1 ‐ What is the big idea?
To create a place that fosters community engagement and strengthens the ties between two distinct neighborhoods.
Place based. ECOLOGY
Aquifer/watershed, shared resource.
Climate appropriate landscape. Rainwater harvesting. WATER
Financial resilience. Economic benefits of biophilic design. Low maintenance design.
District systems. Bioclimatic and passive design.
Water savings, water independence.
Life cycle cost, Life cycle analysis.
Energy savings from transportation and treatment of water. ENERGY
Carbon emissions from transportation. Air quality. Connection to nature.Water quality.
Locally sourced materials. Environmentally conscious material extraction, mfg., transp. and disposal.
Social equity is a major component of resilience.
Climate change: fires, earthquakes, floods, ocean rise.
Aquifer conservation, surface water quality and enjoyment, watershed protection.
Water resilience. Flooding, precipitation changes, drought.
User groups, profiles, heat maps. Biodiversity.Mindful presence of water.
Operational costs and costs from productivity of building occupants.
Durability and maintenance of materials.
Daylighting as energy conversation measure.
Embodied carbon of materials. Safer material selection, material transparency. RESOURCES
Right sizing, flexibility for growth and change.
Replicable, cost effective strategies.
Carbon's role in climate change. Passive survivability. Embodied carbon savings from adaptive reuse. CHANGE
Measurement and verification. Tracking health impacts.Future adaptability. Post‐occupancy evaluations. DISCOVERY
1 ‐ Walk / Transit / Bike Score Walk Score 94% Transit Score 72% Bike Score 71% 2 ‐ Community Engagement Community Engagement LevelPartnership Community Engagement Score71% 3 ‐ Simple Transportation Carbon Calculator ProposedBaseline Unit Average Daily Occupancy 120 No. of occupants commuting by single‐occupancy gas vehicle (?) 80 Percent of occupants commuting by single‐occupancy vehicle 67%76%Weekly Avg. Average round trip commute 1225.4Miles Days Commuting per week 55Days Weeks commuting per year 4850weeks Average Car Fuel Economy (?) 2524.9mpg Average carbon emission per gallon of gasoline 8.898.89 kg‐CO2e / gal Annual transportation carbon per occupant 683 1,729 kg‐CO2e / occupant / yr Annual transportation carbon81,903 207,508 kg‐CO2e / yr Percent reduction over the baseline60.5% COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 2: DESIGN FOR COMMUNITY 32 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
The site is currently occupied by a grade level parking lot so there are great possibilities for a positive ecological impact. The design prioritized providing quiet, public green space.
The courtyard garden, occupied green roof and livened streetscape are all elements of the design that incorproate native plantings. Native plantings will include mosses, grasses, flowers, flowering shrubs and trees. Plants will be selected to enhance the museum environment throughout the year, providing visual interest in winter, as well as spring, summer and autumn.
This will provide a habitat for birds and insects in the midst of the city of Boston.
Green roof area 7,400 sf ‐ sf Building footprint area12,720 sf ‐ sf Surface parking area ‐ sf 32,000 sf Area of additional on site hardscapes 4,800 sf ‐ sf Area of the total site that is vegetated30,420 sf 8,540 sf Site Area40,540 sf 40,540 sf Percent vegetated75.0% 21.1% Increase in Percent of vegetated area54.0% Area of the total site covered by native plants‐ Post Development28,000 sf Area of the total site covered by turf grass ‐ Post Development ‐ sf Native plantings ‐ Percent of vegetated area92.0% Turf grass ‐ Percent of Site0.0% Native plantings ‐ Percent of site69.1% Intentional design strategies were used to promote: BiodiversityYes Dark SkiesYes Bird SafetyYes Soil ConservationYes Carbon SequestrationNo Habitat Conservation, Flora/FaunaYes Abatement of Specific Regional Environmental ConcernsNo Other: Ecological Design Score62.5% 3 ‐ Level of Ecological Design 2 ‐ Native Plantings 1 ‐ Vegetated Area Post‐Development Pre‐Development COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 3: DESIGN FOR ECOLOGY
