Kiel - L. Raab, O. Tuerkyilmaz, D. Zhipeng

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Sustainable Design College of Design & Innovation Tongji University

Laura Raab Ozan Tuerkyilmaz Duan Zhipeng


Kiel is a major high-tech shipbuilding centre. Currently, the largest sailing yacht in the world, the White Pearl, is getting completed by shipbuilder German Naval Yards. Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko is rumored to be the owner. Frenchman Philippe Starck is officially responsible for the design.


Thanks to its location on the Kiel Fjord, a narrow inlet that splits the town into two halves, as well as the Kiel Canal, which is the busiest waterway in the world, the city is an important transport hub. A number of passenger ferries to Sweden, Norway and Russia operate from here.


Within Germany and parts of Europe, the city is also known for its leading handball team called THW Kiel.


Due to its geographical location, the southwestern shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel has become one of the major maritime centers of Germany, best known for the annual Kiel Week, which is the biggest sailing event in the world. Always held in the last complete week of June and taking place all over the whole city, especially along the Kiellinie and the Olympic Center, it gathers around 3 million visitors. Since 1948 there is a highly reputated design contest to advertise an annual poster and the corporate design.

Tiangle Square Olympic Center 21min – 17km 39 min 3,1km 42 min 3,2km 21 min 17km Kieler
Kielline Ship Yard
Baltic Sea
Baltic Sea


Kiel is located in a moderate climate zone. Summers are usually cool and moderate (approximately 17 Grad) and winter is for the northern situation comparatively mild due to the maritime influence (around 2 degrees). The biggest amount of precipitation is in July (approximately 90mm). The annual average temperature is around 9 degress.

Cfb Humid Continental Climate Cfb Oceanic Climate Continental Climate Cfb Humid Continental Climate Cfb Oceanic Climate Continental Climate


Kiel is subjected to a maritime influence. The climate is affected by the proximity to the Baltic Sea. Moderate warm summers and comparatively mild winters are typical, although winters feel more rougher because of strong winds.

Climate Chart Rain Fog Snow Hail Thunder Tornado

Highest Lowest Average Low Temerature Chart


Due to its location at the shoreline, on warm sunny days there are still sea breezes. Its because the landmass is getting warm faster than the sea. Warm air raises up above the landmass and blows the cool air inbound.

Highest Lowest Average

Snow Depth Chart

Highest Lowest Average Maximum Sustained Wind Speed Chart


Due to its location at the shoreline, on warm sunny days there are still sea breezes. Its because the landmass is getting warm faster than the sea. Warm air raises up above the landmass and blows the cool air inbound.

Highest Lowest Average

Precipation Amount Chart

Highest Lowest Average

Mean Visibility Chart


Here you can see an example of a normal day in Kiel. And also the highest and lowest datas, from the rainfall or the temperature in a whole year. The colored ones are the most important informations in the chart.

One day in Kiel

Wind direction 352 °, N

Wind speed 0,30 m/s

Air temperature 14,2 °C

Water temperature 18,4 °C

Relative humidity 84,2 %

Air pressure 1.019,7 hPa

Solar irradiation 58,65 kWh/m2

Summary global irradiance 0,05433 kWh/ m2

Water depth - 0,06 m Rain 0,00 mm

September 19 recording at a lighthouse


Sun Rainy days Humidity

Max. temperature (°C) Min. temperature Rainfall (mm) (h/d) (d) (%)

Jan Feb Mar Jun May Apr Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez 5,2 7,7 0,0 0,4 1,5 72,0 50,3 61,6 1,2 2,1 3,4 12,4 11,6 11,5 87 84 81 8,7


11,5 3,8 42,4 5,5 77

16,2 18,8 21,3 21,3 17,3 12,6 7,1 4,8 7,1 10,2 12,8 12,6 10,4 6,5 2,5 0,4 45,5 70,5 87,8 71,6 74,2 72,7 56,8 76,6 7,4 7,6 7,1 7,1 4,9 3,3 1,7 1,1 74 74 76 78 81 85 68 87 7,9 11,5 11,4 10,2 11,1 11,1 10,5 11,8 129,7

The average of the temperature and rain per month 12,4 5,6 78,2 4,4 79,3


The following map shows the hardiness zone of Germany. Since Kiel is located at the baltic sea (golfstream) it´s soil temperature is cooler than in ither areas of Germany.

