising levels of the river when it floods. image 2 FLOOD DISTANCE






Nature has a large impact in every community, both in beneficial and detrimental ways. By mapping the dispersion of usable resources (such as trees, and shrubs), there could possibly be some benefit seen to the community surrounding those areas.

image 1 Flora Dispersion mapping diagram. SPECIES

image 1 Taliparti Tilacieum Hawaii Sea Hibiscus

Rhizophora Racemosa Red Mangrove

Avicennia African Black Mangrove

Raphia Africana African Palm Tree


These are the following construction Building Type types that were deduced from viewing a combination of photographs and Metal Roof Construction satellite images. Wood Frame

Cluster Types Groups of CMU Buildings with Metal Roofs

Thatched Roof Wood Frame

Groups of Buildings with Courtyards

Large Structure Metal Roof CMU

Clusters of Similar Buildings Generic

Under Construction Incomplete

Clusters of Buildings Underr Construction

Building With Courtyard

Small Utility or Storage

image 1 Many village houses are built on stilts to avoid flooding. image 2 As development proceeds and populations grow a base infrastructure also expands and construction materials and methods increase in quality. image 1 (

image 2 (


The focus led to the mapping of how the land was used throughout the localized region of Lagos, primarily focusing on Tin Can Island, Snake Island and Ilado Island. For the combined area, the mapping consisted of Industry, Dense Vegetation, Light Vegetation, Developed Land and Exposed Soil. The purpose of this mapping process was to locate areas that are appropriate for expansion, which would include the Low Vegetation and Developed Land as important considerations.



image 1 Land Use on Ilado Island, Tin-Can Island, and Snake Island. image 1 LAND USE CATEGORY

Developed Land

Exposed Soil


Forest or Dense Vegetation

Light Vegetation


The road networks became a very important aspect in the study of the flows in the city of Lagos. The study evolved from the organization of roads based on levels of connectivity (from highways, to major roads, to minor roads, and continuing on down), to the study of the “block” and how it and the spaces that it created were organized. Based on the “Streets & Patterns” reading by Stephen Marshall, the image 1 blocks were then organized further into types (of the A-D variety).

image 1 The combined and complete road types across the island of Ilado. image 2 The combined and complete road types across the city of Lagos. image 2


image 1 The road networks broken down; the first part of the road networks are the image 1 highways.


image 1

image 1 Showing the “major roads� across Ilado island. These are mainly footpaths across the island, and pathways between the clusters themselves. image 2 Showing the major roads across Lagos city. image 2


image 1

image 1 Showing the minor roads across Ilado island. We considered the extension of the major roads to be the minor roads. image 2 Showing the minor roads across the city of Lagos. These are often related to or the same as blocks, but the image 2 study considered them differently.


image 1

image 1 Showing the “blocks� across Ilado island. These were the major footpaths across the island, as seen on Google Earth. image 2 The blocks in Lagos city. These were considered blocks because of the relationship they had to one another, the spaces they created, and the relationship they hold to the image 2 neighborhoods.


image 1 An example image of an “A” type road network. “A type roads are irregular, with small angular streets that are mostly short/ crooked, and vary in width but go in every direction.”

image 1 image 2

image 2 The “A” type roads found in Lagos. image 3 An example image of a “B” type road network. “Regular, orthogonal, and rectilinear streets of consistent width, moving in two directions.” image 4 All of the “B” type roads found in Lagos.

image 3 image 4

image 5 An example of a “C” type road network. “A mix of regularity and irregularity in streets, of a typically consistent width; with curved or rectilinear formations, which meet at right angles.” image 6 The “C” type roads found within Lagos. image 7 An example of a “D” type road network. “D types are based on a consistent road geometry, with curvilinear or rectilinear formations that meet at right angles.”

image 5 image 6

image 8 The “D” type roads found within Lagos. **Information and images regarding road types from Stephen Marshall’s “Streets & Patterns”

image 7 image 8


This map shows the major transportation routes and stops throughout the city of Lagos, and the immediate surrounding area. The dashed line represents the major bus routes through the city, and although these are not the only routes that exist within the transportation system, they are the “main” routes. Also shown, as black boxes, are the main bus depots. Not included are the numerous stops found along the route, and other routes. The three ports are marked at the bottom of the page, and the larger airport is marked towards the middle of mainland Lagos. This is important, because it shows the disconnect that occurs outside of the dense city center, where most of the informal living settlements arise. There are transportation routes that go near some of the larger slum areas, but they are not afforded the same kind of access as the other “planned” parts of the city.

image 1 A map of the city of Lagos, with the major transportation lines marked out on it. The three ports and airport are marked out, along with the two major bus stops that serve the greater area. image 1 Airport


