诗巫 音乐才子 A nd re w
郑永义 不 看 电 影 W at c h Movi e Not
Julian Moreen Quartet 砂拉越的宝藏 - 黑橄榄
The Treasure of Sarawak - Dabai
人 生 有 蜕 变 , 才 有 进步 Empowering Lives, Leading the Future - Morphos International 逗 比 小 郎 君 探 索诗巫咖啡店美食 DBstory Exploring Sibu Coffee Shop for Delicacy
前一阵子有位朋友问我如何才能发挥力量,真正协助发展诗巫呢? 他说,会不会是自己太伟大,想靠自己就能发展诗巫,那具体的计 划是什么呢?这样下去是不是自己都会挨不住而放弃了?那时的我 当下就给出我的想法了。 其实我说简单的两个字就是“平衡”。如何公“平”的对待不同阶层人 士,“衡”量不同个体成就的价值。如今坦白说市场的资本还是在一 部份掌握在老前辈手中,年轻人参与实际的发展还是有限。所以平 衡在这里就显得非常重要,我们需要双方的配合和磨合,才能实际 的带出真正的经济效益。互相了解,互相尊重,互惠互利,才能真 正扭转诗巫的市场。 只有对诗巫还有梦想的人,才会有动力去推广诗巫。只有当我们有 心发展诗巫,努力付出的价值被看到了,我们的才华才有机会被看 到,可以在地方发展上贡献自己的力量。 Recently, a friend asked me if I have any specific plan that can actually work to help develop Sibu. He suggested that I may be too ambitious to take on this task by myself. He also doubted that I may give up at some point when I cannot hold on anymore. Without any hesitation, I share my thoughts with him. My answer was a simple word “balance”. We need to rethink how to treat the people of different social stratification in a fair manner and measure the values of different outcomes fairly. To be frank, most of the capital on the market is still kept in the hands of a group of old predecessors, limiting the development of young people. Therefore, balance plays a vital role here. We need the cooperation and effort from both sides to bring out the best in the economic benefits. With mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual benefit, we may get a chance to revive Sibu. Only for those who see a bright prospect in Sibu will be willing to work together to improve Sibu. When the value making Sibu better is seen, we can create a bigger impact on people.
3 Watch movies not
4 Julian Moreen Quartet
6 Dabai
8 DB Story
10 Morphos
Wesleeyh Lee
Sibu Bike Week The Julian Moreen Quartet band was formed in 2017 by a German pianist, singer, songwriter Julian Moreen with Malaysian guitarist Andrew Cheng, Taiwanese double bass player Liu YuJia, and Viennese drummer KONSTANTIN KRÄUTLER. Since 2018, they have been touring Asia with the mission to promote original music and influence young musicians through their performances. We are honored to interview Andrew from Sibu and Julian to learn more about their journey in performing arts and jazz music.
13 New shop
14 Oxygen Bar
Advertisements: Tanahmas Brain Zone Maxspeed 御黑堂 Utepia
电 影
11 月 November Stephen King经典小说改编电影《The Shinning (1980)》续作,讲述当年留下 的家庭悲剧令男主角活在阴影中,直到遇 见一个同样拥有“The Shinning”能力的小 女孩,男主角不得不重新面对心魔。
观 后
'Doctor Sleep' the sequel to the film "The Shinning" by Stephen King's classic novel tells the story of the main character Dan Torrance, living in the shadows because of a family tragedy, until he meets a little girl who also has the same ability to "The Shinning". Dan has no choice but to face his fears again.
感 十一月是個令人興奮的月份,每年一度的華 語電影盛事金馬獎/金馬影展即將開跑,雖 然在砂拉越的我們礙於地理上的限制無法親 自到現場看展,但在網路科技發達的今天, 不妨多關注今年入選的電影,感受一下電影 的活力!說到影展,讓我們來回顧上個月剛 上映,並於威尼斯影展勇奪金獅獎的《 Joker》! 這絕對是2019年度最令人期待的电影之一 ,打着如此商业的制作背景,电影却在多伦 多影展及威尼斯影展创下超高评价。电影讲 述一个饱受精神疾病折磨且不得志的喜剧演 员Arthur如何在社会压力和制度下被压垮最 后一根稻草。
Doctor Sleep
导演:Mike Flanagan 类型 :Horror
取材自人气作家宋小君短篇小说《领跑 员》,由新生代导演赖孟杰执导,讲述 清新复杂的爱情习题,青春期感情的错 综复杂,再次挥洒台式校园青春。 A short story taken from the "Leading Runner" written by the popular writer Song Xiaojun, directed by the new generation director Lai Mengjie, it tells the story of a fresh and complicated love relationship, the intricacies of adolescent feelings, and the craze swoops over the colleges once again.
