Kingsly Loh 不看电影 Watch Movies Not 诗巫夜市 Sibu Night Market
Robert’s Wooden House
Grill Bar
Editor Word
编 辑
2019年来到9月份,政局再乱也好,生活还是一样要过,况且这社会 还有很多事物需要聚合的力量去改变。 当下这个时代是技术与资讯爆炸的时代,许多人已经无法面对这快速 发展和更迭所产生的变化。不论是个人、社会、企业、文化,一一都 重新的被定义,社会的软实力,个人的品牌效应都无限的放大。 新工作浪潮来袭,打工一族不甘锁定于单一的职业,斜杆青少年突起 ,整个就业氛围起着极大的改变。这不再是大鱼吃小鱼的年代,大鱼 恐慌下一秒就被一群的小鱼围攻而击垮。 数字经济的涌现,平台的崛起,市场变得无疆界,弱势也可以靠契机 、创意,和才干突围。Go Sibu, 我们希望创造新的氛围,从小福州 开始! 陈洁
It is now September of 2019 in the blink of an eye. No matter how unstable the political situation currently is, we still have to go on with our lives, especially when there are so many things in our society that require our collective effort to make a change. We live in the age of technology and information explosion where we are constantly bombarded with loads of information. As a result, the way we carry out our daily activities are completely changed and many people are unable to cope with it. Everything is being redefined on all levels in the society.
Contents 3 Watch Movies Not
4 Kingsly Couture
8 Sibu Night Market
10 Base Jump
A new type of career is emerging -- ‘slash’ career. This phenomenon is now changing the whole employment structure. We no longer live in a generation where the corporate giants can easily eliminate small businesses. By collaborating with each other, the small businesses create their own leverage to compete against the big brands.
New Shop
With the rise of digital economy and numerous platforms, the market has become a place with endless possibilities for everyone to thrive. We hope to create a brand new prospect starting from this little Foo Chow town through Go Sibu. Zoey Ting
Robert's Wooden House
O n t h e cov e r 封面故事
Niku BBQ
He used to work as a wedding assistant and he had also opened a wedding shop in Singapore. He has been investing his time in researching various types of materials involved in making a wedding dress without letting any small details slip by.He places high expectations on himself even though he understands that more time and energy are needed to complete his work.
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Advertisements: DeHouse, Printing Company, Brain Zone, MCN Studio, 联越, We Wash Car Spa, Oxygen Bar, Zen Don Bing, Liang Sandwich Bar
作为「不看电影」在Go Sibu的第一篇专栏,我们特别想要以电 影的雏形为主题,探讨电影的源头。电影史从19世纪末期至今 一百多年,我们将在每一期的专栏中,为视电影为艺术的读者 们,重点化电影发展的过程。 电影的发明其实源于一场赌约。1872年,人们为了确认赛马奔 跑的过程,而在马道一侧放置24台相机,并用一个有槽口的圆 盘做反向运动,将照片轮流出现在槽口。这个连续流动的影像 使照片中的马儿动了起来,这是电影的雏型。 电影放映标准为「一秒24格图像」(24 FPS),因此被人称为 「一秒24格的艺术」。亦有导演如Peter Jackson和李安等,想 在放映规格上做更多的挑战。种种技术上的挑战都是为了在影 像或视觉上达到一个全新的层次,让坐在电影院裡的我们能有 更多的感官享受,而这一切的缘由更可以追索回本期封面的这 组一百多年前的赛马照片。
3 | goSibu # Sep 2019
在文化沙漠中寻找绿洲, 依赖电影滋润心灵。 所以, 真的不看电影吗? When one looks for an oasis in the desert of culture, stories are what nourishes the soul. watchmoviesnotsibu
It: Chapter Two
上映日期:5/9/2019 导演:Andy Muschietti 《 It (2017) 》 类型:Horror
27 years later, the members of the loser club return to Derry town to fight the reawakening of the devil force, Pennywise the clown. Director Andy Muschietti is known for remaking the highly rated 《It (2017)》and has returned to redirect its sequel《It: chapter 2》. In the last movie, the director not only created a complete story universe, precisely characterized the roles but his visual art presentation in the movie was also great in that he presented horror in not an overly grandiose way. The most special aspect of the last movie is that the director was able to naturally bring out the core value of the story in a horror movie which is rare in horror movies.