Major Bus Stops

Major Bus Routes


image 1 A map of the city of Lagos, where the informal housing clusters are shown in relationship to the major waste dump sites. The sizes of the circle gradient is in relationship to the size image 1 of the dump site. Trash Sites

Informal Housing areas


This map is a diagrammatic representation of the water depots found in the greater Lagos area, and their direct routes. Each circle represents a distance from a central point, which is the water depot, as a diameter. This distance is being considered a casual walking distance, at ½ a mile. As some of the depots are close to each other, their walking distances overlap and create a larger circle. The routes depicted by the dashed lines are the simplified version of the actual routes that water would take, if it were being piped through the system and to Lagos Island. This is important, due to the fact that the “safe” water available in the city is often piped in. For 11% of the population, it is piped > 1km, and for the other 89% of the population it is piped < 1km. It is thought that only 60% of the city population has access to “safe” water.

image 1 This diagram map shows the location of the major water depots found in the greater Lagos area. The dashed lines represent the paths that the water takes, and the circles around the points represent the walking distance image 1 to reach the water depot. Water Transport Lines

Walking distance to individual water depots


The next phase, Indexing, evolves from the previous phase by studying the relationships between the different groups of information that were mapped. The focus of the project then turns to the informal housing areas known as Makoko (on the coastal side of the mainland) and Ilado Island (found south of the mainland). In these villages, the water continues to play an important role in shaping the clusters and the infrastructure found there. Seen in both areas and other spaces across Lagos, the flooding determines the gradient of housing types and the hierarchy of social standings. Between the flooding, swamp lands and dense city fabric, the desirable building areas are extremely limited. Access between Ilado island and the mainland is limited to a single dock and the ferry system, as well as personal docks and boat use, both of which cluster on the northern central side of the island. This further effects the building zones on the island, as one must live within walking distance of the coast to have access off the island. At present, this has heavily affected the flow on the island. This concept can be seen in the paths across the island, and the alleys that carve out the villages.


The areas of the Island which contain the highest density of informal settlements are extremely close to the rivers and other forms of water. Due to this proximity, the housing is in danger of being damaged or destroyed by the flooding. Entire sections of the villages are washed away on a semi-regular basis, requiring the inhabitants to start over and rebuild. Due to this, it was decided that immediate proximity to the river is not necessary.

image 1 This diagram map of the island represents the proximity of the buildings to the river, and grades their distance by safety. POOL HEIGHT

image 1 250ft

250ft to 500ft

250ft to 500ft


The high density of the informal housing clusters on the island causes the residents of the area to be tightly packed together. Due to this, any incident (fires, floods) effect many buildings in the area, instead of just singular units.

image 1

image 1 This picture shows an area in Makoko, where the informal housing is extremely dense and very close to the danger of the waters. image 2 A diagram map showing the density of the informal housing clusters, marking houses that are within a 50 foot proximity of 5 or more other houses. FLOOD HEIGHT

image 2 Housing with 5 or more buildings within 50 feet


Due to the lack of topography found across the city of Lagos and Ilado island, the rain has little option to “run off� the land and into the rivers. This causes the water to pool across the Island, which can become quite hazardous due to the lack of infrastructure also found on the island. The combination of the flooding and the water pooling seriously restricts the amount of buildable area found.

image 1 Lines of Water Run Off

image 1 This map diagram represents the run off lines and their relationship to where the water pools on the Island. image 2 Shows the run off pools by themselves, without the run off lines. image 2 POOL HEIGHT





The only real difference found between the flooding on the mainland and the flooding on the island lies in the fact that the island is completely surrounded by water. The rivers flood annually, and in the instance that they rise 3 or more feet, almost all of the coastal settlements would be displaced and damaged.

image 1 This diagram map shows the amount of the island that would be covered if the river were to flood 1 foot, 2 feet image 1 or 3 feet. FLOOD HEIGHT





The study of neighborhoods evolved as a consideration of how and why people settle as they do, considering tendencies. The self-organization that occurs on the maps shows this type of patterning which leads us to surmise that like settles with like, to form these communities within communities. The lines between the “geometric center� of each block represents the proximity to one another, and shows the relationship that exists there.

image 1 Image of the island as a whole, with the smaller images highlighted on it for context. image 2 The Northern Neighborhood image 3 The Central Neighborhood image 4 The Southern Neighborhood

image 1


image 2

image 4

image 3


The study of how and why people settle the way that they do evolved to include the consideration of the spaces that are formed by those settlements. These kinds of spaces that are created could serve a public function, like town squares, markets and other kinds of open public spaces where people could gather. Across the island, the proximities of buildings and residences to these necessary open spaces were measured. Everything that was considered a close distance was within <100 feet, while anything too far away was >500 feet.

