Z. Gu Environmental Portfolio

Page 1


My Plot at the Community Garden

Cover Image courtesy of University of Massachsetts Amherst



> About Me 4

> My Carbon & Ecological Footprint 5


> Introduction 6

> Integrated Design Sketch 7

> Design for Collaboration 8

> Sustainable Strategies 9

> Climate Consultant Analysis 10

> COTE Super Spreadsheet 13




> Personas 26

> Customer Journey Map 28

> Precipitation Calculation 30

> Water Use & Reduction 30

> Window Wall Ratio 31

> Building Energy Use 31

> Shading Devices 32

> Embodied Carbon 34

> EC3 Sankey Diagram 35






Zhenxing Gu

FROM Shijiazhuang, China



B.F.A. in Architecture (2016)

University of Massachusetts - Amherst

M.Arch (2022)

Boston Architectural College


Architectural Designer (5 yrs) INTERESTS

Gardening, Fine Arts, Cooking


Biking, Recycling, Community Garden


My name is Zhenxing Gu. I am a Chinese student and practicing architectural designer living in Somerville, Massachusetts. I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2016 with a Bachelor in Fine Arts in Architecture degree. In 2018, I started my study for a Master of Architecture degree at the BAC. With this education, my goal is to become a licensed architect in the next few years.

I have been practicing architecture design at STV Inc since 2016. My experience is

primary in the field of transportation and infrastructure design. I have worked on a number of public projects, including major public transportation programs such as the Green Line Extension project (GLX) in the City of Cambridge and Somerville.

Sustainability has been an integral part of my professional career. I truly believe that a sustainable future can be built if we continue to work towards it as a collective. And I hope that I am contributing to that vision.



My Carbon Footprint ↓

My current annual household CO2 emission is estimated to be 48,190 lbs, which is 22% higher than the national average of 39,403 lbs. This comes to me as a surprise, and encourages me to take simple actions such as washing clothes in cold water or switching out light bulbs for more efficient ones in order to reduce my carbon footprint.

My Ecological Footprint →

Ecological footprint is calculated in units of global hectares (gha). Mine resulted in 8.3 gha, meaning 83,000 square meters of earth's biologically productive area are required to produce everything I consume. On average, however, there is only 1.7 gha available per person. If everyone lived like me, we will need 4.9 earths!

SOURCE:  WWW3.EPA.GOV/CARBON-FOOTPRINT-CALCULATOR WWW.FOOTPRINTCALCULATOR.ORG We are improving our website to help you find what you’re looking for During this transition some URLs may change. Learn more... Your Household Carbon Footprint Report Househo d Carbon Foo pr nt Ca cula or Your Household Carbon Footprint Report Make a selection in all calculator sections and fields to improve your results. Home Energy Transportation Waste Your Household Carbon Footprint View Your Annual Estimated CO2 Emissions (lbs) from... Home Energy Transportation Waste Pr n /Save Your Current Total 48,190 New Total After Your Planned Actions 47,558 U.S. Average 39,403 Your Planned Actions Are Equal to: Saving 32 gallons of gas OR Planting 7 trees OR Recycling 203 tons of waste 5 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 01 | INTRODUCTIONS


Integrative Learning Space

At the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus, the John W. Olver Design Building houses a number of design programs, including Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning, and Building & Construction Technology. Studios, classrooms, workshops, labs, offices, and gallery spaces provide an integrated environment that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, research, and learning, as well as stimulating the creative process.

AllimagesthispagecourtesyofLeers WeinzapfelAssociates

PROJECT LOCATION Amherst, Massachusetts KÖPPEN CLIMATE CLASSIFICATION Dfb (Warm-summer humid continental) CLIENT University of Massachusetts - Amherst YEAR COMPLETED 2017 AREA 87500 ft2
Weinzapfel Associates

Integrated Design Sketch

The design team took a systematic approach to creating a sustainable building. Starting with site work, native species are incorporated into the landscape design to minimize site maintenance. Stormwater runoff is stored on site and reused for irrigation. A central courtyard on the roof creates community space for the occupants, as well as opportunity for additional vegetations to offset heat island effects. Additional consideration is given to future improvements as well. The roof of the building is designed with future solar panel fitting in mind.



The layout of the Design Building is focused around the a central collaborative atrium common space. The idea for this central space is for students and faculty to be able to gather and use it for events such as presentations and lectures. Its flexible design allows for the space to be rearranged based on the activity that is taking place. Studios and offices are arranged in a coiling and rising band around this double-height space. A green rooftop terrace is also formed above the common space, providing a contemplative space for the building's occupants.

First Floor Plan Second


Image Credit: Leers Weinzapfel Associates


Understanding Local Climate

Climate Consultant is an intuitive climate analysis program. It takes local climate data and turns them into easyto-understand graphics. These graphical representations of climate data can be very helpful tools for the architect to understand the environment they are designing for. The tool also provides solutions that can improve the building’s environmental performance.

The climate charts below are directly exported from Climate Consultant. The source of weather data used is from Chicopee Falls/Westover Metro weather station, located 14 miles south of the John W. Olver Design Building.

Note:Allimagesinthissectionareprovided throughuseofClimateConsultantSoftware

Temperature Range

The temperature range graphs indicate that most of the time, heating or air conditioning is required to maintain a comfortable interior temperature, consuming a lot of energy. A highperformance building envelope is designed to minimizes energy consumption and maximizes energy efficiency in the harsh climate. The building also utilizes radiant floor heating to provide convective heat at the ground floor.


Sun Shading Chart

The building has two glazed facades that are south and south-west facing. The Sun Shading Chart indicates that these facades will receive excessive amounts of intense afternoon sun that may not be desirable. The building features a innovative glazing system called “electrochromic glazing”, which is designed to automatically and dynamically adjust tint levels according to real-time weather data to optimize the building’s internal conditions.

Monthly Diurnal Averages

Humidity levels greatly fluctuate in this region, where summer months can become extremely humid. Energy recovery wheels with economizers are integrated into the building’s HVAC system to reduce the energy cost to remove moisture during high humidity season. They also reduce heating and cooling workloads by recovering energy from return air.


1. Dehumidification Only


“This zone is defined on the Criteria screen and is displayed on the Psychrometric Chart directly above the top of the Comfort Zone.  It represents the case where the indoor air is within the dry bulb comfort range but is too humid and so would need to have moisture removed.  Often some amount of dehumidification happens when an air conditioner is used in humid conditions. “

2. Cooling, add dehumidification if needed


“On any hour when outdoor temperature is above the comfort range and is not in any other cooling strategy zone, by default that hour falls into the zone where some type of artificial cooling is necessary to create a comfortable indoor temperature (i.e. this hour is moved horizontally to the left across the psychrometric chart until it reaches the Comfort Temperatures).  However if it is still too humid (i.e. above the Comfort Zone), then some form of Dehumidification will be necessary.”

3. Heating, add humidification if needed


“ When outdoor temperature is below the comfort range and is not in any other heating zones, by default that hour falls into the zone where some type of artificial heating is necessary to create comfortable indoor temperatures (i.e. this hour is moved horizontally to the right across the Psychrometric Chart until it reaches the Comfort Temperature).  However if the air is still too dry (i.e. below the Comfort Zone), then some form of Humidification will be necessary.

Psychrometric Chart


The psychrometric chart is a powerful visualization of the amount of hours that are comfortable indoors that do not require active interference. Bases on this chart, only 6.8% of the year is comfortable in this region. Therefore, design strategies were put in place to increase the amount of comfortable hours throughout the year. Below are 3 design strategies that can help the building achieve 100% comfort throughout the year.