导演回归影像存粹的电影美学,回到电影最 基本的摄影运动和美学来服务故事而激发出 的震撼更为神圣且坚固。电影一开始确定由 Joaquin Phoenix接演Joker时个人感到非常 意外。主角将肉体和灵魂甚至每一根神经都 注入满满的悲惨和负面情绪,而这种负面情 绪累积到内化成一股自然的反抗,这样惊人 宛如核武的情绪完全从主角身上感受到。 导演Todd Phillips在影像和音乐上的美学透 过与故事及演员强烈的结合得以全面提升此 片作为电影的艺术层次。此片荣获威尼斯影 展的最佳影片实至名归。但是再反思,制作 公司选择将这么商业的故事给予导演完全的 艺术的发挥,也是非常有勇气。因此这个勇 气不仅换回威尼斯金狮奖,更换回全球涌入 的好评。
3 | goSibu # Nov 2019
类型:Comedy, Romantic
靈感來自George Michael同名經典名曲 的浪漫喜劇片。由Emilia Clarke和砂拉 越孩子Henry Golding主演,講述一段在 倫敦聖誕季節的愛情故事。電影也取用 George Michael的多首經典名曲為音樂 元素,大玩聖誕色彩。
Last Christmas
A film inspired by the romantic comedy of George Michael's famous classic. Starring Emilia Clarke and a Sarawak kid Henry Golding, telling a love story in London, blooming in the Christmas season. The film also uses plenty of George Michael's classic as a their main musical influence, painting the colors of Christmas. 导演:Paul Feig 类型 :Romantic 打造侦探小说黄金时期Agatha Christie 式的烧脑推理,讲述一起犯罪小说家之 死的真相,从一个个家族成员中展开调 查。除了豪华卡司,更是导演重返拿手 的犯罪悬疑类型片。
Knives Out
"Knives out" is recreating the golden era of detective novels with the Agathat Christie style of brain burning theories. It tells the story of the truth about the death of a criminal novelist, and the investigation starts from the individual family member. In addition to the glamouring cast, it is also the coming back of the hand of a master director on crimes and mystery film. 导演:Rian Johnson
走向世界 Julian
1)你们第一次接触音乐是什么时候? Andrew:我年少的时候,家里常播放80年 代流行和摇滚乐曲。直到有一天家里有把吉 他,我我一心想要学,父亲就答应让我去学 习吉他。 Julian:我婆婆是一名钢琴手,我每天听贝 多芬和莫扎特的乐曲,耳濡目染之下就对钢 琴演奏充满兴趣,在六岁开始就接触钢琴。 2)你们的父母支持你们吗? Andrew:一开始我的母亲我要多注意学业 但后来就全力支持我,他们告诉我说,若这 是我想要的,就要尽全力去达成目标。 Julian:我的家族里有很多音乐家,所以我 接触音乐也不出奇,反而是自然的。我的父 母非常支持我。 3)音乐在您的社区中受到高度赞赏吗? Andrew:诗巫不是非常推崇音乐发展,但我 认为马来西亚保留着很好的音乐文化。特别 是马来同胞和原住民都有自己独特的音乐旋 律。但对于在诗巫从事表演艺术者,并没有 获得社会大众太多支持。 Julian:音乐在德国非常受推崇和支持的, 政府和州的音乐家也会获得资金上的支持, 即使小城市,也有许多音乐活动和俱乐部。 4)什么是爵士乐? Andrew:它实际上来自非裔美国人的奴隶制 时代。他们想为自由而呐喊,音乐是他们唯 一的表达方式。现在,每个人都看到了爵士 乐的自由,并感受到了音乐背后的文化。 Julian:爵士乐对我来说是一种即兴创作的 自由,并不是所有的东西都像古典音乐那样 被标注。它为自发性留有空间,所以我们在 每场音乐会上演奏的音乐都有点不同。 5)作为音乐家,您最喜欢什么? Andrew:我喜欢的有一个空间让我可以表达 自己,并处于自己放空的状态。还有就是当 我与其他人一起表演时,我感觉到我们之间 有着非常坚固的情感关系。 Julian:我想分享我的音乐,以及透过我的 热诚去感染别人,使人感觉快乐。另一件让 我开心的事是,经过很长一段时间终于有了 写歌的念头。感觉真是太神奇了。
6)如何提高欣赏音乐鉴赏能力?它与城市 的社会经济地位有关吗? Andrew:当人们没有三餐温饱时,音乐的 重要性显然会减弱。但是,一旦达到某个 水平,就必须有人发展起当地的音乐文化 。砂拉越有着如此丰富而优美的音乐文化 ,但有时当地人会对此视而不见,尤其是 华人,我们没有真正接触及体验砂拉越原 有的音乐文化。这与我们如何看待当地人 有关,这是我们必须考虑的事情,因为他 们与我们没有什么不同。 7)在发展音乐事业时有什么困难点是大家 不知道的? Andrew:成为音乐家与成为企业家非常相 似,因为您必须一直思考。我基本上只是 继续练习并继续做需要做的事情。即使当 我约朋友出来时,也总是与音乐有关 Julian:如果我们想让人们知道我们的音 乐就必须写很多电子邮件与他们联系。作 为一名艺术家,工作量比常规工作要重得 多。很多人认为我有很多时间,因我的日 程安排很灵活。我常提醒他们,我可以为 他们腾出时间并不意味着我总是有时间。 8)会鼓励诗巫的年轻人进入音乐事业吗? Andrew:会的,我鼓励他们考虑为什么要 这样做。如果你真的喜欢它,并且全天无 时无刻都在想着音乐,那么就应该去做。 尝试结识更多有类似想法的人,并去更多 音乐的地方看看它的真实感觉。尝试看看 人们在这个职业中的生活,并思考这是否 是你真正想要的。但是,如果您认为做音 乐很有趣,那么我不建议你去做。 Julian:要与已经从事音乐事业的老年人 交谈。尝试更多地了解他们的生活,看看 自己是否可以做到这一点。
Stay tuned to Behind City for the full interview.