image 1 This map represents the distance between the houses and the public gathering spaces, which were discerned from Google Earth images. DISTANCE

image 1 0’-100’





As the dock and Ferry route is the main way off and onto the island, it acts as an “anchor point” for the island. The informal villages expand from this point and the closer the proximity, the better the land. Due to the size of the island, most of the villages are within moderate walking distance. This excludes the northern point, which is somewhat segregated from the rest of the communities on the island.

image 1 This diagram map highlights the distance from the individual clusters (and gradients within those) to the main egress off the island, the ferry dock. image 1 DISTANCE








Without accurate population data, the growth rate of Ilado island can be measured by the developed and developing areas. The boundaries of the developed areas were traced from the satellite images shown from 2000, 2006 and 2013 to form a growth rate that were then averaged to a yearly rate and represented on the map.

image 1

image 2

image 3

image 4

image 5

image 6 6.2%


image 1 A satellite image of Ilado island from 2000 image 2 A satellite image of Ilado island from 2006 9.3%

image 3 A satellite image of Ilado island from 2013 image 4 A close up of image 1 image 5 A close up of image 2 image 6 A close up of image 3 image 7 The index diagram map of the island growth between 2000 and 2013 YEAR GROWTH AREA


image 7 2000 130.4 Square Miles

2000 - 2006 144.8 Square Miles

2006 - 2013 129.5 Square Miles


Indicator of Average Annual Growth Rate


Total Average Anual Growth Rate Per Year


To derive usable construction type information, satellite imagery were traced of all the buildings on the island. The next step was to distinguish between observable variations of construction types. Categories were decided as follows: Thatched and old metal roofs (which were difficult to distinguish between) Metal roofs Newer metal roofs Buildings under construction The differentiation between building image 1 areas were then converted to circles of the same area as their base building contour. This makes it easier to compare the sizes between buildings.

image 1 Mapping of buildings, achieved by tracing Google Earth satellite images image 2 from 2013.

image 3

image 2 Buildings differentiated by construction type, shown with actual shape. image 3 Close up section of Image 2 image 4 Construction type is represented with a circle with the same areas as the initial polygon shape, and accomplished with Grasshopper definitions. image 5 Close up of Image 4 CONSTRUCTION TYPE

image 5

image 4 New Construction

New Metal Roofs

Metal Roofs

Thatched Roofs


4% 14%



Total Building Area by Region

North Center




23% 1011070 SF

526118 SF

320631 SF

332130 SF


pie chart 1

pie charts 2-6 Construction Types by Area

The construction type by building area can be used to distinguish multiple social hierarchical settlement patterns. The construction type may be based on time since establishment, distance from resources or distance from major roads. Construction types per region have trends which indicate the typical social status of the inhabitants, and where people will tend to settle upon arrival to the island. Notable trends include the following: Higher quality homes tend to be in longer established, further from the coast, and further from easily accessible resources. There is a greater quantity of thatched or metal roofs in the northeast corner, which also has the nearest proximity to the coast.

pie chart 1 Total building area by region, based on Rhino area calculations pie charts 2-6 Portions of each construction type per region by area, also from Rhino area calculations image 1 Final Construction types represented by relative area and the centroid of each building CONSTRUCTION TYPE REGIONS FOR pie chart 1

image 1 Metal Roof Northwest

Thatched/Old Metal Roof North Center

New Metal Roof Northeast

Under Construction South

Utility Outlying

101000 SF

INDEXING CONSTRUCTION TYPE WITH METABALLS By utilizing a metabolic Grasshopper definition, areas of concentration of a particular construction types were then denoted.

image 1

image 3

images 1 - 4 The series of metaballs based on construction type. image 2

image 4


New Construction

New Metal Roofs

Metal Roofs

Thatched Roofs


image 1 images 1 The series of metaballs as the resulting compilation of overlays.



Image 1 As Lagos expands the space available within the city decreases and rent prices escalate. Government image 1 continues to push out squatters and illegal housing. The result is that arrival cities fill up the areas inbetween the “cracks� with informal housing. These communities are typically set back from the street, area smaller, more randomly organized, and of poor quality materials. Image 2 The crisis is further escalated as these few spots that many people settle into are areas that were open because they were less desireable. They are prone to flooding, are often locations of garbage dumping, and are less accessible. The positive side of this is that these people are the strongwilled, the brave, and the resourceful. This results in subcultures that thrive on innovative small business ventures that make the most of the resources available. Solutions to quality of these communites start with supporting this image 2 subculture. LEGEND

Formal Housing

Major Streets

Informal Housing

Garbage Dumps

Flood Zone


Minor Streets

INDEXING DISTANCE TO NEAREST PATH BY CONSTRUCTION TYPE To continue our analysis of construction type trends we indexed the relationship between construction type and the nearest path. This furthers our comprehension of the way the settlements are expanding.

