Appalachian 1938

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Published by The Senior Class of

Maryville High School Maryville, Tennessee

FO REW O RD Th is book is not intended to be a piece of art or literature. It is merely a record of the happenings in M aryville High School during the year 1937-38. If, in later years, this book is able to recall pleasant memories of happy days in M aryville High School, then the Senior Class will feel amply repaid for the work it has done.


M R. S. B. K E A T H L E Y

Because o f his interest in the students, his never ceasing interest in their activities, and his untiring efforts to make M aryville High School a happier, finer, more pleasant place to be we affectionately dedicate this edition o f the Appalachian.

"W h e n you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book, A n d slowly read and dream ." — W illiam Butler Yeats

J O H N L. B R E W E R Superintendent

H A R R Y H . G A U D IN G Principal

M R S . H A Z E L L. A IT K E N Science

S T EV E B O R E T S K Y Social Science Athletics

ALBERTA C O V EN T R Y History Mathem atics

M R S . J A N E W . G A U D IN G Languages

L IL L IA N H O W A R D Hom e Economics

S. B. K E A T H L E Y M athem atics

H E L E N O TT Librarian

R U T H P R O F FIT T English

M R S . J U A N I T A R. W I N E Com m ercial

The Sta ff deeply regrets that Miss Bessie R ay was ill when the pictures for the annual were made. W e are doubly happy to have her back with us now. W e would like very much to have her picture in our book but we know that even without it every student in M aryville H igh School will always hold Miss Ray in fond memory.



The M a ryv ille H ig h School Stu d en t C o un cil m ight truly be considered the A p p a la c h ia n staff; for the staff is com posed o f Stu d en t C o un cil M em bers and a few o ther M a ryv ille H ig h School students. M ilton S is k in ............................................................................................................................................. Editor-in-Chief H aro ld K e e b le ......................................................................................................................................... Assistant Editor Jo h n n y W illia m s ...................................................................................................................................Business M a n ag e r M alcolm E va n s.............................................................................................................................................. Sports Ed ito r Leonard Po st Fun Editor Jo h n D a v is ...........................................................................................................................................................A r t Editor A d e le B ro a d y Ph o to g rap hic Ed ito r C h arles M c C a m m o n Sen ior Class Editor R oy C r a w f o r d ................................................................................................................................... Ju n io r Class Editor S tan le y H u d d le s t o n ................................................................................................................ Sophom ore Class Editor Billy B u fo rd .................................................................................................................................... Freshman Class Ed ito r A d a h L am o n ....................... Sten o graph er M r. S. B. K e a th le y Fa cu lty A dviso r U n d e r the able d irection o f M r. Keath ley, the staff w ent to work in an efficient manner, and too much cann ot be said for th e ir business-like attitu d e and the splendid co o peratio n which has been in e vid e n ce a t all times. The M a ryv ille H ig h School Stu d en t C o un cil wishes to express its ap p re cia tio n to M r. K eath ley for his loyal service and to C harles M cC am m o n , Jo h n Davis, and A d a h Lamon without whose aid the p ub lication o f the A p p a la c h ia n would not have been possible. It is the hope o f the S taff o f The A p p a la c h ia n th a t you as readers will enjoy this volum e in years to com e and treasure it fo r the memories o f h app y school days a t M a ryv ille H ig h School.

Q U E N T IN L A N E President B e t a C lu b , T h e s p ia n , Treasurer I

V IV IA N - M c C A L L Vice-President History Club, Dram atic C lub

JA M E S C O C H R A N Secretary Basketball 3, captain 4, Football 3, 4, Vice-Presi­ dent Hi-Y Club

BEN A L L E N C U N N I N G H A M Treasurer


E L IS A B E T H B A D G E T T G irl Reserve, G le e Club, Treasurer Hom e Room 2nd Semester

M A R T H A B O G L E B A D G ET T G irl Reserve, G le e Club

EVELYN BA KER Varsity Club, G le e Club, Basketball 4

M A R Y BA KER G irl Reserve, G le e Club

M A U D E BEN N ET T Secretary History Dramatic Club

A N A BEL BO G LE G irl Reserve, G le e Club


AD ELE BRO A D Y President I, Ju n io r Play Cast, Thespian, Secretary of Student Council, H is­ tory Club, Annual Staff

JA M E S BR O W N Treasurer Beta Club, Thes­ pian, President Hi-Y Club No. I , Ju n io r Play

EL IZ A B E T H B R Y A N T History Club, G le e Club, Beta Club, President BSharp Music Club

M A R IE C H A M B E R S Literary Club, Dramatic Club

M A R Y E L IZ A B E T H C R U Z E Beta Club, Varsity Club, Dram atic Club, Basketball 3, 4

F R A N C E S D A V IS History Club, Beta Club

BO B D eW EESE Football 2, 3, 4, Basketball I, 2, 3, 4, Varsity Club, Treasurer 3, Vice-President H om e Room 1st Sem ester

A . M. D U F F Football 2, 3, 4, Varsity Club, Treasurer East Ten­ nessee Hi-Y Clubs

M A L C O L M EVA N S President Hi-Y C lub N o. 2, Football 3, 4, Student Council, A n n u a l Staff, Treasurer o f H om e Room 2nd Semester

J. A. FA RLEY Band, String C lub

V IR G IN IA F E E Z E L L G irl Reserve

B O N N IE H A Y E S Beta Club, Dram atic Club, Varsity Club, Basketball 2, 3, 4

SUE H O W A R D G irl Reserve

H ELEN H U D G EN S Dram atic C lub


G le e

B L A N C H E J E N K IN S History C lub

K A T H E R IN E K E N Y Basketball 2, 3, 4, Club, Varsity Club

H A R O L D K EEBLE President of Student C oun­ cil, President o f Varsity Club, President o f Hom e Room 2nd Semester, A n ­ nual Staff

G le e

E D W IN K E R R Football 2, 3, 4, President Varsity C lub 1st Semester


A D A H LA M O N President Thespians, Secre ­ tary G irl Reserve, Dra­ matic Club, Vice-President 2, J u n i o r P la y , C h e e r Leader, Annual Staff



BETTY M A T T H E W S Basketball I, 2, 3, 4, C heer Leader, Varsity Club, VicePresident Varsity C lub 1st Semester, Vice-President G le e Club

C H A RLES M cC AM M O N President Beta Club, Thes­ pians, Treasurer Dramatic Club, Secreta ry Hi-Y Club No. 2, Band 1,2, 3, 4, O r ­ chestra, President Hom e Room 1st Semester, Annual Staff, Ju n io r Play, VicePresident I, President 3



IN E Z M ER R IT T Basketball I, 2, 3, 4, S ec­ retary Varsity C lu b 1st Semester, Beta Club, Dra­ matic Club, D. A . R. Pil­ grim age


O LEYEA M O RO N EY Beta Club, History Club, Dramatic Club


P H Y L L IS O V E R T O N Beta Club, President H is­ tory Club, Vice-President Thespians, Dram atic Club, Ju n io r Play

G . P. P A T E Dram atic Club, Hi-Y, VicePresident Hom e Room 1st Semester, Treasurer Hom e Room 2nd Semester, Treas­ urer Thespians, Ju n io r Play

ELM ER R EN O Football 4, String Varsity Club

J O H N S IN G Dram atic Club, C lub


F R A N C E S S M IT H Dram atic C l u b , Club, Orchestra



M IL T O N S IS K IN Football 3, 4, Vice-Presi­ d e n t S t u d e n t C o u n c il, Editor-in-Chief of Annual, Varsity Club, Beta Club, O r i g i n a l O r a t o r y U. T. High School Day

C L A Y S T A N F IE L D Basketball 4

G R A C E S T A N F IE L D Dram atic Club

E L IZ A B E T H ST ILT N ER Dramatic C l u b , History Club

V IR G IN IA S T R O E B E O rchestra, History G le e Club

H E L E N T A R V IN G irl Reserve, G le e Club

H E L E N TR O T T ER Secreta ry Beta Club, BSharp Music Club, Dra­ m atic Club, History Club


A . B. W A G G O N E R , J R . Secreta ry o f Literary Club, Dram atic Club, Thespian, Treasurer Hom e Room 1st Semester, President Hom e Room 2nd Semester

V ID A BE L L E W A L K E R History Club

A LM A W EST Dram atic C l u b , History Club, Beta Club, Secretary H om e Room 2nd Semester, Ju n io r Play


