Afer six weeks of sustainable design courses, I gradually have the awareness of sustainable development and a deep understanding of the importance of sustainable design. As a designer, it’s a great responsibility for us to utlize the earth resources reasonably and also guide our user to live with ‘recycling’ in mind.
I have learned how to use some kinds of tools and exact data to guide my design work to make it more sustainable. Designer should not just design to simulate consumpton but to under the duty of environment and society.
I learned a lot about the knowledge of sustainable, through this course, I realize sustainable is not an abstract subject, it need us to practce through concrete actons. I know how to cut from the part of concrete, to understand a region or city, and try to improve it.
The six-week course has ended. The course is not for the purpose of guiding how to design, but the purpose of giving an idea that we should have a sight of sustainible development.
In the beginning we surveyed the basicenviorenmental fanctor of Wuhan, including geography factors, climate, wind, rainfall andso on. We considered how to construct a city in a sustainible way by suitng its natural enviorenment. And in this way we order to allocate the natural resourse ratonally. Wealso had a feld survey on the water support system arround D&I. And we learned the urbon water cycle system in Shanghai.
Next, we focus on how an individual will efecton the globle enviorenment in the whole group of human being. We have learned the total of efect is surprising if all of 1.6 billion people keep a high level of carbon emission. We also paid atenton to the fact that our perchase behavior has big and inreversible harm on some developing contries and their people. We ignored that we have the duty to make design not only to stmulate perchase but also to give some refecton of the fact in the background of globle industal product.
In the end we analysed the life circle of an exact productand try to modify some link in the life circle. We applied the bionics character to our design in reality.