Julian Moreen与3位团员共同发起 「亚洲地区音乐巡回」推广计划, 希望透過音乐演奏以及讲座分享來 推广原创音乐,以及和各地年轻音 乐家、音乐新生代分享音乐的可能 性以及現今的音乐生态环境。他们 于10月20日在诗巫卫国礼堂 举办本次巡回的最后一场演奏会。
Julian Moreen Quartet Local Talent
Nourishing the World with Music 1.When did you first realize that you are passionate in music? What first got you into music? Andrew: When I was young, I listened a lot to the rock and 80s pop music that my dad used to play in the house. One day, I realized that there was a guitar in the house and I really wanted to learn how to play so my parents took me to guitar lessons. Julian: I was living with my grandmother who was a piano player so I just naturally grew interest in piano hearing her playing Beethovan and Mozart everyday. I started playing piano when I was 6. 2.Were your parents supportive of you when you chose music to further your studies? Were they worried that you might not get a stable job in the future? Andrew: I spent lots of time playing guitar when I first started learning.My mum would encourage me to keep up with my studies but I didn’t want to. Right before I went to do music, my parents asked, ‘Are you sure you don’t want to be an engineer?’ and I said no. They told me if this is really what I want, then work hard and go for it. Julian: There are a lot of musicians in my family so it’s natural for them that I would play music too. My parents were very supportive and I never heard any complaints or concerns from them. 3.Both of you are from very different cultural backgrounds. Is music highly appreciated in your community? Andrew: Coming from Sibu, it is not the most musical place but I think Malaysia & Sarawak has great music culture. They have very specific kind of sounds that are part of the people and rituals, especially the natives and the Malays. However, there is not really much support for people that are really doing the performing arts in Sibu. There are many karaokes in Sibu so I think this is how people here experience the music. Julian: Music is appreciated in Germany. There are also financial support for musicians from the government and states. 4.What is Jazz? Andrew:Jazz is about freedom. If you look at its history, it actually came from the slavery era of African American. They wanted to cry out for freedom and music was their only form of expressions. They would work in the fields and sing. Eventually, their music evolved into African American churches and became jazz. And now, because of globalization, everyone sees this freedom in jazz and feels the culture behind the music. Julian: I think everyone has a different idea on what jazz is. When I first heard about jazz, I didn’t like it. For me, it was a style related to the beer garden culture in Germany, sitting there eating the sausage and fristo while listening to jazz. But now, jazz for me is a sort of freedom that comes from improvisation and not everything is notated like classical music. It leaves room for spontaneity. We play the music a little bit different on every concert.
5.What do you enjoy the most being a musician? Andrew: It’s not always easy but what I really enjoy is having a space for me to express myself and be in my own headspace where nothing else exists. It’s like you’re an actor and your put yourself in the story. Another thing is when I’m performing with people, I feel like there is a very strong relationship between us. Julian: I enjoy sharing my music and passion that makes people happy. Another thing that I enjoy is those moments when I finally got the idea to write a song after a long time. The feelings are so amazing that I would run around the house dancing. 6.How to improve the ability to appreciate music? Does it have anything to do with the socioeconomic status of a city? Andrew: When people don’t have enough to eat, obviously music becomes less significant. But once you get to a certain level, somebody has to initiate some sort of culture shift in music. Sarawak has such a rich and beautiful music culture but sometimes the natives are looked down upon especially in Sibu where it is more Chinese dominant. We don’t really reach out to them and experience their culture. It has to do with how we see the natives and this is something that we have to think about because they are not different from us. 7.People always see the glamorous side of being a musician and assume that it’s like a dream come true. What are the down sides of it? Andrew: Being a musician is very similar to being an entrepreneur because you have to think about it all the time. People asked me if I have any hobbies or what I do when I’m bored, I basically just keep practicing and keep working on what needed to be done. Even when I asked people out, it will always be about music. Julian: There are lots of office work such as writing emails to reach out to people for them to know our music. We have to put in effort in managing social media, website and booking gigs so the workload is much heavier than regular jobs. Sometimes I wish I had more time for my friends and family. But they think that I have plenty of time. I often remind them that just because I can make time for them doesn’t mean that I always have time. I believe for those who really love me would be able to understand that this is my dream.