History of the Senior Class O n S ep te m b e r 3, 1934, sixty-eight youths airly walked, with heads high and a spring in our steps into M a ryv ille H ig h School. That d ay we began to live because we were Freshmen at last. The next d ay the rain was simply pouring, but we m et th a t with a smile. Since it was raining we used our com bined intellig ence and d ecid e d th a t there would be no chapel. But there was, and im agine our chagrin when we finally had to march to chapel late ! O v e r the faces o f the up p er­ classmen, broad grins a p p e ared . W e were finally herded into our p rop er places. W e m ighty " G re e n ie s " had lost much o f our cockiness, but not the fire o f determ ination. To guide us in our first fe e b le struggles, we wisely chose A d e le Bro ad y as President, and she was aided by C harles M cC am m o n , as Vice-President. Thus our y e a r ended successfully. W e started our second y e a r as wiser students. A t our helm we p lace d A . M . Duff and g a ve him A d a m Lamon as first m ate. M a n y o f our classmates failed to return, but we g lad ly ac ce p te d Bonnie H ayes, C la y Stanfiel, and G ra c e Stanfiel into our midst as new members. W e began to settle and ride easier in the saddle in this, our second year, and cam e through with a clean slate. An enjoyable C hristm as p arty was given us b y the Parent T each er A ssociation. The y e a r ended with a p erfect financial record. Entering the Ju n io r y e a r without d ropping a stride, we began to make plans fo r the record year, because we were a t last someone. W e p laced C h arles M c C am m o n at the throttle with A d a h Lamon to assist him as firem an. The y e a r began to prove one o f history making. W e furnished our share of ch arte r members fo r the starting o f the H i-Y and Beta C lub , both national organizations. W e again won a Christm as p arty, which was a wonderful success. A s our class play, we chose, " A R e ad y M a d e Fa m ily," and were pleased to hear it called the best Ju n io r p lay ever presented a t our school. W e , as the Ju n io r class, d ec id e d among ourselves th a t it was indeed the best play in the history o f the school. Two new members o f our class were Elm er Reno and C h arles Kiser. The year, we thought, was a success, and we ended with money in the treasury. W e cam e into our last ye ar with a stately and d ig n ified step. V e ry carefully and wisely we chose Q u e n tin Lane to pilot our ship and Vivian M c C a ll as co-pilot. The other officers were Ja m e s C ochrane, S ecretary, and Ben Cunningham , Treasurer. M ilton Siskin, H aro ld Keeble, M alcolm Evans, and A d e le Bro ad y were selected as Stud en t C o un cil members. H aro ld Ke e b le was elected President and M ilton Siskin, Vice-President o f the C ouncil. This, our last year, has been a busy one. W e furnished eleven men for the fo o tb all squad, and our cand id ate, G r a y c e Hannah, was elected C arn ival Q u e en . In basketball we g ave three-fourths o f the girls' squad, and three letterm en to the boys' team . A new curriculum was started under a new Sup erin ten d en t to whom we have given our solid support. M o st o f the ch arte r members o f the N atio n al Thespian S o c ie ty were from our class. This ye ar the following joined us: M a ry Baker, Ju n io r Cruze, R o b ert D e W e e se , Virginia Feezell, Ja m e s M artin , Jo h n Sing, and V irginia S troeb e. This brought the to tal o f our class to fifty-five. In the Band and O rch estra we were well represented. Two o f our members were the last o f the first band which was started in 1930. W e look forw ard to a ve ry good class p lay and annual banquet. M a y the Ju n io rs who step into our places next y e a r choose th eir leaders as wisely as we did, and m ay they be as proud o f their school and class as we are. W e wish to take this o p p ortu nity to state our regrets o f the fa c t th a t G r a y c e H annah, senior class member, was ill when pictures were being m ade for the annual and that her picture does not ap p e ar with those o f the other seniors. The picture o f Ju n io r Cruze, m em ber o f the Sen ior Class, does not ap pear.


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Je w e ll Alexander M a rg a re t A tch ley M artha Evelyn Bad gett H. R. Bad gett Robert Bennett Rupert Boyatt Elizabeth Brown Tommy Brown J . R. Broyles Ja n e C arp en ter J . C . C arrigan Virginia C ates

Sam Clark Billy C le a r M a ry A n ne Colem an Pauline Colvin M a ry Ja n e Costner, Treasurer Prentice Cox Roy C raw ford Catherine Crews Jo h n Davis Helen Dunn Lloyd Elder Vernon Ferguson

Elizabeth G e ta z H ow ard Gibson O tha Gibson, Secretary C lara Je a n G o d d a rd Bobby Hancox Jam es H enry M a ry Ruth H o y t Jim m y Lee Hum phrey Howland Hussey Velma Houston Floreine Kidd Betty Kizer

Ja c k Kram er Thelma Lam bert Virgil Lequire Evelyn Manning Elizabeth M atthews Sam m y M atthews Jo y c e Mize Edith M onroe Doris M urray Earl Norris M c K a y Phillips Leonard Post

Billy Pritchard Frances Quinn, President G lad ys Raulston W ilm a Raulston C arl Robinson R oger Rule Irma Russell Everett Shepard Leah Smith Troy Smith Luther Step p e M aurice Step p e

C ly d e Stinnett Ju n e Sutton Newton Stoutt, J r . Edward Taylor Lloyd Taylor, Vice-President Billy Turner Donald W a lk e r W a n d a W a lk e r Dorothy Je a n W h ite A lic e W ilh o it Mrs. W in e , bponsor M r. Keathley, Sponsor




1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

Roy C raw fo rd ............................................ President Tommy Brown ................................... Vice-President O th a G ib so n .............................................. S e c re ta ry M a ry Ja n e C o s t n e r . . . . . . . . . ................T reasurer

Tommy B r o w n ............................................... President M ariann e C o le m a n ............................Vice-President M a ry Ja n e C o s tn e r.................................... S ecre tary H . R. B a d g e tt...............................................Treasurer

Ja c k K r a m e r ....................................Stu d en t C o un cil Mrs. W i n e ....................................................... Sponsor The Ju n io r Ow ls home room was form ed at the beginning o f school under the ca p a b le sponsorship o f M rs. W in e . W e e k ly meetings were held e very M o n d ay betw een the second and third periods in the C o m m ercial Room, which consisted ch iefly o f a short business session and programs prep ared by the program com m ittee. The business session was carried on with parliam en tary procedure. Each President ap p o inted members fo r the nine different com m ittees, which were to serve during one semester, so th a t the purpose o f the adm inistration m ight be carried out successfully. The Ju n io r O w ls are m ade up o f half of the Ju n io r Class, those whose last names begin with the letters " A " to " K . " P ra ctically all o f the members of this home room g a ve to the lib rary d rive and also joined the Red Cross. W e feel the purpose for which this home room was form ed, th a t o f securing b ette r feeling betw een pupils and teachers and to d eve lo p leadership, has been ve ry successfully accom plished.

T H E JO L L Y JU N IO R S 1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

President Irma Russell ............................. Leonard P o s t ......................................Vice-President G la d y s Raulston ........................................S e c re ta ry W ilm a Raulston ..........................................Treasurer

Leonard Post ................................................ President Lloyd T a y l o r ......................................... Vice-President Virgil Lequire .............................................. Se c re ta ry Doris M u rra y ................................................Treasurer

Virgil L e q u ir e ................................. S tu d en t C o un cil M r. K e a t h l e y ..................................................Sponsor The Jo lly Ju n io r home room is com posed o f the Ju n io rs whose surnames range alp h a b e tic a lly from " L " through " Z . " W it h M r. K e ath ley as our sponsor, our home room is an a c tive p art o f the school. C re d it should be given to our program com m ittees. The members o f these com m ittees have spent much tim e and thou gh t on our weekly program s and have given us excellent program s of interest and education as well as amusement. These program s have included tap d ance numbers, saxophone solos, trum p et solos, numbers from our high school swing band, debates, readings, songs, speeches, and talks on various and interesting topics. O u r program com m ittee also furnished a chapfel program consisting o f an im itation radio b roadcast. W e wish to com m end our Red Cross C o m m itte e on its good work. Ours was the first home room to join the Red Cross. The " Jo l ly Ju n io rs " were also a c tive inthe lib rary d rive. The Ju n io r Class was the last one to be told ab o u t the drive, b ut it was the only class whose members co n trib uted 1 0 0 % . The pictures o f Ruth C o ttrell, J . O . Huffm an, A lv a Kirkpatrick, Rowland Kithcart, M ax Pearson, Eli Perkins, H o w a rd Presley, Lester Presley, and C e c il Spencer, members o f the Ju n io r Class, do not appear.



M a rg a re t C o ch ran ............................................................................................................................................ President Sam C raw fo rd .......................................................................................................................... Vice-President Ja m e s B y r n e ........................................................................................................................................................S e c re ta ry Ernestine A t c h l e y ...............................................................................................................................................Treasurer C h a rlo tte H a ll ...................................................................................................................................... Stu d en t C o uncil Mrs. Hazel A itk e n ................................................................................................................................................. Sponsor Je n n ie Lee Ellis Pe g g y Cox Phyllis Fro n eb erg er K ate Best Ju a n ita Fortner N ina Cunningham M a rg a re t C o ch ran G e ra ld in e G o d d a rd C h a rlo tte H a ll Ernestine A tc h le y D orothy Bivens Ja c k C ham bers

C a rl Best Keith Ferguson Sam C raw fo rd Routh Cox Sam H allibu rton Ja m e s Byrne Ernest G a rn e r H aro ld Denton N ed Belt Jim m y Henderson M arian Bray Peg g y C a lla w a y

Parliam en tary law was studied this y e a r and p ractice d in our m eetings. Dues were five cents a month. W e met each M o n d a y morning, and a fte r the business m eeting we sang or p layed gam es as our program com m ittee had arranged. S everal students o f this home room have talent, musical and otherwise. W e com bined our talents for a chapel program in N o ve m b e r o f this school year. Three o f our members, C h a rlo tte H all, Blanton Allen, and Sam H allibu rton , com posed a swing orchestra. By contributions of the members we joined the Red Cross and also sent a basket o f food at Christm as to an unfortunate fam ily. Je n n ie Lee Ellis, M a ryv ille H ig h School Beauty Q u een , is a m em ber o f our home room. The new idea o f home rooms in our school was welcom ed by all o f us; we feel th a t we b enefit from the home room socially and th a t it fits us to be leaders and to know something o f how to conduct a business m eeting. W e enjoyed a p arty in the gym in D ecem b er a t which basketball and indoor baseball were p layed . O u r home room's basketball team was successful in the school tournam ent, considering the size o f our players.




y T E E R S

1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

Bobby H u nter ............................................ President C . A . M a s s e y ......................................Vice-President Frances H a r r i s ............................................ Se c re ta ry Sara Lou Jo h n s o n ........................................Treasurer

Bo bb y H u n te r ............................................ President Lucile Law .......................................... Vice-President Sara Lou Jo h n s o n ........................................ S e c re ta ry Lois M a r t i n .................................................. Treasurer Stu d en t C o uncil Sponsor

Stanley H uddleston M r. Boretsky Frances H arris Sara Lou Johnson D orothy Keny M r. Boretsky Edna H u m phrey Je n n ie M cC o n n ell S tan le y Huddleston

Dora M a e Largen M a rg a re t M c M illa n Lois M artin D orothy H arn e d M a rg a re t M o o re Keith Lane H a l Lloyd