Design Solution

(100% COMFORT)

The building’s robust HVAC system can bring the comfort range to 100%. These systems include radiant ceiling panels, active chilled beams, radiant floors, radiant wall panels, powered by 4 air handling units. Each unit is dedicated to serving a specific section of the building, including the shop, the classroom/studio, the commons, and the offices.



This tool has been created by COTE members to help architects calculate project performance metrics. After entering information on each measure tab, the "Results" tab will graphically display the holistic project's performance across all 10 COTE measures of sustainable design.

Whether it's used to better understand a design's performance or to streamline the process of submitting for the COTE Top Ten award, this tool will allow easy, consistent calculation and evaluation of project performance metrics and bechmarking.

Note: This version is not compatible with Excel2016 or older. For questions email cote@aia.org, we are looking to improve the tool, and appreciate your feedback!

Helena Zambrano, AIA (Project Lead) Overland Partners, San Antonio, TX Corey Squire, AIA Positive Energy, Austin, TX Benchmarks Energy Consumption 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU

COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - INTRODUCTION Explanation Step 2: Review your benchmarks. This is what your project will be compared against OPTIONAL user-defined Project NameJohn W. Olver Design Building 1,077 CO2 lbs./occupant/yr Project Address551 North Pleasant Street 264,963 CO2 lbs./yr Water Consumption apt., suite, etc. 1 15 Gal/sf/year City Amherst
Gal/yr State MA 5,197 Gal/occupant/yr Energy Consumption Zip Code 01003-291 108 kBtu/sf/year Climate Zone 5A (Link) 9,457,884 kBtu/yr Total Building Area 87,573Gross sf 38,447 kBtu/occupant/yr Operational Carbon Site Area(?) 85,313 sf 28 CO2 lbs./sf/year Regularly occupied space (?) 60,000 sf 2,423,511 CO2 lbs./yr Avg. daily occupancy (?) 246People 9,852 CO2 lbs./occupant/yr LPD Peak occupancy (?) 853People 1.12 W/sf FTEs(?) 100People Project completion year 2017 Review these numbers for single family residential projects Annual days of operation (?) 337Days Single Family Residential Projects: Cell Types Avg. daily hours of operation (?) 17hours Water Benchmark Gallons/Household/year Input data Total Construction Cost $37,000,000USD Energy Benchmark kBtu/Household/year Carbon Benchmark Lbs. of CO2/Household/year Input non-numeric data Building Program Calculated Value Program Breakdown Building Primary Program Education - College / University 60% Explanation Building Secondary Office 40% Building Primary Use Education - College / University Reasonable values and sources Total must equal 100% 100% Development team Additional Building Information Project Type New Construction Site Environment Suburban Previously Developed Site Yes Is the firm an AIA 2030 Signatory Yes Reported in the AIA DDx Yes Third party rating system LEED FAR 1.03 Cost/sf 422.50 $ sf/occupant - Avg. 356 sf/occupant - Peak 103 Annual hours of operation 5,729 Transportation Carbon Emissions Transportation - Total Carbon Transportation - Total Carbon Water Consumption WUI - Water Use Intensity Total Annual Water Use Water Use per Occupant Total Annual Energy Use Energy Use per Occupant Carbon Use Intensity Carbon Use Intensity This first page will assign a series of benchmarks based on building specific, national data for the project to be compared against. Energy benchmarks are referenced from CBECS 2003. For more details on benchmarking and sourcing, visit the "Reference" tab. Step 1: Fill out the below basic information of your project Welcome to the COTE Top Ten Super Spreadsheet! Ligthing Power Density (LPD) Total annual Carbon Emissions EUI - Energy Use Intensity Operational Carbon Emissions
specific benchmarking spreadsheet with the COTE Z Smith, FAIA EDR, New Orleans, LA
Tate Walker, AIA OPN, Madison, WI Basic Project Information Electric Ligthing

Measure 1

Design for Integration


Sustainability strategies can affect and involve multiple COTE measures. As an example: think how many measures are influenced by carbon metrics? The chart below represents the interconnectivity of the COTE measures.


Place based. ECOLOGY

Aquifer/watershed, shared resource.

Climate appropriate landscape. Rainwater harvesting. WATER

Financial resilience. Economic benefits of biophilic design. Low maintenance design.

District systems. Bioclimatic and passive design.

Water savings, water independence.

Energy savings from transportation and treatment of water.

Carbon emissions from transportation. Air quality. Connection to nature.Water quality.

Locally sourced materials. Environmentally conscious material extraction, mfg., transp. and disposal.

Social equity is a major component of resilience.

Climate change: fires, earthquakes, floods, ocean rise.

Aquifer conservation, surface water quality and enjoyment, watershed protection.

Water resilience. Flooding, precipitation changes, drought.

User groups, profiles, heat maps. Biodiversity.Mindful presence of water.


Life cycle cost, Life cycle analysis.

Operational costs and costs from productivity of building occupants.

Durability and maintenance of materials.

Right sizing, flexibility for growth and change.

Replicable, cost effective strategies.


Daylighting as energy conversation measure.


Embodied carbon of materials. Safer material selection, material transparency. RESOURCES

Carbon's role in climate change. Passive survivability. Embodied energy savings from adaptive reuse. CHANGE

Measurement and verification. Tracking health impacts.Future adaptability. Post‐occupancy evaluations. DISCOVERY

Explanations Inputs: Describe your project's big idea on integrating design and sustainability in the green cell below. Look at chart below for inspiration.
SUSTAINABILITY 1 ‐ What is the big idea?
Multidisciplinary collaboration and integration using sustainable and innovative design and construction technologies

Measure 2 - Design for Community

Walkscore.com generates a score for walkability and community resources for any address in the US. The higher the score, the more pedestrian friendly the site.

Based on "Arnstein's Ladder of Social Engagement", how much say did the community have during the design and construction process?

The number of occupants commuting by any means other than single occupancy vehicle on any given day. Includes walking, cycling, public transit, etc.

This simple calculator compares your project's commuting patterns to published national averages. Use a survey (or an educated guess) to determine average commuting distance and average mpg of the building's occupants.

If no information is available, use the baseline (US national average). Though its designed for office projects, the calculator can produce good results for all buidlings that people travel to and from.

Determine the number of parking spaces that are required on site by local zoning code. This number is compared to the actual number of spaces provided.

Record the number of bike racks and commuter showers provided for building occupants.

COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - DESIGN FOR COMMUNITY Explanations Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells Reasonable Ranges 1 - Walk Score 0% - 25% Car Dependent 25% - 50% Mostly Car Dependent www.walkscore.com 67 50% -70% Somewhat Walkable 70% - 90% Very Walkable 90% - 100% Walker's Paradise 2 - Community Engagement Poor Manipulation, Therapy Baseline Informing, Consultation Community Engagement Level6: Partnership Better Partnership, Delegation Best! Citizen Control 3 - Percentage of occupants Commuting by Alternative Transportation Below average 0% - 23% National average ~24% Occupancy typeAvg. daily occupancy Above average 25% - 100% Number of occupants commuting by alternative transportation (avg.) 100 ex. New York City74% Percent Alternative Commuters 41% ex. Manhattan 94% 4 - Simple Transportation Carbon Calculator Lbs. of CO2/Occupant Proposed Baseline > 4000 Baseline Percent of occupants commuting by single occupancy vehicle 59% 76%Weekly Avg.3000 - 4000 Getting there Average daily commute (round trip distance) 8 26Miles 2000 - 3000 Better Days Commuting per week 5 5Days 1000 - 2000 High Performing Weeks commuting per year 50 50weeks 0 - 1000 Very High Performing Average Car mpg 21.6 21.6mpg Average CO2 / Gallon of Gasoline 19.6 19.6Lbs. CO2/Gal lbs. of carbon dioxide emitted/occupant/year 1,077 4,483 % reduction over the baseline 76.0% 5 - Parking space reduction <0% Reduction Poor 0% Reduction Baseline Required On-site parking spaces 214 25% Reduction Getting there Provided on-site parking spaces 65 50% Reduction Better Parking Space Reduction 70% 75% Reduction High Performing 100% Reduction Very High Performing 6 - Bicycle Infrastructure Bike Racks Commuter Showers Occupancy typeAvg. daily occupancy Number of Bike Racks 50 10% - Good 1% - Good Number of Showers 3 25% - Better 2.5% - Better Bike Racks installed for 20% Avg. daily occupancy 50% - Best! 5% - Best! Showers installed for 1.2% Avg. daily occupancy