Step 1: Benchmark Water Use Intensity 0.6 gal / sf / yr Daily Avg Occupancy 120 Annual days of operations 350 Step 2: Indoor Water use Flow Rate (GPF|GPM) Usage/ day / occupant Daily Water Use (gal) Annual Water Use (gal) Toilet 1.1 2.0uses 264
Urinal* 0.5
Lavatory 0.5
Kitchen faucet 1.28
* if no urinal, use toilet value for fixture flow rate Total daily water use 542 gal / day ‐Total annual water use189,840 gal / yr Is potable water used for irrigation? Yes 1 ‐ Predicted and Measured Water Consumption Step 3: Irrigation Water Use COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 4: DESIGN FOR WATER 34 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
1.5 0.5minutes
Proposed Design Baseline #1: All Turf Baseline #2: All Native Irrigated Area (potable or non‐potable)28,000sf 28,00028,000 Summer EvapotranspirationWarm Humid3.3 3.3 3.3 Plant Quality Factor (Qf)Baseline0.8 0.8 0.8 Type of plantings (Plant Factor)Native plants0.2 1 0.2 Irrigation efficiencyDrip Irrigation0.9 0.75 0.9 10,234 61,40310,234 MonthIrrigation Co. gal 83% 0% January31% 3,172.5 February38% 3,888.8 March60% 6,140.3 April77% 7,880.0 May88% 9,005.8 June99% 10,131.5 July100% 10,233.8 August100% 10,233.8 September77% 7,880.0 October60% 6,140.3 November38% 3,888.8 December30% 3,070.1 Annual Irrigation Water Use81,666 gal / yr Step 4: Cooling tower 0% 0gal / sf / yr 0gal / yr n/a 1 n/a 1 0 gal / yr Quick Irrigation Estimation Calculator Percent of the buidling cooled by a water‐cooled chiller Cooling tower water use intensity Where strategies taken to conserve cooling tower water? Does the cooling tower use potable water? Assume: 0 water for non‐potable use, 25% less water for conservation strategies.* Total cooling tower water use Proposed Design Comparison COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 4: DESIGN FOR WATER 35 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
Month Demand1 Potable Rainwater3 Reclaimed grey/black3 Potable2 Rainwater3 Reclaimed grey/black3
17,572 920 500 16,000 1,000 500
Total AnnualPotableRainwaterGrey/BlackTotal Predicted271,50693.7% 4.1% 2.2% 100.0% Measured210,00091.4% 5.7% 2.9% 100.0% Water Use Summary BenchmarkPredictedImprovementMeasuredImprovement 19,200254,466 ‐1225% 192,000 ‐900% 160 2,121 1,600 0.6 8.0 6 Total Annual Potable Water Use (gal / yr) Water Use Intensity (gal / sf / yr) Total Annual Water Use per Occupant (gal / occupant / yr) Predicted gal/mo Measured gal/mo 2 ‐ Account for Rainwater and Reclaimed Water (Grey/Black) COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 4: DESIGN FOR WATER 36 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
February19,709 18,289 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 March21,960 20,540 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 April23,700 22,280 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 May24,826 23,406 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 June25,951 24,531 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 July26,054 24,634 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 August26,054 24,634 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 September23,700 22,280 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 October21,960 20,540 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 November19,709 18,289 920 500 16,000 1,000 500 December18,890 17,470 920 500 16,000 1,000 500
(gal)271,506 254,466 11,040 6,000192,00012,000 6,000
Water re-use on site will be the top priority of this site. Because the building covers a large portion of the surface area of the site, water collected and stored in on-site cisterns will not meet the demand of the building.
Therefore, potable water will be required to be used for some irrigation and indoor plumbing. The roof space will include raised garden beds to be maintained by kitchen support staff of the rooftop restaurant and bar, and will use rainwater.
Gray water will be recycled and reused for plumbing throughout the building. 100% of stormwater will be retained on-site, which will be an improvement from the current run-off conditions of the 90% impermeable asphalt parking lot.