27年后,离开德利小镇的鲁蛇俱乐部成员,因为 邪恶力量的再度复甦而重新回来这个梦魇之地,对 抗小丑潘尼怀斯。导演Andy Muschietti以重拍的 《It (2017)》闻名,因而延续上集的高评价再度回 归执导这部续集。 导演在上集的电影不仅仅建立一个完整的故事宇宙 ,多个角色刻画上也拿捏得精准,美术视觉的呈现 更是非常不过分的华丽和惊悚。而上集最特别的看 点是,导演在惊悚片中怡然自得的带出故事的核心 价值,实属难得。 因此,此部续集电影虽然加入华丽卡司如Jessica Chastain、James McAvoy等人,但更期待绝对是 导演如何叙述这个延续的故事,讲述成长后的主角 们再度回去面对内心的恐惧。
That is why although the returning movie features a star studded cast with members like Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy and etc, how the director narrates this franchise continuation, how the protagonists returns to and comes face to face their fear is much more enticing to the audience.
4 | goSibu # Sep 2019
封面人物 On the cover
罗 手工 如 婚纱 豪
Kingsly Loh
一个人的筑梦旅程 他在新加坡做过婚纱助理,也开过婚纱店,回来诗 巫后便重新开始。一人筑起自己的梦想,有时会觉 得孤单,但坚持下去的信念从来没有减少过。
坚持自己的信念 他带着满满的热诚回乡,有鼓励也有冷嘲。但始终 坚持自己的信念和专业。认真于研究婚纱制作,每 一个小细节都不马虎。他会依据新人的喜好,设法 做出她心目中最想要的嫁衣。他真心的为顾客设计 出完全适合他们的作品,一针一线缝制对他啊而言 是幸福与对未来的期待。只要看到新人脸上洋溢幸 福美满的表情,当下他才能放下心,告诉自己‘完 成了’。而他与一般婚纱店不同之处在于,他本身 是服装设计师,“扫描”过顾客的身材,就会知道 适合她的婚纱类型。
编织两个人的爱情故事 站在设计师的角度,这是从两个人的爱情故事里头 ,编织出一个纪念爱情升华的美好时刻。这行业最 考的就是耐心,一针一线,让人缝到眼花缭乱,体 力透支但依然期待完成作品的那天。对他来说,自 己尽力和让顾客满意是最重要的。每每看到新娘穿 着嫁衣行婚礼,他都会抱着满满的感动与满足在场 的远处观望。他认定做这行不可能大富大贵,但他 觉得不能用商业角度来去衡量自己的职业,或者本 身的价值。他从不花钱打广告,他始终希望找上门 的每一个人,是因为他的认真,他的专业而来。
勇敢做自己不留遗憾 他希望一步一脚印的做自己喜欢的工作,享受自在 不随波逐流,奢侈用时间来创造自己专属的梦想。
Kingsly一名服装设计师,2005年, 在偶然的机会接触婚纱行业就顺 理成章当了一名婚纱设计师。 对他来说,婚纱是每一对新人完 美爱情故事的一个记录, “可以见证一段爱情走入幸福的 婚姻,这份职业很棒,不是吗?
A Journey towards My Dreams
He used to work as a wedding assistant and he had also opened a wedding shop in Singapore. However, he left the partnership due to different visions. Hence, he came back to Sibu to restart his career.Ever since he returned, he started to build his dreams on his own. Although he feels lonely sometimes, his determination has never decreased.