Measure 3 - Design for Ecology


Record the area of the site that was reserved for vegetation, both before and after development. Green roofs are included in vegetated area

Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells

1 - Vegetated Area

Green roof area 3385 sf

Building footprint area 24625 sf

Surface parking area 21,688 sf

Area of additional on site hardscapes 11,417 sf

Area of the total site that is vegetated - Post Development 30,968 sf Site Area 85,313 sf

Percent Vegetated - Post Development 36.3%

Area of the total site that is vegetated - Pre Development 17745sf

Percent Vegetated - Pre Development 20.8%

Vegetated Area Increase 19.6%

Native plants include those that are indigenous to a specific geographic location and are adapted for the local climate and ecosystems. Use "turf grass" for any landscape areas with decorative plants not adapted to the local climate.

2 - Native Plantings

Area of the total site covered by native plants- Post Development 23,566 sf

Area of the total site covered by turf grass - Post Development 7,402 sf

Native plantings - Percent of vegetated area 76.1%

Turf grass - Percent of Site 23.9%

Native plantings - Percent of site 27.6%


Step 1: Indoor Water Use:

in section 3.

Commercial v Residential:

Choose either "Commercial" or "Residential" from the dropdown for "Water Use Profile" under section 1 of this tab and input the flow rates for the corresponding table. Residential includes single family, multifamily, and lodging.

and then for each dropdown, choose the characteristic that best matches your site, plantings, and irrigation system.

or industrial processes, is not take into account.)

2 - Measured potable use can be read off utility bills.

3 - For grey/black water and rainwater,


March52,85951,8591,000 19,0801,000 April54,78353,7831,000 19,0801,000 May56,02855,0281,000 19,0801,000 June57,27456,2741,000 19,0801,000 July57,38756,3871,000 19,0801,000 August57,38756,3871,000 19,0801,000 September54,78353,7831,000 19,0801,000

3 - For grey/black water and rainwater, only include the purified water that is reused for another purpose and offsets a potential potable use, such as irrigation. Condensate and foundation water that offsets potential potable water use can be included here as well

January49,57748,5771,000 19,0801,000

February50,36949,3691,000 19,0801,000

March52,85951,8591,000 19,0801,000

April54,78353,7831,000 19,0801,000 May56,02855,0281,000 19,0801,000

June57,27456,2741,000 19,0801,000

July57,38756,3871,000 19,0801,000

August57,38756,3871,000 19,0801,000

September54,78353,7831,000 19,0801,000

October52,85951,8591,000 19,0801,000

November50,36949,3691,000 19,0801,000

December49,46448,4641,000 19,0801,000 Total (Gal)643,140631,14012,000 0 228,96012,000

COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - DESIGN FOR WATER Measure 4 - Design for Water Explanations Step 1) Indoor Water Use Daily Ave. Occupancy 246 Annual days of operations 337 Water Use Profile Commercial Step 1) Indoor Water use OccupantsToiletUrinalShowerLavatoryKitchen Faucet 123 1 2 0.1 3 1 123 3 0 0.1 3 1 123 246 12.3 369 123 369 0 12.3 369 123 Total uses / Day 492 246 24.6 738 246 * if no urinal, use toilet value 1.1 0.5 2 0.5 2.2 5 0.5 0.25 541 123 246 185 135 182,384 41,451 82,902 62,177 45,596 1,095 368,914 Yes Baseline #1: All Turf Baseline #2: All Native 30,968sf 30,96830,968 Warm Humid3.3 3.3 3.3 Baseline 0.8 0.8 0.8 Native Plants0.2 1 0.2 Drip Irrigation0.9 0.75 0.9 11,319 67,912 11319 Irrigation Co.Gallons 83% 0% 31% 3,509 38% 4,301 60% 6,791 77% 8,715 88% 9,960 99%11,205 100%11,319 100%11,319 77% 8,715 60% 6,791 38% 4,301 30% 3,396 90,322 Step 3) Cooling tower 40% 2.8Gallons/sf/yr 245,204Gallons/yr Yes 1 Yes 0.75 183,903Gallons / yr Month Demand1 gallons/month Potable gallons/month Rainwater gallons/month Reclaimed grey/black1 gallons/month Potable gallons/month Rainwater gallons/month Reclaimed grey/black gallons/month
Gallons used / day Duration per use (Minute) Total uses / day Male Occupant Female Occupant Female Occupant Uses / day / Occupant Male Occupant Total indoor water use - Gallons / Year Gallons used / year Total indoor water use Gallons / Day Proposed Design Step 2) Irrigation Water Use Quick Irrtgation Estimator Calculator Enter the monthly modeled and measured water consumption for each water source.
- Modeled potable water use is preentered from the above calculator and only takes into account bathroom use,
order of magnitude
Irrigation, and an
cooling tower
(Note: Due to complexity and variability, water used in restaurants, laboratories,
October September Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells 1 - Predicted Water Use February
Step 2: Irrigation Use
Percent of the buidling cooled by a water-cooled chiller Plant Quality Factor (Qf) Irrigated Area (potable or non-potable) Summer Evapotranspiration Type of plantings (Plant Factor) Is potable water used for irrigation (after
year establishment period)? Is potable water used for irrigation? Irrigation efficiency
Enter the total area that will be
a two
This simple calculator will give an estimate of a building's water consumption. Three uses are taken into account for this calculation, indoor water use, irrigation, and cooling. For the sake of simplicity, other water uses, such as pools or commercial kitchens are not included. If your project has had a more sophisticated water use analysis, you can skip the calculator and enter the modeled values below
Fixture Flow Rates (GPF / GPM) November December April August July May June January Month March Cooling tower water use Where strategies taken to conserve cooling tower water? Does the cooling tower use potable water? Total cooling tower water use Predicted Measured 2 - Measured Water use per occupant / Percent of rainwater used / Percent of Grey+Blackwater used
This section is an extremely rough estimate of the water consumption of a cooling tower. Assume: 0 water for non-potable use, 25% less water for conservation strategies.* Proposed Design Comparison Annual Irrigation Water Use (Gal) 100%11,319
77% 8,715 60% 6,791 38% 4,301 30% 3,396 90,322 Step 3) Cooling tower 40% 2.8Gallons/sf/yr
Yes 1 Yes 0.75 183,903Gallons / yr Month Demand1 gallons/month Potable gallons/month Rainwater gallons/month Reclaimed grey/black1 gallons/month Potable gallons/month Rainwater gallons/month Reclaimed grey/black gallons/month
Step 3: Chiller Use
0 Total Annual GallonsPotableRainfallGrey/Black Predicted643,140 98% 2% 0% Measured240,960 95% 5% 0% Water Use Summary PredictedMeasured 631,140216,960Gallons/yr 2,566 882Gallons/Occupant/yr 7.2 2.5Gallons/sf/yr Benchmarks 1,278,566Gallons/yr 5,197Gallons/Occupant/yr 51% 83% 24H 2Yr Event (in) 3 24H 2Yr Event (ft) 0.25 Rainwater Storage (cf) 4000 Surface Runoff Area (sf) Stormwater Total Runoff Roof 0.924,625 6,156 5,541 Impervious 0.933,105 8,276 7,449 Turf 0.27,402 1,851 370 Native Plantings 0.0523,566 5,892 295 Semi-Pervious 0.5-3,385 (846) (423) Sub Total 85,313 21,32813,231 After Storage 9,231 Total Percent Managed Onsite 56.7% 4
Enter the monthly modeled and measured water consumption for each water source. 1 - Modeled potable water use is preentered from the above calculator and only takes into account bathroom use, Irrigation, and an order of magnitude estimate for cooling tower use. (Note: Due to complexity and variability, water used in restaurants, laboratories, or industrial processes, is not take into account.)
2 - Measured potable use can be read off utility bills.
October September
the buidling
Runoff mostly from natural filtration (bio-swales or retention ponds) Estimated Water Runoff Quality (Choose one)
Percent of
cooled by a water-cooled chiller
Stormwater Management Calculator: Step 1: Choose your local 24H, 2Y storm event off the table to the right. Step 2: Enter the total volume of onsite storage, either a cistern or a retention pond. Step 3: Enter the area of each type of surface. Water Runoff Quality Score: Choose the most applicable option from the dropdown. This is a simple way to self assess the quality of stormwater leaving the site. Total Annual Water Use - Benchmark Total Annual Water Use / Occupant - Benchmark Improvement Estimated Water Runoff Quality (Score 1-5) 4 - Water Runoff Quality 3 - Stormwater managed on-site Cubic Feet Total Annual Water Use / Occupant November December August July Total Annual Water Use / sf Cooling tower water use Where strategies taken to conserve cooling tower water? Does the cooling tower use potable water? Total cooling tower water use Predicted Total Potable Demand Total Annual Water Use Measured 2 - Measured Water use per occupant / Percent of rainwater used / Percent of Grey+Blackwater used Step 3: Chiller Use This section is an extremely rough estimate of the water consumption of a cooling tower. Assume: 0 water for non-potable use, 25% less water for conservation strategies.* Annual Irrigation Water Use (Gal) 17 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 02 | COTE BUILDING
This table shows how the predicted water use from the calculators above compares with the benchmark.
COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - DESIGN FOR ECONOMY Measure 5 - Design for Economy Explanations 1 - Construction cost benchmark Benchmark - Building Type Specific $420/sf Benchmark Source Actual construction cost $423/sf Construction cost reduction from the benchmark -1% 2 - Estimated operating cost reduction Operating and maintenance cost reduction strategies: From utility savings $0/year Major Strategy From cleaning$133,110/year Major Strategy Durability investments $0/year Major Strategy Other $0/year Major Strategy Other $0/year Major Strategy Total$133,110/year 3 - Building space efficiency Efficiency ratio Benchmark - Building Type Specific 75% Benchmark Source Efficiency ratio achieved 80% Major Strategyflexible and adaptable central atrium space Efficiency ratio percent improvement 7% Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non-numerical data into the green cells.
design strategies for reducing building operating costs.
design strategies,
Enter the published cost to construct similar buildings
There are many
along with their estimated numerical impact here. This should be pretty rough and is most valuable as a thought exercise. The cost savings from utilities are already populated. An efficient building will use fewer resources to construct, operate, and maintain. Enter the typical building efficiency ratio for the building type as a benchmark, the source of the benchmark, and the efficiency ratio achieved.
in the