Would you encourage young people in Sibu to go into the music industry? Andrew: Yes. I would encourage them to think about why they want to do this. If you really like it and you think about it 24/7 then you should go for it. Try to meet more people with similar thoughts and go to places with more music to see what it is really like. Try to see how people live in this career and think if this is what you really want. But if you think that it is fun to do music then I would not advise you to go for it. Julian: Talking to older people who already have a music career is also important. Try to know more about how their lives are and see if you can do this yourself.
美食介绍 All About Food
吗 你知道它
小编去做了一些研究,原来Dabai的营养成 分是非常高的!有三高!高抗氧化,高能 量果,高矿物质。然后别看它这么小一粒 ,它可是整粒都是宝啊! Dabai可以加工制成果酱、果干、脆饼、蛋 糕,还可以制成沐浴香皂,果核也能成炭 用来烧烤食物!这果还有特别之处,就是 内有乾坤,里边的果仁也能食用,口感犹 如开心果,这可是砂拉越人小时候的健康 零食,营养价值也很高!只要你没对豆类 敏感,你一定会给予高评价。 可这果唯一的缺点是它不能久放。不过这 么好的水果怎么能不跟外国人分享呢?有 了创新科技协助研发,Dabai的商业之路走 的越来越远!【Sarawak Fruit Enterprise 】是诗巫一家本地水果微加工厂。产品主 分冻水果系列(Frozen Fruit),水果制原 料系列与水果加工制成品系列。市场的水 果种类繁多,每当到了水果旺季时,必定 会有水果过剩,为了减少水果浪费的问题 ,Sarawak Fruit Enterprise就将砂拉越榴 莲、砂拉越黑橄榄(黑金榄果)、玉鼠( 山榴莲)、红毛丹、猫眼(青壳龙眼)、 小波罗蜜和红毛榴莲制成加工品。
“冻水果”解决了水果不能久放的问题!就 是将清洗后的水果在短时间内速冻,再真 空包装冷藏储存,进而达到任何时段都能 品尝鲜果。冻黑金榄果就解决了季节时才 能享用的难题,变成随时都能吃到。 Sarawak Fruit Enterprise也将黑金榄果制 成食品原料 – 黑金榄果果泥。 那些有创 意的下游加工商家老板们就会运用他们的 才华把这些果泥制成特有的自家产品如黑 金榄果炒饭,黑金榄果雪糕,黑金榄果果 酱,黑金榄果饮料等等等等。 此外,托了砂拉越农业部的创意灵感, Sarawak Fruit Enterprise 则出产了黑金榄 脆片(keropok dabai),黑金榄仁,腌制 黑金榄肉干。它们的味道都很独特!都别 具一格,优其是黑金榄脆片,脆口又好吃 ,而且具有素食与清真认证!绝对是送给 外地朋友以及亲朋戚友的最佳伴手礼! 小小提醒:Sarawak Fruit Enterprise是售 卖未炸的黑金榄果脆片。重点是不用再晒 了,可以直接炸。
福州人称之为“ 嘎朗 ”,每当到了年 尾,在诗巫的菜巴刹随处可见!来简 单介绍下黑橄榄吧! 砂拉越黑橄榄(Dabai Sarawak)的原 生地在诗巫、加帛及泗里街的河岸旁 。它是一种本地的季节性水果,口感 类似牛油果顺滑绵密~它的吃法也很多 种,其中一种吃法是将黑橄榄洗干净 后放进热水里浸泡10分钟,果肉变软 后拌着酱油和白糖一起吃,配饭吃也 特别开胃喔!
The Treasure of Sarawak
Dabai, also known as “Ka Lang” in Foo Chow, originated from the riverbanks of Sibu, Kapit, and Sarikei divisions. It is an indigenous seasonal fruit that can be found everywhere in Sibu’s wet market. It has a rich and creamy texture like avocado and can be consumed in multiple ways. One of the ways of eating dabai is to soak it in warm water for 10 minutes to soften the flesh. After that, mix it with soy sauce and white sugar and it is ready to be served. It can be eaten together with rice too.