Holding on to My Beliefs
‘I have people mocking my passion and also people who support me when I came back here to build my dream. Despite the sneer, I focus on my profession and disregard what people think of me,’ he said.He has been investing his time in researching various types of materials involved in making a wedding dress without letting any small details slip by. Every single material has to be chosen carefully by himself.‘There is little room for a major change in wedding dress but this is the most challenging part in the design,’he said.He always try his best to get to know clients and custom make a wedding dress based on the bride’s preference. His mission is to design a perfect dress that she desires the most for their wedding that he is pursuing is not purely for monetary return but to design perfect pieces that fit each of his customers.“The thing that a bride looks forward to the most is the moment when she slips on her very own wedding dress. I can only be rest assured that I have done my job well when I see her contented smile on her face.
视频链接 Video Link to Kingsly Loh https://youtu.be/Lm3kndZv25Q 喜欢我们的影片就请【按赞】和【订阅】 Please like and subscribe if you like our videos. |一森视频|雨林中采集故事,发掘最真的感动 by BorneoVoice | Webpage | www.borneovoice.com | Facebook | www.facebook.com/borneovoice | YouTube | BorneoVoice | IG | borneovoice
5 | goSibu # Sep 2019
Kingsly Couture kingsly.couture@gmail.com Threading the Love Stories
Nevertheless, this process is the love story of two people putting together a wonderful moment to commemorate the sublimation of love.In this industry, patience is the key as much of the handiwork involved sewing. A custom designed handmade wedding dress requires at least 3 months to complete. Every detail on the dress has to be perfect. Hence, sometimes he can be completely wrapped up in his work. The thing that matters most to Kingsly is his clients’ satisfaction level. He places high expectations on himself even though he understands that more time and energy are needed to complete his work. It is a very touching and fulfilling moment for Kingsly whenever he sees the bride wearing the dress that he made wholeheartedly on their wedding.He understands that what he is doing may not make him rich. His definition of success is different from the view of business perspective.He does not spend money on advertisement. He hopes that his clients who come for his service value his professionalism and passion. Hence, all of his clients are referrals.
Dare to be Original
‘I want to do the work I like in my own pace. I enjoy this kind of freedom very much. I dislike to follow the crowd. I want to use my unique personality to create my own dreams,’ he said.
热点新闻 Hot News
客家炒米粉炒面 Hakka Stir Fried Noodles and Bee Hoon
它可说是客家的小炒代表作,它的原料简单,却能吃到 食物最淳朴的味道,尤其是客家炒米粉,口感爽滑,绿 色健康。当然,光吃炒米粉/炒面也太单调了,再来个 肉汁满溢的水饺烧卖就更加完美了!
FooChow Kompia
别小看这一块饼,它可是用传统手法烘制而成,再搭上 香味扑鼻的卤肉,可说是福州最具早古味美食的代表作 。吃起光饼不单是因为光饼的魅力,更是它包含了福州 文化和福州人童年的回忆。除了光饼,肉粽和春卷,也 是福州美食之一。
Young Master You Tiao Soya Bean
豆浆油条可说是一对好搭档,要搭着一块儿吃才能把它 的美味发挥极致!如今的豆浆油条已经不再是早年电视 剧里富人家的早餐了,它已经普及成平民百姓的桌上美 味,一份金黄酥脆的油条,搭上热乎乎的豆浆,食物最 原始的美味,在味蕾上舒展开来,这就是活着的幸福!
经济饭 Economic Rice
香酥鸡腿、美奶滋叉烧、各种荤素 菜供君挑选,再搭上米香四溢的白 饭,如此简单好吃的经济饭也受到 不少食客青睐!
半个月亮 Apam Balik
也叫煎弄包,马来语称Apam Balik 。这道人见人爱的平民小吃,包你 一吃就上瘾!要做出口感极佳的 Apam Balik,火候掌控极为重要, 否则吃起来就不够酥脆。诗巫夜市 里卖的是最原始的口味:花生+糖 。当然也可以根据个人喜好选择薄 的或厚的。
咖哩牛肉 Beef Curry
马来早古风味的咖哩牛肉、牛肚和 牛杂,也受到不少饕客的喜爱。这 些咸、香、鲜、口感微辣又入味的 佳肴,很让人下饭,食指大开!
