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Charm City Trivia
Recap of 2021 Programming to date:
Food Drive – In April 2021, the Bar Association of Frederick County (BAFC) Young Lawyers Section (YLS) hosted a two-week-long Spring 2021 Food Drive Challenge where YLS encouraged BAFC members to donate non-perishable food items and “challenge” a fellow BAFC member to meet or beat their donation. The challenges were shared via email and through the BAFC Facebook page. We learned that attorneys love a good competition! The BAFC YLS received approximately 3,000 food items and monetary donations! The BAFC YLS delivered the non-perishable food donations to the Thurmont Food Bank, the Emmitsburg Food Bank, and Frederick Community Action Agency for use at the Frederick Food Bank and Soup Kitchen. The donations filled one van, two trucks, and two cars! With these donations, we were able to help many local families in a time of need. The exceptional participation included over 15 private law firms, 8 attorneys from the Frederick County Attorney’s Office, 12 attorneys from the Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office, members of the bench, and the wonderful attorneys of the Maryland Legal Aid Midwestern Office and the Frederick County Public Defender’s Office!!
Camp Jamie – A two-day camp, with no overnight, on Saturday, June 5th and Sunday, June 6th, 2021. Camp Jamie is a special opportunity for grieving children and adolescents to come together to talk about their feelings related to a death of someone special, and learn coping skills to deal with those feelings. BAFC members volunteer to serve as counselors/buddies to the campers during their camp experience. For more information on Camp Jamie, check out: https://www. hospiceoffrederick.org/Grief-Loss/Camp-Jamie.aspx
School Supply Drive – In July 2021, YLS collected over 150 school supplies at a joint Family Law and YLS happy hour. As part of the “Stuff the Bus” initiative, Frederick County Public Schools collected the donations (backpacks, notebooks, crayons, markers, binders, rulers, glue sticks) to benefit children of Frederick County.
Recap of 2021 Programming to date:
BrewFest – In September 2021, YLS volunteered at the 10th Annual Brewfest on the Farm at Milkhouse Brewery. YLS members (and their family/friends) filled over 20 volunteer spots. Our volunteers contribute to the success of the event annually, and in return for our volunteer efforts, Milkhouse owner and former Frederick Bar member Tom Barse (and his family) donate to Hospice of Frederick County to support Camp Jamie.
Happy Hours - The YLS hosted four happy hour events in June, July, August, and October 2021. Each event occurred at a local brewery and after many months of only virtual events, the YLS enjoyed catching up with old friends and colleagues and getting to know some new faces.
For questions or comments about The Advocate please contact any member of the Publications Committee:
Heather Krick
Beatrice C. Thomas hlkrick@gmail.com beat.campbell@gmail.com