3 ‐ Stormwater Managed On‐site Type of Storm Event2yr‐24hr Storm Event
Event0.28ft Stormwater Storage
SurfaceRunoff Co.Area (sf)Stormwater (cf)Total Runoff (cf) Roof0.9 12,720 3,604
Turf0.2 0 ‐ ‐Native Plantings0.05 28,000
Semi‐Pervious0.5 ‐4,980 (1,411)
Sub Total 40,540
After Storage
Percentage of Stormwater Managed On‐site84.7% 4 ‐ Water Runoff Quality 100% Estimated Water Runoff Quality Estimated Water Runoff Quality Score Mechanically filtered and released COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 4: - DESIGN FOR WATER
3.4in Storm
4,800 1,360 1,224
7,933 397
11,486 4,159
The design of this museum and community center is focused on local artisans and makers, with an emphasis on tranquil green space. Because of this, the material palette for the design is extremely simple - light-weight poured and polished concrete floors, plaster walls over locally produced steel frame, and lots of glass.
This is part of an effort to minimize maintenance and material replacement. Most of the decorative design elements are produced in-house by the artisans in their studios, so these transportation costs are eliminated.
Design for Economy 1 ‐ Construction cost benchmark Benchmark ‐ Building Type Specific $300.00/ sfBenchmark SourceRSMeans Data Actual construction cost $375.00/ sf Construction cost reduction from the benchmark ‐25% 2 ‐ Estimated operating cost reduction Operating and maintenance cost reduction strategies: From utility savings $0.00/ year Major Strategy From cleaning $50,000.00/ year Major StrategySignificant amount of SF is outdoor space, materials chosen for ease of cleaning Durability investments $40,000.00/ year Major StrategyProducts chosen for durability, in‐house artisans can replace wall & floor coverings Other $20,000.00/ year Major StrategyElectricity generated on‐site from PV panels Other $10,000.00/ year Major StrategyStorm water management and water re‐use on site Total$120,000.00 / year 3 ‐ Building space efficiency Efficiency ratio Benchmark ‐ Building Type Specific 65% Benchmark Source Efficiency ratio achieved 75% Major Strategy Efficiency ratio percent improvement 15% Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non‐numerical data into the green cells. strategies for costs. along with impact here. and is exercise. utilities are fewer operate, and building building type as the efficiency ratio construct region and list COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 5: DESIGN FOR ECONOMY
January10,000.0 3,000.0 8,000.0 3,000.0 February10,000.0 3,000.0 8,000.0 3,200.0 March10,000.0 3,000.0 8,600.0 3,200.0 April10,000.0 3,000.0 9,000.0 3,000.0 May10,000.0 3,000.0 10,000.0 3,400.0 June10,000.0 3,000.0 15,000.0 4,600.0 July10,000.0 3,000.0 18,000.0 5,000.0 August10,000.0 3,000.0 20,000.0 5,400.0 September10,000.0 3,000.0 18,000.0 4,800.0 October10,000.0 3,000.0 14,000.0 3,600.0 November10,000.0 3,000.0 9,000.0 3,200.0 December10,000.0 3,000.0 8,000.0 3,000.0
Step 1: Benchmark Benchmark Site EUI95.0kBtu / sf / yr Benchmark Site Annual Energy kBtu / yr Benchmark Operational Carbon Intensity8.9 kg CO2e / sf / yr Benchmark Operational Carbon kg CO2e / yr Step 2: Record Tool Information Was ASHRAE Standard 90.1 used to determine pEUI? What tool was used to model energy? What version of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 was used? Other: Other: What is the tool version? Step 3: Record Monthly Data Grid ElectricityNatural Gas District Chilled Water District Steam Onsite Generation (?) Grid ElectricityNatural Gas District Chilled Water District Steam Onsite Generation (?) Month kWh MBtu MBtu kLbs kWh kWh MBtu MBtu Lbs kWh
Total 120,000 0 0 036,000145,600 0 0 045,400 kBTU Conversion Factor 3.411000.001000.001194.00 3.41 3.411000.001000.00 1.19 3.41 Total Energy (kBtu/yr)409,457 0 0 0122,837496,808 0 0 0154,911 Cost of Energy (per selected unit) $0.12 $0.94 $0.18 $9.39 ‐0.02 $0.12 $0.94 $0.18 $9.39 ‐0.02 District Chilled Water Type (if applicable) Carbon Conversion Factor (kg‐CO 2e / kBtu) 0.118 0.053 0.053 0.066 ‐0.118 0.118 0.053 0.053 0.066 0.118 Total Operational Carbon (kg‐CO2e / yr) 48,402 0 0 0 ‐14,52158,728 0 0 018,312 Step 4: Review Outputs Energy PredictedMeasured Operational Carbon PredictedMeasured Gross Annual Consumption (kBtu / yr)409,457496,808 Annual (kg‐CO2e / yr)33,88177,040 Gross Annual Generation (kBtu / yr)122,837154,911 Annual Intensity (kg‐CO 2e / sf / yr) 12 Net Annual (kBtu / yr)286,620341,896 Percent Reduction from Benchmark88% 73% Percent of Total Energy from Renewable Energy30.0% 31.2% Energy Consumption or Generation District Chilled Water ‐ Electric Driven Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Yes Not Applicable 2016 3,040,000 284,800 Operational Carbon Emission Calculations per EPA Scope I and II 1 ‐ Predicted and Measured Energy Consumption COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 6: DESIGN FOR ENERGY 39 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
Part of the designing for energy strategy of this building is tied to the design for climate: utilizing natural daylighting, sun shading, and a large central courtyard as habitable space with minimal conditioning costs.