Well, we have done some research and we found out that the nutritional values of Dabai are very high: high antioxidants, high energy and high minerals. Although it is small in size, it is extremely useful. Dabai can be processed into fruit jam, dried fruit, biscuits, cakes, and even bath soap. The seeds of dabai can be made into charcoal for barbeque too! There is also something special about the seeds of dabai. Other than eating the flesh, the nut inside of the seed is also edible too. The nut tastes like pistachio and it is the childhood snacks of Sarawakians. As long as you are not allergic to beans, I am sure that you will definitely give it a high review. The only flaw of Dabai is that you can only keep it raw for a few days. It has a very short shelf life. Since Dabai is Sarawak’s specialty, why not share it with foreigners? With the help of innovative technology in research and development, dabai fruit industry can be further developed. Sarawak Fruit Enterprise is a micro fruit processing plant in Sibu. Their main products are frozen fruit, raw fruit materials and finished products of processed fruits. There are many types of fruits in the market. Whenever there is a fruit season, there will be a surplus of fruits. Sarawak Fruit
Enterprise will process the fruits in order to decrease wastage. Those fruits are dabai, wild durians, rambutans, green longan, cempedak, and soursop. Frozen fruits solve the problem the short shelf life of the fruits. After cleaning the fruits, they are frozen speedily and then packed in a vacuum package for storage in the refrigerator. It enables us to be able to enjoy the fresh fruits anytime. For instance, we do not have to wait for the season of dabai to enjoy it anymore. Sarawak Fruit Enterprise also produces raw dabai fruit paste. For those creative food processing businesses downstream, they use the fruit paste to make dabai fried rice, dabai ice cream, dabai jam, dabai juice and many more. Besides, Sarawak Fruit Enterprise has been inspired by the Ministry of Agriculture of Sarawak to make dabai chips, dabai nuts, and dabai dried meat. All of them have very unique flavours especially the dabai chips. It is very crispy and is certified halal too! These are definitely the best souvenir for friends from overseas and family! A little reminder: The chips that Sarawak Fruit Enterprise sells are not fried yet. But you do not have to put it under the sun before frying.
Sarawak Fruit Enterprise 联络电话:012-880 6420 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SarawakFruitEnterprise/
8 | goSibu # Nov 2019
慕娘部落雨林料理 Mak Borneo
探索诗巫 咖啡店美食 自称“逗比”的恒,曾留学英 国曼彻斯特,那座城市以其多元 化并充满特色的美食闻名,从道 地街头小吃至正宗亚洲料理,是 一座美食天堂。也因为如此,恒 在2010年开始开始开设【 DBstory 逗比故事】YouTube 频道,从介绍当地的美食开始了 Youtuber之路。后来毕业回乡 ,恒也一一走访传统老字号,介 绍家乡美里的美食。 sibuDEAL特邀来自美里的 “逗比小郎君”,以他单纯友善 的性格,走访诗巫几家特色的咖 啡店美食,以互动采访方式,带 出业者多年来对拿手美食的掌握 并非他人一朝一夕可以领略的。
MAK BORNEO慕娘部落雨林料理是由 一位80后华族发起,MAK是原民语 Makai(食)的缩写,MAK也有大地之“ 母”之意。中文“慕娘”则是Borneo之译音 。创办人用心思去将婆罗洲原住民美食 带到城市,让民众不用翻山越岭,徒步 涉水就能吃到长屋部落的原住民美食! 他家的食物坚持以原始火炭烧烤,以 呈现出原汁原味的雨林料理,除了影片 里面介绍的竹筒猪,MAK BORNEO 还 备有竹筒鸡、炭烤三层肉、炭烤鸡翅 、 炭烤排骨、黑椒盐烤红罗非鱼、手工马 鲛鱼丸、炭烤甜玉米、炭烤硕莪虫、炸 小白鱼、凉拌米莲、凉拌生虾、黑橄榄 炒饭,一流的滋味啊!
点击此链接以查看 完整内容。 Click the link below to watch full video. 欢迎订阅支持DBstory 逗比故事 Please subscribe DBstory: https://www.youtube.com/user/hernleong/
MAK BORNEO 地点:No.55, LORONG ULU SUNGAI MERAH 35B2, SIBU. 营业时间:5:00 PM - 11:00 PM 联络电话: 019-816 1166
DBstory Exploring Sibu Coffee Shop for Delicacy
DB, also known as Hern, studied abroad in Manchester, England. It is a gourmet paradise, known for its diverse and distinctive cuisines, from street food to authentic Asian cuisine. Being influenced by the environment, he became a youtuber introducing the local delights on his channel called DBstory on 2010. After he had graduated from school and returned to his hometown Miri, he started to promote the local traditional cuisines through his channel too. sibuDEAL has specially invited DBstory to Sibu to interview a few unique coffee shops with local food for us to get to know more about our food culture.
