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Contents Highlights

圣诞节的气息 All About Christmas

布艾海滩 Bungai Beach Pullman Miri Waterfront

t e e r &G t e e M COCO CABANA

MIRI,SARAWAK Organised By :

27-29 DEC 2019 10am - 10pm Supported By :

美国南方待客之道 Do Business the Southern Way相比北方工商业发达,美国南 方多农村,地广人稀。 一对北方年轻夫妇想远离尘嚣,搬去南方美丽的乔治亚州。他们联系了当地房产仲 介南茜带路去看清单上的农舍。他们最初看中了一栋最贵却也最小的中古建筑,南 茜未满足于此,自告奋勇第二天再带他俩去看清单以外的房产。结果他们在其中一 栋农舍门前被美景怔住了,不仅价格更低面积更大更迷人,很快就签字。 那天晚上,南茜在心爱的当地餐厅招待小两口,餐厅老板因为是南茜的客人而热情 的打招呼,还附送精心特调饮料,可想而知那是一个温馨难忘的夜晚。后来,南茜 邀请小俩口搬来暂住自家的农舍,直到房屋整修完毕,自此开展了一段深厚的家庭 友谊,两家定时聚餐。小俩口过后也介绍了几个朋友,南茜如魔术师般一一成交。 在美国南方,做生意就是交朋友,对待客户如友,他们的友人也会成为你的客户。 故事并未结束,小俩口的朋友买家又给南茜介绍了几个客户,那年她的销售增长了 五倍,美国南方待客效果可以如此。 美里贵为马来西亚第十个城市,规模不大,拥有自然美景的同时,商业发展近来放 缓。我们是否可以看齐美国南方,以“多走一里路”的精神,在浓浓的人情味中,迎 来充满希望的新年呢? Unlike Northern being more industrialized and advanced, Southern America is more agro and less populated. A couple long for less-tension life has decided to move into beautiful Georgia.They arranged with the realtor named Nancy to tour the homes they researched online. When they were about to settle with the most expensive of the twelve homes they toured and also the smallest, Nancy asked them to consider looking at another one tomorrow. It turned out out to be the one with $70k less than the farmhouse yet with bigger more charming compound.Their offer was accepted that afternoon. As an early celebration,Nancy treated the couple to dinner at her favorite restaurant where the couple received warm welcomes and complimentary drink from the owner. It was the perfect ending to an exciting day.Nancy even hosted them at her farmhouse until their new home was done with renovation and so began a dear family friendship. The Southern way is simple: treat customers like friends and their friends will become your customers.The story doesn't end there, the couple referred some friends to Nancy and she worked her magic again, then few more couples were introduced by the new home buyers. This means her considerate ways earned her a five-fold increase in business from one customer. Similarly, Miri-the 10th cities in Malaysia, isn't very big either, and recently we suffer from the slow economy and development.Why not we try to do the business in Southern way, with the mindset of 'walking extra mile', embrace the new year with emphasis in relationship."The person is more important than profit, the relationship is more important than revenue".

LAKASTAH KE MIRI for a fun-packed weekend with your family. Exciting activities for everyone – shopping, food galore, auto-show, outdoor movie night and more.Children, don’t miss your chance to meet Upin & Ipin in person.Take a picture or two and bring home some Upin Ipin merchandises.

+60 14 589 9011 (Yong)









27-29 DEC 2019 10am - 10pm

#lakastahkemiri #sarawakmoretodiscover Organised By :

LAKASTAH KE MIRI for a fun-packed weekend with your family. Exciting activities for everyone – shopping, food galore, auto-show, outdoor movie night and more.Children, don’t miss your chance to meet Upin & Ipin in person.Take a picture or two and bring home some Upin Ipin merchandises. To all Upin&Ipin fans!Don’t miss your chance to meet Upin & Ipin in person at Coco Cabana Miri on 28 th and 29 th Dec at 12.30pm and 3.30pm.Let’s meet and make great memories together!

Program Highlights Friday 3:00pm Outdoor Movie / Picnic 5:30pm Acoustic Performance 8:00pm Open Mic Session

Saturday & Sunday 12:30pm Upin & Ipin Greet 2:00pm Upin & Ipin Performance 3:00pm Outdoor Movie / Picnic 3:30pm Upin & Ipin Greet 5:30pm Acoustic Performance

Supported By :

Whole Day Program

rket and Handicra Food Ma fts Insta Garden Arts & Lights Installation

Meet & Greet



圣诞节的气息 All About Christmas

圣诞节?耶诞节? 对于基督教来说圣诞节是耶稣诞生的日子,所 以也叫耶诞节。一般认为「公元」是以耶稣降生 那年为始计算的,所以耶稣已降生2000多年了 哦。 依据圣经的记载,有一位童女名叫玛丽亚,她 因受到圣灵的降临而怀上了耶稣,也叫弥撒亚( 把人们从罪恶中解救出来的意思)。玛丽亚的未 婚夫约瑟知道后想要把玛丽亚休了,可是在夜间 天使告诉约瑟把玛丽亚娶进门,因她怀的是神的 儿子。约瑟便顺服了。