Another element in the design for energy is the consideration of building longevity and potential post-occupancy. Because the existing site is un-built, there is no opportunity to use existing infrastructure, but the open plan and simple concept of the design could be retrofitted in the future in a number of ways.
District Chilled Water Type (if applicable) Carbon Conversion Factor (kg‐CO 2e / kBtu) 0.118 0.053 0.053 0.066 ‐0.118 0.118 0.053 0.053 0.066 Total Operational Carbon (kg‐CO2e / yr) 48,402 0 0 0 ‐14,52158,728 0 0 018,312 Step 4: Review Outputs Energy PredictedMeasured Operational Carbon PredictedMeasured Gross Annual Consumption (kBtu / yr)409,457496,808 Annual (kg‐CO2e / yr)33,88177,040 Gross Annual Generation (kBtu / yr)122,837154,911 Annual Intensity (kg‐CO 2e / sf / yr) 12 Net Annual (kBtu / yr)286,620341,896 Percent Reduction from Benchmark88% 73% Percent of Total Energy from Renewable Energy30.0% 31.2% Gross Energy Use Intensity (kBtu / sf / yr)12.8 15.5 Cost PredictedMeasured Net per Area (kBtu / sf / yr)9.0 10.7 Net Annual Cost ($)$13,680$16,564 Percent Reduction (Inclusive of Renewables)90.6% 88.8% 2‐ Lighting Power Density (LPD) Installed (LPD)1.25W/sf Benchmark (LPD)1.60W/sf LPD Reduction22% 3 ‐ Window Wall Ratio (WWR) North0.25 East0.35 South0.32 West0.30 Building Aggregate0.31 District Chilled Water ‐ Electric Driven Predicted Measured Operational Carbon Emission Calculations per EPA Scope I and II COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 6: DESIGN FOR ENERGY
1 ‐ Quality Views, Operable windows, & Daylighting Total area of regularly occupied space32,000sf Percent of building that is regularly occupied100% Area with quality views26,400sf 83% Area with operable windows18,600sf 58% Daylit area (sDA 300/50%)28,000sf 88% Annual Solar Exposure Compliant Area (ASE 1000,250)18,000sf 56% Daylight sensors installed?Yes Are operable windows used?Yes 2 ‐ Occupants Per thermostat, Occupants who can control their own lighting Total accessible thermostats16Thermostat Occupants per thermostat7.5 Do occupants have task lights?Yes Percent of occupants who control their own light levels15% 3 ‐ CO2 & VOCs Goal Maximum CO 2 levels 6ppm Is CO2 measured? Yes Maximum Measured CO2 levels 9ppm Is VOC measured?Yes Maximum Measured VOC levels300ppb 4 ‐ Number of materials specified that have health certifications OR avoided chemicals of concern Number of materials with health certifications Materials Notable Material 1 Certification Notable Material 2 Certification Notable Material 3 Certification Notable Material 4 Certification Notable Material 5 Certification 30% fly‐ash concrete Locally sourced steel Low‐VOC paint Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non‐numerical data into the green cells CLT COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 7: DESIGN FOR WELLNESS
were several measures taken to promote wellness in this design. Primarily, the design promotes wellness by providing a calm, tranquil green space accessible to the public.
operable windows and open air spaces within the museum provide high quality air circulation and ventilation.
is incorporated
Natural daylight
into almost every
with the exception of the galleries, storage and theater.