W . H . M c Elh an e y J . O . Huffm an H u gh Kerr Billy M artin Ja c k Kizer R o b e rt H u n ter E d g a r H u ffstetler

The programs have been ve ry entertaining throughout the y e a r and have been enjoyed by all members o f the home room. A m ong the best liked and most interesting programs were contests arranged by the program com m ittee. In D ecem b er the Boretskyteers were 10 0 % strong in joining the Red Cross. In the basketball tourna­ m ent among teams from the different home rooms, the Boretskyteers m ade a ve ry good showing. They m ade their w ay into the finals, but were beaten there by Mrs. W in e 's home room. The ca n d id ate for the most b eautifuf girls in the M a ryv ille H ig h School chosen from this home room was Lucile Law. During the lib rary d rive the Boretskyteers were enthusiastic, giving books and m oney ve ry generously. The home room program o f organization was new this y e a r and provid ed a different and interesting typ e o f informal recreation and^ entertainm en t am ong the students o f each group. The Boretskyteers have fully enjoyed the various activities for which the home room is responsible, and look forw ard to the continuance o f this form o f group gatherin g.



o L U N T E E R S

1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

N e ttie Rose S p ra k e r....................................President O liv e r Spears ................................... Vice-President Vesta W i l l o c k s ............................................ S e c re ta ry N e il Proffitt ................................................ Treasurer

Lon Reed .....................................................President Erwin Siskin ........................................Vice-President Ju n e Raulston ............................................ S e c re ta ry R ay Sterling ................................................ Treasurer

Jo h n n y W illia m s Mrs. G a u d in g . . Ju n e Raulston Zelm a Taylor Fanny Sim erly M a ry Sim erly Virg inia M o n tg o m ery Vesta W illo cks N e ttie Rose Spraker Lexie W h ite h e a d Billy M e rritt D orothy Thompson Ja n e T rotter Erwin Siskin H aro ld TiptcJn

.............Stu d en t C o un cil ............................. Sponsor Neil' Proffitt I. B. Rogers Jo h n n y W illia m s C h arles W illia m s Tommy Pearson R ay Sterling O liv e r Spears Bill O v e rly Frank W e lls A . W . Spickard Lon Reed Leland M illig an Eve re tt Timmons

The Volunteers had ch arg e o f a booth in the Annual C a rn iva l which was ve ry successful. From the money we m ade a t a snap by selling soft drinks and ca n d y we paid our Red Cross dues. The program com m ittee has furnished us with interesting programs. The best o f these was a "K a n g a ro o C o u rt." I. B. Rogers was the d efen d a n t and, being proven g uilty o f m isconduct during one o f our meetings, was sentenced. During the cam paig n to g e t books and money fo r the new lib rary the Volunteers were the first to g ive one hundred p er cent. Due to this excellent co-operation, Mrs. G a u d in g g ave a p arty at her home, which everyone enjoyed ve ry much. Lexie W h ite h e a d was selected to represent our home room in the contest fo r M a ryv ille H ig h School Beauty Q u een .


H O 0 1


y s

1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

R o b ert Byrne .............................................. President Jo h n Fouche, J r ..................................Vice-President Betty Ballard .............................................. Se c re ta ry Eula G r a y F o rtn e r....................................... Treasurer

Bill" Buford ...................................................President R o b e rt B y r n e ......................................Vice-President Jo h n Fouche, J r ........................................... Se c re ta ry B etty Ballard .............................................. Treasurer

C aro lyn C o stner. Miss R a y ............. V irginia Drake Clennis Breeden Eula Brown G la d y s C a rrin g e r Betty Ballard Barbara Elmore Eleanor Dickens Ja m e s G a r r e t t

S tu d en t C o un cil .........................Sponsor

Je a n Bailey Leland Bogle H u gh Baker C aro lyn Costner Eula G r a y Fortner N eysa Ferguson J . W . Farr Jo h n C arroll

Billy Buford Richard Dunn Don Caughron Bob Byrne M atthew s C o lem an A lex an der Bise Jo h n Fouche, J r . C h arles C arrig an

O u r home room consists o f thirteen girls and tw elve boys. A m ong these are tw o members o f the Stu d en t C o un cil, the class and home room representatives. O u r ch ie f aims are to b ette r our personalities and raise the ave ra g e o f our grades. The first six weeks the scholarship cup wasgiven, the Hoo-Rays were on the bottom o f the list. W e then cam e up to sixth place, an ad van cem en t o f four places, o f which we are proud. W e have had some ve ry interesting talks on personalities and grad es by M r. Brew er and Miss Ray. M r. Brewer was ve ry helpful to us during the absence o f Miss Ray. W h e n we were studying p arliam en tary law he tau g h t us to ta b le a motion and g ave us other useful suggestions. W e have had several socials: one given us b y Leland Bogle, one o f our members, another a hike to Pearson's Springs which we all enjoyed im m ensely and which was ch ap eron ed by two co lleg e students. W e have quite a b it o f tale n t in our home room. Two o f our members are in the M a ryv ille H ig h School Band. W e have several pianists, singers, and some ve ry go od actors and actresses.


c o V E T T E S

1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

M a rth a G i l l e s p i e ........................................President Ja c k M atthew s ................................. Vice-President Je a n Huddleston ................................ ...S e c r e t a r y Bill Lane .......................................................Treasurer

D onald H u r s t ...............................................President Jo h n H arb in ......................................Vice-President Jo h n M c A fe e ............................................ Se c re ta ry Fred M i z e .....................................................Treasurer

Louise H e n ry . . Miss C o ve n try Louise H e n ry Dorothy Law M a rth a G ille sp ie Rose M a ry Iverson Je a n Huddleston Frances G u trid g e Edna H all

.S tu d e n t C o uncil ................ Sponsor K atherine G r a n t Leon Norris Billy Lane Jo h n H arb in Don Hurst Don M atthew s Jo h n Ingram

The " C o v e t t e " division o f the Freshman Class has ad o p te d as its purpose, " H e lp O th e rs." Toward accom plishing this goal a Thanksgiving p arty was given fo r the children of the orphan's home, and on St. Valentine's Day, valentines and ca n d y w ere sent to each child. Three o f the officers o f the Freshman Class were selected from this home room, afa c t which we are proud of. These were Jo h n M c A fe e , President; Ja c k M atthew s, Vice-President; Jo se p h in e M ays, Secreta ry. Je a n H u dd lesto n was chosen as this room's prettiest girl. Q u ite an interesting study of the hobbies o f various students has been co n du cted by the members o f the program com m ittee. A number of students g ave talks which proved ve ry interesting as well as inform ative. A m ong the girls co llectin g autographs, stamps, and writing to boys and gir|s of other countries were found to be the favorites. The boys favo re d athletics. Through the medium o f our program s we d iscovered quite a va rie ty o f tale n t along musical, dram atic, and o ther lines.






1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

M ax Young .................................................. President Maxine Raulston ...............................Vice-President Rosa M itch ell ............................................Se c re ta ry W a y n e P i e r c e ..............................................Treasurer

Ellen Shepherd .......................................... President C h arles W ilh o it ............................... Vice-President Billy W a g n e r .............................................. S e c re ta ry Kenneth P r e s l e y ..........................................Treasurer S tu d en t C o uncil .........................Sponsor

Katherine S m ith ......... M iss H o w ard ........... Sara Ja n e Phelps Katherine Smith Sylvia Patton Maxine Raulston Ellen Shepherd H elen Robinson Louise O tto O . K. Tate

M a b e l Je a n Richmond Rosa M itch ell M axine Seaton Lucy Ja n e W o o d w a rd M a rg u e rite Taylor M a ry Katherine Stou t M a u d e Proffitt Billy W a g n e r

W in d e ll M yers H ild a Sim erly Billy J . W a lk e r Fred W a lk e r Dick Stro e b e Bo b b y Edmondson C h arles W ilh o it W a y n e Pierce

The Charm H o m e Room met in the H o m e Econom ics C o tta g e . Five cents monthly dues were paid. The following com m ittees were ap p o inted by the President: Scholarship, W e lfa re , A tten d a n ce, Pro­ gram, and Publicity. The Charm H o m e Room m et weekly, roll was called and minutes were read by the secretary. O ld and new business were taken up and discussed acco rd in g to Parliam en tary Law, with the President presiding. The meeting was then turned o ver to the chairm an o f the Program com m ittee. W e have had spelling bees, debates, readings, Professor Q uiz programs, and outside entertainers. The purpose o f our home room is to d evelo p the individual. Students received experience in Public Speaking and Parliam en tary Law. Social co n ta ct was augm ented and a precise means o f checking the scholarship and atte n d an ce o f each ind ivid ual was p rovided. There has been keen rivalry between the home rooms concerning scholarship. A lth o ug h the Charm H o m e Room did not have the highest rating in school, it had the highest rating for Freshmen. It is the intention o f this home room to put som ething into the new building by which to be rem em bered.