image 1

image 1 Representational lines of the distances from buildings to the nearest path. Shows polarization toward nearest paths. image 2 Showing the construction type with the average closest distance to the nearest path in each region. image 2














1000 800


204 295


The average distance is a reference point for where intervention in connectivty would be beneficial.













chart 1 NORTHEAST 1 Extracted data from rhino showing average feet from paths based on construction type, the average of each region, and the average of the whole island.

chart 2

chart 2 Describes the relation of the total NORTHEAST 2 building samples from each region. A shallow slope indicates smaller change in distance within sample a steep slope indicates that a few buildings are significantly farther away. chart 1 CONSTRUCTION TYPE

Metal Roof

Thatched/Old Metal Roof

New Metal Roof

Under Construction

Average of Region

Average of Island Median of Island


DISTANCE IN FEET 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

72 105





image 1 and chart 1 Shows relationship of construction types to nearest paths for the north region. image 1

chart 1

DISTANCE IN FEET 350 300 250 200 150 100 50

image 2 and chart 2 Shows relationship of construction types to nearest paths for the south image 2 region. CONSTRUCTION TYPE

Metal Roof



chart 2 Thatched/Old Metal Roof

New Metal Roof

Under Construction



DISTANCE IN FEET 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

image 1 and chart 1 Shows relationship of construction types to nearest paths for the far northeast region. image 1






chart 1

DISTANCE IN FEET 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40

image 2 and chart 2 Shows relationship of construction types to nearest paths for the smaller image 2 northeast region. CONSTRUCTION TYPE

Metal Roof

20 0

chart 2 Thatched/Old Metal Roof

New Metal Roof

Under Construction


DISTANCE IN FEET 1250 1000 800 600 400 200 0

14 19



image 1 and chart 1 Shows relationship of construction types to nearest paths for the northwest region. chart 1

image 1

DISTANCE IN FEET 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20

image 2 and chart 2 Shows relationship of construction types to nearest paths for the southeast region. image 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE

Metal Roof


chart 2 Thatched/Old Metal Roof

New Metal Roof

Under Construction





The main access to the island is from a ferry and a single dock found in the central section. The dock leads to a row of market buildings and then expands to residential housing. The flows shown are the derived from the Closest Walk in Grasshopper, to the main dock from each section of the island.

image 1 Shows the relationship between the flows, and the shortest walk from the informal housing clusters to the single dock located in the north central part of the island image 1 Flow Paths


North Central Cluster

North Eastern Cluster

Western Cluster

Southern Cluster


Within each informal housing cluster, blocks were estimated based on the distance between houses and what was surmised could be considered an “alleyway� or path. Shortest Walk was used to draw from the center of each block to the main target of each individual section.

image 1 Shows the relationship between the created blocks and the clusters as a whole.

image 1 Flow Paths


North Central Cluster

North Eastern Cluster

Western Cluster

Southern Cluster


This last flow highlighted the shortest walk from the center of each block to the main target area of each section. The shortest walk followed the grid of paths throughout the island The final flow highlighted the Shortest Walk from the center of each block to the surrounding clusters.

image 1 This image shows the relationship between the clusters on the island, and how they would be related by the Shortest Walk Grasshopper definition.

image 1 Flow Paths


North Central Cluster

North Eastern Cluster

Western Cluster

Southern Cluster


So far, the processes completed could all be considered “layers” for the final portion of this study. Mapping arose from the collection of data, and Indexing arose from the combination of those maps. Meshing revolves around the same additive concept and process, because the combination of certain groups of information allows us to make informed decisions about the island, and draw conclusions that would not normally be possible or realistic. These conclusions include the understanding of what could now be considered “buildable” areas on the island, based on the information that is being combined. The idea behind this phase for our group was to create three separate mini-meshes from each section of study (Environmental, Flows and Programs). The final step is to combine these mini-meshes into a final mesh, to achieve the final “buildable” areas.


image 1

image 4

image 2

image 5

image 3

image 6

Image 1 Shows the Distance to River index Image 2 Shows the Rain water Run off and Pooling index Image 3 Shows the Flooding index image 4 Shows the population index diagram.


image 5 - 7 Shows the flows index maps. image 8 image 9 image 10

image 7


This first mesh was generated through the combination of the Distance to River, Water Run Off & Pools and Flooding indexes. Because water plays such a pivotal role in the lives of the coastal people, it was decided that that particular study deserved a mesh to itself. This mesh considers the proximity to the water on the coast and the low slope areas where water pools, as well as the levels of flooding that occurs and which areas it moves into.

image 1

image 2

image 1 Shows the Distance to River index image 2 Shows the Rain water Run off and Pooling index image 3 Shows the Flooding index image 3