菱形粽 Ketupat
是马来同胞每逢开斋节必备的应节 美食。它是用椰叶或棕榈叶编制菱 形的棕囊,再添加糯米烹制,味道 清香,口感香糯粘滑。吃起菱形粽 ,可以再配搭些马来风味咖哩或马 来风味沙拉,可令人胃口大开!
8 | goSibu # Sep 2019
砂拉越从南到北都能找到夜市, 每个夜市都代表着当地的文化美 食。那么,来到砂拉越中区的鹅 江小镇——诗巫,就更要到当地 的夜市,尝尝诗巫老街的早古味 美食,这些美食不单有着食物淳 朴的美味,还包涵了诗巫早期的 回忆。 Night market has been a prominent part of Sarawak and each of them offers different types of local delicacies based on the town they are located in. If you ever visit Sibu, your trip would be incomplete without visiting our Night Market, a place where you can find all the traditional local food.
9 | goSibu # Sep 2019
烧烤 Malay Style BBQ
它是马来同胞拿手的平民小吃。每次小 编一到夜市,都会被马来烧烤摊的香味 吸引过去,看看烤盘上的烤鱼、烤鱿鱼 、烤鸡翅、烤鱼丸等等,都让小编心生 一股冲动,好想全部都买!烤架上炊烟 袅袅,烤鸡香味四溢满街。这些烧烤可 说是人间美味,小编就喜欢买些烤鸡或 烤鸡串来当下酒菜!
烧猪 Chinese Style Grilled Pork
诗巫老街夜市也有摆卖香喷喷的烧猪。 这些烧猪皮酥肉嫩多汁,烤制手法极为 讲究,饕客们就喜欢来夜市买些烧猪头 、烧猪耳或烧猪肉,回家当下饭菜或下 酒菜!
Sungai Merah Char Siew Bun
咸甜酱香的新珠安叉烧包,无论是当做 夜宵或早餐都是最合适不过了!新珠安 可说是诗巫华人最早的定居地,也是诗 巫当地的一个古老市集,早年这叉烧包 是新珠安最常见的包点。如今,这个富 有早古味的叉烧包,无论是在什么年代 ,都深受老少幼食客的喜爱。
Sambal Hotplate Stingray & Hotplate BBQ Chicken
在铁板烧烤系列中,小编最喜欢铁板烤 参巴鱼和铁板烤鸡肉。它的风味独特, 咸辣鲜香,还微微带着芭蕉叶的清香, 很是下饭,也很适合做为人们犒赏自己 的美食!
Sibu International BASE Jump 2019 19 - 22 / 9 / 2019 诗巫城市广场的草场提供了充足的定点跳伞着陆的 场地,因此诗巫获选为国际定点跳伞的其中一个地 点,因而也为诗巫民众塑造了一个特别的常年活动 。除了可以在这段期间观赏各国跳伞好手在本地跳 伞之外,主办单位诗巫省公署也特别配合这项常年 活动举行嘉年华,包括进行各样的活动和演出。 定点跳伞活动是从2009年开始举办。这项活动是马 来西亚的唯一两场定点跳伞活动之一,另一个地点 则是在吉隆坡塔。 B.A.S.E是由建筑(buildings)、天线(antennas )、跨度(spans)和地球(earth)的首字母缩写 组合而成。 这项活动是从全砂最高的三洋大厦的顶 楼直接跳跃并降落在城市广场中央,高度为126米。 这项活动由诗巫旅游工作小组筹办,由来自澳大利 亚和马来西亚的定点跳伞团队提供技术支持。诗巫 定点跳伞活动每年配合吉隆坡KL Tower Jump前一 周进行。前来参加诗巫国际定点跳伞活动的跳伞员 分别来自俄罗斯、法国、加拿大、美国、德国、芬 兰、英国、白俄罗斯、比利时、澳大利亚、爱尔兰 、新西兰、爱沙尼亚和马来西亚。
Upcoming Events 诗巫 SIBU
September 9月
13-15 Sep 2019年诗巫再也节 Pesta Sibu Jaya 2019 15 Sep 2019年诗巫半程马拉松 Sibu 21km Run 2019 19 - 22 Sep 诗巫国际定点跳伞节 Sibu International Base Jump
24 - 30 Sep 加拿逸节 Kanowit Festival
30 Aug -7 Sep 中秋嘉年华 Bintulu Tanglung Carnival 2019 12 - 15 Sep 第四届砂拉越四轮驱动越野大露营 4th Sarawak International 4×4 Jamboree 2019 25 - 29 Sep 婆罗洲国际风筝节 Borneo International Kite Festival