January 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 44,381 3,200 7,000.0 342,109.0 -

February 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 50,172 3,200 7,000.0 356,508.0 -

March 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 42,931 3,200 7,000.0 304,790.0 -

April 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 30,562 3,200 7,000.0 137,729.0 -

May 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 31,849 3,200 7,000.0 96,334.0 -

June 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 33,592 3,200 7,000.0 30,136.0 -

July 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 49,015 3,200 7,000.0 5,515.0August 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 45,610 3,200 7,000.0 1,913.0September 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 41,342 3,200 7,000.0 13,312.0October 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 50,979 3,200 7,000.0 106,256.0November 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 45,837 3,200 7,000.0 224,334.0December 41,600 1,600 4,000 110,000.0 - 45,334 3,200 7,000.0 658,730.0 -


COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - DESIGN FOR ENERGY Measure 6 - Design for Energy Explanations 1 - Predicted and Measured energy use Step 1: Benchmark Benchmark Site EUI 108kBtu/sf/yr Benchmark Site Annual Energy 9,457,884kBtu/yr Benchmark Site CO2 Emissions 28lbs. of CO2/sf/yr Benchmark Site annual CO2 Emissions 2,423,511lbs. of CO2/yr Step 2: Record Monthly Energy Use Grid ElectricityNatural GasChilled WaterDistrict Steam Onsite GenerationGrid ElectricityNatural GasChilled WaterDistrict Steam Onsite Generation Month kWh ccf kBtu Lbs kWh kWh ccf Ton Hours kLbs kWh
Cost of Energy (per selected unit) $0.12 $0.94 $0.18 $9.39 -0.02 CO2 emissions (Lbs.) per kBtu 0.36 0.12 0.36 0.12 -0.36 0.36 0.12 0.36 0.12 -0.36 Total CO2 Emissions 609,024236,390 17,173189,130 0624,157472,781360,633326,343,984 0 Step 2: Review Outputs PredictedMeasured Total Gross Energy (kBtu/yr) 5,296,2726,692,410 Total Net Energy (kBtu/yr) 5,296,2726,692,410 Percent from Renewable Energy 0% 0% Gross EUI (kBtu/sf/yr) 60 76 Net EUI (kBtu/sf/yr) 60 76 Net Energy percent reduction from Benchmark 44% 29% Total Net CO2 Emissions (Lbs./yr) 1,051,717327,801,556 Net CO2 Emissions (Lbs./sf/yr) 12.013743.18 CO2 Percent reduction from Benchmark 57%-13426% Net operating cost ($) $12,481,392$21,499,892 2 - Lighting Power Density Installed Lighting Power Density 0.65W/sf Benchmark Lighting power Density 1.1W/sf Lighting Power density reduction 42% 3 - Window Wall Ratio Window Wall Ratio (WWR) 0.40 Benchmarks are from CBECS 2003, EUI measured in kBtu/sf/yr used on site, CO2 Emissions measured in lbs. CO2/kBtu. CO2 baseline from CBECS Table 1.Total energy consumption by energy source, 2012 Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non-numerical data into the green cells
1: Calculate the total installed lighting power density for your
2: Determine
Fill out
predicted energy uses,
Total499,200 19,200
0511,60438,40084,0002,277,666 0 Conversion Factor 3.41 102.6 1 1.194 3.41 3.41 102.6 12 1194 3.41 Total (kBtu)1,702,2721969920 48,0001,576,080 01,744,5703,939,8401,008,0002,719,533,204 0
building. Step
an appropriate benchmark for the
type from IECC 2015. Step 1:
type, from an
Step 2: Fill out the measured energy uses per fuel type.
Predicted Measured
will auto fill
If an energy model was not completed for the project, just fill out the measured energy use. If a fuel type was not used, leave the monthly inputs as Zero. If a fuel type was used, but recorded in different units (such as Therms rather than CCF), use the conversion factors link to the right. Enter the local energy cost for each fuel type if available. Enter the cost of renewables as negative.
from the
page. Record your building's window wall ratio.

who control their own light levels.