Christmas? To Christians, Christmas is the day that Jesus Christ born, so it is called Christmas. "A.D." is commonly known as counted since the year Jesus Christ born, so Jesus born since 2000 years ago. According to the Bible, Jesus was given birth by Virgin Mary whom conceived by Holy Spirit. The name Jesus, also known as Messiah, means saving people from sins. Mary's fiancé, Joseph wanted to divorce with her but Angels told Joseph not to do so in his dream. This is because the child the Mary conceived was the child of God.

后来,罗马君王下令每个人缴税。约瑟和马利 亚住在拿撒勒,必须到105公里外的伯利恒缴税 。到达伯利恒的时候,所有房间都住满了人。可 是那时候玛丽亚就快要生了。他们只好住在马厩 里。孩子也就在马厩诞生了。

At that time, the king of Rome given an order that everyone must pay taxes. Joseph and Mary was then went up from the town of Nazareth to Bethlehem the town of David for tax paying. However when they arrive Bethlehem, there was no guest room available for them so Mary gave birth, wrapped Jesus in cloths and placed Him in a manger.


Why Christians do caroling? According to the Bible, on the night Jesus born, there were shepherds keeping watch over their flocks in the fields. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and they were terrified. The angel told them not to be afraid because good news that will cause great joy for all people were brought to them. The good news is a Savior, Jesus Christ has been born in the town of Bethlehem. They were then found a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger, which is the sign that the angel told them how they can recognise Jesus.

据说,耶稣诞生那晚,有一群牧羊人在野地里 看守羊群。这时候,天使加百列来到牧羊人身旁 ,牧羊人很害怕。天使告诉他们不要害怕,因他 带来了大喜的信息,就是:救主耶稣基督在伯利 恒诞生了,他们会看到一个婴孩包着布睡卧在马 槽里,那就是记号了。 牧羊人到伯利恒去,看到了婴孩耶稣。他们很 高兴能看到救主,他们把听到和看到的事告诉其 他的人。这也就是为什么基督徒会在街上或是商 场唱歌给我们听了。 为什么耶稣基督是救主?

The shepherds went to Bethlehem and saw Jesus. they were happy to see Him so they spread the news all over the place. This is why Christians will go caroling on the streets or in the shopping mall.

当耶稣在世33岁的时候,招到一些犹太领袖的 眼红,便想要把他处死,他们便把祂带到彼拉多 面前。犹太人的领袖告诉彼拉多,说耶稣教导人 民不要服从罗马的法律。彼拉多不认为耶稣做错 了什么事,想放走耶稣,但是群众却希望将耶稣 钉在十字架上。

Why Jesus Christ is Savior? When Jesus at the age of 33, the Judea chief priests and the teacher of the law hated Jesus. They wanted him to die so they arrest Jesus. They brought him to Pilate and told Pilate that Jesus thought people not to follow Rome's law. Pilate did not find guilty in Jesus so he wanted to let Jesus go but the people disagree and wanted to crucify Jesus on the cross.

就这样无罪的耶稣被钉死在十字架上,可在第 三天他战胜了死亡,复活了。总有一天他必再来 领那些相信他的人去到天堂,也就是俗称的世界 末日,这也是为什么大部分的基督徒不害怕死亡 ,因他们知道,只要心里相信耶稣,死后灵魂不 会去到地狱,而是会去到天堂,与耶稣同住。

Thus, Jesus with no guilty was crucified on the cross. However, He is risen. There will be second coming of Jesus Christ and He will lead all those who believe in Him to eternal life. This is also why most Christians do not afraid of death. This is because they know that they believe Jesus Christ and their soul will enter heaven and live with Jesus.



2019 The BIggest Christmas Tree in Miri

在槲寄生下接吻? 你知道在西方国家里有一个浪漫的传统吗?那就是在圣诞节期间人们 会在槲寄生下接吻,所以有一些人看到槲寄生就会逃跑,而有一些人会 在那等待与某人接吻。 在北欧国家认为是光明之神巴尔德和爱神弗丽嘉的故事所影响。传说 爱神弗丽嘉很爱他的儿子,他吩咐世间万物都不能伤害他的儿子,可 她却漏掉槲寄生。邪神洛基发现了这个漏洞,便用槲寄生做了箭,刺 穿巴尔德的心脏。弗丽嘉非常伤心,而她的眼泪化成了槲寄生上的果 实,这让其他诸神都表示同情,便同意让巴尔德复活。把原本代表死 亡的槲寄生,转化成和平和爱的象征。弗丽嘉便吩咐每一个从槲寄生 下经过的人都必须彼此拥抱接吻。所以,在这圣诞节庆里,如果你经 过槲寄生别忘了与身边的人接吻哦!

