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The Young Lawyers Section Acknowledges National Native American Heritage Month
The first year of dedicating November as “National American Indian Heritage Month” was in 1990, proclaimed by President H.W. Bush, and has continued each year under subsequent presidents. Under President Barack Obama in 2009, the celebration title was changed to “National Native American Heritage Month.” There are currently 574 different federally recognized Native American tribes. While there are no federally recognized tribes in Maryland, Maryland has three state recognized tribes: the Piscataway Indian Nation, the Piscataway Conoy Tribe, and the Accohannock Indian Tribe.
The Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs also serves the following tribes:
1. Accohannock Indian Tribe 2. Assateague Peoples Tribe 3. Nause-Waiwash Band of Indians 4. Piscataway Conoy Confederacy and Sub-Tribes 5. Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians 6. Piscataway Indian Nation 7. Pocomoke Indian Nation 8. Youghiogheny River Band of Shawnee Indian