*Kaiser Permanente Facilities Design Program's Chemicals of Concern in Building Materials, Fabric, Furniture, and Finishes list. *Harvard's Green Building Standards for healthier materials

7 - Design for Wellness Explanations 1 - Quality Views, Operable windows, & Daylighting Total area of regularly occupied space60,000sf Percent of building that is regularly occupied69% Area with quality views50,000sf83% Area with operable windows38,500sf64% Area served primarily by daylighting33,000sf55% Daylight sensors installed?Yes Are operable windows used?Yes 2 - Occupants Per thermostat, Occupants who can control their own lighting Total accessible thermostats23Thermostat Occupants per thermostat10.7 Do occupants have task lights?Yes Percent of occupants who control their own light levels22% 3 - CO2 & VOCs Goal Maximum CO2 levels400ppm Is CO2 measured?Yes Maximum Measured CO 2 levels300ppm Is VOC measured?Yes Maximum Measured VOC levels100ppb 4 - Number of materials specified that have health certifications OR avoided chemicals of concern Materials with health certifications4Materials Notable Material 1 CertificationForest Stewardship Council Notable Material 2 CertificationNotable Material 3 CertificationNotable Material 4 CertificationNotable Material 5 Certification Number of chemicals of concern that where avoided1Chemicals Chemical of concern AVOIDED Standard Chemical of concern AVOIDED Standard Chemical of concern AVOIDED Standard Chemical of concern AVOIDED Standard Chemical of concern AVOIDED Standard Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non-numerical data into the green cells CLT Step 1: Determine the area of the building that is regularly occupied. Step 2: Input the area of occupied spaces that have access to views, operable windows, and daylight.
work stations
Input the total number of accessible thermostats and the percent of occupants
Low-VOC adhesive
Low-VOC flooring Low-VOC paint
For quality views, include work stations that have a direct line of sight to nature. For operable windows, include
within 25' of an operable window. For Daylight, input a continuous daylight autonomy metric. If daylight performance wasn't simulated, input the total area within 15' from from a perimeter wall.
Input information on indoor air quality measurements.
Input the total number of materials that have a third-party health certification in the yellow box. Then name each of those notable materials and their certification. Examples of certifications: *Declare *Health Product Declaration *Cradle to Cradle *Level -ORInput the total number of chemicals of concern that you avoided. Then name each of those chemicals and the standard that you used as a guide. Examples of the standards include: *Living Building Challenge Red List
*WELL Building Standard
*Healthier Hospitals Initiative Safer Chemicals *Six Classes (chemicals from Green Science Policy Institute)
COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - RESOURCES Measure 8 - Resources Explanations 1 - Embodied Energy Use the below link to determine the total embodied energy: build carbon neutral 2,681 Metric tonnes of Carbon Dioxide (from buildcarbonneutral.org, Tally...) 5,910,586Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide 67Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide / sf Embodied energy Benchmark 84.4Based on building type Embodied energy reduction from Benchmark 20% 2 - Life Cycle Analysis Was a full building life cycle analysis performed?Yes What Software was used? Major Structural System?Heavy Timber Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? 3 - Number of Materials Specified with EPDs (or similar) Materials with EPDs 20Materials Notable Material 1 Certification Notable Material 2 Certification Notable Material 3 Certification Notable Material 4 Certification Notable Material 5 Certification Notable Material 6 Certification Notable Material 7 Certification Notable Material 8 Certification Notable Material 9 Certification 4 - Construction Waste Diverted Percent of construction waste diverted from the landfill How the above was the above number determined? Notable Strategy Notable Strategy Notable Strategy 5 - Recycled Materials, Regional Materials, & Materials with Third Party Certifications Total Construction Cost$37,000,000 Total Materials Cost$22,200,000 Percent Total cost of recycled materials$2,384,00011% Total cost of regional materials$3,063,00014% How much of installed wood is FSC Certified?All 100% Notable Reused or Recycled Material Notable Reused or Recycled Material Notable Reused or Recycled Material Notable Regional Material Source Location Notable Regional Material Source Location Notable Regional Material Source Location Calculate or estimate the total value of materials that were recycled, local, or certified by third party programs. Local Materials: Don't worry too much about staying in a specific radius from the site. Use your best judgment to determine which materials were harvested or manufactured "locally" Recycled / Reused Materials: Include all materials that contain some component or ingredient that is reused or recylce. Sustainably sourced structural wood Weighing and recording dumpster fills during construction is best practice, but a good estimate will do as well. 88% Measured There are a variety of tools for estimating the embodied carbon of an entire building. The simplest is Build Carbon Neutral, which only takes a few minutes and inputs. For a more detailed analysis, try Talley or Athena This can be from any tool and taken to any depth "An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a document that communicates verified, transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products." - International EPD System List EPS (or similar certifications) collected for materials used and tally up the total number. Athena Life Cycle Assessment Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non-numerical data into the green cells cross laminated timber American Wood Council 21 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 02 | COTE BUILDING

Input the building's design lifespan. The design lifespan is based on a variety of design choices such as material durability, functional adaptability, and water management.

COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - CHANGE Measure 9 - Change Explanations 1 - Percent of Reused Floor Area Total floor area reused 0sf Percent reused0% 2 - Days the Building Can Function Without Power Choose one Relative ranking (Score 1-4) 1 3 - Building Lifespan Building design lifespan200Years Was the building designed for disassembly?Partially Notable longevity Strategy Notable longevity Strategy Notable longevity Strategy
passive functionality
How much floor area
existing? Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non-numerical data into the green cells Passive survivability Non-combustible exteripr cladding system 22 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 02 | COTE BUILDING
Choose the most relevant description of
from the
was already
COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - DISCOVERY Measure 10 - Discovery Explanations 1 - Level of Post Occupancy Engagement Contact the owner / Occupant to see how things are goingYes 1 Formal post occupancy air quality testing 0 Obtain utility bill to determine actual performance 0 Data logging of indoor environmental measurements 0 Survey building occupants on satisfaction 0 Post occupancy energy analysisYes 1 Formal onsite daylight measurements 0 Develop and share strategies to improve the building's PerformanceYes 1 Share collected data with building occupants 0Teach occupants and operators how to improve building performance 0 Post Occupancy Engagement Score 30% 2 - Level of Transparency Present the design of the project to the officeYes 1 Publish post occupancy data from the building 0 Present the design of the project to the publicYes 1 Publish any lessons learned from design, construction, or occupancyYes 1 Present outcomes and lessons learned to the officeYes 1other: 0 Present outcomes and lessons learned to the publicYes 1other: 0 Transparency score 63% 3 - Level of Occupant feedback Choose one Relative ranking (Score 0-5)3 Curious occupants have access to performance feedback Select the level of occupancy feedback. Which of the following did you do to stay engaged with the building? Which of the following did you do to share the lessons of the project? Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non-numerical data into the green cells Select all the post occupancy strategies that were employed. Select all the transparency strategies that were employed. 23 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 02 | COTE BUILDING

Gross site EUI - Predicted 60kBtu/sf/yr

Net energy reduction from Benchmark 44%Net Energy Reduction

Carbon emissions / sf - Predicted 12.0Lbs. of CO2/sf/yr

Percent from Renewable Energy 0%

CO2 Percent reduction from Benchmark 57%

Net site EUI - Measured 76kBtu/sf/yr

Gross site EUI - Measured 76kBtu/sf/yr

Net energy reduction from Benchmark 29%Net Energy Reduction

Carbon emissions / sf - Measured 3743.2Lbs.