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H a l L l o y d .......................................................Trum pet Leland M i l l i g a n ............................................Trum pet H u gh K e r r .................................................... Trum pet Billy O r r .........................................................Trum pet Bo b b y H u n te r ................................................ C o rn e t C h arles M c C a m m o n ......................................C o rn e t Lloyd E l d e r .......................................................C o rn e t Tommy S t e p h e n s o n ........................................C o rn e t A . B. G o d d a r d ................................................ C o rn e t Billy Lane .........................................................C o rn e t S tan le y H uddleston ................................. Trombone M atth ew s C o lem an ................................. Trombone Billy H o y t .................................................. Trom bone Bo b b y H a tfie ld ....................................... Trom bone

Bill Buford .....................................................C la rin e t Virg inia C a te s .............................................. C la rin e t M a rjo rie Smith ............................................ C la rin e t C a rl M u r r a y .................................................. C la rin e t N e ttie Rose S p ra k e r............................................ A lto C h arles W ilh o it .................................................. A lto M a ry Ja n e C o s tn e r...................................... Baritone Prentice Cox .................................................Baritone C h arles W illia m s .................................................Bass Frank Kram er .................................................Drum Jim m y G i l l e s p i e ................................................ Drum Leah Smith ......................................................... Drum J . A . F a r le y ......................................................... Drum A n a b e l Bogle ................................................ Sponsor

M r. Burton H . Scates

D irector

During the 1937-38 school term the high school band has been com posed o f twenty-seven able and a c tive members. The d ire c to r was M r. Burton H . Scates, o f Knoxville. The Parent T each er A sso­ ciation m anager, to whom much cre d it is due, was Mrs. A . B. G o d d a rd . The student sponsor was A n a b e l Bogle. The year's activitie s have been numerous and varie d . In the fall o f 1937 the band follow ed the fo o tb all team to most o f the games, playing and m arching on the field. In O c to b e r, they attribu ted to the d rive fo r the new school building funds b y advertising throughout the town. A fte r Christm as th e y p layed a t several perform ances. O n M arch I I , 1938, the band g a ve a form al co n ce rt as part o f the Parent T each er A ssociation program . O n M a rch 19, th e y were honored by a com m and p er­ form ance a t the laying o f the co rner stone o f the new building. Plans fo r an oth er form al co n cert and fo r playing a t perform ances out o f town were m ade to con clud e the band's program fo r the year. It is interesting to note th a t the members o f this year's band were larg ely Freshmen and Sophom ores to g e th e r with several from Ju n io r H ig h School. This gives a ve ry promising out-look fo r the next tw o or three years. The attractiveness o f the band to the student b od y has stead ily increased, thus stead ily increasing the mem bership o f this fine musical organization.



M a ry E. Cruze Doris M u rray Elizabeth G e ta z M a ry Ja n e C ostner M aria n n e Colem an Phyllis O verto n Inez M e rritt Bonnie H ayes K atherine Crew s

G la d y s Raulston Elizabeth Bryant Frances Davis H e le n Trotter O ly e a M o ro n ey M a ry Ruth H o y t A lm a W e s t Frances Q uinn Roy C raw fo rd

Ja c k Kram er M ilton Siskin C h arles M cC am m o n Ja m e s Brown Q u en tin Lane H . R. B a d g e tt N ew ton Sto u t G r a y c e Hannah Thelma Lam b ert

Believing th a t scholastic excellence and ch a ra cte r d evelo p m en t are ideals th a t should be encouraged in the students o f to day, and seeking to cu ltiva te the qualities o f honesty, loyalty, courage, and leadership in the citizens of tom orrow, the governors o f the N atio n al H o n o rary Beta C lu b have instituted this organization fo r the prom otion of these ideals am ong the high school students o f A m e rica. The members are nom inated b y the su perintendent or p rin cipal o f the school from the students in the Ju n io r and Sen ior classes whose scholastic ave ra g e is ninety or ab o ve, and who have an ave ra g e o f ninety-five or ab o ve on th e ir p ersonality sheets. O n e social and one business m eeting was held each month a t the home o f one o f the members. The club is com posed of the follow ing com m ittees: program , social, executive, and transportation. S p e cial com m ittees are ap p o inted by the President when necessary. The program s have been ve ry entertainin g. The first program was on p arliam en tary law. Som e o f the other programs have been on A m e rican Education, H isto ry o f Printing, Custom s o f Mankind, Music, and Choosing a V ocation. The Beta C lu b presented a pantom im e en titled "T h e M ille rd ra m e r" in ch ap el on Ja n u a ry 13. The Beta C lu b convention was held a t the Fa rrag u t H o te l in Knoxville, A p ril 22, 23. The President ap p o inted three members as d e le g ate s: O le y e a M o ro ney, H e le n Trotter, and R oy C raw fo rd . The M a ry v ille C lu b was organized M a rch 24, 1937. The following officers have served this y ear: C harles M cC am m o n , President; G r a y c e Hannah, V ice-President; H e le n Trotter, S e c re ta ry ; Ja m e s Brown, Treasurer; Ja c k Kram er, R e p o rte r; Miss O tt, Sponsor. O u r organization has fulfifiled the requirem ents set forth by the N atio n al H o n o rary Beta C lu b and is looking forw ard to the com ing year. The Beta C lu b colors are gold and black.


B i


Elizabeth B r y a n t ................................................................................................................................................. President M artha G i l l e s p i e ...................................................................................................................................... Vice-President D orothy Je a n W h i t e ........................................................................................................................................ Se c re ta ry Lois M a rtin ..........................................................................................................................................................Treasurer Miss Tedford ....................................................................................................................................................... Sponsor Je a n H u dd lesto n D orothy Je a n W h it e M a ry C ath e rin e Sto u t Barb ara G ille sp ie M a e D e H a rt M a rth a G ille s p ie D orothy Law N e ttie Rose Spraker M a ry A n n e C o lem an Doris M u rra y M a b e l Je a n Richm ond

Elizabeth Bryant Barbara Elm ore Miss Tedford M a rg a re t C o ch ran Lois M artin H ow land Hussey Q u entin Lane C a rl Best H elen Trotter M a ry Ruth H o y t M a rg a re t M c M illa n

The pupils o f Miss Lennes Tedford were organized in S ep tem ber, 1937, into the B-Sharp M usic C lu b which meets once .a month in Miss Tedford's studio. The o b je ct o f the club is to prom ote b e tte r music and to crea te a more d efin ite interest among the students o f our schools along the lines o f music. O u r study course is taken from the history o f music, "P e o p le and M u sic," written by M c G h e e . Several operas have been studied during the year. A featu re o f each m eeting is piano solos and piano ensembles. M em bers o f the club a p p e a r freq uently at chapel hour. A special program o f C hristm as music was presented during the 1937 holiday season. S p e cial attention was given to program s throughout N atio n al M usic W e e k . " W h a t a divine calling is music! Though everything m ay a p ­ p ear shallow and repulsive, even the smallest task in music is so absorbing, and carries us away so fa r from town, country, earth and w orldly things, th a t it is only a blessed g ift o f G o d ." Mendelssohn.


D orothy Keny Edna H all Rosa M itch ell Sylvia Patton Je a n Huddleston W ilm a Raulston H elen Dunn Edith M onroe M a ry Ruth H o y t Doris M u rray H elen Hudgens A lm a W e s t M a ry E. Cruze Bonnie H ayes Lexie W h ite h e a d N e ttie Rose Spraker Betty Kiser M ariann e Colem an

Elizabeth G e ta z Frances Quinn W a n d a W a lk e r Evelyn M anning D orothy J . W h it e Je w e ll A lex an der A d a h Lamon G r a c e Stanfield M a rie C ham bers A lic e W ilh o it Leah Smith M a ry Ja n e C o stner Erma Russell Katherine Crew s Pauline C o lvin Velm a Houston Jo y c e Mize Je n n ie Lee Ellis

W in d e ll M yers Lucille Law 1nez M e rritt Phyllis O verto n D orothy Bivens Eleanor Dickens B e tty Ballard V irginia Drake Maxine Seaton Sara Ja n e Phelps Frances H arris G e ra ld in e G o d d a rd Sara Lou Johnson Ernestine A tch le y O le y e a M o ro ney M a u d e Bennett R ay Sterling H a l Lloyd

H u gh Baker H e le n T rotter Elizabeth Stiltner Lois M artin M a rg a re t M c M illa n Ja n e T rotter C a rl Best A . B. W a g g o n e r C . A . M assey C h arles M cC am m o n G . P. Pate N e il Troffitt Lloyd Elder Tommy Brown Jo h n Sing J . C . C a rrig an G r a y c e Hannah G la d y s C a rrin g e r

The M a ryv ille H ig h School Dram atics C lu b was organized in O c to b e r, 1937. The meetings were held the second and fourth W e d n e s d a y s o f each month. The following officers were e lecte d to serve fo r both semesters: President, G r a y c e H an n a h ; VicePresident, G . P. P a te ; S ecretary, M a ry Ja n e C o stn e r; Treasurer, C h arles M c C a m m o n ; Sponsor, Miss A lb e rta C o ventry. The following com m ittees were ap p o in te d to ca rry out the a c tivitie s o f the club: program , by-laws, on reading and selecting plays, and social. The programs fo r these meetings consisted larg e ly o f d ifferen t phases o f dram atics, and at each meeting the previews o f com ing attractio n s a t the theaters were given. A lecture on the use and ap p licatio n o f make-up for plays was given by Miss Proffitt, also several illustrated talks on the tech nicalities o f acting taken from the book "D o 's and Don'ts o f D ram a " were given. O th e r pro­ grams have been d evo ted to lighting and sound effect, stage settings, and ch a ra cte r portrayal. The following pantom im es were p resented: A sketch from "M id n ig h t Sum m er's D ream ," "Three Bears,'" and " A Trip by A u to m o b ile." The D ram atic C lu b presented "T h e N e ig h b o rs," by Z ona G a le , in chapel Feb ruary 15. The cast was com posed o f A lm a W e s t, H e le n H udgens, Elizabeth G eta z , G e ra ld in e G o d d a rd , N e ttie Rose Spraker, N e il Proffitt, Sarah Ja n e Phelps, and C h arles M cC am m o n . The club presented more and b e tte r plays this y e a r than eve r before, and by so doing fulfilled ♌he aim o f our club which was, "T o Prom ote H ig h and B e tte r Dram atics in O u r H ig h Sch oo l."