MAK BORNEO cuisines is started by a local chinese. The original word of Mak in native language is Makai, it means the mother earth. The founder has put in a lot of effort to bring the native cuisines to town for us to enjoy their delicacy. In order to bring out the original taste, they insisted to use the
traditional way of preparing the food - grilling with charcoal. Other than the bamboo pork shown in the video, there are also grilled three-layered pork, chicken wings, pork ribs, sweet corn, black pepper grilled fish and many more for you to choose from. You can match all these food with Dabai fried rice too!
10 | goSibu # Nov 2019
人生有蜕变,才有进步 Morphos International
第四届砂拉越国际越野大露营在2019年9月12日由砂旅游、艺 术、文化、青年及体育部长拿督阿都卡林主持挥旗礼后,从婆罗 洲心脏出发,展开四天三夜的越野露营之旅。这项活动总共吸引 面临快速波动的时代,企业兴衰已 了400 多位越野车爱好者及媒体代表参与。 经难以预测,你我的未来也充满了未
越野车爱好者开着各自的越野爱车穿越了Belaga的Sebauh、 知。根据环球经济论坛会的研究,未 Tebauh、Tatau区,并在Long Bangan Kenyah Longhouse住了一 来经济走向将会由人工智能与机器人 领头。在这趋势中,市场变了,但你 晚,随于2019年9月15日返回民都鲁。 我是否预备好来领航未来?
尊贵人生 自古以来,人类离不开科技创新带 来的变革。近几年更是晋升到 “手机 不离手” 的 “低头族” 现象。现今科技 虽然对人类有极大的贡献,倘若人类 失去了驾驭科技的能力,我们就可能 成为科技的奴隶。或许在这时刻,我 们更要考虑 “人生” 的价值是什么? 古人司马迁说到“人固有一死,或重 于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”,可见人生的贵 贱之分,是决定于你我的手中。在 2008年,陈鸾卿导师(辅导硕士)已 到了人生高峰,是能放慢脚步预备退 休的。但就在上海候机厅里,看着那 不断播放的激励演讲视频与那层出不 穷的激励书籍,体会到大家内心的呐 喊:“要活出有价值的尊贵人生!” 在这震撼中,他听见自己人生的呼 召,付出毕生的精力与资源创建了蜕 变国际来培育丰盛生命、重整家庭关 系、赋能团队卓越。如今,蜕变国际 已透过 PEAKS 高峰性格分析科技帮 助超过 5000 人发掘优势潜能,并引 导大家选择活出尊贵人生,以积极学 习经历成长与突破。
这是砂拉越4×4四驱车旅游及探险俱乐部(SAKTA)的常年活 动之一,该俱乐部是由一群志趣相投的人于2005年成立,他们希 赋能蜕变望探索那些难以到达的地方,借此享受大自然的美景,暂时抛开 领航未来 城市生活的喧嚣。 就如毛虫蜕变成为蝴蝶一样,人生 如今,改变已成为了常态,但你我 的蜕变也是一个过程。倘若我们选择 活出有价值的尊贵人生,我们要知道 这会是一个过程,而这过程的起点将 会是自己对自己的认识。有句话说到 ,“当你真正认识自己时,很多事情就 会明白了,而你会发现很多东西都是 为你而预备的。” 人生的蜕变不必是 机遇巧合,而是你我的抉择: 1.我的梦想有什么? 2.我能如何策划目标达成梦想? 3.我的行动计划是什么? 4.我需要配对哪些资源能力? 5.我准备好了吗? 澄清目标不只是思想上的运动,更 重要的是心中必须挑起一股能力。有 了这能力,你我才能真正地踏步人生 蜕变的旅程。虽然旅程中会有挑战, 会有想要放弃的时候,但切记人生有 蜕变才会有进步!
准备好了吗?我们的教育机制准备好 了吗?我们的企业运营方式准备好了 吗?我们的家庭生活准备好了吗? 《财富》杂志已报道40%的传统工 作将会在15年内被科技取代。我们必 须尽快调整,提升符合21世纪的知识 、技能与态度。教育机制也必须更新 教学法,提倡能引领未来的高层次思 维。企业更需要看重 “人” 的战略性优 势,并懂得发挥其优势。家庭生活也 要懂得在多重改变下,取得平衡。
虽然改变不简单,但如果你有正确 的自我认知、对的工具、好的导师、 及扶持你的群体,那这蜕变会更容易 达成。蜕变国际也就是因此而设立, 希望更多人能突破自己,领航未来。
蜕变国际是跨区域性的教 练督导、技能培训及企业咨 询服务公司。我们透过深层 次的心理分析科技为客户打 造全面性、综合性、与可持 续性的蜕变旅程。蜕变伙伴 们使命于培育丰盛生命、重 整家庭关系,赋能团队卓越 。我们提供的 PEAKS 自我认 知督导,及蜕变人生教练导 师课程是客户体验蜕变的第 一步。若想要经历人生突破 、领航未来,请联系我们。
11 | goSibu # Nov 2019
Empowering Lives, Leading the Future In the face of volatile change, our lives are filled with uncertainties and success can no longer be predictable. According to the World Economic Forum, artificial intelligence and robotics spearhead our future economy. With this changing marketplace, are we ready to lead change?