The combination of the housing proximity as well as the water on and near the island create natural areas of non-build ability that area very poor for use. These areas are also the areas of high use, and it is impacting the use of the island for the residents very negatively. The information also shows the safe areas outside of the impact of the water, and thus areas of safe use for future settlements.

image 1 image 1 The combined Distance to River, Rain water Pooling & Run off and the Flooding indexes to create this mesh PROXIMITY TO RIVER FLOOD & POOL HEIGHT

Less than 250ft 1ft

250ft to 500ft 2ft

500ft or more 3ft


image 1

image 2

image 3

image 1 Shows the index



image 2-4 Shows the three Flow indexes image 4


The second “meshâ€? shows the combined VHWV RI Ă€RZ W\SHV ZLWK WKH SRSXODWLRQ as it expanded over time. The intention of this mesh is to show the relationship between movement in each village cluster and how the density affects that, and the movement between the village clusters (if there is any). This is combined with the concept of village cluster H[SDQVLRQ DV D ³ÀRZ´ LQ LWV RZQ VHQVH and how it represents the movement of a community and how the individuals make their spaces within that community.

image 1 image 1 Shows the combined flow indexes, laid over the Population Expansion over Time indexes to create this mesh

Flow Paths



MESHING FINAL MESH: INDIVIDUAL LAYERS $V PHQWLRQHG WKLV ÂżQDO PHVK LV WKH UHVXOW of the combination of three mini-meshes which focused on the Environment, the Flows (of people and their created environments) and the Programmatic data which was found for the island. This removes the areas that would be considered unsuitable for construction of a prototype, and highlights numerous areas across the island that are suitable, but offer different challenges and positive attributes for consideration.

image 1

image 2 image 1 The combined Distance to River, Rain water Pooling & Run off and the Flooding indexes to create this mesh. This forms the “Environmental� mesh. image 2 Shows the combined flow indexes, laid over the Population Expansion over Time indexes to create this mesh. This forms the “Flows mesh.



Less than 250ft 1ft

250ft to 500ft 2ft

500ft or more 3ft

Flow Paths




After the completion of the Meshing phase and the “Final Mesh”, the areas that were shown to be available for development were taken under consideration for the next phase of the project. The next phase involves the development of a prototype village, which would take under consideration the major site influences, whether they be positive or negative. Essentially, the goal is to design a “solution” to the issues that were raised in this study while considering the locale and population and their needs. The main driving goals include the development of a sanitary and safe living conditions, while fostering the density and community aspects that are already found in the village clusters on the island. Continuing to consider the construction typologies found in the area will create a cultural cohesion, while allowing the new arrivals some control over the construction of their own homes.




For the rest of the book we seperated into our individual groups for the purpose of advanced development of an effective Urban Tissue. We move from our large mesh to the central zone of Ilado Island, the area is clear of prehabitated land and is at the crossroads for a small canal and crossing road from the town of Ilado to the Central town. For Cody and myself we find this area to be a potential urban center for Ilado Island, as such we move to the Prototype for this Urban Center.


To achieve the success of this project we strived to achieve 3 goals that will cary the weight of our project and our interventions. The first of these goals is to create livable enviorments for habitation. We hope that the livable portion of the design will help withe the mitigation of heat and humidity in the houses, well creating a sense of place and home. Our second goal was the creation of safe housing based upon existing conditions. To do so we focused on the vernacular design of the area as well as improvements to the structure. Our final goal is the creation of systems that will assist in the improvement of the quality of life for the people of Ilado Island. To achieve this last one, echos the desires of the first and second goals.


To reiterate from our final mesh and index, the flooding remains a huge problem for the people of Ilado, both in environmental impact as well as the hazardous pollutants that stagnate in the pools that can last for one hundred plus days. The project is aimed towards the alleviation of the these hazards.

image 1

image 1: Diagram of flooding on the island as well as runnoff pools that sit on the island for extended periods of time

Flooded Area

Flooded Area


In order to proceed with our goals we came up with a series of conflicting tendencies of the people of Ilado Island that need to be remedied. These rule sets will be the bonds and guides for the entirety of the design. These rules are stated to the right, and are broken down into the two categories that we sought intervention in, the land itself, and the Buildings that house the populace. Rule 1 and 2 are used for the sustained canal system that allows for alleviation of the flooding problems, and the third exists for the reclamation and the funneling of the water. Rule 4 is to create a livable space that the average family of five can live. Rule five is to assist in the equity of the populace in access to the life blood of the people. Rule 6 is for the generation of community.