Building materials were specifically selected to reduce the environmental impact and global warming potential of the design.
Where concrete was used for floor structure and finished floor material, a high concentration of fly-ash was included because of the sequestered carbon.
Materials were also selected based on regional availability to minimize transportation impacts.
Additional selections were made based on products’ longevity. This was done to moderate both the environmental and financial cost of upkeep and maintenance.
PredictedMeasured Annual (kg‐CO2e / yr)33,881.377,039.7 Annual Intensity (kg‐CO2e / sf / yr)1.12.4 Percent Reduction
Was embodied carbon modeled?Yes Total Predicted Embodied Carbon kg CO2e Embodied Carbon Intensity kg CO2e / sf What tool was used? Other: What is the tool version? Is biogenic carbon considered? (?) Yes Indicate the LCA system boundary:YesProduct (A1
Indicate the LCA scope:YesSubstructure YesMEP Systems YesSuperstructure YesSite/Landscape YesEnclosure No YesInteriors
Structural System?(?) Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? 3 ‐ Number of Materials Specified with EPDs (or similar)
of materials with EPDs Materials
Material 1
Material 2
Timber construction, high fly‐ash concrete, recycled materials Timber 1 ‐ Operational Carbon (Reference from 6‐Energy) 2 ‐ Embodied Carbon 386,000.0 12 Tally Tally 2023 Other: YesConstruction (A4‐A5) NoBeyond (D) YesUse (B1‐B5) Indicate the LCA scope:YesSubstructure YesMEP Systems YesSuperstructure YesSite/Landscape YesEnclosure No YesInteriors Major Structural System?(?) Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? 3 ‐ Number of Materials Specified with EPDs (or similar) Number of materials with EPDs Materials Notable Material 1 Certification Notable Material 2 Certification Notable Material 3 Certification Notable Material 4 Certification Notable Material 5 Certification Notable Material 6 Certification Notable Material 7 Certification Notable Material 8 Certification Notable Material 9 Certification 4 ‐ Percent of Reused Floor Area Total floor area reused sf Percent reused 5 ‐ Construction Waste Diverted Percent of construction waste diverted from the landfill How the above was the above number determined? Notable Strategy Notable Strategy Notable Strategy 6 ‐ Recycled Materials, Regional Materials, & Materials with Third Party Certifications Total Construction Cost Total Materials Cost Percent Total cost of recycled materials 17% Total cost of regional materials 75% How much of installed wood is FSC Certified? 67% $1,200,000 $5,400,000 Most Timber construction, high fly‐ash concrete, recycled materials Timber 0% $12,000,000 $7,200,000 Other: COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 8: DESIGN FOR RESOURCES
from Benchmark88%73%
of Life (C1‐C4)
Certification Notable
Certification Notable Material
Certification Notable Material
Certification Notable Material
Certification Notable Material
Certification Notable Material
Certification Notable Material
Certification Notable Material
1 ‐ Local Hazard Research HailNo EpidemicNo EarthquakesYes Social UnrestYes DroughtNo Power OutageYes Extreme TemperaturesNo Grid InstabilityYes FloodingYes Research Score100% 2 ‐ Resiliency Choose passive functionality Relative ranking67% Type of Backup Power Other Percentage of Project Power from On‐site Generation (?) 3 ‐ Building Lifespan Building design lifespan200Years Was the building designed for disassembly?Yes Notable longevity Strategy Notable longevity Strategy Notable longevity Strategy Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non‐numerical data into the green cells Partial back up energy Finish materials chosen to maximize lifespan and minimize refurbishment Design considered adaptive reuse potential Was research conducted on the most likely local hazards? Other: renewable/battery 31% COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 9: DESIGN FOR CHANGE Design considerations for local hazards exceeded local building code requirements and standards. 43 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