H elen Dunn .................................................President G la d y s Raulston ............................... Vice-President Irma Russell .................................................Se c re ta ry A n a b e l B o g l e .............................................. Treasurer

M a ry S i m e r l y .............................................. President Lucile L a w .......................................... Vice-President P e g g y C o x ...................................................S e c re ta ry Betty Ballard .............................................. Treasurer Miss H o w a rd Jo y c e Mize Doris M u rray Edith M on roe Velm a Houston Ja n e C a rp e n te r M a ry Baker Elizabeth M atthew s Elizabeth Brown D orothy J . W h it e Eleanor Dickens Betty Ballard M a ry Sim erly Fanny Sim erly Je n n ie Lee Ellis Ju n e Raulston

................................................ Sponsor

Dorothy Thompson Katherine G ra n t Lucy Ja n e W o o d w a rd Edna H all Billy Je a n W a lk e r H ild a Sim erly D orothy Bivens P e g g y Cox Je w e ll A lex an der M a ry Ruth H o y t M a rg a re t A tc h le y Virginia C ates G la d y s Raulston M a rth a B ad g e tt H elen Dunn

M a rth a B. B a d g e tt Katherine Sto u t M a rg u e rite T aylor Katherine C rew s Paul ine C o lv in Elizabeth G e ta z M aria n n e C o lem an A lic e W ilh o it W a n d a W a lk e r M a ry Ja n e C o stner W ilm a Raulston A d a h Lamon D orothy Keny Ellen Shepherd

The G ir l Reserve o f M a ryv ille H ig h School was organized W e d n e s d a y , N o ve m b e r 3, 1937. W e have an enrollm ent o f forty-four girls, all working tow ard the following things: Slo g an— To fa c e life squarely. Purpose— Find and g ive the best. C o d e — To be in g race and manner: Im partial in judgm ent, R e ad y fo r service, Loyal to friends, Reaching tow ard the best, Earnest in purpose, Seeing the beautiful, Eag e r fo r purpose, R everent to G o d , Victorious o ver self, Ever d ep end ab le, Sin cere a t all times. O u r programs consist o f the study o f famous women and th eir accom plishm ents, social problems o f to day, musical and extem poraneous programs. O n e interesting featu re o f our club is the social life. W e had a closed p arty the first sem ester and are looking forw ard to an open p arty this spring.


G L E E C L U B *â–





Ray Sterling ................... C h a rlo tte H a l l ............... Je a n H uddleston ......... Miss M ang es ............... . D orothy Keny Betty M atthew s Evelyn Baker Katherine Keny M a ry Baker M artha B. Ba d g e tt Elisabeth B ad g e tt A n a b e l Bogle V irginia Stroeb e Je a n Huddleston Miss M anges C a th e rin e Crew s M a rg a re t C och ran N e ttie R. Spraker M axine Raulston

Jo h n Davis . . . . B etty M atthew s Elizabeth Brown Miss R a y ........... Ellen Shepard Sylvia Patton Katherine Smith Katherine G ra n t H ild a Sim erly Billy Je a n W a lk e r Elizabeth Bryant Miss C o ve n try Sara Ja n e Phelps M axine Seaton D orothy H arn e d Elizabeth Brown Edith M onroe Leah Smith Dora M a e Largen

H e le n Robinson M a ry Sim erly Zelm a Hughes Ju n e Raulston Frances H arris Jo h n M c A fe e H o w lan d Hussey J . C . C arrig an Eli Perkins Elm er Reno C h a rlo tte H all S ara Lou Joh nso n Earnestine A tc h le y G e ra ld in e G o d d a rd


N o. 2

......................................... President ................................ Vice-President .........................................S e c re ta ry ........................................... Sponsor N ina Cunningham Ju a n ita Fortner Sam m y H allib u rto n C . A . M assey N e il Proffitt Billy W a g n e r Bob Byrne Billy Buford Leland Bogle R ay Sterling O th a G ib so n Jo h n Davis H ugh Tipton Baker J . A . Farley

The M a ryville H ig h School G le e C lub s were organized S ep te m b e r 23, 1937, fo r the purpose of prom oting a g re ate r interest in good music in our school. O u r m eetings were held weekly under the supervision o f our instructors. In O c to b e r, 1937, a t the annual m eeting o f the East Tennessee teachers a t Knoxville, Tennessee, seven members o f the g lee club represented our high school in an all-state chorus o f one hundred fifty voices. Those who p artic ip a te d in this even t were C h a rlo tte H all, N e ttie Rose Spraker, altos; Elizabeth Brown, Sara Lou Johnson, Frances Q uinn, Leah Smith, sopranos; C . A . Massey, bass. The chorus was d ire cted by O sbourne M c C a n a th y , world renowned musician. Several o f our members sang in the "M e s s ia h " which was presented fo r the fifth consecutive year in M a ryv ille . A t the Christm as season we presented a program o f carols a t the city teach ers banquet and again a t the A m e rican Legion A ux iliary m eeting. A ve ry interesting program was presented a t chapel. M o s t o f the G le e C lu b members were in the o p e re tta, "T he G y p s y R o ve r," d ire cted b y Miss M anges and Miss C o ve n try.





y c L

u B

Phyllis O verto n ....................................................................................................................................................President Ja n e T r o t t e r ............................................................................................................................................... Vice-President M a u d e Bennett ................................................................................................................................................. S e c re ta ry Miss C o ve n try ......................................................................................................................................................Sponsor Elizabeth Bryant Virginia-Stroebe Elizabeth Stiltn er A lm a W e s t A d e le Bro ad y M a rg a re t C o ch ran V irg inia M o n tg o m ery Kate Best M a rg a re t M c M illa n Lois M a rtin Blanche Jen kin s M a u d e Bennett O le y e a M a ro n e y H elen T rotter

Ja n e Trotter Sara Lou Johnson P e g g y C a llo w a y M axine Raulston Vivian M c C a ll M a rg a re t M o o re Vesta W illo c k s Earnestine A tc h le y Frances Davis G r a c e Hannah Phyllis O ve rto n Frances Smith Vid a Belle W a lk e r

The M a ryv ille H ig h School H isto ry C lu b was organized to encourage and prom ote interest in history and places o f historical interest in East Tennessee. A trip to the A u d ig ie r A r t Exhibit at the University o f Tennessee was made by the members o f the club on Ja n u a ry 23, 1938. The meetings o f the club are held on the first and third W e d n e s d a y s o f each month. The following com m ittees were a p p o in te d : program , ways and means, by-laws, social, publicity, miscellaneous. To obtain money fo r a trip to C h attan o o g a the members o f the club have paid monthly dues and have sponsored a cand y sale, which was ve ry successful, and other cand y sales were planned and carried out at ball games and entertainm ents. The programs have consisted o f speeches by d ifferen t m embers o f the club on phases o f history and a speech on O ld Forts o f Blount C o un ty, by M r. Parham , which was over a period of two meetings. The club has begun a collectio n o f old papers and docum ents for one o f the fine display cases which will be in the library o f our new school building.



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N o. I


Ja m e s B r o w n ................................................President Ja m e s C o ch ran ................................. Vice-President Ja m e s B y r n e .................................................Se c re ta ry Ro bert H u n t e r ................... • ......................Treasurer M r. K e a t h l e y ............. Sam C raw fo rd Eve re tt Shep ard Billy Turner Billy W a g n e r Dick Stro e b e Tommy Pearson Bob Byrne M a u rice S te p p e Keith Lane O liv e r Spears Lloyd Elder Pren tice Cox

Erwin Siskin Billy Lane H aro ld Tipton I. B. Rogers C h arles M cC am m o n C a rl Best Leland M illig an R o b ert H u n ter Virgil L e Q u ire H aro ld Denton Jim Byrne A . M . Duff

N o. 2

M alcolm E v a n s ............................................ President Leonard P o s t ......................................Vice-President C h arles M c C a m m o n ................................. Se c re ta ry M ax Y o u n g .................................................. Treasurer ................................ Sponsor Ed w ard T aylor Frank W e lls Jo h n H arb in C h arles W illia m s H o w a rd G ib so n G . P. Pate Tommy Brown Ja c k Kizer Bill O v e rly Billy C le a r M alcolm Evans M c K a y Phillips

H u gh Kerr Ja m e s C och ran J . O . Huffm an R o b ert Bennett M atth ew s C o lem an Ja m e s Brown M ax Young Leonard Post Keith Ferguson Ross H onaker Jo h n M c A fe e Jim m y G a r r e t t

The Hi-Y m ovem ent was revived in M a ry v ille last fall and has progressed with much rap idity. H o ld ing closely to the Hi-Y program "t o create, maintain, and extend throughout the school high standards o f C hristian ch a ra cte r," the two clubs have m ade some worthwhile contributions to the school. A . M . Duff and M c K a y Phillips were the M a ry v ille H ig h School representatives to the O ld e r Boys C o n fe re n ce held a t A lc o a . A . M . Duff was e lecte d treasurer o f the East Tennessee division of H i-Y clubs. The two clubs m eet alte rn a te ly on W e d n e s d a y s a t the a c tiv ity p eriod. Studies have been made in sportsmanship, athletics, scholarship, personality, and an intensive study has been m ade o f the racial problem s in the South. Each boy who has put something into his H i-Y club by a tte n d an ce and taking p art on the various programs has received untold value from his p articip atio n . It is this kind of p reparation which makes the individual b e tte r p rep ared to continue his study for future o ccup ation s and general well being.






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A M E R 1


1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

Leland M illig an .......................................... President Erwin Siskin ....................................... Vice-President H o w a rd G ib so n ........................................S e c re ta ry Ju n io r Fouche ............................................Treasurer

Erwin S is k in ...................................................President H u gh Kerr ................................. Vice-President Bob Byrne ...................................................Se c re ta ry H o w ard G ib so n ..........................................Treasurer .........................Sponsor

Mrs. Aitken Leland Bogle Billy W a g n e r H ugh Kerr Leland M illig an Erwin Siskin Jo h n H arb in M atthew s C o lem an H o w a rd G ib so n

Jim m ie Henderson Ju n io r Fouche Bob Byrne Don C au g hron Tommy Pearson Eli Perkins C h arles W ilh o it

In Sep tem ber, M a ryv ille H ig h School sponsored special clubs which were chosen by the pupils. A m ong these was the airp lane club, organized by several students who were interested in the b uild ­ ing, structure and flying o f airplanes. Fifteen boys d evo te d them selves to the m aintaining o f this fine club. The club, shortly a fte r organizing, ap p lie d fo r mem bership in the Ju n io r Birdm en o f A m erica organization, and was a c ce p te d . The Ju n io r Birdmen have d ifferen t officers from the original set up which we inaugurated b ut we kept the old officers o f the airp lane club and elected Ju n io r Birdmen officers to work in connection with them . The Birdmen officers are, Erwin Siskin, com m ander, H ugh Kerr, squadron captain , Bob Byrne, squadron captain , and Lelahd M illig an , squadron captain. In several meetings during the y e a r the members held contests. They were on the scale, flying ca p a city, and looks o f the planes built by the students. To the winners went airp lane kits. In other m eetings blue prints were discussed and explained. W e hope th a t next y e a r we will be able to study controls o f airplanes.