9 | goSibu # Sep 2019 The wide open space of the Sibu Town Square offers plenty of space for landing as well as for spectators to watch this yearly base jumping event. Fringe activities are also organised and they vary from year to year. BASE Jump to be a unique and enjoyable event with a very welcoming atmosphere. This base jumping event has been organised since 2009. It has since gone on to become a main stay in Sibu’s calendar of events. This event is one of the two events in Malaysia, the other being the KL Tower Base Jump. B.A.S.E is an acronym for buildings, antenna, span and earth and these are the four fix objects, jumpers potentially leap from while taking part in the sport. BASE jumpers launch from the top of Wisma Sanyan and land in Sibu Town Square. Wisma Sanyan is the tallest building in Sarawak (126 meters) This event is organised by Sibu Tourism Task Force Group with technical support by BASE Jumper from Australia and Malaysia. Sibu Base Jump is planned to be carried out just a week before KL Tower Jump.Some of the countries represented at the Sibu Base Jumping event.
LeJu Furnitures Furniture 010-8672299 830am - 8pm 9am - 3pm (Sunday) No.16, Lorong Ulu Sungai Merah 1
GV Mart Mini Mart 012 811 8083 7am-2pm, 4pm - 7pm No. 14, Lorong Ulu Sungai Merah 1
Hot Pot Cafe
Hito Phone Accessories 016 414 2000 10am to 10pm 11, Lorong Salim 5B3
We Wash Car Spa
Regiustea Bubble Tea 11am - 11pm (Mon-Thurs) 11am-12am(Fri-Sun) No.46, Lot 4129, Jalan Pedada, Pekan
Lao Zhi Hao
Car Wash
5pm - 9.30pm
8am - 6pm (Daily)
9am - 9pm ( Wed off )
Ground Floor, 11 Lorong Pedada 16
No.44, Ground Floor, Lrg Dr Wong Soon Kai 4B
Lot 744 & 745 Block 4, Sibu Town District, 1st Floor, No.86, Jalan Kampung Nyabor
12 | goSibu # Sep 2019
场地介绍 Where to go
Robert’s Wooden House
Robert’s Wooden House (特色高脚木屋)是属诗巫乡村议会 署理主席刘会耀所拥有。它位于诗巫沙廉区,距离诗巫市中心只 需要20分钟的车程,大约12公里。华利超市到特色高脚木屋需要 8分钟。该场地一次可容纳100位客人使用。特色高脚木屋还提供 从市区到木屋的船游,体验在拉让江乘船-约40分钟。 高脚木屋是本地华人的文化遗产与特色,每当天气炎热时,大家 会聚集在木屋底下纳凉。为了保留这文化,刘会耀将老家的木屋 拆除并运至到拉让江边重建,用最原始的木料,加上六所旧木屋 的木材,打造了今天的特色高脚木屋。里头的家具和旧照片都在 讲述这过去的种种历史,包括旧式的黑白电视、打字机、收银机 、拨号电话等。 为了让新一代的年轻人还可以欣赏和了解高脚木屋的文化,同时 也让前辈们可以到这里回味旧时代的传统木屋,刘会耀便决定开 放这个场地作为活动与休闲空间。目前已有10多个团体和家庭到 过这里聚餐、办活动,甚至是婚纱走秀活动。与此同时,也有新 人特地到这里取景,拍摄婚纱照。 这绝对是一处绝无仅有的活动空间,也是本地少有的特色旅游景 点。让我们一同来探索美丽、实惠、独特的活动空间,享受自然 清新的空气,也可以欣赏拉让江的壮丽景色。
在寻找特色的活 动或聚会场地吗? 从去年才开始开放作为 活动空间的Robert’s Wooden House 绝对 是一个休闲及别树 一帜的场地。
13 | goSibu # Sep 2019
A Picturesque Stilt House along the Rejang Riverbank Looking for a unique venue for organising event or gathering? Robert’s Wooden House has just opened to the public for booking last year as an event space. It is definitely a casual and a laid-back place for events.