Dignity, not Digital
Empowering Change
Leading the Future
Through the ages, progress in the human race has been driven by technological advancements. In recent years, technology has even brought about an evolution of “human beings” who cannot live without their phones, living their lives with heads constantly bowed. Without a doubt, technology has contributed immensely to our lives, yet if we lose ourselves to it, we ultimately become slaves to technology. Perhaps it is times such as this where we need to consider what is the true value of life?
Similar to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, the metamorphosis of our lives is also a process. If we desire to live a life of value and dignity, we need to understand that this is a process that starts with self-awareness. It is once said that “once you understand yourself, you will understand many things, and discover that many things have been prepared for you.” Let your life change not by chance, but by choice.
Change is the new constant now. Are you ready? Is our education system ready? Are our business operations ready? Are our families ready?
The French philosopher and writer Michel de Montaigne once said, “the value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.” In 2008, Sophia Tan (MSocSc) has reached a peak in her life and could have slowed down in preparation for a comfortable retirement. Yet while waiting for her plane in Shanghai airport, she was drawn to the showing of motivational videos and the vast array of self-help books. In her, something stirred, a cry from the masses, a desire to live a life of value and dignity. In that moment, she heard a call for action, and devoted all her energies and resources to create Morphos International, to Nurture Abundant Life, Rebuild Family Relations, and Empower Business Excellence. To date, Morphos International has used the PEAKS psychometric profiling technology to help more than 5000 individuals unearth their strengths and potential, guiding them towards living a dignified life, and experiencing breakthrough and growth through learning. Morphos International Pte Ltd Email Address: admin@morphos-intl.com Contact Number: (+65)6701 8608 Singapore, Malaysia, China
1.What are your dreams? 2.How can you plan your goals to achieve your dreams? 3.What is your action plan? 4.What are the resources and capabilities needed? 5.Are you ready? Clarifying our purpose is not just a mental exercise, it should also stir up an energy within you. With this energy, we can take the first step in this journey of change. Though there may be times when we face challenges and feel like giving up, remember that life progresses only when there is change.
Fortune magazine had already reported that 40% of traditional jobs will be replaced by technology in 15 years. It is important that we make adjustments to immediately pick up knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the 21st Century. Our education should also refresh the teaching methods to promote higher-order thinking skills. Companies would also do well to see “people” as their strategic competitive advantage and use that to great effect. Family lives seeing changes from all sides should also learn to create balance. Although change is not easy, if you have the right self-awareness, the right tools, the right coach, and a community that supports you, then change can be achieved more easily. Morphos International is established for that, to support more individuals to experience breakthrough and lead the future.
Morphos International is a regional company that provides coaching, training, and consultancy services. We apply deep level psychometrics to enable clients to create a holistic, integrative and sustainable change journey. Morphos partners endeavour to Nurture Abundant Lives, Rebuild Family Relationships, and Empower Business Excellence. We provide PEAKS self-discovery coaching and Morphos Coach Training as a first step to experience Morphos. If you would like to experience breakthrough and lead the future, please contact us.
诗巫重型摩托周 Sibu Bike Week
12 | goSibu # Nov 2019
The 9th Sibu Big Bike Week is an annual event organized by Razz Chopper Motor Club to gather enthusiasts who are into high-powered motorbikes, cars, automotive-related things, skateboards, BMX bicycles as well as paintball. From the past events, there were bikers from Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan in Borneo island, Peninsular Malaysia, Germany, Spain, the Philippines, Holland, Australia, Abu Dhabi, Indonesia and Thailand. The organizer hopes that this event will attract more foreigners to Sibu and boost the tourism.