H a l Lloyd ............................................................................................................................................................ President Bo b b y H u n te r ........................................................................................................................................... Vice-President N e ttie Rose S p ra k e r........................................................................................................................................... S e c re ta ry Sponsor Miss Proffitt .................................. C . A . M assey Miss Proffitt Frances Q uinn M a rie C ham bers N e ttie Rose Spraker D orothy H arn e d H o w lan d Hussey Roy C raw fo rd Billy Buford

H a l Lloyd Pren tice Cox Jo h n Sing I. B. Rogers C h arles W illia m s Ja c k Kram er Jo h n M c A fe e Bo b b y H u n te r G r a c e Stanfield

The L iterary C lu b has been a d ecid e d success. Com posed, as the name implies, of those students interested in d eb ating , oratory, d eclam ation , and varied p ub lic speaking. Perhaps forem ost among these activitie s are those o f the deb ating teams. The affirm ative team was com posed o f Frances Q uinn, H a l Lloyd, and C h arles W illia m s ; ne g ative team , R oy C raw fo rd , Ja c k Kram er, and Jo h n M c A fe e . The d eb atin g season was opened with several d eb ate s with neighboring high schools, but was marked p articularly by an extensive trip into up p er East Tennessee. Two teams, acco m panied by M r. Keathley, d eb ate d in M orristown, Joh nso n C ity , Elizabethton, and Bristol. W h ile on th a t trip the teams continued to Kingsport to p a rtic ip a te in the Interstate Forensic League tournam ent. Each team d eb ate d four tim es and M a ryv ille's ne g ative team had the d istinctive honor o f being one o f the two teams, out o f fifty-four, which was u n defeated throughout the tournam ent. The team was com ­ posed o f R oy C raw fo rd and Ja c k Kram er. Following this trip, were the preparations fo r entering the annual H ig h School D ay a t the U n i­ versity o f Tennessee on A p ril 2. M a ryv ille m ade quite a name fo r herself a t the H ig h School D ay. M ilton Siskin won second p lace with his oration. Several o f the o ther clubs also won places in the d ifferen t contests. Sponsored b y Miss Proffitt o f the faculty, the L iterary C lu b established its p lace in the regular extra-curricular a c tivitie s o f the school. It brings to g e th er the speakers from the student body, trains them, and gives them an o pp o rtu n ity to exhibit th e ir skill.


s T R I


Vernon Ferguson ............................................................................................................................................... President Ro ger R u l e ................................................................................................................................................. Vice-President Ja c k M a t t h e w s ................................................................................................................................................... S ecre tary A lex an der Bise .................................................G u ita r C a rl Britton ........................................................... Ju g C harles C arrig an ....................................H arm onica Sam C lark .................................................H arm on ica J . W . F a r r ............................................................... Ju g Vernon Ferguson ............................................ G u ita r M eysa F e r g u s o n .............................................. G u ita r Ja c k M atthew s .......................................... M andolin Earl N o r r i s ...................................................M and olin W a y n e Pierce .......................................................Ju g R o ger Rule .............................................. H arm on ica Elm er R e n o ....................................................... G u ita r

The String Band C lu b o f M a ryville H ig h School was organized for those interested in string music and for the study o f old ballads. The club m et on alternate W e d n e s d a y s a t which tim e special numbers were p ractice d . O u r club presented several chapel programs and a p p e ared in a b road cast over rad io station W N O X . The band from tim e to tim e has furnished music for certain plays sponsored by the school. There is nothing b ette r for enjoym ent than a good string band around a cam p fire when some class or organization o f the school goes on a hike. W e have b enefited m aterially by the collection o f ballads which relate to certain historical events or which contain good poetry.


o R C H E S T R A

Violins C ath e rin e Crew s Virginia Stro e b e Frances Smith Lois M artin M a ry H e le n M o o re Ruth Lloyd Betty Lou Turner

Trumpets H a l Lloyd Bo b b y H u n ter C h arles M cC am m o n Leland M illig an A lto s C h arles W ilh o it N e ttie Rose Spraker

Reeds Billy Buford C a rl M u rray

Baritone C h arles W illia m s Trom bone S tanley Huddleston Drums Jim m ie G ille sp ie D irector M r. Burton Scates

The M a ryv ille H ig h School orchestra for the 1937-1938 school term was d ire cted by M r. Burton Scates, o f Knoxville. The a c tivitie s o f the orchestra this y e a r were more and varied than have been experienced in years gone by. The orchestra held weekly practices and presented many very good programs. O n e o f the best was in conjunction with the Thespian " H a m N ig h t." C h a p e l programs were enjoyed ve ry much by the students. The com m encem ent d ay programs are being looked forward to with much interest, fo r the orchestra is groom ing itself fo r these programs as the most outstanding o f the year. The typ e o f music which the orchestra presents is not only beautiful in itself but it is being a p p re ­ ciate d more b y the student b od y as a whole. The e d u ca tive value of the orchestra as well as the entertainm ent value is worth much to M a ry v ille H ig h School.


s T U D E N T C 0

U N C 1


Virg il Lequ ire .................................................. Ju n io r Ja c k Kram er .................................................... Ju n io r A . W . S p ic k a rd ........................................Sophom ore S tan le y H u d d le s t o n ............................... Sophom ore Billy Buford .................................................Freshman Jo h n n y W i l l i a m s ......................................Sophom ore H aro ld Ke e b le ................................................ Senior M ilton Siskin ...................................... Senior

Katherine Smith ........................................Freshman C aro lyn C o stn e r ........................................Freshman C h a rlo tte H a ll ........................................Sophom ore Louise H e n r y .............................................. Freshman A d e le Bro ad y ...................................................Senior M alcolm Evans ................................................ S enior Leonard P o s t .................................................... Ju n io r Roy C raw fo rd .................................................. Ju n io r

The M a ryv ille H ig h School Stu d en t C o u n cil was organized in S ep tem ber, 1937. Each home room selected one person to be its representative in the C o u n cil. This m em ber was chosen on the q u alific a­ tions o f leadership, d ep e n d ab ility, judgm ent, tact, and other qualifications which a good leader should have. A ft e r home room selections were m ade members were e lecte d from the class a t large so that each class would have four representatives in the C o un cil. In S ep tem ber, a m eeting was held a t the home o f M r. and Mrs. G a u d in g , and an organization was p erfected. The following officers were electe d to serve fo r the entire y e ar: President, H aro ld K e e b le : Vice-President, M ilto n Siskin; Secre tary, A d e le B ro ad y; Treasurer, Roy C ra w fo rd ; Facu lty A dvisor, M r. G a u d in g . The purpose o f the S tud en t C o un cil is th a t it be a co o rd in ating ag e n c y b etw een the facu lty and the student body, and a representation o f student opinion before the C it y School Adm inistration. The Stud en t C o un cil seeks to prom ote a happier, more efficient, and fuller school life. The accom plishm ents o f the C o un cil have been many, b ut we b elie ve th a t the p ub lication o f the A p p alach ian , our school annual, with the aid o f the senior class, is one o f the most im po rtan t o f the steps taken by the C o un cil. A ll school functions have been sponsored and arrang ed by the S tu d en t C o u n cil. The constitution and by-laws o f all clubs and organizations in the 'sch o o l are ap p ro ve d b y the C o un cil.



A d a h L a m o n ........................................................................................................................................................ President Phyllis O ve rto n .........................................................................................................................................Vice-President G r a y c e H a n n a h ................................................................................................................................................. Se c re ta ry G . P. P a t e ............................................................................................................................................................Treasurer Miss A lb e rta C o v e n try .........................................................................................................................................Sponsor M r. H a rry G a u d in g .......................................................................................................................................Co-Sponsor Leah Smith A d e le Bro ad y A lm a W e s t A d a h Lamon Phyllis O ve rto n G . P. Pate C h arles M cC am m o n

Ja m e s Brown Q u e n tin Lane H a l Lloyd G r a y c e Hannah A . B. W a g g o n e r I. B. Rogers

The aim o f this S o c ie ty is "T o C re a te a S p irit o f A c tiv e and In te llig e n t Interest in D ram atics A m ong Boys and G irls o f O u r S ec o n d ary Schools." To q u alify fo r the membership, one must have p layed with m erit in a m ajor role in one long play or two m ajor roles in one-act plays. M in o r speaking parts in three long plays or fo ur one-act piays m ay be ac ce p te d as m eeting the requirem ents. W o rk done in rad io b roadcasting, o p eretta, as stage managers, or staff work m ay be recognized as p art of the mem bership requirem ents. The club b eg an the season with a one-act light m ystery entitled, "T he G h o s t H u n te rs," which was presented a t the annual carnival* During N atio n al Dram atics week the club sponsored The Trysting Pla c e ." O n M arch 19, 1938, the Thespians introduced "H a m N ig h t," a program o f four one-act plays d ire cted by members o f the Thespian C lu b . The plays were "T w o's C o m p a n y ," d ire c te d - b y A d ah Lam on; "Y o u C a n 't S to p C u p id ," d ire cted by Q u entin Lan e; " A S ilve r L ining ," d ire cted by C harles M cC am m o n , and a p lay written b y its director, " P e a c e a t A n y P ric e ." The author and d ire c to r was G . P. Pate. The winning play was "Tw o's C o m p a n y ," with second p lace going to " A S ilve r Lining. The play sent to co m p ete in H ig h School D ay at the U n iversity o f Tennessee was Longhorns. The cast was com posed o f Jo h n Davis, Vernon Ferguson, A d a h Lamon, C h arles M cC am m o n , G . P. Pate, and A lm a W e s t. "Lo n g h o rn s" won second p lace in the m eet.