COTE SUPER SPREADSHEET - SUMMARY COTE Top Ten Toolkit Super Spreadsheet COTE_Super_Spreadsheet_Version_1.6.xlsx Measure 1 - Design for Integration Measure 2 - Design for Community Walk Score 67Walk Score Community Engagement Score 6Level of community Engagement (1=low, 7=high) Alternative Transportation Percentage 41%Alternative Commuters Transportation carbon - Annual Carbon / Occupant 1,077Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide Transportation carbon - Total Annual Carbon 264,963Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide Transportation carbon - Percent Reduction 76%Reduction of Transportation Carbon Parking Space Reduction 70%Reduction of Parking Spaces Bicycle Infrastructure - Bike Racks 20%of occupants get a bike Rack Bicycle Infrastructure - Showers 1.2%of occupants can shower simultaneously Measure 3 - Design for Ecology Vegetated site area - Post Development 36%Of site vegetated (Post-development) Vegetated site area - Pre Development 21%Of site vegetated (Pre-development) Vegetated area increase 20%Change in vegetated area (Post-development) Native plantings - Percent of total 28%Of total site dedicated to native plantings Native plantings - Percent of vegetation 76%Of vegetated area dedicated to native plantings Measure 4 - Design for Water Water use per occupant - Predicted Annual 2,566Gallons of potable water used / occupant / year Water use per occupant - Predicted Daily 7.6Gallons of potable water used / occupant / day Water Use Intensity - Predicted 7.2Gallons of potable water used / sqft / day Percent rainwater use - Predicted 2%Of total water use is from collected rainwater Percent grey/black water use - Predicted 0%Of total water use is from grey or blackwater Potable water reduction 51% Water use per occupant - Measured Annual 882Gallons of potable water used / occupant / year Water use per occupant - Measured Daily 2.6Gallons of potable water used / occupant / day Water use intensity- Measured 2.5Gallons of potable water used / sf / day Percent rainwater use - Measured 5%Of total water use is from collected rainwater Percent grey/black water use - Measured 0%Of total water use is from grey or blackwater Potable water reduction 83% Potable water used for Irrigation? YesIs potable water used for irrigation? Rainwater managed onsite 57%Of stormwater managed onsite Estimated runoff quality 4Water quality score (1=low, 5=high) Measure 5 - Design for Economy Actual construction cost $423Dollar (USD) / sf Benchmark Construction cost $420Dollar (USD) / sf Construction cost reduction from the benchmark -1%Dollar (USD) / sf Efficiency ratio achieved 80%Net to Gross Efficiency ratio percent improvement 7% Measure 6 - Design for Energy Net site EUI - Predicted 60kBtu/sf/yr Gross site EUI - Predicted 60kBtu/sf/yr Net energy reduction from Benchmark 44%Net Energy Reduction Carbon emissions / sf - Predicted 12.0Lbs. of CO2/sf/yr Percent from Renewable Energy 0% CO2 Percent reduction from Benchmark 57% Net site EUI - Measured 76kBtu/sf/yr Gross site EUI - Measured 76kBtu/sf/yr Net energy reduction from Benchmark 29%Net Energy Reduction Carbon emissions / sf - Measured 3743.2Lbs. of CO2/sf/yr Percent from Renewable Energy 0% CO2 Percent reduction from Benchmark -13426% Lighting Power Density 0.65W/sf Lighting Power Density % Reduction 42% Measure 7 - Design for Wellness Quality views 83%Occupied area with quality views Operable windows 64%Occupied area with operable windows Daylight autonomy 55%Occupied area served primarily by daylight Predicted Measured Predicted Measured
of CO2/sf/yr Percent from Renewable Energy 0% CO2 Percent reduction from Benchmark -13426% Lighting Power Density 0.65W/sf Lighting Power Density % Reduction 42% Measure 7 - Design for Wellness Quality views 83%Occupied area with quality views Operable windows 64%Occupied area with operable windows Daylight autonomy 55%Occupied area served primarily by daylight Individual thermal control 10.7Occupants per thermostat Individual lighting control 22%Occupants who control their own lighting Peak measured CO2 300ppm Peak measured VOC 100ppb Materials with health certifications 4Materials Checmicals of concern avoided 1Chemicals Measure 8 - Design for Resources Embodied energy - CO2/sf 67.49Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide / sf Embodied energy - Total CO2 5,910,586Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide - total Embodied energy reduction from benchmark 20% Life cycle analysis conducted - Y/N Yes Number of EPDs Collected 20Materials % of construction waste diverted 88% % of recycled content of building materials 11% % of regional materials 14% % of installed wood that is FSC Certified 100% Measure 9 - Design for Change % of reused floor area 0% Functionality without power (relative score) 11=low, 4=high Percent onsite generation 0% Carbon emissions saved from adaptive reuse 0Total Lbs. of CO2 Building design lifespan 200Years Measure 10 - Design for Discovery Level of post occupancy evaluation 30% Level of Knowledge distribution / transparency 63% Level of Feedback (Ongoing discovery) 3Feedback Score (0=low, 5=high) Predicted Measured 24 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 02 | COTE BUILDING



The key objectives of the Design Building was to exemplify the University's commitment to sustainability and innovation, and to demonstrate the capabilities of mass timber construction technologies. The sustainability efforts are shown not only in reduced energy consumption and construction waste, but

also successful in passive measurements.

The COTE Super Spreadsheet illustrates the thoughtfulness that went into the design and planning of the building in many aspects that made it successful.

This page compares metrics against their benchmark along a scale from "Baseline" to "Very High Performance"

Measure 2: Design For Community

Walk Score 0 100

Community Engagement Score 1 8

Alternative Transportation Percentage 0% 100%

Transportation carbon - Percent Reduction 0% 100%

Parking Space Reduction -100% 100%

Bicycle Infrastructure - Bike Racks 0% 50%

Bicycle Infrastructure - Showers 0% 5%

Vegetated site area - Post Development 0% 100%

Native plantings - Percent of vegetation 0% 100% Predicted


Potable water used for Irrigation? Yes (0) No (1)

Rainwater managed onsite 0% 100%

Estimated runoff quality 1 5 \

Construction cost reduction from the benchmark -100% 50%

Efficiency ratio percent improvement -50% 50% Predicted Measured

Net energy reduction from Benchmark 0%

Percent from renewable energy 0% 0% 0% 100% CO2 Percent reduction from Benchmark 0%

Lighting Power Density

Very High Performance
water reduction 0% 51% 83% 100%
44% 29% 105%
57% -13426% 100%
% Reduction 0 75% Quality views 0% 100% Operable windows 0% 100% Daylight autonomy 0% 100% Is CO2 Measured? No (0) Yes (1) Is VOC measured? No (0) Yes (1) Materials with health certifications 0 10+ Checmicals of concern avoided 0 10+ Embodied energy reduction from benchmark 0% 100% Life cycle analysis conducted - Y/N No (0) Yes (1) Number of EPDs Collected 0 10+ % of construction waste diverted 0% 100% % of recycled content of building materials % of regional materials 0% 100% % of installed wood that is FSC Certified 0% 100% % of reused floor area 0% 100% Functionality without power (relative score) 0 4 Percent onsite generation 0% 100% Building design lifespan 30 200 Level of post occupancy evaluation 0% 100% Level of Knowledge distribution / transparency 0% 100% Level of Feedback (Ongoing discovery) 0 5 30% 63% 3 1% 20% 100% 4 67 Response 7% -1% 4 6 41% 76% 70% Measure 9: Design For Change Measure 10: Design For Discovery 0% 200 1 0% Measure 4: Design For Water 0 57% Measure 3: Design For Ecology Measure 5: Design For Economy 76% 36% Measure 6: Design For Energy Measure 7: Design For Wellness 1 1 14% Measure 8: Design For Resources 11% 20% 1 20 88% 1 42% 83% 64% 55% THE BIG IDEA: Multidiscplinary collabpration and integration using sustainable and innovatice design and construction technologies CARBON OVER TIME: Carbon Calculations Total Lbs. of Carbon Dioxide from: Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total 1 Year 264,963327,801,5565,910,586333,977,105 20 years 5,299,2596,556,031,1125,910,5866,567,240,957 100 years 26,496,29632,780,155,5595,910,58632,812,562,442 200 years 52,992,59365,560,311,1185,910,58665,619,214,297 Design 200 52,992,59365,560,311,1185,910,58665,619,214,297 Commute/yearEnergy/yearBuilding Materials Total 1 Year 0.1% 98.2% 1.8% 100.0% 20 years 0.1% 99.8% 0.1% 100.0% 100 years 0.1% 99.9% 0.0% 100.0% 200 years 0.1% 99.9% 0.0% 100.0% Design 200 0.1% 99.9% 0.0% 100.0% Commute/year 0% Energy/year 98% Building Materials 2% Cumulative carbon after 1 year occupancy Commute/year 0% Energy/year 100% Building Materials 0% Cumulative carbon over building life 25 ENVIRONMENTAL PORTFOLIO | ZHENXING GU SECTION 02 | COTE BUILDING


Personas are fictional characters that represent different archetypes within the building's user group. Personas can be very helpful tools for the designer to develop a user-centric design by understanding the user's needs. Once the personas are established, they can be used to create journey maps. Journey maps are representations of the user's experience. They can help the designer improve the user experience of the building.