Robert’s Wooden House
Robert’s Wooden House belongs to the Deputy Chairman of Sibu Rural District Council, Robert Lau Hui Yew. It is located at Salim, Sibu. It takes about 20 minutes drive from the city center, roughly 12km. If you are going to Robert’s Wooden House from Farley Supermarket, it only takes around 8 minutes. It can accommodate around 100 guests. It also provides boat services from the city center which takes around 40 minutes. Let’s settle ourselves in this place, enjoy the natural fresh air and appreciate the magnificent view of the Rejang River.
更多详情,请浏览 For more information, please visit: https:// www.facebook.com/ robertswoodenhouse/ Advertisement
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15 | goSibu # Sep 2019
SIBUDEAL聚好吃 Hang out with friends
NIKU BBQ烤吧 满足你吃肉的欲望
今晚想和朋友聚餐不知道要去哪里?那就 来Niku BBQ烤吧啦!烤肉最怕什么?就是 吃完之后全身都是烧烤残留下来的油烟味 道。这点Niku BBQ可是预先设想周到的给 食客提供了方便。这里可是诗巫第一家使 用室内上排烟系统的烤肉店呢,绝对让你 吃得安心,不必饱受吃好全身满是油烟味 的窘境。
这里在多爆一个料,寿星可以有5%折扣。 还有店家透露在明年新年将会推出新的火 锅,芝士饭锅,因为烤盘热度融化的芝士 和饭结合起来,还有拔丝的效果,当听起 来就让人垂涎啊!这里分明就是要各位食 客们来品尝啊!!食材新鲜,环境也干净 ,绝对适合和朋友痛快地吃起来!无烟, 够味,优质,就是Niku对您的承诺,也是 Niku还是提供最古老和原始的方式(炭火烧 你的选择! 烤),给顾客准备烧得通红的炭火来烤肉, Address:No:32. G/F,Jalan Merdeka 肉吃起来就有碳烤的香味,非常赞。在食 96000 Sibu, Sarawak. 材的准备上更是不马虎,各种不同的肉类 Operating Hours:11am-2pm; 5pm-10pm 都非常讲究,牛羊鸡猪都有。就连腌酱都 Contact: 017-8637300 多达7至9种腌制酱料。喜欢喝汤的朋友另 FB: Niku Bbq 一种选择,这6种不同的汤类。还有各种的 小吃、各种肉类的韩式冬粉汤、炒菇等 上班族中午不能好好享受烤肉?那早上11 时至下午1时50分的中午套餐就是最佳的选 择了,还附送菜和汤,而且价钱亲民,从7 令吉90仙至14令吉不等,有各式的饭类和 日式米饭系列等。
The Irresistible NIKU BBQ Grill Bar Are you wondering where to gather with your friends for dinner tonight? Let me introduce you to a perfect grill bar - Niku BBQ. Niku BBQ is the first grill bar in Sibu. You can stop worrying about leaving the restaurant smelling smoky and oily. In order to serve you the most original BBQ taste, they use charcoal for grilling which is the most traditional way. The heat of the charcoal sears the meat and leaves the inside tender and smoky.
9 types of marinades in different styles. They have economic set lunch with various choices from 11am to 1.50pm. If you are a soup lover, you can also find 6 different types of soups and there are still other dishes like fried chicken, salad. If you visit Niku BBQ on your birthday, you can enjoy a 5% discount. The owner also revealed that they will be adding hotpot and cheese baked rice next year!
What are you waiting for? Bring along There are many choices of meat too, your friends and family together and whether it is lamb, beef, chicken or enjoy the heavenly food in the pork. They also provide around 7 to smokeless BBQ grill bar!