Sam m y C raw fo rd ............................................................................................................................................... President D orothy Law .............................................................................................................................................Vice-President S tanley H u d d le s t o n ...........................................................................................................................................S ecre tary M a b e l Je a n R ich m o n d ...................................................................................................................................... Treasurer N eil P r o f f i t t ..........................................................................................................................................................Repo rter Mrs. G a u d in g ....................................................................................................................................................... Sponsor V irginia Drake M axine Seaton D orothy Law M a b e l Je a n Richmond M artha G ille sp ie

Sara Ja n e Phelps N eil Proffitt Sam C raw fo rd Stanley Huddleston Rosem ary Iverson

The Travel C lu b is an organization to interest more students in the world o f travel. The com m ittees ap p o inted were the program , M a rth a G ille sp ie , chairm an, the com m ittee to draw up the constitution o f our club, Rosem ary Iverson, chairm an. O th e r com m ittees were ap pointed throughout the ye ar to send to C ham bers o f C o m m erce to g e t inform ation ab o ut places we wished to study. In our meetings we talked ab o ut many interesting places. Mrs. G a u d in g told us ab o ut her trip to the H o ly Land and Europe. The lecture she g ave on "K in g Tut's T o m b " was esp ecially interesting, as the group she was in was one o f the first to enter the tom b a fte r it was o pened. O th e r talks were on Nashville, the ca p ital of our own state o f Tennessee, and trips th a t had been m ade to Florida and M exico by several o f the members.





c L U B

1st S E M E S T E R

2nd S E M E S T E R

Edwin Kerr ...................................... President B etty M atthew s ............................... Vice-President Inez M e r r i t t ................................................ Se c re ta ry

H aro ld K e e b l e ............................................ President Jo h n D a v i s ..........................................Vice-President Bonnie H ayes ............................................ S e c re ta ry 0 .........................Sponsor

M r. Boretsky Lucile Law Inez M e rritt Katherine Keny M a ry E. Cruze Betty M atthews Ju n e Sutton Bonnie H ayes Helen Dunn Evelyn Baker

M r. Boretsky M ilton Siskin Lloyd Taylor Ja m e s C o ch ran Jo h n Davis Jim Byrne R up ert B o ya tt O liv e r Spears Sam C lark

Bob D e W e e s e Bill O ve rly Jo h n n y W illia m s C . A . M assey Sam m y M atthew s Troy Smith H aro ld Keeble Bobb y Hancox Earl Norris

The Varsity C lu b is com posed o f boys and girls who have been aw ard ed letters in basketball or football, and has a to tal o f twenty-seven members. The purpose o f the organization is to e n co urag e ath letics and prom ote sportsmanship within the school, esp ecially at ath letic contests. A t the close o f the fo o tb all season several new letterm en were elig ib le fo r mem bership in. the organization. A ve ry interesting initiation was held and the following were received into the club: Bobby Hancox, Lloyd Taylor, and H aro ld Keeb le. W h e n basketball season was over, other students b ecam e members with a grand initiation. T hey were Lucile Law, H elen Dunn, Evelyn Baker, Bill O verly, C . A . M assey, and C a rte r Kim ball. The club has had a ve ry enjoyable social season also. M a n y parties and hikes were p articip ate d in by the members. The club has a beautiful pin bearing the name "V a rs ity ."











i â–



C h arles Lewis C la u d e Best Ja c k Hancox Paul Blankenbeckler Don Duggan W . B. C ham bers Max Long Sam H aw le y A n d y C arroll W a lt e r Anderson O p a l Burell

Nina G rin d ell Nell Latham Ruth Hicks Betty Lou Boyatt Billie Keller M a d g e H u ffstetler Eileen Barnawell V io let Farm er Viola Caughron Elzia Livesay Rachel Johnson

Helen Je a n Huffm an Lillian B ad g e tt Ju a n ita Cox M a ry Tom C lark Louise C lab ou g h R o b e rt C o lvin Evelyn Bain Edith Baxter Rena M a e D e H a rt M a ry Barnawell Earnestine Harrison

M artha Belle Lam b ert A . B. G o d d a rd Billy Hicks Ruth Lloyd A lvin C a rte r Billy M a n le y Pauline Haun R o b e rt Mull Bruce Strickl'an Ju a n ita G ib so n A lb e rt H urst

Ja c k Tarvin M a c Pate Lacy Rueter R o b e rt Lindsay Ja c k Young Rex Stu art Ralph Mason Ja c k Phelps C a rl M u rray Phil M c C la n a h a n Paul M ille r Jo h n W illia m s

N ora M a e M cD aniels M a rg a re t W e s t Ja n e M c C u lle y Edna Earle W a lk e r Thelma W in g fie ld Elizabeth Ja m e s Drucilla Sim erly W ilm a Y oungblood M a ry Lane Q u entin M artin G ilfo rd Thurman

M ild re d Thompson Barb ara Trotter Betty Lou Turner Edith Paul Ja n e M c C a ll Helen W ilh o it B etty M o n tg o m ery Je ss ie W a lk e r Billy O r r H ugh Potter Paul M orton

J . T. Sim erly Tom Ja m e s H aro ld M ahan Jim m ie Stephens L. K. W e a g le y Billy H o y t R o b ert Roy R ay W e b b Elsie O g le B e atrice Stanfield C harles H urst













Ja c k Reed A n d re w M o n tg o m e ry Dillon M o ro ney J . L. Keny Darrel G ile s Baker Barnawell D avid Briggs Bo b b y H atfie ld Tom Stephenson Tom Smith Frank Kram er Beryl Breedlo ve

Eugene Veal H aro ld C lark J . C . Rowland R o b ert Anderson Vernon Bandy Jo h n A llen Thomas Long H erm an Looney Frances G a rre tt Dorothy Powers

W a n d a Keeb le M a ry Ruth C urtis Je a n H a w le y N a n c y Bryant Bo b b y M a yn o r B etty A n n e Piper Ju n e Lane Lillian Proffitt Je a n Raulston M a ry H e le n M o o re Lula C a llo w a y

Bessie C o lvin M a ry Ellis M a ry W e s t M a e Belle Baker V irginia Ja m e s Inez W ilso n Lucile Johnson Shirley Russell R eba Fay C o n d ry

M orton G ru b b Ralph Broyles Ja c k Lam bert Tom Denton Vinson Rich Billy Tedford C a rl Britton Mason Boyatt C h arles Henderson Ralph Lam b ert Hazel C lab o u g h

Barb ara G ille sp ie Eleanora C o nard H e le n Robinson M a rjo rie Sm ith G la d y s Scarb ro ug h N a n c y Ja n e Poague Ju n e Raulston Ida Sue Ellis Jim m ie G ille sp ie Paul H u m ph rey A rth u r Spears

B e tty Ruth Bivins Louise Pierce N e llie H ag e lg an s Buby Foster Elizabeth Tyler Ju a n it a Ja m e s H e le n T effeteller J . E. H arris Bill C a rrin g e r

J o e Robertson Kenneth Hodson Eugene W h it e L. B. Sutton D avid W a lk e r Eugene Russell M a rg a re t H a le Ju n e Largen M a ry Lee




â– W N M fe 1 IL.ll1 .93

Bob D e W e e s e Elm er Reno Ja m e s M artin Edwin Kerr A . M . Duff M ifton Siskin H aro ld Keeb le M alcolm Evans Ja m e s C o ch ran Jo h n n y W illia m s C a rte r Kim ball

Rup ert Boyatt Lloyd Taylor Jo h n Davis O liv e r Spears Ja m e s Byrne Bill O v e rly Jo h n C arroll Ro ger Rule Sam C lark C h arles C arrig an J . W . Farr

Charles M cC am m o n Lester Presley Ja c k Kram er Earl Norris C la y Stanfield Roy C raw fo rd M atth ew s C o lem an Ross H onaker Bobb y H ancox R o b ert Bennett M a u rice Step p e


Kenneth Stinnett Don H urst H u gh Kerr W . H . M c E lh an e y Bob Byrne Max Young H o w a rd Presley Eugene W h it e L. B. Sutton C o a ch Boretsky C o a ch C raw fo rd

P ra ctice started in A ug u st and the team was in fairly good shape fo r the first gam e with C lin ton on the home ground. A good gam e was played, ending in a scoreless tie. For the second gam e the team journeyed to Andrews, North C aro lin a, and trounced the Tar H eels 12-7. The band made this trip and a gala occasion was observed by the whole school. The next invasion o f the home lot was m ade by S ta ir Tech, o f Knoxville, but the invaders were turned back by the M a ryv ille team by a score of 14-7. For the next effort the M a ryv ille boys went to Townsend and there played the second scoreless tie o f the season. The g re a t annual gam e with Eve re tt was p layed on the co lleg e field where the C o u n ty H ig h boys turned back the M a ryville boys by the score o f 26-0. Halls Cross Roads fell next on the list of M a ryville's victims, returning to th e ir cross roads with the small end o f a 13-0 score. In the next most im po rtan t gam e of the season, th a t with A lco a, the M a ryv ille team played its third scoreless tie of the season. A fte r the third tie M a ryv ille refused to play another one and lost to Porter by a score o f 6-0. The last gam e o f the season was with C a rte r H ig h School, o f Knox C o un ty. The M a ryville team had little trouble turning back the G re e n ie s to the tune o f 31-6. C o ach e s Boretsky and C raw fo rd used e very man on the squad in this gam e. The entire line is lost by g raduation this year. There are a lot o f promising boys out fo r fo o tb all in spring p ractice so it looks as if the replacem ents will be good.