Island Rules Rule 1: Shapes Need to Reduce Drag Rule 2:Land Needs to Reclaim Sediments Rule 3: Water Shall Flow to Central Regions

Building Rules Rule 4: Housing Shall be No Less Than 200 Sqft Rule 5: Buildings Need to be Within Proximity of Water (300’) Rule 6: Buildings Need to be in Proximity of at Least 4 Other Buildings (15’)


The initial island forms were patterened to allow a larger access surface area to the water and a series of attractors that would be reservoirs. Yet the issue with this design lies in the size and magnitude of the intervention. The islands where to small to be inhabited by more than one house, and by the time the attractor was reached it was little more than a pebble in the water.

image 1

image 1: Original island massings

Original Island Maasing

Original Island Flows

Original Island Structures


From the initial patterning systems, we moved our focus to the central region of Ilado Island. In this region we generated an overarching mesh to create a density appropriate to the site and figured out the travel patterns typical from the outer islands to a egress point at the north and south mouths of the canals. From these densities we generated the new amalgamation of islands. These too failed in the size, however the generated a porosity we sought to allow the water of the canals to the depths of the site.

image 1

image 2

image 3

image 4 image image image image

1: 2: 3: 4:

Initial Mesh Flows to South Mouth Flows to North Mouth Generated Island Pattern


Using these islands as a guide for the porosity, and using the canals between them, we sought the flows that could occur between them to a central zone. These flows showed the major canals and the minor canals. Using these as a bounds the islands were combined and generated between these major paths. The islands to the right maintain our three rules, and are designed in a manor in agreement with marine construction processes that minimize environmental impact.

image 1

image 1: Final Islands

Island Massings

GENERATING FORM Island Subdivision

The islands now at their larger size had to be subdivided in a manner that would benefit a communal neighborhood pattern. To do this, the island center was found, this point would be used as the social and or civic functions of the island. From there they were connected to the other civic/ social functions and where they intersected the islands edge, a new node was formed. These would become the center of the blocks.

image 1

image 1: Island Subdivisions

Island Outline

Island Subdivison Lines


The islands are generated around the connection from island edge and island center. These nodes of building generate the key locations on the island, whether it be a market square, a neighborhood gathering space, or a school, these nodes directed the formation of the island. The connections between the nodes become bridges and paths.

image 1

image 1: spaces and paths created from nodes and divisions


Paths and Bridges

Canal Systems

Open Spaces

URBAN MOVEMENT Bridges and Paths

The edges of the neighborhoods become paths, and the connected nodes become bridges. With these patterns of movement, the people can move about on foot. These paths follow the voronoi bubble that generated the neighborhoods, and they move between each other, as if the paths were simply cracks in the fabric of the islands.

image 1 image 1: island paths and bridges

Paths and Bridges

BUILDING TYPOLOGY Local Construction

The local construction has fared well for the most part. It is built in a manner that the people themselves are able to construct and fabricate. The design uses the cheap materials, nearly refuse, in a simple manner as well. In addittion, in the continual flooding scenario of Ilado Island, any buildings that get washed away can be quickly and effectively rebuilt. This is a vernacular design specific to the region, and one that though needs a little revival offers a strong character and sense of place to the region. As such we seek to preserve the characteristics of this design through our own.

BUILDING TYPOLOGY Small Construction

The building typology has three main categories. Small construction being one of them. This design is often made of metal, CMU, or wood siding around a wood or CMU frame. The roofing often implemented is either thatched or corrugated tin and steel. In certain regions of Ilado Island, the soils allow for the use of CMU foundation on soil, however, the Pssament soils in the region are a near swampy consistency of soft clay, as it is, a CMU foundation would sink. The solution follows the major use of Stilt Homes often times found in our case study of Makoko and the coasts of the island.

On Soil

image 2


image 1

image 3 image 1: Existing small building condition image 2: Massing of existing structure image 3: Lofted massing of existing structure

BUILDING TYPOLOGY Medium Construction

Medium one and two story construction is the second category. The one and two story follows the same material aspects as the smaller counter parts. These building sizes and typologies often are used for multi family housing, community events, or storage facilities.

On Soil

image 2


image 1

image 3 image 1: Existing meduim building condition image 2: Massing of existing structure image 3: Lofted massing of existing structure

BUILDING TYPOLOGY Large Construction

The Large Construction typology is not quite as prevalent, however is still used on Ilado Island. These large buildings generally house civic functions, as with the one on the right comes from Ilado itself is a school. These buildings are generally only one story CMU/concrete structures with metal roofs.

image 1 On Soil

image 2 image 1: Existing large building condition image 2: Massing of existing structure image 3: Lofted massing of existing structure

Google Earth


The next portion of our project focuses around the Urban Interventions planed for the site. Using the vernacular construction designs with a few improvements that will better the quality of life for the inhabitants take place. The urban intervention planned will take hold of the character of the people and the island and propose a strong sense of community and happiness for the people of Ilado Island.