第九届“诗巫重型摩托周”是由Razz Chopper Motor Club 主办的年度重点活动,聚集了摩托车、汽车、滑板、 BMX自行车发烧友,以及彩弹运动的爱好者。 历年的活动吸引许多来自婆罗洲岛,马来西亚半岛,德 国,西班牙,菲律宾,荷兰,澳大利亚,阿布扎比,印 度尼西亚和泰国的沙巴,砂拉越,文莱和加里曼丹的摩 托骑士参与。主办单位希望这次活动将吸引更多的外国 人来诗巫,并促进旅游业的发展。 今年的诗巫重型摩托周也将在来临的12月6日到8日在诗 巫第二期城市广场举行。
Upcoming Events 诗巫 SIBU
November 11月
3 Nov Sibu Marathon 2019 14 - 15 Nov BRTMA-Malaysia International Congress on Tropical Medicine (BMICTM) 2019 23 -24 Nov 1st World Chinese Medicine Forum 2019 6 - 8 Dec 9th Sibu Bike Week
泗里街 Sarikei 23 Nov - 1 Dec Sarikei Pineapple & Fruits Festival
The Yunique Tea
010 3927578
016 8603678
No.35 & 37, Jln Lau King Howe
28, Lot 4160, Lorong Dr Wong Soon Kai 4D
14 | goSibu # Nov 2019
在诗巫的闹市中 隐藏着一处非 常隐蔽的休闲 吧,相信很多 人都不知道天鹅 城竟然还有一个 那么别出心裁的酒 吧餐厅,可以给消费者 一个悠闲舒适的空间和闺蜜 朋友聊天,放松一下整天工 作的疲劳感。
隐藏在闹 市 中 的 生 活 养 分 OXYG E N BAR A G e t a w a y f r om the B u s y C i ty to S oothe Your S oul 这家吧厅是在2017年11月开始营业 它有别于一般酒吧的地方是在空间设 计上符合了不同消费者的需要。店家 提供了三种类型的休闲区,第一是半 隐私的贵宾区,还有在大厅是属于半 开放式的场所,主要用玻璃墙来呈现 出通畅舒服的感觉。 另外,还有特别给喜欢露天场所的 消费者可以选择向着马路的五脚基位 置。在后方的露天座呢,就是小编非 常爱的fu啦!这里让人感觉靠近大自 然多一些,加上百年历史的墙壁,还 有英国殖民地徽章挂着,非常有纪念 价值,同时,这里早期原本也是市政 议会的政府办公场所呢! 值得一提的是,不同的空间都有不 同的格调,这是店家最细腻入微的一 点,一些不喜欢吵杂音乐的客人也可 以有一个能够说话聊天的地方。 该酒吧餐馆是在下午3点才开始营业 Happy Hour下午3时到6时之间,所有 消费都享有20%折扣!老板真的是太 贴心了!还不止这样呢,Oxygen Bar 还会不定时的提供惊喜给顾客,尤其 是消费上高达50%的直接回扣。
Oxygen Bar提供各类西式餐饮,主 要以烧烤为主。另外也有特调不含酒 精的饮料,尤其是台湾引进的鲜果饮 料,还有各种特调鸡尾酒。他们家的 鸡尾酒喝过的人都感到惊叹不已。 这里的啤酒选择多达20种,包括进 口的稀有啤酒,红酒大约30种以上, 烈酒也有20多种,绝对可以找到适合 你的。 当然,酒吧也备有各种的电子游戏 机,包括飞镖游戏、备有1500款游戏 项目的80年代格斗、射击游戏机、还 有桌球设备,迷你高球等,简直是一 家高级俱乐部的感觉。老板还非常贴 心的给顾客一项优惠,凡是消费满30 令吉的客人,Oxygen Bar 将会送出一 枚游戏代币,让消费者可以用来玩游 戏。 脱下城市喧闹快节奏的外衣,呼吸 一口新鲜的空气,在优美的旋律中, 享受舒适轻松的美好。还等什么,就 今晚吧!
In the hustle and bustle of life in Sibu, Oxygen Bar is the perfect place for you to chill out with friends. It has such a tranquil setting that you can just sit back and relax with your favourite drink.
Oxygen Bar is open in November 2017 and the owner divided the large space into 3 areas: a semi-private space for the VIPs, a large semi-open space, and an open-air space. If you like the feeling of natural, you can choose to sit in the patio of the bar with the view of British Colonial Badges hanging on the wall with hundreds of years of history. This is also the old office of municipal council. With different styles and settings for each area, Oxygen Bar provides an area for customers who dislike loud music to chit-chat. Oxygen Bar operates from 3pm to 1am. If you want to enjoy a 20% discount, you can come during the Happy Hour between 3pm to 6pm. If you are lucky, you will be given a 50% discount as a surprise from the bar! The bar offers a variety of western food like barbeque chicken chops, fish & chips, lamb chops, spaghetti, platter, and side dishes. Other than a vast choice of beers, wines, and spirits, they also serve non-alcoholic drinks like cocktails and a series of fresh juice beverages from Taiwan. Oxygen Bar also provides various electronic gaming machines like darts, shooting arcade games, fighting games from the 80’s and many more. They also have pool tables and indoor mini golf. If you spend more than RM30 in a receipt, you will be entitled to one token to play the games. It feels like a high class private club, doesn’t it? What are you waiting for? Grab your friends together to experience a wonderful evening at Oxygen Bar tonight! Location:Sibu Heritage Centre Contact :012-808 9330 Operating Hours :3:00pm – 1:00am Facebook:Oxygenbarsibu
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