For this assignment, I analyzed my Architecture Studio IV project - the Central Square Community Center. This project is designed with a diverse user group in mind. While the most prominent age group in the area are young adults 18-34, there are programs dedicated to each age group, from youth to the elderly. The building's major programs include daycare/ preschool, after-school programs, youth center, community kitchen, library, gym, sports hall, and flexible event spaces.

Exterior Rendering of the Proposed Central Square Community Center


Salma Williams

Age: 24 | Occupation: Student

Salma is a college student living with 2 roommates in East Cambridge. She likes to spend her personal time alone with her own thoughts. When she finds time in her busy schedule, Salma loves to spend time enjoying nature, reading, and exercising.


• Reading Space

• Affordable/Accessible Gym


• Bicycle

• Public Transportation

Jason Meece

Age: 32 | Occupation: Software Designer

Jason just moved to Cambridge with his husband and their 3 year old daughter a few months ago. Jason enjoys spending time with his family, meeting new people, as well as cooking and playing basketball.


• Daycare

• Affordable/Accessible Gym

• Social Activities


• Car

• Bicycle

Victor Grant

Age: 61 | Occupation: Social Worker

A long time Cambridge resident, Victor is an active member of the community. Victor loves to connect with people. He has organized and maintained a number of social groups , including a reading club and a foodie group.

All Images this page courtesy of istock photo


• Social Space

• Event Space

• Community Engagement


• Car

• Public Transportation



While each persona has their unique ways of arriving at the building, as well as their individual needs and goals, their journey maps reveal some key insights into the building's overall usage pattern. It becomes clear that the cafe and lobby areas receive the most traffic, therefore it is important to design for moments of interaction in these key areas. Some overlapping happens in other areas of the first floor, but they are generally more specific and not for all groups. Once the users arrive at the second floor, the programmatic spaces become very distinct per user. This tells me that use program separation is more important on the second floor.



UP 20' 0 40' 40' 5 6 7 8 F G H I J 3 2 1 E D C B 4 10 9 A VESTIBULE
DN 5 6 7 8 F G H I J 3 2 1 E D C B 4 10 9 A LOBBY

Salma arrives and stores her bike at the bike racks

She grabs a snack and a coffee at the cafe

She attends a yoga class to relax after exercising

She retrieves her bike and leaves the building

She goes to the gym for her daily workout

He drops off his daughter at the daycare center upstairs

Jason arrives in the garage with his daughter

She heads upstairs to study in the library

He plays a few rounds of basketball at the gym

He picks up her daughter and they head home

He grabs a snack and coffee at the cafe

He sits at the garden for a bit, and catches up with people

Victor arrives at the front via public transportation

He attends social events at the community kitchen

He meets with people at the workshop to organize for his event

He leaves the building via public transportation

He grabs a snack and coffee at the cafe

He hosts his community events at the event hall



In order to find the cubic inches of precipitation that fall per squarefootof surface areaper inch of precipitation,multiply the resultfrom Step1 byone inch of precipitationtofindthe cubic inches of waterper squarefoot. cubicinchesofprecipitationpersquare foot S In-Class Exercise #05, Part 1: Water Reduction How much water could you save annually via shower water use reduction? Baseline Case 2.5gpm showerhead 10 minute shower 2 showers/day “gpm” means “gallons per minute”

: Co Water E cient Approach • 1.5gpm showerhead • 10 minute shower • 1 shower/day Your Task Calculate Annual Water Consumption via Showers Base: _______________________________ E cient: _______________________________ Water Savings = _______________________________

r In-Class Exercise Part 1: Due 10/15 10:00 pm EST Due 10/15 10:00 pm EST 2.5 10 2 365 17,800GAL 115 10x I X365 5,475GAL 17800 5475 12325GAL


For this assignment I converted units between inches, square foot, square inches, cubic inches, and gallons in order to fully understand the precipitation measurements. I then used these conversion methods to evaluate the annual precipitation level in Boston.

t Total Gallons Breakroom # Occupants # Uses/Day # Days/Year Water/Use (gpm)Duration of Use (minutes)

e p 1 : Findthe numberofsquare inches inonesquare footofsurfacearea. squareinches=1squarefoot S Total Gallons Shower # Occupants # Uses/Day # Days/Year Water/Use (gpm)Duration of Use (minutes)

e p 2 Co nve r Total Gallons Total Gallons of Water Consumption Annually

to vo l Toilets (Water Closets) and Urinals

m e In-Class Exercise Part 2: Exercise Part 12 12 1.28 399316 12 24 260 015 12 260 1798.8 gg 38 1,28 260 1128 2662.4 yo 05 32 260 4160 260 1128 13312 39228.8 12 36 260 015 0.25 1170 36 260 0,5 0.25 12 0,25 1170 80 40 260 015 1300 80 40 260 015 0.25 1300 4940 24 24 260 1.8 0.25 2808 24 214 260 1.8 5 5616 5259218


Part1:ConvertInchesofPrecipitationtoGallonsof Precipitation/SF
t e p 3
a l l o n s
S In-Class Exercise #05, Part 2: Water Use Chart # Occupants # Uses/Day # Days/Year Water/Use (gpf)Total Gallons Restroom Sinks (Lavatories) # Occupants # Uses/Day # Days/Year Water/Use (gpm)Duration of Use (minutes)
Findthe gallonsof precipitationthatfall per square foot of surface area: divide the result from Step2 by 231cubicinchespergallon. gallonsof precipitationper squarefootforone inch of precipitation S
p 4 : Lookat ChartA:whatisthe averageannualprecipitationinBostonin inches fortheyears2010-2019?inches(average) S t e p 5 : Calculatethe averageannual precipitationin gallons per squarefootin Boston by multiplying the result in Step3 by the result in Step4 gallonsofprecipitationpersquarefoot annually inBoston 1Gallon = 231Cubic Inches
144 144 0.62 43,96 27.26
I calculated the amount of annual water savings simply by showering more efficiently. I also learned how to estimate a building's water use level based on the occupancy load.


In-Class Exercise #08a: Window Wall Ratio

1 - A building has a oor slab that is 20’ x 30’. Each exterior wall is 20’ tall. Windows comprise 25% of the walls. There are two (2) doors and each is 3’ wide by 7.5’ tall. The hip roof is 1,400 sf total. What percentage of the overall building is each component?

2 - A building with a at roof has the elevations below. What is the WWR (Window Wall Ratio)? Calculate for each facade and for all walls combined. We are only looking at walls in this case.


For this assignment, I calculated the gross wall area, building envelope area, window area, and opening areas. I also calculated the wall and window areas for each individual facade. These numbers are then used to also calculate the window-wallratio for the building and for each facade.