1 ‐ Level of Commissioning Basic CommissioningYes Enhanced Commissioning (Third Party)Yes Continuous CommissioningYes Monitoring‐Based CommissioningYes Enclosure CommissioningYes Commissioning Score100% 2 ‐ Level of Post Occupancy Engagement Contact the owner / Occupant to see how things are goingYes Formal post occupancy air quality testingYes Obtain utility bill to determine actual performanceYes Data logging of indoor environmental measurementsNo Survey building occupants on satisfactionYes Post occupancy energy analysisYes Formal onsite daylight measurementsYes Develop and share strategies to improve the building's PerformanceYes Share collected data with building occupantsYes Teach occupants and operators how to improve building performance Yes Post Occupancy Evaluation Score90% 3 ‐ Level of Transparency Present the design of the project to the officeYes Present outcomes and lessons learned to the office Yes Present the design of the project to the professionYes Present outcomes and lessons learned to the profession Yes Present the design of the project to the publicYes Present outcomes and lessons learned to the public Yes Publish post occupancy data from the buildingYes Publish any lessons learned from design, construction, or occupancyNo other: other: Transparency Score70% 4 ‐ Level of Occupant Feedback Choose one Feedback Score100% Who has access to performance feedback? All occupants are presented with feedback Which of the following did you do to stay engaged with the building? Which of the following did you do to share the lessons of the project? Which of the following did you do to stay engaged with the building? COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET, MEASURE 10: DESIGN FOR DISCOVERY 44 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
This design exceeded design standards on a number of the
measures as indicated in these results from the COTE Framework for
As a partially publicly funded building and a community resource, the experienced results of this design were very important to understand.
Post-occupancy analysis was conducted by a third party to understand the design impacts on both employees and visitors.
This data is shared with employees, visitors, and the design and oversight team. It is also published for other industry leaders and professionals to study.
COTE Top Ten Toolkit Super Spreadsheet COTE ‐ Boston Site.xlsx Measure 1 ‐ Design for Integration Measure 2 ‐ Design for Community Walk Score 0.94 Transit Score 0.72 Bike Score 0.71 Community Engagement Level 71% Transportation Carbon ‐ Total Annual 81,903 kg CO2e / year Measure 3 ‐ Design for Ecology Percent of Site Vegetated ‐ Post‐Development 75% Percent of Site Vegetated ‐ Pre‐Development 21% Increase in Percent of Site Vegetated 54% Percent of Site with Native Plantings 69% Percent of Vegetated Area with Native Plantings 92% Ecological Design Score 63% Total Annual Potable Water Use per Occupant 2,121 gal / occupant / year Total Daily Potable Water Use per Occupant 6.1 gal / occupant / day Potable Water Use Intensity 8.0 gal / sf / day Percent Rainwater Use 4% % of total water use from collected rainwater Percent Grey/Black Water Use 2% % of total water use from grey or blackwater Potable Water Use Reduction ‐1225% Total Annual Potable Water Use per Occupant 1,600 gal / occupant / year Total Daily Potable Water Use per Occupant 4.6 gal / occupant / day Potable Water Use Intensity 6.0 gal / sf / day Percent Rainwater Use 6% % total water use from collected rainwater Percent Grey/Black Water Use 3% % total water use
grey or
Potable Water Use Reduction ‐900% Potable
Yes Rainwater
Site 85% Estimated Runoff Quality 100% Measure 5 ‐ Design for Economy Actual construction cost $375 Dollar (USD) / sf Benchmark Construction cost $300 Dollar (USD) / sf Construction cost Reduction from the Benchmark ‐25% Efficiency Ratio Achieved 75% Net to Gross Efficiency Ratio Percent Improvement 15% Measure 6 ‐ Design for Energy Net site EUI 9.0 kBtu / sf / yr Gross site EUI 12.8 kBtu / sf / yr Net Energy Use Reduction from Benchmark 91% Operational Carbon Emissions per Area 1 kg‐CO2e / sf / yr Percent from Renewable Energy 30% Percent Operational Carbon Reduction from Benchmark 88% Predicted Predicted Measured Measure 4 ‐ Design for Water COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET: SUMMARY
Water Used for Irrigation
Managed On‐
Design Excellence.