USDA Zones

Zone from °C until °C °F

4a -34,4 -31,7 -25

4b -31,6 -28,9 -20

5a -28,8 -26,2 -15

5b -26,1 -23,4 -10

6a -23,3 20,5 -5

6b -20,4 -17,8 0

7a -17,7 -15,0 +5

7b -14,9 -12,3 +10

8a -12,2 -9,5 +15

8b -9,4 -6,7 +20

9a -6,6 -3,9 +25

9b -3,8 -1,2 +30

10a -1,1 +1,6 +35

10b +1,7 +4,4 +40


Para brown earth is the most common type of soil in moderate humid areas of middle Europe and North America.

Para brown earths in general are very fruitful arable sites, less because of their chemical parameters but more of its excellent moisture retention.


Haplic Albeluvisol is a very fruitful kind of soil with a high security of income, i.e. oilseed rape, barley, wheat and root crops.

Especially in northern Germany. Its geographic range is shaped by a submarine and subcontinental climate. Haplic Albeluvisol is also a common site for fast growing beech-, oak-, and mixed-forests.


As can be seen in the psychometric chart the blue border marks the comfort zone.


- The Wet Bulb is 44.1 °C

- The Drew Point is 10.6 °C


350 out of 8769 hours is when Kiel has its most comfortable weather. During this period, the temeperature ranges from 68F to 75F while the relative humidity is 18 - 80%

Uncomfortable 96 % Comfortable 4 %






Falckstrasse 16, Kiel

We choosed a building from the 19th century which is located on a prominent Old Town corner of Kiel. Lying on the west side of the Kiel Fjord, some rooms enjoy a fantastic view to the Kleiner Kiel, an inland waterway.



According to the wind rose diagram the wind is passing the building mainly from south - west. As mentioned before Kiel has a very maritime climate with moderate summers.


The average wind speed is very high. As mentioned before there are winds and sea breezes throughout the whole year since Kiel is located at the Baltic Sea.

To avoid this huge air circulation we just rotated the building by 180 degrees. The wind hits the front with less windows now. Anyways, we still added some windows to keep the refreshing air.

Strategies For Passive Heating

This building is in the Kiel City ,(coordinates:52.3°N,10.0°E),the north area of Germany.Consequently solar gain in the winter and Ventilation in the Summer meas very important.

From the picture,it is easy to find that the most solar gain comes fro m the east and the least is from the north.

Heat Gain

Delighting Strength

Sun Path Diagram

Strategies For Passive Heating

We choosed a building from the 19th century which is located on a prominent Old Town corner of Kiel, the Fackstraße. Lying on the west side of the Kiel Fjord, some rooms enjoy a fantastic view to the Kleiner Kiel, an inland waterway.

Solar gain

The orange arrow shows the solar gain. Natural ventilation

In figure.3 the blue arrow shows the natural ventilation.

West elevation

Nature Ventilation

Solar Gains

South elevation

Vegetables Ozan Milk products Grain Eggs Fish Meat Grain Laura Milk products Vegetables Eggs Fish Meat Grain Duan Milk products Vegetables Eggs Fish Meat Eating Habits




1.1 2.4 2.7

Energy land 49.3 %

Cropland 38.7 % Grazing land 1.8 % Forest 7.8 %

Built Up area 2.1 % Fishing ground 0.3 %

Energy land 55.6 % Cropland 29.1 % Grazing land 2.6 % Forest 9.6 % Built Up area 2.8 % Fishing ground 0.3 %

Energy land 65.3 %

Cropland 20.2 % Grazing land 3.3 % Forest 7.9 %

Built Up area 2.8 % Fishing ground 0.5 %

If everyone lived our lifestyle, we would require the regnerative capacity of . . .
. . . planets each year.


The Ecological Footprint per capita is a nation’s total Ecological Footprint divided by the total population of the nation. The available biocapacity per person on our planet is currently 1.7 global hectares.

So if a nation’s Ecological Footprint per capita is 6.8 global hectares, its citizens are demanding four times the resources and wastes that our planet can regenerate and absorb in the atmosphere.

6.1 GHC 5 GHC 2 GHC Ozan 5
Laura Duan
1.7 15
Germany China


A persons Footprint includes both personal and social components. Your personal Footprint associated with food, mobility and goods is easy to influence directly through choices eating less meat, driving less, etc.