Building on the Small Construction typology already present on Ilado, is the single family dwelling. This 200 square foot structure is elevated from the ground allowing for a cooling breeze to alleviate the Humidity and the heat of the Island. A scoop in the roof allows for the funneling of rain into collection bins for use, as water is a life saving commodity and the people often have no access to fresh water. The structure is built using 4x4 pieces of the natural lumber, or a 4x4 post from the many supply stores just off the island. These join in a notched system at the top with a 2x6 runner supports the roof which is made of the corrugated steel.

Detailed Massing

20 ft 10 ft

image 3

image 1

Building Typologies

image 4

21 ft


image 2

image image image image image

1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

footprint of new small structure Simple massing of new structure Simple detail model of new structure Detailed model of new structure Structural model of small structure

image 5


The medium construction also grows of the typology pre-existing on Ilado Island and allows for far more fenestration along the narrow sides to grant cross breezes through the home. The building can serve as a larger family abode, a multi family abode, or a small shop for the people. The construction type follows the way of the small construction connections as well.

Large Housing or Community Building

30 ft

20 ft

image 3

image 1

Building Typologies

image 4

21 ft


image 2 image image image image image

1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

footprint of new medium structure Simple massing of new structure Simple detail model of new structure Detailed model of new structure Structural model of medium structure

image 5


The Large construction intervention offers the highest density and potential for mixed use on the site. Taking the Multi-floor aspect of the Medium Construction from the vernacular and applying it here, provides for a covered market space in-between the houses, a first floor that can be used for enclosed shops. As well as living quarters on the upper floor. The water collection possibilities are higher with this construction as well due to the larger roof area.

80 ft Large Scale Housing Structure

60 ft

image 3

Building Typologies

image 1

image 4

Structure 34 ft

image image image image image

1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

footprint of new small structure Simple massing of new structure Simple detail model of new structure Detailed model of new structure Structural model of small structure

image 2

image 5

URBAN INTERVENTIONS Modular Construction

As can be gathered from the previous interventions, the construction will be done in a modular manner. This is due to the ability of easy expansion from a small to medium to large typology as the need for housing grows. The system will also generate an equity amongst the people living as it is all the same dwelling that can be modified by the people.


To the right is a proposed use of the modular unit. By using a shed roof design, a second floor was opened up to use for sleeping while the lower floor is used for cooking and living. The elevated stilt construction can allow for storage beneath the house. As discussed earlier, the soils are a soft clay, as such a hand driven post can be used and the suction and pressure of the soil will insure that after 4 feet the posts are set.

Living Quarters

Sleeping Quarters


Psament Soil

Hand Driven Piling Foundation

image 1

image 1: Section cut of a new structure showing split level system and access as well as window location


The density of the site is broken up by numerous Urban Holes. People desire an access to the open space around them, as such each island is generated with a communal space that can be used for festivals, markets, public gatherings, and many other events and activities that often occur in open space belonging to the people.

image 1

image 1: Artist rendering of open space use image 2: Ariel view of current open spaces image 3: New open spaces rendering next to new structures and new canals

Google Earth

image 2

image 3


The Second phase of intervention is in the land mases themselves, and the environmental manipulation. This will be done as afore mentioned with a canal system. The canals will be the veins to the Urban tissue, supplying water, food, and mobility to the people of Ilado Island. The proposed canals can be hand excavated by the people, allowing for a build up of usable soil on site, or it can be generated by the government as the use the soil for the Eko Atlantic project which is the process of reclaiming four square miles of coast from the Atlantic Ocean.


The maintenance of the island forms and retention of the sediment was a major problem that had to be overcame. With the additional research of marine construction and outside the forms, the use of Gabion Cages became apparent. These 3’x5’x150’ cages can be used by an unskilled work force, all that is required is stone. The semi permiable aspect of the gabion cages allows for the accumulation of sediment and vegetation while retaining the sediment inside. In the event f flooding, the sediment will capture on the exit and keep the soil form leaving.

image 1

image 2

image 3

image 1: Gabions being used on a current river system image 2: Locations of gabion use around proposed islands image 3: Diagram section cut of how gabion cages work image 4: Render of gabions around proposed islands

image 4


Like the gabion cages, Gabion Mattresses are settled on the floor and sides of the canals under the cages. The mattresses are also filled with stone, and maintain the sediment of the island. The mattresses will allow for the growth of aquatic grasses that will help in cementing in the bottom of the canals in a natural look and environment.

image 1

image 2

image 1: Gabions being used on a current river system image 2: Locations of gabion use in canals around proposed canals image 3: Rendering of gabion mattresses in the canal system

image 3


The last retention system is a natural system that filters water, provides home for aquatic life, a strong building material and a renewable resource. The red mangrove grows all around the island and the area readily. The roots of the red mangrove filter out heavy metals from the water and encapsulate it in the sediment that is deposited at the roots. As the roots grow they move aside and through the cages, becoming part of image 1 the mattress and aiding in the soil reclamation process.