Rainwater Managed On‐Site 85% Estimated Runoff Quality 100% Measure 5 ‐ Design for Economy Actual construction cost $375 Dollar (USD) / sf Benchmark Construction cost $300 Dollar (USD) / sf Construction cost Reduction from the Benchmark ‐25% Efficiency Ratio Achieved 75% Net to Gross Efficiency Ratio Percent Improvement 15% Measure 6 ‐ Design for Energy Net site EUI 9.0 kBtu / sf / yr Gross site EUI 12.8 kBtu / sf / yr Net Energy Use Reduction from Benchmark 91% Operational Carbon Emissions per Area 1 kg‐CO2e / sf / yr Percent from Renewable Energy 30% Percent Operational Carbon Reduction from Benchmark 88% Net site EUI 10.7 kBtu / sf / yr Gross site EUI 15.5 kBtu / sf / yr Net Energy Use Reduction from Benchmark 89% Operational Carbon Emissions per Area 2 kg‐CO2e / sf / yr Percent from Renewable Energy 31% Percent Operational Carbon Reduction from Benchmark 73% Lighting Power Density 1.25 W/sf Lighting Power Density % Reduction 22% Window to Wall Ratio 31% Measure 7 ‐ Design for Wellness Quality views 83% % occupied area Operable windows 58% % occupied area Daylit area (sDA 300/50%) 88% % occupied area ASE Compliant Area (ASE 1000,250) 56% % occupied area Individual thermal control 7.5 Occupants per thermostat Individual lighting control 15% % occupants who control their own lighting Peak measured CO 2 9 ppm Peak measured VOC 300 ppb Materials with health certifications 0 Materials Chemicals of Concern Avoided 0 Chemicals Measure 8 ‐ Design for Resources Embodied carbon intensity 12.1 kg‐C02e / sf Total embodied carbon 386,000 kg‐C02e Embodied carbon modeled Yes Y/N Biogenic carbon considered? Yes Y/N Number of EPDs Collected 0 Percent of reused floor area 0% Percent of construction waste diverted 0% Percent of recycled content of building materials 17% Percent of regional materials 75% Percent of installed wood that is FSC Certified 67% Measure 9 ‐ Design for Change Local Hazard Research Score 100% Functionality Without Power (Resiliency) Score 67% Building Design Lifespan 200 Years Measure 10 ‐ Design for Discovery Level of Commissioning Score 100% Level of Post Occupancy Evaluation Score 90% Level of Knowledge Distribution / Transparency Score 70% Level of Feedback (Ongoing discovery) 100% Predicted Measured COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET: SUMMARY 46 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
This page compares metrics against their benchmark along a scale from "Baseline" to "Very High Performance"
Measure 3: Design For Ecology
Vegetated area increase 0% 100%
Percent of Site with Native Plantings 0% 100%
Percent of Vegetated Area with Native Plantings 0% 100%
2: Design For Community Walk Score 0% 100% Transit Score 0% 100% Bike Score 0% 100%
Community Engagement Level 0% 100%
of Site Vegetated ‐ Post‐Development 0% 100%
Percent of Site Vegetated ‐ Pre‐Development 0% 100%
Ecological Design Score 0% 100% Predicted Measured
91% 89%
30% 31%
88% 73%
22% 83% 58%
54% 63% 15% ‐25%
Potable water reduction 0% ‐1225% ‐900% 100% Potable Water Used for Irrigation Yes (0) No (1) Rainwater Managed On‐Site 0% 100% Estimated Runoff Quality 0% 100% \ Construction cost Reduction from the Benchmark 0% >50% Efficiency ratio percent improvement 0% >50% Predicted Measured Net energy reduction from Benchmark 0%
105% Percent from renewable energy 0%
100% Percent Operational Carbon Reduction from Benchmark0%
100% Lighting Power Density % Reduction 0% 75% Quality views 0% 100% Operable windows 0% 100% Measure 6: Design For Energy Measure 7: Design For Wellness
Measure 4: Design For Water 0
Measure 5: Design For Economy
Net energy reduction from Benchmark 0% 91% 89% 105%
Percent from renewable energy 0% 30% 31% 100%
Percent Operational Carbon Reduction from Benchmark0% 88% 73% 100%
Lighting Power Density % Reduction 0% 75%
