1 minute read
Young Lawyers Section Partners with Lawyers’ Campaign Against Hunger
Since 1987, the Lawyers’ Campaign Against Hunger (LCAH) through the Maryland Food Bank (MFB) has served as a philanthropic pillar of the legal community — bringing dedicated Maryland attorneys together to combat food insecurity in Maryland. The legal community has raised more than $6 million to support Maryland households struggling with hunger since the Campaign launched. MFB is committed to expanding food access while providing the estimated 1 in 3 food-insecure Marylanders with resources to help build pathways out of hunger. For more information on LCAH, please check out their website here: https:// mdfoodbank.org/lawyers-campaign-against-hunger/. Additionally, if you are interested in helping join the fight against hunger in Maryland, we invite you learn more about volunteer efforts through the Lawyers’ Campaign Against Hunger at https://mdfoodbank.volunteerhub.com/lp/lcah/.