Kiss Under The Mistletoe? Do you know that people in western countries always kiss under the mistletoe? Scandinavian legend told of the plant's mystical qualities in the story of the god Baldr and his adoring mother Frigg. Frigg loved her son so much that she commanded every plant, animal, and inanimate object to vow they'd never harm him. In her fervor, however, she overlooked the mistletoe. The mischievous god Loki realized this oversight and pierced Baldr's heart with an arrow carved from a mistletoe branch. Frigg cried tears of such sadness that they formed the mistletoe's pearly berries,making the other gods pity her and agree to resurrect Baldr. Hearing the news, Frigg became so overjoyed that she transformed the mistletoe from a symbol of death into one of peace and love. She mandated a one-day truce for all fights, and that everyone embrace beneath its branches when they passed to spread more love into the world.




旅游资讯 Tra v e l i n f o

Bungai Beach 布艾海滩位于实务的(Sibuti)的甘 榜布艾(Kampung Bungai),距 离美里大约一小时的车程。布艾沙 滩在美里可说是相当的有名,来到 实务的一日游的朋友们一定不可以 错过布艾沙滩。 这里沙滩有洁净的海水,而且周围 环境未经人工破坏,所以保持天然 景观,因此深受人们喜爱。这里除 了有小小的市场让到访者购买本地 蔬果和特产以外,每逢周末也吸引 不少人来到这里野餐和烧烤。如果 您想远离城市的喧嚣,这里不妨是 个好去处。

About 1 hour drive from Miri and situated near Kampung Bungai in Bekenu is Bungai Beach. Bungai Beach is popular with beachgoers who appreciate its pristine beach, clear waters, and the beauty of the untouched surroundings. Its relatively secluded and a great spot to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Bungai Beach BEKENU


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长星园距离海边很近,车程只需15 分钟就可以到达。这里可说是“凡经 过,必留下痕迹”的打卡点。 这里的虾面可说是鼎鼎有名,喜欢 吃虾的朋友,千万别错过这家店。 如果运气好,你也可以点大头虾面 呢!不会吃虾的朋友也别担心这里 的干盘面也很好吃哦! 长星园 Chang Sin Yuan 7:00 am-2:30 pm




Chang Sin Yuan

Wang Xiang Roast Kitchen 016-588 5542 7:00am-4:00pm Level Ground, Block A,A-G-06, Jln Marina Utama, Arcadia Square Parkcity Wang Xiang.燒味竹麵馆

Grandma Kitchen 016 893 0026 9:00am - 9:00pm Lot585, Pelita Commercial Centre grandma kitchen / bak kut teh-miri

Katering Hawa & BBQ Steamboat 010 457 1987 11:00am - 2:00pm (Buffet) 4:00pm - 11:00pm (BBQ Steamboat) Marina Bay (Coco Cabana ) Katering Hawa - Miri

M I RI MA P time to explore

B ru n e i

Crocodile Farm

Piasau nature reserve Seberkas night market

Canada Hill& Petroleum museum

r i M


Coco Cabana

Mulu National Park

Eastwood valley

Sallih Bakam Farm Borneo Rainforest Resort

Lambir Hills National Park

Tusan Cliff

Sibuti Wildlife Sanctuary

a i N

h Niah National Park,

Ma r udi

Bungai Beach B e ken u Peliau Beach



一年一度熟悉的音乐曲又响 起啦!这表示那令人感到 温馨愉悦的节日又再次回 来了!一年之中最喜爱的 节日除了农历新年外,就 非圣诞节莫属,那和平的步 调总会令人觉得安心,有没 有人和小编一样那么觉得呢?

Pullman Miri Waterfront 飘来啦 说到圣诞节,也就少不了新年啦! 由于这两个大日子距离不远,所以 大家常常把他们联系在一起,甚至 还会同时庆祝。那么说到庆祝,当 然就少不了大餐了对吧!

今年为了配合即将来临的圣诞节以及新 的一年,Pullman Miri Waterfront早在 11月就把整个酒店大厅给布置得美美的 ,其中少不了闪闪发亮夺目的圣诞树、 还有超应景的姜饼屋!姜饼屋里还售卖 了各式各样的圣诞饼干、小蛋糕、礼物 礼篮等等。此外,他们也开放了自助套 餐于大家提早订购哦!

在文化沙漠中寻找绿洲, 依赖电影滋润心灵。 所以, 真的不看电影吗?