Part I of the assignment looked at my Studio IV project. I estimated the building's energy consumption based on the building's square footage, and looked at what a 30% reduction could look like. Then I did a similar calculation for a hybrid building with two different energy consumption levels, and investigated the grid energy reduction possibilities with solar panels.

North East West South

1 GROSS WAU L GrossNORTHWAN 20 x 30 600SF 2 201 20 t 2 201 30 2000SF


NORTHWANWWR 150 600 25 1400 t 2000 340057


GrossEASTWAU 26 20 400 SF


EASTWANWWE 1081400 27

In-Class Exercise #06: Calcuate Energy Use for a Building

Part I - O ce Building Example

NETDOOR 3 x 7.51 2 45SF


GROSSSOUTH WAN Lo x 30 600SF 2000 500 45 1455OF NET SOUTHGLAZING 4 t 443 X301 33057


SOUTHWANWWR 3301600 55 50013400 14.7 Gross WEST WAU 26 20 400 SF

DOORRATIO NET WESTGLAZING 31 61 6 108SF 45 3400 1.3 WEST WANWWE 1081400 27 WAURATO 2855 3400 42.8

TOTALGROSSWAU 600 400 2 2000SF


TOTALNETGLAZING 150 108 330 108 6968 140013400 41.2 0

TOTAL WWE 69612000 34.8

1. You design a 20,000 sf o ce building. How much energy does a baseline building of this type consume annually?

Using your studio or past studio project - find the total SF of your building. How much energy does a baseline building of this type consume annually?

Source: Site:

Source: Site: 112kBtn ft x50570ft 5,003,840KBtu 562kBtu ft x50570ft 2.842,034kistu

2. You complete an energy model and determine that by maximizing passive strategies for solar heat gain in the winter, shading in the summer, and natural ventilation for a signi cant part of the year, you can reduce the amount of energy your o ce building (from #1) consumes by 30%. How much energy is your building predicted to consume annually?


5,663,840 x 70 3,964,688KBtu

Part II - Museum/Restaurant Example

3. You design a 20,000 sf building that contains a 15,000 sf museum and a 5,000 sf restaurant. How much energy does a baseline building of this type consume annually?


112KBtu Ift x 15,000Sf t 573.7 KBtu ft x5,000St 4,548,500kBtw

4. In addition to applying passive strategies to this museum/restaurant building (from #3), you lower the lighting power density, you take advantage of daylighting and sensors to dim lights when there is enough sunlight to illuminate the space, and you employ heat recovery systems to capture and reuse waste heat. Via these strategies, your energy model predicts that you can reduce the amount of energy your building consumes by 70%. How much energy is your building predicted to consume annually?


4,548,500 x 30 1,364,550 KBtw

5. For your building in #4, you install a small PV array that can provide power for 25% of the demand on an annual basis. How many kBTUs of energy do you need from the grid (which will be powered by a mix of fossil fuels and renewable energy sources)? Assume this is an all-electric building.


In-Class Exercise #08b: Shading Devices

Use the Sustainable by Design Overhang Analysis tool for this exercise (https://susdesign.com/overhang/).


- You are located at approximately 45 degrees N latitude in Milan, Italy.

- You have a southern-facing window that is 3’ wide and 8’ tall.

- Reference the sun charts for Milan, Italy included in this exercise.

Answer the three italicized items below: a) Based on the Climate Consultant sun charts, what times of year and times of day is shading most needed in this climate?

b) Using the Sustainable by Design Overhang Analysis tool, design a horizontal shading device that will provide complete or partial direct sunlight shading during the times when it is most needed. Attach an image of your window and shading device (from the website or one you draw yourself!).

Overhang Width: ________________ Overhang Depth: ________________ Height of Shading Device Above Window: ________________ Horizontal O set of Shading Device: ________________

AROUND 15 00 IN JULY 10 Z O 3

c) If you are not able to block all of the direct sunlight during times that require shade with the horizontal shading device, what other passive strategies and/or building elements might you rely on to help provide comfort?


For this assignment, I used a website (susdesign.com ) to design 2 shading devices for 2 different environments. The first design (page left) is for a window in Milan, Italy. The climate data indicates the harshest daylighting condition for this location is around 15:00 in July. Therefor the shade is designed to block the most sun at this time. The second design if for

a window located in Santiago, Chile, which is on the opposite side of the equator. At this location, shading is most needed around 14:00 in December, and the shade is designed specifically to block the sun at this time.


In-Class Exercise #08b: Shading Devices

Use the Sustainable by Design Overhang Analysis tool for this exercise (https://susdesign.com/overhang/).


- You are located at approximately 33 degrees S latitude in Santiago, Chile.

- You have a northern-facing window that is 3’ wide and 8’ tall.

- Reference the sun charts for Santiago, Chile included in this exercise.

Answer the three italicized items below:

a) Based on the Climate Consultant sun charts, what times of year and times of day is shading most needed in this climate?


b) Using the Sustainable by Design Overhang Analysis tool, design a horizontal shading device that will provide complete or partial direct sunlight shading during the times when it is most needed. Attach an image of your window and shading device (from the website or one you draw yourself!).

Overhang Width: ________________

Overhang Depth: ________________

Height of Shading Device Above Window: ________________ Horizontal O set of Shading Device: ________________

7 l l O Z

c) If you are not able to block all of the direct sunlight during times that require shade with the horizontal shading device, what other passive strategies and/or building elements might you rely on to help provide comfort?



In-Class Exercise #09: Embodied Carbon Calculations

Complete Tasks A, B, and C:

Task A

Find the embodied carbon in this wall.


1 - Establish the building materials that make up the wall.

2 - Calculate the weight of each material in your wall.

3 - Apply the embodied carbon factor to each material.

4 - Add all of the embodied carbon together.

NERALWOOLINSULATION 1.03 7 1.28 9.23 BRICKS 60 2.3 0.5512 76.07

Task B

4,500 kWh of electricity was used to power site lighting during construction. Construction site lighting is powered by fossil fuels. How much embodied carbon is in the site lighting?

Task C 1,400 m2 of carpet tiles are installed in an o ce on day #1. 25% of the carpet tiles are replaced every other year for the lifetime of the o ce space. The lifetime of the o ce space is 20 years. What is the total embodied carbon for the carpet ooring for the lifetime of the o ce space?

WAUTIES 5 0.04409 6.519 1.44 8.38 9.23 76.07 t 9,47 1.44 104.59 In 4500 0.6 2700 1400 13.7 t 20 2 x 25 x 1400x 13.7


For this assignment, I estimated the embodied carbon of a complete wall system through each layer of the wall. I estimated the amount of embodied carbon associated with site lighting that was produced by fossil fuels. I also estimated the total embodied carbon of carpeting throughout the lifetime of a building's span.


This is a look at embodied carbon and ways to reduce it via material selection. The two sankey diagrams are visualizations of a building's total embodied carbon levels and how much they can be offset by selecting the right materials in each category. While it is very difficult to achieve net zero embodied carbon, it is not hard to reduce the embodied carbon levels by a conservative 33%. I selected a few structural materials for my studio 4 project, and was able to surpass the goal of 33% reduction easily.



1. "OLVER,JOHNW.DESIGNBUILDING" , UMass Amherst, 2017, https://www.umass.edu/cp/olver-john-w-design-building

2. "JOHN W. OLVER DESIGN BUILDING" , Leers Weinzapfel Associates, 2017, https://www.lwa-architects.com/project/integrated-design-building/

3. "JOHN W. OLVER DESIGN BUILDING" , AIA, 2020, https://www.aia.org/showcases/6280256-john-w-olver-design-building

A butterfly resting in my Community Garden

Back cover image courtesy of Leer Weinzapfel Associates


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