image 1: Artist rendering of open space use image 2: Ariel view of current open spaces image 3: New open spaces rendering next to new structures and new canals

image 2

image 3


The system will take time. The gabions will be ready and at full efficiency from the start of installation and will only increase in effectiveness. The mangroves require time. In the first year, the mangrove will reach a height of 1.5 meters or about 6 feet. At this point, the sedimentation is small. At the next year, the mangrove is at 3 meters, or about 12 feet. The roots have started to actively filter out the metals in the water and light vegetation has started to grow in the gathering sediments. At the third year, the mangroves are near maturity and the roots have reappeared through the cage allowing for a larger filtration and sedimentation area. The vegetation has fully cemented the gabions and mangroves into an entire system.

1 year

2 years

3 years


An issue with canals is the connection of the islands too each other. A bridge system was the obvious answer. A suspension bridge would allow for a open bottom that allows for the people to boat under, an ability of wood construction was a question. Though a problem arose and that is how can a bridge system be built utilizing the ability of the people.


While trying to find a bridge system that would work for the area and also be easy to build by hand, a system was found that would work perfectly for the area. The information was found in a newly published book “Building a Small Cable Suspension Bridge� by Marvin Denmark, which detailed the process of building this bridge system. The system is a simple suspension bridge that uses 4x4 wood support beams to support a bridge decking made from 1x4 timber slabs. These are then suspended by a wire system that connects to the support beams as well as to end support columns. This system can be then widened to 4 feet or 8 feet depending on the need and can span up to 80 feet. This system can be put together by one or two people in very short time using only hand tools instead of heavy machinery, with the added benefit of using a minimum of material.

image 1

image 2

image 1: underside of bridge showing little material use image 2: dimensional plans and drawings of bridge image 3: view of walking deck and cable system

image 3

BRIDGING NETWORKS Bridge Construction

8 Foot Anchor Towers

With research accomplished the bridges could be elevated two feet above the island with hand driven piles and hand winched cables. This bridge would be no longer than 60 feet, and as the case study proves, a hand tooled bridge of 80 feet is possible. The construction and utilization of the bridges is a viable method for the solution of mobility and connectivity.

3/4 Inch Suspension Cables 1x4 Board Decking

Anchor Cables image 1

image 1: Analysis of bridge materiality from rendering image 2: Artist rendering of traffic flow under the bridge systems

4x4 Support Beams

image 2


It is the desire of a symbiosis between building and environment and people that this design was partaken. The mangroves should shade the people and the buildings while allowing for a cooling of the breezes. The canals should provide food, water, transportation for the people. The people should care for the environment as well and the manner in which their waste is disposed. And the housing should provide shelter, food and water for the people.

Mangrove Trees Bridge System Housing Prototype

Gabion Cage System Gabion Mattress System

image 1

image 1: Artist section cut of all systems interacting together

Model Photos


This prototype is far from complete however. It is our intention that the project will be a living design and will approach the human element that was lacking in our presentation for final review. The housing is to become a living system capable of growth, production of energy and reclamation of water. Hopefully with the assistance of Steve Austin, professor of Landscape Architecture, we can propel this design into the viability we sought from the start.

CONCLUSION An Ending to the Class

In conclusion, the proposed interventions to Ilado Island have focused on a strict rule base and a desire for a symbiotic relationship between the parts of the whole. And yet the project is not finished, and is to be viewed as a living design, as the mangroves grow, so to will the project and the connections of the people. Though the human element was lacking in the design, that gives a new stage of development to be considered.

Works Cited Denmark, Marvin. Building a Small Cable Suspension Bridge with the Cable Locking System. New York: Maden mark Publishing, 2011. Print. Gabion Cages. 2011. Photograph., Zongzhuang Development Zone, China. Web. April 10 2014. <>. Gabion Mattresses. 2011. Photograph., Zongzhuang Development Zone, China. Web. April 10 2014. <>. “Ilado Island Open Zones.” 6025’57.70’’ N and 3022’45.28’’ E. Google Earth. December 31st, 2012. April 29th, 2014. Lagos Traffic. 2012. Photograph., London, England. Web. 11 April 2014. <http://’s-slums>. Makoko Housing. N.d. Photograph., Mountain View, California. Web. March 10, 2014. <http://>. Makoko Slum Housing. N.d. Photograph., Mountain View, California. Web. March 10, 2014. <>. Makoko Slum Housing. N.d. Photograph., Mountain View, California. Web. March 10, 2014. <>.

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