When one looks for an oasis in the desert of culture, stories are what nourishes the soul.


12 月 December

至于自助套餐有什么美食,就让大家先 睹为快!看了包你想要马上预订!

Jumanji: The Next Level

导演:Jake Kasdan 类型:Fantasy

繼首集電影大熱賣後, 最失控的桌遊又回來啦 。由原班人馬出演,繼 續講述主角們再次回到 這個遊戲中,然而卻發 現這次的遊戲規則不斷 改變,他們該如何突破 遊戲回到現實呢? After a massive hit on the first movie, the most out of control board game is back. Once again, the gang returns to the game without expecting that the rules of the game are constantly changing. How can they breakthrough the game and return to reality?

Star Wars三部曲系列最终章 以二战为架构并溶入美国西 部片及日本武士刀剧,再藴 涵了太空冒险、希腊神话, 这是George Lucas创作的理 念。此片为故事被Disney收 购后第三三部曲的最终章。 After being acquired by Disney, The Rise of Skywalker is the final chapter in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Regardless of the plot of the film, the production is definitely worth watching. George Lucas created this idea of incorporating the Star Wars: second world war into The Rise of Skywalker western American movies and Japanese samurai sword series that consist 导演:J.J. Abrams of space adventures and 类型:Epic Space Greek mythology.



The christmas and new year atmosphere is formed and coming from the

Pullman Miri Waterfront Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…… A familiar song that we can hear it everywhere sounded once again! Hohoho, it means Christmas is back! Besides the Chinese New Year, Christmas is probably the most famous festival of the year. The pace of peace during Christmas always makes people feel reassuring. Does anyone else feel that way as I am? Of course, when it comes to Christmas. It also reminded the people about the New year. Since the day of Christmas and New year are not far apart. They are often linked together, and sometimes even celebrated at the same time. So, when it comes to celebrating Christmas, the Christmas feast is a must to celebrate Christ’s birth, isn’t? This year, in order to cope with the upcoming Christmas and New year. Pullman Miri Waterfronts has laid out the entire Hotel lobby and filled it with Christmas mood in the nearly of November. It including sparkling Christmas trees and Ginger house as well for the upcoming Christmas and New year! Gingerbread houses will be selling a variety of Christmas cookies, cupcakes, gift baskets, and more. In addition, they also provided a buffet package for everyone to preorder it. Are you wondering what delicacies will be included in the buffet package? Let’s have a sneak peek together, eh, the delicacies which make you want to book it right away without second thoughts!

IP MAN 4: The Finale

导演:葉偉信 类型:Action

叶问打出国际了,因为学 生李小龙而走访旧金山唐 人街,以咏春再战各路高 手。导演将叶问对家庭、 对民族、以及武德精神放 到电影,展现中华精神与 传统。 Ip Man makes an international appearance in the Chinatown of San Francisco because of his student Bruce Lee. He will be challenging the masters in different types of martial arts with his Wing Chun Kung Fu. The director portrayed the Chinese Cats spirits and traditions by 导演:Tom Hooper showing Ip Man’s attitude towards family, 类型:Musical, Fantasy nation, and martial arts in the film.

Christmas Eve dinner & Christmas lunch & Dinner Early-bird price = Adult Rm68 per person ( Children ages 6 to 12 are half price) Original price = Adult Rm98 per person ( Children ages 6 to 12 are half price) The pre-order session will start from now on until December 23. Pre-order as soon as possible, and you would not miss out on saving of RM30!

For more details, please WhatsApp +6 016-863 9527 or contact Pullman kitchen +6 085-323 888. Facebook page: Pullman Miri Waterfront 风靡全球的《Cats》是 史上公演最久的音乐剧, 28年来缔造8千1百万人 次的观赏纪录,并以19 种语言在50个国家演出 。 由 金 奖 导 演 T o m Hooper结合最先进的拍 摄技术将这个经典音乐剧 搬上大银幕。。。。 “Cats” is a world famous musical that held the record for the longest-running show in musical history. It has 81 million viewers in 28 years, performed in 50 countries in 19 languages. The Golden The Cave Globe award director Tom Hooper combined 导演:Tom Waller the most advanced film 类型:Drama, Action technology to bring this classic musical to the screen.

改編自2018年真實事件 「 睡 美 人 洞 穴 救 援 (Tham Luang cave)」 ,少年足球隊及教練共 計13人因為暴雨而被困 於洞內,這個真實事件 當時震驚全國地區。導 演Tom Waller在極短的 時間內完成這部電影並 釜山影展進行首映。 Based on a true event that happened in Thailand in 2018, when a junior football team made up of twelve boys went missing along with their assistant coach while exploring a cave. A rescue mission was conducted to locate them and later extract them from the cave, which had become flooded because of the heavy rain.

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