Laura Duan Food Goods Shelter Mobility Services Personal Total Governance
5 1.7


A persons Footprint includes both personal and social components. Your personal Footprint associated with food, mobility and goods is easy to influence directly through choices eating less meat, driving less, etc.

5 1.7
Laura Duan


A persons Footprint includes both personal and social components. Your personal Footprint associated with food, mobility and goods is easy to influence directly through choices eating less meat, driving less, etc.

−0.9 GHC −0.2 GHC Ozan 5 1.7 Laura Duan −0.4 GHC


Minimum wage, fixed working hours, paid overtime hours, health and social services and entitlement to holidays. If big textile companies still want to produce as cheap as possible they cannot afford the above mentioned points. The only consequence is to produce in foreign countries.

The struggle for the lowest production costs leads the companies manly to Asia. China for example, is the biggest textile exporteur. Also a number of other Asian countries, including Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia or Vietnam are very populous when it comes to textile production. Many brands also produces in Turkey and Rumania.


31 SLAVES working for Laura


There are at least 27 million slaves worldwide. That’s roughly the combined population of Australia and New Zealand.

32SLAVES working for Ozan

37SLAVES working for Duan

Finding a natural artifact by using our deep observation skills and see if we can discern the strategy employed in this system.


Using the life’s principles to understand the functions, behaviors and strategies of the natural organism. Who would care about this strategy?

Team thoughts, deeper research and a conclusive strategy.


The live sharksucker occurs in all tropical and warm temperate waters around the world. You can find its presencenot only in the south of Chinese Sea but also in the Madagascar waters.

A live sharksucker is known to attach itself temporarily by its modiefied dorsal fin, used as a sucking disc to various hosts, such as sharks, rays, large bony fishes, turtles, whales, dolphins but also ships and divers.

On its head there is a oval shaped sucking dic which can make it easily move by sucking other beings in the sea. The function of migrate is met with case.



Louis Sullivan said Form follows function. The live sharksucker is a great designer. Just like its name, its sucking disc make it be easy to move by affxing their suction disc to larger creatures.

The remora’s sucker disc is in fact a highly modified dorsal fin. The species can be found close to the coast, as well as offshore at a maximum depth of 50 meter. So it must have enough adaptability to live in different enviroment.

The live sharksucker eats parasitic crustaceans from the latter, food scraps from the feeding activity of its host. A great partnership exists between it and its host.

Sharksuckers have their front dorsal fins modified into large discs with which they cling onto a host animal such as a whale, turtle, shark or ray. It is probably a commensal arrangement as the Sharsucker can move around on the host, removing ectoparasites and loose flakes of skin, while benefiting from the protection provided by the host, and the constant flow of water across its grills. Although it was initially believed that sharsuckers fed off particulate matter from the hosts meals, this has been shown a falsehood, in reality their diets are primarily composed of host feces instead.



clean sloughing epidermal tissue ingesting scraps of food and feces


transportation and protection getting feed with dropped materials

The relationship between a sharsucker and its host is most often taken to be one of commensalism, specifically phoresy, Though it was originally thought that the host to which it attaches for transport gains nothing from the relationship, research indicates that hosts also benefit, given that sharksuckers feed on parasites suchs as copepods and clean sloughing epidermal tissue as well as ingesting scraps of food, feces and small nekton and zooplankton. The Sharksucker benefits by using the host as transport and protection, and also feeds on materials dropped by the host.

Who would care about this strategy?

This strategy mainly talk about a cooperative relationship between a big size system and a small size system.

The small size system can make use of resources that the big one cannot take into account. Consequently it can applied in social innovation and the social changer and government would care about this strategy.

Adap t To Changin g Conditions BeLocallyAttunedAndResponsiv e UseLife-friendly Chemistry Integrat e DevelopmetWithGrowth . Envolvetosurvive. Sharksucke rs eed o n material s dro-ppe d by the hos t. Whil e sharksuc ke rs eat hos t eces as ood s H ost s b enefit s f or m s har k-suc ke rs  cleanin g sloughin g epide r-ma tissu e as wel as ngestin g sc ra ps o ood LIF E CREATE S C ONDITION S C ONDUCIV E TO LIF E


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