Quality views 0% 100%
Operable windows 0% 100%
Daylit area (sDA 300/50%) 0% 100%
ASE Compliant Area (ASE 1000,250) 0% 100%
Is CO2 Measured? No (0) Yes (1)
Is VOC measured? No (0) Yes (1)
Materials with health certifications 0 10+
Chemicals of Concern Avoided 0 10+
Embodied carbon intensity (kg‐C02e / sf)
Total embodied carbon (kg‐C02e)
Embodied carbon modeled No (0) Yes (1)
Biogenic carbon considered? No (0) Yes (1)
Percent of reused floor area 0% 100%
Percent of construction waste diverted 0% 100%
Percent of recycled content of building materials 0% 100%
Percent of regional materials 0% 100%
Percent of installed wood that is FSC Certified 0% 100% Measure 9: Design For Change
Local Hazard Research Score 0% 100% Functionality Without Power (Resiliency) Score 0% 100% Building Design Lifespan 30 200 Measure 10: Design For Discovery Level of Commissioning Score 0% 100% Level of Post Occupancy Evaluation Score 0% 100% Level of Knowledge Distribution / Transparency Score 0% 100% Level of Feedback (Ongoing discovery) 0% 100%
Measure 6: Design For Energy
12.06 386,000 1 1 1 22% 83% 58% 88% 70% 100% 56% 0% 17% 100% 90% 67% 0 200 67% 100% 48 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | JACKIE CONNARD SECTION 05 | COTE FRAMEWORK FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE
Measure 7: Design For Wellness 0 1
Measure 8: Design For Resources
To create a place that fosters community engagement and strengthens the ties between two distinct neighborhoods
Cumulative carbon after 1 year occupancy
Cumulative carbon after 1 year occupancy
Commute/year 15% Energy/year 14% Building Materials 71%
Commute/year 15% Energy/year 14% Building Materials 71%
Cumulative carbon over building life
Cumulative carbon over building life
Building Materials 1%
Building Materials 1%
Commute/year 51% Energy/year 48%
Commute/year 51% Energy/year 48%
Cumulative carbon over building life
Carbon Calculations
Carbon Calculations
Commute/year 15% Energy/year 14% Building Materials 71%
Total kg of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents from:
Total kg of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents from:
Building Materials 1%
Lifespan Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total
Lifespan Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total
Cumulative carbon after 1 year occupancy Commute/year 51% Energy/year 48%
1Year81,903 77,040 386,000 544,942 20Year1,638,0521,540,793386,000 3,564,845 100Year8,190,2597,703,967386,000 16,280,226 200Year16,380,51815,407,934386,000 32,174,453 Design 200Year16,380,51815,407,934386,000 32,174,453
1Year81,903 77,040 386,000 544,942 20Year1,638,0521,540,793386,000 3,564,845 100Year8,190,2597,703,967386,000 16,280,226 200Year16,380,51815,407,934386,000 32,174,453 Design 200Year16,380,51815,407,934386,000 32,174,453
Total Percentage of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents from:
Lifespan Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total
Carbon Calculations
Lifespan Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total
1Year15.0% 14.1% 70.8% 100.0% 20Year46.0% 43.2% 10.8% 100.0% 100Year50.3% 47.3% 2.4% 100.0% 200Year50.9% 47.9% 1.2% 100.0% Design 0Year50.9% 47.9% 1.2% 100.0%
1Year81,903 77,040 386,000 544,942 20Year1,638,0521,540,793386,000 3,564,845 100Year8,190,2597,703,967386,000 16,280,226 200Year16,380,51815,407,934386,000 32,174,453 Design 200Year16,380,51815,407,934386,000 32,174,453
1Year15.0% 14.1% 70.8% 100.0% 20Year46.0% 43.2% 10.8% 100.0% 100Year50.3% 47.3% 2.4% 100.0% 200Year50.9% 47.9% 1.2% 100.0% Design 0Year50.9% 47.9% 1.2% 100.0%
Total kg of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents from:
Total Percentage of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents from: Lifespan Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total