B O A y s s K B



Sam Clark, M a n a g e r Bill O v e rly Sam m y M athew s Lloyd Taylor C la y Stanfield C a rte r Kim ball

Troy Sm ith C . A . M assey Jim m y C o ch ran , C a p t. Jo h n n y W illia m s Bob D e W e e s e C o a ch Boretsky

W it h a varsity com posed o f three seniors, three juniors, fo ur sophomores, and one freshman the Crimson W h irlw in d won seventeen games and lost eight. R o g er Rule was a m em ber o f the varsity although his p icture is not shown ab o ve. A n y com bination out o f the eleven men was a starting team so there were no substitute teams. M em bers o f the Red and Black basketeers who are lost by g raduation are C a p ta in Jim m y C o ch ran , C la y Stanfield, and Bob D e W e e se . They will be sorely missed next year. The Crim son team was given no rating in the d istrict tournam ent but by d ent o f heady, fast playing M a ryv ille elim inated tw o seeded teams, going to the semi-finals where th e y were d efe a te d by Friendsville 27 to 22. Friendsville eventu ally won third p lace in the all state tournam ent. THE





M a ryv ille ....3 5 ......................................................................................................................................................W a lla n d I I M a ryv ille 2 7 ................................................................................................................................................... S ta ir Tech 26 M a ryville 2 5 M c C a llie 23 M a ryv ille 2 4 Young 21 M a ryv ille 2 4 Townsend I I M a ryville 18 Lanier 23 M a ryv ille ... 3 9 ..................................................................................................................................................... W a lla n d 9 M a ryville 3 1 ................................................................................................................................................... S ta ir Tech 15 M a ryv ille 2 6 G re e n b a ck 15 M a ryville 2 6 Porter 30 M a ryville 3 3 Lan ier 23 M a ryville 18 E ve re tt 2 I M a ryville 2 0 Friendsville 37 M a ryville 2 9 Townsend 15 M a ryv ille 2 6 Young 18 M a ryville 19 A lc o a 18 M a ryville 2 5 Friendsville 35 M a ryville 15..................................................................................................................................................... E ve re tt 20 M a ryville 4 3 .......................................................................................................................................................T. D. S. 17 M a ryville 2 6 G re e n b a ck 9 TO URN AM EN T M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryville

40 22 23 22

. . W a lla n d . . . . Lan ier . . . C a rte r Friendsville


14 20 I7 27

G 1 R L S

Katherine Keny Betty M atthew s Bonnie H ay e s Ju n e Sutton Evelyn Baker Lucile Law Ellen Shepard


W a n d a W a lk e r Pauline C o lvin M a ry Elizabeth Cruze Inez M e rritt H elen Dunn D orothy Keny Miss Proffitt, C h ap e ro n e M r. C raw fo rd , C o ach

U n d e r the coaching o f M r. Lynn C raw fo rd the M a ryv ille Crim son W h irlw in d e tte s tre ate d themselves to a ve ry good season. This was M r. C raw fo rd 's first season with us and a g re a t deal of cre d it is due him fo r the success o f the team . The girls won a t least one gam e from e very team met during ,the season except E ve re tt and A lco a, the teams which eventually were the winners and runners-up in the d istrict tournam ent. The team is hard hit by g raduation but there is still an abun dance o f m aterial in the school fo r M r. C raw fo rd to build from next year. The following g rad uate, Katherine Keny, B etty M atthew s, Bonnie H ayes, C a p ta in , Evelyn Baker, M a ry Elizabeth Cruze, Inez M erritt. THE M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryville M a ryville M a ry v ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryv ille M a ryville




30 25 22 II 20 33 29 19 20 36 15 17 35 26 19 30 18

SEASO N W a lla n d 18 Townsend 30 W a lla n d 17 Lanier 3 I G re e n b a c k 19 Porter 25 Lanier 23 E ve re tt 27 Friendsville 17 Townsend 33 A lc o a 34 Friendsville 25 T. D. S. 26 Po rter 18 A lc o a 30 T. D. S. 22 G re e n b a ck 25

TO URN AM EN T M a ryv ille 2 7 M a ryv ille 18

Powell 17 Lan ier 22


M aryville High School Beauty Queen

Jen n ie Lee Ellis




M ost popular g irl C arolyn C ostner M ost popular b o y Ross Honaker Student most likely to succeed Jo h n M c A fe e Best student: Boy ................Kenneth Presley— John M c A fe e Best student: G i r l ...................... Louise H enry Best athlete: B o y .................... C a rte r Kimbell Best athlete: G i r l Betty Milligan W ittie s t: B o y .......................... Ju n io r Fouche W ittie s t: G i r l Louise O tto SO PH O M O R E CLASS M ost popular g irl................... C harolette Hall M ost popular b o y Jo h n n y W illiam s Student most likely to succeed. . .H a l Lloyd Best student: B o y Jo h n n y W illiam s Best student: G i r l ..........M a rg a re t M cM illan Best athlete: B o y Jo h n n y W illiam s Best athlete: G i r l ........................... Lucile Law W ittie s t: B o y ............................... Neil Proffitt W ittie s t: G i r l .................... Ernestine A tch ley JU N IO R


M ost popular g ir l.........................Irma Russell M ost popular b o y Roy C raw ford Student most likely to succeed .Ja c k Kram er Best student: B o y ...................... Ja c k Kramer Best student: G i r l .................... Frances Quinn Best athlete: B o y .........................Lloyd Taylor Best athlete: G i r l ........................ Ju n e Sutton W ittie s t: B o y ..............................Leonard Post W ittie s t: G i r l M arianne Colem an S E N IO R C L A S S M ost popular g i r l ...................A d e le Broady M ost popular b o y ............ Jim m y C ochrane Student most likely to succeed Milton Siskin Best student: B o y .................... H arold Keeble Best student: G i r l .................... Helen Trotter Best athlete: B o y ...............Jim m y C ochrane Best athlete: G i r l .....................Bonnie H ayes W ittie s t: B o y .................... Ben Cunningham W ittie s t: G i r l ................... Elisabeth Bad gett M ost dignified b o y .................Quentin Lane M ost dignified g irl............ O leyea M oroney


Com plim ents of

Com plim ents of



Phone 643

Com plim ents of


Dr. W . B. Lovingood

Congratulations to the

Com plim ents of

Senior Class


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Broady

1. B. Rogers

Com plim ents of


J. 1. W A LKER

Senator J. T. Trotter

C it y Recorder

Com plim ents of

Com plim ents of

J. Leon Teffeteller


Com plim ents of

Earl Blazer

C. H. W A G N E R

Toots Blazer IN S U R A N C E

Proffitt's Shoe Dept.

Com plim ents of

Com plim ents of




Congratulations to the



Senior Class


Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lamon

Ja s . B. H edg e, Jr ., O w ner


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WILLIAMS BROTHERS Broadway at Winter Street MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE Telephone 204 *9



For M en and Boys Union M ad e

Maryville Bargain Store

"The Store o f Better Values" "The Store with M a n y Bargains"


McCammon & Ammons Murray & Montgomery Insurance Agency

Funeral Home

O ffice at rear of Post O ffice

M A R Y V IL L E , T E N N E S S E E

Phone 645

M A R Y V IL L E , T E N N E S S E E


Phone 345


Farmers' Cash Store and Lane's Grocery










Phone 450

Maryville High School Students You Will Find It Good Economy to Buy Your Sweaters, Polo Shirts, Slacks, Blouses, Oxfords, Etc.

W A L K E R ’S

It Costs Less at

STERCHI BROS. To Furnish Yo ur H om e



R A D IO S — T H E L E A D E R O F T H E M A L L













H. C. FONDE & SONS " W e Build 'em Fit for Kings to Live In"

Phone 307



124 BRO A D W A Y


Phone 9102 62





G e t Your Business Training in Your H om e Town

DRUG STORE Efficient Teachers C om plete Courses


Barber and McMurray


Architects K N O X V IL L E


"O u r W o r d Is O u r Bond" H A V E YO U R LAUN D RY D O N E BY S A N IT A R Y M E T H O D S

Architects for the new M aryville High School building and many other school, college, and university buildings throughout East Tennessee

Phones: Uptown — 600

Plant — 53



the J & K stores "W e Are Never Undersold"



For Your Baseball and Softball Equipment Tennis Rackets, Shoes, Sweaters, Etc. M c G re g o r G o lf Clubs, Bags and Balls






5c, "T H E


10c, & 25c S T O R E STO RE




D. H . Anderson


Phone 61




If Every Young Girl, Boy, Man or Woman Had a Hobby There Would Be Fewer Crimes " H O B B IE S A R E S T A B IL IZ E R S "

They Mean Play Every Day and Represent an Ideal




The School that places Students CHILLICOTHE BUSINESS COLLEGE











M IS S PR O F FIT T : "B u t O fficer, I am a teacher at M aryville High School." k O F F IC E R : "S h u t up, lady, ignorance is no excuse."

M R S . S P E A R S : "H a v e you given the goldfish fresh w a te r?" O L IV E R : "B u t they haven't used the w ater I gave them yesterd ay."

M IS S R A Y : "A s we walk out of doors on a cold winter morning what do we see on every h a n d ?" L E O N A R D PO S T : "G lo v e s ."

O F F IC E R : "H e y , there! W h a t do you mean holding up traffic like that. W h y don't you use yer n o o d le ?" M A R Y V IL L E H IG H S C H O O L P U P IL : "I'm sorry, O fficer, but I didn't know my car had one."

M R . B O R E T S K Y : "C a n you give an instance of wasted e n e rg y ?" M IL T O N : "Yes, sir. Telling a hair-raising story to a bald-headed man."



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